


Section One Tactics for Listening

Part1Spot Dictation

Houses in the Future


contract['k?n’tr?kt]n.To reduce in size

Directions:Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with what you hear:

Well,i think houses in the future will probably be but i should think they’ll be so that you don’t need so much

and as you do now,so perhaps very economical.Perhaps they will use, although i don’t know,in this country,perhaps we to do that so much.Yes,i think they’ll be full of:things like very advanced televisions,videos,perhaps videos which take up-the screen the whole wall.I should think.Yes,you’ll have things like

which open automatically when you,perhaps electronic which will you when you,when you come to the front door even.Perhaps and designers will be a bit more about how houses are designed and perhaps with the people will think of putting gardens and,and maybe rooms can be and,and depending on what you use them for,so perhaps there’ll be a bit more about that.

Part2Listening for Gist

Listening Strategy

Finding the gist of the listening material involves the students’active participation.The students should be fully motivated while they are listening, not just guessing and ticking the right answer.There are many activities that can help the students find the gist of the passage during the listening stage.One of them is to ask the students to note down the most important words that best describe the passage.

Directions:listen to the dialogue and write down the gist and the key words that help you decide.

1.This dialogue is about

2.The key words are


Section One Tactics for Listening

Part1Spot Dictation

My Mother


disciplinarian[,d?s?pl?'ne?r??n]n.one that enforces or between in strict discipline clump[kl?mp]v.to walk or move so as to make a heavy,dull sound

knack[n?k]n.a specific talent for something

hoist[h??st]v.to raise or haul up

gigantic[d?a?'g?nt?k]adj.very large

transcend[tr?n'send]v.to exist above


Directions:Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with what you hear:

My mother was an efficient who cooked,cleaned and shopped for nine people basis.She was a disciplinarian who would seven kids walk up and down the stairs a hundred times if we clumped like to dinner.She also enlisted us to help her in the day’s.

My mother believed that each of her children had a special

that made him or her invaluable on certain.My brother Mike, for example,was believed to have especially.He was hoisted up as a human whenever she needed to see something.John was the climber when a kite. My own job was navigator for our old Chrysler.

But my mother’s to get work done well was only.She also had an that carried her in different directions,that her to transcend her everyday life. She did not magic as portrayed on a stage,but

instead the sound of a metal bucket being a hose,or the persistence of a dandelion at the a woodpile.

Part2Listening for Gist

Directions:listen to the dialogue and write down the gist and the key words that help you decide.

1.This passage is about

2.The key words are


Section One Tactics for Listening

Part1Spot Dictation



World Wildlife Fund(WWF)An international organization formed to raise money for conservation projects,est.1961.It has been responsible for international agreements on conservation and has supported research on endangered species, including the giant panda,its symbol.

Directions:Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with what you hear.

Every ten minutes,one kind of animal,plant or insect for ever.If nothing is done about it,one million species that are alive today will twenty years from now.

The seas are in danger.They are being industrial and nuclear waste,chemical fertilisers and.If nothing is done about it,one day soon nothing will be able to the seas.

The tropical,which are the home of half the earth’s living things are.If nothing is done about it,they will have in twenty years.The effect on the world’s-and on our agriculture and food-will be disastrous.

,somebody is trying to do something about it.In1961, the World Wildlife Fund-a small group of people who wanted to to save animals and plants.Today,the World Wildlife Fund is a large organization.It has raised over for projects,and has created or given support to National Parks in.It has helped

and birds-including the tiger-to.

Part2Listening for Gist

Directions:listen to the dialogue and write down the gist and the key words that help you decide.

1.This dialogue is about

2.The key words are


Section One Tactics for Listening

Part1Spot Dictation

Stephen Powelson’s Amazing Memory BACKGROUND INFORMATION

prep school Private schools that focus on academic preparation for college are sometimes called preparatory schools or prep schools.

Iliad The Iliad,the story of Homer’s epic,revolves around the Greek warrior Achites, who has withdrawn from the war against the Trojans because of an insult. VOCABULARY

chide[t?a?d]v.to scold

Directions:Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with what you hear.

When Stephen Powelson was nine,his school organized a

contest in memorizing passages from the Bible.Stephen paid

until he was chided for.The next Sunday he surprised everyone by all the passages for the.

As a teenager in prep school,Stephen took Greek.His teacher

21lines of the Iliad to be memorized.At the end of the hour-though he he paid full attention to the -Stephen knew all21.He went on to memorize the first.

In1978,for the first time,Powelson,now60,had some .To keep his mind active,he reread the Iliad and that he still knew the first100lines.

That someone could memorize so much between ages60and70is to most people,who are that memory

as we grow older.

Powelson’s method is to his tape recorder,then read it several more times,making sure be understands.“Also,”he says,“i attempt to myself as part of the action.”

Part2Listening for Gist

Directions:listen to the dialogue and write down the gist and the key words that help you decide.

1.This passage is about

2.The key words are


Section One Tactics for Listening

Part1Spot Dictation




swell[swel]n.a long wave on water that moves continuously without breaking whiteout['hwa?ta?t]n.a weather condition in which the features and horizon of snow covered country are indistinguishable due to uniform light diffusion乳白天空chrome[kr??m]n.铬,铬合金

Directions:Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with what you hear.

In the past we watched the wind closely.knew that game moved the winds,that keeping the wind in was essential to a successful.Farmers knew that changing winds brought.

Polynesian sailors could find islands beyond the by lying on their backs in their and feeling the swells caused by winds islands many miles away Eskimos could in Arctic whiteouts,when fog or snow all landmarks,by following remembered currents of air over the snow and ice.

Today few people can tell where the wind comes from.We live inside walls, chrome and glass,and the winds outside are often

our own making-the wake of,the tunneling of air down narrow city streets.We get our weather,not from the wind behind us.We hear the wind as house sounds:the,the scratching of branches at a window,the moan of a draft under the.These are pop music,not the of the wind,which is the collision of leaf and blade,the

of branches under stress,the of ocean waves.

Part2Listening for Gist

Directions:listen to the dialogue and write down the gist and the key words that help you decide.

1.This passage is about

2.The key words are


Section One Tactics for Listening

Part1Spot Dictation

Wind and Spirit


Santa Ana Named after Southern California’s Santa Ana Canyon and a fixture of local legend and Literature,the Santa Ana is a blustery,dry and warm(often hot)wind that blows out of the desert.Santa Anas can cause a great deal of damage.The fast, hot winds cause vegetation to dry out,increasing the danger of wildlife.Once the fires start,the winds fan the flames and hasten their spread.


mistral['m?str?l]n.a dry,cold northerly wind that blows in squalls toward the Mediterranean coast of southern France密史脱拉风(地中海北岸的一种干冷北风)foehn[f??n]n.a warm,dry wind coming off the Ice slopes of a mountain range, especially off the northern slopes of the alps.焚风(尤其从阿尔卑斯山脉北坡等山坡上吹下来的干热风)

bise[bi?z]n.a cold north wind of the Swiss alps and nearby regions of France and Italy 干冷的北风(瑞士阿尔卑斯山河法国、意大利附近地区寒冷的北风)

Directions:Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with what you hear.

We do notice the wind when it seems,when the trees turn away from it,and it our hearts.“Certain winds will make men’s,”said George Eliot.In Southern California,the Santa Ana is an increase in depression and domestic.

Scientists have tried to identify physiological reasons for these.Everyone agrees,however,that like the Santa Ana,the mistral in France and the foehn in Germany and Switzerland seem to have on our mental and physical.

On windy days,playground fights,and heart failures are more.In Geneva,traffic accidents when a wind called the bise blows.At the patients,some Swiss and German hospitals during the feohn.

It is human to ask what is.It is easy to personify the

wind as the.The act of taking wind into our lungs is what.The Jews,Arabs,Romans and Greeks all took their word for from the word for wind.

But our day-to-day lives are no longer the winds.We do not identify wind with spirit anymore.

Part2Listening for Gist

Listening Strategy

Finding the topic sentence is another exercise that can help the students get the gist of the passage.The topic sentence may be at the beginning of the passage,or at the end of passage.Sometimes it may also appear in the middle.

Directions:listen to the passage and find its topic sentence.

This topic sentence is“


Section One Tactics for Listening

Part1Spot Dictation

Meet Your Chiropractor




malfunction[m?l'f??(k)?(?)n]n.to fall to function or to function improperly

referra l[r?'f??r(?)l]n.转诊安排

Directions:Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with what you hear.

The doctor of chiropractic(D.C.)is a member of the health team who the human body as a total functioning and gives special attention to the spine,, nerves,circulatory and skeletal.The chiropractor seeks to Pain.

The procedures utilized are primarily focused on the. The chiropractor is concerned about the spine’s relationship to the ,which controls important body functions.The chiropractor knows that a malfunctioning spinal joint can not only cause or headaches,it can also the nerves leading from the spine,thereby other portions of the body.

Millions of Americans are chiropractic patients for a wide variety of .They depend on their chiropractor as their to help them maintain their health through proper,treatment,and referral when.

A minimum of six years of college study including internships

the making of a chiropractic physician.Many doctors of chiropractic choose to

to certain specialties,such as,nutrition, orthopedics or radiology.

As a member of the healing arts,the doctor of chiropractic must pass a state board examination in order to practice.

Part2Listening for Gist


“Surviving the Iron Age”In September2000seventeen people from a wide range of background attempted so go back in time to the Iron Age at Castell Henllys Iron Age Fort in Pembrokeshire west wales.They were challenged to do so by the BBC,who firmed their attempt to“Surviving the Iron Age”

Directions:listen to the passage and find its topic sentence.

This topic sentence is“


Section One Tactics for Listening

Part1Spot Dictation

Corporate Social Responsibility VOCABULARY

rapacious[r?'pe???s]adj.taking by force,plundering

Directions:Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with what you hear.

Once upon a time,all-or almost all-business were and rapacious,sparing a thought for their or the environment only in order to how to exploit them.Then bosses found their ,guided(or sometimes forced)by or critics from the world.They discovered the idea that companies should not exist only to make a profit but to.Thus corporate social responsibility(CSR)got its as a business fashion,and it is now hard to find a firm that has not and earnest about its relations with the wider world.

CSR is closely linked with the principles of““in proposing that enterprises should make decisions based not only on the financial factors but also on the social and environmental of their activities.Issues like environmental damage,improper treatment of workers,and leading to customers inconvenience or danger,.

Some investors and investment fund managers have begun to

a corporation’s CSR policy in making.Some consumers have become increasingly sensitive to the CSR performance of the companies

they buy their goods and services.These trends

the pressure on companies to an economically,socially and environmentally sustainable way.

Part2Listening for Gist

Directions:listen to the passage and find its topic sentence. This topic sentence is“


Section One Tactics for Listening

Part1Spot Dictation

Celebrations in Australia,Asia Ring in2010 VOCABULARY

Stake out to make an area with stakes so as to claim ownership of it

Shrine[?ra?n]n.A place where worship is offered or devotions are paid to a saint or deity

Reveler['rev?l?]n.People who are enjoying themselves in a noisy way,often while they are drunk

Directions:Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with what you hear.

One of the first major cities to celebrate the was Sydney, Australia.More than people gathered along the Sydney harbor to watch the city’s fireworks show,set to booming rock music.

Hours before midnight people Harbor Bridge to stake out for the12-minute display.This year’s show involved more than of explosive devices.

Other cities around Asia and the Pacific region fireworks, such as Kuala Lampur and Hong Kong.

In other places people the New Year without fireworks.

Millions in Japan prayed at shrines for good fortune in2010.In Seoul,South Korea,a was rung.

In China’s capital,signs around Beijing cautioned fireworks within the heart of the city on New Year’s Eve.

This did not seem to Beijing residents,who say the Lunar New Year is their to celebrate with fireworks.This year that holiday is in.

Many young people were and clubs in Beijing until the

of the morning.Still others had to on New Year’s Eve.As late-night revelers waited in the cold for a,two

men unloaded a truck at a on Worker’s Stadium Road.One of them said he good health for his parents in the New Year.His coworker said he hoped to spend the Lunar New Year at his home in nearby Shandong province.

Part2Listening for Gist

Directions:listen to the passage and write down the gist and the key words that help you decide.

1.This passage is about

2.The key words are


Section One Tactics for Listening

Part1Spot Dictation

Do You Risk Enough to Succeed? VOCABULARY

crestfallen['krestf??l(?)n]adj.depressed and dejected

pull in one’s horns to restrain oneself,to draw back

Directions:Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with what you hear.

During the semifinals of the1990Wimbledon,Monica Seles faced Zina Garrison.As the match,it became clear that Seles’s most formidable was not Garrison but herself.

“The match was so close,”said a crestfallen Seles afterward.“I was going for the shorts.Even on Zina’s second serve I was

to hit the ball for winners.”

When things get,conventional wisdom tells us to ,to pull in your horns,Consequently,rather than performing to

,we concentrate on minimizing our losses.The results can be


If you find yourself shying away from risks,these five tips will help you the adventurous spirit buried in us all.

1.Take seriously.

2.Take it in little steps.When starting something new,a

first step and make it one you are reasonably sure of.

3.Don’t say“don’t“.The don’ts,a form of setting,can

be self-fulfilling because your mind to picture.

4.Make your own.

5.Lean from your mistakes.

By,you will accomplish more than you you could.In the process you will your life into an exciting adventure that will constantly challenge,reward and you.

Part2Listening for Gist

Directions:listen to the passage and write down the gist and the key words that help you decide.

1.This passage is about

2.The key words are


音乐表演专业就业方向与就业前景分析 现如今探寻适合我国发展状况的高校音乐教育模式,是当前音乐教育面临的重要工作任务,因此国家非常重视音乐表演专业。音乐表演专业学生主要学习音乐表演的基本理论和基本知识,接受本专业严格的技能训练,具有较高的指挥或演唱(奏)的能力。音乐表演专业培养具有一定的马克思主义基本理论素养,并具备音乐表演方面的能力,能在专业文艺团体、艺术院校等相关部门、机构从事表演、教学及研究工作的高级专门人才。 一、音乐表演专业就业方向 音乐表演专业现如今具有很好地发展前景,就业前景相当可观。音乐表演专业毕业生可到电视台、歌舞剧院(团)、电视剧制作中心、宣传部门、文教事业单位从事演唱、创作和音乐制作工作,以及在高等院校从事教学科研工作,也可以进一步攻读本专业及相关专业的硕士学位。音乐表演专业学生就业岗位茶艺师、少儿英语教师、钢琴教师、音乐教师、幼儿园教师、幼儿教师、声乐老师、幼儿英语教师、早教教师、钢琴老师、亲子教师、少儿英语老师等。 二、音乐表演专业的就业前景 随着现代科学技术的发展,自然科学与人文社会科学日益相互交融,音乐艺术已逐渐成为具有广阔发展前景的朝阳产业。培养全面发展型

(德育、智育、体育、美育全面发展)、综合型(具备多方面的综合能力)、创新型(具备音乐创造以及通过音乐教学来启发和促进创造精神发展的能力)的音乐人才。探寻适合我国发展状况的高校音乐教育模式,是当前音乐教育面临的重要工作任务。音乐表演专业在专业学科中属于文学类中的艺术学类,其中艺术学类共27个专业,音乐表演专业在艺术学类专业中排名第14,在整个文学大类中排名第38位。截止到 2013年12月24日,37330位音乐表演专业毕业生中应届毕业生工资2811元,0-2年工资3544元,8-10年工资3562元,10年以上工资4562元,3-5年工资4443元,6-7年工资6999元。音乐表演专业就业岗位最多的地区是广州。薪酬最高的地区是芜湖。据统计,音乐表演专业就业前景最好的地区有:1、广州、2、北京、3、杭州、4、武汉、5、厦门、6、深圳、7、上海、8、成都、9、重庆、10、郑州,平均薪酬在3461元。 音乐表演专业就业前景。随着现代科学技术的发展,自然科学与人文社会科学日益相互交融,音乐艺术已逐渐成为具有广阔发展前景的朝阳产业。培养全面发展型(德育、智育、体育、美育全面发展)、综合型(具备多方面的综合能力)、创新型(具备音乐创造以及通过音乐教学来启发和促进创造精神发展的能力)的音乐人才。探寻适合我国发展状况的高校音乐教育模式,是当前音乐教育面临的重要工作任务。音乐表演专业在专业学科中属于文学类中的艺术学类,其中艺术学类共27个专业,音乐表演专业在艺术学类专业中排名第14,在整个文学大类中排名第38位。


音乐课的音乐听力训练 对于中学生来说,进行音乐听力的训练是十分重要的培养目标之一。凡是成功的音乐家(作曲家、歌唱家、演奏家),无不具备超群的听音能力。少年时期的聂耳,所过的曲子过耳不忘,瞎子阿炳无疑是靠听力进行创作和演奏的。因此说,在音乐教学中,抓住契机,有计划、有目的地进行听力训练,是不可忽视的素质教育内容之一。一般而言,音乐听力训练可有如下几种方式方法。 一、听琴音 绝大多数音乐教师,都是使用风琴、钢琴、手风琴、电子琴等键盘乐器来组织教学的。因而,听琴能力的训练,是最基本的听觉训练,可不夫时机地提高听琴音的能力。 1.辨琴语。辨琴语,是属于常规性的听力训练。为了更好地组织教学,就要经常进行辨琴语的训练。以便形成相应的技能。 2.说音名。?在每次教唱歌曲之前,都要进行说音名的训练。教师用琴弹出一个或几个音符(音组),让学生试着说出其名称来,以便提高感知音符的能力。 3.唱音符。?教师用琴弹奏音符或音组,让学生听后学唱,增强听音的记忆和表达能力。 二、听乐曲 让学生经常地听一听有关的器乐曲,在欣赏的过程中进行听力训练,是增强听觉器官感知能力的有效途径。

1.品乐器。乐曲,固然是由乐器弹奏出来的乐音。可在聆听某个乐曲后,让学生品味出是由哪种或哪些乐器发出的音响。例如:(1)《二泉印月》(二胡);(2)《我是一个兵》(笛子);(3)《高山流水》(古筝);(4)《雨打琶蕉》(琵琶);(5)《喜洋洋》(唢呐、笛子、弦乐、打击乐等)。 2.讲曲名。让学生在每次欣赏乐曲后,准确无误地讲出乐曲的题目,以利更好地认知乐曲,丰富音乐知识。例如:(1)江南(广东)音乐(《紫竹调》、《步步高》、《十面埋伏>;(2)民族音乐(《信天游》、《小放牛》、《有个金太阳》;(3)西洋音乐(《天鹅湖》、《月光曲》、《斗牛士》)。 3.记曲谱。在识谱教学进行到一定程度的时候,可让学生试着记录曲谱,进行较高层次的听力训练,提高边听边记的能力。当然不能超之过急,应由浅入深,由少到多,逐步量力而行,能记多少是多少,哪怕是象征性的也好。教师进行必要的检验和指导。激发感知、记忆,再现曲谱的兴趣,强化听音能力的训练。 三、听歌声 在音乐听力训练的过程中,教师可以充分发挥收录机的作用,让学生欣赏录音磁带上的歌曲,然后进行相应的听力训练。 1.听歌曲。教师可以有针对性地利用收录机,播放著名或流行歌曲,让学生在欣赏不同风格和流派的歌曲过程中,进行感知歌曲的训练。例如:(1)民族歌曲(《沂蒙山小调》、《绣金匾》、《二月里来》;(2)美声歌曲(《我爱你祖国》、《北京颂歌》、《大海故乡》;(3)通俗歌曲《九百九十九朵玫瑰》、《好人一生平安》、《山不转来水也转》等。


听觉注意力训练 实验小学刘艳 注意力能否集中对于孩子的学习是非常重要的,没有注意力,学习的内容就记不住。那该如何培养和训练孩子的听觉注意力呢?有意识训练孩子听觉注意力 ,培养良好的听课行为习惯的方法、策略: 一、利用我校多媒体的优势播放音频进行训练 我选择一些简便易行的方法,训练孩子集中注意力的能力。我充分利用我校多媒体的优势播放音频,每天课前和孩子一起专心听时钟的滴答声或鸟声或其他动物的叫声,第一天10次,第二天15次,第三天20次,逐次增多,每次都十分专注地聆听,坚持下去,就有利于培养认真倾听的好习惯。 训练方法:每天课前练习2分钟,要坚持才有效。 训练目的:提高听课注意力和听课效率,听课不走神题. 二、数字传真 训练内容: 第一关老师每个数字串读一遍,孩子听完后凭记忆倒着写下听到的数字。 201, 879, 761, 717, 36, 076, 238, 13 数字串加长。每组写1个就行了。随机写,也可以记忆乘法口诀中的一些规律。 第二关找漏洞

认真听,把老师故意漏掉的数字找出来。 2, 4, 7, 9,10, 11 ,13, 14, 16, 17, 18 然后让学生写出自己的感想。 三、听字训练 训练方法:老师读短文,学生认真听,当听到一个“ 一”字用笔画个勾,老师读完后统计“一”字的个数,看学生记录的个数与短文中“一”的个数是否相同。 草坪上站着一只既美丽又威武的大公鸡。 大公鸡的嘴尖尖的,象老鹰的嘴一样尖锐;它的眼睛圆圆的,又黑又亮象黑珍珠;眼睛后面是它的耳朵,被绒毛遮住了,不管有多大的风沙和多大的雨都进不去一粒沙一滴水;它的头上一个有火红火红的鸡冠,看上去仿佛象给它一顶红色的小帽子;它的嘴巴下面有一个半圆型的肉片,那就是它的鸡坠;它的脖子油亮油亮的,五颜六色真可爱;它的翅膀张开时象两把羽毛扇;它的尾巴高高的翘着,象五彩散金的彩虹;走起路来尾巴一翘一翘地,可有趣了;它有一双金黄色的爪子,又长又硬,很锐利,一会儿就可以刨一个坑。 大公鸡每天早上催人们早早起,我喜欢这只美丽又威武的大公鸡。 -----这个训练既锻炼了学生的听觉能力,又加强了学科间的整合。 四、听句训练 让学生跟老师说话,老师完整地说一句话后,一个学生说前面的半句,另一个学生来说后面的半句。


初中英语听力训练MP3材料综合 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听队菌5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c 三个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相对应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答相关小题和阅读下一小题:每段对话仅读一遍。 1.what may robert do next friday? a. he tray probably go to the woman’s party with his wife, b.he may stay at home. c.he may hold a little party. 2.what can we learn from the dialogue? a.the woman dialed the wrong number. b.the woman dialed the number correctly. c.the man was wanted on the phone. 3.what does the woman mean? a.she will not stay at home. b. it is too late. c. it looks like rain and she will not have a swim. 4.where did sara work before he got the new job? a.in an advertising firm. b. in a school. c. in a library. 5.what time does the train arrive?


英语听力训练 听"作为人类言语交际方式之一,在信息剧增、国际交往日益频繁的今天更具有重要意义,因此,如何提高听力始终为人们所关注。现代语言教育理论高度重视听在语言学习和语言使用中的作用,听的教学受忽视和缺乏科学性的状况正在改变。为此,许多英语教学工作者提出进行多种尝试,例如,大量听,广泛听,听电台,电视台英语广播,听英文歌曲等,但缺乏对影响听力理解的一些因素作出较为全面、深入的探究。 一般说来,造成学生听力理解困难的因素很多,如生词、复杂的句子结构、内容熟悉度、语速、背景杂音和语音语调的变化等。仔细分析这些停留在表层的干扰因素,笔者以为,对这一问题的研究可从学习策略的角度考查以下几对关系:1.听力与词汇量;2.听读相关性; 3.听力与记忆; 4.听力与语言功能操练; 5.听力与听者的情绪状态。 一、影响听力理解的几个因素 (一)听力与词汇量 一般人总是认为,听得越多,听力理解能力越强。不容否认,多听确是提高听力理解能力的一种积极手段,但听力水平的高低不完全在于听的次数多少,也不完全在于听的内容长短、难易如何,它是一个人英语知识的全面体现,而所有英语知识的基础便是词汇。词汇量在英语学习中起着至关重要的作用,它是一切训练的基础,听力自然也不例外。听力理解中的每一个对话、语段、语篇都是由句子组成,而句子的基本单位正是词或词组。在听的过程中,我们能模仿出听到的发音,但如不掌握一定的词汇量,便无法把与其所代表的符号——词联系起来,也就无法得知符号所代表的事物——意义。 因此,从理论上说,词汇量的大小在一个侧面决定了听力理解的程度。 (二)听读相关性 不少人学习英语多年,但却不一定能听懂别人说英语,即使是非常简单的句子。然而,若把英语的书面材料给他们,即使有一些生词也能读懂或大致看懂。这种情况不仅在自学英语的


高校音乐专业毕业生就业状况分析及对策 [摘要]随着高等音乐教育由精英教育向大众化教育的转变,音乐专业毕业生逐年增加,导致社会的需求从过去的“供不应求”逐渐发展到了现在的“供过于求”,形成音乐专业毕业生就业难的状况。只有对高校音乐专业毕业生的就业状况进行正确分析,并针对存在的问题找出相应的对策,毕业生的就业能力才能得到提高,就业难的问题才会得到解决。 [关键词]音乐专业毕业生就业状况促进就业 一、高校音乐专业毕业生目前的就业状况 随着我国改革开放步伐的加快,家庭收入的稳步增长,不少学生具备了学习音乐的经济基础,学习音乐已经不再是个别人的“专利”,加之素质教育已经深植于家长的头脑之中,从20世纪80年代到现在,学习音乐的学生人数急剧增加。同时,伴随着我国经济的快速发展,高等教育正经历着深刻变革。由于连续大规模扩招,各高等院校音乐专业的规模和学科设置进行了相应的调整,精英教育已经转化为大众教育,使大众接受音乐教育的机会极大地提高,这样每年都有大批的音乐专业毕业生进入社会。随着毕业生的逐年增加,社会的需求情况从过去的“供不应求”逐渐发展到了现在的“供过于求”,导致每年都有大量的毕业生不能及时就业,形成了音乐专业毕业生就业难的状况。 二、影响高校音乐专业毕业生就业的因素分析 毫无疑问,国内外经济大环境和国内重大事件的发生必然会对高校音乐专业毕业生的就业产生影响。然而,对于大学生就业而言,最关键的影响因素还是“结构性的”。这些因素主要包括短期供给超量、区域选择偏好、就业能力不足等,其中毕业生就业能力不足是其就业难的根本所在。 1.在时间结构上,高校音乐专业毕业生供给超量增长,在短期内超出了社会需求的增长。近年来,我国各高校大规模扩招和音乐专业纷纷上马使得音乐专业毕业生人数急剧增加,但毕业生供给增长的速度远高于经济增长,劳动力市场需要一定的时间逐步消化高校音乐专业毕业生在短期内的超量供给。


听觉在音乐学习中的重要性 学习音乐,尤其是学习钢琴演奏,训练出一双有着高度审美力和鉴赏力的敏锐的“耳朵”,是至关重要的。音乐听觉来自于内心各种听觉能力的培养。 旋律听觉复调听觉和声听觉 艺术形象的音响想象。随着这种内心的感受,就形成了对音响图像的追求。这种内心听觉越敏锐,就越有助于音乐的表现。衡量钢琴演奏水平的高低,造诣的深浅,只能凭借耳朵这一听觉器官;判断演奏者乐感优劣、投入的程度,音响效果是唯一的依据,而绝非一些故弄玄虚的外部表情与动作。 一、音乐听觉的重要性 音乐是通过声音来塑造形象、表达情感的艺术形式,无论演奏者还是听众都需要通过听觉来欣赏音乐,鉴别其艺术效果的优劣。凡是优秀的音乐家都具有敏锐的听觉,他们在有意或无意聆听的状态下,其听觉器官总是保持着高度的职业敏感性。而这种敏感的听觉不是天生的,而是长期训练的结果。因此,学习钢琴,就必须培养学生有敏锐的听觉能力,使之能胜任钢琴音乐的演奏要求。演奏时必须用听觉去判断演奏是否达到应有的艺术效果——音乐的变化、力度的层次、节奏的脉搏、踏板的清晰、乐句的均匀、旋律的流畅、风格的准确等等。演奏者只有具备了良好的音乐听觉,才能检验弹奏的效果。因此,敏锐的音乐听觉能力对学习钢琴演奏的人来说是至关重要的,涅高兹曾说过:“听觉越是迟钝,所演奏的声音和表现的内容就越呆板。” 二、音乐听觉训练的特点 练琴的过程也就是练习发音的过程。不能满足于只是“发出”声音,而是要根据乐曲性质的要求发出应有的声音。许多学生在演奏时思路混乱,多数是因为听觉原因造成的。因此,要求学生必须在清晰的思维下,按照音乐进行的规律,将无意识的听觉、混乱的听觉调整为清晰的、有目的的听觉。这样才能使学生从特定意义出发进行学习,充分调动自己的听觉器官,培养、发挥自己的听觉能力。 钢琴学习中的听觉训练,不是单纯的音的高低听辨,也不是仅仅用耳朵去听。“听”是心理在生理上的运用。一般意义上的听只是耳朵的功能,而凝神细听则是一种心理功能。钢琴学习中的听觉训练,就包含了这种心理功能的训练,要使学生集中于大脑的听觉训练。教师的任务是不断地向学生发出信号,让学生注意听,并告诉他们所要听的内容和如何去听,而学生则必须时刻保持听觉的警惕性。 在音乐作品中,主要的旋律声部不一定都是在最高声部。如弹奏巴赫的赋格曲时,不仅要让人听到高声部的主题,还要听到中声部的主题、低声部的主题以及对题。即使一首简短的主调乐曲,也要分清旋律声部和伴奏声部,旋律声部中可能还有副旋律,伴奏声部中可能有低音线条及和声层等等。在音乐的发展过程中,声部的关系是在不断变化的,各声部层次在不同段落中的主次、地位和所起的作用也在随之变化。因此,钢琴学习中的音乐听觉训练,就必须对所弹奏的音乐进行分析,对音乐中的各种因素了如指掌,在清晰的思维控制下,有目的地进行。 三、音乐听觉训练的要求 1.建立旋律听觉 音乐作品中,旋律是核心。学生在学习演奏时,如何弹奏旋律至关重要。一定要时刻听到自己弹奏的声音,对自己所弹奏旋律的声音、情感,要做到在心中有数的基础上,在听觉的控制下进行。 注意听完整的旋律线条。必须准确地划分旋律的句读。弹奏时要细心地听旋律的每一个


英语听力提高有效训练方法总结 1.跟读的方法:这是遵循模仿的原则来使用的方法,也是语 言学习过程中最有效的方法之一。跟读的方法有两种,一句一句 的跟读,直到整篇文章读完;另一种是跟着原声将整段或者整篇文章 跟读下来。后一种方式,对整体文章的把握具有很好的效果。建议采用。跟读的方法在前期过程中要反复使用。有些发音优美的文章值得 反复跟读多遍,直到能够背诵为佳。 2.大声朗读的方法:大 声朗读是跟读方法的延续。是在你认为跟读得比较像得情况下,实行 大声的朗读。朗读当然就要出声,出声就会对耳朵和大脑有刺激,有 刺激就会引起生理的变化,朗读到一定时候,你会发现你的舌头不再 僵硬了。这对日后的口语表达奠定了良好的发声基础。大声朗读有几 个要素能够辅助使用,以提升朗读的效率。一是激情朗读法。这个意 思当然非常明显,语音语调、抑扬顿挫、全情投入,发挥全身的参与,不但朗读感觉很好,而且效果非常明显;二是捂住耳朵朗读。这不是 为了排除外界的噪音,而是通过捂着耳朵朗读,增强对耳朵、大脑的 刺激,获得更佳的记忆效果。朗读的间接成果,可能会导致背诵。而 背诵也是语言学习的良好的手段之一。 3.听写的方法:这个 方法是从小孩学语文的过程中学来的。小学生经常要回家让家长给他 听写生词甚至句子。这种通过手(写)、耳(听)的方法,对巩固所 学的内容,非常见效。我们国内钟道隆教授的逆向英语提倡的就是英 语听写练习。 4.使用英英词典的方法:在听的过程中碰到生 词时,使用英英词典实行查询。使用英英词典越早越好。这不但因为 英英词典给你的词条解释是最清晰的(翻译过的词条解释往往会引起 词义上的误解),还因为通过查询英英词典,能够使你对英语的把握 和感觉更加直接,不需要更多的中英转换。比如,英语里的insist和persist两个词。在英汉词典里查都是“坚持”的意思,用汉语翻译根本看不出这两个词的区别。而这种区别如果你查询或者使用英英词典 的话,一开始就会明白。请看在Longman Web Dictionary 中对 insist的解释是:to say firmly and repeatedly that something


初二英语听力练习 1. Surprised/surprising be surprised to do sth. 对做某事感到惊讶 be surprised at sth. 对……感到惊讶 ① We are ________at the _________ news. (surprise) ② He is surprised _________(hear)the news. He is surprised _________the news. Stop doing sth. 停止做某事 Stop to do sth. 停下手中的事去做另一件事 1). If you want to keep healthy you must______ ______. (停止吸烟) 2).Class begins. Please stop ___________.(停止讲话) 3).Class is over. Let’s ________ ________ have a rest.(让我们停下来休息一会儿) 2. 补全短文 Justin and Paul get a call from their friend Susan. They _______ Hill Building quickly. They __________ their car at once. They ask three men in police uniform if they see the robbers. They don’t answer. They just ____ the twins into the back of a green van and drive away. Now the twins know that the three men are ______. Paul ______ open the door but _____. He uses a knife and tries again. It _____. They decide to ___________________ to the police station. When the van stops at the ___________, Justin and Paul jump out of the van and _______ quickly. They meet at the police station and report to a policeman. Suddenly, Paul ____________. He is __________ see three robbers in the police station. They laugh happily. 3.试着复述短文,可以在下面写出关键词,根据关键词来复述。 (三)达标检测 一、用所给词的适当形式填空: 1. He told the police about the four (rob). 2. Justin (drive) to school every day. 3. Simon told us (turn) left at the traffic lights. 4. The police (catch) them in the end. 5. Let’s run to the police station on (five) Street. 6. My mother asked me (open) the windows quickly. 7. The students stopped (talk) when they saw their teacher. 8. What about (take) another route? 9. The boy tried (run) away. 10. It (mean) that we can study at the same time. 二、将下列句子改为同义句: 1. Shall we read the story together? read the story together? 2. He used a knife to open the box.. He the box a knife. https://www.360docs.net/doc/1819028766.html,lie’s friend called: “Help! Help!” on the phone. Millie’s friend her help on the phone.


听力训练5 Part ⅢListening Comprehension Section A Direction: In his section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A),B),C) and D),and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet2 with a single line through the centre. 11. A) The hot water. B) The symptom of the patient. C) The chemical experiment. D) The stock market. 12. A) It is far away from here. B) They can not arrive there by that time. C) The time is quite enough to be there. D) He can not calculate the time. 13. A) He met with Alice at the restaurant. B) He did n’t date with Alice at all. C) He hates to meet Alice. D) Alice is one of his girl friends. 14. A) Pet dog need good conditions. B) Jack loves dog very much. C) The woman knows little about caring for pets. D) Jack knows little about caring for pets. 15. A) They should go out for dinner. B) He loves to eat oil meals. C) The dishes made in the restaurant are more delicious. D) They’d better made dinner at home for the sake of health. 16. A) The campus provides enough parking place. B) The man does n’t have the parking permit on the campus. C) The man will get fined for parking on the wrong place. D) The woman is the teacher of the man. 17. A) He will leave the restaurant. B) He will draw the curtain down and put on his coat.


高校音乐专业分流的实践与探索 发表时间:2019-09-22T00:24:25.687Z 来源:《基层建设》2019年第18期作者:刘秋雨[导读] 摘要:本文立足于高校音乐专业课程改革,谈大类招生模式下高校音乐专业分流模式,突出“整体化教学方向、个性化方向、天人合一乐教观”的课程理念,为培养现代社会所需的专业人才而努力。 聊城大学音乐与舞蹈学院 摘要:本文立足于高校音乐专业课程改革,谈大类招生模式下高校音乐专业分流模式,突出“整体化教学方向、个性化方向、天人合一乐教观”的课程理念,为培养现代社会所需的专业人才而努力。 关键词:大类招生;模式;高校音乐;专业分流;实践 一、从分科递进课程体系向整体化方向的模式转变 使专业课不断向整合优化的、跨学科、跨领域、跨课类、乐感文化的新课型方向转型。可突破音乐大、小课界限,实现双向发展,即理论大课向技能小课发展,小课向大课靠拢。技能小课突破纯表演规格的个别教学,产生灵活多样的大课、小组课、个别课结合的新课型。表演大课讲授理论和技能的共性内容,促进师生在智力因素包括使人格、情性、毅力、肖力、自信心、专注力、适度感和控制力等。认识上增加理性思考;小组课突出互帮、互教和互学;个别课则突出个性。这种三位一体的新课型和因材施教,优生优教(优生优教是一些师院提出的鼓励拔尖学生的一种教学管理手段。学生上进心强、学习进度快、成绩显著,教师为适应学生的发展,也相应增加授课时间和授课形式。)的激励机制共同作用于表演小课教学,是改变“心授多于口传”,“模仿多于创新”的落后的教学状态的重要举措。理论大课采用大、小结合的课型,即课上与课下结合、理论与实践结合、整合与优化结合、传授与指导结合等改革措施,前者为大课,后者为小课。在专业课的课界上,要突破理论课与表演课的界限。理论课中加进表演课的因素,表演课重视理论的内容。要突破作曲技术课与音乐学课程的界限,将二者的内容有机地结合起来。加强理论课程对作曲课程的指导作用,加强历史课程中以古鉴今的内容。在专业课的课域上,特别关注音乐课程与非专业的素质和文化课程的联系与沟通。 二、从共性化教学观念向个性化方向转型教学实践 其一是不断反思忽视人的本性发展的教学行为,反思音乐教学中各种共性化的条条框框。不断审视在音乐教学(欣赏、分析、表演和创作)过程中,是否充满体现了学生个性的魅力特征?是否能引起学生的参与欲、创造欲和表现欲望?是否充分展现了学生个性才能,发挥学生的想象力?在教学过程中提倡学生追根求源,多问为什么,提倡逆反思维,教、学双方都戴上研究的眼镜,达到知其然,也知所以然,师生共进,共同研究的目的。课堂上学生可以有准备地和即兴地阐释自己的见解,可以讨论,可以递纸条,也可以在教师的同意下由学生主讲。这些都要发挥个人潜力去积极准备方可奏效还可进行个性化的学生学习成果汇报。其二是开设具有拓展个性的规划课程。每个学生从自我学习条件出发制定个人发展规划,并在学习过程中经老师指导不断得到修正,不断调适自我发展与社会需要的关系、与共性发展的关系,不断拓展和丰富个性,使其成为适应社会急剧变化的一种“生存能力”,成为专业、人文和观念三项技能统一的思维基础,成为成功智力(成功智力的概念是创造性智力、实践性智力、分析性智力三种智力的平衡与搭配)之首要。其六是教学内容突破他人的知识和经验范畴,融进师生自我的知识与直接经验、生活经历、文化进展等方面等个性内容。与具有个性特征的课外音乐活动结合起来。在教学内容中关注对每个学生的音乐审美和立美能力的培养,关注教学内容与学生的心理发展、情感体验、文化背景、科学认识、社会生活的相联系,将学生的专业和非专业的个性经验和生活充实到教学之中,促进音乐课程内容向生活回归。 三、用“天人合一”的乐教观审视高师课堂音乐教学 “天人合一”的乐教观在高师音乐教学改革中最终还是要落实到课程改革之上。在课程研制的过程中,要将音乐教育和教学中的艺术因素、科学因素、人文因素“合一”,必须形成综合性的新型课程形式不断促进旧课程在概念、形式和内容等方面均发生翻天覆地的变化,“天人合一”乐教思想贯穿到课程研制的全部过程,通过整合优化、整合升华,使每一个音乐教学的时间切面,均构成综合的课程型态;使整合过的新型课程有利于学生创造力的培养,有利于学生艺术创新意识的实现;有利于培养学生的艺术美感、想象力、鉴赏力与文化认识的有效沟通;有利于艺术的情意教育贯彻和学生艺术情境的实现;有利于学生学会学习,养成良好学习习惯和学习方法;有利于教师从主导教学地位向以人为本、以学生为中心的方向转型;有利于教师教学方式的变更,教师由至高无上的传道者变成服务学生的辅导者和促进者;有利于课堂上下、校园内外全方位的教学连接,既关注学生课外个人特长的发展,又帮助学生学习与社会现实相关内容;有利于培养学生终身学习音乐的愿望和兴趣。 四、结语 大类招生是涉及到人才培养模式、课程体系、教学方式方法的一次深刻改革,大类招生背景下音乐教育课程的创新与发展是目前高校改革的热点。 参考文献: [1]吴琼.核心素养下高师音乐教育专业应用型人才培养的思考[J].艺术评鉴,2017,21. [2]石晓平.高师音乐专业应用型人才培养创新研究[J].音乐创作,2016,06. 简介:刘秋雨(1992-)女聊城大学音乐与舞蹈学院17级研究生,专业为声乐表演


如何进行有效的听力训练 如何进行有效的听力训练作者:对外经济贸易大学副教授潘亚玲摘自:《外语学习策略与方法》听是交际的一个重要环节。听力训练在外语学习中起着至关重要的作用。赫尔德说过,耳朵是教授语言的第一位老师。 很多外语学习者经常抱怨自己的听力不好,其实,听力是可以训练的。在做听力训练时应注意所听的课文不要太长,否则容易感到疲惫,而失去了听的乐趣。 听力技巧的类别 在现实生活中,你每天都会听到成千上万的声音信息:收音机、电视、周围人们的谈话、教师的讲课、与同学的谈话、周围环境的噪音、虫鸣鸟语等等。如果你现在静下来听一听周围的声音,一定不下十种,只是平时它们中的大多数对你没有什么意义,因此被你的大脑“忽略”了。你应当感谢大脑的这种“过滤”功能,否则,如果要一五一十地处理这些信息,你的“生物计算机”迟早会因为超负荷运转而报废。 在学习外语过程中,很多同学对于听力训练的理解都有误区。他们认为听力课文应当反反复复地听,直到听懂了文中的每一句话、每一个词为止,一些同学甚至要将听到的全文一字不漏地写下来,才认为自己达到了学习目的。 而实际上,在生活中很少有这种要求。在很多情况之下,我们都只需要了解所听到信息的大概内容,或者选择性地听,而无需听懂所有的信息。因此,在外语学习中,我们根据所听信息的种类、信息的传播方式、听者的兴趣和目的把听力技巧的种类分为泛听、精听、有选择地听等。 预测所听的内容 一般来说,我们不会毫无准备地听某些信息,在听之前,我们可以根据所掌握的知识和信息对即将听的内容进行预测(prediction)。特别是我们教材中的听力课文在这方面可以为我们提供许多辅助:听力课文的插图和标题对即将听到的课文透露了重要的信息,针对听力课文所编写的练习让我们能基本确定应采用哪种听力技巧(精听、泛听、有选择地听),从这些练习所提的问题中大多可以看出听力课文的内容和大体结构等等。另外,从听力课文的种类也大致可以判断出课文的结构。这样,你在听课文之前就对它的基本框架、主题、情景、谈话人、意图等等有了一种预测,这种预测工作做得越充分,你在听课文时就会感觉越轻松,这就好比三级跳远中的助跑一样。 我们不仅能在听课文之前对它的有关内容进行预测,还可以在听的过程中进行预测。你可能认为,可用于进行这项工作的时间太短,但它却是十分重要的。其实,在听到的课文中有很多因素可以帮助我们进行预测,比如下面这些给予明显信号的词可以帮助你理解上下文之间的逻辑联系,从而大致预测出将要听到的


听力(一) I .听录音,选出你所听到的字母或单词。每个读两遍。(5分) ()1. A. CNN B. end C. F2F ()2. A. UK B. U.S.A. C. NBA ( )3. A. morni ng B. after noon C. Chi na ()4. A. hi B. hello C. how ( )5. A. nice B. fine C. my n .听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读两遍。(5分) ( )11. A. Fine, tha nks. ( )12. A. Good morni ng. ( )13. A. This is my teacher. ( )14. A. Nice to meet you. ( )16. A. Fine, tha nks. ( )17. A. Good afternoo n. ( )18. A. Yes, I am. ( )19. A. Good morni ng, Mike. ( )20. A. Yes, I am. 听力(二) C. I ' m fine. C. Good after noon. C. This is my mom. C. How do you do? C. Let ' s begin. C. You, too. C. Nice to see you, too. C. I ' m OK. C. Goodbye, Mike. C. Fine, tha nks. I .听句子,选出与其相符的图片(5分)1. n .听对话,根据问题选择正确答案(10分) 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 川.听录音,选择你所听到的句子。每个句子读两遍。(5 分) 2. 3. 4. 5. A U C ADC A H C \ / A U C ABC ()15. A. See you later. B. See you. IV .听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读两遍。(5 B. I ' m OK. B. Goodbye. B. This is Maria. B. How are you? B. How do you do? B. Hello! B. Thank you. B. Thank you. B. Thank you.


UNIT1 Section One Tactics for Listening Part1Spot Dictation Houses in the Future VOCABULARY contract['k?n’tr?kt]n.To reduce in size Directions:Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with what you hear: Well,i think houses in the future will probably be but i should think they’ll be so that you don’t need so much and as you do now,so perhaps very economical.Perhaps they will use, although i don’t know,in this country,perhaps we to do that so much.Yes,i think they’ll be full of:things like very advanced televisions,videos,perhaps videos which take up-the screen the whole wall.I should think.Yes,you’ll have things like which open automatically when you,perhaps electronic which will you when you,when you come to the front door even.Perhaps and designers will be a bit more about how houses are designed and perhaps with the people will think of putting gardens and,and maybe rooms can be and,and depending on what you use them for,so perhaps there’ll be a bit more about that.


关于高校音乐专业中的音乐治疗学课程[摘要] 音乐治疗学是一门新兴的综合性学科,在我国的发展还相对缓慢。高等院校音乐专业普遍还未开设音乐治疗相关课程,但对学生来说,了解音乐治疗学对其专业和未来的发展都有益处,对音乐治疗学科的发展亦储备了力量,所以音乐专业学生学习音乐治疗学是有必要的。在当前的音乐治疗教学中,我们还会遇到一些问题,但是在学科不断发展的过程中,在教师的辛勤努力下,音乐治疗学在高校音乐专业依然有着良好的前景。 [关键词] 音乐治疗音乐治疗学课程高等院校音乐专业 [abstract] music therapy is a comprehensive discipline, it develops slowly in china. the music in higher institutions has not yet set up courses about music therapy in general, but learn these courses is beneficial to the music therapy, also to the students’ music expertise and personal development, so music students studying music therapy is necessary. in the current teaching of music therapy, we will encounter some problems, but in the process of continuous development of disciplines and hard work of teachers, the music therapy in music of colleges and universities still have a good future. [keyword] music therapy courses the music in higher institutions


3-18岁纯英式素质教育领航者:纯英式资深外教,纯英式国际领先教材,纯英式学习环境!优尼全能英语:小学生英语听力训练的九个方法 南昌市第二十六中学熊云霞1. 阶梯训练法 听力训练要遵循由浅入深、由易到难、由慢到快、循序渐进的原则,有目的有计划地进行单词──短语──短文的训练。 (1) 听辨单词 要求听辨的单词大多是听起相似或只有长短音的区别。在平时训练中,教师应对此进行比较,找出差异的规律,让学生在平时的训练中有意识地运用这些差异的规律。(2) 听选答语 让学生就所听到的句子、对话回答问题。在听材料前,首先要让学生熟悉一下所听材料内容,做到心中有数;听读前要听清关键词,特殊疑问词是学生要听的关键词。如what,why,who,whose,where,which,how等。听选答语是培养学生语句理解能力,以及对语句表层意义深层涵义的理解,听懂对话的言外之意或间接的转述。 (3) 听读默写 听写是训练听力的好方式,早期阶段鼓励学生要在要在写之前尽兴口头复述,即“听、说、写”三结合的方式,以锻炼学生的记忆力,听写的内容可以是单词、句子或短文填空等,千万不可因其中有不会写的单词而隔断以后的内容,要做到当机立断,要随着录音的播放而进行,中间不存在思维中断。 (4) 短文理解 短文理解是在听完一段录音材料后,根据短文的内容判断正误,或根据短文内容选择正确答案。无论是哪一类的练习,首先都要理解短文的内容,甚至在理解的基础上加以分析、推理,从而得出正确答案。为了培养学生的概括能力,可采取听后概述,强化识记。教师在进行课文教学时,可以先让学生听课文录音,然后让他们复述课文主要内容。复述时可以先写关键词或借助辅助手段,如挂图、投影、手势等,以强化效果,降低难度。 2. 点拨听力预测技巧 听力理解的心理过程的特征要求听者在听力过程中运用相对应的策略,以便及时准确地理解说话者的信息,预测策略就是其中重要的一种。按照现代认知心理学的的图式理论,听力是一个“外部信息”激活“内部图式”,进而产生“预期”,再经过“证实──扩展──修正──再预期──再证实”的知觉循环过程。 预测策略可分为听前预测、听中预测和听后预测。听前预测是通过快读选项,对可能的问题(重点预测)和对话或文章的大致内容(通篇预测)进行预测;听中预测是在听的过程中,通过起始句、标志语、关键词等对文章内容进行预测,同时这里也包含着对听前预测的分析、修正、整理及再预测;听后预测一般是对听后仍有疑问或漏听的信息的一个
