新概念二册 25-36课测试 含答案

新概念二册 25-36课测试 含答案
新概念二册 25-36课测试 含答案


NEC-2 Test 2 Mid-term Test

Name:____________ 一,写出对应的中文或英文(每题1分,共40分)


31. Zhang Li is wearing orange coat. She looks active.

A. a

B. an

C. the

32. — Help to some fish, kids.

— Thanks.

A. you

B. your

C. yourselves

33. There a photo of my family in my purse.

A. is

B. be

C. are

34. — you sing the song Where Are You Going, Daddy?

—Yes. It’s easy.

A. Can

B. May

C. Must

35. China’s moon rover(月球车), Yutu’s in landing on the moon is a big event in space history.

A. luck

B. success

C. result

36. The 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil on June 13.

A. is opening

B. has opened

C. opened

37. — Could you tell me ?

— Next week.

A. when they will come back to school

B. when will they come back to school

C. how they will come back to school

38. —I’m not good at Chinese. What shall I do?

— You should work much than before.

A. hard

B. harder

C. hardest

39. — We are going to have a basketball game against Class Two this afternoon.

— exciting! I hope our team will win.

A. How

B. Whether

C. What

40. The two high school students fought bravely against bad persons on the bus in Jiangxi were highly praised.

A. who

B. whom

C. which

41. Doing sports at least one hour a day helps to ourselves .

A. build...up

B. send...up

C. pick...up

42. — May I play computer games now, Mom?

— No way. Don’t do that all the time. You must yourself.

A. be proud of

B. be similar to

C. be strict with

43. My dad is going to Cuba . He will stay there for a week.

A. on show

B. on business

C. on sale

44. Zheng He, a Ming dynasty explorer, illness on his way back to China from Africa in 1433.

A. lived on

B. tried out

C. died of

45. In thousands of cities and towns, lights for Earth Hour Movement on March 29 this year.

A. stayed up

B. went out

C. tried on

46. He has failed several times, he never gives up.

A. if

B. so

C. but

47. —What’s the time, please?

— Sorry, I have no idea. There is wrong with my watch.

A. something

B. nothing

C. anything

48. — Beibei, is Mr. Chen in the office?

— No. He for half an hour.

A. left

B. has left

C. has been away

49. Computers are very useful in our lives, but they must properly.

A. use

B. be using

C. be used

50. Li Ping’s mother was angry with him because he spent all he had an MP5.

A. to buy

B. buying

C. bought


What are the British like when they learn languages?

51 is said that the British are the worst language learners in Europe —62 percent of them can’t speak 52 other language except their own! 53 38 percent of them speak at least one foreign language, only18 percent speak two.

Learning a foreign language is not 54 at school in Britain; children start studying a foreign language at 11 and many 55 completely at 14. So why don’t young people 56 studying languages at school?

The government is now looking at different ways to 57 language learning. One idea is to start much 58 and introduce foreign languages when kids are five. 59 idea is to give school children more choice—they can choose to study their favorite language.

It may be difficult to 60 people’s attit ude(态度) to learning languages but the government has decided to have a try!

51. A. That B. It C. This

52. A. any B. no C. some

53. A. As B. When C. While

54. A. popular B. good C. interesting

55. A. wake up B. turn up C. give up

56. A. look for B. go on C. set up

57. A. stop B. improve C. find

58. A. younger B. sooner C. slower

59. A. Other B. One C. Another

60. A. choose B. take C. change



If you’re ready to add more physical activity(体育运动) to your life, here are some tips(建议).

Make physical activity part of your routine, like brushing your teeth or going to work. Try

biking to work at least once a week, using the stairs more often, or walking to some places near

home. But talk to your doctor before you start an exercise routine, especially if you haven’t

been very active or have health problems.

Walking is one of the best fitness(健康) activities. To keep up a routine, you can walk with family members, friends or pets. Count your steps with a step counter(计数器). You can buy one at a sporting goods store. If you don’t have time for one 30-minute walk, break it into three 10-minute walks.

Find an activity that yo u enjoy, and stay with it. Change it with other activities so you don’t get bored. For example, walk three days a week, and swim or bike on the other days. Join a volleyball or basketball club for fun and exercise. By finding more activities you enjoy, you’ll have a greater chance for success.

61. The underlined word “routine” probably means “______” in Chinese.

A. 建议

B. 惯例

C. 爱好

62. What does the writer suggest doing before starting daily exercise?

A. Talking to the doctor.

B. Walking to work.

C. Buying a step counter.

63. How many tips does the writer mention when talking about the walking activity?

A. Two.

B. Three.

C. Four.

64. To avoid getting bored with the same activity, we can ______.

A. break one 30-minute walk into three

B. change the activity we are staying with

C. do the activity with our family members

65. The passage mainly talks about ______.

A. the ways to count walking steps

B. some health problems we may face

C. some advice on physical activity


Should Shanghai bid for(申办) the Summer Olympics in 2028? Here are some people’s opinions.

Some people said, “T he games will improve Shanghai’s global influence and the city is powerful and must try to become a platform(平台) for major international dialogues. Shanghai has succeeded in holding the World Expo in 2010 and the city can also hold a successful Summer Olympics.”

Others, however, are not sure that it’s a good idea. They think the Olympics would be too expensive and the money could be better spent on other things.

The 2008 Beijing Olympics brought much prestige(声望) to the city and to China, but its cost, over $40 million, was high and the Olympic site(场地) in the center of the city is now largely unused. Could Shanghai learn from Beiji ng’s experience and do it better?

My answer is yes. As one American said, “A great city has to do great things.” Shanghai is a great city and is not afraid of facing challenges. Holding the 2028 Summer Olympics would prove that.

66. When did Shanghai hold the World Expo?

67. Why don’t some people agree to bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics?

68. How much did the 2008 Beijing Olympics cost?

69. Does the writer agree to Shanghai’s bidding?

70. 请将划线句子翻译成汉语。



71 72 73 74 75

106.(they, now)


107.(Wang Wei, last Saturday) __________________________________________________________ 108.(bad, in)


109.(we, be fond of)


110.(Li Mei, help)



31-35 BCAAB 36 CABAA 41ACBCB 46 CACCB 51-55 BACAC 56-60 BBACC 61-65 (76-80) BABBC

101. In 2010. 102. (Because) They think the Olympics would be too expensive and the money could be better spent on other things.

103. (It cost) over $40 million.

104. Yes, he/she does. 105. 上海是个大都市,勇于(不惧怕)面对(接受)挑战。

106. They are planting a tree(trees) now. 107. Wang Wei went fishing last Saturday.

108. It’s bad for your(our) eyes to read in the sun/Reading in the sun is bad for your(our) eyes. 109. We are fond of playing football/soccer.

110. Li Mei usually helps her mother (to) cook/ do some cooking (housework) (in the kitchen).
