高考英语 短语汇总

高考英语  短语汇总
高考英语  短语汇总


1. (be) present at a meeting 出席会议

2. a piece of luggage 一件行李

3. above all 毕竟

4. achieve one’s aim 达成某人的目标

5. act on 就…采取行动

6. add up to 总计;增加……难度

7. all of a sudden 突然

8. amount to 总计

9. anything but 绝不是

10. apart form 除了

11. applaud for sb. 为……鼓掌

12. apply to 适用;申请

13. argue with 和……争论

14. as a consequence 结果是

15. as a result 结果是

16. associate sh. with sh. 把…和…联系起来

17. at a disadvantage 处于劣势

18. at any cost/price 以任何代价

19. at one’s request 应……要求

20. at present 现在

21. at the reception 在接待处22. attend on 照顾

23. bargain with 和…讨价还价

24. be addicted to 对…上瘾

25. be anxious about 对…焦虑

26. be astonished at 对…吃惊

27. be aware of 意识到

28. be capable of 能够

29. be caught in the rain 被困在雨里

30. be dedicated to 献身于…

31. be devoted to 献身于…

32. be elected monitor 被选为班长

33. be exposed to 暴露在

34. be fond of 喜欢

35. be in trouble 处于麻烦中

36. be involved in 参加

37. be stuck in the rain 困在雨中

38. be tired of 厌倦

39. begin with 以…开始

40. break in 闯入

41. break off 挣脱

42. break out 爆发

43. break through 突破;成就

44. burst into laughter 哄堂大笑

45. but for 要不是

46. by chance 偶然地

47. by contrast 相比之下

48. by means of 通过…的方法

49. by no means 绝不

50. can’t help doing 情不自禁

51. can’t help to do 帮不上忙

52. care for 照顾

53. carry out 执行

54. catch sight of 看见

55. come about 发生

56. come into being 产生

57. come to 慢慢达到……

58. come to oneself 苏醒过来

59. compete in a contest 参加比赛

60. consist of 由……组成

61. count on 依靠

62. current affairs 时事

63. deal with 处理

64. die out 灭绝65. do a thorough examination 做一个彻底的检查

66. earn/make one’s living 谋生

67. even if 即使

68. exchange presents with sb. 交换礼物

69. figure out 弄明白

70. for example 举个例子

71. for instance 举个例子

72. frankly speaking 坦白地说

73. free of charge 免费

74. from now on 从今开始

75. generation gap 代购

76. get along with 和……相处

77. get away 挣脱

78. get down to doing 开始做……

79. get rid of 处理掉

80. give in 屈服

81. give off 散发(气味等)

82. go in 参加

83. go on strike 去罢工

84. grasp the meaning of 抓住…的含义

85. have a gift/talent for 对…有天赋

86. have an effect/impact on 对…有影响

87. have nothing to do with 和…没有关系

88. have problem/difficulty (in) doing 做…有困难

89. hit sb. on the head 打在…的头上

90. hold back 阻止;抑制

91. hold on to 坚持;抓住

92. hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸

93. hold up 别挂(电话);坚持

94. if necessary 如果必要

95. in a flash 一闪而过

96. in a way 以某种方式

97. in addition to 除了…还有

98. in case 以防万一

99. in charge of 负责

100. in good health 身体很好

101. in honor of 纪念

102. in memory of 纪念

103. in one’s opinion 在…看来

104. in order 井井有条

105. in particular 尤其是

106. in person 亲自

107. in place of 替代

108. in possession of 拥有109. in relation to 和…有关

110. in reply 作为回复

111. in response to 作为回复

112. in return for 作为交换

113. in short 简言之

114. in spite of 尽管

115. in terms of 考虑到

116. in the charge of 被…负责

117. in the company of 在…的陪伴下

118. in the course of 在…的过程中

119. in the distance 在远方

120. in the possession of 被…拥有

121. inform sb. of 通知…

122. insist on doing 坚持做

123. keep in touch with 保持联系

124. keep one’s balance 保持平衡

125. keep one’s words 信守诺言

126. lead to 导致

127. lose sight of 看不到

128. make a step 挪一步

129. make an announcement 做出公告130. make an apology to sb. for sth. 跟…道歉

131. make comments on 对…做评论132. make one’s way 让路

133. make out 辨别出

134. make sure 确认

135. make the best of 充分利用136. make up a story 编造故事137. make up for the loses 弥补损失138. make up one’s mind 下定决心139. mop the floor 墩地

140. not…but… 不是…而是…

141. now that 既然

142. object to 反对

143. of course 当然

144. on account of 因为

145. on condition that 条件是

146. on occasion 偶尔地

147. on the average 平均

148. on the campus 在校园

149. on the contrary 相反地

150. on the radio 广播上

151. on time 准时

152. operate on sb. 给…动手术153. other than 除了…还有

154. out of breath 气喘吁吁

155. out of one’s reach 够不到;能力之外156. out of question 没问题

157. out of the question 不可能

158. pay off 得到回报

159. pick up 捡起;偶然学到;顺手牵羊160. play a role in 扮演角色

161. put on performances 表演

162. put sb. into jail/prison 投入监狱

163. realize one’s dream 实现梦想

164. refer to 指的是;提及;查阅

165. remind sb of 提醒…

166. risk one’s life doing 冒着生命危险167.

168. run out 被用光

169. run out of 用光

170. satisfy one’s needs 满足…的需要

171. seize/grasp sb. by the arm 抓住…的胳膊172. set aside 留出;存储

173. show off 炫耀

174. show one’s gratitude to sb. for sth. 感激

175. show up 出现

176. slip a note into one’s hand 给…赛了一张小条177. stand for 代表

178. stand out 显眼

179. stand the test of time 经受时间检验

180. stand up for 维护

181. stare at 盯着

182. starve to death 被饿死

183. stick to one’s words 信守诺言

184. strike a match 划火柴

185. struggle to do 奋力做…

186. take a glance at 瞥了一眼

187. take measures to do 采取措施做…

188. take on a new look 呈现出新面貌189. take one’s seat 坐下

190. take over 接管

191. take pleasure in doing 以…为乐

192. take the place of 代替

193. the Mid-autumn Day 中秋节

194. the other day 那一天

195. the Spring Festival 春节

196. to one’s delight 让…高兴的是

197. try one’s fortune 碰碰运气

198. turn over 移交;翻转;仔细考虑

199. wipe the sweats off one’s face 擦掉脸上的汗200. work out 解决;得出结论

201. write down 写下
