Enclosure Movement-圈地运动简介(中英文)

题目Tell briefly what is "Enclosure Movement" in Britain(60~100words).

要求60~100words,don't exceed the limit.















The enclosure movement was the cause of one of the greatest changes in the landscape of rural England. It was the process whereby the system of communal exploitation and regulation of the arable land, open pastures, meadows and wastes (uncultivated land) was gradually replaced by a system of private land management. It involved both a legal change and a physical change.

This wonderful old poem, author unknown, is employed by Duke University Professor of Law, James Boyle to introduce his cogent analysis of The Second Enclosure Movement and the Construction of the Public Domain. Boyle’s focus is on intellectual property rights and the “intangible commons”, but his powerful piece discusses some overlapping or analogous concerns regarding the physical commons. This passionate ballad serves brilliantly as prologue because it rails against the ine quities of one of the great privatization schemes in Western history a€“ the English enclosure movement.

Enclosure, summarized ever so briefly, describes the process through which farmland shared in common for communal grazing and agriculture or marginal land such as fens and moors were fenced off for private use, typically pasturage for wool production. The enclosure movement dramatically altered the English way of life, ushering in enormous economic and social upheavals that had a profound influence on modern society. Proponents and opponents of enclosure may argue vehemently about whether the changes wrought by enclosure were, in the long run, positive or negative. One’s position on this matter will offer clear insight into where he or she falls on the privatization of public lands today.

We cannot go back in time to manage the English enclosure movement more efficiently or humanely. We can and should, however, recognize that the forces at play, the arguments used to defend taking from the weak to give to the strong, are at work right this very minute. One of the implications of the enclosure movement discussed in the Wikipedia was the shift in belief regarding the importance of “common wealth” (usually implying common livelihoods) as opposed to the “public good” (the wealth of the nation or the GDP). If you’re not sure what that means, consider how hollow pronouncements of the strength of the U.S. economy ring when real wages for most workers are dropping. Think about how outsourcing labor abroad produces such wealth for shareholders but such misery for people trying to get decent jobs. The fact that enclosure or a modern equivalent thereof may produce a net economic gain must be reconciled with the understanding that this gain accrues to far fewer people. In other words, the greater agricultural

efficiencies introduced by enclosure may have benefited England and most certainly benefited the landowners, but that was little solace to the peons suddenly deprived of access to the base necessities of survival.

In the modern enclosure movement, we’re all peons.

In the early 1700s, there was an "enclosure movement" that was a cause of the industrial revolution in England. The enclosure movement was this: wealthy farmers bought land from small farmers, then benefited from economies of scale in farming huge tracts of land.

The enclosure movement led to improved crop production, such as the rotation of crops. People began moving to cities, where they could more easily work in factories than on farmland. In England, population growth caused former farmers or children of farmers to migrate from southeastern England to the northwest, where factories were being built.

In History:

Enclosure Movement - 18th century movement among wealthy British landed aristocrats to rationalize their farms. Using new farming technology and systems of crop rotation, they forced the agrarian poor off the old "village commons" that now became "enclosed" as private property. The jobless poor ended up constituting the proletariat working class in the upcoming Industrial Revolution.

enclosure, also spelled Inclosure, the division or consolidation of communal fields, meadows, pastures, and other arable lands in western Europe into the carefully delineated and individually owned and managed farm plots of modern times. Before enclosure, much farmland existed in the form of numerous, dispersed strips under the control of individual cultivators only during the growing season and until harvesting was completed for a given year. Thereafter, and until the next growing season, the land was at the disposal of the community for grazing by the village livestock and for other purposes. To enclose land was to put a hedge or fence around a portion of this open land and thus prevent the exercise of common grazing and other rights over it.

In England the movement for enclosure began in the 12th century and proceeded rapidly in the

period 1450–1640, when the purpose was mainly to increase the amount of full-time pasturage available to manorial lords. Much enclosure also occurred in the period from 1750 to 1860, when it was done for the sake of agricultural efficiency. By the end of the 19th century the process of the enclosure of common lands in England was virtually complete.

In the rest of Europe enclosure made little progress until the 19th century. Agreements to enclose were not unknown in Germany in the 16th century, but it was not until the second half of the 18th century that the government began to issue decrees encouraging enclosure. Even then, little advance was made in western Germany until after 1850. The same policy of encouragement by decree was followed in France and Denmark from the second half of the 18th century, in Russia after the emancipation of the serfs (1861), and in Czechoslovakia and Poland after World War I. Common rights over arable land—which constitute the most formidable obstacle to modern farming—have now for the most part been extinguished, but some European land is still cultivated in the scattered strips characteristic of common fields, and common rights continue over large areas of pasture and woodland.

Enclosure Movement-圈地运动简介(中英文)

题目Tell briefly what is "Enclosure Movement" in Britain(60~100words). 要求60~100words,don't exceed the limit. 圈地运动 百科名片 在14、15世纪,在农奴制解体过程中,英国新兴的资产阶级和新贵族通过暴力把农民从土地上赶走,强占农民份地及公有地,剥夺农民的土地使用权和所有权,限制或取消原有的共同耕地权和畜牧权,把强占的土地圈占起来,变成私有的大牧场、大农场。这就是英国历史上的“圈地运动”。 目录 欧洲圈地运动 中世纪圈地运动 中世纪的欧洲,在西起英格兰,东至乌拉尔山,南迄比利牛斯山脉和阿尔卑斯山脉,北至丹麦和瑞典南部的广大平原上,大体都盛行敞地制。敞地制起源于农村公社的土地形式。每年收割后,庄园主和教堂的条田、农民的份地都按惯例撤除各自设置的篱笆、栅栏等物,敞开作为公共牧场。敞地以外的公有地名为庄园主所有,实属农民共有。田地的分散给农民的耕种和管理带来诸多不便。因此,在12世纪中叶,英国就有人将分散在各片大田的条形地通过交换而合并起来。这种趋势在盛行敞地制的各国都是共同的,只有先后之别。13世纪,英国庄园主根据《默顿法令》,圈占公有地以至份地。在14、15世纪农奴制解体过程中,圈地现象愈演愈烈。 15世纪末至17世纪末的英国圈地运动 英国圈地运动(2张) 15世纪末叶、16世纪初叶,欧洲直通印度新航线的开通和美洲大陆的发现,以及环球航行的成功,使英国的对外贸易迅速增长,进一步刺激了英国羊毛出口业和毛织业的发展。羊毛价格不断上涨。养羊业成为获利丰厚的事业。往往10英亩牧场的收益超过20英亩的耕地。英国圈地运动最早从工商业较发达的东南部农村开始。地主贵族最初圈占公有地,后来圈占小佃农的租地和公簿持有农的份地。在宗教改革中,国王把没收的教会领地赐给亲信宠臣,或卖给乡绅、土地投机家、市民、商人和工场主。他们变成新贵族,也大规模地圈占农民土地。根据1630年和1631年的调查报告,莱斯特郡在两年内圈地10万英亩,约占该郡土地2%。大部圈占地变成牧场。主要的圈占者是乡绅。1485~1550年他们在莱斯特郡圈地的面积占圈地总面积的60%。大批农民被迫出卖土地,或远走他乡,或到处流浪,陷于极端悲惨的境地。t.莫尔在《乌托邦》(1516)中,辛辣地指责这是“羊吃人”。 18世纪初期至19世纪中期的圈地运动 英国资产阶级取得决定性胜利之后,城市工业进一步发展,城市人口急剧增加。因此,对农产品的需求日益增加。地主贵族为了生产肉类和商品粮以供应城市的需要,扩大投资,改善土地的生产能力,同时加速进行圈地。资产阶级则大力鼓励圈地。政府通过议会立法使圈地合法化。地主贵族依靠国家机器,强迫农民服从圈地法案。农民无力负担圈地费用,或因失去公有地使用权而无法维持生产和生活,被迫出卖土地。随着1701年条播机的发明,

英国文学史PART TWO---Chapter 1 Old England in Transition(p27---p32)

Chapter 1 Old England in Transition(p27---p32) Adela Class B Lanzhou University A.The New Monarchy新君主制 i.Hundred Year’s War with France(1337---1453) ii.The War of Roses(1455---1485) iii.Henry the seventh(1485---1509)founded the Tudor dynasty---a centralized monarchy of a totally new type B. The Reformation 宗教改革 i.Basing on the inevitable conflict between the international regime of the Roman Catholic Church and the monarchy of the King of England, Henry the eighth started the Protestant Reformation wchich was in a political movement in a religious guise. ii.Following the Reformation was the Counter-Reformation led by Queen Mary(1553---1558), which was really a bloody religious persecution. iii.After the church settlement of Queen Elizabeth(1558---1603), she made some reforms in a via-media中庸manner. C. The English Bible i.Before the Reformation, the Latin Bible was universally used by the Catholic churches. ii.The English translation of the Bible emerged as a result of the struggle between Protestantism and Catholicism.


地理大发现(1.进程.2.影响哥伦布大交换商业革命的内容,价格革命疾病)全球史观的评价 文艺复兴:代表人物;代表作;主要的学术观点;核心思潮科学革命:代表人物。培根 宗教改革;三个中心。不同派别。代表人物。代表观点欧洲君主专制;概念。特征 一些重要人物;胡哥诺战争;圈地运动;俄国的特辖制改革。 英国革命:过程;特点;典型事件;代表人物;结果; 光荣革命;权利法案的内容及评价√ 法国革命:过程;政府演变情况;主要人物;主要派别统治结果的评价;期间通过的法律文件; 对拿破仑的评价;拿破仑战败后维也纳的 会议;维也纳体系;内容评价。 美国革命:革命前的类型特征[[;期间之后通过的重要法律文件;怎样评价联邦制 德国;三十年战争;威斯特法利亚体系 俄国;代表人物:叶卡捷琳娜二世之前;彼得一世 启蒙运动:启蒙思想家;代表作;政治理想;影响。 √ 17世纪东方国家衰落的共性? 工业革命:为什么在英国?发明创造;各个国家工业革命的特点表现(P50~53)√ 英国的议会制改革:时间;内容;影响 德国的统一:重要任务;战役;统一的历史意义 俄国1861年改革:农奴制,亚历山大二世;克里米亚战争;以人的现代化探讨大改革的意义。美国内战:原因;意义;战后的重建;战前南方社会的发展状况;奴隶制问题怎样导致战争发 生 明治维新:内容;得失后果;探讨后现代国家发展道路问题;中日改革之比较 拉美:独立运动中的发展状况(政治经济);与北美殖民地的比较;这些差异对后世的影响; 改革在世界历史中的作用(外延型;内生型{原有的修正和完善}) 奥斯曼的实现国家的富强 第二次工业革命:标志和表现;垄断组织(各主要资本主义国家的发展状况)√;自由主义的 衰落;国家垄断的兴盛;近代史上国际关 系格局的演变:威斯特法利亚体系——维 也纳体系——两大军事集团(三国同盟和 三国协约P403~404) 中英文对照: 地理大发现-great geograp hical discoveries Columbus da cama magellan 文艺复兴-renaissance人文主义-humanism Michelangelo-米开朗琪罗 Machiavelli-马基雅维利dante-但丁 Petrach-彼得拉克Boccaccio-薄伽丘 Leonardo da Vinci 达芬奇 Raphael 拉斐尔 Tomasso Campanella 康帕内拉 The reformation 宗教改革 Calvin 加尔文 Holly Roman Empire 神圣罗马帝国 费尔南多二世Fernando II1479年~1516年在位加强西班牙王权 英国专制制度的形成 玫瑰战争Wars of the Roses(1455-1485) 胡格诺战争Huguenots War (1562-1594 ) 太阳王Louis XIV十四XV十五XVI十六 弗朗西斯·培根Francis bacon 1561-1626 知识就是力量归纳法 笛卡儿Descartes依靠实验怀疑精神 重商主义mercantilism Enclosure movement圈地运动 清教puritanism The Stuart Monarchs斯图亚特王朝 charies查理 the English civil war英国革命内战(1642-1653)Oliver Cromwell克伦威尔1599—1658 辉格党Whigs Party托利党(Tory party)。 The Bill Of Rights权利法案 开明专制enlightened despotism Romannov罗曼诺夫 The Enlightenment启蒙运动 John Locke 1632-1704 洛克 伏尔泰Voltaire1694—1778 孟德斯鸠Montesquieu1689—1755 卢梭Rousseau(1712—1778 ) 网球场宣言tennis court oath 国民议会assemblee nationale 制宪议会assemblee nationale constituante 立法议会legislative assembly 国民公会convention nationale 拿破仑法典code napoleno 雾月政变napoleon’s brumaire coup 教务专约treaty of concordat Termidoreans 热月党人 Battle of austerlitz 奥斯特里茨之战 Peninsular war 半岛战争 Waterloo battle 滑铁卢 Ottoman empire 奥斯曼帝国 马萨诸塞(Massachusetts) 1607年英国第1个殖民据点 ——詹姆斯城(Jamestown) Mayflower 五月花号 The Great Wagon Road 大马车路沟通北美殖民地

英国文学简史 刘炳善著(1-3单元)

Part one Conquests & Influences A. Early period: 1.The Roman conquest: (1)The Roman civilization 文明;文化 (2)Christianity (基督教) (3)Flouring (兴旺) of towns along military roads 2. The English conquest: (1)Three tribes English old English (the Angles, Saxons and Jutes) (2)Tribal society-feudalism (社会封建制度) B. Medieval period: 1.The Danish conquest 2.The Norman conquest (1)The French-Speaking Normans under Duke William came in 1066 (2)Establishment of feudalism (封建制度) (3)French words came to English Anglo-Saxon Poetry (499-1066) 1.Anglo-Saxons: the ancestors of today’s Englishmen 2.The beginning of history of English literature 3.Features: alliteration (头韵) & rhymes metaphors (押韵的比喻) and understatements (轻描淡写) 4.The only great work: Beowulf Beowulf 1.A national epic (史诗般的作品) of the English people. 2.Pagan (异教徒的) poetry & No representative figure (没有代表性人物) 3.A folk legend brought to England by Anglo-Saxon from Northern Europe. 4.Praises man’s energy, intellect and love of life; and exposes the social vices. (社会的黑暗面) Features of Beowulf 1.Alliteration 2.Metaphors (隐喻) 3.Understatements (保守的陈述) The significance of Beowulf 1.This glorious (辉煌的) epic presents us a vivid picture of the life of Anglo-Saxon people and highly praises the brave and courageous spirit of the fighting against the vices. 2.The epic reflects the situations the pagan tribalism (部落文化) and of the era (时代) of the Christianized (基督教化) feudal society. 3.The epic gives the vivid portrayal (写照) of a great national hero, strong and courageous people


边沁论文:边沁经济哲学功利主义 【中文摘要】边沁是英国的法理学家、功利主义哲学家、经济学家和社会改革者。作为经济学家,边沁的经济思想都是建立在他的功利主义哲学思想基础之上的,这就形成了他的经济哲学思想,本文分四章论述了边沁的经济哲学思想。第一章介绍边沁经济哲学思想产生的背景,边沁的经济哲学思想是在英国历史上发生的三件大事即圈地运动、光荣革命、产业革命这样一个大背景下形成的,他继承并发展了英国经验主义哲学传统,以及斯密的经济自由主义思想、利息理论,阿奎那的公平价格理论(边际效用理论)和利息理论等;第二章主要阐述了边沁经济思想的哲学基础----功利主义。他的功利主义思想是在继承和发展古希腊快乐主义学说,英国经验论和情感论传统,18世纪法国唯物主义哲学传统的基础上形成的。文章从苦乐原理、效果论、功利原则三个方面论述了他的功利主义思想的主要内容。他的苦乐原理对痛苦和快乐作了详细的划分,并认为几种简单的痛苦和快乐构成一种复杂的痛苦和快乐,还对苦乐价值的大小进行计算。他的效果论认为,效果的好坏决定行为的善恶。他的功利原则极力主张最大多数人的最大幸福原则,这是他的功利主义思想的核心。他认为,个人幸福也就是个人利益,社会幸福也就是社会利益,是组成社会的所有单个成员的利益之总和。所以只有社会的每一个成员实现了个人的利益,作为社会成员的结合体才能实现其利益的最大化。但当个人利益与社会利益发生冲突时,个人利益必须服从社会利益,这就要求个人在追

求自己的幸福、利益时,必须同时考虑他人或共同体的幸福、利益。因此,边沁的最大多数人的最大幸福原则把利己主义和利他主义二者有机结合起来了,是一种合理的利己主义。第三章从他的经济自由主义思想、边际效用理论、福利理论、利息理论分别与功利主义思想的关系来系统地阐述边沁经济哲学思想的主要内容;第四章主要论述了边沁的经济哲学思想对约翰·穆勒的自由主义思想、福利理论,杰文斯的边际效用理论,费雪的利息理论的形成所产生的深远影响。这种影响主要体现在约翰·穆勒、杰文斯、欧文·费雪继承和发展了边沁的经济哲学思想,他们的经济哲学思想既有联系又有区别。 【英文摘要】social reformer. As an economist, Jeremy Bentham’s economic ideas are based on his utilitarianism philosophy, which formed his economic philosophy. There are four chapters in the paper to discuss the economic philosophy of Bentham.The first chapter introduces the background of Jeremy Bentham’s economic philosophy. Jeremy Bentham’s economic philosophy was formed in the background where there were three major events --the enclosure movement, the Glorious Revolution, Industrial Revolution which were occurred in the Britain history. He inherited and developed British empiricism philosophical tradition, and Adam Smith’s economic liberalism and interest theory, Aquina’s fair price theory (marginal utility theory) and interest theory. The second chapter


世界近代史中英文对照 地理大发现(1.进程.2.影响哥伦布大交换商业革命的内容,价格革命疾病)全球史观的评价 文艺复兴:代表人物;代表作;主要的学术观点;核心思潮科学革命:代表人物。培根 宗教改革;三个中心。不同派别。代表人物。代表观点欧洲君主专制;概念。特征 一些重要人物;胡哥诺战争;圈地运动;俄国的特辖制改革。 英国革命:过程;特点;典型事件;代表人物;结果; 光荣革命;权利法案的内容及评价√ 法国革命:过程;政府演变情况;主要人物;主要派别统治结果的评价;期间通过的法律文件; 对拿破仑的评价;拿破仑战败后维也纳的 会议;维也纳体系;内容评价。 美国革命:革命前的类型特征[[;期间之后通过的重要法律文件;怎样评价联邦制 德国;三十年战争;威斯特法利亚体系 俄国;代表人物:叶卡捷琳娜二世之前;彼得一世 启蒙运动:启蒙思想家;代表作;政治理想;影响。 √ 17世纪东方国家衰落的共性? 工业革命:为什么在英国?发明创造;各个国家工业革命的特点表现(P50~53)√ 英国的议会制改革:时间;内容;影响 德国的统一:重要任务;战役;统一的历史意义 俄国1861年改革:农奴制,亚历山大二世;克里米亚战争;以人的现代化探讨大改革的意义。美国内战:原因;意义;战后的重建;战前南方社会的发展状况;奴隶制问题怎样导致战争发 生

明治维新:内容;得失后果;探讨后现代国家发展道路问题;中日改革之比较 拉美:独立运动中的发展状况(政治经济);与北美殖民地的比较;这些差异对后世的影响; 改革在世界历史中的作用(外延型;内生型{原有的修正和完善})奥斯曼的实现国家的富强 第二次工业革命:标志和表现;垄断组织(各主要资本主义国家的发展状况)√;自由主义的 衰落;国家垄断的兴盛;近代史上国际关 系格局的演变:威斯特法利亚体系——维 也纳体系——两大军事集团(三国同盟和 三国协约P403~404) 中英文对照: 地理大发现-great geograp hical discoveries Columbus da cama magellan 文艺复兴-renaissance人文主义-humanism Michelangelo-米开朗琪罗 Machiavelli-马基雅维利dante-但丁 Petrach-彼得拉克Boccaccio-薄伽丘 Leonardo da Vinci 达芬奇 Raphael 拉斐尔 Tomasso Campanella 康帕内拉 The reformation 宗教改革 Calvin 加尔文 Holly Roman Empire 神圣罗马帝国 费尔南多二世Fernando II1479年~1516年在位加强西班牙王权英国专制制度的形成 玫瑰战争Wars of the Roses(1455-1485) 胡格诺战争Huguenots War (1562-1594 ) 太阳王Louis XIV十四XV十五XVI十六

2The English Renaissance (自动保存的)

Session 3 The English Renaissance What is Renaissance? Renaissance is a cultural and intellecutal movement, which marks the transition from medieval to the modern world. It first sprang in Florence and Venice of Italy, with the flowering of painting, sculpture and architecture from the14th century and mid 17th century. The word Renaissance is actually a French word, meaning "re-birth“ Features of Renaissance 1. A thirsty curiosity for classical literature; 2. A general revival of the study of Greek and Latin authors, the keen interest in the welfare of human beings; 3. People ceased to look upon themselves as living only for God and a future world. English Renaissance • 1. Background Information ※The New Monarchy ※The Reformation ※The English Bible ※The Enclosure Movement 圈地运动 ※The Renaissance and Humanism • 2. The Flowering of English Literature ※Edmund Spencer ※Johnn Donne ※William Shakespear ※Francis Bacon English Renaissance •Historical background 1.The War of Roses(1455-1485)-weaken the feudalism and pave the way for development of bourgeois society 2. The Tudors •Medieval Peior(1066-1485) •Henry VII(1485-1509) •Henry VIII(1507-1547) •Edward VI(1547-1553) •Mary I(1553-1558) •The reign of Queen Elizabeth(1558-1603) Henry VIII’s Reformation •He broke with Rome, confiscated the property of Church, established Protestant. •It is a political movement in a religious guise, struggle of bourgeois class for power. •The War with Spain: “Armada”— the bourgeoisie came to fore in the arena of


两淮垦殖业及工业的发端:近代中国工业革命的缩影 2005-12-28羽离子中国矿业大学学报:社科版200403 点击: 1412 两淮垦殖业及工业的发端:近代中国工业革命的缩影 两淮垦殖业及工业的发端:近代中国工业革命的缩影 羽离子 中国矿业大学学报:社科版200403 【英文标题】Cultivation and Reclamation in North Jiangsu as Epitome of Industrial Revolution YU Li-zi (Faculty of Humanities,University of Nantong,Nantong 226007,China)【文章日期】2004-07-13 【作者简介】羽离子,南通大学人文学院,江苏南通226007 羽离子(1954—),男,本名钱健,南通大学人文学院副教授。 【内容提要】清末民初,从1901年至1935年,在苏北地区先后涌现了77个垦牧类公司,其中营田万亩以上的大公司有40余个。新兴工业资本集团在苏北圈地垦殖的主要目的是为了植棉以为棉纺业提供原料,这与英国的圈地是为养羊以为毛纺业提供原料的功用是完全一样的。苏北垦殖成为中国工业革命的缩影。在苏北,被圈地者的反抗遭到了武装镇压。但总的说来,这一运动比较缓和,在很大程度上避免了英国工业革命中圈地运动的血腥过程的重现。苏北垦殖也促使了农村的近代化,在更大范围内改造了社会。苏北的圈地垦殖运动实是中国近代工业革命的缩影,其形态的独特、自身体系的完整、史实与资料的丰瀚,在中国仅此可见。其对中国近代史、对中国的现代化命题的研究等等,有极高的标本价值。 【摘要题】近代经济史研究 【英文摘要】The industrial revolution in Nantong at the end of Qing dynasty and the beginning of the Republic caused a large-scale enclosure in the northern area of Jiangsu. 77 reclamation and pasture companies appeared in


1.Geography 1)Full name:the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2)Geographical name: British Isles: 2 main parts: the island of Great Britain and Ireland 3)England: largest part a)Capital: London b)The River Thames: The 2nd longest river; the most important; From Southwestern England, crossing Midlands of England, to North Sea 4)Scotland: 2nd largest part a)Capital:Edinburgh b)The Clyde River:The most important in Scotland c)Specialty: Tourism: S cotch Whisky, Kilt and bagpipes 5)Wales: a)Capital:Cardiff b)TheSevern River: The longest river of Britain; From min-Wales, crossing western England, to the Bristol Channel and the Atlantic Ocean c)Specialty: Own language: Welsh 6)Ireland: a)Capital:Belfast b)Lough Neagh: the largest lake in British Isles 7)Climate: a)Features:Temperate; Warm summers and cool winters; plentiful precipitation throughout the year ●The frequent fog in winter (especially in London) ●Large numbers of Rainy days ●Instability and changeability b)Affected by: the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf Stream 8)Major cities: ●London: Political, Industrial, Cultural and Financial center B uckingham palace; Guildhall; St.Paul’s Cathedral; Big ben; the towel bridge of London; University of London; National gallery; the Covent Garden….. ●E dinburgh: Scotland’s administrative, financial, legal, medical and insurance center. ●C ardiff: Europe’s youngest capital city ●Belfast: Largest and also capital 9)People: 63 million(2012) ●Population density is among the highest in the world ●The majority of population are descendants of the Anglo-Saxon ●Most people in Wales and Scotland are descendants of the native Celtic people ●Britain is one of the most culturally diverse countries 10)The English language: a)English is a member of the Indo-European family, and is in the Germanic group of this family b)Development: ●Old English: Influenced by *Old Norse(古斯堪的纳威亚语) (spoken by the Vikings);



经济体制的不同,体现在社会制度的不同,而社会制度的不同决定了经济体制不同。 按照资源配置的不同,有市场经济与计划经济两种经济体制。以市场引导资源配置为主,形成的是市场经济;由国家高度集中主要以行政手段配置资源,形成的是计划经济。市场经济按照社会制度区分又可以分为资本主义市场经济和社会主义市场经济。资本主义市场经济多由大资本家引导,社会主义市场经济多由国家引导。 经济体制的功能表现 确定经济行为主体的权利范围,对整个社会的经济活动起协调作用。 ·确定经济主体共同遵守的行为规范,对经济当事人不符合社会整体效率的行为发挥约束作用。 ·确定利益分享规则,对经济主体行为发挥激励功能。 ·确定信息交流结构,对经济运行发挥信息功能 运行主体 资本主义市场经济运行的主体主要有五个:资本主义企业、资本家阶级、雇佣劳动者阶层、中间阶级、资产阶级政府。 (1)资本主义企业

资本主义企业是从事生产、贸易、运输、金融、服务等经济活动的单位,是资本主义经济体系中的基本经济组织。按照所有制在形式上的差别,有独资、合伙企业和股份制企业之分;按照经济地位和规模的不同,有垄断企业和中小企业之分。 独资企业是指属单个资本家所有的企业,合伙企业是指两人以上合伙创办和直接经营的企业。二者的共同特点是资本的所有权、使用权和经营权职能合一。股份制企业又称股份公司,它是通过发行股票的形式把分散的资本集中起来经营的企业。 当代垄断企业一般都采用股份公司的形式,形成垄断公司。垄断公司是在生产销售中处于垄断地位的资本主义大企业或企业联合体,它是经过自由竞争、生产集中的过程而形成的。 和垄断资本主义阶段大公司相比,自由竞争时期的企业基本上都是非垄断中小企业。资本主义发展到当代,中小资本家企业仍大量存在。此外还有相当数量的小商品生产者和经营者,有少量工人合作制企业,农业中有占农场总数大部分的中小资本农场和自耕农式的小农场。它们都是处在资本主义私有制经济的大环境中,成为在垄断资本主义私有制统治之下的附属经济成分。


世界历史重要词汇中英文对照表 初中部分 上册 下册 高中部分 必修一——世界政治史 必修二——世界经济史 必修三——世界文化史 选修一——历史上重大改革回眸 选修二——近代社会的民主思想与实践 选修三——20世纪的战争与和平 选修四无——中外历史人物评说 选修五——探索历史的奥秘 选修六——世界文化遗产荟萃 转帖历史重要词汇中英文对照表 马可·波罗Marco Polo 达·迦马Vasco Da Gama 麦哲伦Ferdinand Magellan 印第安人Indian 乔托Giotto 米开朗琪罗Buonarroti Michelangelo 拉菲尔Raphael 马基雅维利Niccolò Machiavelli 塞万提斯Miguel de Cervantes 伽利略Galileo

中世纪Medieval Period 哥伦布Christopher Columbus 商业革命Commercial Revolution 殖民主义colonialism 奴隶贸易slave trade 文艺复兴Renaissance 人文主义humanism 但丁Dante 达·芬奇Leonardo da Vinci 莎士比亚William Shakespeare 哥白尼Nicolaus Copernicus 宗教改革The Reformation 马丁·路德Martin Luther 闵采尔Thomas Müntzer 胡格诺派Huguenots 加尔文派Calvinists 亨利八世Henry Ⅷ 圈地运动enclosure movement 都铎王朝House of Tudor 斯图亚特王朝House of Stuart 詹姆士一世James Ⅰ 查理一世Charles Ⅰ 英国国教the Anglican Church 清教徒Puritan 克伦威尔Oliver Cromwell


英美概况(五)中英文版 第五章大英帝国的兴衰 Chapter 5 第五章 The Rise and Fall of the British Empire (1688-1990) 大英帝国的兴衰 I. Whigs and Tories 辉格党人和托利党人 These two party names originated with the Glorious Revolution (1688). 这两个政党名称皆起源于1688年的光荣革命。 The Whig were those who opposed absolute monarchy and supported the right to religious freedom for Nonconformists. The Whig were to form a coalition with dissident Tories in the mid-19th century and become the Liberal Party. 辉格党人是指那些反对绝对王权,支持新教徒宗教自由权利的人。辉格党人在19世纪中叶与持不同意见的托利党人组盟组成自由党。 The Tories were those who supported hereditary monarchy and were reluctant to remove kings. The Tories were the forerunners of the Conservative Party. 托利党人是指那些支持世袭王权、不愿去除国王的人。托利党是保守党的前身。 I. Agricultural Changes in the Late 18th Century 18世纪末的农业革命 During the late 18th and early 19th centuries, the "open-field" system ended when the Enclosure Act was passed. The movement lasted for centuries. Agricultural enclosure had good as well as bad results: 18世纪末、19世纪初的农业革命期间,随着《圈地法》的颁布,传统的"开放田地"制结束。
