Writing 写作 教案

Writing 写作 教案
Writing 写作 教案

选修7 Unit 4 Writing教学设计


I.Teaching aims

⑴ Target Language(目标语言)

①Finish the writing task and master the writing skills of introducing a person.

②Grasp some useful words and expressions.

③Try to polish the writing and make it less mistakes.

⑵ Learning Ability goals(能力目标)

①Develop students’ ability of using language and writing.

②Develop the ability of analyzing the questions.

⑶ Emotional goals(情感目标)

① Try to be active in writing activity. ② Overcome the anxiety about writing.

Ⅱ.Teaching key and difficult points (教学重难点)

⑴ Analyze the topic of writing.

⑵ How to polish the style and avoid mistakes.

Ⅲ.Teaching methods (教学方法)

Discussion (group work); answer questions (individual work)

Ⅳ.Teaching aids (教具准备)

Multimedia equipment; blackboard; preview paper, discussion paper

Ⅴ.Teaching procedures (教学过程)

Step I Greeting and lead in (情景导入)

T: This unit is about a voluntary teacher, who worked in an African country. In our class , there is also one person who contributes a lot. Let’s see who he is(show a picture of the monitor).

Now,would you like to have a description of him?


Today, we will learn how to write a passage about introducing a person. At first, let’s enjoy a passage which is also about a monitor.

StepⅡpresentation (预习展示)



Li Lin, monitor of Class 1 Grade 2 , is healthy and lively. She does well in all her subjects, and she is fond of sports, singing and dancing.

When she came to school, she had much difficulty with English, but through hard work she made great progress. In 2006 she took part in the National Physics Olympic Competition , in which she won the first prize. Li Lin is very strict with herself in her work and daily life. In the meantime, she is always ready to help others.

Having set a good example to us, so she deserves the honor and we should learn from her.




According to the tips of analyzing, students show the important words and expressions they have underlined in the model passage.(实物展台上展示)


The teacher could ask some students to show the useful expressions and sentences that can be used in this kind of writting.


be admitted into .....

major in....

get a master’s degree

graduate from....

win the first prize

win a gold medal/the Nobel Prize

set a good example to us

be highly thought of

be awarded a medal for.....

be awarded the title of...

devote ...to ...

Of all..., ...is the one who impress me most

He was born in...

He is a young...with a round face, long hair, and a big nose.

He is a lovely..., who is easy-going, talkative, and ready to help others.

He got/received...

He is such a learned person that we all admire him very much.

He set a good example to us and we have learned a lot from him.

I admire him for his...


Step III Teacher’s guidance (教师指导)



1. 结构:人物介绍可以分为三部分写:






1). 职位头衔:用同位语, 年龄性别与家境也可用同位语。如:

Sun Shuwei, a world champion in diving, is a boy of 14 from Guangdong.(同位语)

I’m Li Hui, a girl of seventeen.

Lincoln, the son of a poor family, was born in Kentucky on February 12, 1809.

2). 介绍出生: 介绍出生的时间、地点和家境用分词结构, 使文章更简洁。如:Yao Ming, born in Shanghai in 1980, is a world famous basketball player.

Born of a poor clerk ’s family, Charles Dickens had little schooling.

3). 描写外貌: 巧用with短语。如:

My English teacher is a beautiful lady, with long hair and big eyes.

4). 生平事迹:尽量用复合句、并列句、非谓语动词短语和倒装等高级语句。如:

In his life, he got many honors, one of which is the 2005 CCTV Moving China Award

Having broken the world record, he became the idol of the youth IN 2006.

Not only does he show interest in science, but also he has a gift for music.

写成长经历请按时间顺序:如when he was a small boy,at (the age of) five,in 2006,a year later等。

5). 评价尽量运用短语。如:

Lei Feng set a good example to us, so all the people show great respect to him.

Step IV Discussion

Writing the sketch



1.Figure out the useful words or expressions. (词汇积累)

2.Make some useful sentences in groups of six. (交流讨论,连词成句)

Students make sentences in groups and write down the sentences on the blackboard, which they think are best sentences or uncertain sentences.


Students write the beautiful sentences on the blackboard. Discuss the sentences which have been listed on the blackboard and try to appreciate them. If there are some mistakes in the sentences, correct and polish them.

Step V Consolidation and promotion (能力提升)

1. According to the writing notes, students begin to write the sketch. (独立组句成篇)


(two students write on the blackboard)

2. Teacher’s appraise (教师讲评)

The teacher had better emphasis and polish students’ writing.

Students try to correct their own articles and avoid mistakes, and then they present the final writing and hand in their compositions.

Step VI 课堂评价

The teacher evaluates the performance of each group and encourage them to keep it up.


Try to conclude what they learn in the writing class and polish their writing..


公关策划文案 又称"公共关系专题活动策划书",是开展公关实务活动前必须做的一项工作。一个策划文案,表明了为了取得预期结果而必须采取什么行动的工作理论。理论决定着战术的选择,指导着具体的工作实践过程,是进行公关实务活动的指南。公关策划文案,是公关实务操作中最常用的文案之一,也是公关人员国家职业资格统一鉴定"中级技能"部分重点考核的内容。学会撰写公关策划文案,是一名合格的公关人员必须具备的基本功。 公关策划文案的内容主要包括以下十个方面: 一.标题 一份完整的公关策划文案,必须有一个标题,使人一读就明白这是一份活动策划书而不是一份工作小结或评估报告。 标题可以直接写成"xx公司xx活动策划书",也可以采用点明某一活动主题的词语作为主标题,而将"xx公司xx活动策划书"作为副标题列在其下。 标题撰写要明白易懂。 二.前言 也称背景介绍。即简略地介绍组织策划这份文案的背景情况。因为,社会组织的任何一项公关专题活动的策划、组织和实施,都不是无缘无故的,均有其特定的背景和需要。只有阐明了这一背景和需要,才能引出后面的具体策划内容(方案),也才能说明举办这一活动的迫切性和意义所在。脱离了一定的活动背景,会使策划内容(方案)使人看了不得要领。 前言撰写要简明扼要。 三.调查分析 公关策划是建立在调查分析的基础上的,调查分析是公关活动策划的先期工作。调查分析主要是对组织形象做出具体分析,可以从当前组织形象存在的优势点,问题点和机会点三个方面进行分析,从而明确下步公关工作的重点和方向。 调查分析要注重调查对象的代表性,调查手段的适用性,调查方法的科学性,资料收集的真实性和全面性,分析结论的可靠性。 四.目标战略 为了提高公关活动的效果,必须确立公关目标。应根据组织的具体情况选择目标分类,如将目标分成总目标与分目标,长远目标、阶段目标、具体目标等。(参见教材188页)。 目标战略主要考虑所设目标是否符合社会组织的发展战略,是否符合组织形象的定位要求,是否符合公众需要,是否符合社会文化及其发展需要,是否针对组织存在的问题等。 五.创意说明 创意是公关活动成败的关键。创意是公关人员根据调查结论、社会组织形象特性和公众需求所进行的一种创造性思维活动,它是整个公关活动策划中的画龙点睛之笔。一个富有创意性的公关策划,能吸引和感染公众,使公关传播受到良好的效果。 创意的内容包括: 1.活动主题。 2.活动名称和项目。 3.标语。 4.宣传作品等。


Period 7 Writing 如何写海报 Ⅰ.写作策略探究 海报的特点之一是有一个明确的标题,它一般是一个论述性的疑问句,如“Why should we learn Englis?h ”“ Why should we do exerc?ise”接着列举理由,最后得出结论。 海报其实就是议论性文体,首先提出问题,接着列举理由进行论述,最后在所列举的理由的基础上,自然地得出结论。注意列举的理由要与主题有关,且能支持自己的观点,否则降低了论述的力度,不能使人信服,自然就失去了效力。此外,要注意海报是应用文,应用一般现在时态来表述,因为它没有特定的时间范畴。再次,要注意语言措辞得当,是以建议性的语气而不是以命令性的语气来表述。最后得出恰当的结论,使主题得以升华。 Ⅱ.写作题目要求 昨天你们班就“Why should we learn English?”这一话题进行了一场激烈的讨论,结果如下表。请根据表格里的内容写一篇海报。 Title Why should we learn English? Reasons 1.英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言,大多数商业信件、书籍、杂志都是用英语书写。 2.学好英语可使我们更好地向外国学习先进经验;可以更快、更好地学习现代科学和技术。 3.学好英语能使我们更好地为祖国服务。 4.学习英语有时也是一大趣事。 整体设计 教学重点Develop the students w'ri ting ability by making a brainstorming map and a poster. 教学难点 Get the students to learn to use connecting words or sentences properly to arrange sentences correctly. 教学方法Brainstorming and cooperative-learning 教具准备A projector and other normal teaching tools 三维目标 Knowledge aims: 1.Get the students to learn the brainstorming way. 2.Get the students to learn to make a poster. 3.Get the students to learn some connecting words and sentences. Ability aims: 1.Develop the students ' writing ability. 2.Get the students to learn to collect useful ideas and sentences by using the brainstorming way or making a poster. 3.Get the students to learn to arrange ideas and sentences collected properly into an essay or passage. Emotional aim: Enable the students to master writing skills and write excellent articles. 教学过程 设计方案(一)

人教版必修4 Unit1 Women of achievement----Writing写作教学课例教案

写作教学课例教案 课题:人教版必修4 Unit1 Women of achievement----Writing 课型:写作课 设计者:河北省邯郸市第二中学宋XX 教学背景分析 教学内容: 1.单元主题:本单元是人教版高中英语必修4 Unit1--- Women of achievement,主要是围绕成功女性这一主题展开,其中重点介绍了Jane Goodall和Lin Qiaozhi 两位伟大成功女性。学习本单元有助于提高对妇女社会角色的认识,了解成功女性的奋斗经历和勇于斗争的精神,培养学生(尤其是女生)的事业心和社会责任感,建立正确的性别观和自信心。可以帮助学生深切感受到无论男女,只要对他人有无私的爱心,对事业有坚定的信心,并不懈地为之倾注心血,都能成就一番事业。 2.课堂内容:本节课是Writing写作课。是本单元的第5课时。在学习了Jane Goodall和Lin Qiaozhi两位伟大女性后,在对人物介绍有了一定的基础后,由老师引导,学生完成任务,逐步完成人物描写写作课。 3.内容分派:Lead-in运用Using language--- reading (Why not carry on her good work?)林巧稚这个人物作为导入对象,引导学生从简单的词汇到简短英语短句最后总结从哪几方面进行人物描写。 人物介绍描写从背景、外貌、性格、成就、兴趣爱好、教育背景等几方面评价人物。每环节分设任务让学生结组或者自由讨论完成。实战演练部分呈现完整范文,师生共同分析文章总结介绍人物的文章怎么完成。作业以学生熟悉的教师为题材进行课后练习。 教学方法: 采用任务驱动方法,在整个学习过程中,充分确立学生的主体地位,充分调动学生的学习积极性和主观能动性,强化学生的个性培养,注意在教学的各环节中创设“情景”加强“协作”“会话”,让学生主动积极获取知识,使其学会,会学,真正意义上成为学习的主人。 1.演示法:把相关林巧稚的图片、视频等展示给学生看,便于学生对人物背 景知识的把握,并从旧知识中获得启迪,从而达到解决问题的目的。 2.任务驱动教学法:将所要学习的新知识隐含在一个或几个问题和小组活动之中,学生通过对所提的任务进行分析、讨论,并在老师的指导和帮助下

人教版高中英语必修三 Unit1 Reading for writing_教学设计全面版

Unit 1 Festivals around the world (Book III) Reading for writing名师教学设计 第五课时(Reading for writing) 1. Teaching analysis 教情分析 1.1 Teaching objectives-教学目标 1.1.1 knowledge objectives 知识目标 Important words and Expressions重点词汇和短语 For applying: t urn up, keep her word, hold one’s breath, apologize, obvious, fall in love, weep, set off for, remind somebody of something, forgive, be/get married to, throw away, be prepared to For comprehending: heart-broken, fool, drown one’s sadness in coff ee, wipe, couple, make a bridge of their wrings, warm up, weave, Valentine, Sentence Patterns 重点句子 ①It was obvious that the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for him to leave—he wiped the tables, then sat down and turned on the TV—just what Li Fang needed! P7 ②“I’ll just throw these flowers and chocolates away. I don’t want them to remind me of her." So he did. P7 ③It was Valentine’s Day and Hu Jin had said she would meet him at the coffee shop after work. P7 ④She could be with her friends right now laughing at him. P7 ⑤She said she would be there at seven o’clock, and he thought she would keep her word. P7 ⑥He would drown his sadness in coffee. P7 ⑦“We could be like that,” thought Li Fang. P7 ⑧Magpies make a bridge of their wings so the couple can cross the river to meet on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. P7 ⑨It’s a fine day today, so I hope you can all meet the one you love. P7


公关策划书的格式参考 p> 公关策划是建立在调查分析的基础上的,调查分析是公关活动策划的先期工作。调查分析主要是对组织形象做出具体分析,可以从当前组织形象存在的优势点,问题点和机会点三个方面进行分析,从而明确下步公关工作的重点和方向。 调查分析要注重调查对象的代表性,调查手段的适用性,调查方法的科学性,资料收集的真实性和全面性,分析结论的可靠性。 四、目标战略 为了提高公关活动的效果,必须确立公关目标。应根据组织的具体情况选择目标分类,如将目标分成总目标与分目标,长远目标、阶段目标、具体目标等。 目标战略主要考虑所设目标是否符合社会组织的发展战略,是否符合组织形象的定位要求,是否符合公众需要,是否符合社会文化及其发展需要,是否针对组织存在的问题等。 五、创意说明 创意是公关活动成败的关键。创意是公关人员根据调查结论、社会组织形象特性和公众需求所进行的一种创造性思维活动,它是整个公关活动策划中的画龙点睛之笔。一个富有创意性的公关策划,能吸引和感染公众,使公关传播受到良好的效果。 创意的内容包括: 1、活动主题。

2、活动名称和项目。 3、标语。 4、宣传作品等。 活动主题要新颖,富有独特性和个性,有意境感和吸引力。 六、媒介策略 公共关系活动过程也就是组织向公众的信息传播、双向沟通过程,因此,正确选择传播媒介是使活动取得成功的重要一环。 媒介的选择要有针对性、可行性、有效性。 七、活动计划 活动计划是对具体活动的指导。应根据各个活动项目分别制定各项活动计划。 活动计划要有周密性、可操作性和具体性。 八、经费预算 正确的经费预算是实施活动的保证。 经费预算要合理、全面、留有余地。 九、效果评估 正确的评估本次活动的效果,有助于组织了解公关方案的实现程度,衡量公关活动的实际效果,调动公关人员的积极性,并为下一轮公关工作提供新的信息。 效果评估要依据目标,实事求是,并给出评估的效果的方法。 十、署名 文案最后需写明:


高中英语写作之Pre-writing 案例背景 写作一直都是高中英语的重头戏,一份高考试卷中其占比之重已经不用赘述 了。但是一直以来,我们要么是不太重视写作的教学,因为其教学效果的即视感不强,要么是不知从何入手去进行写作的教学。2014年年底,崇明县教师进修学校 请来上海名师何亚男和她的两名学员来给我们做了一堂关于写作的讲座,尤其强调 了如何有效开展写前----Pre-writing的任务设计,而且强调了师生合作和生生合 作精神,给我印象极为深刻。以前我基本不对学生进行写前的指导,多半是布置作 文下去,批改然后大致讲评,效果很不理想。这次对Pre-writing的学习让我意识到其的重要性并且知道了如何去做,于是我马上应用到接下来的记叙文写前教学 中。 案例呈现 我先在在课堂上布置了该节课的写作任务,是一篇记事的记叙文,即“在成 长过程中,我们有时会和父母意见相左,请叙述你曾经做过的一件违背父母意愿的事,并简要谈谈你现在对此事的感受或看法。”然后从Pre-writing的四个环节去开展写前辅导。 1. Selecting A Topic 先和学生一起读题,然后讨论此次写作的主题,最后定为“关于选修科目的 选择,和父母的意见相左”,然后确定体裁为“记叙文”及写作格式为“三段式和 时间顺序”,最后确定人称为“I vs They/He/She”、时态为“一般过去时和一般现在时”与读者对象为“老师和同学”。 2. Gathering Ideas

讲座上介绍了多种收集信息的方法,我选择了Action-Sensory Chart, 努力激发学生的回忆和联想。关于此表里面的Action Details和Sensory Details会在第四环节Activating Language详细描述。 Topic:An Disagreement on Selecting a Compulsory Subject Action Details Sensory Details Beginning(At school) Middle (At home) Ending (At home) 3. Organizing Ideas---Outline 按照所给的提纲样本和学生们一起制定了此次写作的提纲。 Ⅰ. Introduction I argued with my mum over selecting a course. Ⅱ. Development A. Beginning (at school) 1. Senior 2; the first term; 2. I decided to choose history. B. Middle (at home) 1. I told mum my decision and she was against it. 2. We argued.


公共关系策划文案范文 公关策划即“公共关系策划”,公关策划的目标是指组织通过公共关系策划和实施达到理想的形象状态和标准。本文是学习啦小编整理的公共关系策划文案范文,欢迎参阅。 公共关系策划文案范文1 主题:为了丰富同学们的业余文化生活,同时为了增强同学们的环保意识,建设和谐西安,创建全国卫生城市贡献自己的一份力量,在正值元旦放假期间举办一起以”爱我家园,你我共同参与“为主体的大型宣传活动。 活动背景:在社会高速发展的今天,尤其是我们国家在追求经济高速发展的同时,部分地区往往以牺牲环境为代价,民众环保意识缺失,必然导致民族形象的受损,从长远来看,将会阻碍经济和社会发展的速度。近年来,国家意识到可持续发展的重要意义,相继提出:建立和谐社会,创建卫生城市等举措来激发全体公民的环保意识,在这种背景下,进行适当的宣传和实践活动是十分必要的。 目标:通过大学生自身的宣传和实践活动,以签名的方式,唤起全体西安公民的环保意识,将”从我做起,从自身做起”的环保理念传播给民众,同时,让同学们通过自己的劳动亲身经历感受一下环保的重要意义,培养一种社会责任感和责任心,并在活动中体现同学们团结一致,和谐相处的精神品质。

活动时间:2007年一月一日,上午8:00-12:00 活动地点:西安钟楼及附近地区 主办方:陕西科技大学资源与环境学院轻化055 协办方:陕西科技大学学生会宣传部 负责人:孙晓龙,潘召 联系方式:xxxx 要求:1、陕西科技大学资源与环境学院轻化055全体同学参与并同一着装,其他学院或班级有意想加入此次活动,可通过电话或其它方式与活动负责人取得联系。 、在活动过程中,凡参加的同学必须严格遵守班级纪律,不得有违规操作的事情发生,一经发现,按纪律要求给予处分。 、全体同学积极参与,听从班长的统一安排,各小组有组长负责。 活动步骤: 前期准备 1、班委与学生会取得联系,征得校方同意并取得一定经费支持。 、班委与西安市环保局取得联系,征的同意并请西安市电视台进行媒替宣传。 、班级内部进行商议,制定相关规则,分组{具体分组情况见下表},并征的所有同学的同意。

人教九年级全一册第6单元Writing 教学设计

Unit 6 When was it invented?. 人教版新目标九年级Writing Time 教学内容分析: 本单元讨论的话题关于一些经典小发明物,如:拉链,茶,薯条和篮球。以这些发明物的历史为话题让学生去了解和这些发明物有关的人物,时代背景,产生的作用以及对后来社会发展的影响,虽然都是些小发明,但是他们确实改变了我们周围的世界和生活,而且学生非常喜欢这个话题,因为和他们的实际生活联系很紧密,在学习过程中帮助学习者做到语言的工具性和人文性的统一,学习者在完成功能语言学习的同时,如:1) When was the zipper invented? It was invented in 1893,2) Who was it invented by? It was invented by Whitcomb. 3) When was it brought to Korea? It was brought to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries. 4) What is the hot ice cream scoop used for? It is used for serving really cold ice-cream.5)Never give up and work hard to achieve your dreams.学习者会意识到发明就在我们的身边,只要我们热爱生活,努力观察和大胆的尝试,我们也可以成为发明家,从而培养学习者热爱生活,热爱发明,敢于尝试的品质和意识。 2)本环节分三个步骤完成:pre-writing,while-writing and post writing. 本环节的教学内容指导学生运用本单元所学的语言要点和篇章结构特点完成相关话题书面语言输出学习任务,并帮助学生形成良好的篇章结构意识和建立书面表达的自信心。 在写作前活动中以表格的形式呈现本单元的语言要点和话题,然后指

Writing 写作 教案

选修7 Unit 4 Writing教学设计 授课教师:薛姗姗 I.Teaching aims ⑴ Target Language(目标语言) ①Finish the writing task and master the writing skills of introducing a person. ②Grasp some useful words and expressions. ③Try to polish the writing and make it less mistakes. ⑵ Learning Ability goals(能力目标) ①Develop students’ ability of using language and writing. ②Develop the ability of analyzing the questions. ⑶ Emotional goals(情感目标) ① Try to be active in writing activity. ② Overcome the anxiety about writing. Ⅱ.Teaching key and difficult points (教学重难点) ⑴ Analyze the topic of writing. ⑵ How to polish the style and avoid mistakes. Ⅲ.Teaching methods (教学方法) Discussion (group work); answer questions (individual work) Ⅳ.Teaching aids (教具准备) Multimedia equipment; blackboard; preview paper, discussion paper Ⅴ.Teaching procedures (教学过程) Step I Greeting and lead in (情景导入) T: This unit is about a voluntary teacher, who worked in an African country. In our class , there is also one person who contributes a lot. Let’s see who he is(show a picture of the monitor). Now,would you like to have a description of him? ................ Today, we will learn how to write a passage about introducing a person. At first, let’s enjoy a passage which is also about a monitor. StepⅡpresentation (预习展示) Analyzing 【典例示范】 Li Lin, monitor of Class 1 Grade 2 , is healthy and lively. She does well in all her subjects, and she is fond of sports, singing and dancing. When she came to school, she had much difficulty with English, but through hard work she made great progress. In 2006 she took part in the National Physics Olympic Competition , in which she won the first prize. Li Lin is very strict with herself in her work and daily life. In the meantime, she is always ready to help others. Having set a good example to us, so she deserves the honor and we should learn from her.


Chapter One 文章开头句型 1-1 对立法: 先引出其他人的不同看法,然后提出自己的看法或者偏向于某一看法, 适用于有争议性的主题 [1]. When asked about....., the vast/overwhelming majority of people say that ....... But I think/view a bit differently. [2]. When it comes to .... , some people bielive that ....... Others argue/claim that the opposite/reverse is true . There is probably some truth in both arguements/statements , but (I tend to the profer/latter ...) [3]. Now, it is commonly/generally/widely believed/held/acknowledged that .... They claim/ believe/argue that ... But I wonder/doubt whether..... 1-2 现象法引出要剖析的现象或者问题, 然后评论 [1]. Recently the rise in problem of/(phenomenon of) ... has cause/aroused public/popular/wide/ worldwide concern. [2]. Recently the issue of the problem of/the phenomenon of ...has been brought into focus. ( has been brouth to public attention) [3].Inflation/Corruption/Social inequality ... is yet another of the new and bitter truth we have to learn to face now/constantly. ----- To be continued !! 1-3 观点法----开门见山,直接了当地提出自己对要讨论的问题的看法 [1]. Never history has the change of .. been as evident as ... Nowhere in the world/China has the issue/idea of .. benn more visible/popular than... [2]. Now people in growing/significant numbers are beginnig/coming to realize/accept/(be aware) that... [3]. Now there is a growing awareness/recognation ot the necessity to......Now people become increasingly aware/conscious of the importance of ...... [4]. Perhaps it is time to have a fresh look at the attitude/idea that....... 1-4 引用法----- 先引出名人名言或者有代表性的看法, 来引出文章要展开论述的观点! [1]. "Knowledge is power." such is the remark made by Bacon.This remark has been shared by more and more people .


公关策划报告写作格式及范文 企业名称:中国项目咨询在线 联系人:任经理 经营范围:工程投资、项目申报、文案创意、商标专利、技术贸易、 公关专题活动策划 实训目标 1、帮助学生了解和掌握开展公关策划的程序和要求。 2、训练学生掌握公关策划所需的市场调研能力、公关创意能力、活动方案设计能力、媒体沟通能力、费用预算能力、活动安排能力等。 3、锻炼学生撰写策划报告的写作能力与技巧。 本章实训任务是为某一社会组织机构做有关的公关活动策划。通过这一策划训练帮助学生了解、掌握公关策划的程序、方法和技巧;并要求学生能够运用“公关”有关原理,完成一份实训作业——为这一社会组织机构撰写一份“市场公关策划报告”。 第一节《公关策划报告》撰写的步骤 公关策划要求策划人员在对企业内外公关环境予以准确、详细地调查和分析,并有效地运用公关策略,对特定时间内某项公关活动的行动目标、活动主题、实施方案及具体措施进行设计和规划。可见,一项完善的公关策划必须按一定的程序进行,一般可有如下步骤: 一、收集公关信息 开展公关调查,收集公关信息,这是策划的初始阶段,也是公关策划的基础。公关调查的内容有: (一)社会组织机构自身调查 (二)社会组织机构自身的问题和机遇调查 (三)社会组织机构的目标公众调查 公众调查旨在确定企业面临的公众对企业的意见,态度及反映;消费者或用户对产品,服务的评价;特定公众对象的基本情况等。公众调查一般需要掌握五种资料:公众的类型和背景材料,认知资料,需求资料,态度资料和行为资料。 二、分析公关信息 对于收集到的各种市场资料,要进行系统整理,予以仔细分析。策划一个成功的市场公关活动要考虑许多因素,只有在全面了解企业有关“产品市场”、“竞争者”和“社会公众”情况基础上,才能够有效地组织策划和实施市场公关活动.公关信息的分析是整个公关策划的依据。 三、策划公关目标 公关活动应该是有针对性的,所以,在开展公关活动时,首先应该明确它的目标,就是说,应确定通过此项活动的开展最后应取得什么效果。如果没有市场公关的具体目标,公关活动就变得盲目,常常花费了时间、财力和人力,最后达不到任何效果。 四、设计公关活动方案 公关目标一经确定,就要围绕目标拟定可供实施的公关活动方案, 这是公关策划的关键环节。公关活动的设计方案应包括以下这些问题: 1.设计公关活动主题 2.确定活动的时机和地点 3.策划公关活动项目 4.设计活动具体安排 5.选择恰当的媒体宣传 五、编制公关预算


高三英语写作Writing教案 亲爱的各位老师们,为了感谢大家的支持与厚爱,中公教师特此整理了高三英语写作Writing教案模板,希望对大家的学习和工作都有所帮助。 Teaching Aims: Knowledge aim: Students will know more about argument and the information it contains. Ability aim: Students’ writing ability of argument can be improved by the end of the class. Emotional aims: Students will how to protect the environment and be willing to share their ideas with others. Teaching Key Points: The information contained in body language. Teaching Difficult Points: It’s hard to find the proof to prove their ideas. Teaching Methods: Communicative teaching method. Task-based teaching method. Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Warming-up 1) Greeting T: Hello, boys and girls. How’s the weather? 2) Sing a song I have a beautiful song for you. Seasons in the sun. You can sing this with me. Here we go. Step 2 Pre-writing 1) Lead-in T: Today we will learn a new kind of writing-argument. Who can tell me how many parts it concludes? Yes, three. What are they? The topic, demonstration, proof. 2) Demonstration T: Please look at the PPT, and there is a argument. Let’s find their topic、 demonstration and proof. OK! Stop here, How many section in the article? What is the topic? Where can you find it? What’s the proof? Where you can find it? Try to find the format of this writing. Then I will write it on the blackboard.

英语人教版八年级下册Writing. 教案

Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city park s. Section A 1 (1a-2d) 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词:clean up, city, cheer, cheer up, give out, volunteer, notice, used to, lonely, 能掌握以下句型: ① You could help to clean up the city parks. ② We should listen to them and care for them. 2) 能了解以下语法: 情态动词could, should的用法;用should或could提出建议并对别人的建议作出评价。如何表达主动提供帮助。 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 在授课过程中渗透助人就是助己,助人收获快乐的情感目标,使学生在谈论如何为别人提供帮助的对话中能意识到尽己所能,帮助他人,乐于奉献是一种良好的品德,培养学生为他人着想,热爱公益事业,乐于助人的优良品质。 二、教学重难点 教学重点: 1) 掌握这些短语动词的构成和用法:clean up, city, cheer, cheer up, give out, volunteer, notice, used to, lonely 2) 学会提供帮助的基本句型: I’d like to work outside. I’ll help clean the city park. You could give out food at a food bank. 教学难点: 学会提供帮助的基本句型 三、教学过程 Step 1 Warming up


公关策划方案范文3篇 公关策划方案范文3篇 公关策划即公共关系策划,是公共关系人员根据组织形象的现状和目标要求,分析现有条件,谋划并设计公关战略、专题活动和具体公关活动最佳行动方案的过程。下面是公关策划方案范文,欢迎参阅。 公关策划方案范文1 前言 联想集团总部位于北京市,集团立足于特大城市,以密集式开店、多业态、跨区域的发展模式向消费者提供零售服务。 作为联想集团沈阳分公司,分公司必须进一步巩固和深化沈阳市场。 方案具体对市场分析,公关活动目标,公关活动主题,公关活动对象,公关活动时间地点,活动项目流程设计,媒介宣传,进度安排,物料准备,费用预算,效果评估作了详细介绍。 联想电脑公关活动策划方案 一、活动主题 联想此次公关活动以科技创造自由为主题、开展全方位企业形象公关。 二、活动目的 此次联想的公关活动主要为了进一步打开市场,提高企业的知名度和美誉度。从而达到促进销售和企业的长期优质发展的目的。 三、综合分析

1、企业的宏观环境以及行业分析 联想集团总部位于北京,分公司在沈阳,集团立足于沈阳,辐射辽宁,以密集式开店、多业态、跨区域的发展模式向消费者提供零售服务。 辽宁境内零售商较多,也不乏国际大公司,如易戴尔、惠普、宏基、清华同方等大型电脑厂商,竞争异常激烈。 2、消费者分析 面对众多零售商,消费者不再只局限于联想专卖店或者小的电脑零售商店,他们有更多选择,这是将众多的零售商推向激烈竞争商战的根本原因。 3、竞争对手的分析 联想的主要竞争对手有戴尔、惠普、宏基、清华同方等实力强大的的电脑厂商,而方正等小品牌也不可忽视。 4、企业公关现状的分析 沈阳联想分公司在辽宁省内的广告和公关上存在一定的短板,公关活动比较少,需更改变策略。 四、活动日程 活动一: 地点: 辽宁大学蒲河校区学生食堂喷泉广场 活动主题: 购物生活,倡导有品质的消费 201X年12月31日下午1点到3点 活动场地布置:

【新教材】2.4 Reading for Writing 教学设计-人教版高中英语必修第三册

Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Period 4 Reading for Writing 教学设计 The topic of this part is “Share your opinions about a moral story”. This section focuses on the social responsibility. This reading is a fable A Stone on the Road, which is rich in the educational functions and profound meanings. So students not only should be guided to learn its superficial meaning, but understand its inner meaning. Then students should be asked to write comments about the story, which aims at making them analyzing the story from the outer to the inner, understanding the author’s views correctly and expressing their own feelings and opinions by organizing proper language. Concretely, the fable tells that to detect his people’s attitudes to problems, a king put a large st one in the middle of the main street and hid gold coins under the stone. Then he hid and watched people’s response to the stone. Although the stone led to much inconvenience, even complaint, no one was reluctant to remove the stone. At last, an honest youn g girl had it removed, who got the king’s gold coins and praise. In the reading, the speeches like personification, metaphor and symbol are used to uncover the educational theme and profound meanings. 1. Read quickly to get main idea; read carefully to get the detailed information about the fable. 2.Learn the structure of the reading article and language. 3.Write a story comment. 4.Learn to correct others’ comments. 1. Write a story comment. https://www.360docs.net/doc/184405152.html,e the structure of the reading article and language. Step 1 Lead in ---Small talk In our traditional culture, there are a lot of good morals and virtues. Can you list some ? diligence/hard-working; obliging/be ready to help others; perseverance/toughness; thrift/economic Do you know some fables or stories about them?


四川农业大学图书馆“世界读书日”公关方案每年的4月23日是世界读书日。温家宝鼓励国人读书:不读书的民族没有希望的,书籍是不能改变世界的,但读书可以改变人,人是可以改变世界的。读书可以给人智慧,可以使人勇敢,可以让人温暖。对于每年川农图书馆都会举办“世界读书日”活动,那么活动效果如何?对此我们进行了活动情况的调查,并为其提出一些可供选择的策划方案,从而达到“世界读书日”活动的宣传和推广目的。 一、状况分析: 1、图书馆资源现状分析: 优势:(1)四川农业大学图书藏书总量205万余册,图书 种类齐全,图书时效性较高(2)学生在图书馆借阅图书手 续简单,单次借阅图书多达几十本。(3)图书馆网上电子 图书76.7万余册,浏览方便和快捷。(4)图书馆相关服务 设施较完善,能提供较舒适的读书环境。 劣势:(1)图书馆对于学生的咨询服务有限,很多学生不 知道该读什么书,什么书适合自己读,自己能读懂什么书。 (2)图书馆对于学生的读书场所的提供有限,特定时段(如: 期中,期末考试期间),无法满足学生的读书需求。 2、图书馆的“世界读书日”活动现状分析:

优势:(1)活动开展的意义对于当代大学生养成良好读书 习惯有重要意义(2)活动对于部分学生逐步养成读书习惯 有着很好的促进作用。 劣势:(1)活动的影响有限,宣传不足,大多数学生对此 反应不够积极。(2)活动并没有完全达到大部分或全部学 生养成经常读书习惯的目标。(3)活动意在鼓励学生多读 书,但对于学生读书的有效性和效率并没提出任何倡议。 3、四川农业大学学生读书现状分析: 积极:(1)学生都想多读书,对于读书的重要性也很认可。 (2)部分学生很积极利用图书资源,特定时段读书学生数 量很多(主要为期中,期末) 消极:(1)学生读书的动力不足,读书的意愿不够强烈。 (2)学生读书的效率不高,读书的时间少,读书的书籍数 量少。(3)由于学业或者课程对于读书的要求不足,学生 读书态度不积极。(4)学生对图书及阅读室等读书资源利 用不高。 二、活动创意: 1、“世界读书日”活动的形式创意:(1)开展“大学之星” 的读书擂台竞技赛,从而宣传读书的好处和扩大学生对读书的 认识。(2)开展技术比拼赛,让学生不仅了解知识,并且懂 得应用知识。(3)粘贴具有创意的海报,保持学生的读书积 极性。
