












[坝上草原的第一场婚礼后拍下了第一张全家福。当初屈指可数的家人伙伴,今天也以北京近500人的花家军,覆盖27个省份和地区的128处直营和加盟连锁列阵全国。] 北京花海阁婚礼策划有限公司是国内目前首家上市的婚礼文化产业集团,同时也是婚庆行业首家中央电视台推荐品牌。集团以打造中国婚庆产业第一品牌为己任,业务涵盖婚礼策划制作、婚纱摄影及MV定制、高端婚纱礼服定制、个性婚品设计生产、婚宴酒店一站式预定、各类大型会展活动策划执行、高端礼宾车队租赁、专业人才培训学校、时尚刊物印刷出版等13大领域。














产品远销英国、美国、日本、意大利和东南亚,深受消费者欢迎和好评 Our products are sold in Britain, America, Japan, Italy and South East Asia and well appreciated by their purchasers. 畅销全球selling well all over the world 典雅大方elegant and graceful 顾客第一Customers first 美观大方elegant appearance 美观耐用attractive and durable 品种繁多great varieties [v??rai?ti] 品种齐全complete range of articles; a great variety of goods 让我们的商品走向世界Let our commodities go to the world. 色彩鲜艳bright in colour 深受顾客欢迎We have won praise from customers 供不应求in short supply; Demand exceeding supply 回味隽永pleasant in after-taste 货源充足ample supply and prompt delivery 技术先进modern techniques 技艺精湛exquisite craftsmanship; Fine craftsmanship 价格公道reasonable price; Street price; moderate price 价格适中moderate cost 节日送礼之佳品ideal gift for all occasions 居同类产品之魁首to rank first among similar products 深受国内外客户的信赖和称誉to win a high admiration[??dm??re???n]and is widely trusted at home and abroad. 品质优良,疗效显著,誉满全球,欢迎选购excellent quality, evident effect, good reputation over the world, orders are welcome. 价廉物美high quality and inexpensive; less expensive, high quality goods; high quality and low overhead NTN创业于1918年3月,公司创业初期主要从事轴承的研发、制造业务。 NTN Corporation was founded in March 1918, which was principally engaged in research, development and manufacture of bearing in the early stage. 随着事业的逐步扩大, NTN进行了股份制改制,公司主要从事轴承、等速万向节、精密机械等的生产以及销售业务。 With evolution, most of NTN's effort has been changed into the manufacture and sales of bearings, Constant V elocity Joints (CVJ) and precision machinery since the Joint-stock reform in 1934. 中国电子进出口总公司(CEIEC)成立于1980年4月,是中国最早成立的全国性专业外贸公司之一。经过30年的发展,业务范围涉及国际贸易、海外工程、防务电子、船舶业务、招标业务、展览广告及现代物流等多个领域 China Electronics Import & Export Corp. (CEIEC) was established as a national foreign trader, with the approval of the State Council in Apr. 1980. After thirty years’ operation, CEIEC has evolved into a comprehensive enterprise, extending its business scope of from international trade, to overseas engineering, tendering, ship business, defense electronics, exhibition service, and modern logistics.


为大家收集一些在外贸活动中, 非常实用的企业及公司介绍用到的词组。 NTN创业于 1918 年 3 月,公司创业初期主要从事轴承的研发、制造业务。 NTNCorporation was founded in March 1918, which was principally engaged in research, development and manufacture of bearing in the early stage. 随着事业的逐步扩大, NTN进行了股份制改制,公司主要从事轴承、等速万向节、精密机械 等的生产以及销售业务。 With evolution,most of NTN's effort has been changed into the manufacture and sales of bearings, Constant Velocity Joints (CVJ) and precision machinery since the Joint-stock reform in 1934. 中国电子进出口总公司( CEIEC)成立于 1980 年 4 月,是中国最早成立的全国性专业外贸公 司之一。经过30年的发展,业务范围涉及国际贸易、海外工程、防务电子、船舶业务、招 标业务、展览广告及现代物流等多个领域 China Electronics Import & Export Corp. (CEIEC) was established as a national foreign trader, with the approval of the State Council in Apr. 1980. After thirty years ’ operation,CEIEC has evolved into a comprehensive enterprise, extending its business scope of from international trade, to overseas engineering, tendering,ship business,defense electronics,exhibition service,and modern logistics. 公司具有国际贸易、国际工程承包、招标代理、展览广告等多种业务的甲级经营资质。截至 2009 年底,公司总资产达亿元人民币,实现销售收入亿元人民币。 CEIEC is honorably entitled to a number of A-grade quality certificates in contract of world bidding and trading, international engineering project, tendering, exhibition and advertisement. At the end of 2009, the company's total assets attained RMB billion; sales revenue reached RMB . 国际贸易是公司的传统主营业务。截至 2009 年底,累计进出口额达亿美元。公司是商务部


婚庆策划行业是一个古老而新生的行业。说它古老是因为自古至今婚庆行业就一直伴随着人们的生活,成为人民生活的重要组成部分。婚庆行业从诞生到发展,经历了几千年的变迁,而现代意义上的婚庆庆典业进入中国时常还不到15年,国内婚庆行业与国际接轨只有5-6年的时间。但是日趋成熟的消费环境以及消费者追求个性化服务的需要,使得婚庆行业有的新的发展要求。 公司注重短期目标与长远战略的结合,短期目标是打入市场,稳定客源;长远目标是开拓市场,拓宽服务的范围。立足行业市场,发展连锁业务,最终使公司发展成为大型的服务型公司。 公司成立初期共需资金300万,其中风险投资100万,银行贷款100万,个人投资100万。 第二年预测盈利375万,以后每年销售利润增加8%左右,第二年净利润176万。 公司性质是有限责任公司,公司所有权与经营权相统一。 公司有独立的策划机构,秉承发扬古老文化传统,在婚庆行业开拓出一片新天地。 目录 一、公司简介 二、项目背景 2.1中国婚庆现状 2.2我国婚庆消费的预测 2.3新乡婚庆状况 三、服务概述 3.1服务内容 3.2婚礼策划流程 3.3婚礼当天流程 3.4公司业务 四、市场机会 4.1婚庆服务业目前规模 4.2婚庆服务的发展前景 4.3婚庆服务业的特征 4.4婚庆服务业竞争分析 4.5对新婚人群的市场调查 五、公司战略 5.1总体战略 5.2发展战略

六、市场营销 6.1目标市场 6.2服务 6.3价格定位 6.4营销策略 七、公司管理体系 7.1公司性质 7.2公司组织形式及部门职责7.3企业服务理念 7.4企业文化 7.5企业管理思想 7.6人事制度 7.7公司形象 八、服务管理 8.1服务要求 8.2技术要求 8.3公司选址 8.4服务流程 8.5配套服务 九、投资分析 9.1公司注册资本300万 9.2资金来源与运用 9.3服务回报 十、风险与机遇 10.1风险 10.2应对风险的解决方案10.3机遇 十一、财务分析 11.1财务报表 11.2财务预测 十二、广告策划


婚庆公司创业计划书 1.执行概况 1.1成立背景 据最新调查显示,攀枝花市新人喜结良缘的人数越来越多,并且在最近几年有见长趋势。由于攀枝花市地势所限,相应的几家婚庆公司已满足不了社会的所需。而且根据社会发展的潮流,婚庆公司对于一对新人来说已成为了一种必要的选择。而且这个趋势会带动着攀枝花市经济的良好发展,将会表现得越来越火旺;而且本地消费必将随着都市化的扩大、城市新移民的增加,保持稳定的可持续的增长。由于行业的长期不规范、进入门槛低导致低质服务的客诉日渐增多,另外经济发展因素引导消费意识抬头,以创意与服务为主题的婚庆广场将主导未来婚礼消费模式,由分散到集中。 随着社会的进步,人们观念的更新以及生活水平的提高,现代人的消费意识发生了很多变化,对于结婚来说不仅要用钱来买到所需的最好的“硬件”,而且也开始注重“软件”的质量,如时间、服务等。 时间:“一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴”。随着人们生活及工作节奏的加快和消费观念的变化,越来越多的人感到时间更珍贵,于是他们花钱买时间,再用买到的时间去挣更多的钱。如上世纪80年代的婚礼只能自己花较长的时间来准备婚礼,这过程是比较劳累的,对于结婚来说本就是一快乐幸福的时刻,而如今为了省时间,花钱进行“一站式”服务的婚礼越来越多。 服务:仔细观察,凡售后服务做得深入细致的商家和厂家的商品,即使价格比同类商品贵,仍然很受欢迎。这是因为消费者已认识到售后服务的重要性,愿意多花钱少操心。比如顾客希望大件商品能送货上门,空调音响电脑能安装调试,提供维修服务等。再如一户人家每月花上十几元、上百元就可得到物业管理公司提供的多方位、全天候的服务等。 婚庆市场随着社会的发展,已成为了一个庞大的市场结构。而且传统的婚庆已不能满足现代人张扬的个性,婚庆市场的整合已经势在必行。据调查,每对新人的结婚费用约在80000-100000元,其中,大部分消费者认为婚庆公司合理的收费为2000—3000元,其余则为装修房子、婚纱照、婚宴、新娘首饰、婚车等费用。 在生活质量提高的同时,生活的步调也越来越快,人们越来越珍惜自己的时间,消费者对资金成本呈现降低的趋势,而越来越关注时间成本。提供快捷、优质的服务已经成为一种趋势。 1.2公司简介 婚庆公司属于有限责任公司,是一家博采中外古今喜庆文化精髓,集婚庆策划与婚庆超市为一体的公司。婚庆策划经营业务包括婚礼的择日、婚礼主持、摄影摄像、婚纱化妆、场地布置、婚车租赁、鲜花乐队、婚宴组织等于一体的婚庆公司;婚庆超市则主要采用人人乐、沃尔玛、华润万家等大型超市的经营模式,经营业务包括婚礼服务和婚礼用品,超市主要通过与婚纱摄影公司、婚庆喜宴饭店、首饰公司、鲜花公司等喜庆用品,实现婚礼一站式消费。 公司注重短期目标与长远战略的结合,短期目标是做好婚庆策划和婚庆超市。中长期目标将逐步拓宽产品领域,涉足结婚纪念日、公司开业典礼、以及大型活动的策划等,旨在为主办方制造特色的喜庆和与众不同的浪漫典礼。 公司拥有先进的策划人员,有能力不断改进初期产品策划方案,与时俱进,根据顾客的要求不断创新,开发新的策划方案。 公司拥有一批高素质的营销管理与销售队伍,均受过管理专业的系统教育,具有丰富的管理经验和良好的市场意识;销售人员具有营销专业的相关知识和婚庆知识。 2.服务介绍 2.1产业背景


篇1 诗缔婚礼-Tailored国际高端婚礼品牌,北京诗缔艺恒文化传播有限公司旗下品牌,于2005年在北京成立。最早提出"主题婚礼"的概念,坚持"量身定制"的服务理念,成为专属和的代名词。 秉着国际化的视角,国外婚礼设计人士的加入,诗缔婚礼形成深入、互动、创新的发展模式,加强了中国婚嫁产业发展的深度与广度。2011年,诗缔婚礼被中国婚嫁产业联盟誉为品牌影响力、商业投资价值的婚礼品牌。 篇2 Sunny喜铺隶属于北京阳光喜铺婚礼文化股份有限公司 Sunny喜铺婚礼服务机构于2005年成立于北京,诞生于北京,服务于北京! 我们始终坚持"金牌品质,规范服务"的经营理念,率先提出了婚礼套系服务模式,风靡至今;我们率先成立婚礼行业第一个客服部,全程监控标准化服务流程的每一个环节;我们率先成立了第一个婚礼商学院,为全国的婚礼服务行业提供了超过2000位专业人才;我们率先成立了第一个婚礼研究院,主动担负为行业研发新产品的重任;Sunny喜铺从为第一对新人提供婚礼服务开始,截至2016年10月份,已经累计为北京地区超过50000对新人提供婚礼服务,是北京乃至全国无可争议的领军品牌! Sunny喜铺已经由原来的单一提供婚礼服务业务的企业发展为婚礼全方位服务机构,机构业务涵盖:婚礼策划、宴会设计、婚纱礼服、微电影、花艺设计、灯光设计、主持人团队、婚礼用品、车队、跟拍、摄像、彩妆、婚礼培训。 Sunny喜铺致力于打造行业内大的"一站式婚礼服务机构"! 篇3 北京花海阁婚礼策划有限公司于今日正式成立8周年。对于花海阁,今天是个特殊的日子。感恩是一种修行,在此花海阁要对一直以来对我们支持的家人致以诚挚的谢意,感谢一路走来对花海阁的信任。以及未来更多选择花海阁的伙伴及客户给予深深的敬意。一路走来,感谢有您相伴!花海阁首曝8年来领军婚嫁圈的秘密分享给每一位幸福的人! [坝上草原的第一场婚礼后拍下了第一张全家福。当初屈指可数的家人伙伴,今天也以北京近500人的花家军,覆盖27个省份和地区的128处直营和加盟连锁列阵全国。] 北京花海阁婚礼策划有限公司是国内目前首家上市的婚礼文化产业集团,同时也是婚庆行业首家中央电视台推荐品牌。集团以打造中国婚庆产业第一品牌为己任,业务涵盖婚礼策划制作、婚纱摄影及MV定制、高端婚纱礼服定制、个性婚品设计生产、婚宴酒店一站式预定、各类大型会展活动策划执行、高端礼宾车队租赁、专业人才培训学校、时尚刊物印刷出版等13大领域。 北京花海阁婚礼策划有限公司是花海阁集团旗下从事婚礼策划、制作、执行的专业服务品牌,"成就婚礼梦工厂"是每一个花海阁人不懈追求的目标,在业务经营上花海阁真正实现了"一站式服务、超市式自选、量身式定制"的服务模式。 2008年成立,历经8年时间,成为全国规模的婚礼文化产业集团,同时也成为京城新人最青睐的婚礼品牌。 3000平米总部基地位于北京角门西。 60余家一站式婚礼堂,实现《1≥9全城一站式婚礼服务计划》。 正式员工497人,是目前在国内自有员工数量最多的婚礼策划公司。 年婚礼执行量超过10000场,淡季不淡,旺季更旺。 后期0强制隐性消费; 各大婚礼网站口碑排行榜,始终排名第1。这些排名全部依靠新人自发点评而形成,是任何商家无法伪造的,而这也成为金字招牌的检验标准;



目录 一、执行摘要 二、愿景,使命与核心价值观 三、产品的形成背景和预期目标 四、市场营销分析 五、竞争者,竞争环境和竞争优势分析 六、开发,生产和选址 七、管理团队 八、财务部分 九、风险因素 十、收获或退出 十一、时间表和里程碑 十二、附录

一、执行摘要 简介 随着经济的不断增长,人民物质水平的提高,对于精神的需求已经越来越重要。受中国传统观念影响,结婚就是一件大事,象征着一辈子,是一个人一生最重要的时刻。所以现代的婚礼已经不仅仅满足于单一的结婚形式,追求的是一种时尚,流行,印记。咱们结婚吧就是针对现如今打算举办婚礼的年轻人,中年人甚至是老年人,为他们打造一场属于他们的特殊的婚礼,进行婚礼策划的一家婚庆公司。 企业描述 我们结婚吧婚庆公司,由于是大学生自主创业,毕业前期打算和镇江市创业园合作,进行创意策划。主要针对那些年轻,富有激情,喜欢创新的新人们,比如:大学毕业就打算的结婚的同学。为他们设计婚礼。 企业前期采取合作经营模式,与酒店,摄影,花店,车行进行合作,五位一体,互赢互利。 产业分析 我们结婚吧婚庆公司将在酒店合作,婚纱摄影方面内竞争,和其他婚庆公司不同的是,我们理念是舒适,唯一。每年婚庆消费稳步增长。根据国家民政局的统计数据,全国2011年因婚礼当日而产生的消费接近3000亿元,预计到2013年将上升到5000亿元。我们最大的挑战就是如何能在众多婚庆公司中脱颖而出。 市场分析 婚庆市场一直以来就是我国的一个热门市场,由于近年来迎来了生育高峰,相应的结婚的人也多了起来,将近2亿的结婚人口是我们的市场。 市场计划 1、确定创意主题,创意致胜。 2、借鉴成功人士的经验 3、做好宣传工作。 4、找好合作的摄影公司和酒店 管理团队和公司结构


Launched in 1990, Hebei Huanya Cable Co., Ltd is situated on riverside of Baiyangdian Lake , a famous scenic spot known as “Peal of Hebei province. Adjacent to Beijing in the north, Tianjin in the east, Beijing –Jingjiu Railway in the west, it enjoys superior geographical position and very convenient traffic. Covering an area of 76000 s.q.m ,Huanya has more than 230 staffs and about 30 technicians. Its fixed assets amount to 49million yuan, annual production capability reaches 1billion and 300million yuan. The range of Huanya’s products involves wires and cables and the searching, manufacturing, selling of the line hardware. After 20 years’struggle and develop, our manufacturing technology is more scientific, testing means more perfect, and product quality more reliable. Our company has received National industrial products manufacturing license for wire and cable, and many other certifications such as 3C (China Compulsory certification), OHSI18001, ISO14001, ISO9001. The ISO9001 we passed pertains to all the manufactured products. For many years we have been honored the heavy contract keep credit enterprise by the provincial and municipal governments and won the honor of Provincial Brand Name, Measurement Qualification Enterprise, Provincial Famous Trademark, Trusting Enterprise, Integrity Enterprise,3A Enterprise conferred by Agricultural Bank of China. Huanya serves customers in more than 26 provinces and districts across China and has been chosen to manufacture cables for power and communication units in many provinces. Our products are well received among our customers due to its premium products and excellent after-sale services. With the concerted efforts of our staff and support from our customers, we have expended our transaction from producing plastic power cable , plastic control cable, aerial insulated cable; aluminum stranded wire and aluminum conductor steel reinforced ,anti-aging wire and iron pieces for transmission line to flame-retardant cable flame barrier cable, Low Smoke Halogen Free cable. We have developed pre-branch cable and bunched cable, making every effort to offer our customers multi-series quality products. Constantly adhering to values of “scientific management, innovation, quality and credibility”, Huanya’s staffs are working on market expansion and products tweaking, aiming to contributions to the whole profession.


ABOUT US CNS INTERTRANS(SHENZHEN) CO. Ltd, is an a-class freight forwarder approved by ministry of commerce of the people's republic of China. CNS was established in 2000. For years' expansion and development, CNS has become one of the leading integrated logistic companies in China. Our head office is located in Shenzhen. Have branches offices in Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Wuhan, Dalian, Tianjin, Qingdao, Ningbo, Xiamen, Shunde. We can handle air/ sea/land shipment from all China ports. Moreover, we also can handle shipment from Asian countries as well. We are a NVOCC (MOC-NV02456), as well as a member of CIFA (China International Forwarders Association). Our vision:to be a new type of logistics leader meeting the challenges of global trade Our mission: to facilitate trade through innovative supply chain solutions Our values:integrity, personal ownership, teamwork and excellence Our customer promise of personal service: We thrive on challenges and consistently go above and beyond for our customers. You can count on CNS employees around the world to tackle today's uncertainties with the confidence that stems from their deep knowledge of local markets and their logistics expertise. Unmatched personal service sets us apart. Each one at CNS assumes a high degree of personal responsibility for your job; and we will not rest until that job is done to your satisfaction. We anticipate instead of react, and we follow through. Behind every contract, supply chain solution, phone call and shipment is a personal relationship with you, our customer. Whether we are managing your entire supply chain or offering a specialized service, our ability to listen and learn before taking action is what makes our employees your partners and our solutions more effective. Our core strengths We concentrate our capabilities on areas that are critical to modern supply chains

婚庆公司介绍 婚庆公司简介

婚庆公司介绍范文_婚庆公司介绍婚庆公 司简介 北京城的婚庆公司源于哪? 说起京城的婚庆公司,至今已有近百年的历史。早在清代,京城就出现了专门为结婚的人服务的行业喜轿铺,可以说是今天婚庆公司的"原始版"。主要是为结婚的人提供花轿,并附带轿夫、锣鼓手、执事等。 当时京城的结婚还普遍采取传统的礼仪,于迎娶新娘时,照例用花轿,旗锣伞扇、金灯执事,八面大鼓等。据《当代北京婚恋史话》记载:"当时的喜轿行业很兴旺,四九城都有喜轿铺,京城约有120余家。在这些喜轿铺中,可分两类,一类是满俗婚礼的喜轿铺,这类多在内城;另一类是汉俗婚礼的喜轿 婚礼现场铺,这类多在外城。 随着二十世纪的来到,特别是新文化运动的兴起,旧的封建礼教被逐渐否定,特别是传统的结婚仪式因过于繁琐,且费时费事,浪费钱财,常常把结婚当事人弄得疲惫不堪,于是一些上层人士和知识阶层开始尝试新的结婚仪式,谓之"文明结婚"。即男女双方不再去"命馆"合婚,也不必许什么"龙凤帖",而是买来两张印好的结婚证书,填上新郎、新娘的姓名、年龄、籍贯,举行婚礼时,由证婚人、介绍人和男、女双方主婚人印证就行了。结婚典礼可以在家里举行,也可以在饭庄举行。新式婚礼逐渐受到社会各界的欢迎。为此有识之士看

准"文明结婚"这个"商机",在京城开办了供应新式结婚用品的服务商店。据《北京民俗文化史略》记载:民国四年(19xx年),骡马市大街开办了"喜庆婚礼用品租赁社",专门出租文明结婚的用品。它原本是一家有着30多年历史的喜轿铺,掌柜是山东人,很精明,他将旧式的花轿、锣鼓手、执事等取消,改为备花车、司仪,同时向新郎、新娘出租结婚穿的礼服、花篮等。可以说"喜庆社"是京城第一家"婚庆公司",所承办的事宜与今天婚庆公司所承办内容很相近,只是所提供的服务项目较少,经营规模也不大。 民国二十三年(1934年)九月,江苏无锡人郁炽昌在宣武门内绒线胡同开办了"紫房子新婚用品服务社",为"文明结婚"的年轻人提供"一条龙"式服务。它专门出租"文明结婚"礼堂上用的各种陈设,新郎、新娘穿的西式礼服,新娘用的头纱、珠冠、头花、手花、花篮等,且代雇花车、乐队、司仪,甚至连结婚典礼的仪式单都给印好了。民国二十六年(1937年),北平市社会局积极提倡"改进习俗,提倡节约"的"文明结婚仪式",受到许多年轻人的响应,由此促进了"紫房子"的业务蒸蒸日上,并使原店址已不敷应用,1938年迁到六部口旁边,三间紫色的大门脸儿较前更为壮观。 此后,京城出现了多家为婚庆服务的行当,如东城的"福双新婚用品服务社",西城的"金丽新婚服务公司",南城的"美馨新婚服务所"、"喜临门婚庆服务公司"等,但其门店规模和服务业务与"紫房子"相比,均为逊色。 为了争到客源,各婚庆服务社利用一切机会广泛宣传"文明结婚"


Ok, Today I will introduce something about company structure. First of all, I will show you a simple picture of the company structure. This picture has two pats. The first line shows three parts of company: the shareholders, the management and the workforce. Those squares which are linked with narrow lines means specific departments in a company. You could see that the shareholder is the highest level. Board of Directors is under it. And then there are different department. it’s hard to put the management and the workforce in the structure, because in any department there can be managers and workers. I will introduce these two parts in the latter paragraph. A shareholder (or stockholder) is an individual or institution (including a corporation) that legally owns a share of stock in a public or private corporation. Stockholders are granted special privileges depending on the class of stock: 1. The right to sell their shares, 2. The right to vote on the directors nominated by the board, 3. The right to nominate directors (although this is very difficult in practice because of minority protections) and propose shareholder resolutions, 4. The right to dividends if they are declared, 5. The right to purchase new shares issued by the company, and 6. The right to what assets remains after a liquidation. Shareholders are not crucial for a company to run, because they merely provide money. But the board of directors which is voted by big shareholders is very important in the company structure. A board of directors is a body of elected or appointed members who jointly oversee the activities of a company or organization. It is often simply referred to as "the board". A board‘s activities are determined by the organization’s bylaws(团队章程). The bylaws commonly also specify the number of members of the board, how they are to be chosen, and when they are to meet. Duties that the board should bear: 1. Governing the company; 2. Selecting, appointing, supporting and reviewing the performance of the chief executive; 3. Ensuring the availability of adequate financial resources; 4. Accounting to the stakeholders for the organization's performance; We could see that the board usually manages some broad affairs. Their decisions could decide which direction the company develops.


公司英文描述范文3篇 Model 1 XXXXXX carpet manufacturing Co., Ltd. Was established in 1989, the company is independent legal person, registered capital 50 million yuan.Our company is located in the Town zhuze ,liyang city, jiangsu province ,where have beautiful scenery & a long-term history,The transportation is also very convenent,being close to hangzhou high-speed、the shanghai-nanjing high-speed、also near to nanjing lukou airport. The company covers an area of 19,000 square meters, annual production capacity reaches 5 million square meters, Except for the domestic market, our products are also sold to overseas countries,such as Europe and America, southeast Asia, Australia, Malaysia ,India ,the Middle East etc. Liyang hengye carpet Manufacturing Co, Ltd is a manufacturer ,who specializing in the production of carpet tiles, with advanced equipments and perfect technology, the company has a professional operation team, strong technical sources, a complete production lines &strictly quality testing process,In totally, no matter from professional, innovative, unique and various aspects,we all have unique advantages. The company has passed the certification of national quality certification center and obtained the certificate of quality management system (iso9001:2018 GB/T 19001-2018) and CE certification. Company in good faith, pragmatic business philosophy with the domestic and foreign merchants sincere cooperation, is committed to provide more quality products for customers at home and abroad, to beautify the environment and improve life quality, to provide more convenient and efficient service to the life of people! Model 2 Shanghai XXX New Decorative Materials Co.,Ltd was established in 1996,which is a recognized company specializing in the design,


公司英文简介模版 Company number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】

模版A: Established in (成立年份), (公司英 文名称) is a manufacturer (生产兼贸易,可用manufacturer and trader) specialized in the research, development and production of (公司主打产品). We are located in (公司所在城市), with convenient transportation access. All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world. If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a custom order, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to forming successful business relationships with new clients around the world in the near future. 对应中文翻译: ABC公司成立于XX年,专业生产XXX产品,集产品研发和生产于一体。我公司 地处XX市,交通便利。我司所有产品采用国际质量标准,产品远销海外,享 誉海内外众多市场。 如果贵司对我们任一款产品有意或有订单意向,欢迎随时联系我们。我们期待 与全球客户携手合作,共创未来。 模版B: Established in (成立年份), (公司 英文名称)is a professional manufacturer and exporter that is concerned with the design, development and production of (行业产品). We are located in (公司所在城市), with convenient transportation access.All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world. We have over (员工人数) employees, an annual sales figure that exceeds USD (销售额) and are currently exporting(出口比例) of our production worldwide. Our well-equipped facilities and excellent quality control throughout all stages of production enables us to guarantee total customer satisfaction. As a result of our high quality products and outstanding customer service, we have gained a global sales network reaching(主 要出口国家). If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a custom order, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to forming successful business relationships with new clients around the world in the near future.
