

1. As people’s living standards improve, the health and beauty business is f lourishing with more sophisticated products than ever bef ore.

2. The percentage of older persons is relatively low in developing countries, but it is growing much f aster than in the West.

3. makers of consumer electronics will pay f or environmental sanitation services to collect and dispose of used ref rigerators ,computers, and televisions under the new rules.

4. As some of the rules concerning f oreign trade ran cont rary to the principles of the WTO, the government decided to abolish them as soon as possible.

5. As the semester is drawing to an end, the student union is calling on all the students to resist the temptation to cheat on exams.

6. In the last f ew years, the Internet and the World Wide Web have become household words; almost everyone has heard of them..

7. V icki never worried or hesitated about anything, she just went f or it and almost always got whatever she wanted.

8. The reason 800 million people go hungry today is not that there isn’t enough f ood in the world, but that these people cannot get the f ood anyway.

9. As she matured as an artist, she came to realize that “all artists are a product of their culture.

10. My son f ailed to come back home last night . This morning the police came to our house and conf irmed my worst f ear that he

was injured in a car accident.

11. Because of the mad cow disease, the European Union imposed a worldwide ban on British beef and beef product exports.

12. The exhibition at the Shanghai Science and Technology Center f eatures such endangered animals as the giant panda and the

Siberian tiger and describes the work being done to protect them.

13. A Computer f ile is collection of electronic data, used to organize the storage and processing of data by computer.

14. To protect the environment, scientists and engineers are researching ways to generate electricity more cheaply f rom such

renewable energy sources as the wind and sun.

15. In social dancing, participants dance f or their own pleasure rather than f or the entertainment of an audience.

16. Wireless waste f rom cell phones, pocket PCs, and music players pose special problems because they have toxic chemicals in

batteries and other components.

17. Scientists have discovered many plants orbiting distant stars, all are unf riendly to lif e.

18. A healthy and better –educated new generation is a guarantee f or sustainable economic and social development of all countries.

19. Parks and open spaces are essential to the quality of in dense urban areas such as New Y ork City .

20. My trip to the small village under the control of the enemy f ire was f ull of del ays and diff iculties, but I eventually made it.

21. For traditional Chinese painters, f ame and f ortune com e late, and it is not unheard of f or artists to hold their f irst exhibitions when

they are over seventy years old.

22. A remote-controlled bomb exploded outside a hotel near the town square yesterday, injuring at least 12 people.

23. When energy is converted f rom one from to another, some energy is always lost as heat. In other words ,no energy conversion is

ever 100% eff i cient.

24. While f reshman are considered part of the academic elite, some of them appear to lack common sense when it comes to f ollowing

traff ic regulations.

25. A man who is good enough to shed his blood f or his country is good enough to be given a f air deal af terwards.

26. NASA’s Mars program was set back when two spacecraf t failed up reaching Mars, one up in the planet’s atmosphere

and the other af ter a sof tware failure,.

27. Af ter a very busy schedule in the past two months, Kenneth plans to take things f or a while .

28. I just wonder if it ever occurred to you that you could have your own enterprise and run it yourself when you were still a student.

29. Bicycle riders want the city government to set aside special lanes f or bicycles on some of the m ain streets, but enough they have got

some supporters, not everyone likes the idea.

30. It can be said without exaggeration that on part of the United States is not easily accessible by car, by train, or by air, and by all

the three of them.



单选题专练姓名:____________ 实战演练第一套 ( )21. Dave is a funny man. He often makes his friends______. A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughing ( ) is your cousin’s home from here --It’s about two hour’s drive A. How long far C. How soon ( ) have been doing much better in English _____our teacher’s help. A. for B. under C. with ( )! Is Mr John giving a report in the hall --No, it_____be has gone to Japan. A. can’t not C. mustn’t ( ) often ___a walk with her mother around the lake after supper. A. take B. takes taking ( ) has a bad cold. She has to stay in____bed.

A. a B. / C. the ( ) don’t know the singer_____is popular with the students. A. whose B. who C. Which ( )28. We are happy to see our city is developing___these years than before. B. more quickly C. the most quickly ( ) International Ceramic Fair(醴陵瓷博会)____in March,2015. A. held B. is held C. was held ( ) father. They are both clever and quie A. takes out B. takes after off ( ) big screen Zhongying Cinema has! a B. What C. How ( ) should get up now, ______you will be late. B. or C. but ( ) is ______time that Mr Wen has been to this school. A. two B. second C. the second ( ) I use your pen, Mike __________is broken. A. Mine B. My C. Me ( ) me, could you please tell me _____ --Sure. You can buy it on the Internet. A. where can I get the ticket. B. where I can get the ticket C. how do you get the ticket 实战演练第二套 ( )21. I wouldn’t mind ______ a roommate. We can help each other and save money as well. A. having have C. have ( ) Mr Black lives happily with his three them are part of his family. A. Both. B. All. C. Neither. ( ) and more people in Shanghai choose to go to work___underground. A. in B. with ( ) is singing in the garden It _____be Mr Brown. He always practices singing at this time. ’t B. must C. need ( )25. Tom will tell us something about his trip to Japan when he____back. A. came B. comes C. will come ( )26. Beijing is one of_____ cities in China. A. the big B. biggest C. the biggest ( ) old people love to live in a small village__is beautiful and quiet. A. which B. where C. who ( )28. It is reported that____ people died on March 25th because of the heavy storm in that area(区域,地区)。 A. five thousands B. five thousands of C. thousands of ( ) you know how often the young trees______ . watered B. should be watered C. was watered ( ) ears when you are can use earplugs(耳塞) to stop water getting into your ears. A. Take after B. Take part in C. Take care of ( ) of my classmates think Jack is _____honest boy. A. a ( ) you like to go to the cartoon show with me this evening



2007年全国21套高考卷单项选择语法分类汇编 一.动词时态和语态 1. The flowers were so lovely that they __________ in no time. [2007 全国卷I] A. sold B. had been sold C. were sold D. would sell 2. I know a little bit about Italy as my wife and I ________ there several years ago. [2007 全国卷I] A. are going B. had been C. went D. have been 3. —Is there anything wrong, Bob? You look sad. —Oh, nothing much. In fact, I ____ of my friends back home. [2007 全国卷II] A. have just thought B. was just thinking C. would just think D. will just be thinking 4. —Tom, you didn’t come to the party last night? —I ____, but I suddenly remembered I had homework to do. [2007 全国卷II] A. had to B. didn’t C. was going to D. wouldn’t 5. —Did you tidy your room? [2007 上海卷] — No, I was going to tidy my room but I ______ visitors. A. had B. have C. have had D. will have 6. With the help of high technology, more and more new substances ______ in the past years. [2007 上海卷] A. discovered B. have discovered C. had been discovered D. have been discovered 7. They_____ two free tickets to Canada, otherwise they’d never have been able to afford to go. [2007 山东卷] A.had got B.got C.have got D.get 8. —Did Peter fix the computer himself? —He ________, because he doesn't know much about computers. [2007 安徽卷] A. has it fixed B. had fixed it C. had it fixed D. fixed it 9. They became friends again that day. Until then, they _____ to each other for nearly two years. [2007 安徽卷] A. didn't speak B. hadn't spoken C. haven' t spoken D. haven' t been speaking 10. —How can I apply for an online course? —Just fill out this form and we _____ what we can do four you. [2007 北京卷] A. see B. are seeing C. have seen D. will see 11. I got caught in the rain and my suit____.[2007 北京卷] A. has ruined B. had ruined C. has been ruined D. had been ruined 12. —It was really very kind of you to give me a lift home. —Oh, don’t mention it. I _____past your house anyway. [2007 北京卷] A. was coming B. will come C. had come D. have come 13. —I saw Jane and her boyfriend in the park at eight yesterday evening.[2007 福建卷] —Impossible. She TV with me in my home then. A. watched B. had watched C. would watch D. was watching 14. Danny hard for long to realize his dream and now he is popular. [2007 福建卷] A. works B. is working C. has worked D. worked 15. As the years passed, many occasions—birthdays, awards, graduations—________ with Dad’s flowers. [2007 湖南卷] A. are marked B. were marked C. have marked D. had marked 16. Cathy is taking notes of the grammatical rules in class at Sunshine School, where she _____ English for a year. [2007 湖南卷] A. studies B. studied C. is studying D. has been studying 17. At the end of the meeting, it was announced that an agreement ______.[2007 江苏卷] A. has been reached B. had been reached C. has reached D. had reached


全国大学生英语竞赛C类资料整理 Part I听力 特别注意:听力内容均是只播放一遍! Section A 5段短对话,分别1个小问题。 Section B 2段长对话,分别5个小问题。 前两部分的长短对话难度其实不是很大,主要是尽快让自己进入状态,听力只有一遍,上一题没听到,就赶紧猜一个,千万不要影响后面的题目。 Section C 5段短新闻,分别1个小问题,内容均是摘自BBC或VOA的新闻。 现在只剩下一个月时间,要大家一直对着BBC或是VOA广播听也不是办法,建议大家上沪江英语学习的BBC或VOA小组,里面的内容一般都是筛选过的,每天听一些,熟悉一下英美人士的发音就好。 Section D 1段长文章,共有10个空格,注意要填写的可能是单词也可能是短语。 最后就是关于考听力的一些提示,毕竟英语竞赛的听力考试是播放录音的,各考场分配到的带子质量不一,考场环境有好有坏。假设你实在太倒霉了,带子播放不清晰,环境吵杂(监考老师也很可能帮不了你,因为大多监考老师不是英语老师),也不要心慌,冷静下来尽量听到关键词,加上自己的大胆猜测,蒙对的概率也是很大的。 情景词汇大归纳 在学校:grade 等级;mark 分数;semester 学期;assignment 作业;lecture 演讲,讲稿;scholarship 奖学金;test 测试;vacation 假期;credit学分;quiz小测验;top student 优等生 在医院:medicine 药;injection 注射;diagnose 诊断;prescription 处方;patient 病人;ache 疼痛;stomachache 胃疼,肚子痛;toothache 牙痛;headache 头痛;high fever 发高烧;sore throat 嗓子痛;mumps 腮腺炎;measles 麻疹;lung cancer 肺癌;liver cancer 肝癌;heart attack 心脏病发作;physician 内科医生;surgeon 外科医生;pediatrician 儿科医生;vet 兽医;recovery (from) (病后)痊愈,恢复;operation 手术; doctor 医生;nurse 护士;ward 病房;emergency-ward 急诊病房;cough 咳嗽; temperature 体温;blood pressure 血压; 在宾馆: reception desk 接待处;front desk 前台;vacant room 空房;single room 单人间;double room双人间;reserve/book 预定;check in 登记住入;check out 结帐离开;porter 行李搬运工;tip 小费;full 客满;room service 房间服务部,服务到屋 在商店:bargain 便宜货;receipt 收据;cashier 出纳;shop assistant 售货员;salesclerk 店员;fake commodities 假冒伪劣商品;size 尺寸;color 颜色;style 式样; price 价格;guarantee 保修; expiration period 保质期;after-sale service售后服务;fashion 时髦,时尚;cheap 便宜的;expensive 昂贵的;counter 柜台 在机场:flight 航班;passport 护照;visa 签证;board 登机;reservation 预约;airhostess 空中小姐;pilot 飞行员;duty-free shop 免税店;airport 机场 在餐馆:waiter 服务员;waitress 女服务员;order 点菜;menu 菜单;bill 帐单;drink 饮料;soft drink 不含酒精的饮料;salad 色拉;soup 汤;dessert 甜点;roast beef 烤牛肉;pork 猪肉;mutton 羊肉;lamb 羔羊肉;chicken 鸡肉;fish 鱼肉;steak 牛排;go Dutch 各付各的,AA制;on the house 免费; It is my treat (it’s on me)我请客 在法院:sue 控告;legal 合法的;accuse 控告;the accused /defendant 被告;the plaintiff /accuser 原告;charge 控诉;convict 宣告有罪;client 委托人,当事人;judge 法官;sentence 判刑;imprisonment 关押,监禁;capital punishment 死罪;death penalty 死刑


中考英语单选专项练习 题有答案 文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]

2017年英语中考复习单项选择专项练习 1.—How old is your son —___________. We had a special party for his ___________ birthday last Sunday. A.Nine; ninth B.Nine; nine C.Ninth; nine D.Ninth; ninth 2.—Linda seemed to be ___________ today.What’s the matter —I don’t know.But she said she ___________ yesterday. A.tired; feels sick B.tire; felt sick C.tired; felt ill D.tiring; feeling ill 3.Would you mind ___________ me how ___________ English words A.tell; remember B.telling; remember C.telling; to remember D.tell; remember 4.Beth has a beautiful ___________.Listen! She is singing very well. A.voice B.look C.sound D.smell 5. The food __________ good and _________ well. A. tastes; sells B. is tasted; is sold C. taste; sell D. smell; sold 6. I have some _________ in working out the problem. A. difficulty B. difficulties C. troubles D. difficult 7. There is a wire pole along the road _________ meter. A. about fifty B. every fiftieth C. each fifty D. every 50 8. Southerners _________ rice. A. lives on B. feeds on C. lives on D. feed on 9. —Could I use your bike —Yes, of course you _____.


高中英语语法定语从句练习题 一. 单选: 1. A football fan is _____ has a strong interest in football. A. that B. who C. a person who D. what 2. The house, _____ was destroyed in the terrible fire, has been repaired. A. whose roof B. which roof C. its roof D. the roof 3. Can you lend me the novel _____ the other day? A. that you talked B. you talked about it C. which you talked D. you talked about 4. The matter _____ you were arguing about last night has been settled. A. that B. what C. why D. for which 5. They talked for about an hour of things and persons _____ they remembered in the school. A. which B. that C. who D. whom 6. Who _____ has common sense(常识)will do such a thing? A. which B. who C. whom D. that 7. All the apples _____ fell down were eaten by the pigs. A. that B. those C. which D. what 8. They asked him to tell them everything _____ he saw at the front. A. what B. that C. which D. where 9. I’ll tell you _____ he told me last night. A. all which B. all what C. that all D. all 10. A child _____ parents have died is called an orphan.


2017年全国大学生英语竞赛真题及答案 Part I Listening Comprehension (25 minutes, 30 marks) Section A (10 marks) Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be read only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 1. A. At a bank. B. At a department store. C. At a lawyer's office. 2. A. Jealous. B. Indifferent. C. Negative. 3. A. A party invitation. B. A tour of the house. C. A dinner party. 4. A. Policeman and driver. B. Teacher and pupil. C. Driver and actress. 5. A. To attend a party. B. To the beauty salon. C. To the school. 6. A. 1,090. B. 530. C. 1,060. 7. A. Dec. 13th, 1906. B. Dec. 30th, 1906. C. Nov. 13th, 1916. 8. A. Nothing. B. Dinner. C. A snack. 9. A. In less than three days. B. In more than three days. C. In three days. 10. A. To a friend's house. B. To the kindergarten. C. Do some shopping. Section B (5 marks) Directions: In this section, you will hear one long conversation. The conversation will be read only once. At the end of the conversation, there will be a one-minute pause. During the pause, you must read the five questions,


词汇练习 Directions: In this part there are 100 incomplete sentences. Under each incomplete sentence there are four choices marked a, b, c and d. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. 1. The atmosphere of certain gases mixed together in definite proportions. a. composes b. comprises c. consists d. constitutes 2. While he was in the office he doing something to doing nothing. a. preferred b. liked c. favoured d. approved 3. Metals when cooled and expand when heated. a. decrease b. reduce c. condense d. contract 4. Take your raincoat with you it rains. a. by chance b. in case c. at large d. on occasion 5. He was afraid he would have to her invitation to the party. a. refute b. refuse c. reject d. decline 6. At the Committee last Saturday the following proposal was agreed by those present. a. to b. with c. over d. at 7. We went to see the exhibition the storm. a. but for b. in spite of c. for the sake of d. instead of 8. To my surprise, at yesterday’s meeting he again brought the plan that had been disapproved a week before. a. about b. out c. back d. up 9. The doctor took X-rays to the chance of broken bones. a. make sure b. rule out c. break down d. knock out 10. He felt it rather difficult to take a stand the opinion of the majority. a. for b. against c. to d. by 11. He has behaved in the most extraordinary way recently; I can’t his behaving like that at all. a. look into b. break through c. account for d. get over\ 12. How did it come that you made a lot of mistakes in your homework? a. about b. along c. around d. by 13. He could produce no evidence his argument.


中考英语语法单项选择真题汇总 (名师精选120道中考最难语法题+详细答案,建议下载) (绝对精品文档,价值很高,值得下载) 大家知道,现在的中考英语试题总体不难,只要不放弃英语学习的学生都可以考及格以 上,但欲考接近满分却并非易事。因为为了适当拉开学生距离,命题老师往往也会出一两个所谓的压轴题,以把那些真正的英语尖子生选拔出来。有时候我们学生与重点高中失之交臂,就是失分在下面精选的难题上。 1. ________ it is today! () A. What fine weather B. What a fine weather C. How a fine weather D. How fine a weather 解析:选 A. 此题容易误选 B. weather是不可数名词,前面不能有不定冠词。英语中经常 考查的不可数名词有work, news, adivice, information等。 2. Which is the way to the __________? () A. shoe factory B. shoes factory C. shoe’s factory D. shoes’ factory 解析:选A. 此题极易误选B, C, D. 英语中名词单数可以修饰名词,如:an apple tree 。 →two apple trees. 但注意 a man teacher→two men teachers 3. This class ________ now. Miss Gao teaches them. () A. are studying B. is studying C. be studying D. studying 解析:选A. 此题容易误选 B. class, family, team等单词如果表示整体谓语就用单数,表 示个体就用复数,从语境及其后面的代词them可以看出,class表示个体,故选择A。


练习一 1.The trouble is we are short of tools . A.what B.that C.how D.why that 2.That is there appears a rainbow in the sky . A.what B.when C.why D.however 3. I can’t understand is he wants to change his mind. A.That , that B.Which , what C.What , what D.What, why 4.It is possible he misunderstood I said. A.that ,that B.what, what C.what , that D.that , what 5.The thought he might fail in the exam worried him . A.which B.that C.when D./ 6.The fact he is an orphan is well known. A.what B.that C.which D./ 7. I was free that evening . A.It happened to B.It happened that C.That happened D.It was happened that 8. I will accept the gift is none of your business. A.If B.Whether C.What D.Which 9. I have will be yours sooner or later . A.No matter what B.No matter whatever C.Whatever D.That 10.He always thinks he can do more for the people. A.of how B.how C.of that D.why 11. in the newspaper that the Japanese Minister will arrive next Monday . A.It says B.It is said C.It has said D.He is said 12.We think it important college students should master at least one foreig n language . A.which B.that C.what D.whether 13.Comrade Wang is to give us a talk on he saw and heard in Britain. A.what B.all what C.that D.which 14.The town is no longer it was ten years ago. A.which B.that C.what D.when 15. told you that was lying . A.who B.whoever C.Anyone D.The person 16.Word came I was wanted at the office. A.which B.why C.that D.whether 17. nothing to do with us . A.What he did is B.What he has done C.What did he do D.What he has done has


广州大学 教务〔2016 〕169号 关于组织我校本科生参加2017年全国大学生 英语竞赛的通知 各学院: 根据全国大学生英语竞赛组委会通知,2017年全国大学生英语竞赛( National English Contest for College Students,简称NECCS)报名工作已经启动。为做好此项工作,现将有关事项通知如下: 一、竞赛宗旨与目的 全国大学生英语竞赛是经教育部批准的全国性的大学生英语综合能力竞赛活动,旨在贯彻落实教育部关于大学英语教学改革的精神,培养大学生的英语素质,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,全面展示全国各高校大学英语教学水平和教学改革的成果,提高大学生英语综合运用能力,推动全国大学英语教学上一个新台阶。

二、组织机构 本次比赛由教务处、外国语学院主办,外语教育训练实践基地承办。 三、报名日期和办法 1.报名费:根据全国竞赛组委文件规定参赛费30元/人。 2.报名方法:以各学院各专业自然班为单位统一集体缴费,不接受个人缴费。报名流程: (1)请报名学生于2016年12月19日--2016年12月26日登录数字广大教务系统网页报名(登录后 -> 活动报名->)。请及时通过系统报名,逾期系统将关闭报名功能,不再接受任何形式任何人的报名。 (2)报名学生于2016年12月28日前以班级为单位将报名费统一通过银行转账至指定大赛账号(账号由本竞赛联系人刘老师通过邮件回复发送)。缴费完毕后须带转账回执和报名信息汇总表--大学生英语竞赛报名表.xls(学号、学院、专业班级、姓名、邮箱地址、电话,由学习委员负责)至外语教育训练基地(文俊西608)现场确认。不确认者将会被视作报名无效。报名确认时间: 2016年12月29日- 30日9:00-12:00,14:00--16:00 (3)参赛准赛证在考试前(2017年3月底)发放,具体时间和地点另行通过邮件通知,请报名学生关注。 3.大赛联系人:刘老师联系邮箱:gzeccs@https://www.360docs.net/doc/1b4534266.html,


2017年英语中考复习单项选择专项练习 1.—How old is your son? —___________. We had a special party for his ___________ birthday last Sunday. A.Nine; ninth B.Nine; nine C.Ninth; nine D.Ninth; ninth 2.—Linda seemed to be ___________ today.What’s the matter? —I don’t know.But she said she ___________ yesterday. A.tired; feels sick B.tire; felt sick C.tired; felt ill D.tiring; feeling ill 3.Would you mind ___________ me how ___________ English words? A.tell; remember B.telling; remember C.telling; to remember D.tell; remember 4.Beth has a beautiful ___________.Listen! She is singing very well. A.voice B.look C.sound D.smell 5. The food __________ good and _________ well. A. tastes; sells B. is tasted; is sold C. taste; sell D. smell; sold 6. I have some _________ in working out the problem. A. difficulty B. difficulties C. troubles D. difficult 7. There is a wire pole along the road _________ meter. A. about fifty B. every fiftieth C. each fifty D. every 50 8. Southerners _________ rice. A. lives on B. feeds on C. lives on D. feed on 9. —Could I use your bike? —Yes, of course you _____. A. can B. could C. must D. will 10. —Have you finished your report yet? —No, I’ll finish it in ________ ten minutes. A. another B. other C. more D. less 11. She said that she would do _______ she could __________ her daughter laugh. A. what, make B. that, make C. what, to make D. that, to make 12. Tom’s mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but _____ didn’t help. A. he B. which C. that D. it 13. My watch doesn’t work well. I _________ i t _________ next day. A. will have, repair B. have, repaired C. will get, repaired D. shall have, to be repaired 14. He has decided to live abroad, so he will ________ stay here. A. not more B. mot longer C. no longer D. no more 15. We have no secrets _________ each other. A. in B. between C. to D. from 16. —Why is Lucy so happy today? —Because she will have ____________ holiday soon. A. two months B. a two-month C. a two-months D. two-months 17. The ________ people must continue what those dead didn’t finish. A. living B. alive C. lively D. live


语法结构细辨清,前后兼顾要分明 1. The farm as well as its neighbouring hills we once spent so much time _____ on a new look as recently as last year. A. on has taken B. has taken C. on having taken D. having taken 2. You can hardly imagine the difficulty the woman had _____ her children. A. brought up B. bring up C. bringing up D. to have brought up 3. How do you enjoy _____ your weekends, fishing or watching TV? A. spending B. to spend C. being spent D. spend 4. They've kept up a friendship with the teacher whom they were at school _____ twenty years ago. A. with B. about C. since D. till 5. —Where do you think _____ he _____ the computer?—Sorry, I have no idea. A. had;bought B. has;bought C. did;buy D. /;bought 6. Madame Curie, for _____ life had once been very hard, was successful later. A. whom B. which C. whose D. that 7. Who would you rather _____ the report instead of you? A. have written B. have to write C. write D. have write 8. Do you have any idea of the reason _____ he referred to? A. that B. where C. why D. when 9. He hid himself behind the door _____ he still could see what would happen to his classmates. A. there B. which C. from which D. from where 10. Mary didn't come to our party yesterday because she was busy preparing for the exam. We all felt sorry _____ her. A. of B. for C. except D. besides 1. A.易错选B或C, we once spent so much time on实际作定语,on后所填是谓语
