






KIRAEL: We will be speaking about photon energy again so that I can hopefully go into more depth about this remarkable energy source. Don't judge anything I say today. Listen and take it all in. One day it will all make more sense to you. We'll begin now.


Q: What color is photon?


KIRAEL: Photon is golden, but it's so bright that you lose the color of the gold somewhat. If you intensify it, then bring it into this journey so you can see it, it will appear as a white gold.


Q: What is a photon wave and does it have a weave?


KIRAEL: The photon wave, which is made of particles not visible to the physical eye, flows through the dimensional realities and surrounds your planet and all other planets in your galaxy. If you could see a photon wave with your physical eyes, you'd

see its different colors and forms that make up the weave. The weave of the photon wave travels around your galaxy and into what we call the central sun, a sun your scientists know nothing about. The weave enables the photon to focus itself into this third-dimensional journey. The particle-ization of the photon wave is the most powerful journey that has ever been brought forth to this dimensional time and space.


Q: How do we use photon to get the healing we desire?


KIRAEL: When you do Signature Cell Healing TM, you use photon energy. You see it in your mind's eye as you inhale it through your crown chakra, giving it more density, which means the photon gets stronger and more powerful. That breath is the most important part of any Signature Cell Healing. When you breathe the photon into your body properly, you will bring it into the pineal, where the Signature Cell is, through to the thymus gland, and from that point, it will travel throughout your body. That's the only way you can work with the photon energy at this time. You can't really control it, but you can guide it. Bringing just one particle of photon into the body of the one being healed is powerful.


Q: What is photon particle-ization and how can we use photon particle-ization in Signature Cell Healing?

问:光子粒子化是什么,我们在特征细胞治疗里如何使用光子粒子化?KIRAEL: For particle-ization to occur, you must focus on the wave and hold it intensely in your visualization until it breaks down into particles. Gather the particles together, form a trinity with your fingers, and touch a spot on the body. The photon will come out of your fingers in "clumps" of particle-ized energy right into that

spot. Ripples of photon will flow out of your fingers into and through the body. You can't imagine how powerful this is until you actually have a visual of it happening.

齐瑞尔:为了让粒子化发生,你必须专注于光子波,并强烈地在观想中保持它直到它分解成粒子。收集这些粒子,用你的手指摆成三位一体(form a trinity with your fingers),并接触身体上的某个点。光子会从你的手指里以粒子化能量的“块状”进入那点。一波一波的光子会从你手指流出进入并贯穿身体。你无法想象它有多强大,直到你确实有一个观想。

Using Activation and Intention with Photon Energy


Q: How is the photon energy involved in the activation and movement of stem cells during Signature Cell Healing?


KIRAEL: Pretend you know what I'm talking about. Stem cells, which look stick like, must be surrounded by photon energy when you plant them where you want them to be in the body. Once planted, they sprout limbs, so to speak. If a hundred million stem cells are cruising through your body, they will do so in an unfocused manner, because they don't know what they're doing; but if you get just one stem cell and plant it where you want it to go, and wrap photon around it, you will see miracles happen. You must guide the photon into this journey. When you consciously plant a stem cell somewhere in the body, it will grow and replace the old cell. The first time you move the stem cell, you might not feel it or understand it and it might have no great consequence on the person being healed, but if you did it every time you performed a healing, you'd eventually feel the energy and see the change.



Q: How would I speak or send my intention to the photon so that it communicates with other photons to effectively heal?


KIRAEL: If you did less talking and more focusing, that would be a start. The photon is as close as you can get to God Creator. Bring the photon through your crown and focus it with your intention and visualization. Bring it into your thymus, which is a powerful part of your body. Then bring it down into your heart chakra in force and let it feel your Self. Next, talk to it with your heart by pushing your thoughts into, and then letting them emanate from, your heart. You'll feel the photon go down through your muscles and arms and out through your hands. Once you give the photon direction, once you focus your light on it, it will ignite. When that first particle is ignited, all other particles will ignite simultaneously. The photon will do your bidding, and if you touch someone, that person will feel it. If you can feel photon energy, you can perform miracles with it. Make meditation part of your daily practice and you will eventually be able to feel photon working in your body.


Q: How does the photon energy help me communicate with the cellular consciousness and the four bodies during a healing process?


KIRAEL: While the person being healed is on the table, transfer the photon energy from your body into his or her body by taking four or five beautiful prana breaths through your crown, inhaling photon with each breath. The photon will travel through

your body and you will transfer it through your hands into the person's crown, where your hands will be resting. As you are doing that, you will communicate with the photon energy from the time you inhale it into your body. Your communication with that first particle will set off an interactive dynamic, which will enable you to continue to communicate with the photon when it is in the body of the person being healed.

You see, photon becomes one focus. That first particle will speak to the next and that one will speak to the next one and so on and so forth. So don't break contact with the photon during the healing. You can guide it where you want it go and to do what you want it to do. Your consciousness is the only thing that lies between what you want the photon to do and what it actually does. If 22 percent or more of your local brain is active, you'll feel some of this process, but if you have less than 22 percent brain capacity, you won't feel the photon too often.



Cellular Energy and Photon


Q: I saw Kahu in a dream and he was reconstructing his body from the shoulders up to prepare for the fourth light. His skin tone was reddish brown. What was actually happening?


KIRAEL: You probably saw him taking a photon bath. Bathing in photon makes your body turn a reddish color, because you have to reach outside of your pigmentation into the photon energy. You can easily do this in the fourth dimension. At this point in time, you can bathe in photon from your shoulders up, in order to activate the omni brain inside of your skull. You can do this in the third dimension as well, but I'll have to tell you about that at another time. When you are able to bathe the rest of the body in photon, you will be healing on another level, and that won't happen until you are ready for the fourth light.


Q: What happens to our cells during a Signature Cell Healing and how can we retain the photon that leaves the body after a Signature Cell Healing?


KIRAEL: You awaken a lot of your cellular energy during Signature Cell Healing, because you are working with the photon energy. Eventually, the photon will leave the body, because it's not really meant for you on this dimension. Yet, the photon is susceptible to you and the person being healed. So, as you finish the healing, tip your thumbs up a bit and then press them down, pushing the photon to about an inch or two off the body; leave it there. The whole body will feel the photon, which will remain for about an hour or so before it actually leaves. Each time you do a Signature Cell Healing, do this as part of the closing sequence.


Q: What is it that Kahu does when he places his third eye on someone else's third eye?


KIRAEL: When he does that, he's using photon to strike a chord inside his brain that comes out of his third eye into your third eye. You all can do this, but you have to practice a long time to get good at it. It is the Lemurian kiss. The Hawaiians and the Maori of New Zealand greet each other in that way, and they were some of the first Lemurians to inhabit the planet.


Q: How did Master Jesus use the photon interactive effect to perform healing miracles and what percentage of brain usage is required to bring forth this level of mastery?


KIRAEL: When you master the photon interactive effect, all the particles communicate with each other instantly. Jesus had to use 100 percent of his local brain connected to 100 percent of his omni brain to do this. That's why I say he was the master of masters. He had the remarkable ability to work with the photon energy, but he didn't call it photon energy. He called it his love. He called it "I." He took one particle of light, talked to it, put it into his palm and touched the person somewhere on his or her body. He then took that first particle down into the body of the individual and that particle automatically touched into the next particle. Over a matter of ten seconds, he'd have all the photon energy talking to each other and the healing was instantaneous.


A Meditation for Accessing Photon Energy


Q: Would you guide us in a meditation to go inward to make friends with the photon energy particles within us?


KIRAEL: Inhale deeply without taking anything into your crown. Imagine a path going down into your crown chakra and into your heart area. Now picture particle lights of photon energy floating just above your crown chakra. At one time, those particles were part of a huge wave that traveled into another level of consciousness. Now they have returned to this journey, stepped down, if you will, to be aware of your presence. On the inhale, draw the particles into yourself. The deeper you draw them in, the more power you exude. When you deeply inhale this energy, take your time releasing it, so that you retain as much of the particle light as you can. Now relax just short of going to sleep. Concentrate on your breathing, your relaxation, and then your knowingness. It will seem as if a party is happening in your body. Remember, keep breathing, keep relaxing, and let your knowingness take over. You will be in communication with every photon in your body. Hear what

they're saying to you. It might sound like this: "You must drink more water; you must eat better foods," all the things you didn't really want to hear. The last thing it will say to you is, "Breathe." This is a powerful journey of "I," or love and light. I chose to say "I" because I-love-you.


Imhotep and Perfection; Lemuria and Atlantis


Q: What are the photon energy healing techniques that Master Imhotep brought to the Earth plane?


KIRAEL: Imhotep was on the Earth plane before the time of Master Jesus. He came into this journey as a man. You will find nothing anywhere about Imhotep's childhood, which may have been on another planet. When he worked with the energy, he did not call it photon. He called it perfection. He brought the sense of perfection into his journey, meaning that he could sense perfection and so perfection was and could be used. He used his sense of perfection every minute of every day. He taught those around him how to be doctors, architects, and great builders. He gathered hundreds of people at a time, brought photon into his body, and spread it out among the people. He'd walk among the people and touch them, allowing them to feel the power of the photon. All of the people Imhotep taught are here on the Earth plane now to help with the transition from the third to the fourth dimension.


Q: How was the presence of the photon energy during the time of Master Imhotep different from what it was at the time of Master Jesus?


KIRAEL: It was not one iota different.


Q: Was the photon belt the catalyst that ended Lemurian and Atlantean times in the same way that it will affect our Shift into the fourth dimension?


KIRAEL: It was indeed the catalyst. At the time of Imhotep, or even Mayan times, when it came time to get the populace off of the planet, photon energy took them out. A blanket of photon energy enveloped them, absorbed the water out of their bodies and released the body process, after which the spirit was taken into the next journey. It sounds terrible, but it's a painless process.



The Oil Spill, the Medium and Magnetics


Q: What, if any, role does the photon play in the cleanup of the oil in the Gulf of Mexico?


KIRAEL: The photon is lying over the top of that whole scene to protect the journey, but not to be any more involved than that. Photon could absorb the oil just like it could absorb the water out of your body, but it won't, because it can't do anything that's not supposed to be done for this third-dimensional journey. You have to learn your lessons. This oil spill involves a lesson plan. The people at BP could turn that oil off today. They all know how to do it, but they're not doing it, because a large amount of money is at stake. It's all about money. All the news is being focused on this oil spill, while monies are being moved. As soon as the monies are moved, they will magically fix the oil spill.

You have to get your politicians to act; otherwise, oil will continue to be the focus of your power. The third dimension is based on the use of oil and you're not being told the entire story. The oil companies get billions of dollars of tax credits and that money goes right into your politicians' pockets. Find one politician who stands for moving away from oil for something better, and back that person. Oil is just another camouflage for the capitalists who run the whole show.




Q: Could you give us a bird's eye view of how the medium rides a wave of photon into and out of the fourth dimension?


KIRAEL: My medium goes into the sleep state, goes out and gathers the particles of photon energy, and uses them like a snowboard. He gets onto that "snowboard" and he's gone. He gets into that photon wave and he's in the fourth dimension in two seconds.


Q: Water that is photon-altered rebalances the polarity of a cell. In other words, water is light and cells breathe water. The cell consciousness shifts by the readjusted program of the signature cell and yields access to the blueprint for radiant health, a profound enlightenment process. I believe that the magnetic photon holds the key to rejuvenation, and this practical water application can open the journey for We the People to amplify the light quotient in their bodies. Please contribute to my work with your wisdom and guidance.


KIRAEL: When you magnetize a photon particle, it looks for its next magnetized photon, but it won't find it, because it will have to magnetize the next particle

itself. You must determine how to magnetize the particle and make it pregnant enough to go into the next particle and the next and so on and so forth. Particles of photon always feed backward and forward, and when you magnetize a photon particle, it amplifies its strength about four times, and that is beyond anything you can measure over here. You have to learn how to measure the photon energy and then how to get this one particle pregnant enough to ignite the next one. When you learn how to do both processes, you will have to measure the first and second particle back and forth four times. Ponder that for a while.


Q: When we ignite the photon in Signature Cell Healing, does it create magnetic energy?


KIRAEL: If you wanted to put the vibrations of the magnetic force into the photon, you would have to look between the little folds of the pineal gland. That's all I'll tell you. You figure it out from there.


Manifestation and the Galactics


Q: Do the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating have an effect on the photon energy that creates a magical formula for manifestation?


KIRAEL: Yes. The magical Ten Principles of Consciously Creating came into existence 30,000 years before Lemuria, about 90,000 years ago. The photon energy is implied, or woven, into the Ten Principles. The photon will actually explode from the Principles if you know how to teach them woven with photon. That process will take some focus. The Principles-Truth, Trust, Passion, Clarity, Communication, Completion, Prayer, Meditation, and Masterminding-each have at least ten journeys that can be taught, and you can multiply those by ten. You can teach the Ten Principles all day long for the next 200 days, and when you start over, you will have only new material. If you teach the Principles woven with photon, each student must be 100 percent committed. At the end of the class, the students will be able to manifest instantaneously.


Q: In this dimension, what can we use photon energy for other than healing?


KIRAEL: At this point in time, photon can only be used for healing. Photon is free to everyone, but you must know how to use it as your main power source and that won't happen until the fourth light. The use of photon will signal the end of fossil fuel and that will change everything in the world.


Q: What do the galactics power with the photon energy and what happens to the speed of light and sound with photon as a power source?


KIRAEL: The galactics use photon for everything. They are in it. They don't have to funnel it or harness it or anything like that. They breathe it and use it for everything. Photon is like its own well. It is immeasurable. Take photon five miles

down the road, put it on the table and send yourself back here, and at the exact same moment, the photon will be where you are. That's photon at its liveliest.

With photon as the predominant power source in the 4th Light, the speeds of light and sound will exist at another level. The power of photon will enable you to use sound to contact the Creator's Force of Love and Light. The contact will be made from the sound and the light, with the help of the photon. When you get to the point where you simultaneously understand everything that's happening around you and everything that's happening inside you, you will get a burst of energy that can be sought through its sound and magical light energies any time you need it.



The Future of Photon Energy


Q: How will the switch to photon energy happen?


KIRAEL: At first, while you are still in the third dimension, a little capsule of photon, about a finger's width and the same shape as a finger, will be put into your stoves, refrigerators, cars, etc. When photon is used, the capsule will be put into your stove

next to the heating element. That will draw the photon into the stove to heat it. The photon will be put into the coils in your refrigerator to create the coldness. That's what your scientists are working on now. No one will believe me, but that's what's happening.

When you get to the fourth light, you will have no refrigerators, stoves, etc. You have about four or five years to go before you get into the fourth light.



Q: Are the newest computers and the new iPad already programmed to operate with photon energy?


KIRAEL: Yes. Steve Jobs knows what he's doing, putting out a little at a time. The iPads that will come out after the most recent one will be awesome. You're about two generations away from using photon as the sole power source for your computers, but any computers made today will be able to adjust, since they are already programmed to use photon.


Closing Statement


Photon is the wave of the future, no pun intended. It is your salvation, so to speak. You can use photon now with visualization and intention to heal yourself and others. Breathe it in as often as you can. Take the time to heal your body with photon. You won't be sorry.



?Kahu Fred Sterling


美国宪法(中文) 序言 我们美利坚合众国的人民,为了组织一个更完善的联邦,树立正义,保障国内的安宁,建立共同的国防,增进全民福利和确保我们自己及我们後代能安享自由带来的幸福,乃为美利坚合众国制定和确立这一部宪法。 第一条 第一款本宪法所规定的立法权,全属合众国的国会,国会由一个参议院和一个众议院组成。 第二款众议院应由各州人民每两年选举一次之议员组成,各州选举人应具有该州州议会中人数最多之一院的选举人所需之资格。凡年龄未满二十五岁,或取得合众国公民资格未满七年,或於某州当选而并非该州居民者,均不得任众议员。众议员人数及直接税税额,应按联邦所辖各州的人口数目比例分配,此项人口数目的计算法,应在全体自由人民--包括订有契约的短期仆役,但不包括末被课税的印第安人--数目之外,再加上所有其他人口之五分之三。实际人口调查,应於合众国国会第一次会议後三年内举行,并於其後每十年举行一次,其调查方法另以法律规定之。众议员的数目,不得超过每三万人口有众议员一人,但每州至少应有众议员一人; 在举行人囗调查以前,各州得按照下列数目选举众议员: 新罕布什尔三人、麻萨诸塞八人、罗德岛及普罗维登斯垦殖区一人、康涅狄格五人、纽约州六人.新泽西四人、宾夕法尼亚八人、特拉华一人、马里兰六人、弗吉

尼亚十人、北卡罗来纳五人、南卡罗来纳五人、乔治亚三人。任何一州的众议员有缺额时,该州的行政长官应颁选举令,选出众议员以补充缺额。众议院应选举该除议长及其他官员; 只有众议院具有提出弹劾案的权力。 第三款合众国的参议院由每州的州议会选举两名参议员组成之,参议员的任期为六年,每名参议员有一票表决权。参议员於第一次选举後举行会议之时,应当立即尽量均等地分成三组。第一组参议员的任期,到第二年年终时届满,第二组到第四年年终时届满,第三组到第六年年终时届满,俾使每两年有三分之一的参议员改选; 如果在某州州议会休会期间,有参议员因辞职或其它原因出缺,该州的行政长官得任命临时参议员,等到州议会下次集会时,再予选举补缺。凡年龄未满三十岁,或取得合众国公民资格未满九年,或於某州当选而并非该州居民者,均不得任参议员。合众国副总统应为参议院议长,除非在投票票数相等时,议长无投票权。参议院应选举该院的其他官员,在副总统缺席或执行合众国总统职务时,还应选举临时议长。所有弹劾案,只有参议院有权审理。在开庭审理弹劾案时,参议员们均应宣誓或誓愿。如受审者为合众国总统,则应由最高法院首席大法官担任主席; 在末得出席的参议员的三分之二的同意时,任何人不得被判有罪。弹劾案的判决,不得超过免职及取消其担任合众国政府任何有荣誉、有责任或有俸给的职位之资格;但被判处者仍须服从另据法律所作之控诉、审讯、判决及惩罚。 第四款各州州议会应规定本州参议员及众议员之选举时间、地


A abort 中断,停止stop abnormal 异常 abrader 研磨,磨石,研磨工具absence 失去 Absence of brush 无(碳)刷 Absolute ABS 绝对的 Absolute atmosphere ATA 绝对大气压AC Lub oil pump 交流润滑油泵absorptance 吸收比,吸收率acceleration 加速 accelerator 加速器 accept 接受 access 存取 accomplish 完成,达到 accumulator 蓄电池,累加器Accumulator battery 蓄电池组accuracy 准确,精确 acid 酸性,酸的 Acid washing 酸洗 acknowledge 确认,响应 acquisition 发现,取得 action 动作 Active power 有功功率 actuator 执行机构 address 地址 adequate 适当的,充分的 adjust 调整,校正 Admission mode 进汽方式 Aerial line 天线 after 以后 air 风,空气 Air compressor 空压机 Air duct pressure 风管压力 Air ejector 抽气器 Air exhaust fan 排气扇 Air heater 空气加热器 Air preheater 空气预热器 Air receiver 空气罐 Alarm 报警 algorithm 算法 alphanumeric 字母数字 Alternating current 交流电 Altitude 高度,海拔


尽职调查访谈提纲 (工薪和人事管理) 1、请简单介绍您个人的基本情况。 2、人力资源管理部门的职责主要是什么?岗位是如何设置的?目前有多少人? 3、公司的人员构成(招聘、劳务派遣;学历构成;年龄结构;技术等级等)? 4、员工的聘用要经过哪些环节? 5、外聘劳务公司人员如何管理的? 6、劳动合同的签订过程是如何控制的?(涉及哪些部门?谁签字?谁审批?) 7、薪酬标准如何制定的? 8、福利包括哪些?按什么标准支付? 9、是否发生劳务纠纷及处理措施? 10、公司员工的社保费、公积金是按什么标准支付的? 11、员工的业绩是如何考核的?与薪酬、职务是如何挂钩的? 12、近两年业绩计划或任务的完成情况? 13、员工薪酬的发放是如何控制的? 14、公司经营管理有哪些地方可以进一步完善?

INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED 资料要求清单 Comments 注明 The list below is the information necessary for the due diligence work. The objective of the list is to make sure that our team can smoothly start its due diligence work according to the date noted on engagement. It is possible that the list doesn’t cover all the information we needed in our work. So, we would ask for other information not included in the list. 以下清单列明在对贵公司进行财务评阅之所需资料,此清单之目的是为了确保有足够的资料使得评阅小组能够在业务约定书约定之开始工作日期顺利开展工作。 The following list maybe not includes all documents and information we needed, so additional information will be required to provide during our financial due diligence. 清单所列之资料可能未有全面概括所需资料,因此在评阅过程中可能会提出获取附件中未列出的资料。 1Related legal materials 有关法定资料 Organization chart (including investors, investors’ holding company, subsidiaries and etc.) and list the legal name of these companies; 公司组织结构图(包括该公司之投资者、投资者之母公司、公司的子 公司等)并列出该些公司之法定名称; Organization chart of the management and organization structure; 公司管理层组织结构图和组织机构情况; Business license issued by SAIC; 国家工商管理局发出的营业执照;


常用电气元器件英文单词(1)元件设备 三绕组变压器:three-column transformer ThrClnTrans 双绕组变压器:double-column transformer DblClmnTrans 电容器:Capacitor 并联电容器:shunt capacitor 电抗器:Reactor 母线:Busbar 输电线:TransmissionLine 发电厂:power plant 断路器:Breaker 刀闸(隔离开关):Isolator 分接头:tap 电动机:motor(2)状态参数 有功:active power 无功:reactive power 电流:current 容量:capacity 电压:voltage 档位:tap position 有功损耗:reactive loss 无功损耗:active loss 功率因数:power-factor 功率:power 功角:power-angle 电压等级:voltage grade 空载损耗:no-load loss 铁损:iron loss 铜损:copper loss 空载电流:no-load current 阻抗:impedance 正序阻抗:positive sequence impedance 负序阻抗:negative sequence impedance 零序阻抗:zero sequence impedance 电阻:resistor 电抗:reactance 电导:conductance 电纳:susceptance 无功负载:reactive load 或者QLoad 有功负载: active load PLoad 遥测:YC(telemetering) 遥信:YX 励磁电流(转子电流):magnetizing current 定子:stator


齐瑞尔 光子能量治疗 大指导灵齐瑞尔由卡胡传导 原文:https://www.360docs.net/doc/1c12309860.html,/content/view/663/38/ 翻译:凭什么阻止我 KIRAEL: We will be speaking about photon energy again so that I can hopefully go into more depth about this remarkable energy source. Don't judge anything I say today. Listen and take it all in. One day it will all make more sense to you. We'll begin now. 齐瑞尔:我们将再一次谈论光子能量,以便让我更深入谈及此非凡的能量源。别对我今天所说的下任何判断。收听而且全部听进去。终有一天你会更明白。我们现在开始。 Q: What color is photon? 问:光子是什么颜色? KIRAEL: Photon is golden, but it's so bright that you lose the color of the gold somewhat. If you intensify it, then bring it into this journey so you can see it, it will appear as a white gold. 齐瑞尔:光子是金色的,但它如此明亮,看上去有点褪了金色。如果你强化它,然后将它带到此旅程,那么你就可以看到它,它会显示为白金。 Q: What is a photon wave and does it have a weave? 问:光子波是什么,它有一个交织吗? KIRAEL: The photon wave, which is made of particles not visible to the physical eye, flows through the dimensional realities and surrounds your planet and all other planets in your galaxy. If you could see a photon wave with your physical eyes, you'd


1 Due Diligence Issues Daniel Chan Bonded Processing Arrangements Issues relating to Bonded Processing Arrangements z factory transfer ?transfer of partially finished goods to another factory for further processing before export ? non-refund of VAT on inputs

3 Bonded Processing Arrangements (cont’d) z import processing (“buy-sell”) ?title to imported materials ?under customs supervision (no customs duties & import VAT) z processing & assembly (“consignment”)?no title to imported materials ?no VAT on processing fees Bonded Processing Arrangements (cont’d) z equipment import ? VAT and duty free ?preferential treatment may be changed

5 Licenses & Permits All licenses & permits (issued by national, provincial or other levels of government authorities)z e.g. chemical manufacturing WFOE ?permits for production of dangerous chemical products ? permits for emission of waste Taxes Smuggling z imported machinery z import VAT and Custom duties receipts Individual Income Tax z withholding tax z dual employment contract Potential issue of retroactive payment of taxes exempted under tax holiday, in asset acquisition scenario


美国宪法修正案中英文对照 第一修正案Amendment I Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. 国会不得制定有关下列事项的法律:确立一种宗教或禁止信仰自由;剥夺言论自由或出版自由;或剥夺人民和平集会及向政府要求申冤的权利。 第二修正案Amendment II A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. 组织良好的民兵队伍,对于一个自由国家的安全是必需的,人民拥有和携带武器的权利不可侵犯。 第三修正案Amendment III No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. 未经房主同意,士兵平时不得驻扎在任何住宅;除依法律规定的方式,战时也不得驻扎。 第四修正案Amendment IV The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. 人民的人身、住宅、文件和财产不受无理搜查和扣押的权利,不得侵犯。除依据可能成立的理由,以宣誓或代誓宣言保证,并详细说明搜查地点和扣押的人或物,不得发出搜查和扣押状。 第五修正案Amendment V No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. 无论何人,除非根据大陪审团的报告或起诉书,不受死罪或其他重罪的审判,但发生在陆、海军中或发生在战时或出现公共危险时服役的民兵中的案件除外。任何人不得因同一犯罪行为而两次遭受生命或身体的危害;不得在任何刑事案件中被迫自证其罪;不经正当法律程序,不得被剥夺生命、自由或财产。不给予公平赔偿,私有财产不得充作公用。 第六修正案Amendment VI In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence. 在一切刑事诉讼中,被告有权由犯罪行为发生地的州和地区的公正陪审团予以迅速和公开的审判,该地区应事先已由法律确定;得知控告的性质和理由;同原告证人对质;以强制程序取得对其有利的证人;并取得律师帮助为其辩护。 第七修正案Amendment VII In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law. 在习惯法的诉讼中,其争执价额超过二十美元,由陪审团审判的权利应受到保护。由陪审团裁决的事实,合众国的任何法院除非按照习惯法规则,不得重新审查。


电子产品常用英文词汇 一、常见电子电气类英文单词 1.功率power 2.电压voltage 3.电流current 4.频率frequency 5.效率efficiency 6.波形waveform 7.交流alternating-current 8.直流direct-current 9.适配器adaptor 10. 转换器converter 11. 逆变器inverter 12. 充电器charger 13. 控制器controller 14. 启动器jump starter 15. 器件device 16. 元件component 17. 电容器capacitor 18. 电阻resistor 19. 电感inductor 20. 二极管diode 21. 稳压二极管zener 22. 三极管audion 23. 场效应管MOSFEET(Metel-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor) 24. 变压器transformer 25. 光藕optical coupler 26. 保险丝fuse 27. 半导体semiconductor 28. 瓷片电容ceramic capacitor 29. 电解电容electrolytic C 30. 电感inductance 31. 电容capacitance 32. 电阻resistance 33. 感性的inductive 34. 容性的capacitive 35. 阻性的resistive 36. 阻抗impedance 37. 纯正弦波pure sine wave 38. 修正正弦波modified sine wave 39. 方波square wave 40. 恒流源constant current source 41. 恒压源constant voltage source 42. 纹波电流ripple current 43. 涌入电流inrush current 44. 空载电流no-load current 45. 电网power system 46. 死区时间dead time 47. 浮充电压float charge voltage 48. 正向电压forward voltage drop 49. 续流二极管freewheel diode 50. 肖特基二极管schottky 51. 整流桥bridge rectifier 52. 超快速整流器ultra fast rectifier 53. 检测电阻sense resistor 54. 振荡电阻timing resistor 55. 散热片thermal slug/heat sink/ radiator 56. 断路器breaker 57. 过流保护器circuit breaker 58. 自由运行free running 59. 满负载full load 60. 过载overload 61. 轻载light load 62. 加载upload 63. 静态static (state) 64. 动态dynamic (state) 65. 稳态的steady 66. 静电static electricity 67. 电源调整率line regulation 68. 负载调整率load regulation 69. 满载效率full load efficiency 70. 最佳效率optimum efficiency 71. 输出效率output efficiency 72. 峰值效率peak efficiency 73. 标称效率declared efficiency 74. 视在功率apparent power 75. 有功功率active power 76. 无功功率reactive power 77. 功率因数power-factor 78. 耗散功率power dissipation 79. 空载损耗no-load loss 80. 关断状态off state 81. 电源工作电压operating supply

美国宪法修正案 中英文对照版

美国宪法修正案 Amendments to the Constitution 修正案[一] 国会不得制定关于下列事项的法律:确立国教或禁止信教自由,剥夺言论自由或出版自由;剥夺人民和平集会和向政府诉冤请愿的权利。 [1791年12月15日批准] Amendment[I] Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. 修正案[二] 管理良好的民兵是保障自由州的安全之所必需,此人民持有和携带武器的权利不得侵犯。 [1791年12月15日批准] Amendment[II] A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. 修正案[三] 士兵在和平时期,未经房主许可不得驻扎于任何民房;在战争时期,除依法律规定的方式外亦不得进驻民房。 [1791年12月15日批准] Amendment[III] No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. 修正案[四] 人民保护其人身、住房、文件和财物不受无理搜查扣押的权利不得侵犯;除非有合理的根据认为有罪,以宣誓或郑重声明保证,并详细开列应予搜查的地点、应予扣押的人或物,不得颁发搜查和扣押证。 [1791年12月15日批准] Amendment[IV] The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. 修正案[五] 非经大陪审团提出报告或起诉,任何人不受死罪或其它重罪的惩罚,惟在战时国家危急时期发生在陆、海军中或正在服役的民兵中的案件不在此限。任何人不得因同一犯罪行为而两次遭受生命或身体伤残的危害;不得在任何刑事案件中被迫自证其罪;未经正当法律程序,不得剥夺任何人的生命、自由或财产;非有恰当补偿,不得将私有财产充作公用。 [1791年12月15日批准]

光量子即光子 量子力学知识点

E*dv表示在频率范围(v,v+dv)中的黑体辐射能量密度。 λ—辐射波长(μm) T—黑体绝对温度(K、T=t+273k) C—光速(2.998×10^8m·s ) h—普朗克常数,6.626×10^-34 J·S K—玻尔兹曼常数(Boltzmann),1.3806505*10^-23J/K基本物理常数 玻尔兹曼常数(Boltzmann constant)(k 或kB)是有关于温度及能量的一个物理常数。玻尔兹曼是一个奥地利物理学家,在统计力学的理论有重大贡献,波兹曼常数具有相当重要的地位。光量子即光子。能量的传递不是连续的,而是以一个一个的能量单位传递的。这种最小能量单位被称作能量子(简称量子)。 原始称呼是光量子(light quantum),电磁辐射的量子,传递电磁相互作用的规范粒子,记为γ。其静止质量为零,不带电荷,其能量为普朗克常量和电磁辐射频率的乘积,E=hv,在真空中以光速c运行,其自旋为1,是玻色子。 光子是光线中携带能量的粒子。一个光子能量的多少正比于光波的频率大小,频率越高, 能量越高。当一个光子被原子吸收时,就有一个电子获得足够的能量从而从内轨道跃迁到外轨道,具有电子跃迁的原子就从基态变成了激发态。 光子具有能量,也具有动量,更具有质量,按照质能方程,E=MC^2=hν,求出M=hν/C^2, 光子由于无法静止,所以它没有静止质量,这儿的质量是光子的相对论质量。光就既具有波动性(电磁波),也具有粒子性(光子),即具有波粒二象性 玻色子是依随玻色-爱因斯坦统计,自旋为整数的粒子。玻色子不遵守泡利不相容原理,在低温时可以发生玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚。玻色子包括:.胶子-强相互作用的媒介粒子,它们具有整数自旋(0,1,……),它们的能量状态只能取不连续的量子态,但允许多个玻色子占有同一种状态。,有8种;光子-电磁相互作用的媒介粒子,这些基本粒子在宇宙中的“用途”是构成实物的粒子(轻子和重子)和传递作用力的粒子(光子、介子、胶子、w和z玻色子)。在这样的一个量子世界里,所有的成员都有标定各自基本特性的四种量子属性:质量、能量、磁矩和自旋。如光子、粒子、氢原子等, Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) 玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚(BEC)是科学巨匠爱因斯坦在80年前预言的一种新物态。这里的“凝聚”与日常生活中的凝聚不同,它表示原来不同状态的原子突然“凝聚”到同一状态(一般是基态)。即处于不同状态的原子“凝聚”到了同一种状态。即当温度足够低、原子的运动速度足够慢时,它们将集聚到能量最低的同一量子态。此时,所有的原子就象一个原子一样,具有完全相同的物理性质。 磁光阱是一种囚禁中性原子的有效手段。它由三对两两相互垂直.具有特定偏振组态井且负失谐的对射激光束形成的三维空间驻波场和反向亥姆雹谊线圈产生的梯度磁场构成.磁场的零点与光场的中心重合,负失谐的激光对原子产生阻尼力.梯度磁场与激光的偏振相结合产生了对原子的束缚力.这样就在空间对中性原子构成了一个带阻尼作用的简谐势阱。 量子力学是描写微观物质的一个物理学理论,与相对论一起被认为是现代物理学的两大基本支柱 普朗克常数记为h ,是一个物理常数,用以描述量子大小。在量子力学中占有重要的角色,马克斯·普朗克在1900年研究物体热辐射的规律时发现,只


Target – Project [ ] Information Request List (“IRL”) – Accounting and Tax As of [ , ] 审阅对象—项目 会计及税务资料清单 截止年月日 The following is IRL for conducting a review of financial, certain operational and tax information of ________(the “Group”; references to “Company” or “Target” refer to any of the subsidiaries or legal entities of the Group). The “historical period” referred to herein is defined as the years ended___________, ______, and ______ (“Fiscal______, _______and ______”) and the ____ months ended _________, ______and ______ (“Interim _____ and ______”). Thus, the historical period has ____ separate periods within it. Please note that this IRL has three sections: I. Financial and Accounting; II. Tax; and III. Discussion Items. 以下为对__________(以下简称“贵集团”;倘提及“贵公司”或“审阅对象”乃指贵集团之任何子公司或法定实体)进行的财务、经营及税务各方面的审阅,所需由贵公司准备的资料清单。以下提及之“历史期间”是指截至年、年及年月日止之年度(以下简称“、及财政年度”)以及截至年及年月日止 个月期间(“____ __及___ __中期”)。因此,历史期间包括_ __个独立期间。请注意资料清单包括三个部分:1)财务及会计;2)税务;3)讨论事项。 I. Financial and Accounting财务及会计 General综合 1.Annual audited financial statements of the Group and Companies for Fiscal____, _____and _____. 贵集团及各集团公司_ ___、__ ___ 及______财政年度的已审计财务报表。 2.Confidential information memorandum about the Group. 贵集团之商业计划书。 3.Monthly unaudited financial statements of the Group and Companies for the historical period. 贵集团及各集团公司历史期间每月未经审计的财务报表。 4.Assistance in gaining access to [name of accountants]’s [Year] and [Year] audit working papers of the Group and Companies. 协助获取__________ (审计师名称)为贵集团及各集团公司进行__ ___年度及_ ____年度审计的工作底稿。 5.Determine whether the Group is using accounting methods where other acceptable or even preferable methods should be used. Compare the accounting policies of the Company to the accounting policies of certain competitors as described in publicly available reports. 了解贵集团是否应采用其它认可或更可取的会计方法。将贵公司的会计政策与公开报告中所提到之竞争对手的会计政策作比较。 6.Summary of audit adjustments recorded during the historical period. 历史期间内审计调整记录概要。 7.Copies of any independent accountant’s management letters or outside consultants’ reports issued during the historical period. 历史期间内由独立会计师签发的经营管理建议书或外间顾问报告之副本。


《美国宪法》(中、英文版) (中文) 序言 我们美利坚合众国的人民,为了组织一个更完善的联邦,树立正义,保障国内的安宁,建立共同的国防,增进全民福利和确保我们自己及我们后代能安享自由带来的幸福,乃为美利坚合众国制定和确立这一部宪法。 第一条 第一款本宪法所规定的立法权,全属合众国的国会,国会由一个参议院和一个众议院组成。 第二款众议院应由各州人民每两年选举一次之议员组成,各州选举人应具有该州州议会中人数最多之一院的选举人所需之资格。凡年龄未满二十五岁,或取得合众国公民资格未满七年,或于某州当选而并非该州居民者,均不得任众议员。众议员人数及直接税税额,应按联邦所辖各州的人口数目比例分配,此项人口数目的计算法,应在全体自由人民--包括订有契约的短期仆役,但不包括末被课税的印第安人--数目之外,再加上所有其他人口之五分之三。实际人口调查,应于合众国国会第一次会议后三年内举行,并于其后每十年举行一次,其调查方法另以法律规定之。众议员的数目,不得超过每三万人口有众议员一人,但每州至少应有众议员一人;在举行人囗调查以前,各州得按照下列数目选举众议员: 新罕布什尔三人、麻萨诸塞八人、罗德岛及普罗维登斯垦殖区一人、康涅狄格五人、纽约州六人.新泽西四人、宾夕法尼亚八人、特拉华一人、马里兰六人、弗吉尼亚十人、北卡罗来纳五人、南卡罗来纳五人、乔治亚三人。任何一州的众议员有缺额时,该州的行政长官应颁选举令,选出众议员以补充缺额。众议院应选举该除议长及其他官员;只有众议院具有提出弹劾案的权力。 第三款合众国的参议院由每州的州议会选举两名参议员组成之,参议员的任期为六年,每名参议员有一票表决权。参议员于第一次选举后举行会议之时,应当立即尽量均等地分成三组。第一组参议员的任期,到第二年年终时届满,第二组到第四年年终时届满,第三组到第六年年终时届满,俾使每两年有三分之一的参议员改选;如果在某州州议会休会期间,有参议员因辞职或其它原因出缺,该州的行政长官得任命临时参议员,等到州议会下次集会时,再予选举补缺。凡年龄未满三十岁,或取得合众国公民资格未满九年,或于某州当选而并非该州居民者,均不得任参议员。合众国副总统应为参议院议长,除非在投票票数相等时,议长无投票权。参议院应选举该院的其他官员,在副总统缺席或执行合众国总统职务时,还应选举临时议长。所有弹劾案,只有参议院有权审理。在开庭审理弹劾案时,参议员们均应宣誓或誓愿。如受审者为合众国总统,则应由最高法院首席大法官担任主席;在末得出席的


Part1: 缩写全称中文 AC alternating current 交流电 AC automatic control 自动控制 ACA accident consequence assessment 事故后果评价 ACB air circuit breaker 空气断路器 ACC accident 故障、事故 ACCUM accumulate accumulate 累计、蓄电池 ACDS acourtic crack detection system 声裂纹检测系统 ACT/S active side 带电部件、有功部件 ACW anti-clockwise 反时针方向 ACW anti-clockwise 反时针方向 AD analog-digital 模拟-数字 AEOD analysis and evaluation of operational data 运行数据分析和管理 AFC automatic frequency control automatic following control 自动频率控制:自动跟踪控制 AI artificial intelligence 人工智能 ALT alternate 交变的、交替的 ALTNTR alternator 同步发电机 AM ammeter 电流表 AMP ampere 安培 AN air natural cooled 空气自然冷却 AOC automatic overload control 自动过载控制 APC automatic plant coordinate control automatic power control 机组自动协调控制:自动功率控制 APP appendix auxiliary power plant 附录:辅助电源设备 APS acessory power supply 辅助电源 APU auxiliary power unit 辅助动力装置:辅助电源设备 ARM armature 电枢、衔铁 ASR automatic speed run up 自动升速 ASU automatic synchronizing unit 自动同步系统 AT auxiliary transformer 辅助变压器 AUS auxiliary switch 辅助开关 AUX auxiliany 辅助、备用 A VL automatic voltage control 自动电压控制 A VR automatic voltage regulator 自动调压器 BAT battery 电池 BD block decrease 闭锁减 BDUC bus duct 母线导管、母线沟 BDV blowdown voltage 击穿电压 BF back feed 反馈 BHP brake horse power 制动马力 BI block increase 闭锁增
