








17. The Penguins of Madagascar (马达加斯加的企鹅) is _____ interesting movie

A. a

B. an

C. the

18. –What’s your favorite _____?

--English, It is not easy, but I like it very much.

A. color

B. food

C. subject

19. Everyone knows _____ comes after June

A. May

B. July

C. October

20.—Tony, ____is my hat?

--- It’s on the table

A. where

B. what

C. when

21. Jane is my aunt, and ______WeChat (微信) ID is 89132456

A. his

B. she

C. her

22.---I can't learn math well.

---Don't worry. You can call me______5146897 if you need any help.

A. in

B. on

C. at

23. --- Wow, the model plane is nice.

---It is a gift tor my brother's________ birthday.

A. fifth

B. five

C. fifteen

24. ---Why do you like science?

---I think it’s _____. I can learn a lot from it


B. difficult

C. boring

25. --- I really like this book. Where do you get it?

---You can_____one from Xinhua Bookstore.

A. sell B buy C. read

26.--- ______ are these jackets?

---They are 600 yuan

A. How many

B. How much

C. How long

27. ---Cindy, do you _____every day?

---Yes. I play tennis with my brother every afternoon

A. do sports

B. watch TV

C. play computer games

28.---What kind of clothes does Linda like?

---She likes T-shirts, _____ I don't like them

A. and

B. because

C. but

29. ---Good morning. Sir. _______?

---Yes. please. I need a hat.

A. Excuse me

B. What do you want

C. Can I help you

30 --- Jane, your picture is so nice.

--- _____

A. No. it's not nice

B. You are OK

C. Thank you

VI. 完形填空:从ABCD中,选择一个最佳答案,使短文意思完整。

In China, you may hear Little Apple on a bus or even in a small village. Now the Chopstick Brother is very famous in China. They write and sing Little Apple which is a ___ 31___ for the movie Old Boys: The way of Dragon.

Wan Taili, one of the singers says “In the spring of 2012, I ___32___writing

Little Apple. And of course, I like to dance with it because the song brings

simple happiness. Once apple a day, keeps the doctor away. ___33___ I have

one apple every day. I keep a very healthy lifestyle. That’s why I ___34___

having Little Apple as the title(标题) . Little Apple keeps us healthy and happy.

Our co-workers, families, boyfriends, girlfriends……everybody can

be____35___ Little Apple. I think that is a good dance. ”

Becoming number one in China is not ___36___ and the Chopstick Brothers

will not rest on their laurels(吃老本). Now they’re working for the American

Music Awards. This is another story of dreams coming true for ‘old boys’

31. A. fruit B. song C. game

32. A. finish B. want C. come

33. A. Or B. But C. So

34. A. ask about B. think about C. look about

35. A. his B. her C. our

36. A. easy B. busy C. difficult


VII. 阅读下面五篇短文,根据文章的内容选择最佳答案作答37-52小题


Joe is a four-year-old boy. One day, he doesn’t fell well, so his mother takes him to

the hospital. When he’s waiting in the hospital, he sees a pregnant(怀孕的) lady sitting on

a chair near him. Having nothing to do, Joe looks at her carefully and asks, “Why is your

tummy(肚子) so big?” The lady answers, “Because I’m having a baby.” With eyes wide

open, Joe asks, “Is the baby in your tummy?”“She sure is,” says the lady. The lady laughs

by the little kid’s interesting question. “Is it a good baby?” asks Joe with a puzzled (疑惑

的) looks on his face. “ Oh, yes. I’m sure it’s a really good baby.” Says the lady with a big

smile and waits for what he might say next. After a while, Joe asks, “Then why did you

eat her?”

37. The history happens (发生) in the _____

A. park

B. hospital

C. shop

38. Joe goes to the hospital because______

A. his mom is pregnant

B. he doesn’t feel well

C. he wants to visit the lady

39. From this passage, we know that Joe ______

A. knows the lady

B. is five years old

C. likes asking questions

40. Joe may think the baby in the lady’s tummy is very_______

A. good

B. bad

C. lovely


At the 17th Asian Games, Ning Zetao won four gold medals(金牌).Now he's popular not only because of his amazing

A. 20


C. 24

42. From the passage, we know that Ning Zetao is a ____

A. ping-pong player B swimmer C. runner

43.From Ning's personal information, we know that ____

A. he is from Henan B his favorite food is vegetables C. his dream is unrealistic

44. Ning's motto tells us we should never_____

A. stop swimming

B. give up our dreams

C. listen to other people


T he “Smile Challenge(挑战)”is very hot now on Sina Weibo. The challenge also

becomes popular on Wechat with people of all ages. Many people like it and think it

brings them warm and positive energy (正能量). In fact there are many advantages of


Smiling makes us happy

Next time you are feeling unhappy, try putting on a smile. Your mood will change for the better. Smiling can help you feel happy again.

Smiling makes you relaxed

When you are tired, take time to put on smile. You'll feel relaxed and get more energy for study and work.

Smiling makes you look younger

Smiling makes a person look younger, just try smiling your way through the day--- you'll look younger und fed better.

When you smile, you bring happiness to other people. Smile a lot and you will have more friends. Do you want to join the Smile Challenge? Show your smiling face in your friend circle (朋友圈) now!

45. Smile Challenge is now very popular_______

A. in the school

B. at home

C. on the Internet

46. The underlined word "advantages' in the first paragraph means _________ in Chinese

A. 方式

B. 好处

C. 缺点

47 If you warn to join the Smile Challenge, you should _______

A. be popular and young in China

B. feel happy and relaxed

C. show your smiling face in your friend circle.

48. Which of the following statements is TRUE(正确)?

A. If you smile a lot, you will have more friends

B. Smile Challenge will make you smile every day.

C. All people like Smile Challenge and think it’s good.


A new food guide (指南) in China tells people how to eat healthily. As everyone knows,

eating well is important for our health. So what do other countries do to help people eat healthily?

Let’s find out!

Most of you may hear your parents say, “Don’t be a picky eater”. Do you know why? They hope you have a healthy eating habit.

Having a balanced diet l(均衡的膳食) is the first step to a healthy diet. The new food guide tells people what to eat every day: a bowl of rice, some meal, an egg, a piece of fruit and a glass of milk.

China is not the only country to have such a guide. The US also has a food guide. There are four parts: grains(谷物),fruits, vegetables and protein (蛋白质)

The food guide in Japan tells people to eat more groins, vegetables and fish. It also says doing some sports is good for a healthy body.

49. The passage talks about the food guide of______ countries.

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

50. From the passage we know that the first step to a healthy diet is to ____

A do some sports B. eat lots of food C. have a balanced diet

51. If your parents say you are a picky eater, they mean that you________

A. drink milk every day

B. eat lots of healthy food

C. don't have a healthy eating habit

52. This passage is about______ in different countries.

A. food guides

B. eating habits

C. favorite food




A: Do you know the TV show Running Man (奔跑吧兄弟)?

B: Oh. sorry. I don’t know the show.

A: it’s very fun. And your favorite movie (电影) 57.__________Dengchao is in it.

B: Really? 58.__________ is it on?

A: At 9:00 pm every Friday. There are so many interesting and difficult games in it.

It also tells us a happy way of life.

B: 59. ________ great.

A: I think you will like it. Are you 60.____________ this Friday evening?

B: Yes, I have nothing to do after I finish my homework.

A: 61. ______ watch it together this Friday evening.

B: OK!



62. Hello! __________________________________________________, please?


63. ________________________________________________________at all


64. ________________________________________________________?




66. ________________________________________________________, Mary?


XI. 段落编写(本题15分)


提示词:volleyball, watch, relaxing, friend, but


1. 使用全部提示词,并在语段中用下划波浪线“”标出提示词。

2. 语段具有一个相对合理的主题意义,并尽量体现趣味性和创意。

3. 词数限制在100词左右。

_________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________


16-20 BCBA 21-25 CCAAB 26-30 BACCC

31-35 BACBCA 36-40 BBCB 41-45 BBABC

46-50 BCABC 51-52 CA



53. busy 54. buys 55. music 56. art

57. star 58. When 59. Sounds 60. free 61. Let’s



62. what’s your name

63. I don’t like soccer / football

64. Where is my schoolbag

65. These are my parents / This is my mother and this is my father

66. Is this your pencil /Is this pencil yours

XI. 段落编写的评分参考



* 所有句子的意义完全不相关的则酌情扣分;





My name is Jack. I am a middle school student. I like sports and I have a big sports collection. I have 3 basketballs, 2 baseballs

and 5 volleyballs. My favorite sport is volleyball because I think it’s interesting and relaxin g. I often play volleyball with my friends after school. I also like tennis, but I don’t play it. It’s too difficult for me. I only watch tennis games on TV. Li Na is my favorite sports star. She plays tennis really well. She is a great tennis player and I love her very much. Do you like doing sports? Let’s be friends!


人教版七年级英语下册练习题 一、用所给词的适当填空。 1.Mike tells me ________(not swim) here. 2.Are you good at ______(swim), Tom? 3.My grandfather tells me many interesting ______(story). 4.What club ______Lisa ______(want ) to join? 5.Do you want _____(go ) to school with me? 6.Mrs. Brown is an English teacher. She _____(teach) us English. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.We need you __ __(help) us with English. 2.This is my __ (parent) room. 3.How many _ __(people) does your family have? 4.His sister and brother are _ __(music). 5.He can't help you __(do) your homework. 6.They tell students ____ (not be) late for school. 7.Our English teacher often ____(tell) us a story after class. 8.Can you____(write)your name on the blackboard?


七年级英语期末综合测试卷(一) (时间:90分钟满分:100分) 班级_______ 姓名_______ 得分_______ 听力部分(20分) 一、根据所听内容,选出最佳答语(共5小题,每题1分,满分5分) ( )1.A.A monkey.B.A tiger.C.A kagaroo. ( )2.A.On its leg.B.On its tiptoe.C.On its nose. ( )3.A.Yes,there are.B.No,there aren’t.C.I can’t see. ( )4.A.They are eating.B.They are swimming.C.They are sleeping.( )5.A.Less than 100.B.More than 1000.C.Over 10000. 二、根据所听对话,选出最佳答案(共5小题,每小1分,满分5分) ( )6.What animal is it? A.A cat.B.A bear.C.A panda. ( )7.How tall is the man? A.2 m.B.2.3 m.C.2.1 m. ( )8.When do fish close their eyes? A.Never.B.When they are sleeping.C.sometimes. ( )9.Where does the whisper come from? A.Under the tree.B.Over the tree.C.Behind the tree. ( )10.Whose flower is it? A.Mine.B.Ann’s.C.Yours. 三、短文理解,听短文,把下列短文补充完整(每空1分,满分10分) A woman went into a_______ one evening to buy a new_______.A strange,(陌生的)man her into the shop and stood about while she was at the counter(柜台)._______ she screamed(尖声喊叫),and the man turned and_______ out of the shop,and right into the arms of a passing _______.Then he was caught by the policeman because he was a _______. The shopkeeper thanked her very much_______ her help.“But_______ did you know he was a robber?”asked the shopkeeper. “I didn’t know,"answered Mrs Jones.“I screamed when you told me how_______ the blouse was.” 笔试部分(80分) 一、选择填空(从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并将答案填写a-题前的方格内)(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) ( )1.He works in a school in Nanjing,_______ capital of Jiangsu. A.a B.the C.an D./ ( )2.一Is this your English book?-No,it isn’t_______ is in_______ bag. A.My:mine B.Mine;my


新版七年级英语上册Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.检测(附答案) Ⅰ. 单项选择 (每小题1分,共10分) 从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( )1. We have math and Chinese _____ Friday morning. A. at B. in C. on D. for ( )2. Nick is two years old. _____ favorite food is chicken.A. My B. His C. He D. Him ( )3. —Do you have _____ tomatoes?—Sorry, I don’t have _____, but I have _____ carrots. A. any; any, some B. some; some, some C. any; some, some D. any; any, any ( )4. Today we have _____ classes, and the _____ class is math. A. three, three B. first, three C. three, first D. third, three ( )5. _____ bedroom(卧室) is very big(大的). They like it very much. A. Jim and Jeff B. Jim’s and Jeff C. Jim’s and Jeff’s D. Jim and Jeff’s ( )6. —What is your favorite _____?—Blue.A. color B. foodC. teacher D. sport ( )7. we have computer ________ Friday afternoon. A. in B. on C. at D. after ( )8.The students in the school ______ eight classes a day.A . do B. take C. have D. has ( )9. We have science from 10:00 _______11:45 on Thursdays.A . at B. to C. and D. in ( )10. Art is ________interesting subject.A. a B. an C. the . D. it Ⅱ. 完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分) 阅读短文,从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Hi! I’m Cheng Ling. ‘m a 11 of Class 3, Grade 7. My school life (生活) is very 12 . We have four classes in the 13 . Classes begin at 8 o’clock. In the afternoon, we have two classes. We have English, science, history, music, and 14 other subjects. 15 is my favorite subject. I often sing and dance with my classmates on weekends. But I 16 science, because I think it’s difficult and 17 .Do you think so? After school, I often play soccer with 18 friends. Sometimes (有时) I swim in a swimming club. But my favorite sport is volleyball. And I can play it 19 . I like my school life very much. 20 you tell me about your school life?


七年级下学期英语试卷 第四单元错题汇总 一、单项选择。 ()1.There isn’t _______ bread at home . A.a B.an C.some D.any ()2. ________ will he stay in this city ?Two months. A. How long B. How many C. How much D. How far ()3. Hurry up, ________ You’ll be late. A. and B. so C. or D. if ()4. That boy is simon,and the girl next to________ is Amy . A. he B. his C. him D. she ()5. Is there a new book on the table . ________. A. Yes,it is B. No,it isn’t C. Yes,there is D.No,there isn’t ()6. ________ the second turning on the right . A.Turn B. Take C. Go D.Walk ()7.What do you think of________ film about Zhan Tianyou ? It’s ________good film. A.the;the B. a;the C. the;a D. a;a 二、填空。 1.The students stopped (laugh)when the came into the class. 2.The police (抓住)the robbers yesterday. 3. Li Le,our (班长)helped the police catch the robber. 4. Take the second __________(拐弯) on the left. 5.There is less t__________ in this area than in Nanjing. 6.There is a hospital (cross) the street. 7.Several men are standing at the c ,talking to some police officers. 三、句型转换。 1.All of us are teachers.(否定句) _________ _________ of us are teachers? 2.Is that their car?(同义句)


人教版七年级英语下册单元测试题全套及答案(一) Unit 1单元测试题Written test part (共80分) Ⅳ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )16. —Can Amy play ________ drums?—Yes. And she can play ________ chess, too. A. a; the B. the; the C. the; 不填 D. a;不填 ( )17. Li Jing often helps me ________ my geography. A. at B. in C. of D. with ( )18. —Mike, what’s your favorite subject, math ________ science?—Math. A. and B. or C. but D. so ( )19. My cousin ________ very well. Look! Here are some of his pictures. A. sings B. dances C. swims D. draws ( )20. Mom, I need you ________ me a pencil box. A. buy B. buying C. to buy D. to buying ( )21. Helen likes the ________ Where are we going, Dad? very much. A. show B. test C. trip D. festival ( )22. Linda’s brother can’t ________ “apple”, but he ________ “banana” easily. A. spell; spells B. spell; spell C. spells; spells D. spells; spell ( )23. —Can you sing this song?—________. It’s difficult for me. A. Yes, I do B. No, I don’t C. Yes, I can D. No, I can’t ( )24. —________?—He can do kung fu. A. What does Eric like B. Can Eric do kung fu C. What can Eric do D. Does Eric like kung fu ( )25. —Peter will join the art club. ________?—I’ll join the English club. A. How are you B. What about you C. Can I help you D. How’s your day Ⅴ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 Hello, everyone! Do you 26 SOS student club? Yes? I’m a member (成员) of the 27 . Now let me tell you something about it.


七年级英语试题 本试卷分卷I和卷II两部分:卷I为选择题,卷II为非选择题。 本试卷满分为100分,考试时间为90分钟。 卷I(选择题,共80分) 注意事项:1. 答卷I前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号等相关信息填写在试卷左侧密封线以内。 2. 请将卷I的所有试题答案A、B、C或D写在每一题前面的括号里,答案写在 横线上或是画对勾均为无效。 I. 单项选择(每小题1分,共20小题,计20分) 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。请将答案写在题前的括号里。 ( ) 1. —What’s t his in English? —It’s ________ orange. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 2. I have a cat. ________ name is Mimi. A. It B. It’s C. Its D. It is ( ) 3. —Who is the girl ________ red? —She is my cousin. A. on B. in C. with D. for ( ) 4. There is some________ on the table. A. tomato B. eggs C. chicken D. banana ( ) 5. —Are these Chinese books? —Yes, ________. A. they are B. they aren’t C. they’re D. those are ( ) 6. The shoes are too small, so I want a pair. A. long B. short C. big D. small ( ) 7. —________ is your football? —It’s under the bed. A. Where B. What C. Who D. When ( ) 8. This is a picture of ________ family. A. Jenny B. Jenny’s C. Jennys’ D. Jennys ( ) 9. I don’t have a soccer ball ________ my brother has one. A. and B. so C. or D. but ( ) 10. The man over there ________ young. A. look B. looks C. looks at D. looks like ( ) 11. Hey, Frank. Here ________ two apples for you and your friend. A. is B. be C. are D. am ( ) 12. My mother wants ________ to the supermarket to buy some fruit. A. go B. to go C. goes D. going


( ) 1. ______ is a big city in the United States. A. Paris B. Sydney C. New York ( ) 2. --What's your favorite ______? --France. A. language B. country C. city ( ) 3. --Who's Mr. White, Li Mei? --He is our English teacher. He's ______ the USA. A. in B. at C. from ( ) 4. --______ Toronto? -It's in Canada. A. Where's B. What's C. Who's ( ) 5. Do they have kids, Mr. Green? A. much B. any C. a little ( ) 6. --Can we ______ them our telephone number? --No, you can't. A. tell B. talk C. speak ( ) 7. I like going to movies with my pals and ______ sports. A. play B. plays C. playing ( ) 8. Jim likes ______ TV and ______ soccer. A. to watch; playing B. watching; to play C. watching; playing ( ) 9. -- Does your pen pal speak English or French? --______. A. Yes, he speaks English B. No, he doesn't speak French C. He speaks French ( ) 10. -______? -No. In Beijing. A. Where are you from B. Does he live in Paris C. Can he go to Paris ( )11.We know ______ is in the USA. A. Toronto B. Tokyo C. New York ( )12. My birthday is _______ November. A. at B. in C. on ( )13. -- My birthday is coming. Would you like to my party? -- Sure, ______ is it? -- It's November 20th. A. Where B. When C. What ( )14. -- James is good at sports. He plays _____ basketball very well. --And he plays ______ piano well, too. ---Wow, so great! A. the, the B. /, / C. /, the ( )15. --Kelly, could you come here, please? I need some _______. -- Ok, I'm coming. A. friends B. people C. help 二、完形填空(10分) Mr. Smith is my new friend. He 16 from Paris, France. He is a French 17 of a middle school. His students all like 18 very much. He can speak some Chinese, 19 not much. He wants to learn more, so he goes to 20 classes every week. He likes living and working 21 China very much. He 22 the Chinese people are very friendly(友好的). He has two 23 ,


七年级下学期错题集(6) 词汇语法部分 ( )1.Shanghai is one of ______ in the world https://www.360docs.net/doc/19742634.html,rgest city B.the largest cities https://www.360docs.net/doc/19742634.html,rgest cities D. the large city ( )2.Shenzheng is ______ its beautiful views. A.known as B.famous for C.know as D.knew as ( )3.Tom never goes to the cinema on Sunday,_____? A.does he B.doesn’t he C.isn’t he D.is he ( )4.A:I’d like to see “Police Story”.I like action films B:______ A.So do I B.Neither do I C.So am I D.Neither am I ( )5.A:Where is Tom? B:He______ to the teachers’ office. A.have gone to B.has been to C.went to D.has gone ( )6.My brother has _______ books than I. A.fewer B.few C.little D.less ( )7The boy was born____ the afternoon of July 5th. A.in B.on C.at D.for ( )8.___do you _____the visit to the Bund? --It’s is wonderful. A.What like B.What think of C.How think of D.How think ( )9.Alice is good at_____.She wants _____ a singer in the future. A.singbe B.sing to be C.singing be D.singing to be ( )10.we______ anything there A.needn’t B.needn’t to buy C.don’t need buy D.don’t need to buy ( )11.It took him_____ to finish the hard job. A.two and a half days B.a half and two days C.two day and a half D.two and half days. ( )12.He_____ here since last year. A.has been in B.has been to C.was D.has been ( )13..The teacher told his students _______ because it was bad for their health A.didn’t smoke B.to not smoke C.not to smoke D.not smoke ( )14I don’t know if it will come back tomorrow。If he___ tomorrow. I____you. https://www.360docs.net/doc/19742634.html,es will call B.will come will call https://www.360docs.net/doc/19742634.html,es call D.will come call ( )15.What will you do if it_____ tomorrow. A.doesn’t rain B. not rain C.don’t rain D.not rains ( )16.How are you ______your tour guide? A.get on B.get on with C.getting on with D.getting on ( )17.____great fun it is to have a picnic in spring! A.How B.What C.What a D.How a ( )18.She usually prepares lessons very late_______ midnight A.at B.after C.before D.until ( )19._____ beautiful the flowers are! A.What B.What a C.How D.How a ( )20.Hiow much did every child ___________ for a film ticket? A. cost B.pay for C.paid D.spend ( )21.Take your glasses with you,_____you won’t enjoy the play. A.so B.or C.and D.therefore ( )22.Peter decides____to Beijing with his sister. A.go B.to go C.gone D.going ( )23.It’s fun____ a bicycle with my father in the park. A.to ride B.riding C.rides D. ride


( )1. She can _____ the guitar. A. plays B. play C. to play ( )2. can your brother play _____ violin? A.\ B. the C. a ( )3. I want to join the _____ club. A. swim B. to swim C. swimming ( )4. You can join the _____ club. A. telling story B. telling stories C. story telling ( )5. what club do you want ____? A. to join B. join C. joining ( )6. I ____ ____ play soccer. A. can also B. also can C. also cans ( )7. Our teachers are good _____ us. He is good _____ playing soccer. Fruit is good _____ our health. A. for B. at C. with ( )8. I help my mom _____ dinner. My friend helps me _____ my English. A. with B. makes C. to make ( )9. I get up at _____.(6:10) A. ten past six B. six past ten C. six to ten ( )10. 9:45 means _____. A. a quarter past nine B. a quarter to nine C. a quarter to ten ( )11. On school days I either watch TV _____ play games. A. and B. or C. but ( )12. I don’t like basketball, _____. A. too B. also C. either ( )13. The ice-cream tastes _____. A. good B. well C. best ( )14. She _____ her homework at 8:00. A. do B. don’t C. does ( )15. How do you _____ home ? A. get to B. get C. gets to ( )16. How do you go to work? I _____. A. go to walk B. walk to C. walk ( )17. How long _____ it take to get to school ? A. is B. does C. do ( )18. How far _____ it from your home to school ? A. is B. does C. do ( )19. It takes about 20 minutes _____ to school. It’s easy for us ______ to school . A. get B. gets C. to get ( )20. There is a big river _____ their school and their village. A. from B. to C. between ( )21. My brother is a _____ boy. My brother is _____ . A. seven years old B. seven year old C. seven-year-old ( )22. _____ late for class. A. Be B. Don’t C. Don’t be ( )23. Do you like _____ music? A. listening to B. listen C. listening ( )24. “Please _____ your books to school.” Mr. wang says. A. take B. bring C. make ( )25. Lily always gets to school _____. A. in time B. on time C. for time ( )26. Tom _____ home early every day. A. gets to B. arrives C. arrives at ( )27. We can’t fight ____ our classmates. A. to B. at C. in ( )28. Don’t run _____ the hallways. A. on B. to C. in ( )29.-Can I wear a hat in class? -No, you _____. A. needn’t B. don’t C. can’t


特仑特补课测试卷 一.单项选择题(40分) ()1.下列哪项不是元音字母? A. r B. e C. i ()2.下列哪项不是辅音字母? A. u B.h C.f ()3.I ____a good boy, she ___ my sister A. Is; is. B.am; is. C. is; are ( ) 4.-What’s this? -It’s ______ orange._____ orange is yellow A.a;An B.an;A. C.an;The ( )5.I have two ________, Jack has two _____. A. tomatoes; potatos B. tomatos; potatoes C.tomatoes; potatoes ( )6.-What color is snow (雪)? It‘s____. A.white B.black C.blue ( )7.-Are you Gina? -______,I am. A.Not. B.Yes. C.No ( )8.Tom has some ______, they _______ big . A.box; are. B.box; is. C.boxes; are ( )9.—what color _____ your ruler? —It’s red A.am B. is C.are ( )10.The building has ______ floors,My home live the ____floor. A.twelve; nine. B.twelve; ninth C.twelfth; nine. D.twelfth; nine ( )11.There are some _______ in the kitchen. A.cat. B.mouse. C.mice ( )12.Some ________ are on the table. A.knife. B.knifes. C.knives ( )13.This is Gina and that is Kate.____ my _____ A.she’s; friends. B.They’re; friends C.They ‘re; friend ( )14.Jack likes ________ basketball A.play. B.plays C.playing ( )15.-Tom, these are my parents. -________ A.Good. B.Nice to meet to. C.I’m fine ( )16.There are many _______ on he hill . A.sheep. B.sheeps. C.sheepes ( )17.Anna is my aunt.She is my mother’s _______ A.mother. B.sister. C.daughter ( )18.—Is your watch ______ your bag? —Yes, it is A.for B. in C. of ( )19.Five ____and a set of ___are on the bed. A.photo; key. B.photos; keys. C.photos; key ( )20.—Thank you for your help,Tom —_______. A.I’m Ok. B.You ‘re welcome. C.Goodbye


苏教版初一下学期英语错题集(二2) 2011.04.17 一、翻译词组(或写出单词)。 1. 许多不同的中餐馆 2. 运动中心 3. 很少的空气污染 4. 西餐馆 5. 像这样的高楼 6. 其他的什么 7.在……旁边 8. 了解不同国家的家 9. : the place you usually eat meals in (根据英文解释写相应英文单词) 10.获得第一 二、根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 1. 上个星期那些孩子在公园里玩得很开心。 Last week ,the children in the park. 2. 其他房间在底低楼和一楼。 The other rooms are . 3. 长途火车旅行之后他一定很累。 He after . 4. 你今天想去书店吗? you go to the bookshop today? 5. 二楼没有其他的房间。 There are on the floor. 6. 西蒙在三楼有一个电脑房。 Simon a computer room the floor. 7. 我理想的房子有60米长,40米宽。 My long and wide. 8. 一半以上的成员反对这个计划。 of the members are against the plane. 三、根据句意,首字母或中文提示完成单词。 1. Elephants are the biggest animals on l .

2. Are there any s for my uncle on the table? 3. We all like to go for a picnic in the open a . 4. I traveled in Beijing and bought many s . 5. There are two big s in the town. You can go shopping until ten o’clock at night. 6. The plane (离开) at 12:30. 7. Mr. Smith t us Maths last term. 8. John liked to w his hair very long. Some of his friends t it looked Like a girl’s hair. 9. The room is too small. We even don’t have enough space for a f . 四、用适当的介词或介词短语补全下面的句子。 1. Amy and I always walk home together because her home is mine. 2. It’s cold but warm in winter in Liaoning. 3. the car, there is a man lying on the road, so it can’t move. 4. — Can I take a message you? — Sure. 五、单项选择。 ()1. I’m sorry I can’t your name. A. think about B. think out C. think over D. think of ()2. Tony got up early get the first bus. A. so as that B. in order to C. in order that D. that ()3. — go fishing after we finish our homework? — Good idea. A. Why not you B. Why not to C. Why not we D. Why not ()4. The tunnel is already open to traffic, so it will take us time to go to Pudong International Airport. A. less B. a few C. a little D. fewer ()5. Last night, there was a food accident. Ten were ill but no were lost. A. children; lives B. children; life C. child; lives D. child; life


最新人教版七年级英语下册单元测试题全套带答案 Unit 1综合水平测试 笔试部分(100分) 五、单项选择。(每小题1分,共计15分) (D)21.Our English teacher Ms. Su plays ________ chess very well. A.a B.an C.the D./ (C)22.—Jim,do you like apples ________ bananas? —I like bananas. A.and B.but C.or D.because (B)23.—Can you help me ________ my math? —Sorry,I am too busy today. A.on B.with C.for D.from (C)24.Jenny likes hamburgers.And I ________ like them. A.too B.so C.also D.and (B)25.—________ can he do? —He can ________ Chinese kung fu. A.How;play B.What;do C.Where;see D.What;make (C)https://www.360docs.net/doc/19742634.html,ura is from England and she ________ English very well. A.tells B.says C.speaks D.takes (B)27.Saturday and Sunday are our ________. A.clubs B.weekends C.birthdays D.games (B)28.Does Mr. Green teach ________ Chinese? A.they B.you C.I D.he (C)29.Mom,I need you ________ me a notebook. A.buy B.buying C.to buy D.to buying (A)30.Today Lucy's parents aren't at home so she wants to ________ us for lunch. A.join B.make C.think D.know (A)31.Bill likes ________ but he doesn't want to be a ________ when he grows up. A.music;musician B.music;music C.musician;music D.musician;musician (D)32.Old people all like Alice because she ________ them. A.is good at B.is good for C.is busy with D.is good with (B)33.—Can you ________ your new photos ________ me? —Yes.Here you are. A.show;with B.show;to C.show;for D.show;about (B)34.—Can you play the guitar? —________,but I can play the piano. A.No,I don't B.No,I can't C.Yes,I do D.Yes,I can (D)35.—Lily,________? —She wants to join the art club.
