远大前程 阶级分析

远大前程 阶级分析
远大前程 阶级分析

Social class played a major role in the society depicted in Charles Dickens's Great Expectations. Social class determined the manner in which a person was treated and their access to education. Yet, social class did not define the character of the individual.

Many characters were treated differently because of their social class in Great Expectations. Seeing the contrast between how the poor and the rich were treated will give a clearer understanding of how much social class mattered. In chapter 27 when Joe comes to see Pip, he treats Joe in a different manner than before because Joe was now in a lower social class. His feelings about Joe's arrival were "Not with pleasure... I had the sharpest sensitiveness as to his being seen by Drummle." (p. 203). He was afraid that Drummle will look down on him because of Joe's lower class. Not only does Pip treat Joe differently, Joe also treats Pip differently because of their difference in social class. He begins to call Pip "sir" which bothered him because "sir" was the title given to people of higher class. Pip felt that they were still good friends and that they should treat each other as equals. Joe soon leaves and explains his early parting, "Pip, dear old chap, life is made of ever so many partings welded together, as I may say, and one man's a blacksmith, and one's a whitesmith, and one's a goldsmith, and one's a coppersmith. Diwisions among such must come...." (p. 209). He creates this metaphor than he is a common blacksmith and Pip is a goldsmith. This difference in social class had brought upon their separation. Other characters that were also judged by their social class were Magwitch and Compeyson. They were both on trial for the same crime but Compeyson got off easier than Magwitch because of his higher social class. Magwitch describes Compeyson's defense speech, ."..here you has afore you, side by side, two persons as your eyes can separate wide; one, the younger, well brought up... one; the elder, ill brought up... which is the worst one?" (p. 325). The decision of the trial was solely based upon social class appearance. These cases show how much social class really mattered.

In Great Expectations, a person's social class determined the amount of education they had. It is important to perceive this relationship between education and social class to clearly understand the importance of social class. A person like Joe who was a common blacksmith had no education at all. Pip, in the early days when he was low class, had a poor education at a small school. The school was not the best of schools, but it's all that the lower class had. The teacher spent more time sleeping than teaching and Pip had learned more from Biddy than from the actual teacher. Even though he had an education when he was low class, his education as a gentleman with Mr. Pocket was much greater. Another example of how social class affects education is the difference of education between the two convicts. Magwitch, born poor and low class had no education at all while Compeyson, born rich was high class and a gentleman with an education. Education is a factor in showing how social class greatly determined people's lives.

Even though social class determined many things, it did not establish a person's true inner

character. Realizing this will play a part in proving that social class did matter in most but not all cases. For example, the lowest class people were Joe, Biddy, Magwitch, and Orlick. Joe and Biddy were very poor but had very good hearts. Joe was always there for Pip and Biddy had moved in to help Mrs. Joe. Magwitch was a dirty convict of the lowest class, but he turned out to be a very caring and generous man. Orlick was low class and his character also turned out to be very low because he was a murderer. The fact that there are both good and cold hearted people in the lower class shows that class has no connection with how people really are. Another example is the richer class. This includes Ms. Havisham, Estella, Herbert, Jaggers, and Wemmick. Ms. Havisham and Estella were both very wealthy but they had no heart and their intentions were to bring hell to all men. While Herbert was the opposite, he was a true friend to Pip and always stayed by his side. Jaggers and Wemmick also in the higher class had supported Pip through his gentleman years. Being aware that not all of the high class were necessarily good people states the fact that class does not determine character. Even though class mattered in most things, this is an example it did not take part in.

After exploring how class was associated with the way people were treated, how much education they had, but not with their true character, these facts have become easy to discern. With these points proved, the fact that social class mattered in most but not all things had no doubt become clear in the mind. It is strange how different social class had been back in Pip's days and now. Where will social class lead next?

Dickens' personal experiences growing up obviously play a large part in his novel Great Expectations. Seeing his own father sent to debtor's prison and witnessing firsthand his loss of status clearly sharpened his own sense of the differences in class in England. His novel exemplifies the Victorian desire for upward mobility and their fantasy that anyone can rise to higher social status if only they can receive some secret wealth. In the novel, those who work hard and are good at heart end up with situations much improved by the end of the novel (Joe, Wemmick, Herbert, Matthew Pocket, etc...). Conversely, those who are wicked or take advantage of others tend to experience negative consequences, up to and including death (Compeyson, Drummle, Orlick, etc...). The possibility for redemption exists, but a character has to realize the error of their ways before it can be granted (Estella, Miss Havisham, and Pip himself).

Pip's personal journey of realization forms the center of the novel. Throughout the story, Pip is exposed to all levels of the class spectrum. His journey takes him from poor blacksmith's apprentice, to the aristocratic realm of Miss Havisham, into the world of a

middle-class London gentleman, back to his humble beginnings, and finally to a prosperous life abroad. Along his journey, he learns a valuable lesson about his own prejudices and harsh judgments of those close to him. While Pip clearly comes to realize the folly of his own prejudice, there is no indication in the novel that he learns a lesson about the injustices of the class system as a whole. Pip seems completely absorbed in the microcosm of his own companions, and never expands his new-found awareness to the larger level.

In the beginning, Pip is a caring, thoughtful boy who is largely ignorant of the larger world of class in which he lives. In his innocence, he honestly wishes to help the starving convict he finds in the marshes despite threats against his life. He feels bad for robbing his own house and for the necessity of lying to his sister despite her tyranny over him. It's only when he's introduced to Estella that his sense of class distinction begins to develop. In his naiveté he takes every word she says as fact. He is depressed by the realization that he is "common" and "coarse" and that all those he loves apparently unknowingly possess the same faults. Pip begins to believe that higher status, manners, and wealth are synonymous with one's value as a person. When news of his "expectations" arrives, his ego swells considerably almost immediately. He's sure that his "selection" is a sign of his great personal worth and it makes all the "common" people with which he's always associated seem beneath him. The change in attitude of those in the town toward him only reinforce this, and by the time he's ready to leave his village he wishes to walk to the coach without Joe because he's afraid of the stark contrast between them. While his attitude has definitely changed because of his awareness of class difference, he never seems to expand this belief beyond the circle of people he's already familiar with. He believes he's better than those in his village, but he never extrapolates that belief into a larger context.

When he arrives in London, Pip is promptly reunited with Herbert Pocket. Herbert serves as his major role model of a gentleman, and consequently Pip strives to emulate him. Herbert and his father seem to be genuinely good people. Herbert passes on his father's philosophy of gentility which includes refinement of emotion and a good heart. Pip believes that by simply emulating Herbert's behavior he can become a "good" person like him. He initially fails to learn the larger lesson of Herbert's words and instead concentrates on learning manners and increasing his education, thinking that simply acting like a gentleman is all it takes to be a decent person.

Pip is an incredibly selfish figure throughout most of the novel. His priorities are clearly misaligned. He wants to learn to be a gentleman because being a gentleman makes him a good person, but he fails to capitalize on seemingly-obvious opportunities to help out those close to him. Pip finds himself in London in a greatly-improved financial situation, he seeks ways to improve his own personal decency through manners and refinement, yet he never spares a thought for the good he could do for his afflicted sister with just a small portion of his income. Just a few pounds would seem a fortune to his sister and Joe, and he never gives them a second thought, concentrating only on himself and those he sees as being more worthwhile. It's as if the residents of his village no longer exist to him. It's this fierce selfishness that never allows him to awaken to the larger problems of class in which he's immersed.

It's only when the true source of Pip's upward mobility is revealed that he begins to question his perceptions. When Magwitch is revealed as Pip's benefactor, all his preconceptions about his "selection" and his destiny with Estella are shattered. Instead of having been recognized by an upper-class individual as a truly worthy person, he's been the instrument of a convict's retribution against society. That night, after he's able to ponder his situation, he finally begins to realize the horrible way he's treated Joe. It's only then that he can begin to realign his idea of what makes a person valuable. However, he again spares no thought for the countless other members of the lower class who have undoubtedly been wronged by others just as he has wronged Joe.

Eventually, Pip is able to forgive Miss Havisham for her deceptions and his own misfortune. He refuses her offer to financially compensate him and instead suggests she support Herbert's business endeavors. This generous deed comes back to save him by the end of the novel, when he ends up working for the firm his and Miss Havisham's money helped support.

Further loosening of his false beliefs in class determining personal worth is evident in his treatment of Magwitch. Initially he views Magwitch as little more than an uncivilized animal. Eventually Pip's feelings toward Magwitch soften to a kind of loving gratitude. He begins to see that a man can be essentially good despite a rough exterior. Pip puts himself through great personal risk and inconvenience in his quest to save Magwitch. Though he fails to get him out of the city, Pip's care of and devotion to Magwitch up until his eventual death is unwavering, even after Pip learns that he will no longer be receiving any of Magwitch's money.

The true measure of Pip's journey is the fact that by the end of the novel he can actually feel affection for the convict he viewed as little more than an animal for much of the story. However, despite the fact that he's realized the folly of his own misconceptions regarding those close to him, we never see him view this knowledge as belonging in a larger context. He learns the value of hard work and spiritual earnestness, and his good deeds bring him positive returns, but his realizations do not seem to lead him to an understanding of the fullest impact of class prejudice.

Allegorically, Dickens does seem to intend that the reader discern something about the larger context in which Pip's story takes place. The characters within the novel clearly represent the different social levels of England's class society and their actions exemplify the ways in which those classes interact. Pip as a character, however, never comes to see his own experience as indicative of problems on a larger scale.


摘要:本文深入细致的分析了狄更斯《远大前程》一文中的主要人物皮普的生活经历与心路历程,揭示了英国维多利亚时代人与人之间赤裸裸的金钱关系,展现了生活在那个时代的底层民众的生存状态。 关键词:狄更斯远大前程皮普人物性格 《远大前程》是查尔斯·狄更斯艺术生涯后期最具代表性的长篇小说。小说描述了一个名为皮普的孤儿的生活经历和心路发展历程,艺术的揭示了这位孤儿从对幸福生活的期望到幻想破灭的整个过程。在这本书中“,远大前程”是一句反话,并不是真的指孤儿皮普有什么远大的前程,而恰恰是指的一种“幻灭”,一种幻想的幻灭。但如果读者只是把本书理解成一本描写孤儿幻想破灭的书,那就误解也低估了作者的本意,作者是要在对孤儿皮普的描述中展现19世纪英国维多利亚时代的社会生活,揭露了资产阶级金钱世界的种种罪恶。主人公皮普自幼就失去了父母,作者在小说的开始以第一人称的口吻这样叙述着主人公的身世“:我说皮利普是我父亲的姓,那是有根据的,因为我父亲的墓碑上刻着他的姓,而且我姐姐也这么说。我姐姐嫁给了铁匠乔·葛奇里,现在是葛奇里夫人了。至于我,从来没有见到过父亲和母亲,也没有看到过他们两位的照片。”从这里我们可以了解到,这样一个自幼由嫁给铁匠的姐姐抚养长大的孤儿,在那个时代是不可能获得什么太好的教育的。教育的缺失和家境的情况使得幼年的皮普把姐夫当做理想的奋斗目标。而事实上,在这个由姐姐掌握大权的家里,姐夫也是唯一可以“以诚相待,推心置腹”的人。而“一手”抚养他长大的姐姐呢“,我的姐姐乔·葛奇里夫人比我要年长二十多岁。她一直说我是由她一手带大的,因此在左邻右舍享有很大名气,倍受夸奖。从小我就想了解这里的“一手”究竟是什么含义。我所知道的她的手,是结实笨重而又冷酷严厉的,因为她特别喜欢把她的巴掌打在她丈夫的身上,当然也喜欢打在我的身上。我想乔·葛奇里和我就是这样由她一手带大的吧。”读者可以在字里行间读出作者的良苦用心,但即使在这样充满了暴力的家庭里长大,皮普依然保持着天真、质朴的性格,文中作者还特意用一段对吃面包的描述来展示皮普的天真可爱“:在吃晚餐时,我们有个习惯,要比较一下吃面包的速度,不时地悄悄拿起所啃的面包比一下,并且相互会心地表示赞美。这样,我们啃面包就越啃越有劲。”幼年的皮普也是善良的,这一点即使是在面对逃犯时也未曾改变,也正是这种善良为他日后的命运埋下了伏笔。哈维莎姆小姐的出现,彻底改

远大前程 人物关系

匹普的姐夫乔,村里的铁匠。心地善良,是《远大前程》小说中为数不多的几个完全正面的人物之一。虽然乔是个没有受过教育的粗人,但是他做任何事都是为了自己所爱的人.他默默地承受着匹普对他的冷漠。 匹普的姐姐,乔的妻子,在小说中一直被称为"乔大嫂"。在匹普和乔的眼里,她严厉苛刻、横行霸道。她总是把家里打扫得一尘不染,经常拿起被她称为"抓痒棍"的手杖威胁自己的丈夫和弟弟。她还强迫他们喝一种叫柏油水的气味难闻的药水。她心胸狭隘、野心勃勃,最大的愿望就是成为更有身份和地位的人,而不仅仅是乡村铁匠的妻子。 贾格斯,一位颇有势力、令人生畏的律师。作为伦敦最有名气的刑事律师之一,他参与了一些肮脏的交易。他与邪恶的罪犯串通,甚至连这些罪犯也惧怕他。但他不仅只是拥有难以捉摸的外表。他似乎很关心匹普,并且在小说中的故事开始前,帮助郝薇香收养了孤儿艾丝黛拉。在他身上,总有一股很浓的香皂味儿:他一遍又一遍地洗手,想从心理上使自己免受罪恶的玷污。 赫伯特,匹普第一次见到赫伯特是在沙堤斯庄园的花园里。当时他是个面色白净的少年,他向匹普挑衅,俩人打了一架。许多年后,他们在伦敦再次相遇。匹普成为绅士后,赫伯特成了他最好的朋友和主要的伙伴,他亲切地叫匹普"汉德尔"。他是郝薇香小姐的表兄马修·赫伯特的儿子,渴望成为商人,以便能有足够的钱迎娶克莱拉·巴利。 威米克,贾格斯律师事务所的职员,匹普的朋友。他是《远大前程》中最匪夷所思的人物之一。在工作时,他勤奋努力、玩世不恭、好挖苦人,特别喜欢"动产";而在沃尔鄂斯家中,他快活、幽默,细心照料他的"老爹爹"。 比蒂,一个性格单纯、心地善良的乡村女孩。她是在与匹普一同上学时成为他的朋友的。乔大嫂被袭击并瘫痪后,毕蒂搬到匹普家帮助乔照顾她。在小说的大多数章节中,她代表的是艾丝黛拉的对立面:她相貌平平,待人友好,做事遵守道德,与匹普属于同一社会阶层。 奥立克,乔铁匠铺里的帮工,他懒散、愚笨,是邪恶的化身。奥立克恶毒、狡黠,以伤害别人为乐趣。他袭击了乔大嫂,后来又险些把匹普置于死地。 艾丝黛拉,由郝薇香小姐监护的一位漂亮姑娘,是匹普一直追求但却难以实现的梦想。匹普深爱着她,尽管有时艾斯黛拉偶尔也会把匹普当做朋友,但通常对他都是冷漠无情、不感兴趣的。随着他们一起长大,艾斯黛拉一次又一次地警告匹普,说自己是个没有心的人。 郝薇番小姐,一位富有而性情古怪的女人,住在匹普家村子附近一个叫沙堤斯庄园的大房子里。她性格狂躁,常常使人觉得她精神不正常。她总是穿着一件褪了色的结婚礼服在屋子里走来走去,桌上摆放着早已腐烂的宴席,屋里所有的钟表都停在8点40分。年轻时,郝薇香小姐在结婚当天被未婚夫抛弃。从此,她对所有的男人都充满仇恨。她有意把艾丝黛拉培养成报复男人的工具,训练这位漂亮的被监护人去伤男人们的心。 马格韦契,那个从监狱逃出来,中墓地恐吓匹普的可怕的罪犯。但是匹普善良的行为给他留下深刻印象。随后他拼命赚钱,用赚来的钱帮助匹普进入上流社会。他通过贾格斯律师暗中资助匹普,让匹普在伦敦接受教育,过上富有的生活。他是艾丝黛拉的父亲。 潘波趣,匹普自负傲慢.的舅舅。(实际上,他是乔的舅舅,匹普的"舅公",但匹普和姐姐都叫他"潘波趣舅舅"。)他是个视钱如命的商人。他安排了匹普与郝薇香小姐的第一次


摘要:本文从分析作者狄更斯本人入手,通过《雾都孤摘要:本文从分析作者狄更斯本人入手,通过《雾都孤儿》来讨论和分析小说中的四种人物;再分析书中两对有感情联系的男女,引出作者的写作模式,以及特定的环境下产生特定人物的写作方式。 关键词:《雾都孤儿》人物分析 一、对狄更斯本人和作品的介绍 (一)作者简介1812年2月7日,查尔斯·狄更斯,杰出的批判现实主义作家,生于英国。9岁,父亲因无法偿还债务入狱。11岁,狄更斯辍学做工厂学徒。后父亲继承一笔遗产,得以出狱,狄更斯亦重返学校。毕业后,他先后在律师行、报馆工作。1836年起,他发表了一系列经典作品,如《匹克威克外传》、《雾都孤儿》、《大卫·科波菲尔》、《艰难时代》、《双城记》、《远大前程》等。1870年6月9日,狄更斯因脑溢血与世长辞,后被葬在威斯敏斯特教堂的诗人角。 (二)《雾都孤儿》简介主人公奥利弗·特威斯特受不了虐待逃往伦敦,刚到就受骗误入贼窝。小偷头目费金要把奥利弗训练成扒手。在上街盗窃时奥利弗被误认为偷了布朗洛绅士的手绢而被逮捕。后他重病昏迷,被布朗洛收留,得到温暖与关怀。费金指使塞克斯和南希把奥利弗重新拐回贼窝。再次作案时,奥利弗被误伤。梅里夫人和养女罗斯收留了他。蒙克斯是奥利弗同父异母的哥哥,父亲把遗产留给了奥利弗,除非奥利弗也是不肖之子,蒙克斯才能继承财产。蒙克斯找到费金,要他把奥利弗变成罪犯以霸占遗产。南希通知了罗斯。罗斯和布朗洛决定找蒙克斯交涉,南希却被塞克斯杀害。小偷团伙受到灭顶之灾。布朗洛先生收养了奥利弗,蒙克斯死在狱中 。二、小说中主人公的分类在小说中,人物丰富各异,在狄更斯笔下,他们个个有血有肉,言行举止符合自己身份,表现伦敦贫民窟的悲惨生活。我把主要人物分为四类:好人、坏人、伪君子和良心未泯的角色。 (一)好人在狄更斯作品中,好人仁慈、诚实、中规中矩。他们笃信上帝,每天祷告。如发生不幸,他们向上帝祈祷、哭泣,希望得到主的帮助。如好事发生,他们仍会哭泣,认为这是来自于上帝的赐福。这类角色好到家了,但绝对没有邪恶的角色那样生动自然。而狄更斯更有一套幸福大结局的模式。好人曾随着故事的发展饱受痛苦折磨,最终有所回报。比如罗斯和梅里夫人,她俩就是好人的典型。当梅里夫人得知罗斯不会死的时候,她感到非常幸福。“她跪下来,尽力想把手合在一块儿,然而支撑了她那么久的毅力已经随着第一声感恩祈祷一起飞向天国。她倒在了伸开双臂接住她的朋友怀抱里。”(33章)女士如此,绅士也如此。知道罗斯身体好起来后,哈利和凯尔先生也异常兴奋。“这功夫,头戴白色睡帽的凯尔先生一直坐在马车踏板上,胳膊肘支在膝盖上,用一张蓝底白花的不手绢不住地擦眼睛。这个诚实耿直的汉子并不是假装动了感情,这一点完全可以从他红肿的眼睛上看出来。”(34章)好人因为爱和仁慈,愿意为他人做任何事。而奥利弗,有着狄更斯小说典型的幸福结局。身为孤儿,经历了甚至比某些成人还多的痛苦。但最后,他有了父亲、小姨、好朋友和财富。(二)坏人本小说里有许多坏人。从济贫院到贫民窟,环境改变,恶人一直存在,他们是这环境里的主宰,环境是他们罪恶的温床。这些恶人形象生动又典型。好人有模式可循,可坏人各有各的特点。老费金,狡猾奸诈又自私,他利用小孩偷东西敛财。“‘啊哈。’费金耸了耸肩,令人恶心地咧着嘴笑起来,把整个脸扭歪了。‘好聪明的小狗。好聪明的小狗。还真撑到底没告诉牧师东西在哪。也没告发老费金……’”(9章)塞克斯是个粗俗、残忍、铁石心肠的人。虽然南希深爱着他,他最终只因为她的一次背叛就残忍地杀害了她。“那强盗坐下来,鼓着鼻孔,胸口一起一伏,照她打量了几秒钟,接着,他卡住姑娘的头和脖子,将她


The great expectation of Pip and Magwitch We all know that chapter 39 is the turning point of the whole novel. Pip knows that his sponsor is not Miss Havisham, but the escaped prisoner Magwitch, who is saved by Pip. This truth makes Pip’s great expectation shattered. From the context, we can see that “the great expectation” is a kind of ambition from both Pip and Magwitch. It is such an ambition that hold up the life of both two people and bring a lot of change to their character. And the ambition is also the indication of one’s life. First, let’s see Pip’s ambition. Although the text don’t illustrate it clearly, we can infer from several details. At the beginning of the text, Pip states that “I had a taste for reading, and read regularly so many hours a day.” This state can fully demonstrate that Pip has a strong eager to learn knowledge, which means that he wants to become a real gentleman in the upper class. And when Pip is told that his benefactor is Magwitch, rather than Miss Havisham. He is shocked, disappointed as well as heart-broken. He repeats “Estella, Estella”, which tells us that his intention to become a gentleman was because of Estella, he wants to be able to match with her. From the above, we can conclude that Pip’s ambition

远大前程 阶级分析

Social class played a major role in the society depicted in Charles Dickens's Great Expectations. Social class determined the manner in which a person was treated and their access to education. Yet, social class did not define the character of the individual. Many characters were treated differently because of their social class in Great Expectations. Seeing the contrast between how the poor and the rich were treated will give a clearer understanding of how much social class mattered. In chapter 27 when Joe comes to see Pip, he treats Joe in a different manner than before because Joe was now in a lower social class. His feelings about Joe's arrival were "Not with pleasure... I had the sharpest sensitiveness as to his being seen by Drummle." (p. 203). He was afraid that Drummle will look down on him because of Joe's lower class. Not only does Pip treat Joe differently, Joe also treats Pip differently because of their difference in social class. He begins to call Pip "sir" which bothered him because "sir" was the title given to people of higher class. Pip felt that they were still good friends and that they should treat each other as equals. Joe soon leaves and explains his early parting, "Pip, dear old chap, life is made of ever so many partings welded together, as I may say, and one man's a blacksmith, and one's a whitesmith, and one's a goldsmith, and one's a coppersmith. Diwisions among such must come...." (p. 209). He creates this metaphor than he is a common blacksmith and Pip is a goldsmith. This difference in social class had brought upon their separation. Other characters that were also judged by their social class were Magwitch and Compeyson. They were both on trial for the same crime but Compeyson got off easier than Magwitch because of his higher social class. Magwitch describes Compeyson's defense speech, ."..here you has afore you, side by side, two persons as your eyes can separate wide; one, the younger, well brought up... one; the elder, ill brought up... which is the worst one?" (p. 325). The decision of the trial was solely based upon social class appearance. These cases show how much social class really mattered. In Great Expectations, a person's social class determined the amount of education they had. It is important to perceive this relationship between education and social class to clearly understand the importance of social class. A person like Joe who was a common blacksmith had no education at all. Pip, in the early days when he was low class, had a poor education at a small school. The school was not the best of schools, but it's all that the lower class had. The teacher spent more time sleeping than teaching and Pip had learned more from Biddy than from the actual teacher. Even though he had an education when he was low class, his education as a gentleman with Mr. Pocket was much greater. Another example of how social class affects education is the difference of education between the two convicts. Magwitch, born poor and low class had no education at all while Compeyson, born rich was high class and a gentleman with an education. Education is a factor in showing how social class greatly determined people's lives. Even though social class determined many things, it did not establish a person's true inner


论文大纲 一、序论 (一)、中心论题:分析小说《远大前程》中女性人物的形象、地位及她们悲惨命运的成因。 (二)、写作意图:狄更斯小说《远大前程》旨在开导、教化人们从善,本文通过对小说中女性人物分析,进一步引导女性朋友正确选择自己的人生道路。 二、本论 (一)、引言 1、简述小说《远大前程》中主人公的人生经历,并阐明小说是紧紧围绕人道主义思想来写。 2、引出两部文献中分别对《远大前程》作出的点评,并概述自己的观点。 3、阐明本文写作意图及中心论题。 (二)、主题 1、小说中女性的形象分析。 (1)、分别对小说中主要女性人物形象进行分析点评。 (2)、引用文献资料进行全面阐述。 (3)、通过对比文献资料阐明自己的观点。 2、小说中女性的地位。 (1)、引出文献王新春在作品《笼中鸟》中对小说女性地位的总评。 (2)、阐明自己的观点,对女性地位进行分析。 (3)、引出许多读者对狄更斯是否对女性地位持有偏见的质疑,分析对比阐述自己观点。 3、小说中女性人物对主人公的影响。 (1)、引出文献李宇荣指出狄更斯小说是以人物为中心写作,因此《远大前程》中的几位主要女性都是围绕主人公皮普展开描写的。 三、结论 总结本文所写主题,再次归纳所有评论家的观点,阐述自己的主见,并呼应开头,再次点题。 浅析《远大前程》中的女性人物 一、引言: 《远大前程》是英国小说家狄更斯的晚年作品,小说主要讲述了主人公皮普人生的三个阶段,从小的时候对上层阶级生活的憧憬、羡慕开始,到他成为“上等人”,最后又恢复到下层阶级淳朴劳动者的身份。小说中劳动者的淳朴形象与当时英国上流阶级人们的自私形象形成鲜明的对比,作者狄更斯抓住人道主义的观点来批判当时的社会,其中女性所遭受的磨难,她们对爱情、婚姻的绝望以及她们道德的沦丧与最终远大前程的破灭有着密切的关系。作家王新春在试析《远大前程》的女性形象中点评狄更斯的小说是以深刻的笔触去揭示资本主义社会的各种弊端,强烈刻画了下层人民的悲惨生活。郭春林却点评说:“狄更斯之所以生动


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远大前程读后感1500字 下面是XXXX为大家整理的,更多请关注XX远大前程。 【一】 狄更斯的这部经典小说很有魅力,既风趣幽默又寓意深刻,好看易读而又令人感概良多,就如品了一杯好酒,历久弥香,回味无穷。书名为远大前程,实际却是一场真实发生而又破灭的幻梦,是主人公皮普的一场华丽旅程,从雾气弥漫、沼泽遍地的英国乡村质朴生活到繁华都市伦敦的五色斑斓,最后回归乡村,这场幻梦却让皮普对生活有了更深的认识,也让我们读者有了更多的感触。 小说分为三个阶段:幻梦前,幻梦中,梦破灭后。 幻梦前,主要是讲的社会环境加之人的意识的萌芽,特别是在那个年代英国根深蒂固的阶级意识下,小皮普开始只是一个有些胆小、心思单纯的孤儿,跟着经营铁匠铺性格暴躁的姐姐和心地善良的姐夫乔一起生活,认为自己的未来就是继承姐夫的铁匠事业。但自从亲戚潘波趣带他走进镇上的孤僻富豪赫香薇小姐的那座庄园,并认识和他同龄的美丽养女艾思黛拉之后,特别是对艾思黛拉的爱意使得皮普的心境开始发生变化。而狄更斯对这变化的发生发展从语言、动作、心里等方面的描写让人回味无穷,比如书中写道:我后来也曾不止一次地尝到过一种滋味,觉得一时间仿佛天上落下一

块厚厚的帷幕,盖没了人生的一切乐趣和美妙的幻想,使我百无聊赖,只有浑浑噩噩耐着性子度日。记得后来有一段时间,我常常在星期天黄昏站在教堂公墓里,看夜幕降落,拿我自己的前程跟那一片寒风萧瑟的沼地景色相比较,觉得两者倒颇有些类似之处:一样单调、一样低下、一样看不见出路、一样是浓雾弥漫、大海茫茫。英国乡村的那浓雾一直在书中反复出现,有时消散一些,有时又弥漫更多,就如皮普的前程,看似暗淡却突然有了转折,看似光明却又危机重重。 一个突然从天而降的消息改变了皮普,让他走进了繁华伦敦,走进了这个美丽的幻梦。幻梦中的皮普在这外界环境影响下内心的挣扎更加激烈,比如回老家去看望过他误以为给她遗产的赫香薇小姐后,却找借口不去看望给他温暖和爱的姐夫乔和朋友毕吉!这些种种无不在他的内心挣扎中,但挣扎之后更多的却是走偏了。虽然我们在他的挣扎和朋友赫尔波特中能看到皮普本质上善的一面,但是一些不好的品质在皮普的身上渐渐呈现,挥霍无度、瞧不起自己原本的家人和故乡、对虚荣的上流生活的迷恋。就在这时,那个雨夜中,渐渐沉沦在伦敦所谓的上流社会奢华生活中的皮普却被命运给了他当头一棒,原来一直以来资助自己的并不是赫香薇小姐而是曾经帮助过的逃犯浦俄洛斯。这一棒突然而剧烈,让皮普渐渐清醒于自己的生活,认清自XX己的现实,也让他感觉到欺骗。而在认识到自己的金主之后,狄更斯的描写,

远大前程赏析Be Spiritual Gentle Not the Gentleman Title

Be Spiritual Gentle Not the Gentleman Title 当一份远大前程从天而降,命运即将扭转为金碧辉煌的华美,谁人不会心动呢?匹普有幸得到这样 的馈赠,从下等人一跃进入上等人的生活圈,心性和生活态度的改变是必然的,他的内心被财富和 优越感慢慢侵蚀,他开始漠视善良的乔和毕蒂,并凭借着上等人的自信开始追求自己的爱情。正是 因为这样,这个可怜的孩子背弃了曾经生活的阶级和自己的道德良心,离开了善良的朋友乔和纯洁 的爱人毕蒂。随着匹普内心的变质和人生态度的扭转,残酷的真相也开始浮出水面。当匹普得知 自己是由逃犯马格韦契资助成为上等人时,狄更斯细腻的描写,对于皮普对浦俄洛斯感情由厌恶到 感激的逐渐变化也很有意思,一点点的变化,内心的波动。当他刚知道金主竟然是一个恶行累累的 重犯时,他内心的感激和骄傲彻底被击碎了他陷入了深沉的矛盾和痛苦中。但进一步的相处后,他 意识到那个外表狂躁无比的罪犯,为了报答自己当初被迫给予的一顿晚饭一把铁锤,竟用一生去回报,不息生命,不为救赎,皮普也忽的觉得罪犯身上的人性光辉并不比乔少。 Who would reject great expectations falling from the sky and changing his fate to magnificent beauty? Pip is lucky to have such a gift. He jumps into the gentleman's circle from the inferior circle. As a result, it is inevitable that the value and life attitude change; his heart comes to be eroded by wealth and superiority. Because of that, Pip abandons the life of past and his conscience, leaves Joe and pure love Biddy, and with great confidence, he begins to pursue his love.Along with Pip's change in the attitude towards life, the cruel truth begins to surface. When Pip learns that he has been funded to become a gentleman by the escaped convict Magwitch, it is interesting of Pip’s gradual emotional change from aversion to grateful about him, through Dickens’s detailed descriptions, The gratitude and pride were completely making he fell into a deep contradiction and pain. But after a further connection, he realizes that criminal with manic appearance, in order to repay his dinner and a hammer, uses the whole life to pay back, not for salvation. The humanity of Magwitch is no better than a gentleman. 那个外表狂躁无比的罪犯,一心一意要把皮普培养成上流社会的绅士,在与皮普相处后,变得愈发 温和与向善。一个身处社会底层的罪犯,穿着简陋乃至破烂的衣衫、过着任人鱼肉的艰苦生活,但 是他们在言行中却闪现出高尚美好的品性。表象永远具有欺骗性,皮普在最初也以为眼睛看到的那 一身得体的衣衫、周到的礼节以及优雅的言行就是绅士的象征。但是经过人生的磨砺后,他终于懂 得用心而不是用眼来辨别,他终于明了,心灵的高贵远胜外表的漂亮,绅士的品性是内在散发的光华。何为绅士?不是华丽的衣饰、雄伟的城堡;不是繁复的礼仪、做作的言行;不是奢靡的排场、傲慢的身姿;也不是高贵的出身、自诩高人一等的社会地位……真正的绅士,应该是拥有一颗高尚 的心灵,是富有同情心,是善良,是正直,是慷慨,是内心精神的富足…… The mania criminal, who determines to cultivate Pip into a upper-class gentleman, becomes more gentle and kind after getting along with Pip. A criminal in the bottom society, lives a hard life in ragged clothed, but comes out noble character in words and deeds. Appearance is often deceptive, Pip in initially thought that the symbol of a gentleman is a decent clothes, considerate manners and elegant words. But after that, he finally understood that a noble mind wins much more than a beautiful appearance. What is a gentleman? Not gorgeous dresses, magnificent castle; not the complicated etiquette, affective words and deeds; not luxuries ostentation, arrogant posture; not high birth, boasted superior social status... A real


《远大前程》中郝薇香小姐的性格分析 -------矛盾的结合体 摘要:《远大前程》是狄更斯最成熟的作品之一,而郝薇香小姐又是狄更斯作品中着墨较多﹑刻画细致生动﹑形象较为丰满的女性之一。女主人公郝薇香是一个鲜明、生动、丰富、复杂的人物形象, 这一形象的魅力之所以经久不衰, 在于作家对人物性格的成功塑造。通过对她性格的分析,一方面可以了解维多利亚时代女性生存的环境﹑时代赋予的命运,以及当时社会和妇女在心灵上的冲突。另一方面,通过对郝薇香小姐多角度客观的研究,可以展现出其完整的性格特点,从而引发人们探索文学作品中人性本质中善良的一面。本文着意从郝薇香性格中或先天或后天形成的矛盾性方面来分析其性格特征,不论是哪一面的郝薇香都给我们留下了深刻的印象,也让这一形象在读者心中成为永恒的经典。 关键词:《远大前程》,郝薇香,性格,矛盾 引言 狄更斯运用他非凡的观察力和想象力,牢牢抓住人物的性格特征,在人物塑造当中赋予角色独特的个性与生命。在《远大前程》中,郝薇香就属于一种典型化人物,她强行压抑住心里的真实情感,从而将自己的性格塑造成了一个矛盾的统一体。这种人物一出场就容易辨认,为人所记忆,因为她们有着鲜明的特点,因而会为读者所关注。郝薇香给皮普留下了深刻的印象,也让读者读后感到怪异而挥之不去。皮普独自进入沙堤斯庄屋时,他看到的是一个“满目荒凉的所在”,作为这座古老庄屋的主人,郝薇香还未出场便被蒙上了一层神秘的面纱。狄更斯“在塑造反面人物时,也偶有在器物身上展现人物性格”。比如通过对郝薇香居住环境阴森恐怖的细致描写,是对她性格刻画侧面的烘托,也更进一步突出了这个人物的个性和特点。本文试图运用自身的对比手法突出郝薇香 性格的双重性。 1.“水”与“火”的交融 1.1水般的温柔 郝薇香本身生活在一个比较富裕的贵族家庭,可以说她拥有许多自己想要的东西。比如可爱的洋娃娃、漂亮的鞋子衣服和精美的首饰,她不会为生活的琐碎所困扰,富足的生活让她有太多闲暇的时间,或许她会参加一些舞会之类的社交活动,为自己的生活增添些许情趣。虽然也因为出身高贵,养成了娇纵、任性、执拗的性格,但这也只是少女独特的性格,何况对于如此娇生惯养的郝薇香小姐呢?在遭受遗弃后的独居生活中,尽管她竭力隔绝与外界的一切联系,可内心始终不甘于这种沉闷,所以,就有了委托潘波趣克先生找皮普过来玩的情节。第十二章,郝薇香要求艾斯黛拉和皮普一起玩,自己则在旁边观战,欣赏着艾斯黛拉嬉笑怒骂的样子,还会适时的耳语一番,调剂自己的情绪。又如,“一天突然要皮普唱小曲,而这首曲子正合她的意,她也若有所思地低唱起来,像在睡梦中一般吟唱。”这个细节恰恰流露了郝薇香小姐性格中还存有的一丝温柔,从她对待生活的一种无意间的调剂,顿时让我们卸去了对她的防御,像皮普一样,逐渐的放松了下来。 1.2火样的热情 首先,她的热情表现在对待表哥马修的乐善好施上。在皮普康复期间,乔给他讲了一些在家乡发生的事情:郝薇香小姐已经死了,死前把财产分给了她那些姓朴凯特的亲戚,而且做得很聪明。郝薇香并不是像众人眼中那么势力的一个疯女人,她有自己的原则和立场,尽管她被抛弃后发了疯,丧失了理智,但她也清楚自己周围的的那些穷亲戚对自己是真心还是假意。她憎恨自己那些穷亲戚趋炎附势的嘴脸,在她落难后再无人肯去看望她,反而和陌生人一样唾弃她。只有它的表哥马修在她头脑不清醒的时候,念及亲戚的情义,提醒她要谨慎,


greatexpectations的写作特色 《远大前程》是狄更斯晚期的作品,也是他最成熟的作品。这个书名是有讽刺意味的,它讲述了一个孤儿,匹普想当上等人的理想幻灭的故事,他最终没有当成上等人,当然也就没有了所谓的远大前程。本书以极其精彩的故事情节紧扣读者的心弦,生动地描写了一个饱受苦难并同命运不断抗争的孤儿匹普的心理历程,最后他终于悟出人生道理,成为一名普通人,并与初恋情人握手重逢,获得了圆满的结局。 《远大前程》的故事情节有它的独特之处,读来让读者有一种欲罢不能的感觉。本书的主人公匹普,更是联系其它人物角色的一条主线。环境可以改变人的命运,匹普就是被环境改变的。一开始,匹普还是一个孩子的时候是多么的天真,轻易信人,富有同情心。然而,匹普遭遇的宿命就是遇上了一位女皇般的姑娘,这位姑娘将透彻影响他的一生。他开始瞧不起自己,开始为自己的家庭环境及出身感到自卑,“而我一想到这座宅邸,心中就没有一丝阳光!同时对自己的行为也更为厌恶,也更瞧不起自己的家庭。”这是一段很好的情景交融的写法,在这样一所恐怖的房间里,匹普彻底瞧不起自己里哦阿。是中了魔吗?不!这正应了一句真理:人是环境中的产物。是环境改变了匹普。进一步,匹普“交上好运”后,已鬼迷心窍了,非要去当上等人。匹普要求赫伯特教他礼貌与规矩,说明他急于想成为一个伦敦人。但是,无论怎样,匹普内心中的善良,还是可以体会到的。他暗中花钱支助赫伯特的事业,这表明他是一个善良的人,对朋友慷慨仁义,决不吝啬。知道他的恩人竟然是一个逃犯时,他开始从环境中蜕变出来。“与恩人道别开始变得沉重与焦虑了。”这说明匹普开始关心恩人的安危并且对恩人产生感情了。“即使缺钱也不再用恩人的钱。”表明匹普内心美好的东西开始复苏,最终,他还是过上了平凡而真实的生活。最后,匹普与艾丝黛拉手握住手,一道走出废墟,广大的天地沉浸在静谧的月华之中……从废墟到夜雾再到月华,象征了匹普和艾丝黛拉爱情的三部曲,开始是不可能,后来是朦朦胧胧,最后是月光普照。这是一个大团圆结局,总算无遗憾。 在语言特点,写作手法上,更是有许多地方值得我们学习的。“老鼠一直在用牙齿啃它,可是还有比老鼠更尖利的牙齿在啃我。”以此来比喻赫微香老小姐内心的痛苦,绝妙!“一种使人恐怖的幻觉在我心中扩散,好像我与艾丝黛拉正在开始腐烂……”这是典型的文学性描写,达到了诗的效果。“我忽然情绪失控,趴在地上,使劲地扯自己两边的头发。”这句话特别能够传达出人物内心矛盾的心理,他明知爱错了人,但还是要去爱,。“伦敦给我的印象有点乱,路窄道弯,而且十分肮脏。”仅此几笔,便勾勒出了伦敦的特征。匹普就是在这样的环境下,成为一个“上等人”二努力。作者在叙述赫微香的故事时,既紧凑又周详,用的是倒叙手法。在此,我们对老小姐的情况就清楚了,对她之前的变态行为也理解了。“他的话像闪电,使我一下就看清了自己,接着失望,危险,羞耻等各种后果,向我冲击而来,使我几乎呼吸困难。”闪电这个比喻很准确,马格韦契正是以一连串快速有力的问话揭示出他才是匹普的恩人。为什么匹普感到失望,危险,羞耻呢?那是因为恩人在他的心中一直是个迷,他总觉得是老小姐,结果是一个逃犯,他当然失望了。与逃犯接触肯定是有危险的,这一点,匹普很清楚。而用一个逃犯的钱过上等人的生活又的确让匹普感到羞耻…… 岁月在流逝,人物开始变化,在作者的笔下,通篇写来十分自然。最后大家都过着平凡而真实的生活,这是一个多么完美的结局。

高中英语 校本教程远大前程文学赏析 无答案

英语名著名篇阅读 Great Expectations 【作品简介】 故事发生在十九世纪的英国。孤儿皮普父母双亡, 和姐姐、姐夫生活在一起。圣诞节前, 皮普到墓地去悼念父母, 遇到了逃犯马格威奇。皮普为他拿来了食物充饥, 令马格威奇非常感动, 但最后他还是被警察带走了。圣诞过后, 皮普被邀请到村里最富有的哈维沙姆小姐家做客, 遇到了哈维汉姆小姐收养的女孩埃斯特拉, 从此便一发不可收拾地爱上了她。但埃斯特拉是个傲慢又刻薄的女孩, 根本不把皮普放在眼里。这令皮普很伤心, 他暗自下决心要成为一名绅士好让埃斯特拉不再歧视自己。机会终于在几年后来了, 一位不愿透露姓名的人愿意资助皮普到伦敦去过上流社会的生活。皮普满心欢喜地来到伦敦, 学习如何成为一名真正的绅士。然而命运并不如皮普所希望的那样:已长得亭亭玉立的少女埃斯特拉从国外学习归来后, 穿梭于许多男人之间, 并选择了其中一个恶棍成为她的丈夫;多年来资助皮普的人终于出现了, 竟然是多年前被皮普搭救过的逃犯马格威奇, 最终他被警察抓住, 死在了监狱, 赠给皮普的遗产也被充公。皮普的“远大前程”化为泡影。 Pip meets a stranger My first name was Philip, but when I was a small child I could only manage to say Pip.So Pip was what everybody called me.I lived in a small village in Essex with my sister, who was over twenty years older than me, and married to Joe Gargery, the village blacksmith.My parents had died when I was a baby, so I could not remember them at all, but quite often I used to visit the churchyard, about a mile from the village, to look at their names on their gravestones.My first memory is of sitting on a gravestone in that churchyard one cold, grey, December afternoon, looking out at the dark, flat, wild marshes divided by the black line of the River Thames, and listening to the rushing sound of the sea in the distance. Don't say a word!’cried a terrible voice, as a man jumped up from among the graves and caught hold of me.‘If you shout I'll cut your throat!’He was a big man, dressed all in grey, with an iron chain on his leg.His clothes were wet and torn.He looked exhausted, and hungry, and very fierce.I had never been so frightened in my whole life. ‘Tell me your name, boy!Quick!’he said, still holding me.‘And show me where you live!’‘My name's Pip, sir.And I live in the village over there.’ He picked me up and turned me upsidedown.Nothing fell out of my pocket except a piece of old bread.He ate it in two bites, like a dog, and put me back on the gravestone.‘So where are your father and mother?’he asked. ‘There, sir, ’I answered, pointing to their graves. ‘What!’he cried, and was about to run, when he saw where I was pointing.‘Oh!’he said.‘ I see.They're dead.Well, who do you live with, if I let you live, which I haven't decided yet?’‘With my sister, sir, wife of Joe Gargery, the blacksmith.’
