

十选九(From 报纸)

A. claims

B. costly

C. decline

D. folding

E. injustices

F. military

G. possessions

H. right

I. rules

J. virtual

They say money talks – people with money have power and can get what they want. But American Dan Tague has taken the saying literally and has spent hours ___1____ dollar bills as many as 100 times until they spell out unexpected phrases.

Using dollar bills of different denominations, the New Orleans – based artist spells out what is happening in America and society today. Tague then photographs his “origami currency”on a black background and prints the pictures in a large format. “In a capitalist society cash ____2____ everything,” Tague explains of his art. “Society teaches us that you can buy love, happiness and status through ___3___ . You can even ___4____ wrongs by taking away a bit of some one’s happiness through fines and lawsuits. Politicians buy votes through ___5____ of lowering taxes…”

Some of his best-known phrases include “We need a revolution,””Trust no one,””Don’t tread on me” and “I am free.” These pieces are a hybrid of sculpture, photography and found art in which his strong political statements are at once familiar and serve to trigger conscious thought of ___6___ people already know to be happening.

One message that Tague has sent clearly through his art is a pacifist one. “… ___7___ aggression costs billions of dollars and often leads to economic strain resulting in job loss, ___8___ in education, and further restrictions in medical resources for citizens,” Tague further explains his art creations. “The cost of war has created an internal war on our economy, where the generals are CEOs and the tanks are toxic assets. This is a(n) ___9___ war under the camouflage(n.幌子,伪装) of billion-dollar bailouts(紧急援助).”

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denomination n. 名称; 票面价值

origami n. (日本传统艺术)折纸手工; 折纸工艺品

currency n. 货币;流通,硬通货

pacifist n.1. 和平主义者; 绥靖主义者2. 持消极态度者, 不抵抗主义者

internal adj.国内的;内部的;体内的;内心的

camouflage n.幌子,伪装

bailouts n. 紧急援助

toxic 中毒的,毒物的,毒素的

asset n.资产,财产;有价值的人或物;有用的东西;优点


A. absolutely

B. access

C. assume

D. deceased

E. gifted

F. inherit

G. material

H. necessarily

I. terms

J. tightly

Here is a question that every person (even you) should think about --- what will you leave behind when you die? “I’m too young to think about that,” you may say. Wrong! Perhaps your mind goes to the ___1____ assets that you hope to acquire in the future --- perhaps a house, a car, or a hefty bank account. Sur, those things may be further down the road, but if you have an email address, own a collection of digital music and movies, use a social networking site, have an online Photo album, or write a blog, then you are the proud owner of what is now being called "digital assets."

We all naturally ___2___ that our possessions will go to our loved ones when we die. At same point, you'll probably even write a will which states who should___3___ what. People are now starting to realize that simply listing our material possessions may not be enough. Researchers at the University of London recently discovered that more and more Britons are now deciding who should get their digital photos, music videos, and so on--the "digital inheritance."

What about passwords to online accounts? Wouldn't this naturally be released to your next of kin? ____4____ not! Privacy laws around the world tend to protect the privacy of the ___5___ over the desire of the family to retrieve their loved one's personal information, A Ms. Wang of Shenyang, China recently discovered this when she tried to ___6___ her dead husband's QQ account. Tencent, the operator of QQ, refused her request based on their ___7___ of use, which states "the right to use an account belongs solely to the original applicant, and this right shall not be ____8____, loaned, rented, transferred or sold." Since Ms. Wang's husband had not given her his password before his death, she had no foot to stand on.

What we document through our photos; emails and micro-blogs is ___9___ linked to who we are--our personal identity. Therefore, is it not part of our legacy after we are gone? How will you ensure what happens to your "digital inheritance"?

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A. desperate

B. enormous

C. filter

D. habitable

E. house

F. numerous

G. preserved

H. prohibit

I. respectively

J. stretches

The race to build the highest building has been going on around the world ever since the first skyscraper, the Home Insurance Building, was built in Chicago in 1885, but now some architects have taken architecture to a new level --- architects have designed a 65-story “earth-scraper”which ___1___ 300 meters below ground in Mexico City.

The underground building, a design by architecture firm BNKR Arquitectura, will have 10 stories for homes, shops and a museum, ___2___, as well as 35 stories for offices. A glass floor covers the massive 240m*240m hole in the city’s main square to ___3___ in natural light from the world above. The building will also ___4___ a new cultural center, according to Esteban Suarez, an architect at BNKR Arquitectura.

“New infrastructure, office, retail and living space are required in the city but no empty plots are available, Federal and local laws ___5___ demolishing historic building, and height regulations limit new structures to eight stories,”Suarez explained why they decided to go below the ground in designing the building. “The city’s historic center is in ___6___ need of a makeover but we have nowhere to put it – that means the only way to go is down.”

The architect said that the earth-scraper ___7___ the iconic presence of the city square and the existing system of the building that surround it and that it is an inverted pyramid with a central void to allow all ___8___ spaces to enjoy natural lighting and ventilation.

“It will also allow the ___9___ activities that take place on the city square year round such as concerts, open-air exhibitions and military parades to go ahead.” Suarez said.

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A. authorized

B. enforce

C. explosives

D. untouched

E. operating

F. restored

G. revised

H. shaky

I. snakes

J. voted

Illegal mining has caused part of China’s Great Wall to collapse, sounding an alarm for protecting one of the country’s signature relics as well as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site.

The damaged part of the Great Wall is located in a remote area near the country of Laiyuan in Hebei Province, about 200 kilometers southwest of Beijing. The area is home to a dozen small mines, with some ___1___ as close as 100 meters to the centuries-old wall.

Villagers and local cultural heritage protection officials said that about 700 meters of the wall, which was built during the Ming Dynasty, had already collapsed, and more sections of the wall are likely to collapse if illegal mining continues.

____2____ one of the New Seven Wonders of the World, the 6,400km Great Wall ___3___ its way across 11 provinces and draws millions of tourists every year, mostly to ____4____ sections near Beijing. Away from the tourist trail, some parts of the wall, known as the “wild Great Wall,” remain ____5____.

Illegal mining has been widespread along the wild Great Wall in Laiyuan, an area rich in metals such as iron and copper. In the area, mountains around the Great Wall are riddled with holes dug by illegal mining companies. ___6___ used to blast open mountainsides have further damaged the wall.

A study found that in Hebei, more than 70 percent of the wall has cracks, stands on ___7___ ground, or is about to collapse, provincial cultural protection officials said.

Local heritage protection authorities say they are, short of hands and low on funds to protect the Great Wall. In addition, they are also hindered in their efforts as they are not ___8___ to crack down on illegal mining, the authorities said.

The State Council enacted a law to protect the Great Wall in 2006, but experts and cultural heritage officials said it is poorly ___9___ in remote regions.

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A. chasing

B. dramatically

C. entertain

D. extremely

E. overnight

F. presence

G. reveal

H. tracking

I. transformation

J. virtual

We are familiar with pop culture, but what is peep culture? In pop culture, we turn on the TV and watch our favorite celebrities ___l___ us with their performances. In peep culture, we turn on the computer, we move through people's lives on reality TV, blogs, Facebook and YouTube. Instead of getting our entertainment from scripted performances, we get our entertainment from peeping into other people's lives. It can be friends and family. But it's just as likely to be people we have never met from around the world.

Suddenly, we spend all of our time ___2___ other people. And we also invite them to watch us! People ___3___ themselves to get attention and to feel like they are part of a community. In peep culture, ordinary people are turned into celebrities. This has never happened before, turning the spotlight on random regular people. There aren't secrets anymore, The notion of private life has changed.

As society has become ___4___ fast-paced, most of us are really unaware of these changes in our lives. We are moving into a time where our ___5___ personality is going to be more important than our actual physical ___6___. What we have online is going to be more important than what we do offline. We are now socially judged by our virtual profiles.

In the age of "peep culture," a tell-all, show-all, know-all digital phenomenon is ___7___ changing notions of privacy, individuality, security, and even humanity. Susan Boyle became a(n) ___8___ celebrity because of peep culture. The entire world was staring at her after her ___9___ from a resident of a small Scottish town to a global celebrity. We like the story because she's like a movie, only she's real.

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A. banned

B. increase

C. informed

D. inspect

E. introduced

F. issued

G. stationed

H. tighten

I. trained

J. urged

Various measures are being taken to ___l___ school security in China's high schools, primary schools and kindergartens.

Campus security has become a public concern after a series of violent attacks against school children that have shocked the nation in recent days.

The Ministry of Public Security ___2___ an emergency notice on May l to police departments around the country to strengthen patrols in and around schools at the beginning and end of the school day, and to ___3___ small hotels, Internet cafes and "recreational sites" next to schools.

"We must take fast action to strengthen security for schools and kindergartens to create a harmonious environment for children to study and grow up," senior Communist Party leader Zhou Yongkang told a conference on maintaining stability on Monday.

In response to the situation, cities around the country have taken their own preventative measures. Outsiders are not allowed to visit the school without special permission. Professional police equipment is being ___4___ into schools.

In Chongqing, professional security guards with batons (警棍), and pepper sprays are now ___5___ in schools. Police there can shoot to kill anyone attempting to harm students. Campuses in Beijing have been provided with pepper spray and cut-resistant gloves.

The social environment also plays a key role in school safety. In central Beijing's Xuanwu district, bars and snooker rooms within 200 meters of schools have been ___6___.

The government is also calling on public health and civil authorities to improve the treatment of people suffering from mental problems, as some of the campus attackers were found to be mentally ill. Local governments are also being ___7___ to listen to the complaints of the people and deal with their concerns before there is an impact on society.

Children and teachers need to be ____8____ to cope with such attacks, said China Daily. For example, if there is an intruder on the campus, students should be ___9___ through an announcement, after which teachers should lock their classrooms to keep the children safe. The emergency drills should be similar to those for fires and earthquakes, said the paper.

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A. characteristics

B. comprehension

C. demonstrated

D. inactive

E. irresponsible

F. limitations

G. predict

H. shaken

I. tragedy

J. uncontrollable

When Mother Nature decides to unleash her anger, there's very little we can do except deal with it.

In the past year, a series of natural disasters has stunned the imagination and reminded us of our human ___1___. There have been floods, droughts and big earthquakes. They've ___2___ our senses as they've damaged big cities and small villages. And now a volcano on Iceland erupts. After being ___3___ for almost 200 years, it has been emitting balls of fire, ice and a giant cloud of ash that has paralyzed much of European air travel.

Some travelers have accused authorities of being ___4___ for grounding thousands of flights. But in fact, they should take that argument up with Mother Nature.

With all of our attempts to tame or ___5___ nature, we often find ourselves caught off guard when “acts of God” defy our ___6___. We put our trust in our dams and levees, early warning systems and modern-day weather radar and the manpower we summon when ___7___ forces confront us with an intense fierceness. Most often we can only respond to disaster rather prevent it. And human responses to ___8___, such as the recent earthquake in Haiti, can be remarkable occurrences in themselves.

Nature will always remind us that as long as we are on this Earth we will have to deal with this planet’s ___9___ -- its winds and waves, fires and rain, its quakes and eruptions. We must accept its natural order and disorder.

When we start to get a little full of ourselves or attach too much importance to our small accomplishments, remember that a little volcano (whose name most of us can’t even pronounce) sitting on a little island in the North Atlantic forced us to sit still in total wonderment.

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l. One could easily spend a whole week touring the heart of Paris centered around the Louvre.

[评析] center原是名词,表示“中心”,而在这个句子中显然是活用转动词,根据句子意


2.Modern constructions of glass and steel, housing shopping malls and offices form well-planned lines.




3.Middleton modeled in underwear and a sheer lace dress at a charity fashion show at the university.



4.She seemed so small as she muscled her way through the crowd of boys on the playground.

[评析] muscle原来是名词“肌肉”,在句子中活用为动词,根据上下文的意思:“长得


5.My most memorable encounter was with a Mekong giant catfish nettd by Thai fishermen.

[评析] net原来是名词“网”,在句子中活用为动词过去分词,根据句子意思,可以理


6. Students say that their parents, worried about the distractions, try to police computer time.

[评析] police原来是名词“警方”,在句子中活用为动词不定式形式,根据句子意思,


7.Brazil's city planners envisioned a bus system that would rival a subway for speed and efficiency.

[评析] rival原来是名词“对手”,在句子中活用为动词,根据句子意思,可以理解为“与…


8. The first film was screened in 2001.



9. Although a citizen had claimed to sound an alarm, the central alarm office had no record of it.



10. Towering over the ancient Indian city of Agra, the Taj Mahal is the grandest monument to love ever created。




高三英语易错题 1.Don’t worry, dear. I’ll soon have the car ______ again. A. going B. to go C. gone D. goes 2. ----Hello, is Jane at home? ----No, she is out. May I take a message? ----Yes. _______. A. Thank you B. Tell her Jack called C. Tell her Jack is calling D. It’s Jack calling 3. What shall we do when we _______ our experiment? A. finished B. have finished C. finishing D. had finished 4. Answer the question _________ so that all the class may hear you. A. in an enough loud voice B. in a loud enough voice C. in a voice enough loud D. in a voice loud enough 5. ________ the fish ______ good enough? A. Is; tasting B. Is; tasted C. Does; tasted D. Does; taste 6. _______ this word, can you tell me? A. How to pronounce B. How pronouncing C. How you pronounce D. How do you pronounce


江苏省射阳县2018届高三英语作业(A)(17) 第一节: 单项填空 21. Many of the things we now benefit from would not be aroundThomas Edison. A. thanks to B. regardless of C. aside from D. but for 22.About 40 percent of the citizens are unhappy with public services, which ______ alarm bells ringing in some local governments, so related departments ______ pay too much attention to this survey. A. has set; can’t B. will set; mustn’t C. has set; shouldn’t D. is setting; needn’t 23. The international situation is currently undergoing great changes ______ UNESCO plays an irreplaceable role in promoting international cooperation. A. which B. what C. where D. that 24. The new financial policies of the US government have _______ a chain reaction in the international money markets. A. gone off B. set off C. seen off D. got off 25. To keep up with their work, the vast majority of office clerks today must read letters, reports, trade publications, interoffice communications, to say _______ of newspapers and magazines. A. everything B. anything C. nothing D. something 26. In 1973, a book ________ that plants can feel emotions, prefer classical music, and can respond to the unspoken thoughts of humans landed on the New York Times best-seller list. A. having claimed B. had claimed C. claiming D. claimed 27. Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), its headquarter______ in Beijing, is an inter-governmental agency which is intended for multi-development of Infrastructure in Asia. A. located B. locating C. locates D. to locate 28. In these trials, people are ________assigned to a "treatment" group, which


高三英语教学的心得示例 高三英语教学的心得示例 篇(一) 高中几年下来,我们在学习与教学过程中,在与学生的相处过程中,逐渐的去反思,同样也沿袭了一些好的做法,形成了一些宝贵的经验。 对待学生方面 第一,激发学生的学习积极性和内在潜力,在每节课的起立过后的问候语中,我都要求学生大声喊:wemustlearnenglishwell.(我们一定要学好英语).通过这样一种方式,喊出了学生的心声,学生能够积极主动的去学习,激发了他们的学习热情。 第二,学生是学习的主体,及时与学生交流,明确学生的学习任务和责任,严格要求。 第三,以平等的态度对待每一个学生,做到公平公正。 第四,及时了解学生,做学生的良师益友。给予学生力所能及的帮助。 对待教学方面 第一,听力部分适合专项训练与教学听力突破想结合,尤其注意听力材料的整合和定向突破。 第二,完型阅读训练做到限时间,而且要求学生在试卷上作好标记,那些是摸棱两可的,最终得分为多少。待试卷发下后,检测自己

得分与估分之间的差距,寻找原因。 第三,作文书写训练不放松,我校从细节做起,每天三分钟练字时间,学生可自由选择书写内容。规范学生的书写质量,进行跟踪对比批改,对书写规范的文章在学校报廊里进行表扬。 第四,课堂现场批改,给学生二次思考时间。当学生给出的第一个答案出现错误时,我们应给予一定的时间让学生再次思考。鼓励他们多动脑。 第五,面批与课后针对性辅导相结合,及时解决学生在当天或在近期内存在的问题。帮助他们纠正常见的错误。 教师个人素质方面 第一,多读书,博览群书,做一个知识渊博的人。 第二,学会换位思考,从学生的角度思考问题,做一个关心学生的人。 第三,注重知识积累和好题错题收集工作,可以以网站的形式呈现,做到随用随取,做一个有心人。 第四,研究教材,研究教法学法,多写文章,钻研课题,做一个研究型的人。 第五,经常反思教学和生活中出现的问题,做一个善于反思的人。 第六,搞好与领导,同事和学生的关系,做一个受欢迎的人。 教学之路漫长,我们惟有多研究,多反思,才有更多的进步。 篇(二) (一)学情分析


高考英语第二轮复习单项选择题专项练习200题 1.There is still much to discuss. We shall, ____________, return to this item at our next meeting. A.therefore B.however C.otherwise D.briefly 2.The door and the windows were all closed and there was no ___________ of forced entry. A.scene B.signal C.sign D.sight 3.—Would you have your family get together this New Year’s Day? — ___________. We are busy working at that time. A.No way B.Not at all C.No problem D.No chance 4.—The National College Entrance Examination is drawing near. All we should do is make the best use of time. —I can’t agree more. Every minute ________. A.needs B.counts C.acquires D.urges 5.—I phoned you yesterday morning. A girl answered, but I didn’t recognize the voice. — Oh, it __________ my younger sister. She was in my room at that moment. A.must have been B.should have been C.could have been D.may have been 6.He has recently ___________ tennis to relax himself. A.taken off B.taken up C.put up D.put out 7.To our excitement, two _________ of students __________ a success after three years’hard work. A.scores; scored B.score; lost C.scores; made D.score; scored 8.Our class _________ all fond of singing English songs and we can sing ________ than others. A.is; many more B.are; many more C.is; much more D.are; much more 9.The long-lasting meeting __________ in disorder, __________ no conclusion. A.was ended; reached B.ended; reaching C.was ended; reaching D.ended; to reach 10.If you feel tired and sick of fat foods, that is _______ you have to go to the hospital for a medical examination. A.why B.what C.when D.whether 11.The overseas Chinese scientist made another wonderful discovery, ___________ of great value to study AIDS. A.which I think it is B.which I think is C.I think it is D.I think is 12.Americans are nervous ____________ the prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran, but also worry __________ the ability of the United States and the United Nations to deal with the situation. A.about; about B.to; about C.for; about D.for; for 13.When __________ comes to golf, I know nothing and I have no interest in this match. A.this B.that C.it D.one 14.—You can’t enter the building without __________ permission. —I’ve lost __________ permission card. A.the; a B.a; the C.\; the D.\; \ 15.—I hear that Bai Shan can’t afford his schooling this fall. —___________, l et’s do something for him. A.If so B.Where possible C.When necessary D.What a shame 16. --- I have just had my watch repaired. --- How much did they for that? A. cost B. charge C. spend D. take 17. --- It’s been a wonderful Halloween Party. Thank you very much. --- ___________. A. My pleasure B. I’m glad to hear that C. No, thanks D. It’s OK 18. --- How about the book you are reading? --- Good indeed. It ___________ many problems we have come across in our study. A. says B. talks C. covers D. refers 19. The room is in a terrible mess; it __________ cleaned. A. can’t have been B. couldn’t be C. may have been D. would be 20. He ___________ the test, but he wasn't careful enough.


高中英语错题集 1.The traffic lights____green and I pull away. A.came B.grew C.got D.went 2.So sundden _____that the enemy had no time to escape. A.did the attack B. the attack did C.was the attack D.the attack was 3.It’s said that Hellen _____abroad for many years,but I don’t know which school she is studying in. A.has studied B.has been studying C.studied D.studies 4.At the foot of the mountain______ A. a village B.lies a village C.does a village lie D.lying a village 5.She didn’t know how to cook Chinese food ____she came to China to study. A.since B.because C.after D.until 6.It____a long time since we last met in London. A.was B.had C.has been D.will 7.----What has he done? ---------He was heard _____up by his father last night. A. beating B.to beat C.to be beaten D.beat 8.It is your wisdom and ability,not the ______that do matter when you want to get respected by others. A.money B.treasure C.fund D.wealth 9.Ronald was ____to win the 100 meter hurdles,but he felt to the ground and missed the chance. A. possible B.probable C.likely D.maybe 需要复习的知识点 1.固定搭配go +颜色词,表示变成什么颜色 2.倒装,介词短语放句首,一定要用倒装,也就是后面的部分要用谓语+主语的形式 3.据说it’s said that/sb was/were heard that 4.现在完成进行时 5.not ….until 6.现在完成时的固定句型:it has been done since……. It has done since…… 7.it is …….,not …..that do matters……是什么重要而不是什么重要 8.sb be likely to do sth 某人很有可能干某事 答案:1-5DCBBD 6—9CCDC


高三英语暑假作业(一) 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30 分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £19. 15. B. £9. 18. C. £9. 15. 答案是C。 1. Which team lost the basketball match? A. Class One. B. Class Two. C. Class Three. 2. How does the woman keep slim? A. By going on a diet. B. By eating fruit and vegetables. C. By doing physical exercise. 3. What does the man think of the lecture? A. It was interesting and easy to follow. B. It was far beyond his understanding. C. It was as difficult as he had expected. 4. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Teacher and student. B. Boss and secretary. C. Husband and wife. 5. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a store. B. In an office. C. In a bank. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有2至4个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What do we know about the woman? A. She doesn’t like her job. B. She works long hours each day. C. She thinks her job is too difficult. 7. What does the man advise the woman to do? A. Find another job. B. Spend less time on her work. C. Have a talk with her boss. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. What does the restaurant require its guests to wear? A. A coat B. A necklace. C. A jacket and a tie. 9. How many persons will be there for the conference? A. 15. B. 20. C. 50. 10. What time will the conference begin at last? A. At 9:00 a. m. B. At 9:30 a. m. C. At 10:00 a. m. 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。 11. How long is the lease (租约) ? A. Six months. B. A year. C. More than a year. 12. What can the woman do when she moves out? A. Get the deposit back. B. Return the lease. C. Keep her stuff in. 13. When can the woman move in? A. Today. B. This weekend. C. Tomorrow 听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。 14. What is the maximum number of people who can join the tour! A. Thirteen. B. Fifteen. C. Sixteen 15. Which month is it probably now? A. March B. April. C. June. 16. What activity has no extra cost? A. Going to a reptile park. B. Going on a fishing trip. C. Having a bushwalk. 17. What does the man prefer to do? A. Play table tennis. B. Go bowling. C. Play badminton. 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。 18. Where will the matches be played this season? A. At Royal Park. B. At King's Park. C. At Gold Park. 19. When will the seniors play the matches? A. On Saturday afternoons. B. On Saturday mornings. C. On Wednesday afternoons. 20. What is Jason? A. The new president. B. The new accountant. C. The head coach. 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A We went to the B.T Blackstone Library, not far from Lake Michigan, once a week. During every visit I found my way into a big reading room to touch a great and ancient globe sitting in front of the largest windows. I liked to look at Africa, with the coded colors of the different countries like the Belgian Congo and Rhodesia, and try to remember which countries were fighting to be free just as we were struggling for civil rights. I had heard Daddy talking about the struggle, arguing with the television as someone discussed it on a news show. On Saturday, as I wandered through the young adult section. I saw a title: Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott. I could tell from looking at the s helf that she’d written a lot of books, but I didn’t know anything about her. I had learned from experience that titles weren’t everything. A book that sounded great on the shelf could be dull once you got it home, and every bad book I brought home meant one less book to read until we went back in a week. So I sat in a chair near the shelves to skim the first paragraphs: “Christmas won’t be Christmas without any presents” grumbled Jo, lying on the rug. “It’s so dreadful to be poor” sighed Med, looking down at her old dress. “I don’t think it’s fair for some girls to have plenty of pretty things, and other girls nothing at all” added little Amy, with an injured sniff. “We have got Father and Mother and each other.” said Beth contentedly from her corner. I h ad decided on some other books to take home, because I didn’t look through the rest of the section that day. I read and read and read Little Women.I wouldn’t put it down until the end. Even the freedom to watch weekend television held no appeal for me in girls who could almost be like me, especially Jo, the heroine. It seemed to me a shame that she wasn’t Black: then our similarity would be complete. She loved to read, she loved to make up plays, she hated acting ladylike, she had a dreadful temper. I had found a kindred spirit(志趣相投的人). 21. What can be learned about the author’s father?

【高三英语试题精选】2018届英语高考单项选择题试题和答案 (九)

2018届英语高考单项选择题试题和答案 (九) -Hello! May I speak to Jack, please?--Yes, speaking--Oh, I _______ your voice at first A.don’t recognize B.didn’t recognize C.hadn’t recognize D.haven’t recognized22.Other men live to eat, ________ I eat to live A.and B.when C.while D.or23.--Sam speaks _________ English like a native I always admire him --Nohe is learning _________ more difficult language ---Arabic A.an; a B./; the C./; a D.the; a24.I like the idea that cattle _________ run away when you hunt them A.don’t B.doesn’t C.didn’t D.hadn’t25.The kind of humor I like is the thing ________ makes me laugh for five seconds and think for ten minutes A.that B./ C.what D.it26.I think of life as a good book The further you get into it, the more it begins to _________ A.have sense B.do sense C.take sense D.make sense27.He is _________ scolding his child, which is not a good way to educate him A.often B.usually C.always D.frequently28.--Tom isn’t here now --________ left by the back door? A.Must he have B.Had he C.Can he have D.Should he have29.We prefer to die a hero, ________ live a slave A.more than B.other than C.rather than D.better than30.--What happened to Mr Smith early this morning? --Oh, he was seen ________ down and the driver __________ away A.knock, drive B.knocking, driving C.knocked, drove D.to knock, driven31.Look at the pictures and see if you can __________ the man who attacked you A.point at B.point to C.point out D.point up32.Parents often talk about the younger generation as if they ________ to do with it A.don’t have anything B.didn’t have anything C.have nothing D.had had nothing33.Don’t be too __________ about things you are not supposed to know A.strange


高三英语错题集一 1. ---Look! Someone _____ the floors. -- Well, it wasn’t me. I went shopping just now. A. had swept B. has swept C. was sweeping D. is sweeping 2. --- Sorry, it’s already 6 o’clock. I have to be off for an appointment. --- OK. _____________. A. It couldn’t be better B You really have me there C. Let’s call it a day D. Take your time 3. Nowadays many parents are trying to either prevent their children from failure, or protect them from the knowledge _____ they have failed. A. that B. when C. where D. which 4. ---How do you understand education is not an end, but a(n) ___ an end, professor? --- We do not educate children only for the purpose of educating them but for fitting them for life. A. error to B. means to C. answer for D. reason for 5. --- As a teenager, our son should have two or three hobbies to be really happy. ---_______, but how can he afford the time with so much homework every day? A. So does he B. So he does C. So should he D. So he should 6. I believe that this exhibition will open ____ window for foreigners to have ____ closer look at Chinese culture. A.the , a B. a, a C. a, the D. the, the 7. Carbon dioxide is said ______ the earth twice as quickly as previously feared. A. to be heated B. to be heating C. to have heated D. to have been heated 8. Only ____ the opening ceremony of the Poetry Club. The majority of the students were having a class then. A. a few people attended B. did a few people attend C. attended a few people D. a few people were attended 9. I hope that my father will quit smoking because I want him to live _____ my grandpa does. A. as a long and healthy life as B. as long and healthy a life as C. such long and healthy a life as D. so long and healthy a life as 10. The doctor had almost lost hope at one point, but the patient finally ______. A. pulled out B. pulled through C. pulled up D. pulled over 11. With the teacher ___ the concept of the context, we finally catch on to the inner meaning of it. A. bringing up B. bringing about C. bringing out D. bringing down 12. --- Did you go to visit her when she _____ in New York? ---- I _____to, but I was extremely busy. A. stayed, was intended B. stayed , intended C. was staying , have intended, D. was staying, had intended 13. How excited he was to see all the work he had spared no efforts to do ____ in the first round. A. recognizing B. to be recognized C. being recognized D. recognized 14. ____time permitting, we will go to Shanghai and visit our friends.


高三英语周末作业(二)(英语) 第Ⅰ卷(共65分) 一.单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 1. Mrs ,Taylor has ___8-year-old daughter who has _____gift for painting –she has won two national prizes. A. a, a B. an ,the C. an ,a D. the, the 2. ----May I try the jacket on? ----______ , but I think it will be too small for you. A. As you like B. By all means C. As a result D. Believe it or not 3. You have to have such a lot of _______ when you’re dealing with kids. A. p reference B. imagination C. patience D. protection 4. Without my glasses, I couldn’t ___ whether that figure on the blackboard was a three or an eight. A. make out B. make up C. make for D. make off 5. ---Are you ready for Spain? ---Yes, I want the girls to experience that ______they are young. A. while B. until C. if D. before 6. ---Why didn’t you tell me the truth that day ---I ,but you for Beijing when I went to see you. A. would have ;left B. would ;had been away C. would have; had left D. had; were away 7. There is _______ evidence that cars have a harmful effect on the environment. A. impressive B. abundant C. steady D. flexible 8. Your room is terribly dirty; you______ get it cleaned in two hours, or Mum will be angry. A. can B. might C. shall D. may. 9. It was the promise _____he would give Lucie all_______ he had, including his life, ______pushed him to save Draney. A. that; that; that B. that; what; which C. which; that; which D. which; that; that 10. Mary rushed home she heard the news, only that her hubby passed away. A. as soon as; finding B. directly; to find C. moment; to find D. when; found 11. ----If we take a plane, we’ll of course have arrived in London by the next weekend. ----Don’t be too sure. We should _____ the weather factor. What shall we do if it is foggy? A. look for B. allow for C. prepare for D. use for 12. ---How long ______in Beijing? ---I’ll be there just the weekend. I’ve to be back for an important meeting _______next Monday. A. have you stayed ; held B. do you stay; to be held C. did you stay; holding D. are you staying; to be held 13. --- How beaut iful the dress looks ____ you! Don’t you want _____, Madam? ---Please show me _______. A. in; one; another B. on; it; another C. in; it; the other D. on; one; the other 14. _____ his knowledge of the mountainous country, John Smith was appointed as our guide.
