




3.他就是我昨天见过的那个人。(the very)












14.该是我努力学习迎头赶上同学们的时候了。(It’s time that)






(warn, instead)

1.Beginners should pay much attention to whether they have formed/ developed

good learning habits.

2.Those who don’t care about what to eat are more likely to experience health


3.He is the very person that I saw yesterday.

4.He was involved in this shocking event, which disappointed us.

5.As is known to all, the sun is the source of all the energy.

6.There are 6 days to go before the holiday.

There are 5 minutes to go before the end of the exam.

7.We must try our best to finish the task three months ahead of time/ schedule.

8. A large audience didn’t seat themselves at the studio until the quiz program began.

9.It’s more than 10 years since MP3 players were introduced into China.

10.As Angela was not tense / nervous in the contest, she beat the other contestants

and won the grand prize.

11.The director seated the contestants on the stage in the studio.

12.Their research on cancer proves to be successful.

13.The 2010 Expo brought huge economic benefits to Shanghai.

14.It’s time that I worked hard to catch up with my classmates.

15.Because teenagers / adolescents are easily influenced by the ads, they spend most

of their pocket money on entertainment.

16.Experts advise that the farmers should stop using pesticides on vegetables because

they do harm to people’s health.

17.I warned him not to eat too much meat, but he ate more instead of listening to my



上海历届春高考英语句子翻译汇编(2000年-----2016年) 2000上海春考 1. 进入大学以后, 他对计算机很感兴趣。(become interested in) 2. 集邮几乎占据了他所有业余时间。(occupy) 3. 只要专心学习, 你一定能顺利通过考试。(concentrate) 4. 越来越多的人意识到遵守交通规则的重要性。(be aware) 5. 尽管有很多困难, 我们仍将努力执行我们的计划。(in spite of) 6. 诺贝尔奖金授予那些在某一个领域作出巨大贡献的科学家。(be awarded) 2000上海高考 1. 这张照片是我想起了我们在夏令营度过的日子。(remind) 2. 假如你想从事这项工作,你必须先接受三个月的训练。(take up) 3. 你一旦养成了坏习惯,改掉它是很难的。(once) 4. 同其他同学相比,那个女孩有更强的英语听,说能力。(compare) 5. 众所周知,成功来自于勤奋,不努力则一事无成。(without)

1.早睡早起有益于健康。(do good to) 2.乘车时你有主动给老人让座的习惯吗?(offer) 3.就我所知,在那座小城市里购物很方便。(as far as) 4.他很后悔失去了获得奖学金的机会。(regret) 5.到目前为止,我们学过的英语单词总计大约有三千五百个。(add up to)6.学生们逐渐认识到友谊胜过金钱,患难朋友才是真朋友。(realize) 2001上海高考 1. 我们的祖国从来没有像今天这样那个强大。(Never) 2. 我们将作进一步的讨论,然后再作出最终的结论。(before) 3. 据说在那个湖底发现了一个古城遗址。(discover) 4. 这个地区的经济发展得很快,可使某些市民的素质还不尽如人意。(quality) 5. 他们应该从这件事中得出教训,玩火者必自焚。(burn)


Part 1 Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1、格林先生本周日要去拜访一位朋友,此人精通理财之道。(who) 2、人们是否会推迟退休还有待于讨论(remain)。 3、无论任务多么艰巨,我们都要不遗余力地完成。(However) 4、许多公司在雇佣员工时,相对于能力而言,更看重个性。(emphasis) 5、如果双方在这些事务上能达成共识,就有可能在新的领域进一步合作。(If...) 1、Mr. Green is going to visit\see a friend this Sunday, who knows a lot about money matters. 2 、It remains to be discussed whether people will delay retiring. /Whether people will delay retiring remains to be discussed. 3、However hard the task is, we should spare no efforts to accomplish it. 4 、Many companies put more emphasis on personality than on capability when they employ staff members. 5 、If both the parties can agree on these issues, they are likely to further cooperate(have further cooperation)in the new field. Part 2 Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.每年圣诞期间百货店里的商品都减价出售。(sale) 2.如今人们非常关注的是食品安全和空气质量。(concern) 3.无论多么艰难,交给咱们的任务都必须按时完成。(however) 4.专家们一入座外语节的演讲比赛就在王校长的主持下开始了。(Hardly) 5.遍布城市每个角落的星巴克(Starbucks) 满足了人们适应快节奏生活的需要。(adapt) 1.The goods in the department stores are all on sale at Christmas every year. 2.Nowadays what people are (very) much concerned about is food safety and air quality. Food safety and air quality are people’s major concerns nowadays. 3.However hard/ difficult it is, the task given to us must/ should be completed/ fulfilled on time. 4.Hardly had the experts sat down/ got seated/ seated themselves/ taken (their) seats when the speech contest of the Foreign Language Festival (that was) hosted by Principal Wang s tarted. 5.The Starbucks in every corner of the city have met/ satisfied/ meet/ satisfy people’s needs/ demands to adapt to a/ the fast-paced life. Part 3 Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1、孩子们总是对周边的一切都非常好奇。(curious) 2、她在比赛中表现出色,给评委留下了深刻的印象。(which) 3、一进学校,她就意外得知有一所名校录取她了。(No sooner…) 4、奇怪的是,这些年轻人对这些我们都耳熟能详的歌曲却一无所知。(know)

上海牛津英语高一上 翻译练习2 学生版

翻译练习2 20130928 1.事实上,我更喜欢和有礼貌的人交谈。( prefer) ________________________________________________________ 2.孩子对父母说话的方式应该表现出尊重 (the way). _________________________________________________________ 3.在西班牙,意大利和希腊,那些人们站得很近互相交谈的地方,眼神交流更频繁和持续更久(where). ___________________________________________________________________ 4.他走进房间时,她朝他看了一眼,又深深地叹了口气。(as; sigh) ___________________________________________________________________ 5.给别人留下好印象的关键就是注意你交流的方式 (key, impression) ____________________________________________________________________ 6.在西方文化中,交谈时保持眼神交流是必要的。(maintain) ________________________________________________________________________ 7.老师常常提醒我们要毫不犹豫地向她寻求帮助,并且她总是使我们感到受欢迎。(remind) _________________________________________________________________________ 8.如果你不知道解决这些问题的关键是什么,请直接问我。(key, hesitate) ________________________________________________________________________ 9.缺乏眼神交流可能表示紧张。(lack of; signal) ___________________________________________________________________ 10.头发问题通常是饮食不健康的结果(result). ____________________________________________________________________


1. 我对自己的所作所为问心无愧。(conscience) I have a clear conscience for what I have done . 2. 这个任务对我来说太艰巨。(tough) The task is too tough for me. 3. 在这个时候彼得转换了话题。(at this point) At this point Peter changed the topic. 4. 工人们抱怨工资太低。(grumble) The workers are grumbling about the low salary. 5. 对不起,我不是有意伤害你的。(mean to) I’m sorry . I didn’t to mean to hurt you. 6. 另一方面,塑料袋极大地危害环境。(on the other hand) On the other hand, plastic bags greatly damage the environment. 7. 你不必内疚,该为此负责的是我。( conscience ) You shouldn’t have a guilty co nscience. It is I that should be responsible for it. 8. 尽管洪水冲坏了公路,游客们还是被如期送回了宾馆。(plan ) Although the floods destroyed the roads, the tourists were sent to the hotel as planned . 9. 我原本打算能在星期三之前赶到,但最后还是迟到了。(mean ) I had meant to get there before Wednesday but I was late finally. 10. 一看到屋内杂乱不堪,他就知道出事了。(On doing … ) On seeing the house in disorder, he knew something must have happened. 11. 我给了店员一张一百元的钞票,他多找了我一张五十元的。 I gave the shop assistant one hundred yuan, he gave me an extra 50 yuan 12. 我很懊悔伤害了你,但当时我真的不是故意的。 I regret having hurt you, but I didn’t do it on purpose at that time. 13. 他当时太害怕了,甚至都忘记了报警。 Frightened, he forgot to tell the police. 14.你的建议听起来合理,但在这一点上我恐怕难以苟同。 Your suggestion sounds reasonable , but I am afraid I don’t agree with you at this point. 15.但是彼特忙着收拾地上的书本,差点被一辆自行车撞倒。 But Peter was busy picking up the books on the floor and was narrowly knocked down by a bike. 16. 别再无休止的抱怨了,这无济于事。 Don’t grumble continuously. It’s no use. 17.你不该欺负那个比你小的孩子。 You should not bully the child younger than you. 18.我本来打算上个星期二就把书还给你的,但我忘记带来了。 I had meant to return the book to you on Tuesday, but I forgot to bring it . 19.由于大雾,飞往上海的飞机未能如期起飞。 The flight to Shnaghai can’t take off because of the big fog. 20在这个时候彼特转换了话题。


上海高考英语翻译精华100题中文 1. 冬天来了,春天还会远吗,(arrive) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 2. 说实在的,我对物理期终考试的结果有点担心。(worry) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 3. 我一生中从未尝试过这么美味可口的食物。(Never) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 4. 他设法找到三种解这道数学题的方法。(manage) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 5. 她似乎已了解那件事的一切。(learn) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 6. 说起中国,大多数外国人想到的是万里长城。(talk) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 7. 无论多忙,我每天晚上要看电视晚间新闻。(watch) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 8. 他希望从此以后没人再提那件事了。(mention) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 9. 这取决于你的决心有多大。(depend) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 10. 你从这吃饭的错误中得到什么教训,(learn) 1 11. 三天后是我父亲的生日,我打算去预定一只大蛋糕。(place v.)


历年上海英语翻译中级口译汉译英真题及答案 原文: 越来越多受英文教育的海外华人父母,已经认识到孩子在掌握不可或缺的英文的同时,也通晓中文的重要性。中国的崛起,让他们充分认识到孩子掌握双语的好处——既能增加他们的就业机会,也能让他们接触和熟悉东西方两种不同的文化。 这些人对中文的态度几乎没有完全改变。曾几何时,他们还非常骄傲地宣称自己只懂英文。现在,他们已开始积极支持孩子学习中文和中国文化,而且还不时走访中国,欣赏壮观的自然风光,认识丰富的文化遗产。 译文: An increasing number of English-educated Chinese parents overseas have come to the realization that while English learning is indispensable to their children, it is essential that their kids have a good command of Chinese. China’s rise has fully awakened their awareness of the fact that their kids can benefit from their bilingual ability which can not only enhance their competitiveness in the job market, but also facilitate their exposure to and familiarity with the two different cultures between the East and the West. They have hardly changed their attitudes towards Chinese. At one time they proudly declared that they knew English only. Now, they have begun to give full support to their kids learning Chinese and its culture, and they also make occasional visits to China, where they can enjoy its magnificent natural landscape and get to know its rich cultural heritage. 解析: 本段是一篇文化类介绍文章。总体难度一般,以句号结束的句子即可作为一


最新高一英语翻译试题(有答案和解析) 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.今年元旦我们玩得很开心。(enjoy) 2.舅舅昨天寄给我一张卡片,祝贺我18岁生日。(congratulate) 3.经过多年的建设,这个小镇现在和地震前一样充满了活力。(as...as) 4.演出以一段五十多岁的人耳熟能详的经典音乐开始。(familiar) 5.她一看完那个关于已灭绝物种的电视节目,就立志加入野生动物保护组织。(No sooner) 【答案】 1.We enjoyed ourselves this New Year’s Day this year. 2.My uncle sent me a card yesterday to congratulate / congratulating me on my 18th birthday. 3.After years of / years’ construction, the little town is now as lively as it was before the earthquake / it used to be before the earthquake. 4.The performance began with a piece of classical music which was familiar to people in their fifties. 5.No sooner had she watched the TV program on the extinct species than she made up her mind to join the wildlife protection organization. 【解析】 1.根据“今年元旦”可知,该句用一般过去时,玩得很开心用词组enjoy oneself 2.根据“昨天”可知,该句用一般过去时,congratulate 的用法是congratulate sth或者congratulate sb on sth 3.根据“经过多年的建设”可知,后面描述的是建设后的情形,即现在的情形,因此用一般现在时,as..as..的用法是形容词或者副词放在中间。 4.根据句意可知,演出已经开始了,事情发生在过去,因此用一般过去时,familiar的用法是sb be familiar with sth 或者sth be familiar to sb 5.no sooner的句型为no sooner ...than,因为no sooner是否定词,因此no sooner后面要用部分倒装的句式。 2.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.这个专家所推荐的方法被证明是十分有效的。(prove) 2.对国家来说,保护生态环境和保持经济增长同样重要。(as...as) 3.如果有朝一日,学生能亲自参与到课程开发中,那该有多棒啊!(involve) 4.这本新发行的杂志不仅会影响青少年对时尚的看法,还会开启健康饮食的新潮流。(Not only)


not …until…/ Not until…/ It was not until…that 1.直到会议快要结束时他才露面。(show up) 2.直到二十世纪初人们才学会怎样防止这种疾病的蔓延。(prevent) 3.直到那时他才意识到他的老师是非常善解人意的。(considerate) 4.可惜他们直到事故发生之后才采取措施防止它。 5.直到上周末收到你的来信时我们才如释负重。(relieve) The more…the more.. 1.你的词汇量越大,你就感到用英语写作越容易。(feel it + adj. to do ) 2.人们普遍认为,用脑越多,思维就越活跃。( it is generally believed that ) 3.问题发现得越早,解决起来越容易。 4.问题越难,我越有可能能够解决他们。(likely) 5.我们学习得越多,将来就越能为我们国家工作的越好。 6.你练习讲英语越多,就越对你有好处。(do sb good) 7.我们经常讨论的一个问题是:是否钱越多越幸福。 8.相对而言,孩子与父母交流越多,越不可能感到忧郁。(suffer from) No matter how / however + adj. / adv. + S + V 1. 不管这个新体系有多复杂,我们还是要用它。(complicated) 2.无论社会发展得多快,这个传统应该代代相传。(pass on) 3.无论他如何努力,他似乎永远学不好物理。 4.不管我们有多忙,下星期我们一定会举行一次欢送会向那些退休工人们表示敬意。(in honor of) 5.不管天有多晚,他从不把今天必须做的事拖到明天。(put off) 6. 如果我们以一种强烈的意志工作,我们能够克服任何的困难,无论这个困难有多大。Adj. / adv. / n. / v. + as / though + S + V 1.虽然他很聪明,但他不愿把全部时间用在学习上。(devote…to) 2.他很累,但他还是工作到深夜。(work late into…) 3.虽然他是个孩子,但对于这个世界他了解很多。 4.虽然我敬佩他作为一个作家,但我不喜欢他作为一个人。(admire) Hardly / scarcely / barely…when no sooner …than 1.我刚到家,电话铃就响了。 2.他一到实验室,就开始做实验。(set out) 3.这男孩刚打开电脑,他父亲就回家了,叫他做功课。 4.他一到家就迫不及待地把好消息告诉他父母。(can't wait…) 1.Not until the meeting was almost over did he show up. th century did people learn how to prevent the disease from Not until the beginning of the 202. spreading. 3.Not until then did he realize that his teacher was very considerate / thoughtful / 1 understanding.


英语三年级(上)家默 M1U1 1.早上好! 2.你好吗? 3.好,谢谢。 4.我也好。 5.你好,方小姐! 6.你好,男孩们和女孩们。 7.这是张先生。 8.你好,张先生! 9.下午好! 10.下午好,张先生。 11.你们好吗? 12.好,谢谢你。 13.方小姐张先生王女士 14.傍晚好,爸爸。 15.傍晚好。 16.你好吗? 17.非常好,谢谢你。 18.晚安,妈妈和爸爸。 19.晚安。 20.蛋糕桌子 M1U2 1.早上好,男生们和女生们。 2.早上好,张先生。 3.坐下,请。 4.你叫什么名字? 5.我叫Peter。 6.打开你的书。 7.写下你的名字,请。 8.站起来坐下开门关门 9.关上门,请。 10.好的,方小姐。 11.谢谢。 12.看黑板,请。13.擦黑板,请。 14.好的。 15.开门,请。 16.是,方小姐。 17.谢谢你,Peter。 18.果酱手 M1U3 1.今天是你的生日。 2.生日快乐! 3.谢谢你。 4.你几岁了,Alice? 5.我八岁。 6. 1 2 3 4 5 7. 6 7 8 9 10 8.你八岁吗? 9.八岁?不!我只有一岁。 10.这是你的蛋糕,Alice。 11.谢谢,妈妈。 12.祝你生日快乐。 13.切蛋糕,Alice。 14.给你,Kitty。 15.蛋糕是美味的。 16.他她

M2U1 1.胖瘦高的低男孩女 孩 10 钢笔 2.看男孩! 3.他是我的朋友。 4.他是高的。 5.他是胖的。 6.他是Danny吗? 7.是的,他是。 8.看女孩! 9.她是我的朋友。 10.她是矮的。 11.她是瘦的。 12.她是Jimmy吗? 13.不,她不是。她是Alice。 14.谁是你的朋友,Peter? 15.他会踢足球。 16.我的朋友8岁。 17.她会唱歌,但是她不会游泳。 18.她是Mary吗? 19.不,她不是。 M2U2 1.爷爷奶奶爸爸妈妈兄弟 姐妹我风筝自行车 2.她是谁? 3.她是Sally。 4.她是我的姐姐。 5.她是高的。她是瘦的。 6.他是谁? 7.他是Paul。 8.他是我弟弟。 9.他是矮的。他是瘦的。 10.你好。你是Mary吗? 11.不。我是Kitty。 12.很高兴见到你。13.我也很高兴见到你。 14.爸爸,Kitty是我的好朋友。 15.我们是好朋友。 16.你好!我是Alice。 17.这是一张我家庭的照片。 18.看!这是我奶奶,和这是我妈妈。她们喜 欢吃蛋糕。 19.这是我爸爸。他是高的。 20.这是我哥哥。他10岁。他是瘦的。 21.Tom和我爸爸喜欢踢足球。 22.他们能踢得非常好。 M2U3 1.眼睛鼻子头发耳朵嘴猪 粉红色 2.你好,我叫Linda。 3.我九岁。我是高的。我是瘦的。 4.我的头发是长的。我的鼻子是小的。 5.我的嘴是大的。我的眼睛是大的。 6.而且我的耳朵也是大的。 7.看我的眼睛。 8.我的眼睛是小的和棕色的。 9.我是谁? 10.你是Danny。

牛津上海英语高一上翻译-Unit Two

练习册P12 1.多喝水能防止头发变得干燥。(keep…from…) Drinking more water will keep your hair from becoming dry. 2.河上仅有的一座桥在地震中被毁了。(damage) The only bridge on the river was damaged in the earthquake. 3.一定要选择适合你发质的护发用品。(sure) Be sure to choose the hair products that suit your hair. 4.过度使用电吹风对头发的伤害非常大。(overuse) Overusing the hairdryer can do harm to your hair. 5.这家商场里所有的电子产品均保质三年(guarantee)。 All the electronic products in the shop are guaranteed for three years. 6.你穿绿色的很漂亮,看来绿色很适合你啊(suit)。 You look nice in green. It seems that green suits you very much. 7.在干燥的冬季,不要忘了在洗脸后涂乳霜。(apply) In the dry winter, do not forget to apply cream to your face after washing it. 8.城市里有空气污染,因此常洗头是明智的。(shampoo; it is wise for…to…) City air is polluted, so it is wise for you to shampoo your hair often. 9.用了许多种药之后,她终于找到了治疗胃痛的良药。(remedy) After trying many kinds of medicine, she finally found the remedy for her stomachache.


(英语)高一英语翻译提高训练 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:翻译句子 1.只有当我们了解了不同的肢体语言我们才可以很好地跟人们交流。(only+状语从句) ________________________________________________________________________ 2.这就是我们未来的生活。(what引导的名词性从句) ________________________________________________________________________ 【答案】 1. Only when we have mastered the different body languages can we communicate well with them. 2. This is what our life will be like in the future. 【解析】 【分析】 本大题为根据括号内的要求把汉语句子翻译成英语。翻译时尽可能地精确,按照要求翻译还要注意某些特殊的语法项目。如倒装句式等。 1.考查倒装句式。本大题要求用only+状语从句来翻译。Only+状语从句置于句首,主句要部分倒装。因此本句要翻译成部分倒装。同时要注意运用短语如肢体语言可译成“body languages”,与某人交流可译为“ communicate with”。因此本句可译为Only when we have mastered the different body languages can we communicate well with them。 2.考查由what引导的名词从句。分析句子可知,本句是一个表语从句,表语从句中的介词like缺少宾语,可用what引导。因此本句可译为:This is what our life will be like in the future. 2.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.这个专家所推荐的方法被证明是十分有效的。(prove) 2.对国家来说,保护生态环境和保持经济增长同样重要。(as...as) 3.如果有朝一日,学生能亲自参与到课程开发中,那该有多棒啊!(involve) 4.这本新发行的杂志不仅会影响青少年对时尚的看法,还会开启健康饮食的新潮流。(Not only) 【答案】 1.The method recommended by the expert proved (to be) very effective. 2.For/To a country, protecting the environment is as important as maintaining economic growth. 3.How great it is if one day students can be involved in the development of courses on their own. 4.Not only will the newly-released magazine influence teenager's opinions on fashion, but also it will start a new trend towards a healthy diet.


2015上海高三英语翻译训练4(E组) 1. 每次当他遇见我的时候,他都假装没有看见我。(Each time) Each time he meets me, he pretends not to see me. 2. 要克服一个坏习惯并不是一件容易的事。(easy job) It is no easy job to overcome a bad habit. 3. 这是一场教育公众吸烟有害的运动。(educate) It is a campaign to educate the public about the dangers of smoking. 4. 医生们虽然尽了努力,但手术以后病人仍没有存活下来。(effort) In spite of the doctor's great efforts, the patient failed to survive the operation. 5. 我必须强调这一事实,即他们只不过是孩子。(emphasize) I must emphasize the fact that they are only children. 6. 这项阅读技巧使我们能学会在上下文中猜测词义。(enable) This reading skill enables us to guess the meaning of a word in the context. 7. 他本想在这家书店里消磨时间,但结果却被几本时尚杂志迷住了。(end up) He had meant to pass the time in this bookstore, but he ended up fascinated by several fashion magazines. 8. 据报道,近年来,生态旅游每年在全世界有大约5%的增长。(enjoy) According to a report, in recent years eco-tourism has enjoyed an annual growth of about 5% worldwide. 9. 很多化妆品都在动物身上试验过,以此确保它们对人不会造成任何危害。(ensure) Many cosmetic products have been tested on animals to ensure that they cause no harm to human beings. 10. 凭此券你可免费吃一顿午餐。(entitle) This ticket entitles you to a free lunch. 11. 有多条海上航线可以让你在中国沿海的城市之间旅游。(exist) There exist a number of sea routes that can take you from one seaport to another along the coastline of China. 12. 报道没有提及由炸弹爆炸引起的损害程度。(extent) The report didn't mention the extent of the damage caused by the explosion of the bomb. 13. 我们都祝贺他在上回选举中被选为主席。(elect) We all congratulate him on his being elected chairman in the last election. 14. 这是常识,充足的睡眠能保证我们快些恢复体力。(ensure) It is common knowledge that a good sleep will ensure us quicker refreshment. 15. 我对他一无所知,只知道他是我班新来的名叫李海的学生。(except) I know nothing about him except (for the fact) that he is a new comer by the name of Li Hai in our class. 16. 我将随信附上一张十英镑的支票。(enclose) I’ll enclose a check for ten pounds (with my letter). 17. 政府提高个税的计划遭到了强烈的反对。(encounter) The government has encountered strong opposition to its plan to raise income tax. 18. 我们不能走那条路,因为牌子上写着“禁止入内”。(entry) We can’t go along that road because the sign says “No Entry”. 19. 作为家庭度假圣地,这个海边首屈一指。(equal n.) As a family resort, the seaside has no equal. 20. 这个部落几乎没有受到外来的影响。(external) The tribe was hardly affected by external influences. 21. 目前还没有证据表明其它星球上有生命。(evidence) At present we have no evidence of life on other planets.

上海牛津英语高一上 翻译检测1 答案版

Sentence 1--6 and Unit 1&2 Name ________ Class ________ Score ________ I. Phrases 1.不知道 be ignorant of/about sth 2.据报道 It's reported that 3.在...的帮助下 with the help of 4.对...开放 be open to 5.情不自禁地做...can't help doing sth. 6.把笔记本留在学校 leave the notebook at school 7.在历史上 in history 8.发现钱包被偷 find the wallet stolen 9.毫不犹豫 without hesitation 10.采取...的新方法 take a new approach to II. Sentences 1.记住任何孩子都需要爱和关注。(bear) Bear in mind that every child needs love and attention. 2.这是如此重大的一个项目,我们不得不十分小心。(such…that…) It is such an important project that we will have to be very careful. 3.我们别无选择只能接受多数人的决定。(choice) We have no choice but to accept the majority decision./decision made by most people. 4.我似乎从前读过这篇文章。(seem to) I seem to have read this article before. 5.别管那个男孩,他会自己作出决定的。(leave) Leave the boy alone, and he can make up his own mind. 6.由于缺乏睡眠,我有黑眼圈了。(lack of) I’ve got dark rings under my eyes for lack of sleep. 7.在公众场合,用手机大声打电话被认为是粗鲁的,并且要避免。(consider) In public places, talking loudly on the mobile phone is considered rude and should

高一英语必修1 第二单元的课文翻译

高一英语必修1 第二单元的课文翻译 16世纪末期大约有5百万到7百万人说英语,几乎所有这些人都生活在英国。在17世纪英国人开始往世界其它地区迁移。于是,许多别的国家开始说英语了。如今说英语的人比以往任何时候更多了,他们有的是作为第一语言来说,有的是作为第二语言或外语。中国也许是把英语作为外语来说的人数最多的国家。 以英语作为母语的人,即使他们所讲的语言不尽相同,也可以互相交流。然而,他们可能不是什么都懂。比方说,一个英国人可能对她的朋友说:“请到我的公寓(flat)里来坐坐,好吗?”她的一位美国朋友可能会问她,“到哪儿去?”她的加拿大朋友可能会解释说,“她的意思是要我们到她的房间(apartment)去。” 那么,英语在一段时间里为什么会起变化呢?当不同文化互相沟通时,所有的语言都会发生变化。从公元450年到1150年,人们所说的英语跟今天所说的英语就很不一样。实际上,当时的英语更多地是以德语为基础的,而现代英语不是。然后大约在公元1150年到1500年期间,英语的变化就更大了,它不那么像德语,而更像法语了,因为那时的英国的统治者讲法语,它变得更接近你们正在学习的这种语言。在17世纪,莎士比亚所用的词汇量比以前任何时期都大。英语用法发生了一次大变化,那就是在诺厄·韦伯斯特编纂《美国英语词典》的那个时期,这本词典体现了美国英语的特色。后来,有些英国人到了澳大利亚,那里的人也开始说英语了。如今,澳大利亚英语也有它自己的特色了。 英语在南亚也被当作外语或第二语言来使用。印度拥有众多讲英语的人,这是因为英国于1765 年到1947年统治过印度。在此期间,英语成了政府和教育的语言。在非洲和亚洲许多其它国家,比如南非、新加坡、马来西亚等国,人们也说英语。在中国,大约从1842年起,香港就开始用英语了。目前在中国学习英语的人数正在迅速增长。中国英语将来会不会成为世界英语中的一种呢?这只好由时间来回答了 高一英语必修2第3单元课文翻译 我是谁 经过一段时间我已经被改变了很多。1642年我在法国诞生时是一台计算机器。尽管当时我还年轻,但是我能简化一些复杂的数学题。我发育缓慢,差不多到了两百年之后,查尔斯巴比奇才把我制成一台分析机。在操作员用穿孔卡为我设计程序后,我能够进行逻辑…思考?,并且能够比任何人更快地算出答案。那时这被当作是一次技术革命,也是我人工智能的开始。在1936年,我真正的父亲艾伦图灵写了一本书,讲述了怎样使我成为一台“通用机器”来解决任何数学难题。从那时起,我在体积和脑容量方面迅速成长。到二十世纪四十年代,我已经长得像一间屋子那么大,我不知道是否还会长得更大。但是这个现实也使得我的设计者很担心。随着时间的推移,我被弄得越来越小。自二十世纪七十年代以来,我一直被用在办公室和家庭里,先是用作个人电脑,后来又做成便携式。 这些变化只有随着我的储存能力的不断提高才成为可能。最初是被储存到电子管中,以后是晶体管上,后来是非常小的芯片上。因此,我已经完全改变了我的形状,就像一头大象一样,从来不会忘记告诉我的任何事情。我的储存容量变得如此巨大,连我自己都不能相信!但是我总是孤孤单单地站在那里,直到二十世纪六十年代初,人们才给了我一个网络联成的家庭。我能够通过万维网和其他人分享我的知识。
