Lecture2 Diction

Lecture2 Diction
Lecture2 Diction


Part1Varieties of English

1.1Variation in English


Formal spoken

Address at Gettysburg,1863

Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation,conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.Now we are engaged in a great civil war,testing whether that nation,or any nation so conceived and so dedicated,can long endure….

...It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion;that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain;that this nation,under God,shall have a new birth of freedom;and that government of the people,by the people,for the people,shall not perish from the earth.


Spoken:More informal,More personal,Less concise,Less organized

Active voice,Simple connectors,wordy

Written:More formal,More impersonal,More precise,Economical in the use of words,Passive voice,Complex connectors,concise

More example:

(a)Cleared,the site would be very valuable.

(b)If it were cleared,the site would be very valuable.(written)


Word choice

(a)The concert concluded with a performance of Beethoven’s5th symphony.(formal)

(b)They ended the concert with Beethoven’s5th symphony.

Grammar use

(a)Bill speaks French more fluently than I.(formal)

(b)Bill speaks French more fluently than me.

1.5General English

A middle course between formal and informal levels

Usually the best choice for college or business writing

Formal general informal

Automobile car wheels

Visage face mug

Odious offensive gross

Attire clothes threads

Spectacles glasses specs

In your dictionary,you may find special usage labels for words or particular definitions of words that differ from the general English vocabulary.

Word usage label meaning

1.Unalienable archaic,obsolete inalienable

2.Nowheres nonstandard,colloquial nowhere

3.Copper slang police officer


Appropriate diction requires a consistent style.

Writers should not mix formal and informal language.

For example(Ex.1,P20):

1.Please let me express my gratitude for having been a guest at your house last Saturday night.I had bags of fun that evening.(mixed)

…………………I enjoyed the evening enormously.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/158260430.html,dies and gentlemen,it’s awfully nice to see you here.(mixed)

Ladies and gentlemen,it’s so nice to see you here.

3.Do you take this chap to be your lawfully wedded husband?(mixed)

Do you take this young man to be your lawfully wedded husband?

Part2Meanings of Words


Denotation:Dictionary meaning;Literal meaning that most readers would agree on Connotation:Overtones or implied meanings


“Winter”denotes“the coldest season of the year,regarded in the North Temperate Zone as including the months of December,January,&February.”

https://www.360docs.net/doc/158260430.html,ughter drives winter from the mind.(sadness)

2.She gave a wintry greeting to her colleagues.(cold)

“Winter”also connotes many feelings or ideas as“bitter,cold,icy,barren,chill, white,dead trees,snow,&dormant(stop growing but alive)”at the same time.

2.2Words can be labeled commendatory,neutral or derogatory.




2.3The words we choose show our attitude.

The skinny woman slinked in.

The slender girl glided in.

Both sentences describe the same event but show different attitudes.

So graceful was the ballerina that she just seemed to__glide____.

2.4Pay attention to both the literal and suggestive meaning;otherwise our words may clash.

E.g.The speaker manipulated the members of the audience by presenting the evidence to refute their arguments.


The speaker convinced the members of the audience by presenting the evidence to refute their arguments.

Or:The speaker manipulated the members of the audience by presenting only the evidence that would disprove their arguments.

Part3Figurative Language

Writers use figurative language to draw a comparison between two things that are essentially different but alike in some underlying and surprising way.In this way,they add vigor to their prose.The two chief figures of speech are simile and metaphor.

3.1Similes use“like”or“as”

1.For a diligent student,failing to pass the final exam is like a sudden death.

2.A person who gains knowledge but fails to put it into practice is like someone who ploughs a field but does not sow it.

Explain the similes

1.Words are like bees:they have both honey and a sting.

Words may both hurt and please people.

3.2Metaphors imply a comparison without using“like”or“as”

1.Karen was a Fourth of July firecracker,exploding out of the house after doing her chores.

2.A child’s mind is a bank—whatever you put in,you get back in ten years with interest.

Explain the metaphors

1.Family life in my parents’home was based upon a cosmic order:Papa was the sun; Mamma,the moon;we kids,minor satellites.

In my family,Papa was the most important;Mama,the second most important,and we kids the least important.

2.Dress is language.

Our dress tells other people much about our personality.

Figurative headlines in the sports section of local papers

Raiders Pillage Jets

Tigers Claw Bears

Lakers Drown Trojans

Cowboys Whip Tigers

Jets Blast Dolphins

Thunder Wither Mayflower

Part4Using Appropriate Words


Good writers help their readers follow the meaning by balancing general words—those that refer to groups or classes of things—with specific words—those that refer to individual things.

Specific words are often concrete words;they name things we can see,hear,touch, taste,or smell.

For example:




4.2Make the abstract specific!

Happiness is a cancelled8:00class on a cold,rainy morning.

Panic is realizing that next Wednesday’s test is this Wednesday.

4.3Principles of word preference

https://www.360docs.net/doc/158260430.html,e a vivid verb

1.The boy walked into the classroom.

The boy staggered into the classroom.

2.I don’t care for noodles and choose not to eat them.

I hate noodles and refuse to eat them.

4.3.2.To communicate,not to impress

John displayed an element of delight over the acquisition of a stereo system of unquestionable quality.

Revised:John was thrilled to buy a high-quality stereo system.

4.3.3.To show,not to tell

Matthew put up a good fight against the bully.

Revised:Matthew blooded the bully’s face and knocked him down twice before getting knocked out.

4.4Common wording problems

4.4.1Using the wrong word

1.I have been very alone(lonely)today.

2.There is an alive(live)snake on the road.

4.4.2Failure to choose the best word

1.I did(made)a mistake during the exam.

4.4.3Using the wrong form

1.He was sending(sent)to school when he was six.

2.Mrs.Jones helps me how to revise a sentence.

Mrs.Jones helps me to revise a sentence.

4.4.4Using words that do not go together

Accuse with(of)

Accustom with(to)

Adhere in(to)

Angry at a person(with)

Apologize about(for)

Bored of(with)

Comply to(with)


1.The reason why we honor Lincoln in these various ways is because he saved the Union.

We honor Lincoln because he saved the Union.

2.There are four strangers pounding on the door.

Four strangers are pounding on the door.


1.The following sentences are not consistent in style.Improve them.

1)Please let me express my gratitude for having been a guest at your house last Saturday

night.I had bags of fun that evening.

2)Ladies and gentlemen,it’s awfully nice to see you here.

3)Do you take this chap to be your lawfully wedded husband?

4)He was in deep sorrow because his father had kicked the bucket.

5)The old guy is impoverished.

2.Change the colloquial expressions into more formal ones.

1)The police are looking into the matter.

2)She had realized her own difficult things.

3)We must use the available natural resources.

4)Guys in the South of Chinese speak in a different way from people in the North.

5)We want to report them to the police.

6)The police asked me if I have a gun.

7)Tom’s unhappy married life ended in divorce.

8)They have found many spelling errors.

9)The buying power of the dollar has declined.

10)She’s never on time for appointments.

3.Write the letter of the word pair with the same relationship as the word pair in capital letters.


A)drought:famine B)plumber:wrench C)baker:bread D)oak:tree


A)zinc:tin B)court:lawyer C)shellfish:oyster D)ruler:measure


A)snow:precipitation B)rodent:squirrel C)fish:bowl D)cup:saucer


A)genius:math B)strategy:coach C)architect:drawing D)historian:past


A)talk:discussion B)run:marathon C)meeting:decide D)game:compete


A)debt:payment B)farmer:land C)shoe:sole D)cloth:flag


A)calculator:accountant B)bow:archery

C)fencing:sword D)uniform:soldier


A)deer:buffalo B)plumber:wrench C)automobile:sedan D)oak:tree


A)real:genuine B)sword:shield C)wood:desk D)team:victory


A)salesman:cashier B)preacher:church

C)ship:sailor D)composer:symphony

4.Pick the word choice whose connotation is more appropriate.

1)The snow(buried,blanketed)the mountains,inviting more tourists.

2)So neat were the dinner guests that only a few(foul,unclean)napkins were left.

3)As soon as danger threatened,the sentry(abandoned,left)his post.

4)Our freshmen English teacher would(flatter,praise)us only when we had clearly made


5)The defendant was judged not responsible for the crime since he was temporarily(insane,


https://www.360docs.net/doc/158260430.html,e more specific and concrete words for the italicized

1)I think Professor Smith is a bad teacher.

2)Our college provided the students with some fine programs.

3)It was a cold morning.

4)I like my English teacher because she has a nice character.

5)After a day’s hard work,I walked towards my apartment.

6.Give out the specific words.




Key to exercises in Chapter2

1.The following sentences are not consistent in style.Improve them.

1)had bags of fun that evening→enjoyed the evening enormously2)awfully→so

4)kick the bucket→died5)guy→man



2.Change the colloquial expressions into more formal ones.

1)look into→investigate2)thing→situation3)use→utilize

4)guys→people5)want→intend6)have→possess7)end→terminate 8)many→numerous9)buy→purchase10)on time→


3.Write the letter of the word pair with the same relationship as the word pair in capital letters.


4.Pick the word choice whose connotation is more appropriate



7个措辞技巧瞬间提升你的英语档次 是不是你说的话常常会引起误会呢?你是否不能获得请求的回复呢?如果这样的话,可能别人认为你的英语不够礼貌客气。通过以下的指导避免让人感觉不礼貌的情况出现! Can you pass me...? vs Give me... 人们不喜欢别人支配他们去做事情,因此有时想直接得到你想要的可不是那么简单。换掉那些听起来是命令的语句,例如"Give me the newspaper",而使用"Can you pass me the newspaper?" Could you give me five minutes? vs Go away. 你工作非常的忙,但是你的同事却请你帮忙。。。当你工作非常紧张而不能做其他的事情的时候,只说"Go away"肯定是不合适的。取而代之,使用以下的短语就能让每个人都觉得愉快了"Could you give me five minutes?" Excuse me. vs Move. 让别人"Move out of the way"听起来特别的粗鲁而且这样说很可能会得到别人拒绝。下一次有人挡了你的路,你可以说"Excuse me"这样就能避免不愉快的情况出现而得到你期待的结果! I'm afraid I can't. vs No. 有时侯要拒绝一个朋友的邀请非常的困难。只说"No"听起来很不礼貌。下一次你要表示拒绝却不冒犯别人的话就可以说,"I'm afraid I can't." I would like... vs I want... 用下面的词表示请求常常被认为很不礼貌,"I want"。取代,"I want a cup of coffee",试着向服务生说,"I’d like a cup of coffee, please"。你就能得到你想要的咖啡同时别人的一个微笑了! Would you mind...? vs Stop it! 如果有人做你不喜欢的事,而且可能还很不礼貌?你该怎样阻止他们呢?要想得到理想中的结果,不用大声叫嚣"Stop talking on your phone in the cinema!",只要客气对他们说,"Would you mind not using your phone in the cinema, please?" Can you hold, please? vs Wait. 在电话中是否选择适当礼貌用语可以使对话更有效或中止对话。如果有人打电话来找人,不


浅谈英汉翻译中的选词技巧 摘要:选词正确与否直接决定着翻译作品的好坏。选词,即选取意义择取单词,既关系到原文理解中词义的辨识和确定,也包括翻译表达中的词语的选择。相对而言,原文词语的理解更为重要。 关键词:翻译技巧;选词; 翻译技巧,即翻译方法,能使具有概括性、指导性、基础性的翻译原理具体化、条理化、实施化,利用各种翻译转换法准确、完整传达话语信息。它着重解决的是具体翻译转换上技术、技艺、艺术上的问题。翻译理论专着或教材中对技巧的处理一般按两 条线索分别或结合进行归纳:一是按原语的词类、句型等语法范畴及惯用法系列等,梳理翻译表达的技巧、方法;另一是按对原文信息、形式进行翻译表达的方法,而在分合、增减、反正、顺逆、去留存变、直译形神等辨证关系上,对翻译手法进行分类。翻译是科学又是艺术,对于技巧,理论着作、教材不

能囊括翻译实践中的所有情况,具体问题还须具体分析,翻译者不但要灵活运用已有的技巧,而且要善于创造新的技巧,以使译文 传意达旨,形神兼备。 选词,即选义择词,贯穿于整个翻译的 实际操作过程之中。这里的“词”指表达某一实体或整体性概念的单词、词组和短语。“选义”是由人类语言的一词多义现象决 定的。任何一种发展完备的人类语言,其中的大部分词汇都是一词多义。例如单词charge: 动词含义有两个,在科技英语的环境下是“充电”,而在日常生活中是“索取(费用)”。名词通常是“电流”的含义。该如何措辞则要看具体语境了。此外,英语中有一些名词,同时有两个形容词,比如名词sun,它的形容词可以是sunny,也可以是solar,这里就有个辨义和确定词义的问题。另外,语言使用中还普遍存在着多词一义的现象,即同一意思对应不同的词语。在英语里,一词多义是非常常见的,这与英语的多 源生有关。现代英语中不仅有许多词汇是从古英语演变而来,还有约80%的词汇从外国


谈英汉翻译中的选词技巧 选词,即选义择词,贯穿于整个翻译的实际操作过程之中。这里的“词”指表达某一实体或整体性概念的单词、词组和短语。“选义”是由人类语言的一词多义现象决定的。任何一种发展完备的人类语言,其中的大部分词汇都是一词多义。 例如单词charge动词含义有两个,在科技英语的环境下是“充电”,而在日常生活中是“索取(费用)”。名词通常是指“电流”。该如何措辞则要看具体语境了。此外,英语中有一些名词,同时有两个形容词,比如名词sun,它的形容词可以是sunny,也可以是solar,这里就有个辨义和确定词义的问题。 另外,语言使用中还普遍存在着一义多词的现象,即同一意思对应不同的词语。现代英语中不仅有许多词汇是从古英语演变而来,还有约80%的词汇从外国输入,经过历史变迁,这些词汇并存和融合,使英语一词多义,一义多词的现象特别普遍。因此译者除了具有辨义这项本领外,还要具备“择词”这方面的技巧。 无论是“选义”,还是“择词”,都离不开具体的语境。英国翻译理论家纽马克说,没有词是完全孤立的(No word is an island entire to itself.),词的意义必然受到前后相邻词句的影响。 从词语与语境的关系看,有些词基本不受语境影响(context-free),如意义相对固定单一的专有名词、科技术语、数量词等;有些词则受语境制约(context-bound),如那些含有感情色彩、价值判断且意义极为丰富的普通名词、形容词、动词、副词等。对于这些词语,先利用各种手段确定其意,然后恰当措辞表达。下面介绍两种确定词义的方法。 一、根据上下文和汉语习惯搭配来确定词义 理解原文是整个翻译过程的第一步。这是最关键、也是最容易出问题的一步。以下我们通过翻译实例来具体讲解在理解原文的前提下如何根据上下文确定词义: A.意群拆分确定词义: “In short”, a leader of the new school contends,“the scientific revolution,as we call it, was largely the improvement and invention and use of a series of instruments that expanded the reach of science in innumerable direc tions.” 本句可以分四个意群来确定词义: 第一个意群:in short 简言之 school 学派 contend 坚持认为,争辩,讨论 第二个意群:the scientific revolution 科学革命(不可译为“科技革命”)as we call it 所谓的


措辞的七个方法技能 一、三思而后言 这句话的意思主如果当你要表达看法之前,都必须先肯定,对方已经预备好,愿意听你措辞了。不然你只会浪辛苦气,对牛操琴,白白错过了让别人接收你看法的大年夜好 于交谈的机会却不是难事。比如说:在公共场合,或有其它同伙、同事在场时,应避免谈论涉及隐私或一些敏感的话题。还有当对方认为烦躁时,也尽量避免持续谈论下去。 二、挑对措辞的机会 四、懂得别人的感到 举例来说,你是否有同伙很难缠,老是让你气的半逝世?有些人就是爱抱怨、生性消极、拖拖沓拉、又老爱编一大年夜堆饰辞。如不亚妹同伙这些行动已经威逼碘晾髑之间的友情,你就有权开口提示他。此时最重要的是,你必须指明本身憎恶他哪些行动,而不是一味的想改变他的个性。一小我要改变某些特定、确切的行动,要比改变个性轻易多了。 三、聆听他人的回馈 五、对事纰谬人

一小我要和别人交谈,不仅本身要懂得若何去说,也要懂得若何去聆听。缺乏聆听的技能,往往会导致草率的批驳。一小我会随便率性的批驳或发出不智的谈吐往往是因为他不管别人要说什么,只想主控全部对谈的排场。如不雅你细心聆听别人对你看法的回馈或反竽暌功,就能肯定对方有没有在听你措辞,得知对方是否以懂得你的不雅点或感到。而你也可以看出对方所关怀、愿意评论辩论的重点在哪里。 如不雅能先试着懂得对方的感到,我们也就能比较奇妙的说出一些难以开口的话。比方说,如不雅你的父母亲很担心你的投资计画不敷周全,你就不要对他们说:”你们为什么不克不及尽管本身的工作,老是把我当成三岁小孩-那是我的钱,我爱怎么竽暌姑就怎么竽暌姑!”。这种充斥稚气的典范防卫性反竽暌功无法增长父母亲对你的信念。你应当想想父母嗣魅这话时心中的感到。也许他们只是想阻拦你莽撞的投资,以免你重蹈他们的覆辙。而也有可能是你父亲对本身往后的财务状况认为忧虑,却竽暌怪不知道若何告诉你。所以当面对别人的批驳或某些让你不悦的行动,你只要能找出背后真正的原因或需求,就可以或许用别的一种说词去化解一场冲突。 在我们和人沟通的过程中,往往会因为一句话而引起他人的不悦,所以要避免说错话才行。而最好的办法,就是根本不去说那句话。为了避免发出欠妥的批驳,在你说任何


【翻译技巧】英汉翻译中的选词技巧 选词,即选义择词,贯穿于整个翻译的实际操作过程之中。这里的“词”指表达某一实体或整体性概念的单词、词组和短语。“选义”是由人类语言的一词多义现象决定的。任何一种发展完备的人类语言,其中的大部分词汇都是一词多义。 例如单词charge动词含义有两个,在科技英语的环境下是“充电”,而在日常生活中是“索取(费用)”。名词通常是指“电流”。该如何措辞则要看具体语境了。此外,英语中有一些名词,同时有两个形容词,比如名词sun,它的形容词可以是sunny,也可以是solar,这里就有个辨义和确定词义的问题。 另外,语言使用中还普遍存在着一义多词的现象,即同一意思对应不同的词语。现代英语中不仅有许多词汇是从古英语演变而来,还有约80%的词汇从外国输入,经过历史变迁,这些词汇并存和融合,使英语一词多义,一义多词的现象特别普遍。因此译者除了具有辨义这项本领外,还要具备“择词”这方面的技巧。 无论是“选义”,还是“择词”,都离不开具体的语境。英国翻译理论家纽马克说,没有词是完全孤立的(No word is an island entire to itself.),词的意义必然受到前后相邻词句的影响。 从词语与语境的关系看,有些词基本不受语境影响(context-free),如意义相对固定单一的专有名词、科技术语、数量词等;有些词则受语境制约(context-bound),如那些含有感情色彩、价值判断且意义极为丰富的普通名词、形容词、动词、副词等。对于这些词语,先利用各种手段确定其意,然后恰当措辞表达。下面介绍两种确定词义的方法。 一、根据上下文和汉语习惯搭配来确定词义 理解原文是整个翻译过程的第一步。这是最关键、也是最容易出问题的一步。以下我们通过翻译实例来具体讲解在理解原文的前提下如何根据上下文确定词义: A.意群拆分确定词义: “In short”, a leader of the new school contends,“the scientific revolution,as we call it, was largely the improvement and invention and use of a series of instruments that expanded the reach of science in innumerabl e directions.” 本句可以分四个意群来确定词义: 第一个意群:in short 简言之 school 学派 contend 坚持认为,争辩,讨论 第二个意群:the scientific revolution 科学革命(不可译为“科技革命”)as we


Lecture 2 Basic Concepts in Translatology 翻译学基本用语: 源语/译出语source language(SL), original language 译语/译入语target language(TL), receptor language, receiving language 原作者SL author, original author 译者(笔译者)translator 译者(口译者)interpreter 读者/接受者reader, receptor, audience 文本text 原文/原著source text (ST), SL text, original text, original version/original work 译文target text, translation, target version, rendering, rendition 译本/译著translated text/translational work 源语读者source-language reader/SL reader 源语文化source-language culture/source culture 译语读者target-language reader/TL reader/receiving audience 译语文化target-language culture/target culture/receiving

culture 语境context 笔译written translation 口译oral interpretation/oral translation/interpreting 同声传译simultaneous interpreting 交替口译consecutive interpreting 翻译原则translation principle 标准translation criterion (复数形式为criteria) 翻译过程translation process 翻译程序/步骤translation procedures 反应/读者反应response/reader’s response 对应(部分对应/完全对应)(partial /full )correspondence 等值/对等equivalence 对等物(词语)equivalent 形式对等formal equivalence 功能对等functional equivalence 动态对等dynamic equivalence 等效equivalent effect 充分性adequacy 可接受性acceptability(acceptable, unacceptable, unacceptability) 可读性readability(readable)


商务信函的措辞 接下来为大家整理了商务信函的措辞,希望对你有帮助哦!良好的第一影响试着用“salutation制造一个好印象。 作为一封信的开始,你还要确定收信人的名字和称呼是正确的。 例如Dear Ms. Jones.使用Dear Sir or Madam如果你不知道他们的姓名的话。 表明你的目的你应该在信的第一段阐明写信的原由,例如:As per our phone conversation, I am writing to provide the information you requested.写信的原因写商务信件的原因有很多种,例如inquiry询问信息,request求某人做某事,apology 道歉,complaint投诉一个问题。 这就决定了信件的形式和语气。 申请信如果您在写一封请求信,你就可以写Could you possibly…… 或是I would be grateful if you could……转达坏消息如果你是写一些坏消息或是道歉,那你就应该写的礼貌而得体,并说明问题的原因。 例如:Unfortunately we are not hiring any new staff at the moment. 或是I am afraid that we will be unable to meet your order on time due to the problems with our supplier.信件收尾在最后一段中,你可以把一些closing remarks 写进去,就像Please contact us if you have any further questions.如果你的信中还包括了文件等等,你可以在信尾处写上Please find enclosed…… 或是I am enclosing……提到今后的联系时间信尾处你还应该提到今后联系的时间,例如:I look forward to seeing you


Lecture 2 Diction I. Definition: By “diction”, it means choice of words in translation on the basis of accurate comprehension of the original. Diction is the choice and the use of words 死: lose one’s life; pass away; end one’s day; kick the bucket; go west; go to sleep; to be no more; close one’s eyes; abandon the world; leave this world; cousin: 堂兄/堂弟/堂姐/堂妹/表哥/表弟/表姐/表妹 I: 我,咱,俺,吾,孤,朕,鄙,愚,咱家,酒家,本人,个人,人家,鄙人,小人,在下,晚生,老子,老朽,老夫,老汉,老娘,愚兄,为兄,小弟,兄弟,奴家,妾身,贱妾,孤王,孤家,寡人,卑职,下官,奴婢,奴才,贫道,小道,贫僧,等 II. Three criteria of diction 1.Preciseness 准确 “Do not write so that your words may be understood, but write so that your words must be understood.” ------Mark Twain 2.Explicitness 鲜明(avoid vagueness or ambiguity) 3.Vividness 生动(graceful or elegant) 甲:这一点小意思,请务必收下。甲:This is a little gift as a token of my appreciation. Please take it. 乙:你这人真是有意思,怎么也来这一套?乙: Oh, aren’t you a bit too polite? You shouldn’t do that. 甲:哎,只是意思意思。甲:Well, it just conveys my gratitude. 乙:啊,真是不好意思。乙:Ah, thank you then, though I really don’t deserve it. III. How to make a good diction? “Each word, when used in a new context, is a new word.” (Firth) 1. Judging from the context 1. a good novel 2. good manners 3. a good boy 4. a good Catholic 5. good eggs 6. a good family 7. a good contract 8. a good reason 9. a good doctor 10. good English 11. good soil 12. a good friend 13. good sailor 14. good nature 1. 高山大川 2. 这主意真高! 3. 她是个高不可攀的千金小姐。 4. 高等教育 5. 高度责任感 6. 高跟鞋 7. 高官 8. 您今年高龄? 9. 高人 10. 高瞻远瞩 11. 高寿 12. 高速公路 2. Judging from the collocation 1. to cut wheat 2. to cut cake 3. to cut finger-nails 4. to cut the grass 5. to cut costs 6. to cut electricity 7. to cut in line 8. to cut across the parking lot 1.老百姓 2.老把戏 3.老伯伯 4.老大哥 5.老掉牙 6.老儿子 7.老丈人 8.老天爷 3. Judging from the parts of speech 1. He was right in his answer. 2. You don’t hold your chopsticks right. 3. Right, open your mouth, let’s have a look. 4. The Music Hall is going to close down right after Easter. 5. You have not much right to say that. 6. The mistake is being righted.

专四写作 措辞与语句 Diction and sentence

Diction Choice of words Diction ?I Choosing words ?II. Words to Avoid ?III. Overcoming Chinglish ?Proper words in proper places make a true definition of style. Jonathan Swift ?Use the right word, not the second cousin. The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightening and the lightning bug. Mark Twain : ?语不惊人死不休Du Fu ?Words should be only the clothes, carefully custom-made to fit the thought. Jules Renard ?We should endeavor to use words that correspond as closely as possible with what we feel, see, think, imagine, experience and reason. Goethe I Choosing words Choosing the appropriate and exact words ?A. Levels of words ?B. Meanings of words ?C. General and specific words I Choosing words ?A. Levels of words a. from a stylistic point of view: formal/learned, common and colloquial (slang words, dialectal words and certain words that are often used by uneducated speakers) b. standard and nonstandard (or substandard words) ?B. Meanings of words a. denotation/literal meaning本义 the direct, explicit meaning or reference of a word or a term (Webster’s New Word Dictionary) b. connotation/associative meaning转义 Idea or notion suggested by or associated with a word, phrase, etc. in addition to its explicit meaning, or denotation I Choosing words Compare: ?Tom is ambitious/ tough-minded/ foresighted/ firm/ self-respecting/ persistent. ?Tom is pushy/ ruthless/ calculating/stubborn/egotistical/ nagging. ?country, nation, state, land ?ask, question, interrogate ?time, age, epoch ?large, big ?thrifty, frugal, stingy ?modest, humble ?slender, slim, emaciated These words can be called synonyms but may be different in stylistic level, in the degree of


说话时的措辞与态度 说话时的措辞与态度也很重要,我们经常会发现,在与人交谈时,一个语气的改变,或者目光的转移都会引来对方的态度的变化,这种影响甚至超过谈话内容的变化。加州大学洛杉矶分校的阿尔伯特·梅拉宾的研究表明,沟通的55%是通过肢体语言进行的,38%是用声音完成的,只有7%是用语言表达。所以,有效的沟通必然包括强大的肢体语言。 比如别人看你先是一副受重压困扰的样子,紧接着又做出一连串努力保持平静的动作,那么别人一定可以知道你正在某种难以扭转的劣势中挣扎。这就是非语言的沟通所带给他人的直观感受。我们来看琳达讲的故事: “我以前工作的商店里发生过一宗未遂的抢劫案。当时,我注意到了站在柜台收银机旁边的那个男人,他的一个动作引起了我的注意,因为他似乎不必站在那个位置上,他并没有排队,也没有买任何商品,而是一直站在那里,两眼盯住收银机。” “如果只是待在原地并保持沉默,我可能就不会那么关注他了。但是,正当我观察他时,他的行为发生了变化,特别是他的鼻孔扩大了(鼻翼膨胀),这表明他在深吸氧气并准备好要采取行动了。我几乎是在他行动前的一秒钟猜出了他的意图,就在这一秒钟,我大声向收银员发出警告:‘小心!’那一刻发生了三件事:这名职员刚好完成一次结账,收银机的抽屉刚好打开;站在收银机旁的这个人迅速向前一步并将手伸进抽屉里去抢钱;收到警告的收银员及时地抓住了抢劫者的胳膊并将其反拧过来。结果,钱从这位企图抢劫的劫犯手中掉了出来,抢劫

的人也跑出了商店。如果不是我事先察觉到了线索,我敢保证这名劫犯应该是已经得手了。再透露一点,这名收银员就是我的父亲,他XXXX年在迈阿密开了这 家小小的五金店,而我当时只是利用暑期时间在他店里打工。” 琳达注意到了抢劫犯的微小的变化,而正是这个小小的变化将劫犯暴露无遗。可见一个小表情的重要。专家的研究表明,扩张鼻孔可以使肺部吸入更多的氧气,从而为战斗或逃跑做好准备,而在灵长类动物的世界中,这一动作意在告诫其他在场者,要想化解即将降临的威胁,充足的后备支持是必需的。对人类而言,这一动作通常是由于愤怒而引起的。当一个人感觉到自己的身体或心理受到了威胁,或是认为某事不正确时,也会流露出这种表情。 当你看见一位站在演讲台后的政治家一边信心十足地向观众们说,他有多么尊重年轻人的意见,并承诺一定会虚心接受他们的建议;一边却又将自己的双臂环抱于胸前(以示防御),并且下巴微沉(批判、充满敌意的象征),那么,你还会相信他的说辞吗?假如他试图用热情且充满关切之情的口吻来打动你,并且还不时地用手敲打演讲台以吸引你的注意,那么,你是否会真地被他的言行所征服呢? 弗洛伊德曾经遇到过一个案例。案例中,病人告诉他,她的婚姻生活十分幸福。在谈话中,这位病人不断地将她的结婚戒指取下,然后又戴上。弗洛伊德注意到了她的这一无意识的小动作,他很清楚这意味着什么。所以,当有消息传来说她的婚姻出现问题时,弗洛伊德丝毫并不感到惊讶,因为一切都在他的意料之中。


谈英汉翻译中的选词技巧 (红宝书编辑) 选词,即选义择词,贯穿于整个翻译的实际操作过程之中。这里的“词”指表达某一实体或整体性概念的单词、词组和短语。“选义”是由人类语言的一词多义现象决定的。任何一种发展完备的人类语言,其中的大部分词汇都是一词多义。 例如单词charge动词含义有两个,在科技英语的环境下是“充电”,而在日常生活中是“索取(费用)”。名词通常是指“电流”。该如何措辞则要看具体语境了。此外,英语中有一些名词,同时有两个形容词,比如名词sun,它的形容词可以是sunny,也可以是solar,这里就有个辨义和确定词义的问题。 另外,语言使用中还普遍存在着一义多词的现象,即同一意思对应不同的词语。现代英语中不仅有许多词汇是从古英语演变而来,还有约80%的词汇从外国输入,经过历史变迁,这些词汇并存和融合,使英语一词多义,一义多词的现象特别普遍。因此译者除了具有辨义这项本领外,还要具备“择词”这方面的技巧。 无论是“选义”,还是“择词”,都离不开具体的语境。英国翻译理论家纽马克说,没有词是完全孤立的(No word is an island entire to itself.),词的意义必然受到前后相邻词句的影响。 从词语与语境的关系看,有些词基本不受语境影响(context-free),如意义相对固定单一的专有名词、科技术语、数量词等;有些词则受语境制约(context-bound),如那些含有感情色彩、价值判断且意义极为丰富的普通名词、形容词、动词、副词等。对于这些词语,先利用各种手段确定其意,然后恰当措辞表达。下面介绍两种确定词义的方法。

一.根据上下文和汉语习惯搭配来确定词义 理解原文是整个翻译过程的第一步。这是最关键、也是最容易出问题的一步。以下我们通过翻译实例来具体讲解在理解原文的前提下如何根据上下文确定词义: A.意群拆分确定词义: “In short”, a leader of the new school contends, “the scientific revolution, as we call it, was largely the improvement and invention and use of a series of instruments that expanded the reach of science in innumerable directions.” 本句可以分四个意群来确定词义: 第一个意群:in short 简言之 school 学派 contend 坚持认为,争辩,讨论 第二个意群:the scientific revolution 科学革命(不可译为“科技革命”)as we call it 所谓的 第三个意群:largely 在很大程度上 a series of 一系列 instruments 器具、仪器 第四个意群:expand 拓展 reach 影响范围 innumerable 无数的、数不清的 direction 方面 Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassionate manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena. 本句可以分三个意群来确定词义。 第一个意群:social science 社会科学 branch 分支 intellectual enquiry 知识探索 第二个意群:seek 力图 reasoned 理性的 dispassionate 冷静的,客观的 in…manner 以…方式 第三个意群:natural scientist自然科学家


The current definition(1) 1. Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalence of the source language, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. ---------Nida 2. Catford defines translation as “th e replacement of texual material in one language (SL) by equivalent texual matererial in another language (TL)” (1965:21) 3. A good translation is one which has the merit of the original work is so completely transfused into another language as to be as distinctly apprehended and as strongly felt by a native of the country to which that language belongs as it is by those who speak the language of the original work.---------Tytler The current definition(2) ?The replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL) ----------------Prof. Huang Long Translatology ?翻译是把一种语言所承载的文化信息转换成另一种另一种语言的文化信息,它包括语内翻译、语际翻译和符际翻译。(曹明伦)?翻译是把一种语言表达的意义用另一种语言表达出来,以达到沟通思想情感、传播文化知识、促进社会文明,特别是推动译 语文化兴旺昌盛的目的。(孙致礼) In summary --Translation is the information transferring between two languages and the cultural communication between two language families. --Translation is a rendering from one language into another. Translation is an art, a bilingual art, a craft, a skill, an operation and communication. --Translation is a representation or recreation in one language of what is written or said in another language. Classification of Translation a) In terms of languages ? 1. Translation from native languages into foreign languages ? 2. Translation from foreign languages into native languages


Diction ●the proper choice of words and phrases in the process of translation to fit their context ●Methods of Discriminating the Original Meaning of an English Word 1.According to word-formation: compounding, derivation, blending, acronym formation, clipping ?compounding(合成法): generation gap, summer time (夏令时), test-tube baby (试管婴儿), brain-drain (人才外流), picturephone (可视电话), soft-landing economy(软着陆经济)credit card (信用卡), pocket money(零用钱), greenhouse effect (温室效应) ?derivation(派生法): non - friend (假朋友), antifreeze (抗冻剂), preschooler (学龄前儿童) , ?blending (拼缀法): comsat ( communication + satellite,通讯卫星) , lunarnaut ( lunar + astronaut,登月宇宙航行员) , Chinglish (Chinese + English,汉式英语) ?acronym formation(首字母缩略法):PC ( personal computer, 个人电脑) , CALL ( computer - aided language learning, 计算机辅助语言学习) , CIA ( the Central Intelligence Agency,中央 情报局) ?clipping(截缩法): ad ( advertisement) , homo ( homosexuality) ,memo (memorandum) , bus ( omnibus) , flu ( influenza) 2.According to the references (1)third-person pronouns He sent John to the university and was eager to have him distinguish himself. (2)demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative adverbs Health is above wealth, for this cannot give so much happiness as that. (3)references of comparison I hate blue shirts; white shirts suit me but gray is the most preferable. 3.According to the context and collocation ?No context, no translation. e.g. I’ll finish the book next week. Tension is building up. ?Each word, when used in a new context, is a new word. As luck would have it, no one was in the building when the explosion occurred. As luck would have it, there was rain on the day of the picnic. The war is becoming the most important story of this generation. It is quite another story now. Some reporters who were not included in the session broke the story. What a story! I don’t believe a word of it. The story about him became smaller and by and by faded out from American TV. 在这种情况下under such circumstances / such being the case 这种情况必须改变。This state of affairs must change. 现在情况不同了。Now things are different. 他们的情况怎么样?How do matters stand with them? 前线有什么情况?How is the situation at the front? 我们可能去那儿,那得看情况而定。We may go there, but that depends. 4.According to different branches of learning and specialties base: 词根(lexicology)本金(business)底涂(painting)基线(survey)根据地(military science)底座(machinery)底边(maths)


Diction(措词):Diction, the choice of words and phrases to express meaning, must be based on the accurate comprehension of the original. The meaning of a word is its use in the language, not only its definitions in the dictionary. A dictionary does not require or forbid a particular sense of a word but records the uses that have been found for it. Now and then a word is in the process of acquiring a new sense or somewhat altering its usual one. The dictionary definition is for the most part a record of the denotation of a word and often cannot give its connotation (Perrin 1965: 366). Lexicographers or dictionary compilers agree that in many cases two corresponding words of different languages do not always convey exactly the same idea. Words do not have meanings; people have meanings for words (词本无义,义随人生). Each word when used in a new context is a new word. Beginners often rigidly adhere to the verbal consistency (字面上的对应) of words in two languages, while neglecting their contextual consistency (上下文中的一致). Care should therefore be taken in translating to determine from the context the exact shade of meaning of a word or an expression in the source text and the choice of an appropriate one to express the meaning in the target version. A word in different collocations or context. Example: Like charges repel; unlike charges attract. 相同的电荷相斥,不同的电荷相吸。He likes mathematics more than English. 他喜欢数学胜于喜欢英语。Like knows like.英雄识英雄。The two pictures are very like. Like attracts like. 物以类聚。(n. 同类人/物)Like cures like.以毒攻毒。Like for like.以牙还牙。( diction/ choice of words) He likes English and maths. (vt. 喜欢) Do as you like. (vi. 愿意) Like charges repel; unlike charges attract. (adj. 相同的) Very like, he will come tomorrow.(adv. 可能) He looks like an American. (prep .像,如,跟---一样.) I hope I can speak Putonghua like you do.(conj. 如同) 3.Choice of Contextual Meanings :The meaning and/or the word class of a polyseme(一词多义)can only be decided in certain context. 4.Choice of Collocative Meanings Build (v.) ◎build a house盖房子build a bridge架桥build a ship造船build a dam筑坝 build a fire生火build a stamp collection集邮build a car制造汽车 ◎build an answer思索作答build one's confidence树立信心build the drama of a story构思故事的戏剧性情节build scholars of tomorrow培养未来的学者Reading builds the mind.阅读能发展智能。 5.Choice of Stylistic Meanings:书面语VS口语古语词/旧词VS现代词/新词....... 6.Choice of Affective Meanings:Three basic types of affective meanings: commendatory, neutral and derogatory A. The word itself has commendatory sense or derogatory sense. For instance: He was a man of high renown. 他是位有名望的人。 B. The word itself is neutral but show commendatory or derogatory sense in certain context. For example: Those who do not remember the past are condemned to relive it. 凡是忘掉过去的人注定要重蹈覆辙。
