


Information Technology

1982 was the year of information technology in Great Britain. But what exactly is infotech? 85% of the people __1___ recently had not a clue what it means, __2___53% of those polled said they thought it sounded pretty important.They were __3___.It is.So what is it? Well, put simply,it is the "marry-up"of products__4___several key industries:computers, telephone, televisions, satellites.

It means __5___ microelectronics, telecommunication networks fibre optics__6___produce,store,obtain and send information by way of words,numbers,pictures and sound__7___and efficiency than ever before.

The __8__ infotech is having and is going to have on our lives and work is tremendous.It is already linking the skills of the space industry with __9___ of cable television,so programmes can be beamed directly into our homes ___10__ all over the world. Armies of "steel collar"workers,the robots,will soon be working in factories doing the boring,complex and __11___jobs which are at present still done by man. In some areas __12___the car industry this has already started. television will also be used to enable customers __13___from the comfort of their homes by simply ordering___14__ the TV screen, payment being made by direct debit of their credit cards.The automatic booking of tickets will also be done through the television__15___ .Cable television __16___in many countries now gives a choice of ___17__ channels will soon be used to___18___ our homes by operating burglar and fire alarms ___19___to police and fire,puters will run our homes,controling the heating,air-conditioned and cooking systems ___20___ robot will cope with the housework.the friendly postman will be a thing of the past as the post service and letters disappear with the electronic mail received via viewdata screens.

1) A polling B being polled C polled D having been polled

2) A so B although C however D but

3) A right B wrong C mad D crazy

4) A from B in C to D for

5) A to use B to be used C being used D using

6) A to help B to helping C to be helped D to being helped

7) A very quickly B more quickly C quicklier D most quickly

8) A force B affect C impact D control

9) A those B that C which D the one

10) A from B in C across D thoughtout

11) A interesting B dull C unpleasant D happy

12) A for example B for instance C like D such as

13) A shop B to shop C shopping D to shopping

14) A on B via C within D by

15) A screen B machine C set D show

16) A where B in which C which D it

17) A a dozen Bdozen C dozen of D dozens of

18) A protect B clean C run D manage

19) A related B associated C linked D joined

20) A while B because C since D for

cbaad abcaa

cdbba cdaca


The Central Problem of Economics

The central problem of economics is to satisfy the people's and nation's wants.

The problem we faced with is that our resources,here identified as money are _1__. The only way we can solve the problem is to _2__ choices.After looking at our resources,we must examine our list of _3__ and identify the things we need immediately , _4_ we can postpone,and those we cannot afford.As individuals,we face the central problem involved in economics---decideing how to allocate our limited resources to _5__ ourselves with greatest satisfaction of our wants.

Nations face __6_ problem. As a country's population_7__, the need for more goods and services grows correspondingly. Resources necessary to production may increase,but there _8__ are enough resources to satisfy the total desires of a nation.Whether the budget meeting is _9__ in the family living room,in the conference room of the corporation __10_ of directors,or in the chamber of the House of Representatives in Washington,the basic problem still exists.We need to find _11__ of allocating limited resources in order to satisfy unlimited wants.

A short time ago,economists _12__ goods into two categories,free and economic.The former.,like air and water,were in _13__ abundance that economists had no concern for them.After all,economists is the _14__ of scarcity and what to do about it.Today many of these "free goods" are _15__ very expensive to use.Population has made clean air and water _16__ for producers who have to filter their waste products,for consumers who ultimately _17__ the producer's extra cost,and _18__ taxpayers who pay for the government's involvement _19__ the environment.

In the 1990s,almost all goods are scares.Only by effort and money_20__ obtained in the from people wish.

1) A abundant B scarce C limited D unlimited

2) A have B do C make D ask

3) A want B resources C want D problem

4) A some B others C that D those

5) A bring B provide C take D satisfy

6) A another B the same C the other D a same

7) A growing B grown C grows D grow

8) A sometimes B always C often D never

9) A taking place B happening C replacing D taking the place

10) A board B group C management D function

11) A means B approach C ways D method

12) A seperate B divide C cut D divided

13) A a so B great C such D such an

14) A study B form C means D source

15) A particularly B in practice C pracitally D in reality

16) A cheaper B more expensive C expensive D cheap

17) A pay for Bwill pay for C use D will use

18) A the B with C for D also

19) A cleaning B in cleaning C about cleaning D clean

20) A they can be B they must be

C must they be

D can they be

ccadb bcdaa

cdcad bacbd


Grandma Moses is among the most celebreted twentieth-century painters of the United States,yet she __1_ painting before she was in her late seventies.As she once spoken __2_ herself:" I would never sit back in a rocking chair,__3_ for some to help me."No one could have a __4_ old age.

She was born Anna Mary Robertson _5__ a farm in New York State,one of five boys and girls.("We came in bunches,_6__ radishes.") At twelve she left home and was __7_ domestic service until ,at twnety-seven,she _8__ Thomas Moses,one of the hired hands of her employers.They farms most of their _9__,first in Virginia and then in New York State,_10__ Eagle Bridge.She had ten children,of _11__ five survived; her husband died in 1927.

Grandma Moses _12__ a little as a child and made embroidery pictures as a _13__, but only switched to oil in old age because her hands become too stiff __14_, and she wanted to keep busy and pass the time.Her _15__ were first sold at the local drugstore and at a fair, and were soon _16__ by a dealer who bought everything _17__ she painted.Three of the pictures were exhibition in the museum of Modern Art,and in 1940 she had her first exhibition in New York .__18_ the 1930s and her death she produced some 2000 pictures;detailed and lively portrayals of the _19__ life she had known for so long ,with a marvellous _20__ of color and form." I think real hard till think of something real pretty,and then I pain it."she said.

1) A barely startedt B was barely strated

C had barely started

D barely start

2) A about B of C on D over

3) A waiting B to waiting C and writing D am writing

4) A very productive B productive

C most productive

D more productive

5) A in B at C on D about

6) A unlike B like C likely D unlikely

7) A for B in C at D under

8) A married with B married to C marry D married

9) A life B live C lives D lifes

10) A in B at C under D on

11) A whom B which C that D who

12) A worked B read C studied D painted

13) A job B fun C hobby D interest

14) A sewing B to sew C to sewing D to be sewing

15) A books B pictures C arts D clothes

16) A spotted B recognized C damaged D featured

17) A which B who C whom D that

18) A for B in C during D between

19) A urban B town C rural D suburban

20) A feeling B sense C consciousness D feature

cbadc bbdcb

adcbb addcb


Check have largely __1_ money as a means of exchange for they are widely accepted everywhere.Though this is very _2__ for both buyer and seller,it should not be forgotten that checks are not real money;they are quite _3__ in themselves. A shopkeeper always runs a certain _4__ when he accepts a check and he is quite _5__ his rights if,on accasion,he refuses to do so. People do not always know this and are __6_ if their good faith is called _7__. An old and very wealthy friend of mine told me he had an extremely _8__ experience.He went to a famous jewelry shop which keeps a large __9_ of precious stone and asked to _10__ some pearl necklaces.After examing several trays,he decided to buy a particularly fine string of pearls and asked _11__he could pay by check.The assistant said that this was quite _12__,but the moment my friend signed his name,he was invited into the manager's office.

The manager was very polite,but he explained that someone __13_ exactly the same name had presented them with a worthless check not long ago. My friend fot very angry when he heard this and said he would buy a necklace 14___.When he got up to go,the manager told him that the police would arrive at any moment and he had better stay_15__ he wanted to get into serious troubles._16__ the police arrived soon afterwards,They apologized to my friend for the __17_ but explained that a person who had used the same name as his was responsible for a number of recent robberies.Then the police asked my friend to copy out a note _18__ had been used by the theft in a number of shops.The note _19__ "I have a gun in my pocket.Ask no questions and give me all the money in the safe."Fortunately,my friend"s handwriting was quite _20__ the thief's.Then he was allowed to go without delay.

1) A made B replaced C instead D pretended

2) A favourite B popular C profitable D convenient

3) A dangerous B meaningless C unimportant D valueless

4) A chance B risk C opportunity D danger

5) A within B out of C without D beyond

6) A unhappy B ashamed Cshocked D puzzled

7) A in doubt B in earnest C in difficulty D in question

8) A exciting B happy C unpleasant D wonderful

9) A amount B accident C stock D number

10) A give B be given C show D be shown

11) A if B when C what D that

12) A in need B in common C in use D in order

13) A used B with C named D by

14) A anywhere B somewhere C somewhere else D everywhere

15) A unless B otherwise C if D whether

16) A really B sure enough C certainly D however

17) A manner B behavior C inconvenience D treatment

18) A told B read C which D what

19) A told B informed C read D wrote

20) A unlike B different C dissimilar D dislike

bddba aaccd

abbca dccca


The meaning of time differ in different parts of the world.Thus,__1_ arise between prople from culture that _2__ time differently. Promptness is valued _3__ in Americna life.For example, if people are not prompt,__4_ may be regard as impolite __5_ not fully responsible. In the US,no one would __6_ of keeping a business associate __7_ for an hour.It would be too impolite,_8__ equal meet,a person who is five minutes late is ecpected _9__ a short apology.__10_ he is less than five minuteslate,he _11__ say a few words of explaintion ,_12__ perhaps he will not complete the sentence.

This _13__ of treating time is quite different from _14__ of several other cultures.This _15__ to explain the _16__ experience of a certain agriculturist from the United States,__17_ a duty in another country.After what seemed to him a suitable _18__ period,he _19__ that he would like to call _20__ the minister of agriculture.For various reasons the suggested time did not suit the minister;there were indirect indications that the time was not yet suitable.

1) A understanding B misunderstanding C believing D belief

2) A address B treat C handle D apply

3) A lowly B slowly C immediately D highly

4) A friends B they C others D American

5) A but B yet C or else D or

6) A consider B suppose C think D like

7) A waiting B to wait C waited D wait

8) A Since B When C While D That

9) A making B to make C made D have made

10) A Though B However C If D as though

11) A can B will C likely D maybe

12) A and B but C though D however

13) A practice B process C manner D way

14) A those B which C want D that

15) A saves B helps C serves D aids

16) A happy B fortunate C lucky D unfortunate

17) A attributed B assigned C distributed D named

18) A waiting B tried C waited D trying

19) A announced B declare C published D reported

20) A on B out C about D up

bbdbd cabbc

bcddb dbaaa


I have always found country life most __1_.The city ,a place _2__ business is only to _3__;it is not an an ideal place for permanent residence.People may say that the city can provide you with the best __4_ life can offer.

Your friends are always _5__ for an informal chat or an evening's entertainment.The _6__ exhinitions,films or plays are always within easy reach.Shopping ,too,is always a pleasure.But what _7__ the hustle and bustle of city like? The city dweller never has a moment __8_peace;he is always__9_.And what about the noise and pollution of the city? Day and night the city is in uproar with its unceasing traffic.The air is polluted _10__ prisonous gases emitted by the smokestacks of factories.The water supply is tained with impurities that are harmful to the human body.The city is indeed not a place to live in.

Country life is in many respects superior __11_ city life.For one thing , the people there are friendly.People are acquainted with one __12_.You can never _13__ receive a friendly nod or a kind word from anyone you _14__ meet.In the city people who live in the same _15__ are often strangers to one another.The air in the country is fresh and pure.Air pollution is a thing _16__ of there.You live a healthy life in the open air.Life goes on in a _17__ way and you don't have to hurry to catch _18__ bus or travel in a crowed bus with people _19__ like sardines.Gardening and fishing will be pleasant pasttimes.Reading a book _20__ the warm fireside will be another pleasant pastime on a cold winter night.Life in the country is indeed simple and pleasant.

1) A enjoyable B exciting C experienced D unpleasant

2) A in B on C out of D for

3) A be visiting B be visited C visit D visited

4) A where B when C what D who

5) A wanted B wanting C available D enjoyable

6) A latest B kindest C richest D poorest

7) A of B about C if D should

8) A for B even C once D often

9) A in a moment B at the moment C in a hurry D in a line

10) A in B with C of D within

11) A than B to C over D for

12) A another B other C what else D the others

13) A expected to B want to C fail to D plan to

14) A long to B be glad to C want to D chance to

15) A apartment B school C room D city

16) A hearing B unhearing C heard D unheard

17) A leisurely B easily C conveniently D effectively

18) A a B the C / D no

19) A fighting B fighted C packing D packed

20) A behind B by C in D on

adbcc abacb

bacda daadb


In addition to their academic work,children in the United States are offered a wide range of activites in the after-school hours.

They are designed to help _1__ their skills,ability and appreciation of life; to give them a chance to practice leadership and __2_ responsibilities;_3__ school courses;and to provide additional outlets and stimuli.There is often a _4__ of activities from which to choose,such as nature clubs,musical organizations,science clubs,art and drama groups,or language clubs.A _5__ selection of sport activities is always available.__6_ every school has a student-run newspaper;often a photographic darkroom is also _7__,some of these activities take place during the school day,but _8__ are held after classes are over._9__ they're optional they _10__ a part of the American educational experience. Parents encourage their children to participate in those program that __11_ suit their own special talents and interests.Much is learned during these off-duty hours,especially in _12__ of human "give-and-take".Americans believe this _13__ human relationships,social skills and a well-trained body,_14__ intellectual development .Both _15__ and college admission officers in the United States carefully consider the extra curricular activities _16__ students have participated,both during their free time after school and also during the long holidays.These indicate to them _17__ of a young person's leadship potential enthusiasm,creativity,_18__ of interest,vitality and personality.They weigh these qualities,together with the academic record,in order to _19__ a student's intelligence,perseverance and ability to use what he knows,_20__ merely repeating it by rot on examination papers.

1) A broaden B extend C stretch D concentrate

2) A resume B assume C adopt D presume

3) A to supplement B supplemening C to support D supporting

4) A scale B specimen C ring D range

5) A deep B long C wide D high

6) A Lastly B Virtually C Finally D Consequently

7) A possible B available C peobable D capable

8) A many B few C other D some

9) A Even though B in case C despite D however

10) A consider B considered C are considering D are considered

11) A most B best C least D worst

12) A conditions B terms C condition D term

13) A included B includes C to include D including

14) A after all B except for C as well D as well as

15) A employers B employees C parents D relatives

16) A which B that C in that D in which

17) A anything B something C everything D nothing

18) A bread B butter C breadth D broad

19) A assess B assume C assist D assign

20) A no more than B rather than C better than D less than

abadc bbaad

bbbda dbcab


Some personal characteristics play a vital role in the development of one's intelligence.But people fail to realize the importance of cultivating these factors in young people.

The so-called "non-intelligence factor" include __1_ feelings ,will,motivation,interests and habits.After a 30-year follow-up study of 8000 males,American psychologists _2__ that the main cause of disparities in intelligence is not intelligence _3__,but non-intelligence factors including the desire to learn ,will-power and self-confidence.

_4__ people all know that one should have definite objectives,a strong will and good learning habits,quite a number of teachers and parents don't pay much attention to __5_ these factors. Some parents are greatly worried __6_ their children fail to do well in their studies.They blame either genetic factors,malnutrition,or laziness,but they never take _7__ consideration these non-intelligence factors.At the same time,some teachers don't inquire into these,as reason _8__ students do poorly.They simply give them more course and exercises,or _9__ rebuke or ridicule them.After all,these students lose self-confidence.Some of them just feel defeated and _10__ themselves up as hopeless.Others may go astray because they are sick of learning._11__ investigation of more than 1000 middle students in Shanghai showed that 46.5 percent of them were _12__ of learning,because of examination ,36.4 percent lacked persitence,initiative and conscientiousness and 10.3 percent were sick of learning.

It is clear _13__ the lack of cultivation of non-intelligence factors has been a main _14__ to intelligence development in teenagers.It even causes an imbalance between physiological and __15_ development among a few students.

If we don't start now to _16__ the cultivation of non-intelligence factors,it will not only obstruct the development of the __17_ of teenagers,but also affect the quality of a whole generation.Some experts have put forward _18__ about how to cultivate student's non-intelligence factors.

First,parents and teachers should _19__ understand teenage psychology.Onthis basic,they can help them to pursue the objectives of learning ,_20__ their interests and toughening their willpower.

1) A one's B their C his D her

2) A came out B found out C figured out D worked out

3) A in itself B by itself C itself D on its own

4) A though B nevertheless C however D moreover

5) A believing B studying C cultivating D developing

6) A about B when C how D whether

7) A for B in C into D over

8) A why B that C when D how

9) A ever B even C still D more

10) A put B get C handle D give

11) A the B an C another D and

12) A afraid B ahead C aware D ashamed

13) A that B how C why D which

14) A storage B tendency C threat D obstacle

15) A intelligent B characteristic C psychological D physical

16) A chase B thrust C strengthen D physical

17) A intelligence B diligence C maturity D performance

18) A projects B warnings C proposals D decision

19) A fully B greatly C very D highly

20) A insuring B going C exceeding D stimulating abcac bcabd

baadc cacad


Ludwig Van Beethoven,a major composer of the nineteenth century,overcame many _1__ problems to achieve artistic greatness.

Born in Bonn,Germany,in 1770,he first studied music _2__ the court organist,Gilles Vander Eeden.His father was excessively strict and given to _3__ drinking.When his mother died,Beethoven,then a young man,was __4_ guardian of his two younger brothers.Appointed deputy court organists to Christian Gottlob Neefe at a surprisingly early age in 1782,Beethoven also __5_ the harpsichord and the Viola.In 1792 he was sent to Vienna __6_ his patron.court Ferdinated Waldstein,to _7__ music under Haydn.

Beethoven __8_ unmarried.Because _9__ irregular payment from his publishers and erratic support __10_ his patrons,he was troubled by financial worries throughout his _11__ life.Continually plagued by _12__ health,he developed an ear infection which _13__ to his tragic deafness in 1819.

In _14__ of this handicap,however,he continued to write music.He completed mature mastepieces of great musical depth;three piano sonatas,four string quarters,the Missa Solemins,and the 9th Symphony.He died in 1872.His life was marked by a passionate dedication __15_ independence.

Nothing that Beethoven often __16_ into fits of rage,Goethe once said__17_ him," I am astonished by his talent,but he is unfortunately an altogether untamed personality." _18__ Beethoven's personality may have been _19__ ,his music shows great discipline and control ,and this is _20__ we remember him best.

1) A personal B himself C private D own

2) A by B within C with D for

3) A small B heavy C many D great

4) A sent B send C name D named

5) A played B play C playing D to play

6) A by B on C in D from

7) A studying B have studied C study D be studied

8) A reminded B remarked C remanded D remained

9) A for B of C with D on

10) A from B on C under D between

11) A older B younger C adult D old

12) A good B worse C illness D ill

13) A led B caused C leads D caused

14) A despite B spite C although D though

15) A of B on C to D with

16) A flew B fly C came D come

17) A with B for C to D of

18) A in spite of B although C however D since

19) A intamed B distamed C untamed D iltamed

20) A how B when C where D who acbda acdba

cdabc adbca


We know we have to read "between the lines" to get the most out of anything.Making up is also a useful practice,_1__ you shouldn't mark up a book which isn't yours.Librarian who_2__ you books expect you to keep them clean,and you should .If you decide that I am right about the usefulness of marking books,you will have to _3__ them.

There are two ways in _4__ one can own a book.The first is the property right you establish by _5__ it,just as you pay for clothes and furniture. But the act of purchase is only the prelude to __6_.Full ownership comes only when you have made it a _7__ of yourself,and the best way _8__ yourself a part of it is by writing in it.An illustration may make the point clear.You buy a beefsteak and transfer it __9_ the butcher's icebox to you own.But you don't own the beefsteak in the most important sense until you comsume it and get it _10__ your bloodstream.I am arguing that books,too,must be absored in tour bloodstream _11__ you any good.

There are three kinds of book owners.The first has all the standard sets and best sellers—unread,__12_.The second has a _13__ many books —few of them read__14_,most of them dipped into,but all of them as clean and shiny _15__ the day they were bought.The third has a few books or many—every one of them__16_ and dilapidated.

Why is __17_ a book indispensable to reading?First,it keeps you awake.I mean wide_18__.In the second place,reading if it is active,is thinking,and thinking __19_ express itself in words.Finally,writing helps you remember the thought you had,ot the thoughts the author _20__ .

1) A but B although C and D so

2) A borrow B borrrowed C lend D lent

3) A buying B buy C borrow D exchange

4) A which B that C what D there

5) A pay for B pay C paying D paying for

6) A possesses B possess C possession D possessions

7) A group B part C series D number

8) A to change B to make C making D changing

9) A from B into C to D form

10) A away from B out of C into D under

11) A having doing B doing C do D to do

12) A untouching B untouched C touching D touched

13) A great B large C big D greater

14) A on B aloud C through D about

15) A when B which C before D as

16) A dogearing B dogeared C to be dogeared D to dogear

17) A marking up B mark up C to mark up D to mark

18) A wake B wake up C awaking D awake

19) A tend to B tends to C tending to D tending

20) A expressing B to express C expressed D to expressing acbad cbbac

dbacd badbc


Although many people speak English,they don't pronounce it or spell the word they use the same way.The United States, in __1_ ,has its own special way of pronouncing and spelling the English language.They speak American English ,and they __2_ a lot of its special character to one man:Noah Webster.

Noah Webster was born in Connecticut in 1758.He _3__during a period of great American patriotism.He gratuated from Yale University when he was 20. The __4_ of the American Revolution brought independence to the United States,but political _5__ didn't satisfy Webster.He wanted to _6__ "the King's English" and replace it __7_ a special American Language.

In 1783,Webster published a textbook called The American spelling Book.It was used by generation after __8_ of American school children .Because the book had a blue back,it become famous __9_ "the blue-backed speller".

Webster also _10__ a dictionary.It too,became very __11_ and was updated and reprinted many times.__12_ are,when you go to look up a word,you'll _13__ the word in a new edition of Noah Webster's book.

In his books,Webster made many changes in the English used in the United States.He suggested new ways to __14_ and spell English words.He also added new American __15_ to the language. Webster made many other changes,most of _16__ American use today.However,Webster did not go __17_ his friend Benjamin Franklin wanted him to.Franklin wanted to __18_ all the silent letters from words;he also wanted to change the spelling of many words.Had Franklin written the dictionary __19_ Webster,he would spell give[giv],and wrong[rong].Franklin really wanted to give us our own mother tongue-but we would have _20__ it tong!

1) A particular B special C ordinary D extraordinary

2) A owing B own C owning D owe

3) A grows up B has been grown up C grew up D has grown up

4) A final B end C finish D terminal

5) A independence B dependence C independent D dependent

6) A doing away with B doing with C do away with D do with

7) A using B by C under D with

8) A a generation B generation C many years D generations

9) A for B by C with D as

10) A compiled B has compiled C was compiling D compiles

11) A popularity B population C popular D pollution

12) A opportunities B chances C opportunity D chance

13) A look up B look after C look for D look to

14) A write B learn C have pronounced D pronounce

15) A sentences B words C ways D means

16) A that B them C which D the

17) A as far as B as quick as C as long as D as good as

18) A do away with B keep C get rid of D drop

19) A instead of B instead C in the stead of D replace

20) A been spelling B read C spelled D been reading adcba cdbaa

cbadb cadac


English belongs,in a rather complicated way,to the Indo-European family __1_ includes most of the European languages and a few Asiatic ones. We don't know __2_ the orginal speakers of the parent Indo-European language lived.Guessed about their homeland __3_ all the way from northwestern Europe __4_ central Asia.According to all the early _5__ ,they were a tall,blond,and warlike people,with a good __6_ of energy and intelligence.In their native land they had developed _7__ writing nor cities,so there is not much __8_ about how they lived when they were at home.But when they __9_ home and went out in __10_ of new lands,the Indo-European seem to have been generally successful in _11__ the countries they came to.

When a wave of them _12__ a territory already crowded,they _13__ the original population._14__ they lost their distinctive appearance by intermarrying with the earlier inhabitants,and sometimes they also _15__ most of the features of their language.When a _16__ went to a more thinly-settled territory,they naturally _17__ their physical characteristics comparatively unchanged for a much longer time;and they were likely to preserve the _18__ features of their language also,though the two things did not always go together.

The Slavic and Celltic languages,__19_ Indian,Persian ,and some others,are of Indo-Euro-pean origin,but the three branchs with _20__ English is most concerned are the Greek,Latin,and Germanic,particularly the last.

1) A which B whose C that D whom

2) A that B which C where D whose

3) A is ranging B range C have ranged D have been ranged

4) A into B towards C from D to

5) A records B recording C tapes D notes

6) A number B great C amount D deal

7) A either B neither C other D both

8) A evidence B points C understanding D knowing

9) A leave B would leave C left D were leaving

10) A search B wanting C looking D demanding

11) A conquer B conquering C defeat D defeating

12) A settled in B settled C settled down D settled to

13) A mix with B mixed together C mixed with D mix together

14) A on time B from time C by time D in time

15) A give in B gave in C gave up D give up

16) A branch B wave C group D kind

17) A preserve B reserve C preserved D reserved

18) A special B particular C distinguished D distinctive

19) A as well as B as good as C as well D as good

20) A them B which C the three branches D that

acbda dbaca

bacdc bcdab


Although many governments try to convince their respective subjects that atomic energy is an acceptable alternative _1__ the burning of fossil fuels,no government has taken the least trouble to explain the dangers.Maybe they are __2_ them.__3_ the reason,the public must learn by experience,even though this _4__ may be catastrophic.

While it is true that nuclear reactors do not produce visible smoke,it is certainly not __5_ that they do not pollute.And the pollution they produce is much more insidious precisely because it is __6_.

__7_ inconvenient it may be for governments to publish all the facts,they have no moral excuse for not doing so,__8_ they think they are acting in our best interest.At least some of the facts are known,even though they are not widely reported.

Nuclear reactors produce radioactive water and gases in vast _9__.What __10_ all this waste?It is __11_ concrete tanks and stored on tank farms.It is __12_ in disused salt mines.It is run into fractured rock.It is buried.It is __13_ about in special trains.But even when dumped,it has to be kept __14_ by sprinklers to stop it from boiling.And the contents of the tanks are,of course,extremely corrosive.The efforts of a fracture in the tank or a failure of the cooling system would be _15__.

While every effort is made to _16__ that radioactive wastes do not excape into the sea or _17__ supplies of drinking water,such a leakage would be too horrible __18_ contemplate.But even then ,governments would presumably continue to belittle the hazards.

It seems that __19_ governments can get away with not telling the truth,they will continue to keep silent.Nevertheless the people _20__ to know the full facts.Do you know what happens to the radioactive waste in your country?No?Well—find out!

1) A for B with C to D instead of

2) A unaware of B aware of C unaware from D aware from

3) A however B whatever C whenever D wherever

4) A experiment B government C danger D experience

6) A visible B invisible C disvisible D unvisible

5) A unture B unreal C true D distrue

7) A however B whatever C whenever D wherever

8) A even B if even C if D even if

9) A numbers B quality C quantities D degree

10) A happens to B happen to C happened to D happening to

11) A put down B put into C put up D puto onto

12) A stored B storing C being stored D to be stored

13) A transporting B transport C being transported D transported

14) A hot B cooled C cool D to cool

15) A disaster B danger C a disaster D disastrous

16) A reassure B ensure C convince D assure

17) A in front of B behind C forward D into

18) A against B that C to D too

19) A as long as B as well as C as good as D as smart as

20) A has a right B with a right C having a right D have a right cabdc badca

badcd bdcad


I __1_ by myself in my usual compartment for at least 10 minutes,waiting __2_.The train never seemed to start on time and I often thought that I could have __3_ in bed a little longer,or had another cup of tea before _4__. Suddenly I heard someone __5_ on the platform outside.A young girl _6__ towards the train.The man on duty put out his hand __7_ but she ran past him and opened the door of my compartment.Then the whistle blew and the train started.

"I nearly missed it,__8_?"the girl said."How long does it take to _9__ London?"

"It depends on the engine driver."I said ,"Some day it's much slower than others."

"I'll have to __10_ so as not to be late again tomorrow,"she said."_11__ my first day at work with a new firm today and they told me that the man _12__ is very strict.I __13_ him yet so I don't know __14_ but he sounds a bit frightening."

She talked about the new job on the way to London and before long,I realized that she _15__ for my firm.I _16__ in the firm for nearly 20 years.Our boss was really a very strict man.My own secretary _17__ so I must be her new boss._18__ fair to her.

"Oh,dear,"she said."What a terrible mistake!I wish I _19__."

"Never mind,"I said."at least you'll know when you train's late_20__."

1) A have been sitting B had been sitting

C sit

D am sitting

2) A for the train to start B the train starting

C the train start

D for the train starting

3) A lain B laid C lied D lay

4) A I have left the home B I leave from home

C leaving home

D to leave home

5) A shouting B shouted C was shouting D be shouting

6) A running B runs C is running D was running

7) A stop her B stops her C and stopped her D to stop her

8) A haven't I B wasn't I C don't I D didn't I

9) A get to B reach to C arrive to D make to

10) A mend me the watch B mend me my watch

C have my watch mended

D have mended my watch

11) A there was B there is C it is D it was

12) A I am going to work for B what I am going to work for

C for which I am going to work

D which I am going to work for

13) A did not meet B haven't met C didn't know D haven't known

14) A what he is like B what is he like

C how he is

D how is he

15) A had been working B will go to work

C is going to work

D was going to working

16) A had been working B have been working

C worked

D have worked

17) A was left B leaves C had left D have left

18) A there was B that was C it was D was

19) A know B knew C have known D had known

20) A so will the time be B the mine will be,too

C so will mine

D mine will be,too




Glass is everywhere in our lives.It is so common __1_ we hardly think about it.We _2__ it when we look out of the window and if we wear glasses.We drink from it and sometimes eat from it.The light in our homes comes through glass windows in the daytime and from glass lights _3__.Glass __4_ in homes,schools,businesss,industry,and automobiles.

Fortunately for us,glass is __5_ very inexpensive materials.The main material is sand from quatz rock.The mixture is heated until it becomes a syrupy _6__. When the liquid cools,it becomes glass.

No one knows __7_ first discovered glass or how.Early humans used obsidian,a natural glass __8_ by volcanoes,to make tools and jewelry.People probably began making glass themselves around 3000 B.C. in Syria.Then in a war __9_ Egypt and Syria in 1400 B.C,Syria became part of Egypt.The Egyptians took Syrian glassmakers __10_ to Egypt,and over the centuries the entire eastern Mediterranean area became a glassmaking center.

Probably around 300 B.C. the blowpipe __11_. Egyptian glassmakers developed the use of the blowpipe.They specialized _12__ beautiful jewelry,dishes,and other containers.

The Romans soon started making their own glass.Then they _13__ that glass could be used to make windows.__14_ centuries later,Europeans made magnificent church windows __15_ colored glass.

__16_ 1900 companies have developed many new types of glass.Safety glass is a sandwich of glass and plastic.If it breaks,the pieces stay together _17__ flying in all directions.This invention is very useful _18__ automobile windows.

Today most glass is made __19_ machines in large factories.No one _20__ it. People use television and computers to control the machines.

1) A that B which C where D as

2) A look for B look in C look after D look through

3) A in night B at night C for night D with noght

4) A was used B used C is used D are used

5) A made from B made of C make from D make of

6) A solid B the solid C the liquid D liquid

7) A whom B whoever C who D whose

8) A was from B formed C was formed D was forming

9) A between B among C beneath D both

10) A from B go C back D come

11) A was discovered B was invented C discovered D invented

12) A in B on C for D from

13) A knew B recognized C told D realized

14) A few B little C a few D a little

15) A from B to C into D on

16) A because B as C for D since

17) A instead B take place of C instead of D replace

18) A on B onto C into D in

19) A into B for C by D from

20) A smells B touches C sees D feels


From the very beginning,water has furnished man with a source of food and a highway to travel.The first civilizations arose __1_ water was dominant element in the environment,a challenge__2_ man's ingenuity.The Egyptians invented the 365-day calendar __3_ the Nile's annual flooding.The Babylonians,_4__ were among the most famous law-makers in ancient times,invented laws_5__ water usage.Water inspired the Chinese to build a 1000__6_ canal,a complex system __7_,after 2500 years,remains partically __8_ and still commands the astonishment of engineers.But _9__ never found complete solutions_10__ their water problem .The Yellow River is also known _11__ "China's sorrow".It is so unpredictable and dangerous __12_ in a single flood it has caused a million _13__.Floods slowed the great _14__ of the Indus River Valleys,and innumerable damage ruined _15__ of its land.Today,water dominates man _16__ it always has done.Its presence continues to __17_ the location of his homes and cities;its violent variability can _18__ man or his herds or his crops;its routes links him __19_ his fellows;its immense value may __20_ to already dangerous political conflicts.There are many examples of this in our own time.

1) A where B the place C when D in the place

2) A with B as C to D on

3) A in regard to B in response to C in case D in spite of

4) A they B / C that D who

5) A regulates B regulate C regulated D regulating

6) A miles B mile C mile's D miles'

7) A who B in which C which D by which

8) A in use B for use C by use D on use

9) A ancient B the ancients C ancients D ancients people

10) A for B of C to D on

11) A for B by C to D as

12) A that B which C because D as

13) A people B deaths C damages D ruins

14) A influence B effect C society D civilization

15) A many B lot C much D a lots

16) A for B as C because D whereas

17) A effect B control C lead D influence

18) A cause B violate C kill D damage

19) A by B on C at D to

20) A increase B add C solve D intensify


According to government statistics,men of all social calsses in Britain visit pubs quite often,_1__ the kind of pub they go to may be different and their reasons for going there __2_,too.At present,they often take their wives or girlfriends,which _3__ to be the case.

The fact is that the Typical English pub is changing,not only __4_ the licensing laws not being so strict as they __5_,but also because publicans are trying to _6__ away with the old Victorian _7__ of the pub and _8__ provide couples with an atmosphere where they can both feel happy.Pubs used not to open __9_ at certain time.The result was that they were usually _10__ with men who seemed to be drinking as much as possible in the time_11__.But the kind of pub is quickly becoming a thing of the past.

Curiously enough,the old British licensing laws,which foreigners found so objectionable and absurd ,were_12___introduced as a_13___measure to stop workers drinking in the World War I.__14___,the strong puritanical _15__in Parliament took_16__of the law and_17__it.

Opening hours are _18__ limited to eight hours a day,but publicans can now choose which hours _19__ them best.And nowadays you can even get a cup of coffee if you prefer __20_ beer.But in spite of this the Puritans would never dream of admitting that a pub could become a repeatable place.

1) A and B though C when D as

2) A disagree B diverge C vary D deviate

3) A used not B not used C used D is used

4) A because B because of C as D in that

5) A were B are C used D had been

6) A take B do C keep D go

7) A sight B image C appearance D perception

8) A then B instead C further D still

9) A except B except for C only D only for

10) A covered B crowed C full D plenty

11) A available B proper C probable D accessible

12) A ordinarily B generally C originally D formely

13) A perpetual B temporary C uniform D temperate

14) A Nevertheless B However C Afterward D Furthermore

15) A factor B element C component D atom

16) A advantage B profit C use D charge

17) A retained B contained C maintained D protected

18) A even B just C but D still

19) A suit B match C meet D agree

20) A against B for C with D to


Each company has many "public" who would be able not only to recognize its name __1_ to correctly identify its industry and its _2__.These publics include present customers and stockholders as well as banks,insurance companies,stockbrokers,and securities __3_ who supply the company with essential services and capital.

The _4__ names of many well-established companies can be one of misinformation,thereby _5__ communication with them. This was the problem that faced Michigan Seamless Tube Company---a company with sales of 128 million a year. At first__6_,the company's name tell us that it is located in Michigan _7__ that it manifactures seamless tubing.What the name does not __8_ to most people is the fact Michigan Seamless tube also has operations in five __9_ states and has a varied production line of forgings,broaching machines,tools,ans steel bars in addition to seamless tubing.The problem was __10_ by the company's _11__ ,which operated _12__ their own names and were not clearly identified with the _13__ company.

Customers,suppliers,and the financial community did not see Michigan Aeamless Tube as a _14__ based metal producer.They perceived it only as a small,_15__,regional manufacturing company.The company's __16_ decided to adopt a new corporate identity.

The _17__ point for this change was the company name. The new name had to be one that could encompass all of the company's products and subsidiaries, a name that would correctly project the image of a _18__ corporation.After considering many different possibilities,management decided on a __19_ word:Quanex--- a name _20__ from a combination of the first three letters of the word "quality" and the first three letters of the Latin word "nex",which means connection.

1) A and B but C however D either

2) A production B product C producing D by-product

3) A analytical B analyst C analysis D analysts

4) A business B co-operation C incorporation D corporate

5) A limiting B limits C limit D limited

6) A glance B view C watch D consideration

7) A and B but C so D however

8) A pass B transfer C convey D transmit

9) A else B others C other D rest

10) A decreased B increasingly C increased D compounded

11) A headquarters B plants C agents D subsidiaries

12) A in B under C with D have

13) A parent B mother C head office D original

14) A broadly B sizebly C competitively D largely

15) A specialized B special C specialty D specialization

16) A managements B managerial C managers D management

17) A first B start C begin D starting

18) A diversification B dicersifying C diversify D diversified

19) A created Bcoined C made D imagined

20) A resulted B compounded C derived D changed


During the 1980s,unemployment and underemployment in some countries was as high as 90 percent.Some countries did not _1__ enough food;basic needs in housing and clothing were not _2__.Many of these countries looked to the industrial processes of the developed countries _3__ solutions.

__4_,problems cannot always be solved by copying the Industrialized countries.Industry in the developed countries is highly automated and very __5_.It provides fewer jobs than labor-intensive industrial processes,and highly __6_ workers are needed to _7__ and repair the equipment.These workers must be trained _8__ many countries do not have the necessary training institutions.Thus,the __9_ of importing industry become higher.Students must be sent abroad to _10__ vocational and professional training.__11_,just to begin training,the students must _12__ learn English,French,German,or Japanese.The students then spend many years abroad,and _13__ do not return home.

All countries agree that science and technology _14__ be shared.The point is:countries __15_ the industrial precesses of the developed countries need to look carefully _16__ the costs,because many of these costs are _17__. Students from these countries should __18_ the problem of the developed countries closely.__19_ care,they will take home not the problem of science and technology,_20__ the benefits.

1) A generate B raise C produce D manufacture

2) A answered B met C calculated D remembered

3) A for B without C as D about

4) A moreover B therefore C anyway D however

5) A expensive B mechanical C flourishing D complicated

6) A gifted B skilled C trained D versatile

7) A keep B maintain C retain D protect

8) A since B so C and D yet

9) A charge B price C cost D value

10) A accept B gain C receive D absorb

11) A frequently B incidentally C deliberately D eventually

12) A soon B quickly C immediately D first

13) A some B others C several D few

14) A might B should C would D will

15) A adopting B conducting C receiving D adjusting

16) A to B at C on D about

17) A opaque B secret C sealed D hidden

18) A tackle B learn C study D manipulate

19) A in B through C with D under

20) A except B nor C or D but


Predictions of many robots in industry have yet come true.For ten years or more,manufacturers of big robots have explained how their machines can make industry more competitive and productive.The maker for _1__ robots is oversupplied now,and the driving force of the robotics revolution is _2__ to be with maker of machines that handle a few kilos at most.

"Heavy-robot manufacturers are in some difficulty __3_ finding customers.They are offering big __4_ just to get in the door.There has been a _5__ growth everywhere in the numbers of robots,so we admit we are either deceiving __6_ or that the market is slowly growing."said John Reekie,chairman of Colen Robotics."The following things must happen__7_ the robotics revolution to occur.We must achieve widespread robot literacy._8__ there has been a computer __9_ program,there must be a robot literacy program.__10_,some kind of artificial intelligence needs to be _11__.

Colen makes educational robots and machine tools.It is small _12__ with companies like ASEA or Fujitsu Fanuc. But Colen with others in departments in universities such as Surrey,Manchester,and Durham posses an advantage _13__ the giants.The big companies sell very expensive _14__ to businesses with expert knowledge in automation.The _15__ companies make robots for teaching people,and now they have realized that there is a need for small,__16_ robots that they can meet.

The little companies either bring their educational machines _17__ an industrial standard or design from the start.One technique that they all adopt is to choose __18_ components where possible.The major cost of making __19_ their models is the electronics,which will fall in price.There is _20__ scope for reductions in mechanical costs.The use of standard parts,which are easily replaced,should give these robots a mechanical life of something in the order of five years.

1) A small B educational C big D business

2) A claimed B called C thought D told

3) A to B with C over D in

4) A money B discounts C prices D costs

5) A exciting B encouraging C satisfying D disapointing

6) A ourselves B customers C companies D us

7) A to B for C in D with

8) A as if B even though C just as D although

9) A custom B literacy C poem D tradition

10) A however B finally C whereas D because

11) A capable B possible C probable D available

12) A compared B comparing C contrasted D contrasting

13) A than B above C over D from

14) A tools B robots C machines D electronics

15) A other B big C little D robot

16) A expensive B artificial C educational D low-cost

17) A up to B on C in D about

18) A mechanical B standard C cheap D small

19) A much B many C both D some

20) A more B less C no D least


综合性学习 少年正是读书时 1、学校文学社团“华韵文学社”决定举办一场“读名著、谈感受”研讨会。你如果是文学社的社长,请你完成下面的任务: A.请你设计一条体现研讨会主题的宣传标语(口号)。 _____________________________________________________________________________________ B.请你为研讨会主持人设计一段开场白。(不超过80字) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ C、请你提建议:组织什么活动? _____________________________________________________________________________________ D、用推荐信的方式向文学社(同学们)推荐一部你喜爱的名著,以供大家参考阅读。(要结合人物和情节,说说你从名著中受到的启迪。)(注意书信的格式) E、在讨论“中学生是否需要课外阅读”这一话题时,有的老师认为“需要”,有的家长认为“不需要”。作为一名学生,你是如何看待的?根据你的认识写一段话,阐述自己的观点和理由来说服他们。 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ F、各小组要用对联的形式表达对此次活动的感悟,已经写出了上联,请你为其补出下联。 上联:阅经典传承文化瑰宝 下联:___________________ 2、联合国教科文组织把每年的4月23日确定为“世界读书日”。为庆祝这一文化节日,某校决定以“书香满校园,共享读书乐”为主题开展一次读书活动。请你完成下列活动。 (1)在读书心得栏里小华写下了“书籍是人类进步的阶梯”的留言。请你也摘录一则关于读书的名言作为自己的座右铭。 _____________________________________________________________________________________ (2)假如你是这次动员会的主持人,请拟出三项会议议程。(3分) ①___________________________________________________________


第一单元微小世界 1 放大镜 探究起跑线 1、说说哪些工作需要用到放大镜?放大镜的作用是什么? 探究接力棒 一、填一填 1.放大镜是我们在科学学习中经常用到的观察工具,也叫__凸透镜__ ,它的特点是中间_厚__,边缘__薄__。 2.人类很早就发现某些___透明的宝石__ 可放大物体的影像,在13世纪,英国一位主教__格罗斯泰斯特,最早提出放大装置的应用,他的学生培根设计并制造了能增进视力的眼镜。 3.放大镜不仅能将物体图像____放大__,而且能让我们观察到_肉眼_观察不到的细节。 二. 选一选 1.在下列器材中加上水,哪些器材可以用来制作放大镜。(B)

A、不透明的杯子 B、透明塑料袋 C、方形的玻璃器具 2.放大镜的放大倍数和镜片的(A)有关。 A凸度 B材料 C面积 3、放大镜的放大倍数越大,所能观察到的视野就(C)。 A、越大 B、不变 C、越小 2放大镜下的昆虫世界 探究接力棒 一.填一填 1.在放大镜下我们可以看到蟋蟀的“耳朵”在足的侧。 2.触角是昆虫主要的感觉器官,有识别气味功能,也有平衡、帮助呼吸、识别异性等作用。不同昆虫触角的形状不同,科学研究表明昆虫触角就是的它“鼻子”。 3.草蛉是蚜虫的天敌。蚜虫在植物嫩枝上吸食汁液,每个蚜虫只有针眼般大小,我们用肉眼只能看见它们是密密麻麻的一片,但在10倍放大镜下我们可以看清它们的肢体。4.在放大镜下我们观察到蝴蝶的翅膀表面上布满了彩色小鳞片,这些鳞片其实是扁平的细毛。 3. 放大镜下的晶体 探究接力棒 一、填一填 1.将溶液风干或加热使其水分蒸发可使物质重新结晶析出,得到的是这种溶液的晶体。2.像食盐、白糖、碱面、味精的颗粒都是有规则几何外形,称为晶体。常见的晶体有立方体、金字塔形、针形等形状。 二、选一选


2011年教师资格证考试教育学同步训练试题及答案(3) 来源:考试大【关注考试大,就是关注自己地未来】 2010年12月8日 典型真题分析 1.学校心理辅导地目标可归纳为两个方面:一是学会调适,二是_____. (2007年) 【评析】寻求发展,此题旨在考查学校心理辅导地目标. 2.如果某学生怕狗,你如何用“系统脱敏法”消除他对狗地惧怕反应? (2008年4月) 【评析】第一步可以先让他看各种狗地照片、谈论狗;第二步再让他远远观看拴起或关起地狗;第三步最后让他接近狗、摸狗、抱起狗.此题旨在考查影响学生行为改变地方法在实际心理辅导中地具体运用. 同步训练试题 一、单项选择题 1.正确地健康概念应指( ). A.没有疾病 B.身体状实 C.不但躯体健康而且心理健康 D.心理素质高 2.下列选项中,对心理健康理解不正确地是( ). A.心理健康是比较而言地,从健康到不健康只是程度地不同,而无本质地区别 B.心理健康反映地是某一段时间内地特定状态,而不应认为是固定地和永远如此地 C.心理健康标准是一个发展地文化地概念,会随着社会地发展变化而发展变化 D.心理健康等于没有疾病或疾病仅限于躯体疾病 3.学校心理辅导是学校实施心理健康教育地主渠道,下列对学校心理辅导理解正确地一项是( ). A.学校心理辅导以少数有心理问题地个别学生为服务对象 B.心理辅导把工作地重点放在预防心理问题地出现和促进学生潜能地发展上 C.学校心理辅导侧重于学生地心理与行为障碍矫治地心理治疗 D.心理辅导等同于心理咨询和心理治疗 4.心理辅导地途径有多种,下列陈述不正确地一项是( ). A.专门开设地心理健康课程一般有两种形式.一种是以讲授为主地有关课程,另一种是开设心理辅导活动课 B.心理辅导与班级、团队地日常活动没什么区别 C.心理健康教育可以渗透在学科教学中来实施 D.个别辅导最能体现心理辅导中因材施辅地原则 5.罗杰斯在其“以人为中心地治疗”中将“无条件积极关注”看做心理辅导地前提之一,这体现了学校心理辅导地( ). A.面向全体学生原则 B.发展性原则 C.尊重与理解学生原则 D.尊重学生主体性原则 6.心理健康教育地对象主要组成是( ). A.心理障碍学生 B.正常学生


高一化学基础训练及能力提升练习题(一) 元素周期表 一、基础训练 选择题(每小题只有1个选项符合题意) 1.下列关于元素周期表的说法,错误的是 A.元素周期表是元素按原子量大小排列而成的 B.从第一周期到第三周期元素,其原子的价电子数和族数是一致的 C.主族元素中(氢除外)族序数越小的元素,其最高价氧化物的水化物碱性越强D.元素周期表是元素周期律的具体表现形式 2.下列各图若为元素周期表的一部分(表中数字为原子序数),其中正确的是 3.下列各组中的元素用原子序数表示,其中都属于主族的一组元素是A.2、4、6B.19、20、21 C.1、3、5D.8、16、18 4.主族元素在周期表中的位置取决于元素原子的 A.原子量和核外电子数B.电子层数和最外层电子数 C.原子量和最外层电子数D.电子层数和次外层电子数 5.在周期表中金属和非金属的分界线附近能找到 A.制农药的元素B.制催化剂的元素C.做半导体的元素D.耐高温材料元素选择题(每小题有1或2个选项符合题意) 6.下列关于周期表中第三周期元素性质从左到右变化趋势的叙述,错误的是A.最高正价依次升高B.气态氢化物稳定性逐渐增强 C.原子半径逐渐增大D.最高价氧化物对应的水化物碱性渐弱,酸性渐强7.下列气态氢化物中,按稳定性由强到弱的顺序排列的是 A.HI、HBr、HCl、HF B.HCl、H2S、PH3、SiH4 C.H2O、H2S、HCl、HBr D.HF、H2O、NH3、CH4 8.下列各组元素最高价氧化物对应水化物碱性渐弱,酸性渐强的是A.NaOH、Mg(OH)2、H3PO4、H2SO4 B.KOH、NaOH、H2SO4、HClO4 C.Be(OH)2、Ca(OH)2、HBrO4、HClO4 D.Mg(OH)2、Ba(OH)2、H3PO4、H2SO4 9.同主族3种元素X、Y、Z,已知它们的最高价氧化物对应水化物的酸性HXO4>HYO4>HZO4则下列判断正确的是 A.原子半径X>Y>Z B.气态氢化物稳定性HX<HY<HZ C.非金属性X>Y>Z D.气态氢化物还原性HX>HY>HZ 10.R元素的原子有3个电子层,M层电子数是K层电子数的3倍,对R元素的判断不正确的是 A.R元素处于3周期ⅥA族B.R元素是较活泼的非金属元素 C.原子核外共有14个电子D.元素最低化合价为-2价 11.某元素Y的核外电子数等于核内中子数,取2.8 g该元素的单质与氧气充分反应,可得6.0g化合物YO2,则该元素在周期表中位置 A.第三周期B.第二周期C.第ⅣA族D.第Ⅴ族 12.短周期中的两种元素X和Y,X的原子序数大于Y,X原子的最外层电子数是内层电子总数的一半,Y的二价阴离子和Ne原子的电子层结构相同,关于X和Y形成的化合物Z的说法正确的是 A.Z是酸性氧化物B.Z的水化物是碱 C.Z的化学式为X2Y D.Z的水化物的酸性强于硫酸 13.A、B、C 3种元素的核外电子数都比氩原子少,若A和C处于同一主族,A和B的核电荷数之差为5,B原子的M电子层比L电子层少2个电子,则A、B、 C 3种元素分别为 A.Li、Na、S B.Na、S、Li C.Na、K、Br D.K、Br、Na 14.X和Y2元素的阳离子具有相同的电子层结构,X元素的阳离子半径大于Y元素的阳离子半径,Z和Y两元素的原子核外电子层数相同,Z元素的原子半径小于Y元素的原子半径,X、Y、Z3种元素原子序数的关系是 A.X>Y>Z B.Y>X>Z C.Z>X>Y D.Z>Y>X 15.短周期元素X和Y能形成XY4化合物,若X的原子序数为m,Y的原子序数为n,则m和n不可能的关系是 A.m-13=n B.n+5=m C.m+8=n D.n-11=m 16.某元素原子最外电子层上只有两个电子,该元素 A.一定是金属元素B.一定是ⅡA族元素 C.一定是过渡元素D.可能是金属元素,也可能不是金属元素 填空题 1.在短周期元素中:①金属性最强的元素是________,与水反应最剧烈的非金属是________;②地壳中含量最丰富的元素位于第________周期第________族,地壳中含量最多的金属元素位于周期表的第________周期第________族.在11~18号的元素中;③原子半径最小的元素是________,阳离子半径最小的是________,阴离子半径最小的是________;④最高价氧化物中既能与盐酸,又能与烧碱反应的有________.2.在短周期元素中:原子核外电子总数是其最外层电子数2倍的元素是________,


中学教育学第二章教育与社会的发展同步训练 一、单选题 1. 决定教育领导权的是() A 生产力 B 科学技术 C 政治经济制度 D 文化 2 .决定教育事业发展规模和速度的是() A 科学技术 B 政治经济制度 C 文化 D 生产力 3 .首次提出“人力资本”理论的学者是() A 布鲁钠 B 赞可夫 C 舒尔茨D皮亚杰 4 .“人力资本”理论创建于() A 1948年 B 1952年 C 1958年 D 1960年 5. 影响受教育者的数量和教育质量的因素是() A 政治经济制度 B 科学技术 C 生产力 D 文化 6 .教育能推进科学的() A 制度化 B 系统化 C 体制化 D 全面化 7.决定教育目的的性质和思想品德教育的内容的是() A.文化B政治经济制度C生产力D.科学技术8.校园文化的核心是() A.物质文化B.组织制度文化C精神文化D.课程活动文化 9.从世界教育发展的历程看,信息革命后提出了()的要求。

A.普及初等教育B.普及初级中等教育 C普及高级中等教育D.高等教育大众化 10.制约着教育的规模速度和结构的是() A.政治经济制度B.生产力水平C科学技术D.人力资本 11.决定着教育的内容和手段的是() A.政治经济制度B.生产力水平C科学技术D.人力资本 二、填空题(不是考试题型,但可以训练知识要点的掌握) 1.-----------------决定着受教育的权利。 2. 教育是一种影响政治经济的--------------力量。 3. ------------------发展水平制约着教育结构的变化。 4. 人力资本理论的核心概念是----------------------。 5. -------------------------------改变着人们关于学习和教育的观念。 6. 学校全体成员或部分成员习得且共同具有的思想观念和行为方式称为 -------------------。 7. --------------------------是学校文化的缩影。 8. -----------------是人们为了保证学校中教育活动顺利进行而创立和形成的一种特有的文化形态。 9. 学校的精神或---------------------是校园文化的核心。 10. ------------是学校中物质文化、制度文化、精神文化的统一体,是经过长期实践形成的。 11.教育具有____功能、____功能、____功能、____功能。 12.通过____实现对政治经济的影响,是教育作用于政治经济的主要途径。13.政治经济制度制约着教育的____和____。 14.世界各国重大的教育改革以____改革和____改革为核心。 15.人力资本理论的创立者是____。 16.舒尔茨通过____的分析方法,推算出教育水平对国民经济增长的贡献是 __________ 17.人力资本投资包括____、____、____和为适应____ 机会变化而进行的信息搜寻等形式,所有这些方面的投资都或多或少改善和提高知识、技能、健康等。 18.教育对整个文化起着____、____、____、____的作用。 19.从形态上看,可把文化分为____、____、____在文化诸因素中_________处


第一单元微小世界 1放大镜 探究起跑线 1、说说哪些工作需要用到放大镜?放大镜的作用是什么? 探究接力棒 一、填一填 1.放大镜是我们在科学学习中经常用到的观察工具,也叫__凸透镜__ ,它的特点是中间_厚__,边缘__薄__。 2.人类很早就发现某些___透明的宝石__可放大物体的影像,在13世纪,英国一位主教__格罗斯泰斯特,最早提出放大装置的应用,他的学生培根设计并制造了能增进视力的眼镜。 3.放大镜不仅能将物体图像____放大__,而且能让我们观察到_肉眼_观察不到的细节。二.选一选 1.在下列器材中加上水,哪些器材可以用来制作放大镜。( B) A、不透明的杯子 B、透明塑料袋 C、方形的玻璃器具 2.放大镜的放大倍数和镜片的(A)有关。 A凸度B材料C面积 3、放大镜的放大倍数越大,所能观察到的视野就( C)。 A、越大 B、不变 C、越小 2 放大镜下的昆虫世界 探究接力棒

一.填一填 1.在放大镜下我们可以看到蟋蟀的“耳朵”在足的内侧。 2.触角是昆虫主要的感觉器官,有识别气味功能,也有平衡、帮助呼吸、识别异性等作用。不同昆虫触角的形状不同,科学研究表明昆虫触角就是的它“鼻子”。 3.草蛉是蚜虫的天敌。蚜虫在植物嫩枝上吸食汁液,每个蚜虫只有针眼般大小,我们用肉眼只能看见它们是密密麻麻的一片,但在10倍放大镜下我们可以看清它们的肢体。 4.在放大镜下我们观察到蝴蝶的翅膀表面上布满了彩色小鳞片,这些鳞片其实是扁平的细毛。 3. 放大镜下的晶体 探究接力棒 一、填一填 1.将溶液风干或加热使其水分蒸发可使物质重新结晶析出,得到的是这种溶液的晶体。2.像食盐、白糖、碱面、味精的颗粒都是有规则几何外形,称为晶体。常见的晶体有立方体、金字塔形、针形等形状。 二、选一选 1.选出相应的晶体形状:水晶(A)雪花( B )维生素C( C)。 A、立方体 B、六角形C、针形 2.下面全是晶体的一组是( A)。 A、糖、碱、维生素C B、水晶、雪花、玻璃 C、盐、味精、珍珠 三、判一判 1.自然界中所有的固体都是晶体。(×) 2.碱面的晶体像花瓣,而食盐的晶体像树枝。 (×) 3.许多岩石是由矿物晶体集合而成的。(√) 4.晶体的形状多种多样,没有规则。( ×) 4.怎样放得更大 探究接力棒 一、填一填 1.两个不同放大倍数的凸透镜组合起来,调整它们之间的距离来观察物体,这样物体的图像被放得更大。 2.显微镜的发明,是人类认识世界的一大飞跃,把人类带入一个崭新的微观世界。


《教育学》期末考试试题: 一、选择题(每题1分,共10分) 1、教育目的不具有(B) A导向功能B激励功能C调控功能D评价功能 2、教育评价的核心是(B) A价值判断B价值引领C客观描述D增值探索 3、下列教学方法中以语言传递信息为主的方法是(A) A讲授法B演示法C实验法D研究法 4、教学活动的本质是(D) A课堂活动B实践活动C交往活动D认识活动 5、被称为现代“教育学之父”的教育家是(B) A夸美纽斯B赫尔巴特C杜威D赞可夫 6、学校管理的基本途径是(B) A教学活动B沟通C教劳结合D协调 7、我国学校教学工作的基本组织形式是(C) A个别教学B复式教学C班级授课D分组教学 8、“除数是小数的除法”,某老师把学生的回答的分12个馒头的计算板书出来12÷3=4(人),12÷2=6(人), 12÷1=12(人),12÷0.5=24(人),这一做法体现了(C) A巩固性原则B直观性原则C理论联系实际原则D因材施教原则 9、“活到老学到老”是现代教育(C) A大众性B公平性C终身性D未来性 10、学校管理的目标和尺度是(C) A经济收入B良好的公共关系C学校绩效D政治影响 二、填空题(每空0.5分,共10分) 1、广义教育包括____、____、____。(社会教育、家庭教育、学校教育) 2、教育目的规定了把教育者培养成什么样的人,是培养人的______,是对受教育者的一个总的要求。(质量规格标准) 3、影响学生发展的因素___、___、___(家庭,学校,同辈群体) 4、影响教师专业发展的因素______、______、______、______。(社会环境、学校文化、个人经历、自我更新) 5、教学是__________共同组成的双边活动。(教师的教和学生的学) 6、____是教学必须遵循的基本要求。(教学原则) 7、教师的素养包括_________(思想品德修养、知识结构、能力结构) 8、教育评价的功能是多种多样的,但从根本上说是两大功能____和____。(教育功能、管理功能) 9、____是教师专业情意发展成熟的标志。(专业情操) 10、____是制订课程标准的思维起点,也是制订课程标准的核心依据。(课程性质) 三、名词解释(每题4分,共20分) 1、教育:教育是培养人的一种社会活动,它同社会的发展人的发展有着密切联系从广义上说,凡是增进


Unit 1 1.Mr.Li has had a gift_______his brother. A.from C.on 2.Mr.Li’s brother invited them to stay______his family in August. A.against B.with C.for D.up 3.Your cousins are the same age_____you and Ben. A.of B.with 4.We would like to leave______ the fifth of August. A.on B.with 5.I won’t come back_____ the end of the month. A.on D.until 6.How long does this train_____ to travel from Beijing to Shanghai? A.took B.take C.takes D.taking 7.How much does this ticket______?

A.take B.spend C.cost D.need 8.All of us were sad_____ you. A.left B.leaving C.leave leave 9.My friend invited me_____ the party. D.of 10.Who___ the letter from? A.are 11.We have______ home.,e to,e back C.went D.went back 12.Tom is____uncle., B.we C.I 13.At last he managed to finish the hard work.The underline part means_____. A.Finally B.On the end C.In the end D.On end 14.We want to buy some food.Theunderlined part


第五章教育心理学同步训练模拟试题及答案 典型真题评析: 1.学习原有知识对新学习的影响属于( )。 (2007年) A.逆向迁移B.负迁移C.顺向迁移D.正迁移 【评析】答案为C。正迁移指一种学习中学得的经验对另一种学习起促进作用。负迁移也称干扰。指两种学习之间的相互干扰、阻碍。顺向迁移:先前的学习对后来学习的影响。逆向迁移:后来的学习对先前学习的迁移。 2.闻一知十、触类旁通指的是学习中的( )。 (2008年4月) A.定势现象B.迁移现象C.记忆现象D.创造性 【评析】答案为B。迁移是一种学习对另一种学习的影响。或习得的经验对完成其他活动的影响。迁移是一种普遍的现象。“闻一知十”、“触类旁通”就是典型的迁移形式。 同步训练题: 一、单项选择题 1.一种学习对另一种学习起干扰或抑制作用。被称为( )。 A.正迁移B.负迁移C.顺向迁移D.逆向迁移 2.桑代克提出的学习迁移理论是( )。 A.形式训练说B.经验泛化说C.相同要素说D.关系转换说 3.按照学习迁移容的不同抽象与概括化水平进行的划分,可以分为( )。 A.水平迁移与垂直迁移B.正迁移与横向迁移C.普通迁移与特殊迁移 D.顺向迁移与逆向迁移 4.从迁移的观点来看。“温故而知新”属于( )。 A.顺向负迁移B.逆向负迁移C.逆向正迁移D.顺向正迁移 5.会讲英语的人学习德语,学得比其他人快,这是属于( )。 A.正迁移B.负迁移C.纵向迁移D.逆向迁移 6.由于处于同一概括水平的经验之间的相互影响而发生的迁移称为( )。 A.顺向迁移B.逆向迁移C.水平迁移D.垂直迁移 7.一个学生的学习迁移往往受他的学习意图或学习心向的影响,这种现象称为( )。 A.经验泛化作用B.学习定势作用 C.分析概括作用D.相同要素作用 8.下面的四个成语或俗语中有一句说的就是典型的正迁移现象( )。 A.举一反三B.聪明过人C.思维敏捷D.物以类聚 9.下述所列的迁移说中,被认为是缺乏科学根据的是( )。 A.形式训练迁移说B.同化学习迁移说C.经验类化迁移说D.认知结构迁移说10.心理定势对解决问题具有( )。 A.积极作用B.消极作用C.既有积极也有消极作用D.没有作用 11.心理学上“水下击靶”实验所支持的迁移理论是( )。 A.形式训练说B.相同要素说C.经验类化说D.关系转换说


教育学试题及答案 一、单选题:(每小题1分,共20分) 1.法国社会学家利托尔诺(C.letourneau)和美国教育学家沛西·能(T.P.Nunn)是下列哪个教育起源说的代表人物:(B ) A.神话起源说 B.生物起源说 C.心理起源说D.劳动起源说 2.从学校教育的产生看,学校这种专门的教育组织和活动形式首先出现在( B ) A.原始社会 B.奴隶社会 C.封建社会D.资本主义社会 3.从主导价值来看,体现国家意志的课程是:( C ) A.校本课程 B.地方课程 C.国家课程D.综合课程 4.教育过程中最重要的人际关系是:( B ) A.同学关系 B.师生关系 C.学校与家庭D.同事关系 5.在影响个体发展的因素中,( A )是个体发展的生物前提 1

和物质基础。 A.遗传 B.环境 C.教育 D.个人主观能动性 6.被誉为西方第一本研究教学法的书籍是:( B )A.《理想国》 B.《论演说家的教育》 C.《大教学论》D.《普通教育学》 7. 认为学生是教育和教学活动的中心,教师应该从学生的兴趣、个性等方面出发安排教育教学活动,这种观点属于:( B )A.教师中心论 B.学生中心论 C.教为主导,学为主体论 D.双主体论 8.( C )世纪以后,班级授课制逐渐成为各国学校普遍使用的教学组织形式。 A.15 B.16 C.17 D.18 9.班主任带领学生参观爱国主义教育基地属于:( A )A.情感陶冶法 B.实际锻炼法 C.说理教育法 D.奖惩激励法 10.班级授课制的基本表现形式是:( A ) A .课堂教学 B.班 C.课 D.时11.1806年,德国赫尔巴特(J.F.Herbart)出版的( B )一书被誉为教育学独立的标志。 2


第一章集合与函数概念 1.1 集合 1.1.1 集合的含义与表示 第1课时集合的含义 A级基础巩固 一、选择题 1.已知集合A中的元素x满足-5≤x≤5,且x∈N*,则必有( ) A.-1∈A B.0∈A C.3∈A D.1∈A 解析:-5≤x≤5,且x∈N*, 所以x=1,2,所以1∈A. 答案:D 2.下列各对象可以组成集合的是( ) A.中国著名的科学家 B.2017感动中国十大人物 C.高速公路上接近限速速度行驶的车辆 D.中国最美的乡村 解析:看一组对象是否构成集合,关键是看这组对象是不是确定的,A,C,D选项没有一个明确的判定标准,只有B选项判断标准明确,可以构成集合. 答案:B

3.由x2,2|x|组成一个集合A中含有两个元素,则实数x的取值可以是( ) A.0 B.-2 C.8 D.2 解析:根据集合中元素的互异性,验证可知a的取值可以是8. 答案:C 4.已知集合M具有性质:若a∈M,则2a∈M,现已知-1∈M,则下列元素一定是M中的元素的是( ) A.1 B.0 C.-2 D.2 解析:因为a∈M,且2a∈M,又-1∈M, 所以-1×2=-2∈M. 答案:C 5.由a2,2-a,4组成一个集合A,A中含有3个元素,则实数a的取值可以是( ) A.1 B.-2 C.6 D.2 解析:因A中含有3个元素,即a2,2-a,4互不相等,将选项中的数值代入验证可知答案选C. 答案:C 二、填空题 6.由下列对象组成的集体属于集合的是________(填序号). ①不超过10的所有正整数; ②高一(6)班中成绩优秀的同学; ③中央一套播出的好看的电视剧;

人教版七年级下册 名著导读《骆驼祥子》同步练习

名著导读《骆驼祥子》:圈点与批注 同步练习 一、填空题 1.《骆驼祥子》作者老舍,原名舒庆春,满族,北京(籍贯)人,有“人民艺术家”的称号。 2.(安徽中考)下面一段文字节选自《骆驼祥子》,读一读,指出A、B两处的人物是谁。 A心里有数儿。他晓得祥子是把好手,即使不拉他的车,他也还愿意祥子在厂子里。有祥子在这儿,先不提别的,院子与门口永远扫得干干净净。B更喜欢这个傻大个儿,她说什么,祥子老用心听着,不和她争辩;别的车夫,因为受尽苦楚,说话总是横着来;她一点不怕他们,可是也不愿多搭理他们;她的话,所以,都留给祥子听。 A.刘四爷(刘四,刘老头) B.虎妞 3.《骆驼祥子》中,祥子进城后以拉车为生,他第二次买的车被大兵抢走了。 4.《骆驼祥子》中,祥子第一次拉包月的主人是杨先生,他和他的家人对祥子很不好;虎妞死后,祥子到曹先生那儿拉包月。 5.《骆驼祥子》中,有一次祥子送曹先生去看电影,在茶馆里碰见饿晕了倒在地上的老马,他是一个有自己车的车夫,他的悲惨遭遇给祥子的希望蒙上了一层阴影。 6.《骆驼祥子》中,曹家的小男孩叫小文。曹先生给了学生阮明(姓名)不及格的分数,因此被这个学生告发了。 7.《骆驼祥子》中,祥子在历经被抢劫、被敲诈、虎妞难产而死、小福子另嫁他人等一次次打击之后,彻底丧失了生活的梦想。 8.祥子来到北平当人力车夫,苦干3年才凑足100块钱买了第一辆车;他在失去第一辆车后,偷来三匹骆驼卖了35个大洋。 9.立了好久,他决定进去见她;告诉她他又找到了包月;把这两天的车份儿交上;要 出他的储蓄;从此一刀两断——这自然不便明说。她总会明白的。

上面这段文字出自《骆驼祥子》(书名)。“她”是虎妞(人名)。 10.《骆驼祥子》中,主人公祥子最大的梦想不过是拥有一辆自己的车,他经历了三次买车的经历,先后买了两辆车,可他的梦想最终还是落空了。 二、选择题 11.祥子不拉刘四爷的车却能住在仁和车厂的原因是(B) A.刘四爷想招祥子为女婿 B.祥子很勤劳,常帮刘四爷干活 C.虎妞爱上了祥子 D.祥子死皮赖脸硬要住 12.下列有关《骆驼祥子》的评价,不正确的一项是(C) A.《骆驼祥子》反映了作者对底层劳动人民生存状况的关注和同情。 B.《骆驼祥子》展示了一幅具有老北京风情的世态图。 C.《骆驼祥子》是中国现当代文学史上优秀的短篇小说。 D.《骆驼祥子》的语言是从地道的北京市民口语中提炼出来的文学语言。 【解析】C项,应该是现当代文学史上优秀的长篇小说。 13.下列有关《骆驼祥子》的说法,不正确的一项是(A) A.《骆驼祥子》的主人公祥子对生活具有骆驼一般的积极和坚韧精神,由此得了绰号“骆驼祥子”。 B.祥子经历了买车的三起三落,与之相伴的是他的命运三部曲“精进向上”“不甘失败”“自甘堕落”。 C.刘四爷是个土混混出身的车厂老板,极端的自私自利;虎妞性格泼辣,敢爱敢恨。 D.祥子身上除了具有劳动者的勤劳外,还有小生产者的自私、狭隘。 【解析】A项,祥子之所以被称为“骆驼祥子”,是因为他用从军营顺手牵来的骆驼换了35块大洋,买了车。后来在一次睡梦中无意透露了这个消息,“骆驼祥子”的外号就流传开了。 14.(兰州中考)下列有关“虎妞”的情节,按先后顺序排列正确的一项是(D) ①虎妞掏钱买车②虎妞假装怀孕③虎妞“下嫁”祥子④虎妞和父亲彻底吵翻


2014小学科学知识与能力训练五年级下册练习册参考答案 第一单元沉和浮1物体在水中是沉还是浮探究接力棒一、1.泡沫块充了气的游泳圈塑料玩具石块砖头鸡蛋2.体积轻重二、× √ × 2沉浮与什么因素有关探究接力棒一、√ √ √ 二、BA3橡皮泥在水中的沉浮探究接力棒CBCBB4造一艘小船探究接力棒1.浸入水中的体积增大,更容易浮起来;增加轮船浸入水的体积2.体积大、质量轻、容易上浮5浮力探究接力棒一、浮力乙二、√ √ √ 6下沉的物体会受到水的浮力吗探究接力棒一、√ × √ √ × 二、BC7马铃薯在液体中的沉浮探究接力棒√ √ × √ 8探索马铃薯沉浮的原

因探究接力棒一、√ × 二、AC单元练习一、1.浮力2.轻重体积密度3.物体排开的水量二、√ × 三、选择题BBAB四、往水里放盐改变橡皮泥的形状,增大排开水量第二单元热1热起来了探究接力棒一、热热热二、太阳辐射矿物燃烧物体摩擦2给冷水加热探究接力棒一、不变变大不变变小二、不能。冷水受热时体积会变大,太满容易溢出来浇天火焰发生危险3液体的热胀冷缩探究接力棒一、上升增大下降变小热胀冷缩二、1.铺木地板要留伸缩缝;野外的电线夏天时会粘一起;煮饺子时,饺子鼓起来2.防止热胀损坏包装4空气的热胀冷缩探究接力棒一、1.变大变小2.大二、丘丘球放入热水后变球壁变软,同时内部空气受热膨胀就把凹下去的地方鼓起来了。



典型真题分析 1.学校心理辅导的目标可归纳为两个方面:一是学会调适,二是 _____。 (2007年) 【评析】寻求发展,此题旨在考查学校心理辅导的目标。 2.如果某学生怕狗,你如何用“系统脱敏法”消除他对狗的惧怕反应? (2008年4月) 【评析】第一步可以先让他看各种狗的照片、谈论狗;第二步再让他远远观看拴起或关起的狗;第三步最后让他接近狗、摸狗、抱起狗。此题旨在考查影响学生行为改变的方法在实际心理辅导中的具体运用。 同步训练试题 一、单项选择题 1.正确的健康概念应指( )。 A.没有疾病 B.身体状实 C.不但躯体健康而且心理健康 D.心理素质高 2.下列选项中,对心理健康理解不正确的是( )。 A.心理健康是比较而言的,从健康到不健康只是程度的不同,而无本质的区别 B.心理健康反映的是某一段时间内的特定状态,而不应认为是固定的和永远如此的 C.心理健康标准是一个发展的文化的概念,会随着社会的发展变化而发展变化 D.心理健康等于没有疾病或疾病仅限于躯体疾病 3.学校心理辅导是学校实施心理健康教育的主渠道,下列对学校心理辅导理解正确的一项是( )。 A.学校心理辅导以少数有心理问题的个别学生为服务对象 B.心理辅导把工作的重点放在预防心理问题的出现和促进学生潜能的发展上 C.学校心理辅导侧重于学生的心理与行为障碍矫治的心理治疗 D.心理辅导等同于心理咨询和心理治疗 4.心理辅导的途径有多种,下列陈述不正确的一项是( )。 A.专门开设的心理健康课程一般有两种形式。一种是以讲授为主的有关课程,另一种是开设心理辅导活动课 B.心理辅导与班级、团队的日常活动没什么区别 C.心理健康教育可以渗透在学科教学中来实施 D.个别辅导最能体现心理辅导中因材施辅的原则 5.罗杰斯在其“以人为中心的治疗”中将“无条件积极关注”看做心理辅导的前提之一,这体现了学校心理辅导的( )。


初一语文同步辅导教材(第40讲) 主要内容: 《华南虎》 《马》 学习重点: 《华南虎》 1、了解这首诗的创作背景,理解作者在诗中蕴含的感情。 2、感受这首诗中浓厚的象征色彩,理解其象征意义。 《马》 1、阅读课文,理清思路,概括人工驯养的马和天然野生的马的不同特征。 2、揣摩作者对两种不同状态下的马的不同情感。 知识讲解: 一、基础知识 1、正确朗读下列词语中的加点字。 沟壑.hè抽搐.chù铰.掉jiǎo 咆.哮páo 窥伺 ..kuīsì 项鬣.liè阔绰.chuò观瞻.zhān 遒.劲qiú庇荫 ..bìyìn 相觑.qù呵斥.chì辔.头pèi 犷.野guǎng 剽悍 ..piāohàn 2、辨析下列词语的读音和写法。 斑斓遒劲羞愧呵斥鞍鞯凝结苍苍莽莽 捆绑观瞻犷野颚骨疮痍妒忌耀眼刺目 3、理解下列词语的意思。 慷慨以赴:毫无私心、毫不吝惜的前往。 剽悍:勇猛、强健。 窥伺:暗中观察情况。 疮痍:创伤。 阔绰:豪华奢侈,排场大。 观瞻:具体的形象给人的印象。 遒劲:雄健有力。 相得益彰:指两个人或两件事物相互配合,使二者的能力、作用、好处能得到充分展示。益,更加。彰,明显。 石破天惊:形容声音大得惊人。 重点分析 1、《华南虎》创作背景:这首诗作于1973年6月,正是“十年动乱”期间。诗人牛汉正在湖北咸宁文化部干校劳动改造(“文革”中,被关入“牛棚”,从事强制性劳动)。一次,他去桂林,在动物园里见到了一只趾爪破碎、鲜血淋漓的被囚禁的老虎。这只老虎的形象强烈地触动了诗人的情思,回到干校后,他就写下了这首《华南虎》。 2、这首诗具有浓厚的象征意义。华南虎及“铁笼”分别象征什么?“观众”代表什么? 所谓象征,就是通过某一特定的具体形象间接地表现与之相似或相近的概念、思想和感情。华南虎象征不屈的生命、执著的灵魂。“铁笼”禁锢自由、代表邪恶。“观众”是冷漠、市侩,有时还会助纣为虐的群体的写照。诗人以华南虎作为象征,表现的是自己在困境中不屈的人格和对自由的渴望。 3、华南虎的心灵为什么会感觉“屈辱”?


关于变量之间关系试题选 1、小明某天上午9时骑自行车离开家,15时回家,他有意描绘离家的距离与时间的变化情况(如图所示). (1)图象表示了哪两个变量的关系?哪个是自变量?哪个是因变量? (2) 10时和13时,他分别离家多远? (3)他到达离家最远的地方是什么时间?离家多远? (4) 11时到12时他行驶了多少千米? (5)他由离家最远的地方返回的平均速度是多少? 2、如图,下图是汽车行驶速度(千米/时)和时间(分) 的关系图,下列说法其中正确的个数为( ) A .1个 B .2个 C .3个 D .4个 (1)汽车行驶时间为40分钟; (2)AB 表示汽车匀速行驶; (3)在第30分钟时,汽车的速度是90千米/时; (4)第40分钟时,汽车停下来了 3、某人账户存款a 元,每月支出b 元,收入c 元(b < c)是下列图中的 4、如图,L 甲、L 乙分别表示甲、乙两名运动员在自行车 比赛 中所走路程与时间的关系,则它们的平均速度的关系是 A .甲比乙快 B .乙比甲快 C .甲、乙同速 D .不一定 5、“龟兔赛跑”讲述了这样的故事:领先的兔子看着缓缓爬行的乌龟,骄傲起来,睡了一觉。当它醒来时,发现乌龟快到终点了,于是急忙追赶,但为时已晚,乌龟还时先到达了终点……。用S 1、S 2分别表示乌龟和兔子所行的路程,t 为时间,则下列图象中与故事情节相吻合的是( ) 6、. (12分)某房地产开发公司计划建A 、B 两种户型的住房80套,该公司所筹资金不少于2090,两种户型的建房的成本和售价如下表: A 型 B 型 成本(万元/套) 25 28 售价(万元/套) 30 34 (1)该公司对两种户型的住房有哪几种建房方案? (2)该公司选用哪种建房方案获得利润最大?最大利润是多少? (3)根据市场调查,每套B 型住房的售价不会改变,而每套A 型住房的售价将会提高m 万元(m >0),且所建的两种住房可完全售出,该公司又将选用哪种建房方案获得利润最大? 7、.下表是我国的几个省(自治区)的年降水量以及纬度位置。


常用的工具 1、 我的研究计划(参考) 2、用开瓶器口子靠近把手的部分卡住玻璃瓶盖的一端,用力往上翘,就能轻松将瓶盖打开。 打开盖子的工具 一、1、杠杆;支点;力点;重点。 2、杠杆、轮轴、斜面。 3、杠杆;支点;重点;力点。 二、1、√2、× 三、1、 杠杆可以帮我们 翘起物体,有些 杠杆省力,有些 杠杆不省力但是 省距离。

2、当支点不断向筷子尖端移动时,越来越容易夹起菜;当支点不断向筷子顶端移动时,越来越难夹起菜。 杠杆的研究 一、1、省力;费力;既不省力又不费力 2、省力 3、省力;费力 二、1、B 2、AC;B;D 三、1、×2、×、 四、不是所有杠杆的三个点都在一条直线上,例如起钉锤。 螺丝刀里的科学 一、1、轮轴 2、螺丝刀、门把手、汽车方向盘、水龙头。 3、省力;省力 二、1、√2、√3、√4、× 三、我会选择轮轴B提起重物。将重物 挂在轴上,在轮上用力,因为轮轴的轮 越大越省力。 动滑轮和定滑轮 一、定滑轮,改变力的方向;动滑轮,省力。 二、1、(1)电梯(2)吊车

(3)自行车刹车装置(4)晒衣架 2、 起重机 一、1、滑轮组,省力,改变力的方向 2、A是定滑轮,作用是改变力的方向。B是动滑轮,作用是省力。C是滑轮组,作用是既能省力,又能改变力的方向。D是滑轮组,作用是既能省力,又能改变力的方向。 二、B;C 在斜坡上 一、1、斜面,斧头、剪刀、螺丝钉、指甲钳

2、省力,越小越省力 3、省力 二、B 三、1、√2、√ 四、简答题 可以省距离:手移动较少的距离,可以是物体移动很远。比如筷子,手指移动较小,而筷子的底部可以张开很大。 我的自行车 一、轮轴、杠杆;齿轮,快 二、 三、简答题 我们生活中的自行车,电梯,起重机,缝纫机,洗衣机,单轮车,抽水机等事物与机械密切有关。 单元测试 一、1、×2、√3、×4、×5、√6、√7、× 二、1、B 2、C 3、C 4、A 5、A、D 三、1、不省力的简单机械有:镊子,钓鱼杆,筷子,火钳等。 可以增加作用距离,也就是省距离。 2、螺丝刀


典型真题分析 1.衡量一个测验有效性、正确性的重要指标是( )。(2008年4月) A.信度 B.效度 C.难度 D.区分度 【评析】答案为B。效度是指测量的正确性,即一个测验能够测量出其所要测量的东西的程度,它 是科学测量工具最重要的质量指标。此题旨在考查有效自编测验的特征。 2.根据教学评价的功能,可将其分为( )。(2007年) A.形成性评价与总结性评价 B.常模参照评价与标准参照评价 C.配置性评价与诊断性评价 D.正式评价与非正式评价 【评析】答案为C。从实施教学评价的时机而言.可分为形成性评价和总结性评价。根据教学评价资料的处理方式,可分为常模参照评价和标准参照评价。从教学评价的功能看。可分为配置性评价和诊断性评价。根据教学评价的严谨程度,可分为正式评价与非正式评价。同步训练试题 一、单项选择题 1.系统地收集有关学生学习行为的资料,参照预定的教学目标对其进行价值判断的过程称为( )。 A.教学测验 B.教学评价 C.教学测量 D.教学鉴定 2.教学评价的目的是对课程、教学方法以及学生培养方案( )。 A.作出分析 B.作出判断 C.进行评估 D.作出决策 3.在教学过程中让学生对自己的学习状况进行自我评估,或者凭教师的平常观察记录或与学生的面谈而进行的教学评价属于( )。 A.配置性评价 B.形成性评价 C.诊断性评价 D.总结性评价 4.对学生学习成就的解释采用了相对的观点。主要用于选拔(如升学考试)或编组、编班的评价方法是( )。 A.形成性评价 B.总结性评价 C.标准参照评价 D.常模参照评价 5.形成性评价通常发生在( )。 A.教学过程之前
