

October 22, 2017

An introduction to Jane Ery

Jane Eyre is a poor priest's daughter and when she was a child, her parents died. Her aunt Mrs. Reed doesn't like her. She was sent to an orphanage after her uncle died.

After Jane graduated from school,she went to the Thornfield(Mr. Rochester’s manor)as a tutor. After several contacts, She fell in love with Rochester.

But when the day they got married , Jane knew Rochester's ex-wife didn’t die by accident, and his ex-wife was crazy and was shut in the manor. so Jane left and met his cousin cousin occasionally .

While Jane hesitated whether left England as a missionary’s(her cousin) wife or not , Rochester’s manor was destroyed by his crazy wife, he also injured (blinding).Having the mind induction,Jane back to the manor, finally they lived happily ever after.



简爱 英文精简版

We couldn't go outside at all on that cold,rainy afternoon.The rain was pouring down, and the wind was blowing hard.I didn't care, I was happy to stay indoors.Trying to take long walks in the winter was terrible! It was supposed to be healthy for our bodies, but I hated coming home in the dark with my feet and hands as cold as ice. And I was always unhappy because Bessie, one of the servants, was always scolding me. I had always known that I was different from my cousins, John, Eliza, and Georgiana Reed. They were prettier and taller than I, and everyone loved them. These three children were not very nice to other people or to each other. Usually they spent their time fighting, and crying with each other. However, today they were with their mother in the sitting room, sitting quietly and talking in front of the warm fire. I wanted to join them but Mrs. Reed, my aunt,said I could not. She was angry with me because Bessie had told her I was being troublesome "No,I'm sorry, Jane," she said,looking at me as if I was a rat on the floor. "Until I know that you are really trying to be good and quiet,I will not treat you like one of my children. They are good!" "What did Bessie tell you? What have I done? "I asked. "Jane Eyre,do not ask me any more questions. You must do what you are told. If you cannot speak nicely and obey me.then be quiet! " After she left me I went into the little room next door. I got a picture book from the shelf and climbed on to the windowseat, closing the curtains around me. Now no one could find me. I stared out the window at the cold,gray November day. The rain fell hard on the garden, which had no leaves or flowers.Then I looked at the picture book. I was inside a world of imagination. For a while,I forgot my sad, lonely life and felt a little happier. I was only afraid that the Reed children might find me. Because they were cruel to me,I tried to talk to them as little as I could. Suddenly the door opened. John Reed ran in. "Where are you, your little rat? " he said. He did not see my hiding place. "Eliza! Georgy! I Jane is not here! Tell Mamma she's gone outside - what a bad girl she is! " "How lucky I drew the curtain! " I thought. I knew he would never find me, because he was very stupid. But his sister Eliza was not stupid,and she knew exactly where I was. "She's in the window seat., John!" she said. Immediately I came out, because I did not want them to be angry with me. "What do you want?" I asked him. "Say,what would you like,Master Reed? "he said, sitting in a comfortable chair. "I want you to come here." " John Reed was fourteen, and I was only ten. He was large, ugly, and fat. He often ate too much at meals which made him look like a pig. Usually he was away at school, but his mother had made him come home for a while, because she thought his health was not good. He did not have anything to do but fight with his sisters, get into troube with Bessie, and treat me badly. John did not love his mother or his sisters, and he hated me. He was always cruel to me. Sometimes he hit me, and sometimes he just threatened me. But I was always afraid when he was near. I did not know how to make him treat me well. The servants did not want to make him angry, so they did whatever he wanted. Mrs. Reed, his mother, loved him too much and thought he never did anything wrong.

简爱英文人物简介(Jane Eyre English characters introduction)

简爱英文人物简介(Jane Eyre English characters introduction) 简爱英文人物简介(Jane Eyre English characters introduction) Jane English biography.Txt there is no one like me in time to hear some songs suddenly thought of his own past _______ if I can return to the past, I will choose not to know you. Not I regret, is that I can not face the end without you. Jane Eyre The orphaned protagonist of the story. When the novel begins she is, an isolated, powerless ten-year-old living with an aunt and cousins who dislike her. As the novel progresses, she grows in strength. She distinguishes herself at Lowood School because of her hard work and strong intellectual abilities. As a governess at Thornfield, she learns of the pleasures and pains of love through her relationship with Edward Rochester. After being deceived by him, she goes to Marsh End, where she regains her spiritual focus and discovers her own strength when she rejects St. John River s marriage proposal. By 'novel' s end she has become a powerful, independent woman, blissfully married to the man she loves, Rochester. Edward Rochester Jane 's a dark, passionate, lover; brooding man. A traditional romantic hero, Rochester has lived a troubled wife. Married to an insane Creole woman, Bertha Mason, Rochester sought solace for several years in the arms of mistresses. Finally, he seeks to purify his life and wants


简爱经典语录英语 "Do you think I can stay to become nothing to you? Do you think I am an automaton?--a machine without feelings? and can bear to have my morsel of bread snatched from my lips, and my drop of living water dashed from my cup? Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!--I have as much soul as you,--and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh;--it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God's feet, equal,--as we are!" “你以为我可以留下来成为你觉得无足轻重的人吗?你以为我是一台机器吗?——一台没有感情的机器?可以忍受别人把我口中可怜的一点面包夺走,把我杯中可怜的一点活命之水泼掉吗?你以为,因为我贫穷、卑微、矮小而且不漂亮,我就没有灵魂没有心吗?——你想错了!我的灵魂和你一样,我的心也完全一样!如果上帝赐予我一点美貌和很多财富,我也能让你对我难分难舍,就像现在我难以离开你一样。我现在不是通过凡人的肉体在和你交谈——是我的精神在对你的精神说话,就好像我们俩都穿越了坟墓,一起站到了上帝的脚下:在上帝的脚下我们是平等的——我们本来就是平等的!” 简:Why do you confide in me like this? What are you and she to me? You think that because I’m poor and plain, Ihave no feelings? I promise you, if God had gifted me with wealth and beauty, I would make it as hard for you to leave me now as it is for me to leave you. But He did not. But my spirit can address yours, as if both have passed through the grave and stood before heaven equal. 您为什么对我讲这些?您和她(英格拉姆小姐)跟我有什么关系?您以为我穷,不好看,就没有感情吗?告诉你吧,如果上帝赐予我财富和美貌,我会让您难以离开我,就想我现在难以离开您。可上帝没有这样做,但我的灵魂能够同您的灵魂说话,仿佛我们都经过了坟墓,平等地站在上帝面前。简:Let me go, sir.让我走,先生。 罗切斯特:I love you. I love you!我爱你。我爱你! 简:No, don’t make me foolish.别,别让我干傻事。罗切斯特:Foolish? I need you. What’s Blanch to me? I know what I am to her. Money to manure her father’s land with. Marry me, Jane. Say y ou marry me.傻事?我需要你,布兰奇(英格拉姆小姐)有什么?我知道我对她意味着什么,是使她父亲的土地变得肥沃的金钱。嫁给我,简。说你嫁给我。 简:You mean it?你是说真的?罗切斯特:You torture me with your doubts.Say yes,say yes。God forgive me.And let no men meddle with me.She is mine.Mine.你的怀疑折磨着我,答应吧,答应吧。上帝饶恕我,别让何人干涉我,她是我的,是我的。


简·爱——女主人公,一个性格坚强,朴实,刚柔并济,独立自主,积极进取的女性。她出身卑微,相貌平凡,但她并不以此自卑。她蔑视权贵的骄横,嘲笑他们的愚笨,显示出自立自强的人格和美好的理想。她有顽强的生命力,从不向命运低头。 最后有了自己所向往的美好生活。 爱德华.费尔法克斯·罗切斯特——桑恩费尔德庄园主,拥有财富和强健的体魄,年轻时他过着放浪的生活,后来决心认真生活,喜欢简爱并向她求婚。晚年时由于第一任妻子的疯狂放火而失去一条胳膊,并且瞎了(后来恢复了一只眼睛的视力)。最后成为简爱的丈夫。 白茜——盖茨海德庄园的仆人,相较之下她对简爱很好,后来嫁给看门人利文,曾看望过简爱。 里德太太——简·爱的舅妈,曾违心答应丈夫收养简爱,对简·爱并不公平。儿子自杀使她中风,临死前良心发现,告诉简·爱她还有亲属在世真相。(已死)里德先生——简·爱的舅舅,对简·爱比较好,但过早离世。 伊丽莎·里德——里德太太的大女儿,精明有心计,习惯把自己的一天安排得井井有条,日常生活规律如钟表般精准,因弟弟的行为和家庭的败落而痛苦,决心隐居,后当了修女,后来成为修道院院长,将所有财产都捐献给她的修道院。 乔治安娜·里德——里德太太的小女儿,貌美如花,向往上流社会的社交圈,常常沉溺在她曾在伦敦度过的那个出尽风头的冬季的回忆里,后来嫁给了一个年老力衰的富豪。 约翰·里德——里德太太的儿子,暴躁、惹是生非,小时候经常欺负简·爱,长大后将家中财产挥霍一空后自杀。(已死) 海伦·布恩斯--简·爱在洛沃德慈善学校的好友,聪明好学。在罗沃德学校流行疾病时因为肺结核而死。(已死) 布罗克尔赫斯特——洛沃德慈善学校总管,虚伪且刻薄。 谭普尔小姐(玛利亚·谭波尔)——洛沃德学校教师,是简·爱的良师益友。后来嫁给了一个牧师。 圣约翰.李维斯——简爱的堂兄,英俊,有极高的信仰。向简求婚,但理由只是简·爱适合做一位传教士的妻子,成为他的助手,被拒绝,后来一个人去印度传教了。 戴安娜·李维斯和玛丽.李维斯--简爱的堂姐,聪明善良且好学,戴安娜很活泼。(圣约翰的胞妹) 爱丽丝·费尔法克斯--罗切斯特的女管家。 阿黛拉·瓦朗--罗切斯特旧情人(一个法国舞女)的女儿,沉溺于奢华的生活风,喜欢漂亮的衣服和饰物。在学校英国式教育下改变。(罗切斯特是她的监护人,简·爱的学生) 英格拉姆·布兰奇小姐——长得美丽动人的贵族小姐,罗切斯特先生的追求者,但不是为了爱,而是钱。


October 22, 2017 An introduction to Jane Ery Jane Eyre is a poor priest's daughter and when she was a child, her parents died. Her aunt Mrs. Reed doesn't like her. She was sent to an orphanage after her uncle died. After Jane graduated from school,she went to the Thornfield(Mr. Rochester’s manor)as a tutor. After several contacts, She fell in love with Rochester. But when the day they got married , Jane knew Rochester's ex-wife didn’t die by accident, and his ex-wife was crazy and was shut in the manor. so Jane left and met his cousin cousin occasionally . While Jane hesitated whether left England as a missionary’s(her cousin) wife or not , Rochester’s manor was destroyed by his crazy wife, he also injured (blinding).Having the mind induction,Jane back to the manor, finally they lived happily ever after. 商英3172 叶雨璐


1 The red room We could not go for a walk that afternoon.There was such a freezing cold wind,and such heavy rain,that we all stayed indoors.I was glad of it.I never liked long walks,especially in winter.I used to hate coming home when it was almost dark,with ice-cold fingers and toes,feeling miserable bccause Bessie,the nursemaid,was always scolding me.All the time I knew I was different from my cousins,Eliza,John and Georgiana Reed.They were taller and stronger than me,and they were loved. These three usually spent their time crying and quarrelling,but today they were sitting quietly around their mother in the sitting-room.I wanted to join the family circle,but Mrs Reed,my aunt,refused Bessie had complainted about me. 'No,I'm sorry,Jane.Until I hear from Bessie,or see for myself,that you are really trying to behave better,you cannot be treated as a good,happy child,like my children.' 'What does Bessie say I have done?'I asked. 'Jane,it is not polite to question me in that way.If you cannot speak pleasantly,be quiet.'


On Analysis of Jane’s Love View (简析简的爱情观) 摘要 《简爱》是英国文学史上的一部经典传世之作,它成功地塑造了英国文学史中第一个对爱情、生活、社会以及宗教都采取了独立自主的积极进取态度和敢于斗争、敢于争取自由平等地位的女性形象。 简是一个意志坚强,追求独立,敢于反对封建礼教,敢于抵制封建宗教的压迫与束缚的女孩。正是因为简的独特而高尚的性格特点深深的吸引了罗切斯特,而简爱上罗切斯特并不是因为他的财富,身份地位,而是他的才华。简追求的是纯洁而特别的爱情,在简的眼里,爱情就是爱情,与金钱,身份,地位毫无关系。即使自己是一个地位低下的家庭教师,而罗切斯特却是一个有身份,地位的贵族,但是简并没有因为这些因素放弃对罗切斯特的爱,爱了就爱了,后来一场大火毁了罗切斯特的一切,他不再是那个拥有一切的完美的人,而是一个落魄的残疾人,但是让我们钦佩的是简却选择了与罗切斯特同甘共苦。就这样简谱写了一段美好的爱情,她向我们诠释了什么是真爱,她让我们明白了爱情的真谛。 关键词:简.爱,坚强,独立,反抗的精神,纯洁的爱 ABSTRACT Jane Eyre is a classic literature masterpieces in the history of English, as it shaped the history of English literature, as it the first taken on love, life, social and religious independent proactive attitude.It dare to struggle, fight for freedom and pursue the equality of status of the female . Jane is a girl who has strong will and pursue independence, she is a woman who against feudal ethics an d resist the feudal oppression bravely. It is because of Jane’s special and noble character that attracts Robert’s deeply, while Jane falls in love with Robert not because of his wealth, and social status, but his talent. Jane pursues pure and special love, in Jane’s eyes, love is love, and it has nothing to do with wealth, social status which he has. Though she is a tutor with low status, while Robert is a man with noble status, Jane does not give up her love because of all of these elements. Later, a fire ruin everything of Robert, he lose most of his glamour which many girls


弃我去者,昨日之日不可留 乱我心者,今日之日多烦忧 《简·爱》 作者简介: Charlotte "Jane Eyre" Brontë (1816-1854) Charlotte Brontë was born 21 April 1816, third of the six children of Patrick Brontë and Maria Branwell Brontë. The major event of her young life was the death of her mother in 1821, whichcreated a lot of chaos. In 1824, Charlotte and her two older sisters, Maria and Elizabeth, were sent to the newly-opened Cowan Bridge Clergy Daughters' School. Conditions there were bad even by the standards of the time, and it was not long before both Maria and Elizabeth became ill enough to be sent home, where they both died of consumption in the spring of1825. Patrick brought Charlotte and her younger sister Emily, who had recently joined them at the school, back home as soon as the other girls became ill, but Charlotte in particular never forgot what the school had been like. The surviving kids all became each others' best friends. They created the kingdom of Gondal and wrote all kinds of epic stories and poems set in that realm. Charlotte and Branwell were in charge of Angria proper, while Emily and Anne (the youngest) ran the neighboring kingdom of Gondal. Charlotte's next adventure was going to school in Brussels with Emily in 1842. Charlotte's time there was brief, less than two years, but it led to her eventual writing of Villette beginning in 1852. Back home, Charlotte lapsed into chronic unemployment and severe hypochondria, actually thinking she was going blind, just like her father was. In 1846 the three sisters published a book of Poems, and though sales were very slow, the reviews were good and spurred on further literary endeavours. Charlotte's novel of this time, The Professor, was actually rather bad, suffering from a less-than-believeable main character. In August of 1846 Charlotte began work on Jane Eyre. Though it was published in 1847, Charlotte didn't tell her father about it until the next year, when the novel's success was plain. 内容梗概: When the novel begins, Jane is an isolated, powerless ten-year-old living with an aunt and cousins who dislike her. As the novel progresses, she grows in strength. She distinguishes herself at Lowood School because of her hard work and strong intellectual abilities. As a governess at Thornfield, she learns of the pleasures and pains of love through her relationship with Edward Rochester. After being deceived by him,


Location: Lowood Keio地点:洛伍德义塾 People: Mr. Brocklehurst (school treasurer in charge) Miss Tan Puer (Superintendent) Miss Smith Miss Si Kaiqiu If Mrs. Pierre (teacher) Helen Burns (classmates, friends) 人物:布洛克赫斯特先生(学校司库、主管) 谭普尔小姐(学监) 史密斯小姐 斯凯丘小姐 皮埃若夫人(教师) 海伦.彭斯(同学、朋友) Synopsis: Lowood Keio, a canon harsh conditions extremely difficult place. Jane Eyre got here in the first year will be overtaken by a sudden plague , seeing a classmate down here , especially departed friend Helen Burns , so Jane Eyre young mind to appreciate life cruelty . Here, Jane Eyre, although long-suffering, but strong enough to survive. After spending the first year of difficulties, to improve the students' school life diet conditions. Jane has done here for six students and a teacher two years. During eight years, Miss Tan Puer became close friends and life teacher Jane loved the admiration and gratitude, because "some of the most valuable knowledge I have


Charlotte Bront? (April 21, 1816 – March 31, 1855) was an English novelist, the eldest of the three Bront? sisters whose novels have become enduring classics of English literature. Life and worksCharlotte Bront? was born at Thornton, in Yorkshire, England, the third of six children, to Patrick Bront? (formerly "Patrick Brunty"), an Irish Anglican clergyman, and his wife, Maria Branwell. In April 1820 the family moved to Haworth, where Patrick had been appointed Perpetual Curate. Maria Branwell Bront? died of cancer on 15 September 1821, leaving five daughters and a son to the care of her sister Elizabeth Branwell. In August 1824, Charlotte was sent with three of her sisters to the Clergy Daughters' School at Cowan Bridge in Lancashire (which she would describe as Lowood School in Jane Eyre). Its poor conditions, Charlotte maintained, permanently affected her health and physical development, and hastened the deaths of her two elder sisters, Maria (born 1814) and Elizabeth (born 1815), who died of tuberculosis in 1825 soon after they were removed from the school. At home in Haworth Parsonage, Charlotte and the other surviving children — Branwell, Emily, and Anne — were influenced by their father's library of Walter Scott, Byron, Tales of the Genii and The Arabian Nights. They began chronicling the lives and struggles of the inhabitants of their imaginary kingdoms. Charlotte and Branwell wrote stories about their country — Angria — and Emily and Anne wrote articles and poems about theirs — Gondal. The sagas were elaborate and convoluted (and still exist in part manuscripts) and provided them with an obsessive interest in childhood and early adolescence, which prepared them for their literary vocations in adulthood. Charlotte continued her education at Roe Head school in Mirfield from 1831 to 1832, where she met her lifelong friends and correspondents, Ellen Nussey and Mary Taylor. Charlotte returned as a teacher from 1835 to 1838. In 1839 she took up the first of many positions as governess to various families in Yorkshire, a career she pursued until 1841. In 1842 she and Emily travelled to Brussels to enroll in a pensionnat run by Constantin Heger (1809–1896) and his wife Claire Zo? Parent Heger (1804–1890). In return for board and tuition, Charlotte taught English and Emily taught music. Their time at the pensionnat was cut short when Elizabeth Branwell, their aunt who joined the family after the death of their mother to look after the children, died of internal obstruction in October 1842. Charlotte returned alone to Brussels in January 1843 to take up a teaching post at the pensionnat. Her second stay at the pensionnat was not a happy one; she became lonely, homesick, and deeply attached to Constantin Heger. She finally returned to Haworth in January 1844 and later used her time at the pensionnat as the inspiration for some of The Professor and Villette. In May 1846, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne published a joint collection of poetry under the assumed names of Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell. Although the book failed to attract interest (only two copies were sold) the sisters decided to continue writing for publication and began work on their first novels. Charlotte continued to use the name 'Currer Bell' when she published her first two novels. Cover page of the first edition of Jane EyreHer novels are: Jane Eyre, published 1847 Shirley, published 1849 Villette, published 1853 The Professor, written before Jane Eyre and rejected by many publishing houses, was published posthumously in 1857 Her novels were deemed coarse by the critics. Much speculation took place as to who Currer Bell really was, and whether Bell was a man or a woman. Charlotte's brother, Branwell, the only son of the family, died of chronic bronchitis and marasmus exacerbated by heavy drinking, in September 1848, although Charlotte believed his death was due to tuberculosis. Emily and Anne both died of pulmonary tuberculosis in December 1848 and May 1849, respectively. Portrait of Charlotte Bront?, 1873 Charlotte and her father were now left alone. In view of the enormous success of Jane Eyre, she was persuaded by her publisher to visit London occasionally, where she revealed her true identity and began to move in a more exalted social circle, becoming friends with Harriet Martineau, Elizabeth Gaskell, William Makepeace Thackeray and G. H. Lewes. However, she never left Haworth for more than a few weeks at a time as she did not want to leave her aging father's side. In June 1854, Charlotte married Arthur Bell Nicholls, her father's curate. She died nine months later during her first pregnancy. Her death certificate gives the cause of death as phthisis (tuberculosis), but there is a school of thought that suggests she may have died from her excessive vomiting caused by severe morning sickness in the early stages of pregnancy. There is also evidence to suggest that Charlotte died from
