
















读写结合—提高英语写作能力 摘要:英语写作是英语学习的四项基本技能之一,是英语教学中不可缺少的环节。然而,长期以来,写作一直是困扰我国英语教学的一大难题。学生面对写作任务时常常不知从何下手。在教学中或在高考阅卷中常常发现:学生的审题能力差,偏离主题现象严重;文章词语贫乏,语言素材不丰富,句子意识差;表达不得体,结构单一,缺少连贯性,篇章意识差等等。英语写作已成了英语教学的老大难问题,也成了英语教学的瓶颈。本文通过整合阅读与写作教学,以读促写,是阅读教学的延伸与深化,是语言学习从语言输入到语言输出的一个质的转变,从而实现提高英语写作能力的目的。 一、案例背景 (一) 问题提出 语言是人们思想交流的工具,有声语言和书写语言是语言交流的两种媒介。写作是学习者英语综合能力的体现。高中英语新课程标准对写作提出了更高的要求,八级要求为“能根据所读文章进行转述或写摘要;能根据用文字级图表提供的信息写短文或报告;能写出与一连关切结构完整的短文,叙述事情或表达观点和态度;能在写作中做到文体规范、语句通顺”。但在教学中或在高考阅卷中常常发现:学生的审题能力差,偏离主题现象严重;文章词语贫乏,语言素材不丰富,句子意识差;表达不得体,结构单一,缺少连贯性,篇章意识差等等,在学生的口语表达能力有较大提高的情况下,学生的写作能力还相对滞后。可以说,长期以来,写作一直是困扰我国英语教学的一大难题。学生面对写作任务时常常不知从何下手。这一严重现象的出现,笔者认为有以下几个原因: 1.目前高中英语教学中一般不开设专门的英语写作课,没有对学生英语写作基本功进行系统训练,往往是在高考前期进行短期的突击性应试模拟训练,平时对学生写作技能的培养较少。 2.学生的阅读量小和阅读面窄,造成词汇量小,写作语言素材贫乏。 3.学生良好的阅读策略与写作策略缺少,导致学生的篇章意识差等。 为了适应发展中的社会,满足社会的需求,使高中毕业生的英语写作水平达到高中英语新课程标准的八级或九级的写作目标,高中英语教学中对学生写作技能的培养必须是长期的、有目的循序渐进的写作技能培养。阅读是语言输入的主要途径,更是写作的基础。阅读能给学生提供大量的写作素材,通过阅读,学生可以积累词汇,储存句法、语篇知识,学习遣词造句、布局谋篇的


话题一:写人记事 例文:初中阶段你印象最深的又是哪位老师?请用英语写一篇题为“The Teacher I Never Forget”的作文。内容包括:1.简要介绍老师的性格或特长;2.列举一个事例,说明老师是如何在学习上帮助或鼓励你取得进步的;3.感谢老师,祝愿老师。 The Teacher I Never Forget How time flies! Three years has passed since I became a middle school student. I had very good memories of my classmates and teachers. The teacher I never forget is Mr. Zhang, an English teacher. He is very kind and friendly. He helped us not only in class but also after class. About two years ago, Mr. Zhang noticed that I was worried about my poor pronunciation. So he offered me many suggestions to improve it, and he also gave me every chance possible to speak in class. With his help, my pronunciation has greatly improved. I must say many thanks to Mr. Zhang. I wish him a healthy and happy life in the future! 例文:假如你是某中学的一名学生。6月3日,是星期五,在放学回家的公交车上,你所经历的一件事情让你印象深刻。请根据以下要点用英语写一篇日记。 要点:1. 一位老爷爷和十来岁的孙子上了车,老人拿着书包和小提琴;2. 你给老人让座,老人的孙子却坐了下来,老人只得站在旁边;3. 孩子大声喊着向老人要水喝,并将空水瓶扔到车上;4. 你认为孩子应该尊敬、照顾老人,保持环境卫生。 On my way home on the bus, I saw an old man get on with his grandson of about ten. He was carrying the boy’s schoolbag and a violin. I gave my seat to the old man at once. However, the boy sat down first. The old man had to stand nearby. After a while, the boy shouted to his grandpa for water and then dropped the empty bottle on the bus. When I saw this, I got very angry. I think the boy should not only respect and take care of the old man but also keep the environment clean. 话题二:环保污染 例文:节约资源, 保护环境. 从我们身边的小事做起,假设你是一个注重“低碳”生活的中学生, 请以“My Low-carbon Life”为题,写一篇短文,简单描述自己的“低碳生活”。提示: (1)每天步行上学; (2)离丌教室时,关灯、电扇、电视等;(3)不用水时, 记住关水龙头,循环使用水;(4)充分使用纸张;(5)不使用塑料袋。 My Low-carbon Life It’s our duty to protect the environment. The environment is becoming worse and worse, so we must do something to prevent people from polluting the environment. First, we should go to school on foot and tell our parents to walk to work instead of driving the car. Second, we should save water and electricity by turning off the


中考英语作文写作技巧总结上 英语的书面表达一直以来就是英语学习的瓶颈。在此,笔者向各位学习者提供突破英语写作的十字建议,即研习、背诵、默写、互译、模仿,概括出培养写作能力的五个方面,如能严格遵循,定能柳暗花明。只要能懂得很多英语作文写作技巧,在写的时候就能做到胸有成竹。 英语作文写作技巧——研习 “没有规矩,不成方圆。”对于一般英语学习者而言,写出优秀的文章有赖于后天习得,但并不意味着机械背诵、生吞活剥,或者照搬照抄、人云亦云。所谓研习,需要有独立思考和个人的判断,本着“他山之石,可以攻玉”的精神,汲取文章的精华部分加以研究。研习主要侧重两个方面,包括文章章法和语言表达。文章章法指文章的行文思路、布局谋篇、结构安排、逻辑顺序。许多学习者面对一个话题,可能存在两种不同的困惑,一是下笔千言,但离题万里;二是思绪万千,却无从落笔。导致两种困惑的根源皆在于欠缺思考问题、组织思路的恰当方式,以至于文章不得要领、章法紊乱。这就要求我们从全篇脉络角度多研习范文,之后领悟如何以演绎法行文、怎样用归纳法谋篇以及如何围绕特定话题拓展思路等等。此外,研习还要侧重于语言表达,包括遣词造句和句子、段落之间的各种衔接手段,以期在自己日后的写作中派上用场,因为英文写作皆通一理。只有善于借鉴,勤加研究,才会借他人的优势和长处,提高自己的写作水平。 英语作文写作技巧——背诵 背诵是提高写作的又一有效途径。要学好写作文,首先要处理好语言输入与输出之间的关系。前者是后者的前提条件。如果头脑空空如也,就根本谈不上写出像模像样的文章。只有读过大量东西,并且有意识地将其中精彩部分储存于记忆之中(commit the highlights to memory),才能保证下笔流畅、文通字顺。因此,背诵对于写作极为重要。但背诵不是机械记忆,而是有选择性的背诵,是有意义的记忆。因为机械背诵的结果要么是记忆很快就荡然无存、了无痕迹,要么是无法活学活用、付诸实践。背诵包括五个方面:重点词汇、常用套语、精彩句子、优秀段落、经典篇章。 英语作文写作技巧——重点词汇 美妙的用词及搭配皆在此列,像fall victim(受害),stand a fair chance(大有希望)这种地道的动宾搭配要勤加记忆。为了积累写作词汇,应将文中同属一个话题的用词汇总归纳,组成主题词族(topic family)。归类记忆可以使自己日后即写即用,得心应手。下文是一篇阐释爱心的优秀文章,多处用词精巧,现将文中关于爱心这一主题的词汇总结如下: emotional strength 情感的力量 the noblest of human emotions人类最高尚的情感 no thought of gain不计得失 the lamp of love爱心之灯 help the victims of natural disasters支援自然灾害受害者 donate whatever they can倾囊相助 help their needy fellow citizens 帮助有需要的同胞 be ready to give a helping hand 随时准备伸出援手 -When we use the word "love", we do not simply mean an attraction to a person of the opposite sex, which is a very narrow definition of the word. Love is emotional strength, which can support us no matter how dark the world around us becomes. In fact, throughout history people of many different cultures have regarded love as the noblest of human emotions. As an example of the power of love, we should remember how the Chinese people of all nationalities respond to the call to help the victims of natural disasters every year. Although their incomes are still low by international standards, people all over the country do not hesitate to donate whatever they can — be it money or goods — to help their needy fellow citizens. Moreover, they do this with no thought of gain for themselves.


初中英语作文写作方法 和

初中英语作文写作方法 和 Pleasure Group Office【T985AB-B866SYT-B182C-BS682T-STT18】

初中英语作文写作方法和范文,模板英语作文经典开头方式 Type1引述他人观点(为提出自己观点铺垫) [1] It is widely(commonly) accepted(hold)+THAT [2] A widely accepted(commonly) hold idea(point of view,viewpoint, opinion,assumption)is +THAT/NP [3] A/The dominant(prevalent, prevailing)idea(see [2])is NP/to DO [4] It is taken for granted+THAT(or:We often/frequently take it for granted THAT) [5] People(The majority) seem to get accustomed to the idea(see [2]),without questioning,THAT ) [6] People are willing to regard NP1 as NP2/ADJ [7] People are willing to DO,while reluctant to DO Type2提出异议 [1] However (But),… [2] Such idea(see[1-2]),if not entirely ADJ1,is somewhat ADJ2 and needs careful consideration. ADJI=unreasonable,unacceptable, inappropriate,improper,undesirable, etc; ADJ2=misleading,doubtrul, etc [3] In fact(As a matter of fac t),…(follow[2]) [4] However, it is not (quite, necessarily)the case. ( [5] This (It) is not (quite, necessarily) the case and needs to bo fruther considered/discussed.(or:further consideration/discussion) Type3论述的展开:说明原因和理由,层进,举例,转折 [1] The reason lies in several aspects, ( [2] The reason why+clause+[1, underlined] (


非常实用的高考英语“读写任务”写作模板 【对比观点题型】 (1)要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。 (写作步骤:1.有一些人认为……;2.另一些人认为……;3.我的看法……。) The topic of ①-----------------(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions about it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of ②-----------------(支持A的理由一). What is more, ③-------------(理由二). Moreover, ④---------------(理由三). While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,-----------------(支持B的理由一). Secondly (Besides), ⑥------------------(理由二). Thirdly (Finally), ⑦------------------(理由三). From my point of view, I think ⑧----------------(我的观点). The reason is that ⑨--------------------(原因). As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former is surely a wise choice. (2)给出一个观点,要求考生反对这一观点。 Some people believe that ①----------------(观点一). For example, they think ②-----------------(举例说明).And it will bring them ③-----------------(为他们带来的好处). In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point. For one thing,④-------------(我不同意该看法的理由一). For another thing, ⑤-----------------(反对的理由之二).From all what I have said, I agree to the thought that ⑥------------------(我对文章所讨论主题的看法). 【阐述主题题型】 要求从一句话或一个主题出发,按照提纲的要求进行论述。 (写作步骤:1.阐述某名言或主题所蕴涵的意义;2.分析并举例使其更充实。)The good old proverb ----------------(名言或谚语)reminds us that ----------------(释义). Indeed, we can learn many things from it. First of all, ---------------(理由一). For example, -------------------(举例说明). Secondly,----------------(理由二). Another case is that ---------------(举例说明). Furthermore, ------------------(理由三).In my opinion, ----------------(我的观点). In short, whatever you do, please remember the saying ----------. If you understand it and apply it to your study or work, you”ll necessarily benefit a lot from it. 【解决方法题型】 要求考生列举出解决问题的多种途径 (写作步骤:1.问题现状;2.怎样解决<解决方案的优缺点>。) In recent days, we have to face one problem------------A, which is becoming more and more serious. First, ------------(说明A的现状).Second, ---------------(举例进一步说明现状). Confronted with A, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing, ---------------(解决方法一). For another ---------------(解决方法二). Finally, -----------------(解决方法三). Personally, I believe that -------------(我的解决方法). Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because --------------(带来的好处). 【说明利弊题型】 这种题型往往要求先说明一下现状,再对比事物本身的利弊,有时也会单从一个角度(利或弊)出发,最后往往要求考生表明自己的态度(或对事物前景提出预测)。


高考英语作文开头技巧大全 一篇文章通常可分为三个部分,即开头、正文和结尾。这三个部分安排是否得体,直接影响到文章的质量。 文章的开头一般来说应尽量做到开门见山,用简单明白的叙述引出文章的话题,使读者了解文章要谈论什么,一下于引起读者的兴趣。 作文常见的开头形式大致有以下几种: 1.开门见山,揭示主题 文章一开头,,就交待清楚文章的主题是什么。如How I Spent My Vacation(我怎样度假)的开头可以写成: I Spent my last vacation happily. Honesty(谈诚实)的开头可以写成: Honesty is one of the best virtues.An honest man is always trusted and respected.On the contrary, one who tells lies is regarded as a liar,and

is looked upon by honest people. 2.交代人物、事情、时间或环境开头 在文章的开头,先把人物、事件和环境交待清楚。例如A Trip to Jinshan (去金山旅游)的开头可以写成: The day before yesterday my class went on a bus trip to Jinshan. The bus ride there took three hours. The long trip made us very tired, but the sight of the beautiful sea refreshed us. 3. 回忆性的开头 用回忆的方法来开头。例如A Trip to the Taishan Mountain(泰山游)的开头是: I remember my first trip to the Taishan Mountain as if it were yesterday. 4.概括性的开头 即对要在文章中叙述的人或事先作一个概括性的介绍。如The


2009年高考英语作文专项训练:任务型写作(7) 1. 读写任务(25分) 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 (写作任务) 1. 概括短文内容,30词左右。 2. 就"学生是否该做兼职"发表看法,包括以下内容要点。120词左右。 (1)列举现实生活中学生做兼职的情况。 (2)分析学生做兼职的原因: a)兼职可以帮助解决贫困家庭孩子经济问题。 b)可以丰富学生的社会经验。 c)可以学以致用。 3. 你对兼职的看法,并说明理由。 (阅读材料) Billy and his part-time job Billy is 14 years old and in his the ninth grade. He has a part-time job which gets him up every morning at 5 o'clock. He is a newspaper delivery boy. In the winter it is still dark when he gets up, but during the rest of the year it is light. Bill must deliver the newspapers to the houses of the people on his route in all kinds of weather. He tries to put each paper on the porch where it will be protected from wind and rain of snow. All his customers think he does a good job. Billy earns about $ 70 per month, and he is earning some of the money to go to college. He spends the rest on records and clothes. Once a month, he has to collect money from his customers. Since many of them work during the day, Billy has to collect the money in the evening. Sometimes, when Billy is ill, his brother has to deliver the newspapers. Once, his father has to help. Billy has 70 customers now, but he hops to get more soon. Some day, if he gets more customers, Billy might win a prize for being an outstanding newspaper boy. He wants to win a trip to Europe, but he will still be happy if he only wins a new bicycle.


初中英语作文写作方法指导 一:充分准备。打好基础。 为了提高书面表达水平,平时应加强阅读,应背诵一些句型、段落甚至短文。只要读 得多、背得多,就能出口成章,下笔成文。其实,用英文写信,记日记等都是学生力所能 及且行之有效的练习写作的好方法。 二:仔细审题,明确要求。 对题目所提供的信息要认真分析,明确要求,做到心中有数。要对所提供的信息加以 分析、整理,使之更加具体化、条理化,为开始动笔做好准备工作,还要搞清题目的要求,以便根据不同的题材、体裁,写出不同格式,风格各异的文章,此外,还要注意人称、时态、地点等信息,避免出错。 三:抓住重点。寻求思路。 根据题目所提供的信息,草拟提纲,寻求逻辑次序,确定如何下手,否则,语无伦次 的文章将不会被人接受,也不可能得到高分。 四:遣词造句,表达规范。 用词要适当,不可逐句把提示汉译英,亦不可生拼硬凑,不要硬拿英语单词到中文句 子里去对号,否则写出中文式英语,闹出笑话。一般来讲,写作时,应尽量选出你有把握 的词,尽量使用短句简单句。如果有的单词不会写,有的思想不会用英语表达,你可以设 法绕开,最好找一个同义词、同义句,或近义词、词组短语来代替。要正确使用关联词, 如and,or,but,so,because,since等,以便行文自然流畅。 五:修改润色,锦上添花。 作文写完之后,应注意检查修改,修改时先从全局修改。首先要检查主题是否明确, 表达方式是否恰当,接下来检查所写内容是否切题,该交待的内容是否交待了,最后检查 所用时态、人称是否符合要求,最后是否一致。 写完后,还应仔细校阅1—2遍。校阅要逐词逐句进行,注意检查语法、拼写、标点、大小写等方面的错误。校阅是自检的最后一关,应严肃认真的进行,尽可能地消灭一切差错,增强文章的效果。 因此,要写好一篇作文,不仅需要具有丰富的思想内容,掌握扎实的词汇、语法及修 辞等方面的语言基本功,而且还需要掌握因不同思维方式和文化背景而形成的英语特有的 篇章机构模式惟有这样才能进行最有效的书面交际活动。


英语议论文的写作方法 议论文以讲道理、摆事实为主要表达方式,通过逻辑推理阐明观点、主张。写议论文要注意以下四点: (1) 找准论点。议论文的主要见解是中心论点。写作时,根据文章的需要,可以在一开始就提出中心论点,也可以在论证过程中提出中心论点。一般情况下,议论文只有一个中心论点。 (2) 掌握论据。用来作为论据的,可以用能揭示事物本质的典型事实,也可以用被实践证明了的正确的理论。 (3) 论证方法。论证就是用论据证明论点的过程。大致分为以下几种:1)演绎法,即先提出中心论点,然后分层论证。2)归纳法,即先逐层进行分析,然后归纳出中心论点。 (4) 论证方式。论证方式主要有立论和驳论两种。理论是就一定的事件和问题,提出并阐明正面的见解和主张。驳论是就一定的事件和问题,揭露和驳斥错误的见解和主张。英语文章受词数所限,一般使用立论。 例如:根据以下要点写一篇议论文,阐述一下广告已成为当今社会很重要的一种行业。词数100左右。 1.广告不仅能促销,还能提供我们各种最新消息。 2.广播、电视及电脑是广告成为我们日常生活中的一个重要部分。 3.广告行业还提供了许多工作机会。 写作示范: No one can avoid being influenced by advertisements. On one hand, advertising greatly promotes sales, on the other hand, in their efforts to tell people about products and events, advertisers provide us with great amount of the lat est information. Radio, television and computer have made it possible for advertisers to att ract the attention of millions of people. Therefore, it has become part of our daily life. M eanwhile, to make an advertisement, a lot of people will work together on it. So with the development of adverting a lot of jobs are being provided. Advertising is an important business. 英语应用文的写作方法·通知 通知分为书面通知和口头通知两种。如果在广播中播放则称为广播通知。一份完整的通知须说明时间、地点、事由、组织者和参加者,使人一目了然。 一、口头通知


2008-2012广东高考英语读写任务 2008 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 Hi, I am Mike. I just went through my first year of college. The toughest part on me at first was the general adjustment.1 went to a very small high school where my mom was a teacher and she did practically everything for me. But at the college I needed to know some basic life skills, such as balancing a check—book, laundry, and the things you have to be able to handle that I never thought of in the high school! It was really tough for me at first and I got badly homesick. Once that first semester was over and I got used to the college life, I loved it—good facilities, helpful instructors and a good library. The Students’ Union organizes various parties every week. I also go to cinemas and concerts, and often spend Saturday nights in pubs and clubs. One thing I think is important is to get yourself active in things. I was on the dance team in college and met a ton of people that way --- it was so much easier to make friends when you had a common ground. [写作内容] 学校最近组织了一次中美学生交流活动,你参加其中的“大学校园生活”讨论。听完Mike的发言之后,你准备写一份发言稿,题目是“Preparing Myself for College Life”,内容要点包括: 1. 以约30个词概括Mike的发言要点; 2. 然后以约120个词谈谈你理想的大学生活,内容包括: (1) 对中学生活的感受; (2) 理想的大学生活; (3) 中学生活和大学生活的差别,以及你打算如何适应。 [写作要求] 1. 在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子; 2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。 参考范文: Mike’s mother did almost everything for him when in high school, which brought him a hard time adjusting to the first-year college life. However, afterwards he got accustomed to it because of the academic atmosphere and colorful activities there. As for me, what I do every day is to study hard to enter a famous university, which is always the expectations of my parents and teachers. So traveling among classroom, dormitory and canteen is the routine work. Seldom do I have the time to do some activities. Anyway, unlike you, I have learned how to be independent in a boarding school, which is beneficial to adjust to the college life. It seems to me the ideal college life is that I become matured both physically and mentally,and that I obtain qualified academic knowledge and get well prepared for society at the same time. As we all know,college is wildly different from middle school. It connects not only adolescence to adulthood,but also the ivory tower to the real society. So an active part in activities,associations,as well as some romances are three keys to achieving my ideal college life.


中考英语作文写作技巧总结 中考写作注意事项: 知识点1: ①记叙文之人物写作通常需要介绍人物的姓名,外貌,性格,爱好等多个方面,但是不能出 现真实的姓名,校名及家庭住址。 ②考试时最好以学生身边普通的人物进行描写,从平凡的人中找到不平凡的精神。考试的时 候需要严格按照题目要求进行写作,包括所给的全部信息,既不能遗漏,也不能随意添加。 ③议论文体裁特点:要求学生就某一方面的问题通过摆事实、讲道理的方式来发表自己的看 法。一般来说,议论文由论点、论据、论证三部分组成。 1)论点要正确无误。 2)论据要可靠充分。论据可以是人们公认的真理,也可以是经过实践考证的经典著作。 3)论证要合理严密。人们常用的论证方法有归纳法、推理法、对比法。 4)议论文一般按提出问题、解决问题的逻辑顺序来安排层次。 知识点2:写作思路 1.认真审题,理清思路: 确定题目中的关键词,文章体裁和主旨。 2.搜集材料,制定提纲: 展开一次“Brain Storming”即头脑风暴,对该题引申出各种联想和论点。根据自己已有的经 验和词汇量选择自己最熟悉、最有把握的方面和论点来写作。

3.选择词句,动笔行文: 确定基本的写作时态,如记叙文通常用一般过去时 典型案例分析: 1. Write a letter in at least 60 words according to the given situation (根据所给情景写一封不少于60 词的信) Suppose you are Joe. Your friend Betty is upset about a coming exam for she cares too much about the result. What do you think? Try to offer her some advice. (假如你是Joe, 你的好朋友Betty 因为过于在意考试结果而感到焦虑。请给她写一封信,谈谈你的看法,并给她一些建议。) 。) (注意:文中不得出现任何姓名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分 ........................... 第一步:分析题目 1. 审题 1) 这篇文章根据题目要求,我们可以确定文章的是一篇应用文即:书信。 2)根据写作要求知道是给他人提出建议或意见的文章,需要针对Betty遇到的问题实际出发来进行写作。 2. 确定写作重点和写作目的。 1)重点是安慰处于考试焦虑的Betty。 2)给出解决问题的建议。 3. 书信的格式: 英文信一般可以分为下列几个部分。 1)信端(Heading)即写信人的地址和发信日期。 2)收信人姓名地址


广州一模英语读写任务作文讲评 郑中钧中学英语科组 ﹙二﹚分析写作内容 A. Summary部分 1. 学会预测:读写任务先读后写。那么“读”的材料肯定是与要“写”的材料话题 是相同的,至少是相关的。因此,我们可以利用这一关系来进行有效的预测: 以约120个词写一篇读后感,说明“诚信的重要性”,内容包括: ﹙1﹚你读后的感受; ﹙2﹚以你或他人的经历说明; ﹙3﹚谈谈你从中悟出的道理。 预测出:阅读材料与有关。 因此:summary部分应突出所带来的影响。 2. 组织阅读材料内容提要: 在﹙who?﹚的﹙文体?﹚里,他讲了一个 _____﹙who?﹚由于﹙why?﹚而不能 ﹙result?﹚的故事。它告诉我们﹙道理?﹚ 3. 谨记:记叙部分的概括三要素是:;;。 4. 范文练习:填充所缺信息。 In the of , he spoke of an who couldn’t because of . The story shows us that really is the best policy. B. 主题写作 ﹙三﹚写作中暴露出的问题 A.阅读不仔细 1.Who made the speech? 2.Who was dishonest?

B.情感错位 1.读完阅读材料后的感受可能有哪些情绪反应? 思考:对整个故事feel moved/ disappointed/hurt符不符合逻辑? 怎样才能 自圆其说? C. 词汇运用不过关---完成下列练习 1. 诚实:﹙n.﹚;﹙adj.﹚ 2. 不诚实:﹙n.﹚;﹙adj.﹚ 3. remind:; remain: 4. 偷:﹙原形﹚;﹙过去式﹚;﹙过去分词﹚ 5. 狼:; 5. 老虎:; 6. 负罪的: D. 语言表达能力欠佳---心是笔非 翻译下列句子。 1.我为那位因一时利益而得不到工作的学生感到非常遗憾。 2. 感受与经历之间过渡句的多种表达: a. b. c. d. e. E. 描述经历重点不突出,啰嗦;例子无说服力。 技巧:移花接木,描述典型经历(起因—发展、高潮—结果/影响)练习: 1.用简洁的语言改写下列段落。


英语作文范文 写好英语句子的8种方法 一、代入法 这是进行英语写作时最常用的方法。同学们在掌握一定的词汇和短语之后,结合一定的语法知识,按照句子的结构特点,直接用英语代人相应的句式即可。如: 他从不承认自己的失败。 He never admits his failure. 那项比赛吸引了大批观众。 The match attracted a large crowd. 他把蛋糕分成4块。 He divided the cake into four pieces. 二、还原法 即把疑问句、强调句、倒装句等还原成基本结构。这是避免写错句子的一种有效的办法。如: 这是开往格拉斯哥的火车吗? Is this the train for Glasgow? 还原为陈述句:This is the train for Glasgow. 他是因为爱我的钱才同我结了婚。 It was because he loved my money that he married me.

还原为非强调句:Because he loved my money, he married me. 光速很快,我们几乎没法想像它的速度。 So fast does light travel that we can hardly imagine its speed. 还原为正常语序:Light travels so fast that we can hardly imagine its speed. 三、分解法 就是把一个句子分成两个或两个以上的句子。这样既能把意思表达得更明了,又能减少写错句子的几率。如: 我们要干就要干好。 If we do a thing, we should do it well. 从各地来的学生中有许多是北方人。 There are students here from all over thecountry. Many of them are from the North. 四、合并法 就是把两个或两个以上的简单句用一个复合句或较复杂的简单句表达出来。这种方法最能体现学生的英语表达能力,同时也最能提高文章的可读性。如: 我们迷路了,这使我们的野营旅行变成了一次冒险。 Our camping trip turned into an adventure when we got lost. 天气转晴了,这是我们没有想到的。 The weather turned out to be very good, which was more than we couldexpect.
