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---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 更多与本文《安置帮教年终工作总结》相关的文章









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---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 论、基本知识和基本技能)三严(严肃的态度、严格的要求、严密的方法)。护理部为了提高每位护士的理论和操作水平,每月进行理论及操作考试,对于自己的工作要高要求严标准。工作态度要端正,医者父母心,本人以千方百计解除病人的疾苦为己任。我希望所有的患者都能尽快的康复,于是每次当我进入病房时,我都利用有限的时间不遗余力的鼓励他们,耐心的帮他们了解疾病、建立战胜疾病的信心,当看到病人康复时,觉得是非常幸福的事情。


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跟单文员简历范例 导读:本文是关于跟单文员简历范例,希望能帮助到您! 求职意向及工作经历 人才类型:普通求职 国籍:中国民族:壮族 身材: 160 cm 50 kg 年龄: 23 岁诚信徽章: 市场销售/营销类:销售助理、行政专员/助理:行政助理、文员、文案策划专员:文案. 应聘职位: 策划工作年限: 1 求职类型:全职月薪要求: XX--3500 公司名称:公司性质:担任职务: 职称:无职称可到职- 随时 希望工作地区:广州深圳佛山 广州和润外贸公司起止年月:XX-10 ~ XX-05 私营企业所属行业:其他跟单文员 主要的工作是接到业务的订单,要跟进工厂的生产进度,要确认样板, 工作描述: 催货期,订包装材料和分发包装材料给各工厂包装,以图片或文字的方式告知工厂如何进行产品包装,还要做部分地方工厂的验货工作等等 离职原因:

个人工作经历: 公司名称:公司性质:担任职务: 个人原因 广州市金穗隆办公设备有限公司起止年月:XX-02 ~ XX-08 私营企业所属行业:文娱体育,办公用品销售助理 主要的工作是:1、负责销售部的文件存档。2、询价、报价、做报价 工作描述:单传真给客户.3.维护公司的销售、招投标网站.4、开出货单、合同.5、协助部门经理工作等. 离职原因: 因为家里有事 毕业院校:广东培正学院最高学历:大专所学专业一:市场营销 起始年月 受教育培训经历: XX-09 毕业- XX-07-01 所学专业二:连锁经营管理 终止年月 XX-07 学校(机构)专业广东培正学院 市场营销 获得证书证书编号 毕业证书 120591XX06001734

语言能力 外语:英语良好国语水平:优秀 粤语水平:优秀 工作能力及其他专长 详细个人自传 为人诚恳热情,开朗乐观,有主见,时间观念强,做事认真细心,处事冷静,工作认真负责,积极主动,吃苦耐劳。有较强的组织能力、沟通能力、实际动手能力和团体协作精神,能迅速的适应各种环境,并融合其中。 从毕业至今工作也有一年半的时间,从学生的身份走向工作岗位,从中自己学到了很多是书本知识没有的东西,做事一定要有责任心,有计划,有目标,有团队合作精神,为公司创造更大的效益!真诚地希望贵公司能给我一个学习的机会及一个发挥才能的舞台,我定会以饱满的热情和坚韧的性格勤奋工作,与同事精诚合作为公司的发展尽最大的努力。 熟练word、Excel、PowerPoint等办公软件,有充分的管理理论和营销理论知识,有良好的团队合作精神、沟通、策划和组织能力,责任心强.


Personal Information: Name:**** Date of Birth:July 12,1971 Birth Place:Beijing Sex:Male Marital Status:Unmarried Telephone:**** E-mail:career@https://www.360docs.net/doc/1911678397.html, Work Experience: Nov. 1998- present CCIDE Inc,as a director of software development and web publishing .organized and attended trade shows (Comdex 99). Summer of 1997 BIT Company as a technician,designed various web sites. Designed and maintained the web site of our division independently from s electing suitable materials,content editing to designing web page by FrontPage,Photoshop and Java as well ; Education: 1991 - August 1996 Dept. of Automation,Tsinghua University, B.E. Achievements & Activities: President and Founder of the Costumer Committee Established the organization as a member of BIT President of Communications for the Marketing Association Representative in the Student Association English Skills : Have a good command of both spoken and written English . Past CET-6,TOEFL:623;GRE:2213 Characters : Aggressive,independent and be able to work under a dynamic environment . Have coordination skills,teamwork spirit. Studious nature and dedication are my greatest strengths.


外贸业务员的英文简历范文 把最有价值的内容放在中,无关痛痒的不需要浪费篇幅,使用语言讲究平实、客观和精练,太感性的描述不宜出现。通常简历的篇幅为A4纸版面1-2页,不宜过长,也不宜有半页,出现一页半的情况时,最好能压缩为一页。 Female 24 years old, Education: bachelor degree Working fixed number of year: students Expected salary: negotiable Work location: guangzhou huadu - xinhua Objective: international trade chief/manager Project management will data analysis

Graduated in June xx Jilin university zhuhai college of business English Excel: skilled experience: 3 years Language skills: English is better Name: certificate issued by the university English four levels of time: in June xx issued by institutions: the national college English test band 4 and band 6 mittee Certificate of title: college English level 6 issue of time: in June xx issued by institutions: the national college English test band 4 and band 6 mittee Certificate of title: the national puter level certificate Issued by time: in June xx issued by institutions: puter organization The name of the certificate: mandarin level 2 grade a Issued by time: in September xx issuing authority: department of education


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除服装外贸英语自我介绍 篇一:外贸英文自我介绍 开头语与自我介绍 1.从中华人民共和国驻...大使馆商务参赞处获悉贵公 司名称和地址,现借此机会与贵方通信,意在达成一些实际 交易为开端,以建立业务关系。 2.从中国国际贸易促进会获悉,你们有意采购电器用具。 wehaveheardfromchinacouncilforthepromotionofinterna tionaltradethatyouareinthemarketforelectricapplianc es. 3.驻贵地的中国领事向我们介绍,你公司是...生产...(商品)的大出口商。 4.从...获悉你们行名及地址并了解你们是......有经 验的进口商。现向你们开报...,盼能在贵地市场推销。from......,wehaveobtainedyournameandaddressandunder

standthatyouareexperiencedimportersof......wehavepl easureinofferingyou......ofwhichwewouldappreciateyo urpushingthesaleonyourmarket. 5.从...获悉你公司专门经营...,现愿与你公司建立业务关系。 welearnfrom......thatyourfirmspecializesin......,an dwouldliketoestablishbusinessrelationshipwithyou. 6.承......的介绍,获悉你们是......有代表性的进口商之一。 throughthecourtesyof......wehavelearnedthatyouareon eoftherepresentativeimportersof...... 7.据纽约司密斯公司所告,得悉你公司名称和地址,并得知你们...日本东京商会已把你行介绍给我们。 8.承贵地...银行通知,你们是...的主要进口商(出口商),并有意与中国进行这些方面的贸易。 the......bankinyourcityhasbeenkindenoughtoinformust hatyouareoneoftheleadingimporters(exporters)of..... .andareinterestedintradingwithchinaintheselines.... ..


英语简历范文 Residence: Taiyuan, Shanxi Is the location: Yingze District, T aiyuan, Shanxi Graduate school: Teachers College of Shanxi University Education: Undergraduate Professional Name: Teachers in Primary Education Year of Graduation: 2011 Work experience: three months (internship) Job intentions The nature of jobs: fulltime Post Category: Teacher primary school teachers Job Title: primary and secondary school teachers; Work areas: taiyuan; Jinzhong City; Yangquan City Treatment requirements: 20003000 Yuan / month may be negotiable; do not need to provide housing Educational Background: Time school qualifications September 2007 July 2011 Teachers College of Shanxi University undergraduate Work experience


国际贸易英文简历范文 Name: xxx nationality: China No picture Current location: Guangzhou National: Han Exit and Entry: Guangzhou tall: 170 cm 71 kg Marital Status: Married Age: 33-year-old Training Certification: integrity badge: Job search intention and work experience Talent type: general job Position: Human Resources Manager / Director: Manager / Assistant Work Experience: 10 Title: No Title Job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time Monthly requirements: 3500 - 5000 hope that the working area: Guangzhou, Guangzhou In response to the latest labor contract law, the publication and implementation of company directors and is responsible for the Office of the Director of the appropriate strategy, and to participate in the company's 22 stores to more than xx0 staff positions to adjust, and so the contract. Foshan Shunde 2005/06--20xx/09 car beauty care center任我行administrative personnel / Field Operations Manager since the speech The center is a collection supplies automotive sales, automotive maintenance, automotive beauty of a one-stop automotive service center. Main job duties: Administrative staff: responsible for the company's human resources, administration of the overall planning, human resources (personnel planning, job design, staff recruitment and deployment, staff training, performance management, pay and benefits), etc., improve the company system. Field Operations: responsible for co-ordinating all the day-to-day work of departments. Marketing field for investigation, data collection and analysis, to assess its feasibility. To negotiate with the property management company to enter the area of the field operations to open up markets, the pre-field work procedures and on-the-job training, day-to-day supervision of field staff discipline, work quality and efficiency of the field to deal with customer complaints and feedback on the full responsibility for all the consequences of this Part. Foshan Shunde 2002/07--2005/06 planning Jinfa Management Limited Chief Personnel Manager from the speech The company is a large Hong Kong-style property management companies, the total number of companies during the past xx0. Key management Shunde Charles Estates Development Limited (now renamed as Shunde letter home security Ricacorp Development Co., Ltd.) of all real estate development, management property total area of nearly one million square meters. I have all the personnel responsible for monitoring the day-to-day administrative operation of the company's general manager in charge. Main job duties: responsible for the company's human resources, administrative work planning; company system design, and evaluation to improve and to ensure its efficient operation; to carry out the work of human resources: staff planning, job design, staff recruitment, staff training, pay system, career development, performance management, etc.; the development of corporate performance programs, and organize the implementation and promotion; corporate culture-building programs to develop, improve and promote; co-ordinate the procurement of supplies: including daily necessities, stationery, uniforms, materials engineering, etc.; co-ordinate employees of various forms of sports and recreational activities: the company regularly organize sports events, staff birthday parties, dinners and other staff岁尾; to participate in co-ordinate the various holidays each year with the owners of the gathering; co-ordination work between various departments; responsible for company cars deployment; with the relevant government departments to carry out a good relationship of cooperation. In response to real estate developers and property management business by the demand for real estate sale commercial activities carried out logistics. Guangzhou 2000/08--2002/07 color camera Foutou U.S. personnel in charge of Chief Executive to terminate the contract negotiations The company is in Beijing to Hong Kong


外贸业务员求职简历范文 各位读友大家好!你有你的木棉,我有我的文章,为了你的木棉,应读我的文章!若为比翼双飞鸟,定是人间有情人!若读此篇优秀文,必成天上比翼鸟! 个人基本简历姓名:- 国籍:中国无照片个人简历网目前所在地:广州民族:满族户口所在地:黑龙江身材:165 cm60 kg婚姻状况:未婚年龄:32 岁培训认证:诚信徽章:求职意向及工作经历人才类型:普通求职应聘职位:外贸/贸易专员/助理:贸易类外贸跟单外贸/贸易经理/主管工作年限:7 职称:初级求职类型:全职可到职- 一个星期月薪要求:2000--3500 希望工作地区:广州佛山花都个人工作经历:公司名称:宁波爱特印花设备有限公司广州分公司起止年月:2005-09 ~2008-05公司性质:外商独资所属行业:商业服务担任职务:外贸跟单,外贸业务员,主管工作描述:公司主要从事出口业务,出口到中东,非洲居多,美洲和澳洲也有一部分业务。出口产品涉及很广,如阿拉伯人喜欢的香熏产品,香熏灯,香熏炉等等。还有家具,包装机器,食用香料,以及化工产品。本人熟悉整个外贸流程,主要工作是利用INTERNET 开发客户,报价,合同制定,和客户沟通相关事宜,寻找供应商,得到最优惠的采购价格,签合同,确定样品,跟进生产,验货,订船,提交单证给客户,货款回收。维护重要客户,长期合作。离职原因:公司规模有限,不能提供更大发展空间。公司名称:广州市芳

村区林凤娥小学起止年月:2005-02 ~2005-07公司性质:国有企业所属行业:担任职务:小学英语老师工作描述:一名忙碌而快乐的代课老师。离职原因:公司名称:云山中学(黑龙江)起止年月:2001-09 ~2004-12公司性质:国有企业所属行业:教育事业担任职务:初中英语教师工作描述:教初中英语课程,并同时担任班主任。曾荣获优秀班主任称号。离职原因:教育背景毕业院校:东北农业大学最高学历:大专毕业- 2001-07-01所学专业一:英语所学专业二:受教育培训经历:起始年月终止年月学校(机构)专业获得证书证书编号1998-09 2001-07 东北农业大学英语毕业证2002-06 2002-09 加拿大世纪英语学校英语口语合格证2003-01 2003-03 教育心理学培训教育培训合格证语言能力外语:英语优秀国语水平:优秀粤语水平:一般工作能力及其他专长英语熟练,长期从事外贸出口业务,熟悉船务、跟单、联络客户,能独立开发海外客户。详细个人自传独立,开朗,自信,能承受工作压力,责任心强。热爱运动。 各位读友大家好!你有你的木棉,我有我的文章,为了你的木棉,应读我的文章!若为比翼双飞鸟,定是人间有情人!若读此篇优秀文,必成天上比翼鸟!


英文简历范文 本文是关于英文简历范文,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 ZHENG TAO 5 section 40*B# Willow dormitory Top University, Beijing 1000** (8610) 61234567, Education Sep.2019- Ri Yue School of Management, Top University present M.A. (Management Science, expected) Sep.1999- School of Management University of China Jun.2019 B.S. (Management Science) Work Experience Aug.2019-Sep.2019 Management Case Center of Top University, Beijing project Manager (part-time) As the main principal, taking active part in the project of the Survey of Brand Loyalty in China, including the layout of the forms, data collecting and information analysis; partly participating in further research in above project, including dealing with data and modeling. May.2019-Jun.2019 Harvest Fund Management Co., LTD Beijing Research Assistant (Internship) Business Development Dept. As the main principal, making the in-depth research and carrying out development of the brand-new product of open funds;participating the further evaluation of the performance of the Open Funds in China; Mar.200-Apr.2019 Top University Tarzan Center for Supply Chain System R&D Research Assistant (part-time) Beijing


外贸主管的英文简历范文 为同学们推荐下外贸主管的英文简历范文name: y j b ysat present in the tianhe district years age: 29 years oldregistered permanent residence is in: by hubei countries: chinamarital status: single people race: hanobjectivetalent type: ordinary applying for a jobapplied position: trade: the foreign trade business, trade: the petent foreign tradeterm: post says: intermediatejob types: full-time date available: a weekmonthly salary requirements: 3500-5000 hope work areas: guangzhou,,work experiencekunshan * * * coating material co., ltd. since years: XX-04-01the pany properties: private enterprise by sector: clothing/textile/leather/shoesposition: foreign trade managerjob description: “.... at home and abroad to participate in the exhibition and consult with foreign cus tomers. .”. receive visitors foreign customers, develop overseas agent, maintain old customer, development of new customers.“.... in charge of main several big customer's follow up.”.... as a whole team of management, make the team maximum efficiency..


外贸人员简历范文 外贸人员简历范文 外贸,狭义是指外贸销售员,也叫外销员。广义来说,还包括单证员、跟单员、报检员、报关员。下面是小编为您整理的关于外贸人员简历的相关资料,欢迎阅读!外贸人员简历范文基本情况姓名:温先生证件:身份证xxxx 出生年月:1982年09月15日性别:男婚姻状况:未婚户籍:广东市中心区现所在地:广东番禺身高:168CM 体重:60Kg 民族:汉族工作经验:4年 0月求职意向意向岗位:助理英文翻译外贸人员国际贸易业务跟单工作性质:全职发展方向:一个适合自己发展得平台要求地区:市中心区/番禺月薪要求:面议食宿要求:无教育经历 20XX年09月~20XX年07月广州大学国际商务英语本科语言能力英语(精通)于2005年3月参加全国高校TEM8考试并获得英语专业八级证书。技能专长职称:计算机级别:初级计算机能力:良好。兴趣/爱好:旅行、音乐、电影、钓鱼。其它能力:精通英语。工作经历职位名称:翻译公司行业:贸易·进出口公司性质:私营企业公司规模:100-499人公司描述:公司性质:私营企业。规模:100人以上。工作描述:主要负责公司外贸部的内部文件、项目书及现场会议的翻译工作。年终个人绩效评估达到良好,能出色地完成部门领导分派的工作。职位名称:招聘人员公司行业:专业服务(咨询·财会·法律等) 公司性质:事业单位公司规模:1-49人公司描述:公司性质:事业单位。规模:少于50人。工作描述:根据企业对不同人才的需求,制定出符合该公司人才需求的招聘计划,通过在人才市场张贴广告、电子屏循环播放、举行招聘会的方式来协助企业获得其需要的人才。自我评价冷静执着,坚持不懈责任心强,忠于信用有较强的学习能力和适应能力个人能力强,经验丰富,近十年的工作经历练就了高纪律的工作态度,一直受到领导器重,思想成熟,为人诚实,个性稳重,对任何事情具有高度的责任感,有强烈的上进心和团队精神,能够积极的配合上司及同事间的合作。外贸人员简历范文基本信息姓名:范XX 性别:女婚姻状况:未婚民族:汉户籍:湖南年龄:25 现所在地:上海身高:167 联系电话:电子邮箱:求职意向希望岗位:外贸业务助理工作年限:2年职称:无职称求职类型:


外贸工作英文简历 外贸工作英文简历 name: student resume work nationality: chinese current residence: guangzhou nationality: han domicile: shaoguan height and weight: 160 cm ? kg marital status: single age: 27 years old job search intention and work experience talent type: general job ? position: human resources manager / director: manager, administrative / personnel category: manager, executive manager / director / head: head work experience: 7 title: intermediate job type: full-time date available: one month

salary: 5000—8000 hope that the working areas: guangzhou shaoguan, guangzhou work experience: pany name: guangzhou beginning and ending date of a electrical manufacturing firm :xx-01 pany type: private enterprise industry: positions: chief personnel manager job description: 1, aording to business development, the establishment of the pany''s human resources management and administrative systems, to develop and improve the corporate governance rules and regulations. 2, tissue preparation, review the functions of each department and job description manual, establish and improve the pany''s position system, and aording to the different stages of business development, management remended to the organization a reasonable proposal


跟单文员个人求职简历范例 ★###个人简历频道为大家整理的跟单文员个人求职简历范例,供大家参考。更多阅读请查看本站频道! 姓名: 性别:女 年龄: 22 婚姻状况:未婚 民族:汉族 户籍:广东东莞 现所在地:广东东莞 希望地区:广东 希望岗位:财务/审(统)计类-会计助理,财务/审(统)计类-统计员,财务/审(统)计类-出纳员,公司文职类-文员,公司文职类-其他相关职位 寻求职位:会计助理、稽核助理、文员 教育经历 2008-08 ~ 2020-07 东莞经济贸易学校会计中专 工作经历 **公司 (2020-07 ~ 2020-08) 公司性质:合资企业 行业类别:家具、家电、工艺品、玩具

担任职位:跟单文员 岗位类别:文员 工作描述: 1.确认样板、确认意见或更改资料,做好样品生产单。 2.了解订单资料,确认数量,第一时间做好生产单,,发单到各个生产部门。 3.确保生产部门材料、物料完不完善,如果不完善向采购购买材料。 4.当客户反映问题要即时反映到生产部门。 5.记录好产品的尺寸,产品的净重毛重,产品包装尺寸。 6.在包装过程确保产品商标,唛头位置,产品包装方式等是否按客户的要求。 7.在出货过程中,要确保数量,是否按订单装柜。 离职原因:因私事离职 **公司 (2020-05 ~ 2020-07) 公司性质:私营企业 行业类别:电子、微电子技术、集成电路 担任职位:开发部文员 岗位类别:文员 工作描述: 1. 接听、转接电话;接待来访人员。 2. 负责公司公文、信件、邮件、报刊杂志的分送。

3.负责传真件的收发工作。 4.做好办公室档案收集、整理工作,文件报纸收发。 5.做好物品出入库的登记. 6.负责对测试产品报废的申请处理 7.制作相关报表及文件 8. 接受其他临时工作 9.听从上司的安排。 离职原因:因私事而离职 语言水平 普通话:一般粤语:一般 英语水平:全国等级英语一级口语一般 求职意向 发展方向:每个人都自己的起步点,而起步点都是各色各样的。起步点是取决于我们的成功,起步点百分之九十是我们自己选择的,百分之十是别人给予的机会和支持。 我会在我的专业上发展,谋求一个充分发挥自己专业特长的工作单位,并能得到你的注重,是我的盼望;得力的助手,有助于你工作顺心,有助于施展我的才华。 虽然我的工作经验不足,但我会虚心学习、积极工作、尽忠尽责做好本职工作。诚恳希望得到贵单位的接约或须给予面试的机会,一期进一步考查我的水平


英文简历范文 wtt把他一一拆解来学习,首先我们先从简历自我评价开始,下面是WTT为你整理罗列的英文简历经典自我评价语句,快来积累学习吧。 1. Mature,dynamic and honest. 思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。 2. Excellent ability of systematical management. 有极强的系统管理能力。 3. Ability to work independently, mature and resourceful. 能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强。 4. A person with ability plus flexibility should apply. 需要有能力及适应力强的`人。 5. A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable. 个性稳重、具高度责任感。 6. Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force. 能在不同文化和工作人员的背景下出色工作。 7. Bright, aggressive applicants. 反应快、有进取心的应聘者。 8. Ambitious attitude essential. 有雄心壮志。 9. Initiative, independent and good munication skill. 积极主动独立能力强,并有良好交际技能。

10. Willing to work under pressure with leadership quality. 愿意在压力下工作,并具领导素质。 11. Willing to assume responsibilities. 应聘者须勇于 挑重担。 12. Mature, self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills. 思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。 13. Energetic, fashion-minded person. 精力旺盛、思想 新潮。 14. With a pleasant mature attitude. 开朗成熟。 15. Strong determination to succeed. 有获得成功的坚定 决心。 16. Strong leadership skills. 有极强的领导艺术。 17. Ability to work well with others. 能够同他人一道 很好地工作。 18. Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality. 上进心强又可靠者,并且身体健康、性格开朗。 19. The ability to initiate and operate independently. 有创业能力,并能独立地从业。 20. Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit. 有很高的领导艺术和很强的集体精神。


三一文库(https://www.360docs.net/doc/1911678397.html,)/个人简历 外贸业务员英文简历:外贸业务员简 历 外贸业务员英文简历:外贸业务员简历 personaldetails resumenumber:449911302updatingdate:20XX-09-0110:57:39 name:mr.lianglizhinationality:china(mainland) currentplace:guangzhouheight/weight:176cm73kg maritalstatus:singleage:26years careerobjectiveandworkexperience applicationtype:jobseeker preferredjobtitle:trade/import-export:trade、salesmanager/supervisor:、business/management: workinglife:3title:middletitle jobtype:fulltimeexpectedstartdate:inthreedays expectedsalary:¥3,500-- ¥5,000preferredworkingplace:guangzhoushenzhendongguan

workexperience:pany'sname:forevertureinternationalco.ltdbeginan denddate:20XX-11-20XX-07 enterprisenature:solyforeignfundedenterprisesindustry:shoes/leath er/toy jobtitle:foreigntradedocumentarymanager jobdescription:mainlyresponsibleforthedevelopmentofnewcustome rsandmaintaingoodrelationswitholdcustomers.andisresponsiblefors hipping-relatedworkanddorelevantlydocuments!duringin-service,co ntainerneveroccurredinbookingmorethanscheduled,savingtransport costssignificantly. reasonsforleaving: pany'sname:huizhoubomeicosmeticsco.,ltdbeginandenddate:20XX-03-20XX-11 enterprisenature:privateenterprisesindustry:chemistry#sofar,weha vemaintainedgoodcooperativerelations.paredto20XX,oursalesvolu meincreasedby73%;manytimestoparticipatedandpreparedtheexhibi
