

Unit One


Check your comprehension

1. They learn from their parents proper standards of conduct, principled values, and the importance of service.

2. They get from their families encouragement, support, and love. All these are important for helping them become confident, compassionate, and successful members of society.

3. The more time parents spend with their children, the less likely the children will be subjected to drugs and crimes.

4. Yes, it’s very important. Because by spending quality ti me with their children, parents can help their children cope with social problem, such as drug abuse, alcoholism ect., and hence help them grow up healthily.

5. To spend quality time with family members and engage in meaningful activities.

Check your vocabulary

1. We should keep up the values that America as a country has been sticking to in history so that the health and security of our families can be promoted and preserved.

2. When parents spend more time with their children, they can get involved and have

a real contact with them and can guide them in making the right choices in life.

3. So, here and now, as President of the United States of America, with the authority given to me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, I, George W. Bush, proclaim September 23, 2002 as Family Day.

Group discussion



Check your comprehension

1. d

2. b

3. c

4. a

5. a

Check your vocabulary

1. The song “My Heart Will Go on” was all the rage at the end of 1997 after the movie Titanic was on.

2. When Mary came back home, she found her husband and their dog nestled together on the sofa and the whole house was in a complete mess.

3. I think we need to pause and contemplate what we are talking about now since this discussion is leading nowhere.

4. We lit a big fire which made us feel very snug and safe.

5. He painstakingly records details of every race.

6. Her parents beamed with delight when they heard that she had won the contest.

7. You might trade the car in for a smaller one.

8. What with all this work and so little sleep at nights, I don’t think I can go on much longer.

9. I know they don’t want me to do it and they would move heaven and earth to stop

me if they could.

Group discussion

1. Because Almie Rose didn’t mention the bic ycle again, her parents assumed that she didn’t really want it.

2. It may refer to an item (here in this context, a bicycle) that is rather expensive. 3-5. Open.


Check your comprehension

1. T

2. T

3. F

4. T

5. T

6. F

7. T

Check your vocabulary

1. deterioate

2. reflect

3. possession

4. malady

5. basically

6. harsh

7. acute

8. distain

9. alcohol 10. basic 11. alcoholic 12. guilt

Group discussion



Check your comprehension A

1. T

2. T

3. F

4. F

5. T

6. T

Check your comprehension B

1. Paragraph 2: The problem of child abuse has become a major topic in child development and an issue of much national concern.

2. Paragraph 3: The variation in the reported figures of abused children is caused by the different interpretations of what child abuse is.

3. Paragraph 4: Child abuse should be reported based on visible symptoms and evidence.

Check your vocabulary A

1. span

2. clear up

3. variation

4. dramatic

5. principal

6. symptom

7. prompt

8. persistent

9. hypothesis

Check your vocabulary B

1. We do not intervene unless the children are being physically maltreated.

2. He inflicted a great deal of sufferings on his wife and children.

3. Over a span of ten years, the company has made great strides.

4. The report stated that Dr Brandy had been negligent in not giving the patient

a full examination.

5. She has been designated to take over the position of treasurer.

6. He suffered severe back injuries, which plague him to this day.

7. They have to make the walls strong enough to withstand high winds.

8. The government should consider further legislative reforms.

9. He went on listening to her, at times impatient and at times fascinated.

10. National poverty was aggravated by rapid population growth.

Group discussion




A love-filled family environment is a cradle for bringing up happy, healthy children. On the other hand, a worsening husband-wife relationship will cause unspeakable damage to an innocent child like Tommy, who is trapped in the middle of this torture. Love is, and will always be the answer to restoring a happy family.


1. c

2. a

3. b

4. b

5. d

Unit Two


Check your comprehension

1. The training that a psychologist needs to undergo includes an average of seven years of graduate study for a doctoral degree, a supervised clinical internship and at least one year of post-doctoral supervised experience.

2. Because when one has good emotional health, he / she is able to experience feelings, share them appropriately and not be overwhelmed by them.

3. T he survey revealed that 47 percent of Americans don’t know how to find a mental health professional to help them.

4. According to Dr. Cantor, learning to talk about one’s problems and concer ns is an important part of taking good care of oneself and maintaining good psychological health.

5. If one has good emotional health, he / she is more likely to maintain both the level of physical health and emotional health he / she needs.

6. Women are more concerned with taking care of other family members and may forget about themselves while men are likely to ignore the signals of their mental problems and seldom talk about their sufferings.

Check your vocabulary

1. When you want to ask about your emotional health, psychologists are the right people to be consulted.

2. It means developing emotional stability to avoid going to extremes, and relieving tension and anxiety by bringing repressed feelings and fears to consciousness in an appropriate way.

3. In some cases, women don’t take care of themselves as they think everyone else in the family deserve priority attention.

4. Since long ago, we have been frequently reminded to have physical examinations. However, keeping emotional health has been entirely ignored.

5. If we only take care of our physical health and pay no attention to our emotional health, we will in time frequently suffer from painful psychological ups and downs. Group discussion



Check your comprehension


2. T

3. T

4. T

5. F

Check your vocabulary A

1. Several children have measles, and the others are bound to succumb to it.

2. When a burning piece of wood fell down upon me from the collapsing house, I instinctively raised my arm to protect my face.

3. I was asked to organize the trip, but I messed it up due to lack of experience.

4. I couldn’t drive my car out of the garage, as a big truck stopped in front of the gate and was just in the way.

5. I was a bad setback, but we must pick up the pieces and start again.

6. Though ten years had passed since the accident, the old couple still bore the scars and were unable to find happiness in their lives.

7. As the disease in highly contagious, you’d better wear a mask when going out to public places.

8. The whole matter is nearly out of control; therefore, the best course of action we can take at present is to let people know the truth.

Check your vocabulary B

1. Just as is stated in the Bible, both of these women died as they had reached the greatest extent of their longevity. As they were getting very old and had had every kind of experience in life, their bodies were functionally reduced to nothing. Therefore their deaths were no different than one other normal deaths.

2. Death is the worst possible consequence. Nothing can be worse.

3. Every time I wear that particular sweater which I believe brings me luck, my favorite team, the Red Sox, wins. The boy I have a liking for talks to me on odd-numbered days instead of even-numbered days. They only exception to this rule is when a holiday comes and breaks the pattern,

4. If we want to be able to revive from past unpleasant experiences and start again living normally, we have to find a way to deal with the unreasonable feeling that we must have done something wrong and should be responsible for every misfortune. Group discussion



Check your comprehension A

1. a

2. b

3. d

4. b

5. a

Check your comprehension B

1. Paragraph 2: People’s spending habits betray their attitudes toward money. Money is considered to be an important symbol of strength and influence.

2. Paragraph 3: Compulsive spenders must spend money. When they buy on credit, they gain great pleasure as they can spend enormous amounts.

3. Paragraph 4: Compulsive bargain hunters are addicted to buying things that are cheap, because when they can buy something for less than other people they feel they are winning.

Check your vocabulary

1. Psychology

2. bargain

3. addicted

4. personality

5. therapy

6. furthermore

7. advertising

8. compulsive

9. complain 10. budget 11. discount 12. credit

Group discussion



Check your comprehension

1. d

2. d

3. b

4. d

5. d

Check your vocabulary A

1. unique

2. positive

4. bottom line

6. trauma

7. release

8. decline

Check your vocabulary B

1. He is allergic to penicillin, so he has to try other treatments.

2. The arts of China have not declined in spite of Western influence.

3. The government has reacted/reacted to the outbreak of violence by sending army patrols to police the area.

4. After reflecting for a time on the problem he decided not to go.

5. That building is unique because all the others alike were destroyed.

6. Examinations do not motivate a student to seek more knowledge.

7. I got into a panic when I found the door was locked.

8. You are not going to let a wonderful chance like that slip through your fingers, are you?

9. The people organized a protest about the rise in prices.

10. She didn’t attend the meeting. And we were curious to know where she’d gone. Group discussion




When circumstances take twists and turns, we feel an urge to complain. But complaining produces a negative mindset. It seduces us to unwittingly dwell on the things that caused the negative emotion. By learning to appreciate what we have been able to achieve so far, our minds can accept what has just happened as corrective feedback to help us stay on track to a psychologically healthy life.







Unit Three


Check your comprehension

1. They would receive an automatic “F” as a punishment.

2. They were all indoctrinated into the system except for one boy who postponed handing in the blue book.

3. He begged the assistant to take his blue book secretly but the assistant refused.

4. No. he hasn’t.

5. Because if the teacher’s assistant didn’t know him, he could shove the book into the pile and run away and the assistant could never find out who he was.

6. Strict, responsible and principled.

Check your vocabulary

1. Feeling extremely exhausted after a day’s work, she slumped into the sofa and soon fell asleep.

2. “Impertinent!” Mr. Smith huffed and puffed again and again at his son’s rudeness, stomping around the room even after his son had left.

3. The policeman barked at the criminal and raised his gun.

4. As the hours ticked away, we waited anxiously for news.

5. His sneaky behaviour has driven away a lot of friends. He always acts suspiciously and it seems like he’s up to something.

6. “I will surely beat him!” claimed the older boxer with an air of arrogance.

7. If you do not have enough time to go through the whole book, read the introductory remarks to get a vague idea about it.

8. She unfolded the letter from her son, tears streaming down her cheeks.

9. They have been ordered to surrender their passports.

10. It is simple pleasures, such as a walk on a sunny day, that have a cumulative effect of improving our general mood.

Group discussion



Check your comprehension A






Check your comprehension B

1. Test anxiety is a psychological problem that many people may experience. They may feel so worried and panicky during an examination that they perform poorly.

2. He devoted himself to helping many students learn how to function better during exams and to bring up their grades.

3. Because they realized they were not the only ones who had done poorly on test because of tension.

4. No. it is not good. Because being too relaxed will result in little concern about the performance in an exam and lead to poor results. There is an optimal level of stress to be aimed at.

5. In this situation, one should try to think of the possible questions to be asked and keep in mind what can reasonably be done in the time left.

Check your vocabulary A

1. As your sight narrows, you can only see things straight before you and are thus unable to see things at a wider range.

2. What you have to do is to stop it from overcoming and defeating you.

3. You cannot give your best performance unless you have a modest degree of concern.

4. “… But if they consider it to be anxiety and feel unable to cope with it properly, that will make them react not normally, but in a crazy way.”

5. Several students working in the workshops as volunteer leaders used to be test anxiety suffers who were very nervous and performed poorly in tests.

Check your vocabulary B

1. Meaning: Tunnel-like vision is a condition in which you are unable to see things that are not straight in front of you.

Use: People with tunnel-like vision can hardly have an overall view on anything.

2. Meaning: Essential things that people need.

Use: Every time he is about to set out to travel, he examines his supplies carefully.

3. Meaning: To suddenly get involved in a situation.

Use: Plunged into such a big occasion, he has speechless for quite a few minutes.

4. Meaning: To cause people to suffer from mental pain or anxiety.

Use: He tortured his girlfriend with his endless skepticism.

5. Meaning: Something as easy as ABC is of little difficulty.

Use: To climb over the mountain is as easy as ABC for him.

Group discussion



Check your comprehension A









9.T 10.F

Check your comprehension B

The older generation valued studies a lot and seldom held part-time jobs except for those whose families were poor.

The younger generation, poor or rich, places studies in a much less important position and devotes much more time to taking part-time jobs.

Check your vocabulary

1. elaborate

2. squirm

3. endorse

4. lengthy

5. blame

6. markedly

7. tripe

8. decline

9. generosity 10. typify

Group discussion



Check your comprehension A









Check your comprehension B

1. The situation reached a climax one October evening, which later became the transitional point of our relationship.

2. As she entered the room, Kim found one of my shoes under her bed (and I was not

sure how this happened). All of a sudden, she flew into a rage.

3. …finally, both of us tried to beat each other to get to the door first, slam it and rush out of the room.

Check your vocabulary B

1. The only flaw in his character is his carelessness.

2. He was so infuriated by the visitor’s impoliteness that he suddenly rose and showed her the door.

3. It was rather difficult for him to go through the transition from living a luxurious life to becoming penniless overnight.

4. I had a trunk filled with various odds and ends that I would need for camping.

5. Edison nudged him slightly and told him the secret, whispering into his ear.

6. Miss Green had a fit when she saw her favorite vase was broken by the naughty boy.

7. She is totally fed up with the frustration of working so hard to cook dinner for her husband, who would then call late to tell her he had eaten out.

8. He is in a bad mood because he has just broken up with his girlfriend.

9. Mother says to Maggie, “ Go and clear up your room.”

Group discussion




By pointing out the misconception that the longer we study, the better we’ll learn, this article teaches us that in order to learn effectively, we must first understand our optimum length of studying based on the recognition of how our minds function. B:






Unit Four Reading one
