



Integrated Writing

Glass is a favored building material for modern architecture, yet it is also very dangerous for wild birds. Because they often cannot distinguish between glass and open air, millions of birds are harmed every year when they try to fly through glass windows. There are, however, several solutions that responsible businesses can use to prevent injuries to birds.

One-Way Glass

One solution is to replace the regular, clear glass with one-way glass that is transparent in only one direction. The occupants of the building can see out, but birds and others cannot see in. If birds cannot see through a window, they

will understand that the glass forms a solid barrier and will not try to fly through it.

Colorful Designs

A second solution is to paint colorful lines or other designs on regular window glass. For example, a window could have a design of thin stripes painted over the glass. People would still be able to see through the openings in the design where there is no paint, while birds would see the stripes and thus avoid trying to fly through the glass. Architects can be encouraged to include colorful painted patterns on glass as part of the general design of buildings.

Magnetic Field

The third solution is to create an artificial magnetic field to guide birds away from buildings. Humans use an instrument called a magnetic compass to determine directions—either north, south, east, or west. Bird research has shown that birds have a natural ability to sense Earth’s magnetic fields; this ability works just like a compass, and it helps birds navigate in the right direction when they fly.

A building in a bird flight path can be equipped with powerful electromagnets that emit magnetic signals that steer birds in a direction away from the building.


You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and their relationship to the reading passage. Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.

TPO42综合写作Essay Topic

Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they cast doubt on the specific solutions proposed in the reading passage.

You must finish your answer in 20 minutes


托福写作综合写作简介 托福写作是托福考试的最后一项,包含两个任务,分别是托福综合写作和独立写作。综合写作和以往英语写作的考查形式不同并不是单纯的考查写作能力。因此,很多考生在这部分会丢失一些分数。此外,还有一些考生对托福综合写作不太了解,因此,很多考生会在备考过程中存在一些疑问点。接下来,澳洲圣约翰小编就和大家分享托福综合写作简介,包括托福写作的内容介绍和解题技巧。 综合写作俗称小作文,主要考察大家综合信息的能力。如果大家的听力好,那么这个部分对大家来说可能问题不大。这时,大家可能会纳闷:为什么写作要求听力好呢?因为小作文的考试步骤是这样的:首先,进入小作文考试界面后,大家会在屏幕的左边看到一篇阅读文章。ETS给大家三分钟的时间来阅读一篇字数在200到300词之间的文章,提炼文章的主旨和分论点。三分钟过去后,大家需要戴上耳机,听一段时长2到3分钟的听力。听力听完后,就开始真正的写作了。托福写作要求是要大家综合阅读和听力里的内容,提炼最主要信息,通常情况下,是要求大家写听力内容如何反驳了阅读内容。(青岛托福) 这时,很多人可能会觉得小作文很难,这么长的阅读只看了一遍,听力听了一遍,怎么记得住主要内容呢?不用担心,我们说ETS出的考试还是很人性化的,在托福写作的过程中,阅读文章又会重新出现在屏幕的左边。所以,阅读材料是作为一种参考材料出现的。它考察的是大家综合整理信息的能力,考的是大家在国外能否适应那里的校园学习。有的学生可能又有疑问了,既然阅读会一直在屏幕上,第一遍阅读出现的时候为什么还要看呢?这个就要说到阅读和听力的关系了。托福考试的小作文,阅读内容和听力内容必然相反。而且文章和听力的结构非常清晰,一般包含五个段落,开头段一段,中间段三段,结尾段一段。也就是说它们都有一个总的观点和三个分论点。总观点必定相反,分论点则针锋相对。听力会运用一些例子或者理由或者科学的调查结果来反驳阅读中的内容。所以,在阅读第一次出现的时候,把握了它的内容可以提示我们听力的内容。 了解了小作文的考试流程后,我们来看看它的解题技巧。在短时间内,我们的记忆有限,所以我们需要记笔记。在阅读的时候,我们需要记下文章的主旨和分论点。听力则需要我们记住教授是如何反驳文章的分论点的,运用了哪些例子和理由。这些例子和理由至关重要,因为它们组成了后来托福写作的核心内容。(青岛托福培训) 笔记记好后,如何去组织作文的内容呢?其实非常简单。小作文的写作模式很清晰:五个段落一一第一段开头段写明听力内容反驳了阅读内容;随后用三个中间段分别论述听力材料运用了什么例子和理由驳斥阅读内容;最后一段结尾总结性的在强调一次听力内容质疑了阅读材料。这里需要注意到的是,如果大家时间不够,最后的结尾段落可以不写,因为它的内容和开头段可以说是差不多的。 结构看完后,有什么需要特别注意的呢?我们发现,中间段的三个段落以及开头段都会运用到表示反驳这一类的词汇,所以大家需要积累很多关于驳斥,质疑的词,例如:retort,cast doubt on等等。同时,句子的多样性也是我们拿到高分的一个重要评分标准。特别是中间三段的结构特别类似,在表达听力反驳阅读的时候,要运用三种不同的句式。可以用主动句,被动句,也可以用到动词的ing形式表伴随。具体的运用根据学生自己的知识掌握情况来决定。注意到以上几个部分,然后经过高强度的训练,小作文取得高分并不是问题。(青岛圣约翰)


托福独立写作新题库—188题库 一、教育类 1.Teachers are appreciated and valued nowadays not as much as they were before.(Students nowadays do not respect teachers as much as they did in the past.)难度4考频4 2.University should spend more money supporting social activities rather than improving the food students eat.难度4考频3 3.When you are assigned an important presentation for work or school, you prefer to work on it right away so that you can work on it a little bit every day, or wait until you have a good idea about the presentation?难度5考频3 4.Some students prefer to have their final grades determined by numerous small assignments, whereas others prefer to have their final grades determined by only a few large ones. Which do you prefer and why?4/2 5. In order to attract good students, many universities spend a lot of money in society activities.3/3 6The student should be required to take history courses in the university no matter what their field of study is.5/3 7Students can get as much benefits from participating student organizations or club activities as from their academic studies. 4/3 8Students can use their mobile phones to surf on the Internet or listen to the music while studying.3/4


托福作文185题 【篇一:托福官方作文185题库范文【全】】 目录 toefl.ibt 高分作文思路+范文完美重排版 (3) 本部分填补了目前网络ibt 备考资料的空白。根据李笑来老师提供的作文思 路与《ibt 高分作文》原书范文重排。本部分对ibt 考试的独立写作部分与 口语部分均具有重要的参考作用。 范文中加粗部分均依为原书所有。 附录一 185 题库按关键词分类 (184) 照录原书附录 附录二李笑来作文笔记(独立部分) (185) 根据本人新东方听课详尽笔记整理而成 附录三句法多样性专题 (193) 附录四例证表达法 (199) 时间匆忙,欢迎指出错误,将在后面的版本中修正。 感谢笑来老师给我们提供了如此之好的备考材料,一切版权归笑来老师所有。 仅供广大ibt 考生备考参考,建议购买原版以更好使用。 lost lawyer 2006 年11 月10 日 page 2 of 201 toefl.ibt 高分作文思路+范文完美重排版 1. why people attend college? people attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). why do you think people attend college or university? use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.『分析』


托福综合写作7范文托福作文的综合写作应该写托福作文写作应该分为三个层次,也就是我们确定中心思想后应该找三个理由来支持。托福写作还有一个五段论,第一段为中心思想,二三四为支持段落,第五段总结观点。这个就是所谓的八股文。但是形式不能太明显,在表达中多加入自己的思想,八股文的形式会隐晦一些。一般这种写作可以助你在托福作文中取得高分。 构建综合写作整体,你可以从以下这几个方面入手:第一,将听力及阅读中的核心观点提炼出来,并指明对应的两个观点是支持还是对立;第二,分为几个段落,分别从不同角度总结出两个观点的论据。最后,重申主要论证观点并注意切忌掺加个人观点。听力结束后,考生还会有时间回看阅读文章,所以不用完整记忆阅读文章的论点和论据,记下核心即可。 有问题,可以再问我。 我觉得 ___老师讲的不太对,我自己本身也在 ___培训过,感觉他们讲的方法都是很过时的方法,不太适用于新托福的考试。下面是我自己考了四次托福的感想: 2、其实考试的时候,观点找错的情况似乎不太会发生。。。因为阅读里面都有提示了啊。。。一般不会弄错的,所以不用担心,

重点是细节不要搞错,要挺清楚细节说了那几点,尽量不要落下那个点,细节齐全 3、写得时候模板适当用用,但是表全部都用,那样文章就有点僵硬了,你自己读着通顺就好啊。 4、文章内部用词要有多样性,要适当地用一些高级的词汇,如重要的这个意思,你不要只用important, 这样显得你不认识多少单词,可以用significant, vital, essential, of great importance, core, 这种意思相近的单词或者是意群来表达,这样他们就认为你词汇量大了。 5、写综合写作最能体现你的词汇量和句型的多边性,所以不要直接照抄听力或者是阅读的内容,这样就表现不出你自己了,多看看新概念4里面的表达方法,哪些句型神马的都很好,对考试很有用!!! 6、模板没有对错之分,你自己需要好一个模板,然后自己用自己弄出来的,这样比较好,不过这种东西都差不多,重点还是看个人的表达神马的,还有词汇量什么的。


托福写作题库 来源:王春广的日志 写作题库分类 1.建造问题: 2) It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your ne ighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and de tails to support your answer 你家附近将要建一个大饭店。你同意还是反对,详细阐述支持你看法的原因。 4) It has recently been announced that a new movie theater may be built in you r neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons an d details to support your answer. 你家附近将要建一个电影院。你同意还是反对,详细阐述支持你看法的原因。 5) The government has announced that it plans to build a new university. Some people think that your community would be a good place to locate the university. C ompare the advantages and disadvantages of establishing a new university in your community. Use specific details in your discussion 政府打算建一所新大学,有人认为你家附近是个合适的地方。比较好处与坏处,详细阐述。 6) It has recently been announced that a new high school may be built in your c ommunity. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and det ails in your answer. 可能在你们社区内建一所高中。你同意还是反对,详细阐述原因。 7) Your city has decided to build a statue or monument to honor a famous perso n in your country. Who would you choose? Use reasons and specific examples to s upport your choice 你的城市要建一个名人纪念碑或雕塑。你会选择谁?说出详细原因和具体例子。 8) A university plans to develop a new research center in your country. Some pe ople want a center for business research. Other people want a center for research i n agriculture (farming). Which of these two kinds of research centers do you recom mend for your country? Use specific reasons in your recommendation.


新托福写作考题回顾 朗阁海外考试研究中心丁仡然 考试日期:2015.12.12 Task 1 INTEGRATED 综合写作 讲述的是现在犀牛的数量锐减,频临灭绝,科学家将它们关进笼子里养,但也造成了一些问题。 阅读文章要点:提出三种数量减少的原因 1. 关在笼子里,造成母犀牛不孕; 2. 犀牛经常在硬地(hard surface)上走,造成腿部产生疾病(foot disease); 3. 一些犀牛的大脑开始混乱(brain disorder); 听力逐一提出解决方案: 1. 不孕是因为激素的不平衡,缺少两种激素,只要在食物里补充这两种激素,就可以恢复生育; 2. 有先进的radio graphic image设备,可以照骨骼和组织的照片,早发现早治疗可以增加治愈的概率; 3. 小犀牛会得这种病,是因为生它的母犀牛年龄太大了,老犀牛身体里有toxic chemical elements, 从而导致疾病,只要控制产龄就可以解决了。 Task 2 INDEPENDENT 独立写作 话题类别环保类 考题文字:Some companies provide important products or service, but also damage the environment. Some people believe that government should require more penalties of these companies, such as higher tax or larger fine, while others believe there are better ways to deal with the problem. Which do you prefer? 本次写作考试点评: 本次新托福独立写作有一定的难度,综合写作又是常考的动物学话题。生物学或者动物学话题可以说是整个2015年都在重点考察的话题之一。


TPO40-48全部分托福独立写作文本题目汇总 对于托福考试,相信大家对于TPO托福模考软件都不陌生,现在市面上可以下载到免费的TPO模考软件。虽然TPO模考软件里的题目是不会出现在考试中,但是考生可能通过它了解托福考试的题型以、考试模式及题目的难易度掌握,所以TPO托福模考软件对考生十分的重要。 最近TPO托福模考软件更新了40-48套题,这也是ETS为了考生适应未来考试而放出的题目,所以练习这几套题十分重要。这里小编为大家整理了TPO40-48全部托福独立写作文本题目,希望对大家托福写作备考有帮助,快来看看吧。 TPO40独立写作题目文本 Independent Writing Directions Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. Typically, an effective response will contain a minimum of 300 words. Question: Essay Topic Some parents offer their school-age children money for each high grade (mark) they get in school. Do you think this is a good idea? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. TPO41独立写作题目文本 Independent Writing Directions Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. Typically, an effective response will contain a minimum of 300 words. Question: Essay Topic Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teacher were more appreciated and valued by society in the past than they were nowadays. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


托福写作之浅谈综合写作 托福综合写作是怎样的一种形式呢?今天给大家带来了托福写作之浅谈综合写作,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福写作之浅谈综合写作 根据托福OG有关综合写作的要求,评分标准主要为信息(information)和逻辑(organization)。这两点考察的就是我们对听力要点的把握能力,以及如何用简要的语言概括阅读稿和听力稿中的信息,并且层次清晰,要点明确。有的同学说,我听懂了,我直接写就好;有的说,我看懂了,但听懂了一部分,编下就行。其实不然。阅读稿看懂了,听力听懂了,只是一半。还需要将听力中的有效信息用自己的语言表达出来,并且也不能与阅读稿中的表达完全一致。 在这里我将综合听力需要锻炼的能力列为以下三点: 1. 阅读能力(快、准) 2. 听写和速记能力(不是简单词不记,是记重点名词、动词或短语)

3. 一定的改写能力(这个就是我们对于句型的运用,涉及句子表达准确性、语态、词的适当替换等)。 可能有的同学说听不懂,这里建议,如果练习听力,尽量用托福听力材料进行练习,因为托福听力材料内容信息量大,需要记的东西多,也能通过做题找到自己听力的盲区。如果托福听力能听懂了,托福综合写作的听力也没有问题了。 这里附上两篇学生写的综合写作范文。 TPO26 Inthe listening material, the professor made several points about the invasion ofthe zebra mussels can be stopped. Firstof all, the reading passage states that the human transportation will cause theinvasion of the zabra mussels, while the professor contradicts that people cannotcontrol it in the past because of the lack of the knowledge. On the other hand,the ocean water will be taken by the ship to replace the freshwater, which maykill the mussels. Moreover,the reading passage also mentions that if the mussels are taken to the newplace, they wont have predators, while the professor refutes that they candominate it just for a short


2016年托福写作真题及解析 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,给大家整理了托福真题解析,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 2016年托福阅读真题及解析1 托福阅读第一篇欧洲人口增加 原文回顾:欧洲经济发展相关,工业化和食物的增长促进了人口的增长。高速城市化:人们开始从乡下往城镇转移,因此带来了工作,生活资料等一系列的变化。细节讲到了熟练工和普通人的区别,考了两个题。最后讲到了人口的增加导致人均工资下降的问题。 学习: After a century of virtually no population growth, the countries of Western Europe experienced dramatic population increases between 1750 and 1800. Many countries doubled in size. In some countries, the growth continued through the nineteenth century. The population of Great Britain, for instance, doubled between 1750 and 1800 and then tripled between 1800 and 1900. There were several reasons for the sudden increase. Medical advances and improved hygiene limited the devastation caused by epidemic diseases and


1月23日托福写作考试真题解析 正在备战托福写作的考生们,不知道你们准备的怎么样了呢?为了给正在备考的同学们带来一定的帮助,在今天的文章中,天道小编为各位准备了2016年托福作文真题解析,一起来看!更多托福写作机经,还请继续关注我们的频道! 备考托福的小伙伴们注意了,托福真题是你不可缺少的备考利器。因此,本文天道小编给大家整理了刚刚过去的1月23日托福作文真题。正在备战托福写作的考生们还等什么,赶快收藏 吧!2016年1月23日托福写作机经如下: 综合写作:鼠兔灭绝的原因 阅读: 1. 鼠兔有一种能防御寒冷的外衣,在温度升高的时候会因过热而死亡; 2. 夏天温度太高,难以储存过冬的食物,导致冬天因缺乏食物而饿死; 3. 冬天鼠兔要靠雪层来保温,但是因为全球变暖,雪融化得过快,导致它们暴露在寒冷的环境中。 听力反驳: 1. 每个地方的温度不一样,如果鼠兔生活在阴凉的地区,它们就不会因为温度过高而死亡; 2. 因为温度高,鼠兔吃得不多,可以把食物留下来为冬天做准备; 3. 雪化得快,冬天结束得早;这些动物就可以很快熬过冬天,在春天的时候恢复体力。 独立写作: Some people think that some lessons for young students (age5-8) including video games are effective ways and interesting, other people think this way is distracting and a waste of time. What’s your opinion? 是否新题:是 题材:教育类 观点: Lessons for young students (age5-8) including video games are effective ways and interesting. 写作思路: 1. 含有视频游戏的课程可以活跃课堂气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣;


2019年托福写作:TPO42综合写作阅读题目 TPO42综合写作题目文本 Integrated Writing Glass is a favored building material for modern architecture, yet it is also very dangerous for wild birds. Because they often cannot distinguish between glass and open air, millions of birds are harmed every year when they try to fly through glass windows. There are, however, several solutions that responsible businesses can use to prevent injuries to birds. One-Way Glass One solution is to replace the regular, clear glass with one-way glass that is transparent in only one direction. The occupants of the building can see out, but birds and others cannot see in. If birds cannot see through a window, they will understand that the glass forms a solid barrier and will not try to fly through it. Colorful Designs A second solution is to paint colorful lines or other designs on regular window glass. For example, a window could have a design of thin stripes painted over the glass. People would still be able to see through the openings in the design where there is no paint, while birds would see the stripes and thus avoid trying to fly through the glass. Architects can be encouraged to include colorful painted patterns on glass as part of the general design of buildings.

08-09 托福所有写作真题整理

Friends 080115 It is better to make friends with intelligent people than with people who have a good sense of humor. 081122 Students are more influenced by their teachers than by their friends 081123 Students are more influenced by their teachers than by their friends 081220 People with different interests and personalities cannot be friends. 090627 For future career, success is related well to other people more important than studying hard at school. 091101 Is advice given by older people more valuable than from people at your age. Education 080119 Nowadays each group member get same grade. Is it a good method to evaluate students to give the same grade to all the members who do the same project together. What do you think of the way of evaluation? 081216 Grades encourage students to learn. 080330 Students would receive a better effective education if they were required to attend classes for 11 months of a year. 080427 Many teacher assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students? 080607 Do you think children should play computer games? 080629 University education is the most important factor of success in life. 080809 University students should be required to take basic science classes even if they are not part of the field of the study. 080824 A teacher who is serious and strict is more efficient than a teacher who uses humors and is easygoing. 080921 Some people think children should study and play other people think children should help with household chores. 081101



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托福写作热点考题:对比类型 摘要: 托福写作热点考题:对比类型每年的托福独立写作考题中,对比类型考题总要占据半壁江山,拥有着非常高的出镜率。本文就为大家讲解托福考试中写作热点考题之一:对比类型考题。一、对 每年的托福独立写作考题中,对比类型考题总要占据半壁江山,拥有着非常高的出镜率。本文就为大家讲解托福考试中写作热点考题之一:对比类型考题。 一、对比考题何其多 对比类型考题在历年托福独立写作考题中,会占到相当大的比重,此类例题比比皆是。例如,从2015年1月份第一场托福考试起到最近的4月12日的9场考试10道考题(3月7日的考试有两道考题)中就有5道考题就是对比型考题(2015.1.25,2015.2.1,2015.3.7(1),2015.3.7 (2),2015.3.28)大家先来简单回顾几个托福真题: 2015.1.10 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? University students should be required to take basic science classes even if they are not part of the field of the study. 2015.1.11 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important characteristic of a successful politician or leader is good communication skills. 2015.1.25 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Classmates and partner can


1.1026:Which of the following ways do you think is the best for a person to find a job? ask opinions or seek advice of others; write a letter or send applications to the companies; find information on the internet or the publications. 1.1019: Pompeii古城在地下完好无损,挖掘后倒塌的原因 Since it works well to use technology (like computers) in school days some people think that the time young students (6-12 years old) spend using technology in school should not be limited; while others claim that there are disadvantages and the time should be limited (one hour or less). Which do you prefer? 1.0922: 探险队员铅中毒源头是否是罐装食品(TPO28) Some companies provide important products or service but also damage the environment. Some people believe that government should require more penalty higher tax and larger fine of these companies while others believe there are better ways. Which do you prefer? 1.0927下午场:考拉(20190113;20190907) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: When some students enter university they have poor study habits. Some people think that the university should require students to take courses on study habits. (20190907) 1.0927上午场:buy food from local store. The town government has got some money to develop a piece of land. Which one of the following is better? The land should be developed into a garden that everyone in the town can enjoy or a sports field for the students in the high school who don’t have one. 1.0907: 考拉decline及threats (farming; automobiles; fencing & dog attack) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? When some students enter university they have poor study habits. Some people think that the university should require students to take courses on study habits. 1.0901: congestion price解决交通问题 1.0825:建Irish towers的三个目的


托福综合写作模板:写作经典句式 Both the lecture and the reading discussed …. However, their viewpoints are strongly contradictory for several reasons. First, the reading points out that …, but the lecturer supposes that …. And he also argues that …, thus… Moreover, the author holds that ... The lecturer, however, believes that…. Since it is …, …. Besides, the professor also refutes the idea that ... from the passage. He provides us with the instance/reason that.... In sum, according to the discussion above, the speaker totally disagrees with the conclusions revealed in the reading passage. Frequently Used Sentences 1 We are so development-oriented that we almost can sacrifice moral values for the purpose of obtaining a little material gain. 2 It is often reported in our daily newspapers that university undergraduates commit crimes, XXX from XXX University, is a case in point. 3 According to the latest paper published by the Chinese Academy of Social Science, the number of smoking people is increasing at an accelerating speed (alarming rate), especially in China.


2017年托福写作真题 2017.1.7 You are helping to select a leader for a student organization or a group. Do you think a person's honest is the most important characteristic for being a leader? for a student organization or a group限定作用 2017.1.14 As a student of university that has a long break between university semesters, the university requires all students to do one of the following for one month during the break: 1.Students must take a course on the subject that has no direct connection to their majors of study (For example, a student majoring in engineering may take course in fine arts or social science.) 2.Students must volunteer to work in the university’ s city or their hometowns to improve some aspects of life of the city or their own town. (For example, students may help local primary school children with their homework.) Which one do you think is more beneficial for students in their university? Why? Given detailed examples and reasons. Use your OWN words, do NOT use memorized examples. that has a long break between university semesters 限定作用 2017.2.8 Sometimes we are assigned to work in a group on a project. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The group will be helped more by person who will be willing to do what other group members want than by person who often strongly insists that things should be done in a way that is different from what the group wants to do. 二选一 2017.2.25 Do you agree or disagree: The way people dresses are a good indication of his or her personality or character? Agree: 1.最直观的品质(1)风格是个社会银还是潮男他的喜好 (2)对一些的东西的喜欢颜色冷热 2.生活的态度(1)能好好打理自己积极面对生活 (2)对穿衣服很考究对其他事也很严格 Disagree:1.衣服并不能看出来(1)太忙了并不想浪费时间在穿衣上 (2)父母朋友随便送的 (3)职业限定 (4)不能通过一件事分析不同的人不同见解 2.喜欢的事情更能看出来(1)书是一个深奥坚持 (2)学科teacher—喜欢小孩外向程序员—内向… 通过接触可以发现(1)紧急想法 二选一 2017.2.26 Rather than help children with their schoolwork, parents should encourage their children do their work independently. 1.应该1对学习好(1)会自己找到错误(2)自己找的错误印象深刻更能理解 2培养能力(1)自己去完成独立思考的能力未来。 (2)去找人合作沟通的能力 责任感自己的事情负责对父母好(1)忙(2)教材创新 不应该1对学习好(1)孩子太小不能独立克服困难家长的帮助更高效 (2)家长更有知识讲一些延伸 2对小孩好(1)体验家庭的关爱增强关系家庭和睦 (2)防止他们抄袭 二选一
