


What is happiness? Different people have different ideas. Some people are rich; they think they are happy. Other people have many friends, so they feel happy. Still others are happy because their lives are meaningful. Happiness attracts everyone. For children, happiness often suggests eating something good or playing with toys. And for a scientist, an invention or a discovery rather than anything else gives him greatest satisfaction . If you have love in your heart, you will have happiness in your life. My happiness is very simple, one family together eat family dinner, everyone laughs, speak one's mind freely .My family happy and healthy, This happiness is anything can not be replaced.

Happiness is not far from you. It's just around you. Try to grasp it and enjoy it.

Genetically modified (GM) food

Nowadays, the number of genetically modified food is increasing. There is an argument that whether this kind of food should be stopped. As far as I am concerned , genetically modified food should not be stopped. It will play more and more important role in our life.

Although Genetically modified food has its disadvantages, like some worry, because it will not change, will destroy genetic evolution, and we don't know how it damage our healthy. I think Genetically modified food can bring us many other benefits. It is possible to make new plants which are strong against plant diseases. It can solve the world food shortage problem, increase food nutrition , types of food and so on.

Statue of liberty

Among all of the America's symbols, the statue of liberty is the most famous statue around the world. It was a present from France in 1876 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of A merican’s independence. The Statue of Liberty, is now located in the west of New York City, It is designed for the US independence and the France-American alliance. At that time, a majority of people were fighting for freedom. It's said that a brave woman with a torch in her right hand and fight for the liberty. It shocked Batholdi. So he signed the statue. And the body of the statue was as to the wife while the face was his mother’s. It is bronze statues, 93 meters high total, 229 tons. Today, the Statue of Liberty has become the symbol of the America.

Zheng He

Early in the 15th century, a huge fleet of ships set sail from Nanjing. It was the first voyages at that time. The voyage was led by Zheng He, who was born in 1371 in Ming dynasty, the most important Chinese adventurer and one of the greatest sailors. He used compasses, ocean maps and other things to help him find new places.

Zheng's fleet had more than 300 ships and 30,000 sailors. The largest ship was about 133 meters long 60 meters wide, could carry a thousand people. He visited more than 30 countries and areas, opened up trade routes in Africa, India, and Southeast Asia.

He made the ocean journeys in order to develop trade and friendship between China and other countries.


Nowadays, televisions are widely used in our daily life. We can get to know all kinds of events around the world. We can know the weather, information, knowledge and so on. After busy work, we can watch some funny programs to relax. Many people are confident that watching TV brings us many benefits. Nevertheless, there are also some people who firmly point out that we should be far away from the televisions.

Some students watch TV day and night. It influences their lessons. Some programs are not good for children. Seeing violence on TV may be harmful for them. And watching TV is bad for our eyes. Some children are always addicted to it So we should choose some good programs to watch, especially for children

Adults and children learn

what is different about how adults and children learn?

There is a debate about whether learning should be carried on when they are children.

Some people think that it is fine for a child to learn when he is still young, because he has pretty memory at his young. but children’s learning are from their interests. And they always imitate the things which they watch on TV.

But the others hold another opinion. They think it would harmful for a child to learn too early, because it is too difficult for children to think or understand, which will bring bad effect on their growing up.

In fact adults can learn better than children because of their experience. And they study knowledge by themselves. Adults always make a plan before they will learn some things.

So adults and children have different ways of learning.

Are we alone

I think, beyond Earth,there may be other intelligent life in the universe. Because there are a lot of planets and stars in the galaxy, and there are at least 100 billion galaxies in the universe. Secondly there is oxygen in another planet's atmosphere. it shows that these planets would be biological activity. In addition until recently, scientists found that there is ice on the Mars, and the water is a source of life. Maybe other intelligent beings will send message on radio signals because the signals travel quickly and have a long range, and some scientists listen for a signal from space. so I think on other planets there will be intelligent life.

Do the right thing

As we all know, Lies have been recognized as cheating and false and liars are often be contempt[k?n?tempt]. But on certain occasions,we simply cannot tell the truth and have to lie with good intentions. In most time telling a white lie is better than tell the truth.

However, sometimes we need lies in real life, because a white lie can give one comfort and encouragement. If a seriously ill patient, on hearing your while lie, can re fresh himself to fight against the illness, don’t you think your lie is meaningful? Sometimes we need white lies to keep peace. For example, a women is dying.She has a lot of money, but she has no family. She tells a friend to spend all her money on a very expensive funerals[?fju:n?r?l].But he give most of it to a school for homeless children. And I think make use of the money to help people is the right way.

In a word, Although the honesty is a good virtue[?v?:rt?u:], Sometimes the white lies are more suitable than the truth.

A good night’s sleep

During one’s life, there are more and more one-third of the time is spent in sleeping. A good night’s sleep can regulate physiological[f?z??'lɑd??kl] functions. But a poor sleep may result in general weakness, which is bad for our daily life.

The following areas can improve sleep quality:

Firstly,Don’t eat rich, heavy meals after 7pm. Avoid drink ing a lot, such as tea , coffee , four hours before bed.

Secondly check your bedroom is not too hot or cold,Keep it dark and quiet.

Besides, getting up and going to bed at the same time every day. Avoid daytime naps [n?p]. Develop a relaxing bedtime. You can try some easy listening before you fall asleep and take a warm bath, which always give you a feeling of relaxation.

Negotiating for success

Risking it

When I was a child, I like boating very much. On that Sunday, my good friend and I went boating in the river. It is interesting for us to play on boat in the river. Because of exciting caused the boat to turn over. We all fell into the river. My friend was good at swimming, but I was not do well in it. So my friend swam to the river bank immediately and was shouting and asking someone to help. After that, the most impressive thing happened which was an old men that jump into the river without thinking, swum to the place where I was, and got me out of the river. After the old men checked if there was nothing wrong with me. He told us not to play in the river. We should be very careful as to avoid the similar incidents happen again.


With the development of the computer technology, the internet is becoming more and more popular. You can find computers and the internet nearly everywhere in our life, work and study. The computer is becoming one of the most important parts in our social['so?l] life. But, some young people, especially some of the students, are too addicted to it. They spend too much time on the games, chatting, movie and even shopping online. That will not be good, even harmful for their hearts, health and their attitude towards the world.

In a word, Computers make our life much easier and entertains us in many different ways, but long time use of the computers may affect our health and daily life. So it’s better to control the time of using computers and have a rest after use computer for several hours.

英语口语小作文gay marriage

This article is about a row over plans to let gay couples marry in church. Nowadays, our society become more open and pluralistic, which lead to a crowd-pleasing situation that many countries around the world can give homosexuals full marriage rights.This can undoubtedly bring light to the gay couples who almost lose hope. British government plans to let same-sex couples marry in church, which aroused great controversial around whole country. Some organizations, such as The Catholic churches, oppose the move, because this kind of thought contravenes their traditional belief. It guarantees a continuing row. The main controversial is between the freedom of religious expression and sexual orientation. And the core of the issue is how to balance these two rights. Some people worry that the churches would be forced into a dilemma if same-sex marriages are permitted in church. Actually, this anxiety is superfluous. The new law will emphasize that no religious organization can be compelled to marry same-sex couples. All those depend on their own willing. If you are interested in it, you can enter a system. Otherwise, a rule has been designed to protect churches that do not support it. Maybe a same-sex couple has the right to go to the European Court of Human Rights to fight for their right. But the European Convention is ambiguous to this issue. The court does not require governments to let gay couples marry, still less churches. So they can’t win. We all have religious freedom. So we can’t replace legal oppression of homosexual couples with another. To sum up, it’s our right to choose our mate, and the same-sex couples should have the freedom to marry in a church if it’s possible. 1


英语口语考试必背口语120个句型 1. What's your name? 2. Does your name have any special meaning? 3. Where do you come from? 4. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown? 5. What is the main crop in your hometown? 6. What is the difference between Beijing and your hometown? 7. What are the main places of interest in your hometown? 8. What is the climate like in your hometown? 9. What is the character of the people like in the region where you live? 10. What are the differences in accent between the people of your hometown and Beijing? 11. What is people’s favorite food in your region? 12. How do you make dumplings? 13. What do you do during the Spring Festival? 14. Why is the Spring Festival so important to Chinese people? 15. Can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated in your country? 16. Tell me something about the Lantern Festival. 17. Tell me something about the Qing Ming Festival. 18. Tell me something about the customs of your country. 19. How long have you lived in Beijing?


英语口语话题作文 Talk about jobs (谈论工作) There are more and more jobs today. Most people have jobs? They go to work nearly every day. Some people are lucky. Either they have interesting jobs or they earn a lot of money. Most people are not so lucky. Either their jobs are not very interesting or they don't earn a lot of money. The most interesting jobs are often the most difficult. People spend a lot of time learning how to do them. For example, doctors study for at least six years after finishing school. Airline pilots study longer. Some young people have interesting and well-paid jobs?Many successful athletes are young .But most people work until they are 60 or 65 years old. Then they retire and have a lot of spare time. Some people never retire though? These people usually have interesting jobs. Writers, artists, musicians and actors usually work until they die. Their work is their life. Everyday study (日常学习) Now, Lm in Grade 9.1 will graduate soon. So I'm really busy these days. I have to go to school before 7 o'clock? And we have many subjects to study at school. For example Chinese, math, English, physics, chemistry and politics...at the Chinese class, the teacher read many nice articles for us to improve our Chinese? In the math class, the teacher tells us how to solve the problems? In the English class, the teacher ask us to talk about the topic to improve our spoken English .when we get tired, we will have a PE. class. We can relax ourselves at the RE class. These days, we are busy but happy. PAST EVENTS (HOLI DAYS, VACATIONS)【过去的事件(节假日,假期)]Everyone maybe had a great time about something or having a great tim e in places where we have been to . A good vacation made us happy and relaxed . Also it was good for our health. I had a comfortable vacatio n last summer. I went to the countryside that was not far from our city with a river .To be honest , T prefer to go to the countryside rather than go to s omewhere of interest. On the one hand the air was so fresh there and the people there were so friendly. On the other hand they were uncro wded 、quiet and I could swim, fish and so on. I really enjoyed it. Likes and Dislikes (喜欢与厌恶,好恶) Everyone has different likes and dislikes. For example ,a friend of mine likes playi ng basketball and dislikes playing football .But another friend of mine likes skating and playing computer games. I like music, extremely the pop music ,because it makes me excited energetic


My Favourite Book Hello everyone, glad to stand here and introduce a book for you . I enjoy reading different kinds of books, but “Harry Porter” is my favorite one. the story is very long but I am interested in it. Harry was such a brave and clever boy that he dared to fight against powerful enemies. His Z-shaped scar and magic stick brought me into a magical world. In fact, the fiction story is so meaningful that I can learn a lot from it. I think it’s the best book I’ve ever read. and now I still read it and recite some part of it. I think everyone should read it and get this wonderful experenice. My hobby Hello everyone, glad to stand here and introduce my hobby to you . My hobby is lisetening to music. I like listening to music best. Because listening to music makes me relaxed. It can make me relax and let me forget my unhappy moment. When I am tired,I will listening some quiet music,that makes me fall asleep very favorite music is the music that has good lyrics can also make me learn Chinese or English well I love listening to will keep this hobby forever. My favourite movie When I watched the film《spider-man》,it give me a deep impressed. The main host peter was brave. He helped so many people who is need others help. If we were him, whether we can sacrificed our love and friendship and even our study. In our life, people afraid of helping others and get into trouble. Although we can not use special abilities like peter, we can also try our best to help people. For example, if we see some thieves to stolen people's wallet, we can shout to make the thieves hurries If we can contribute our love-heart,our society will become more and more warmth. People can make getting along well with each other. Place want to go Everyone has his own favorite place to visit. If you ask me, my answer is Beijing. I want to make money in Beijing. I will have a very amazing life. My life in Beijing must be very exciting. In Beijing, I will find many interesting things. All of them are waiting for me to enjoy. I will meet many Foreign people there. I will also enjoy talking with them. My life may be very difficult, but I am very confident to face to the challenge. But it’s just a beautiful dream. I must study hard for the dream. Introduce your hometown My hometown is shuyang, a city in jiangsu Province. lt was the brith place of xiangyu my hometown known as "flower city". Each year, many people come here for tour and investment. If you go there,You will enjoy eyery minutes of it. There are many big supermarkets, beautiful gardens and many factories here. It is very easy to go shopping. I like my hometown because the spring there was very beautiful. there are many flowers and trees, and very warm, neither hot nor cold, but very dry. If you come to my hometown, I will show you around there. Favourite food Fish is my favorite food. I don’t know why I like to eat it. I just feel the smell of fish is very


英语口语(2)学习与考核要求 为指导国家开放大学英语专业专科英语口语(2)”课程的教学,特根据课程教学大纲和课程考核说明等教学管理文件,制定本课程教学实施方案,供地方分部在具体教学实践过程中参考。 一、课程的性质与目的 本课程是一门英语口语技能训练课,口语技能的训练包含听、说、读、写多种技能的综合训练。本课程的教学目的是通过大量的口语练习和实践,逐步培养和提高学生用英语进行口头交际的能力。通过本课程的学习,学生应能经一定准备后, 就一般日常生活话题作3-5分钟的连贯性发言和交谈,做到语音、语调、语法基本正确。 二、教学对象 本课程的教学对象是国家开放大学专科英语专业的学生。 三、教材说明 本课程的教学媒体包括文字教材(含MP3)和IP 课件。 文字主教材:《英语口语教程1》(学生用书)(含MP3) 文字辅教材:《英语口语教程1》(教师用书) IP课件:8讲,内容包括专家讲座、课程学习重点辅导、终结性考试辅导。 四、教材内容 “英语口语(2)”共开设36学时,每周2学时,教学内容为《英语口语教程1》第8-15单元。 英语口语课是实践性很强的课程,建议教学时应重视面授与自主学习的有机结合,面授重点为每单元的口语技能训练部分。教学内容主要包括: 1.表达模式 通过四个简短的对话展示一至二种功能项目的不同表达方式。 2.口语技能训练 通过大量的口语技能训练和语言实践活动,巩固和扩展所学语言功能的常用句型,强化交际技能。 3.话题讨论 通过对不同话题的讨论加深对英、美等主要英语国家文化背景和生活习俗的了解,学会在具体语境中进行正确得体的交际。

4.趣味英语 通过内容生动、形式多样、文体不同的素材进一步激发学生的学习兴趣,并巩固综合语言技能。 详细教学内容见附表。 五、教学组织计划及教学方法建议 应按照“以学生为中心”的原则组织面授辅导和课外学习,注重培养学生自主学习的意识。 1.面授辅导 根据远程开放教育的特点,面授辅导除针对教学中的重难点适量讲解与答疑外,主要应为学生提供运用英语进行口头交流的机会。辅导课要以学生为中心(learner-centered),教师的辅导要围绕学生的活动展开,可采取答疑、组织两人对话、角色扮演、小组讨论、分组表演、集体讨论等灵活多样的形式,以激发学生用英语进行交流、表达思想情感的兴趣,同时也给学员提供相互学习,相互交流学习方法的机会。 建议在面授辅导时从技能学习、技能运用两个方面引导学生养成良好的学习习惯、掌握正确的学习方法。 (1)技能学习 在面授过程中应注重语言基本功的训练、重视语感的培养。扎实的语言基本功是指语音、语调正确,词法、句法规范,表达得体。引导学生练好基本功,应从朗读、连读、分辨语调、反应、提问等微技能着手。引导学生多模仿、多朗读、多背诵,通过朗读、背诵来学习比较纯正的语音语调,培养英语语感;通过句型操练、朗读、背诵和复述等半机械性练习方式熟记语言结构和形式。 在自然的语言交际活动中,听和说是相辅相成的,在教学中应引导学生从一开始就自觉地接触大量的视听材料,增加语音信息的输入。要恰如其分地贯彻听说领先的教学原则,改变学生眼睛盯着书本的错误学习习惯。 针对语言功能项目中的常用句型应进行严格的训练,引导学生通过大量的视听材料及文字材料的输入,熟记一些基本句式、常用句型,以达到熟练地掌握常见语言功能项目中的重点句型的目的。 (2)技能运用 口语能力的提高需要大量、反复的实践,当学生熟记了一些基本句式以后,应创造条件引导学生活用已学过的句型。在面授课堂上要充分利用时间,创造每个学生都能参与的学习环境,充分利用教程中每个单元Part C,Topic to Discuss提供的素材,组织学生讨论,可采用多种方式调动学生参与学习,如进行两人讨论、小组发言、辩论等,尽量避免千篇一律的教师提问、学生回答的模式。 面授课堂上应突出口语课教学的特点,创造轻松愉快的学习氛围。教师在面授课堂上应多诱导、多鼓励,适当纠正错误,以激发学生的上进心。 2.课外活动


自信的重要性: It’s generally accepted that confidence plays a very vital role in one’s life. But do you really know what dose self-confidence mean? Well, it means that you have strong belief that you can do things and you will succeed in the end. If you want to do something well, you must have faith in yourself. Just like the old saying goes, confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. Otherwise, you may hardly to do anything right. Some people love to complain how incapable they are or how difficult their tasks are, they never think about the problem in themselves, which is lack of confidence. If they fail, they will refuse to have another try. Then they will never ever have the chance to overcome difficulties. 人们普遍认为,自信在个人的生活中扮演着重要的角色。但你知道“自信”指的究竟是什么吗?它意味着你非常相信自己能把事情做好。如果你想做好某事,那么你就得对自己有信心。俗话说得好:自信是通向成功之路的第一步。否则,你很难成功。有些人很喜欢抱怨自己是多么的无能;或者他们的任务是多么的艰难。这些都是缺乏自信的表现。如果他们失败了,就拒绝再试一次。如此,他们便失去了克服困难的机会。 There are several reasons why people feel no confidence about themselves when they meet the challenges. First of all, they underestimate themselves. Second, they tend to overestimate the problems that in front of them. Last but not least, they are afraid of losing their face or making terrible mistakes if they fail. 当人们面对挑战的时候之所以会不自信,有如下的几个原因。首先,他们低估了自己的能力;其次,又高估了所面对的困难。最后一点,他们害怕丢脸或是被他人嘲笑,如果他们真的失败了的话。 There are many ways for us to build up self-confidence. Emerson used to say: “Self-trust is the first secret of success.”Before we do something, we should make full preparations and try to encourage ourselves that we will success. If we fail, don’t be afraid, try again; or turn to others for help. If we can overcome the adversities this time, then we will gain some confidence. Step by step, we would become more and more confident. We should have a right attitude toward our abilities and should never look down upon ouurselves. The chief thing to remember is: failure is the mother of success. 塑造信心有很多种方式。艾默生曾经说过:“自信是成功的第一秘诀”。在我们做事情之前,先做好充分准备并尽量鼓励自己,相信自己会成功。如果我们失败了,也别害怕,再试一次;或者像他人求助。如果这一次我们能够克服困难,那么,我们的自信心就会增加。一步一步的,就会变得越来越自信。对自己的能力,也应该有个正确的态度,不要低估自己的能力。最需谨记的是:失败是成功之母。 遵守诺言的重要性: When we judge a person, we are likely to think about whether he or she is keeping promises, the person who always keeps his promises is popular, people around him are willing to make friends with him. So keeping promises is very important, we should never break our promises, or we will be abandoned by others. First, we should never late for meeting or date. When we make a deal with others to meet at some places, we shall be there in time or earlier, it is rude to be late and let others wait for a long time. I hate my friends late for meeting, though they have reasons, they could have been here in advance. Second, we’d better think twice before making a promise, if we promise people, it means we have ability to finish it, people are hold great hope on us, if we fail, how disappoint it is. So we should measure ourselves before we making a promise.


Happiness What is happiness? Different people have different ideas. Some people are rich; they think they are happy. Other people have many friends, so they feel happy. Still others are happy because their lives are meaningful. Happiness attracts everyone. For children, happiness often suggests eating something good or playing with toys. And for a scientist, an invention or a discovery rather than anything else gives him greatest satisfaction . If you have love in your heart, you will have happiness in your life. My happiness is very simple, one family together eat family dinner, everyone laughs, speak one's mind freely .My family happy and healthy, This happiness is anything can not be replaced. Happiness is not far from you. It's just around you. Try to grasp it and enjoy it. Genetically modified (GM) food Nowadays, the number of genetically modified food is increasing. There is an argument that whether this kind of food should be stopped. As far as I am concerned , genetically modified food should not be stopped. It will play more and more important role in our life. Although Genetically modified food has its disadvantages, like some worry, because it will not change, will destroy genetic evolution, and we don't know how it damage our healthy. I think Genetically modified food can bring us many other benefits. It is possible to make new plants which are strong against plant diseases. It can solve the world food shortage problem, increase food nutrition , types of food and so on.


Conversation one: M: Hello. Matt Ellis speaking. W: Hello, Dr. Ellis, my name’s Pan Johnson. My roommate, Janet Holmes, wanted me to call you. M: Janet Holmes? Oh, that’s right. She’s in my Shakespearean English class. Has anything happened to her? W: Noth ing, it’s just that she submitted a job application yesterday and the company asked her in for an interview today. She’s afraid she won’t be able to attend your class this afternoon though. I’m calling to see whether it would be OK if I gave you her essay. Janet said it’s due today. M: Certainly, that would be fine. Uh, you can either drop it off at my class or bring it to my office. W: Would it be all right to come by your office around 4:00? I’m afraid I can’t come any earlier because I have three classes this afternoon. M: Uh, I won’t be here when you come. I’m supposed to be at a meeting from 3:00 to 6:00, but how about leaving it with my secretary? She usually stays until 5:00. W: Fine, please tell her I’ll be there at 4:00. And Dr. Ellis, one more thi ng, could you tell me where your office is? Janet told me where your class is, but she didn’t give me directions to your office. M: Well, I’m in Room 302 of the Gregory Building. I’ll tell my secretary to put the paper in my mail box, and I’ll get it when I return. W: I sure appreciate it. Goodbye, Dr. Ellis. M: Goodbye, Ms. Johnson. Conversation 2: W: How are things going, Roald? M: Not bad, Jane. I’m involved in several projects and it’s a long working day. But I’m used to that so it doesn’t bother me too much. W: I heard you have moved to a new house in the suburb. How do you like commuting to London every day? Don’t you find it a string? M: It was terrible at first, especially getting up before dawn to catch that 6:30 train. But it’s bearable now that I’ m used to it. W: Don’t you think it’s an awful waste of time? I couldn’t bear to spend three hours sitting in a train every day. M: I used to feel the same as you. But now I quite enjoy it. W: How do you pass the time? Do you bring some work with you to do on the train? M: Ah, that’s a good question. In the morning, I just sit in comfort and read the papers to catch up with the news. On the way home at night, I relax with a good book or chat with friends or even have a game of bridge. W: I suppose you know lots of people on the train now. M: Yes, I bumped into someone I know on the platform every day. Last week I came across a couple of old school friends and we spend the entire journey in the bar. W: It sounds like a good club. You never know. I may join it too.


1. My family 我的家 Hello, everyone, I ’m Liu Dongdong. I ’m a student. There are three people in my family —my father, mother and I. My father is 40 years old. He is a worker. I think he is a good worker. Because he works very hard. He gets up very early every day and he works for more than 10 hours a day. So he is always busy, he looks very tired when he gets home. He likes reading newspapers. He usually reads it after supper. So he gets lots of news. My mother is 38 years old. She is a worker too. She works in a very small factory. She is not tall and she has two big eyes. She loves me and she is good for me. She always buys some books for me. She wants me to be a top student. She also cares for my diet and life. I’ m 15 years old. I wear glasses. I like reading. I always read books after school. I like singing, too. My favorite singer is Jay Chou. His music is very nice. What do you think of him? I also like making friends. If you want to meet me, please write to me. Oh, my parents love me and I love them, too. My family is a happy family. 2. My Hometown 我的家乡 In the east of China, there is a small city---Haimen. I was born there. Today, I am telling you about my hometown. Haimen is not far from Shanghai. It ’ s at the mouth of the Changjiang River. Haimen is a modern city. There are lots of high buildings in it. Most of us live in flats. We like to live in flats because we can be close to our friends. In the center of Haimen, there are many shops. You can buy some nice things here. Things in most shops aren ’ t expensive. You can pay a little money and they are yours. My hometown is a beautiful city. On each of the roads, there are some big trees and nice flowers. The roads are also very clean. They make people happy and comfortable. The seasons here are very nice. I like autumn best. It ’s neither hot nor cold. A poem says “ Flyer of summer come to my window to sing, then fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, just fall there with a sign. ” It’s very cool.I love H aimen. It ’ s a nice place to live. Welcome to my hometown. 3.A Trip To Shanghai 一次去上海的旅行 I took a trip to Shanghai with my mother during the seven-day holiday. It took us more than two hours to drive to Shanghai from my home in Haimen. We stayed in a large hotel on the eighth floor. On the first day, I just stayed in the hotel and rested. On the second day, my brother and I went to Nanjing Road. It ’s the busiest street in Shanghai. When we got there, there were lots of people. We walked from one shop to another. I bought two T-shirts and two pairs of trousers for the coming summer. The T-shirts and trousers I bought are all white because white is my favourite colour. My brother also bought some clothes. On the third day, my mother took me to Jinjiang Entertainment Centre. It was full of people. I played many kinds of games there. I had a good time. The other days, I went to some other interesting places, such as the Oriental Bright Pearl TV Tower, the Huangpu River and Shanghai International Conference Centre. I didn ’t forget to do my homework in the evening. I had a full and happy holiday. 4. T o introduce myself 自我介绍 Hello, everyone! My name is Winnie. I'm a 15 years old girl. I live in the beautiful city of Rizhao. I'm an active, lovely, and clever girl. In the school my favorite subject is math. Perhaps someone thinks it's difficult to study well. But I like it. I believe that if you try your best, everything can be done well. I also like sports very much. Such as, running, volleyball and so on. I'm kind-hearted. If you need help, please come to me. I hope we can be good friends! OK. This is me .A sunny girl.
