
























1.60° 2.(1)作点B关于直线l的对称点C,连接AC交直线l于点P,连接BP.点P即为所求.图略.(2)连接AB并延长,交直线l于点P.图略. 3.作B关于CD的对称点B′,连接AB′,交格线CD于Q,此时QA+QB=QA+QB′=AB′,根据两点之间线段最短,得此时QA+QB最小. 4.①过点A作AP⊥a,并在AP上向下截取AA′,使AA′的长等于河的宽度;②连接A′B交b于点D;③过点D作DE∥AA′交a 于点C;④连接AC.则CD即为桥的位置.图略. 5.连接NC与AD的交点为M点.点M即为所求.图略. 6.(1)①作出点P关于AC、BC的对称点D、G.②连接DG交AC、BC于点M、N.点M、N即为所求.(2)设PD交AC于E,PG交BC于F,∵PD⊥AC,PG⊥BC,∴∠PEC=∠PFC=90°.∴∠C+∠EPF=180°.∵∠C=52°,∴∠EPF=128°.∵∠D+∠G+∠EPF=180°,∴∠D+∠G=52°.由对称可知:∠G=∠GPN,∠D=∠DPM,∴∠GPN+∠DPM=52°.∴∠MPN=128°-52°=76°.7.(1)图略,作点P关于OA的对称点C,关于OB的对称点D,连接CD,交OA于E,OB于F.此时,△PEF的周长最小.(2)30°8.作A关于BC和CD的对称点A′,A″,连接A′A″,交BC于M,交CD于N,连接AM,AN,则A′A″即为△AMN的周长最小值.作DA延长线AH.∵∠DAB=120°,∴∠HAA′=60°.∴∠AA′M+∠A″=∠HAA′=60°.∵∠MA′A=∠MAA′,∠NAD=∠A″,且∠MA′A+∠MAA′=∠AMN,∠NAD+∠A″=∠ANM,∴∠AMN+∠ANM=∠MA′A +∠MAA′+∠NAD+∠A″=2(∠AA′M+∠A″)=2×60°=120°.9.(1)图略,点A,B即为所求.画法:①作点M关于射线OP的对称点M′;②连接M′N交OP于点A;③作点N关于射线OQ的对称点N′;



新课标模拟试题(一) 一、判断题 1、新课标提倡关注知识获得的过程,不提倡关注获得知识结果。(X) 2、要创造性地使用教材,积极开发、利用各种教学资源为学生提供丰富多彩的学习素材。(V) 3、不管这法那法只要能提高学生考试成绩就是好法。(X) 4、《基础教育课程改革纲要》指出:课程标准是教材编写、教学、评估和考试命题的依据,是国家管理和评价课程的基础。(V) 5、《纲要》提出要使学生“具有良好的心理素质”这一培养目标很有必要,不仅应该在心理健康教育课中培养,在数学课上也应该关注和培养学生的心理素质。(V) 6、教师即课程。(X) 7、教学是教师的教与学生的学的统一,这种统一的实质是交往。(V) 8、教学过程是忠实而有效地传递课程的过程,而不应当对课程做出任何变革。(X) 9、教师无权更动课程,也无须思考问题,教师的任务是教学。(X) 10、从横向角度看,情感、态度、价值观这三个要素具有层次递进性。(V) 11、从纵向角度看,情感、态度、价值观这三个要素具有相对贸易独立性。(V) 12、从推进素质教育的角度说,转变学习方式要以培养创新精神和实践能力为主要目的。(V) 13、课程改革核心环节是课程实施,而课程实施的基本途径是教学。(V) 14、对于求知的学生来说,教师就是知识宝库,是活的教科书,是有学问的人,没有教师对知识的传授,学生就无法学到知识。(X) 15..课程改革的焦点是协调国家发展需要和学生发展需要二者间的关系. (V) 16.素质教育就是把灌输式与启发式的教学策略相辅相成. (X) 17.全面推进素质教育的基础是基本普及九年义务教育. (X) 18.现代信息技术的应用能使师生致力于改变教与学的方式,有更多的精力投入现实的探索性的数学活动中去. (V) 19.新课程评价只是一种手段而不是目的,旨在促进学生全面发展. (V) 二、选择题(每小题3分,共24分) 1、新课程的核心理念是【为了每一位学生的发展】 2、教学的三维目标是【知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度价值观】 3、初中数学课程为课标中规定的第几学段【第三】 4、《基础教育课程改革纲要》为本次课程改革明确了方向,基础教育课程改革的具体目标中共强调了几个改变【6个】 5、课标中要求“会解一元一次方程、简单的二元一次方程组、可化为一元一次方程的分式方程”。这里要求方程中的分式不超过【两个】 6、对“平行四边形、矩形、菱形、正方形、梯形的概念和性质”,课标中知识技能的目标要求是【掌握】 7、七年级上册第七章《可能性》属于下面哪一部分内容【统计与概率】 8、课标中要求“掌握有理数的加、减、乘、除、乘方及简单的混合运算”,这里的运算步骤要【以三


七年级英语组合训练(2) 【完型填空】 Liz Murray is an American girl. She was born in the 1980s in New York. She had a l _time as a little girl. When she was three years old, she found that her parents were taking drugs (吸毒). Her family was 2 . Sometimes she had to 3 on the streets with her sister. In 1996, her mother died. She was really sad. She decided to change her life-she went to a high school, 4 she was still homeless. She worked very hard and did well in all subjects. Finally, she finished the four-year high school studies in two years. 5 she finished her high school, she was given a chance to visit Harvard University. She was very 6 when she saw the university. Later, she decided to work hard to go to Harvard University. Then she applied for a scholarship (申请奖学金) and finally made her 7 come true. While she was studying at Harvard University, she gave a lot of public speeches about her own 8 . She wanted to 9 people like her to achieve their dreams. Her story was made into a film and she also 10 a book named Breaking Nights about it. 1. A. happy B. relaxing C. fun D. hard 2. A. big B. rich C. poor D. busy 3. A. study B. live C. work D. play 4. A. though B. but C. so D. because 5. A. Before B. After C. When D. As 6. A. puzzled B. excited C. disappointed D. nervous 7. A. plan B. idea C. words D. dream 8. A. story B. family C. parents D. jobs 9. A. ask B. tell C. make D. encourage 10. A. read B. bought C. wrote D. found 【阅读理解】 Fans often only see the good fame(名声) of famous people. They see the happy smiles and great success of famous people. But usually they cannot see the hard work or the hours of practice behind the great success. Li Yundi, a great Chinese piano talent(天才), talked with teens about his art and his job. "Of course, the job is hard work. You need to work hard to be professional. And you also have to play hundreds of concerts. meet fans, and listen to critics(评论家)." In 2000, when Li Yundi was 18, he won the top prize at the Chopin International Piano Competition in Poland. Li was the youngest and the first Chinese to win the prize. Born in


部编版(新课程标准)2018-2019学年六年级下册语文第三组第12课《为人民 服务》同步练习 姓名:_____________ 年级:____________ 学号:______________ 一、xx题 (每空xx 分,共xx分) 一、基础运用 1.读拼音,写词语 xīng wàng yǐ jīng chéng jì aī sī xī shēng ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 2.比一比,再组词。 哀________ 悼________ 旺________ 领________ 彻________ 衷________ 掉________ 汪________ 邻________ 砌________ 3.选词填空。

简短简洁简练简明 ①用词________、准确、生动,是写好作文的重要条件。 ②张老师的板书总是很________,又好看又好记。 ③他在会上作了一个________的发言。 ④电视里正在播放________新闻。 4.在下面的横线上填上合适的关联词语 ①________我们是为人民服务的,________,我们如果有缺点,就不怕别人批评指出。 ②________你说得对,我们________改正。 ③我们今天________已经领导着有九千一百万人口的根据地,________还不够,还要更大些,才能取得全民族的解放。 ④今后我们的队伍里。________死了谁,________是炊事员,是战士,________他是做过一些有益的工作的,我们都要给他送葬,开追悼会。这要成为一个制度。 5.按原文填空。 人总是要死的,但________有不同。中国古时候有个文学家叫做________的说过:人________,或________,或________。为________而死,就比________;替________卖力,替________人民和________人民的人去死,就比________还轻。________同志是为________而死的,他的死是________还要重的。 6.缩句 ①隋朝的石匠李春亲自设计了赵州桥。 ②一架银白色的飞机在蔚蓝的天空中飞行。 ③赵宇的眼里闪着激动的泪花。 二、阅读理解 7.按原文填空,回答问题。 人总是要死的,但死的意义有不同。中国古时候有个文学家叫做司马迁的说过:人固有一死,或 ____________________,或____________________。为人民利益而死,就比泰山还重;替法西斯卖力,替剥削人民和压迫人民的人去死,就比鸿毛还轻。张思德同志是为人民利益而死的,他的死是比泰山还要重的。 ______________________我们是为人民服务的,______________________,我们如果有缺点,就不怕别人批评指出。不管是什么人,谁向我们指出都行。只要你说得对,我们就改正。你说的办法对人民有好处,我们就照你的办。“精兵简政”这一条意见,就是党外人士李鼎铭先生提出来的;他提得好,对人民有好处,我们就采用了。______________________我们为人民的利益坚持好的,为人民的利益改正错的,我们这个队伍______________________一定会兴旺起来。 (1) 在横线上填上恰当的关联词语。 ________我们是为人民服务的,________, ________我们为人民的利益坚持好的,为人民的利益改正错的,我们这个队伍________一定会兴旺起来。(2) 解释“精兵简政”一词的意思。 (3) 在横线上填上恰当的词语,将这个段落补充完整。 人固有一死,或________,或________。 (4) 你还知道哪些为人民利益而死,比泰山还重的人?


2016-2017学年上学期七年级英语组合训练(9) 【完型填空】 Do you have breakfast every day?It’s important to have a drink and eat something in the 1.All the food can give you the2to help you start a new day.Breakfast is important,3 some students do not1ike to have breakfast. What is breakfast?There are two4in“breakfast”一“break(打破)”and“fast(禁食期)”.All the night you5and don’t eat anything,so you should6something in the morning and break your fast.You can get the energy from the food and get7for the day.If you don’t have breakfast.your energy goes down and you may feel8.Then you cannot do well in your lessons and you cannot listen to the9carefully in class.It is bad for your health if you10go to school without breakfast.What do you think about breakfast now? 1.A.night B.morning C.afternoon D.evening 2.A.health B.1ight C.reason D.energy 3.A.but B.and C.so D.if 4.A.answers B.1etters C.words D.teams 5.A.drink B.sleep C.eat D.study 6.A.eat B.change C.keep D.play 7.A.good B.front C.ready D.back 8.A.happy B.excited C.strong D.hungry 9.A.students B.teachers C.parents D.uncles 10.A.never B.seldom C.often D.again 【阅读理解】 Dear Frank, In your last letter,you asked me about meals in English homes.Now let me tell you something about it. In many English homes,people eat four meals a day:breakfast,lunch,afternoon tea and dinner. People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning.They eat vegetables,eggs and bread.English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast. Lunch comes at one o’clock.Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon,and dinner iS at about half past seven.First,they have soup‘,then they have meat or fish with vegetables.After that,they eat some fruits like bananas,apples or oranges.But not all English people like those fruits.Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day.Their meals are breakfast,dinner


七年级数学下册期末复习专题试题 类比归纳专题:二元一次方程组的解法选择 ——学会选择最优的解法 ◆类型一 解未知数系数含1或-1的方程组 1.(湘潭期末)方程组???x -1=0, x +1=y 的解是( ) 2.(冷水江期末)方程组???x +y =4, 2x -y =2的解是________. 3.解方程组: (1)(甘孜中考)???x -y =2①,x +2y =5②; (2)???2x +y =3①, 3x -5y =11②. 4.下面是老师在嘉嘉的数学作业本上截取的部分内容: 解方程组???2x -y =3①, x +y =-12②. 解:将方程①变形,得y =2x -3③,……第一步 把方程③代入方程①,得2x -(2x -3)=3,……第二步 整理,得3=3,……第三步 因为x 可以取任意实数,所以原方程组有无数个解……第四步 问题: (1)这种解方程组的方法叫____________.嘉嘉的解法正确吗?若不正确,错在哪一步?请你指出错误的原因,求出正确的解; (2)请用不同于(1)中的方法解这个方程组. ◆类型二 解同一未知数的系数含倍数关系的方程组 5.解方程组: (1)???5x -6y =-1①,3x +2y =5②; (2)???3x -4y =-18①,9x +5y =-3②. ◆类型三 利用整体思想解方程组(或求与未知数相关的代数式的值) 6.(邵阳县一模)已知???2x +3y =5, x +2y =3, 则2016+x +y =________.

7.解方程组:???3x +4y =2①, 4x +3y =5②. 8.若方程组? ??3x +y =1+3a ①, x +3y =1-a ②的解满足x +y =0,求a 的值. ◆类型四 含字母系数的方程组的运用 9.已知???x =2,y =1是二元一次方程组???mx +ny =8, nx -my =1的解,则2m -n 的值为 ( ) A .-2 B .2 C .4 D .-4 10.(邵阳洞口县期中)已知方程组???2x +y =3, kx +2y =4-k 的解x 与y 之和为1, 则k =________. 11.已知关于x ,y 的方程组???ax +by =3,bx +ay =7的解是???x =2, y =1, 求a +b 的值. 12.已知关于x ,y 的二元一次方程(a -1)x +(a -2)y +5-2a =0,当a 每取一个值时,就有一个方程,而这些方程有一个公共解,试求出这个公共解. 13.已知方程组???2x +y =-2,ax +by =-4和方程组???3x -y =12,bx +ay =-8的解相同,求(5a +b )2 的值. ◆*类型五 解方程组的特殊方法 14.解方程组???5(x +y )-3(x -y )=2, 2(x +y )+4(x -y )=6,若设x +y =A ,x -y =B ,则原方程组可变形 为???5A -3B =2,2A +4B =6,解得???A =1,B =1,再解方程组???x +y =1,x -y =1,得???x =1, y =0. 我们把某个式子看成一个整体,用一个字母去代替它,这种解方程组的方法叫作换元法,请用这种方 法解方程组???x +y 2+x -y 3=6,2(x +y )-3(x -y )=24.


新课标同步互动训练 语文九年级 第一单元 ? 1 项链 ?一、1 。骇鸩柬誊伧觑赔镯黯 肴秽惶2 。略 ? 3 (1)《《莫泊桑中短篇小说选》法批判现 实莫泊桑短篇小说巨匠(2) 项链梦想收 到请柬借丢赔点明项链是赝品4 、 B5 、A ?二(一)1 、C 2 。想马上借到又怕不能 如愿的心情3 。唯恐对方不借4 。(1) 发现 项链时高兴(2) 开口借时的担心(3) 借到后 的狂喜5 ,语言、行动描写 ? ( 二)1 。生活境况、生活习惯有所改变,艳 羡贵妇人地位和生活的虚荣心始终没变。 ? 2 。只要路瓦栽夫人生活的环境不变,她的 性格也会依旧,即使不发生“丢项链”的 事,也还会发生“丢”别的什么东西的事, 仍会有相似的结果。 ? 3 。孤立地看,作者的这一议论不无道理, 但作理性的分析,就可以看出,偶然中有 必然,夸大一件事的偶然性是不恰当的。 ? ( 三)1 。反衬路瓦栽夫人已经变成一个粗壮耐劳

的穷苦女人。 ? 2 。无限感慨的心情,删节号表现出这些感慨。 一言难尽。 ? 3. 毫不掩饰( 没有做作和虚伪) ? 4 。这时的她已经远离了虚幻的遐想,成了为 明确生活目标而奋一言难尽。斗的女性,心态 平和、自豪,女主人公已经完成了性格的渐变 过程,心理成熟了。5 、A6 、C 7 、略 ? ( 四)1. 表层含义:①指在棉花田里劳作的父亲; ②指侧躺在棉花上睡着的父亲,深层含义:① 指棉花承载着父亲全部的希望;②指父亲把一 生的心血和汗水都浇灌在这棉花田里了:③指 棉花就是父亲的花朵,就是父亲的攒钱罐。 ? 2.(1)“跪拜”一词体现出父亲侍弄棉花时一丝不 荀的态度,突出棉花在父亲心中的神圣地位(2) 示例一:运用了比喻的修辞手法,用核桃比喻 父亲的脸,用枯树枝比喻父亲的手,生动地刻 画了父亲苍老、瘦弱、憔悴的形象,表现了父 亲的艰辛与劳累。示例二:运用外貌描写的手 法,对父亲的头发、脸、手进行细致的刻画, 表现了父亲的苍老瘦弱、憔悴,突出了父亲的 艰与劳累。 ? 3. 示例:爸爸这么多年来,为了全家,您不辞辛劳,


初中语文(七年级下)阅读组合训练27 古诗词阅读 送灵澈上人 刘长卿 苍苍竹林寺, 杳杳钟声晚。 荷笠带斜阳, 青山独归远。 【作者简介】 刘长卿(约726 —约786),字文房,汉族,宣城(今属安徽)人,唐代诗人。德宗建中年间,官终随州刺史,世称刘随州。 刘长卿擅长五言诗,自称“五言长城”。名作《逢雪宿芙蓉山主人》入选语文教材。 【诗歌鉴赏】 前两句想望苍苍山林中灵澈上人的归宿处,远远传来寺院报时的钟声,点明时已黄昏,仿佛催促灵澈上人归山。后两句描写灵澈山人辞别归去的情景。灵澈上人戴着斗笠,披带夕阳余晖,独自向青山走去,越走越远。“青山”呼应首句“苍苍竹林寺”,点出寺在山林。“独归远”显出诗人伫立目送,依依不舍,结出别意。全诗表达了诗人对灵澈上人的深挚的情谊,也表现出灵澈上人归山的清寂的风度。送别往往黯然忧伤,但这首送别诗却有一种闲淡的意境。

1.请用简洁生动的语言描绘诗中送别的画面。(2分) 示例:暮色苍苍的竹林寺,晚钟阵阵,一抹斜阳下,几重青山外,灵澈上人头戴斗笠,渐行渐远。 2.“杳杳钟声晚”中的“晚”字有什么作用?(2分) “晚”字点明时已黄昏,这时的钟声仿佛在催促灵澈上人归山,渲染了诗人送别时的怅惘之情。 文言文阅读 贫俭 子犹曰:贫者,士之常也;俭者,人之性也。贫不得不俭,而俭者不必贫,故曰“性也”。然则俭不可乎:各不可耳。俭而吝,则虽堆金积玉,与乞儿何异? 郑余庆素吝。一日,忽召亲朋数人会食。众皆怪之。侵晨赴之。日高,余庆方出,呼左右曰:“吩咐厨蒸烂去毛,莫折项!”众相顾,以为必蒸鹅鸭之类。又久之,盘出,酱醋亦极香新。但见每人前粟饭一碗,葫芦一枚,皆匿笑强进。 王罴性检率。镇河东日,尝有台使至, 罴为设食,乃裂去薄饼缘。罴曰:“耕种收获,其功已深,春囊造成,用力不少。尔之择选,当是未饥!”命左右撤去之。使者愕然大惭。 (选自《古今谭概》,有删改)注释①子犹:即本文作者冯梦龙。②台使:中央最高行政机构派出的使者。③舂(chōng)用杵去谷发壳或捣碎。④爨(cuàn):生火做饭。


新课标习题 一、(每空1分,计 20 分) 1、新课程的三维目标是()、()、()。 2、义务教育阶段的课程应体现()、()、()。 3、新课改要求教师课堂角色发生变化,从单纯注重()转为比较关心学生的()、()和学习能力的培养。 4、综合实践活动课程内容主要包括()、()、()、()等四个方面。 5、新课程的最高宗旨和核心理念是()。 6、现代学习方式的基本特征是主动性、()、()、()和问题性。 7、认知建构教学理论的教学原则是()、()和建构性原则。 8、用一句话概括你的教育理念。()。 二、判断。在正确的后面打√,在错误的后面打×。每个1分计5分。 1、目前正在进行的我国基础教育课程改革是建国以来的第六课程改革。( ) 2、我国新课程将改变课程管理过于集中的状况,实现四级课程管理。( ) 3、“活到老,学到老”体现了终身学习的教育观念。( ) 4、教学观包括教师的“教”,也包括学生的“学”,是师生交往、积极互动、共同发展的过程。() 5、课程资源的多少及开发只与当地的经济状况与学校设施的现代化程度有关,大多数教师感到无教育资源可开发,主要原因是我们这里条件太差() 三、选择。(每个3分,计21分。多选、少选、均不得分。) 1、实施素质教育应以培养学生的 ( )为重点. (1)创造能力 (2)创新精神 (3)道德素质 (4)实践能力 A.(1)(2) B.(2)(4) C. (1)(3) D.(3)(4) 2、我国古代《论语》中提出“不愤不启,不悱不发”,所体现的教学原则是( ) A.巩固性原则 B.因材施教原则 C.循序渐进原则D.启发性原则 3、多元智能理论是由美国心理学家()首先提出来的。 A.加德纳 B.比纳 C.西蒙 D.斯坦福、E、约翰森 4、“近朱者赤,近墨者黑”这句话反映了 ( ) 因素对人的发展的影响。 A.环境 B.遗传 C.教育 D.社会活动 5、多元智能理论认为:影响每个人智能发展的因素有() A、个人成长经历 B、先天资质 C、个人生存的历史文化背景 6、建构主义的主要流派有() A激进建构主义B社会性建构主义C个人建构主义


2019-2020年七年级上英语组合训练(VII)含答案 【完型填空】 Linda is our new classmate.She is a left—behind child(留守儿童).Her parents 1 in another city.She lives 2 her grandparents. It’s November 8th and it is Linda’s thirteenth 3 .My classmates and I want to have a 4 for her.In the morning,we decorate(装饰)the 5 with some beautiful paper and balloons.Judy and I 6 a big birthday cake and thirteen candles for her.On the cake,there 7 a red flower and the sentence“Happy Birthday to you,Linda”. The party begins 8 half past nine.Tony lights(点燃)the candles,and then we 9 the song Happy Birthday to You to her.Linda is very happy. After 10 the cake,we dance and play games in the classroom.All of us have a good time.( )1.A.work B.think C.sleep D.miss ( )2.A.to B.by C.with D.in ( )3.A.school B.time C.class D.birthday ( )4.A.wish B.party C.card D.smile ( )5.A.hall B.playground C.classroom D.1ibrary ( )6.A.buy B.give C.sell D.go ( )7.A.are B.is C.am D.be ( )8.A.at B.for C.on D.of ( )9.A.write B.sing C.speak D.hear ( )10.A.playing B.joining C.eating D.cooking 【阅读理解】 My name is Peter.I’m from New York and I am in Qingdao with my parents and my sister,Lily now.My sister is ten and I am twelve.We are in the same sch001.We go to school from Monday to Friday.We have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon.We can’t speak Chinese very well and we want to learn it.We think Chinese is interesting.But my favourite subject is Maths.Science is my sister’s favourite. I like sports.I like playing football and basketball very much.But I don’t have much time to play them on weekdays.I help my sister with Maths on Mondays,go shopping with my mother on Wednesdays,and practise Chinese on Friday afternoons.My Chinese friends help me with my Chinese.But on Saturdays and Sundays I can play sports.watch TV and surf the Internet.( )1.Peter has________classes every day. A.four B.five C.six D.seven ( )2.Peter likes playing_________very much. A.tennis and volleyball B.table tennis and basketball C.football and baseball D.basketball and football


七年级数学配方法试题Last revision on 21 December 2020

配方法(AB 卷) A 卷 一、填空题: 1.填上适当的数,使下面各等式成立: (1)x 2+3x+_______=(x+________)2; (2)_______-3x+14 =(3x_______)2; (3)4x 2+_____+9=(2x________)2; (4)x 2-px+_______=(x-_______)2; (5)x 2+b a x+_______=(x+_______)2. 2.用配方法使下面等式成立: (1)x 2-2x-3=(x-______)2-_______; (2)x 2++=(x+_______)2+________; (3)3x 2+2x-2=3(x+______)2+________; (4)23x 2+13x-2=23 (x+________)2+_______. 二、选择题 3.方程x 2-6x-5=0左边配成一个完全平方式后,所得的方程是( ) A.(x-6)2=41 B.(x-3)2=4; C.(x-3)2=14 D.(x-6)2=36 4.方程3x 2x-6=0左边配成一个完全平方式后,所得的方程是( ) A. 217618x ?+=- ??; B. 2 37618x ??+= ? ??? ; C. 235618x ?+= ??; D. 23766x ?+= ?? B 卷 二、解答题: 5.用配方法解下列方程: (1)x 2+4x-3=0; (2)x 2+3x-2=0;

(3)x 2-23x+118 =0; (4)x 2+-4=0. 6.用配方法求证: (1)8x 2-12x+5的值恒大于零; (2)2y-2y 2-1的值恒小于零. 7.在高尔夫球比赛中,某运动员打出的球在空中飞行高度h(m) 与打出后飞行的时间t(s)之间的关系是h=7t-t 2. (1)经过多少秒钟,球飞出的高度为10m; (2)经过多少秒钟,球又落到地面. 8.在△ABC 中,三边a 、b 、c 满足2+b 2+c 2=32 ,试判断△ABC 的形状. A 卷答案 1.(1) 93,42 (2)9x 2, 12- (3)12x,+3 (4) 2,42p p (5) 22,42b b a a 2.(1)1,4 (2), (3) 17,33- (4) 149,424 - B 卷答案: 5.(1) 1222x x =-=- (2) 32 x -= (3) 26x ±= (4) x = 6.(1)原式=2318042x ??-+> ?? ? (2)原式= 2112022y ??---< ?? ? 7.(1)2秒或5秒 (2)7秒 8.∵∴(a+b+c)2=92 即a 2+b 2+c 2+2(ab+bc+ac)=92 ,


2019-2020年七年级上英语组合训练(V)含答案 【完型填空】 I am a student in Nanjing No.2 Secondary School.I 1 my school very much. Every 2 ,I get up at 6.00.Then I usually 3 English for half an hour.After that.I have 4 .I eat a lot every morning.Because we have four 5 in the morning and have lunch at 12.00. I usually ride my 6 to school.Our first class 7 at 8.00 a.m.every day.I don’t go home to have lunch.I have it at 8 .I can chat with my friends at that time.I often read some books after lunch.In the afternoon.we have three lessons.Then we have free 9 for after-school activities.10 favoufite activity is vol1eyball.I play it every Tuesday and Thursday.At about 5.30 P.m.,I go back home with my friends. 1.A.1ikes B.is like C.loves D.love 2.A.morning B.afternoon C.evening D.night 3.A.look B.say C.speak D.read 4.A.breakfast B.1unch C.supper D.dinner 5.A.schools B.students C.teachers D.1essons 6.A.car B.bus C.bike D.foot 7.A.finish B.finishes C.starts D.begin 8.A.home B.playground C.school D.classroom 9.A.time B.times C.1esson D.food 10.A.My B.I C.Mine D.Me 【阅读理解】 1.On__________,Paul always gets up at 7.10 a.m. A.Thursday B.Wednesday C.weekdays D.weekends 2.Pizza is a kind of ________. A.drink B.fruit C.toy D.food 3.Paul’s favourite sport is_________. A.volleyball B.table tennis C.yo-yo D.football 4.On Wednesday evenings Paul usually__________. A.watches TV


A卷 一、填空题: 1.填上适当的数,使下面各等式成立: (1)x2+3x+_______=(x+________)2; (2)_______-3x+1 4 =(3x_______)2; (3)4x2+_____+9=(2x________)2; (4)x2-px+_______=(x-_______)2; (5)x2+b a x+_______=(x+_______)2. 2.用配方法使下面等式成立: (1)x2-2x-3=(x-______)2-_______; (2)x2++=(x+_______)2+________; (3)3x2+2x-2=3(x+______)2+________; (4)2 3 x2+ 1 3 x-2= 2 3 (x+________)2+_______. 二、选择题 3.方程x2-6x-5=0左边配成一个完全平方式后,所得的方程是( ) A.(x-6)2=41 B.(x-3)2=4; C.(x-3)2=14 D.(x-6)2=36

4.方程3x 2x-6=0左边配成一个完全平方式后,所得的方程是( ) A. 21718x ?=- ??; B. 2 3718x ?+= ? ?; C. 23518x ?= ??; D. 2376x ?= ?? B 卷 二、解答题: 5.用配方法解下列方程: (1)x 2+4x-3=0; (2)x 2+3x-2=0; (3)x 2-23x+118 =0; (4)x 2+-4=0. 6.用配方法求证: (1)8x 2-12x+5的值恒大于零; (2)2y-2y 2-1的值恒小于零. 7.在高尔夫球比赛中,某运动员打出的球在空中飞行高度h(m) 与打出后飞行的时间t(s) 之间的关系是h=7t-t 2. (1)经过多少秒钟,球飞出的高度为10m; (2)经过多少秒钟,球又落到地面. 8.在△ABC 中,三边a 、b 、c 满足2+b 2+c 2=32 ,试判断△ABC 的形状. A 卷答案


2014-2015学年高中英语同步系列练习题【8】及答案:Unit2(人教新课标必修4)Working the land 同步练习(八) 一、单项选择 1. Justin kicked the ball into his own goal. It was_________ his stupidity _________ we won the game. A. thanks to; that B. thanks for; that C. thanks to; which D. thanks for; which 2. You are_________ you think you are! A. not half as cleverer as B. not half as clever as C. as not half cleverer as D. as not half clever as 3. Mr Ii was not_________ what John said at all. A. satisfied at B. satisfactory with C. satisfied with D. satisfactory at 4. lisa would rather _________ at home than _________to the cinema. A. staying; going B. staying; go C. to stay; to go D. stay; go 5. You should get yourself_________ carefully. A. used to work B. used to working C. be used to work D. used for working 6. This kind of fish_________ oil, which is good for people who have heart trouble. A. is rich in B. is rich with C. is rich at D. rich in 7. She insisted that she_________ at the meeting. A. was present B. present C. be present D. is present 8. But_________ they grow they make sure that what is left in the ground after harvesting_________ a natural fertilizer for the next year's crop. A. whatever; become B. whichever; become C. whatever; becomes D. whichever; becomes 9. John prefers_________ alone rather than _________with his co-workers in his spare time. A. to stay; gossip B. staying; gossip C. to stay; gossiping D. to stay; to gossip 10. Organic farming also_________ crops growing with natural rather than chemical fertilizers. A. refers to B. refer on C. refers with D. refer at 11. It is so nice_________ here with you. A. to sit B. sit C. sitting D. sat 12. Although he can_________ play his violin, he still listens to violin music. A. not longer B. no longer C. no more D. any more 13. —Have you finished_________ the book?


2019-2020年七年级上英语组合训练(IV)含答案 【完型填空】 Do you like going to school? Why 1 children go to school? Do you know? You may 2 that they go to school to learn Chinese,English and 3 subjects.This answer is 4 .But do you know 5 they learn all the things? Do they only learn these things 6 school? The answer is“No”.Children must 1earn how to learn at school.No one can learn 7 from school. When they 8 school they must continue(继续)to learn.So a school teacher at school 9 his students something and teaches them the ways to learn it.Then children can continue to learn 10 after they leave school. ( )1.A.can B.do C.may D.are ( )2.A.say B.speak C.talk D.tell ( )3.A.another B.others C.other D.the others ( )4.A.right B.wrong C.hard D.easy ( )5.A.which B.who C.what D.how ( )6.A.for B.to C.at D.on ( )7.A.something B.nothing C.anything D.everything ( )8.A.1eave B.start C.go to D.begin ( )9.A.teach B.teaches C.teaching D.is teaching ( )10.A.good B.fine C.nice D.well 【阅读理解】 Mr White works in a middle school.There he teaches PE.He works hard and wants some of his students to Re famous players,but he fails(失败).He’s often sad about it.He has a five-year-old daughter,Mabel.The little girl is tall and strong.He places hope on her.Every morning he makes her get up early and do morning exercises with him.The little girl is often tired but she has to do so. There was a sports meeting in the school last week.Mabel came with her father and watched the high jump,the long jump and the relay race(接力赛跑).But she liked to watch the 100-metre race best.That evening she went home happily.She talked with her father about it at supper.“Why did the children run like that?”asked Mabel.“Because we rewarded(奖励)the child who was the first to pass the finishing line,”answered Mr White.“What did the other children run for,then?”asked Mabel. ( )1.What is Mr White? A.A music teacher.B.A nice player.C.An art teacher.D.A PE teacher.( )2.The underlined phrase“places hope on”means“_______”in Chinese.A.得到希望B.寄希望于C.欲求D.希望 ( )3.Mr White makes Mabel get up early and do morning exercises with him because______.A.he hopes that she will keep healthy B.the girl is tall and strong C.he hopes that she will be a famous player D.he hopes that she will study hard ( )4.Mabel was happy that evening because_________.
