







2.【答案】B。本题考查考生对细节的把握。答案在第一段最后一句话:Such crashes are thesecond-leading cause of death for migrating birds, after habitat loss, with...可知撞击是继栖息地减少之后导致迁徙鸟类死亡的第二主要原因。故选B。

3.【答案】C。本题是词义题。There was no easy fixes...表示解决起来不容易,即没有容易的解决办法。故选C。

4. 【答案】A。本题考查考生对细节的把握。答案在全文最后一句话:The architects used lessreflective glass and dot patterns. "故选A。

5. 【答案】D。本题考查考生对细节的把握。答案在第三段第二句话:...that use ultravioletsignals, but they are still in their infancy.表示使用紫外线信号还在初始阶段,即D 项,...in their early stages。文章最后一段第一句话说:Often, only one section ofa building needs to be changed,可知建筑改造只改变大楼的一部分,而不是整体,故A错。文章最后一段说:The Jacob Convention Center, whichhas been undergoing alterations...可知该机构正在实施改造方案,并没有解决鸟类撞击的问题,故B错。文章第一段讲述了导致鸟类死亡的两个原因,而C项只说明了其中一个原因,故排除。


1. “It can be a perfectmirror in certain lights, and the larger the glass, the more dangerous it is.”在一些光照下,它可能成为一面完美的镜子,镜面越大,危险也就越多。

It是句子的主语,can情态动词加谓语动词原形;连词and引导并列句,后面跟一个“thelarger..., the more...” 的比较句型,表示“越……,越……”。

2. As glass office and apartment towers have increasedin the last decade, so, too, have calls to make them less deadly to birds.近十年里,玻璃办公室和公寓数量有所增加,因此,也就要求我们把楼房建造得对鸟类没有那么大的杀伤力。

As引导原因状语从句,常置于主句之前。主句部分...have calls to make them..., call sb. to do sth.要求做某事,文中指要求我们(人类)去改造。













6.【答案】D。本题主要考查考生对细节的把握。答案在文章第一段:the 18-year- olds, ...two students at Stanford; ...at Harvard...,即斯坦福和哈佛两所大学,故选D。

7.【答案】B。本题主要考查考生对细节的把握。答案在文章第二段:...in which colleges and universities try toprepare their students to recognize opportunities and seize them. 故B对。


9.【答案】D。本题主要考查考生的推理能力及对细节的把握。答案在文章倒数第二段:...I just don’t think thatentrepreneurship ran ks so high in terms of national need, ...表示Greenberg认为,根据国家需要,企业家才能没有占太高的地位。所以同义转化为D,没有太高地位,因此学校也不必太重视它。



The entrepreneurship movement has its critics,especially among those who see college as a time for extensive academicexploration.企业家才能运动受到一些人的批判,特别是那些把大学时代视为一个广泛学术研发时期的人。

The entrepreneurship movement has its critics 为句子的主干,those 后面跟who 引导的定语从句,定语从句的谓语是see,see...as意思是“把……视为,看做”。


innovation 革新digital 数字的entrepreneurship 企业家才能prototype 原形,模型,模式五、全文翻译



去年,考夫曼基金会发表了一则报告,在校园里实行推进创新的财政计划,报告显示,在2年制和4年制学校提供超过5万个企业家才能培训计划——比起1985年仅有的250科课程有所增加。考夫曼基金会副会长Lesa Mitchell说基金会扩大了它的学术影响力,而这曾经仅在经济类院校使用。现在,企业家才能这个概念在工程计划、医学类院校及文科领域兴起。“我们感兴趣的是这些计划,”她说,“我们需要把这个概念从经济类院校中传播出去。”不管是课程还是他们自身,各专业的学生都应具备这样的思想,写一些商业计划,进而通过一种模式,通常是在市场模式下来审视这些计划。闲暇时,普度大学的农业经济学学生发明了豆子的新用法;锡拉丘兹工业设计专业的学生在专门实验室创造了耐用技术。

企业家才能运动受到一些人的批判,特别是那些把大学时代视为一个广泛学术研发时期的人。“根据国家需求,我认为企业家才能没有占有很高地位《销售科学:校园资本主义的风险、回报和妄想》一书的作者Daniel S. Greenberg说。

巴布森大学校长Leonard A. Schlesinger说创新能否被教出来这一问题是一个长期备受争议的话题。






12.【答案】B。本题主要考查考生对细节的把握。答案在文章第三段第二句话:... college students, whopredictably tend to have education-focused regrets, like wishing they hadstudied harder or a different major.即B 项study and major,表示学生的遗憾大多关于学习和专业。

13.【答案】D。本题主要考查考生对具体词汇的把握。答案在文章第一段:...find out what thetypical American regrets most.即最主要、最典型的遗憾,故D 对。

14. 【答案】C。本题主要考查考生的推理能力。答案在文章第四段:...more women than men hadregrets about love and family...故C对。根据原文第四段,学历越低的人,对学历及教育的遗憾越多,A项不明确;学历越高的人,对事业的遗憾最多,B项是对文章的曲解。根据最后一段,不行动的遗憾要比行动的遗憾持久,D与其意思相反,故排除。

15. 【答案】B。本题主要考查考生对全文大意的把握。开篇讲述“遗憾”的概念,引出两位研究者的调査,然后详细列出了各种常见遗憾的表现形式。所以文章主旨为美国人常见的遗憾。


1. People with less education, for instance, were morelikely to report education regrets.比如说,教育程度低的人,更多的是对教育的遗憾。

本句的主干为People..., were more likelyto... ;with 介词短语修饰people,for instance 表示“例如,比方说”;be likely to do表示“有(做)……的可能”。

2. Many participants also reported wishing they hadworked less to spend more time with their children.也有许多参与者报告,希望他们曾经减少工作量,花更多的时间来陪孩子。句子的主十为Manyparticipants...reported...; wish引导的表示“愿望”的宾语从句,表虚拟语气,与过去事实相反,用had done结构;spend sometime with sb.意思为“花时间陪某人”。


notable典型的,主要的,显著的regret遗憾,后悔participant参与者break down分解,细分


遗憾和爱与恐惧一样,是一种普通的情感,同时它又能产生强大的力量。因此,在一项新报告中,两个研究者试图找出美国人最典型的遗憾是什么。电话调查显示,西北大学管理系营销教授及心理学家Neal Roese和伊利诺伊大学心理学博士 Mike Morrison调查了年龄从19岁到103岁的370个美国人,让他们谈论一下各自最遗憾的事。参与者被问到遗憾是什么,何时发生,这些遗憾是否是他们做了或没做某事造成的,这些遗憾是否还可以弥补。

被提及的最普遍的遗憾和浪漫(18%)有关——失恋或分手。家庭遗憾(16%)位居第二,比方说,儿时对兄弟姐妹的不友善情绪仍然存在。其他的遗憾包括事业遗憾(13%)、教育遗憾(12% )、金钱遗憾(10% ),还有与父母有关的遗憾(9% )。





16. 【答案】A。在before引导的时间状语从句中,用一般现在时表将来,表示在他来之前就把一切准备好。译为:史密斯先生马上就要来访问我们了。在他来之前我们最好把一切都准备好。

17. 【答案】B。虚拟语气,省略if,句子需要倒装,原句为“If you had come...”。译为:要是你昨天来了,你就能见到琼斯教授了。但他现在已经去伦敦了。

18. 【答案】A。动词固定用法,deny+doing表示否认做过某事,译为:这个人否认潜人过邻居家的花园,并且偷了他的牛。

19. 【答案】D。非限定性定语从句。which指代前面的句子,译为:泰德年轻时像老黄牛一样工作,这使他日后成为一个极其成功的商人。

20. 【答案】D。主谓一致。由with引导的名词词组的谓语动词看with前面的名词,即a small suitcase,所以谓语动词为单数,再者因为是几小时以前,故选D,过去式单数。译为:几小时前,总经理办公室的一个装有主要文件的小整理箱被偷了。

21. 【答案】D。非谓语动词。land on着陆,登陆。根据felt,故用完成时。译为:来到了这个新世界,他感觉很想哭。

22. 【答案】C。倒装句。否定词nowhere置于句首,故助动词do提前,句子部分倒装。译为:到我们商店看看,在哪儿你都找不到这么便宜的价格。

23. 【答案】D。after连词,在句中充当引导词,引导的是时间状语从句。what在从句中作主语。译为:似乎经历了一个无止境的等待,终于轮到他进入就诊室了。


25.【答案]D。固定搭配。be in no mood to do sth.没有做……的心情。feeling指感受;attitude指态度;emotion指感情,情感。译为:老板不想谈这次事故,他现在没有心情这样做。

26.【答案】C。固定搭配。drive sb. mad指把某人弄疯。译为:我不能理解你为什么把它视为音乐。它快把我弄疯了!


28.【答案】C。固定搭配。be particular about讲究,译为:威廉姆喜欢下馆子,但是他不讲究吃什么。

29.【答案】D。overlooking表示俯瞰,眺望,由于河是down below,故选D项。译为:他们的房子在山顶,可以俯瞰到下面的哈德逊河。

30.【答案】A。固定搭配。find fault with挑剔,吹毛求疵。译为:我不理解老板为什么总是给我的工作挑毛病。

31. 【答案】D。固定搭配。the same... as像……一样。译为:这把刀像我昨天丢的那把。

32. 【答案】D。in接时间表示将来,译为:我几天后回来。

33. 【答案】B。动词词组。set up建造;set down记下,写下;set off动身;set out出发。译为:我听说他们将要在这儿建一所新学校。

34. 【答案】C。定语从句。that修饰先行词the days,即he spent the days inJapan.译为:他将永远不会忘记在日本度过的那几天。

35.【答案】B。固定搭配。have sth. in common在某方面有相同点。译为:太有意思了,这兄弟俩没有一点儿相似之处。

36.【答案】A。support支持,支撑。表示找到证据支持理论。carry施行,design 设计,raise升起,均不符合题意,故排除。译为:科学家正试着找证据来支持自己的理论。37. 【答案】B。本题形容英国队的表现令人失望,修饰物,所以用-ing形式。故选B。C 项用来形容人对……失望,故排除。

38. 【答案】C。固定词组。in advance预先,事先。译为:欢迎你现在订货,但是得先付款。

39. 【答案】A。使役动词的用法。make sb. done表示使某人被……,译为:大点声讲话,好让别人听到你的声音。

40. 【答案】C。反义疑问句。前半句表示我们马上就再见面了,即肯定意义,相当于we will meet again soon,所以用否定形式,即won’t we。译为:离我们再次相见不远了,不是吗?

41. 【答案】C。倍数表示法。即倍数+as+adj.+as,译为:现今,平均每个美国人食用的蔬菜量是20世纪60年代的两倍。

42. 【答案】A。the moment表示瞬间性,而while表示持续性,本题表示一接起电话,是瞬间性行为,故选A。译为:我和她太熟了,以至于我接起电话就能辨认出她的声音。43.【答案】B。冠词用法。the youth表示一代人,所以特指。译为:青年一代的教育一直是一个热门、严峻的话题。

44.【答案】B。动词搭配。make out理解,辨认出;make up编造,虚构;make up a story 表示编故事。

45.【答案】A。as+ adj.+ as固定用法,译为:你姐姐不像你学习那么刻苦。


46. 【答案】C。应改为than。即no sooner...than...,固定搭配。

47. 【答案】D。应改为or joining the army。并列成分全部用动名词形式。

48. 【答案】B。应改为be offered。那些新人希望得到一些兼职工作,表被动。

49. 【答案】C。应改为that。强调句。

50. 【答案】B。应改为asks for。表示要求。

51. 【答案】C。应改为or。连词误用,or表转折,译为:我必须努力学习,否则我不会通过考试。

52. 【答案】B。应改为reading。be used to doing表不习惯于做。

53. 【答案】D。应改为was。as well as连接名词,谓语要和前一个名词保持一致,即John。

54. 【答案】B。应改为dnrnk。谓语动词一致,前面为现在完成时,后面应用分词形式,即drunk。

55. 【答案】B。应改为turning over。with加动名词表伴随。





56. 【答案】B。effort努力,与前文trouble对应,表示记住密码很麻烦,但是这种努力是值得的。effect结果,效果;labor劳动,工作;matter事件,事务。

57. 【答案】D。creative表创造性的,即密码设置要有创造性,才不容易被人破解。proud 骄傲;true真相,事实;honest诚实的。

58. 【答案】A。accounts表账号,即不让别人登录你的账户。records记录;directions 方向,方位;collections收集,集合。

59. 【答案】A。complex复杂,表示密码越复杂,別人越难破解。careful仔细的,小心的;diligent勤奋的,费心血的;elastic有弹性的,灵活的。

60. 【答案】C。figure out查出,找出。即破解出密码。

61. 【答案】C。restrict限制,表示个人隐私设置是限制别人进人你的个人资料,与下文limit相对应。respond作答,响应;resign放弃,辞职;resemble相似,相像。

62.【答案】B。大量信息,固定用法,the amount of information。

63.【答案】D。against sb.表示违背意愿。即你所透露的个人信息可能对你造成危害。

64. 【答案】A。turn out表示显露出,显示出。turn in交上,归还;pick out挑选出,辨认出;pick up捡起,拾起。




68.【答案】A。lead to导致。表示网络信息的泄露可能导致犯罪活动。result from由于,表原因;see off为……送行;makeup补足,编造,组成。

69.【答案】D。think twice想第二遍,表不透露个人信息后不会再想起来。

70. 【答案】C。invitation邀请,与前文go to concert or weekend 相呼应。resistance 抵抗,反抗;statement声明;struggle斗争。

71. 【答案】A。reveal揭露,透露,表示不要透露具体生日日期。revise修订,校订;resemble ;require 要

72. 【答案】B。requesting表示要求填写的个人信息。threatening威胁的;worshipping 崇拜的;delivering传递的。


74.【答案】C。Taking precautions采取预防措施。Replacing代替,替换;Liberating解放,使自由;Depending依赖于,鉴于。




password 口令,暗语creative创造性的Facebook脸谱网burglary人室盗窃precaution








76. 在一些光照下,它可能成为一面完美的镜子,镜面越大,危险也就越多。

77. 近十年里,玻璃办公室和公寓数量有所增加,因此,也就要求我们把楼房建造得对鸟类没有那么大的杀伤力。

78. 企业家才能运动受到一些人的批判,特别是那些把大学时代视为一个广泛学术研发时期的人。

79. 比如说,教育程度低的人,更多的是对教育的遗憾。

80. 也有许多参与者希望减少工作量能花更多的时间来陪孩子。


81. Standing bythe window, he is thinking about his study plan.

82. She managedto finish the work on time.

83. This novel,which I have read three times, is so moving.

84. I will tellhim the news as soon as he comes back.

85. Thoughts canbe expressed by words.






















1. As is known to all, color-blind people often find it difficult to ________ between red and green. A.separate B. isolate C.contrast D. distinguish 2.Your advice would be ________ valuable to him, who is at present at his wit's end. A.exceedingly B. excessively C.extensively D. exclusively 3.The government has planned to ________ new industries in areas of high unemployment. A.concentrate B. focus C.center D. direct 4.Since the issue was extremely _________ , we dealt with it immediately. A.resistant B. intense C.urgent D. instant 5.The epidemic (流行病) was made worse when top leaders tried to hide the ________ of the disaster and present its impact as slight. A.scale B. rank C.range D. Having spoken of 参考答案 1.D) 考查近义动词的语义及搭配用法。各选项的意思及用法是:选项A)separate使分开,区分,区别,常用结构是“separate A from B”。如:separate cause from effect区分因果关系;选项B)isolate使隔离,使孤立,常用于isolate…from结构中。如:Several towns have been isolated from the outside world by the flood.有好几个城镇因洪水与外界隔绝了。选项C)contrast对比,对照,常用于“contrast A with B”结构中。如:contrast Europe with America 将欧美两洲做一番比较;选项D)distinguish区分,辨别,常用于“distinguish A from B/distinguish between A and B”结构中。如:distinguish between right and wrong/distinguish right from wrong明辨是非。根据题干中的介词及句意,可判断出选项D)应为正确答案。全句意思为“众所周知,色盲的人很难区分红色与绿色”。 2.A) 考查副词语义。各选项的意思分别是:选项A)exceedingly非常地,十分地;选项B)excessively过分地,过多地;选项C)extensively 广阔地,广大地,广泛地;选项D)exclusively独有地,独享地;排斥地。根据题意,不难判断出选项A)应为正确答案。全句意思是“你的建议对他将非常有价值,他现在已智穷计尽”。 3.A)


成人学位英语考试模拟试题 Part I Dialogue Completion(15 points) Directions:There are 15 Short incomplete dialogues in this part,each followed by 4choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and.mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 第1题单选Tommy:Mommy,when will we have dinner?I’m starvin9. Mother:__________.We have to wait for Daddy. A.Soon,honey B.Quickly,honey C.OK,honey D.All right,honey 参考答案:A

第2题单选narta:I like the red shirt than the black one. Allen:Really?__________? Malta:The red one is longer and a little looser SO it will be more comfortable. A.How come B.Why not C.How much D.So what 参考答案:A 第3题单选Jiang:Which do you__________,wine or spirits? Green:I’d like to have a little wine first.


2017 年4 月成人高等教育本科毕业生申请学士学位 外国语水平考试广东) A 英语试卷一 Part I Dialogue completion (15 points) Part II Reading Comprehension (40 points) Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 points) Part IV Cloze (10 points) 考生须知 1.本试卷分试卷一和试卷二两部分,试卷一满分85分,试卷二满分15分,考试时间共 120分钟。 2. 本试卷一为A型试卷,请将答案用2B铅笔填涂在A型试卷一答题卡上,答在试卷或其他类型答题卡上的无效。答题前请核对试卷一答题卡是否为A型卡,若不是,请要求监考人员予以更换。 3. 答题卡上正确的填涂方法为:在代表答案的字母上划线,如[A] [B] [C] [D] Part I Dialogue Completion (l5 points) Directions: There are I5 short in complete dialogues in this part, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER Sheet. 1.Speaker A: ______ I guess I’m addicted to the Internet. Speaker B: So you’d better quit surfing the Net deep into the night. A.I knew it. B. Why, it’s a pity! C. I can't help it. D. What seems to be the problem? 2. Speaker A: Don't be sad, I'm sure things will change for the better soon. Speaker B: ______. A. That sounds awful. B. Yes you're probably right. C. I hope not! D. You are welcome! 3. Speaker A: Can I get some information about the training program here? Speaker B: _______ A. Yes, you do B. Go ahead C. You certainly can D. That's fun 4. Speaker A: Tom, would you like to go to a party this Saturday? SpeakerB:______ What kind of party? Speaker A: It's a birthday party. A. Sounds good B. Looks nice C. Seems all right D. Feels OK 5. Waiter: ______? Customer: Yes, I'll have a steak, medium rare, with French fries. A. What do you want to eat B. Have you decided what to do yet C. Excuse me, are you ready to order now D. Sorry, but who'd like to order


2017年11月北京成人学士学位英语考试真题及答案 Part I Reading Comprehension (30%) Directions: There are three passages In this part Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: In 2014, older Americans fell 29 million times, leading to 7 million injuries, according to a report published last week. About million cases were treated in emergency department, and approximately 800,000 seniors went on to be hospitalized. More than 27,000 falls led to death. (76) And the problem is getting more and more serious. “Older adult falls are increas ing and, sadly, often indicate the end of independence,” said Dr. Tom Frieden. The fallsare preventable, Frieden stressed. He said individuals, families and health care providers can take steps to resist the trend.


2019年成人英语三级考试练习题及答案:完成对话Jack: ______ A. No, I don't think so. B. Let's mend them with a needle and a thread. C. Why don't you take them to the cobbler? D. Let's take them to the weaver. [答案]C 【精析】Milton说鞋子坏了,于是Jack建议他把它们拿到鞋匠那里去修补。A项是不同意别人的意见,D项的weaver是指织工,B项说自己拿针线修补,这不合情理。 Jeff: It is said that you are writing another book. What is the title and ______ Thomson: The title of the book is Human Nature and it will be published in October, 2006. A. what is the plot of this book? B. why is it a secret? C. when will it be out? D. where will it be published? [答案]C 【精析】(它什么时候出版?)Thomason回答的是书的名字和将要出版的日期。A项问的是书的情节,B项问为什么是个秘密,D项问的是在什么地方出版,所以这三项都不合题意。

Josie: Might I trouble you for a night? Justin: You ______ A. might indeed! B. may indeed! C. could indeed! D. certainly did! [答案]C 【精析】"Might I trouble you for a night?"的意思是:“我能够麻烦你一晚吗?”回答要用could。


成人本科学士学位英语考试_附答案 Part I Reading Comprehension (30%) Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: Is that 6 a.m. workout getting in the way of good sleep? Don ' t think your fat cells won't notice. A new study published in The Annals of Internal Medicine (a medical journal) finds that inadequate shut-eye has a harmful effect on fat calls, reducing their ability to respond to insulin ( 胰岛素) by about 30 percent. Over the long-term ,this decreased response could set-the stage for type-2 diabetes (a medical condition in which someone has too much sugar in his or her blood), f atty liver disease and weight gain . The study adds to a growing body of evidence that there 's“ an intimate relationship between the amount of sleep we get and our ability to maintain a good ,healthy body weight ” says sleep expert Helene Emsellem ,director of the Center for Sleep and Wake Disorders in Chevy Chase ,Maryland. (76) But Americans don ' t seem to be getting the message that we need seven to nine hours per night. More than 1 in 5 of us ,according to a report form the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ,is getting six or fewer hours of sleep per night ,on average. So how did researchers study fat cells in the Annals paper? Matthew Brady of the University of Chicago and a group of colleagues selected and persuaded seven volunteers to take part in the research project. They were all young ,thin and healthy and agreed to sleep for eight nights in a sleep lab. “ For four nights they were allowed to stay in bed for 8.5 hours a night ,” says Brady. Then ,a month later ,they came back for four additional nights —but this time they were allowed just 4.5 hours of sleep per night. And after each visit ,researchers got a sample of their fat.(77) Brady explains that the fat cells responded significantly to the loss of sleep. “ I was very surprised to be honest ,” he says. Bad things can happen when fat cells become less responsive to insulin. “ Fat cells are actually your friend ,”he says. “They 're there to store lipids( 血脂).” When lipids stay inside the cells ,your body can utilize the fat when you ' re exercising or sleeping or going about your day. “ However ,when fat cells start to become insulin resistant ,the lipids start to leach out of the fat cells and rise in the bloodstream ,” Brady says. 1.According to the passage ,lack of the sleep for a long while can probably lead to all of the following EXCEPT ______ . 第一段最后一句 A.heart disease B. weight gain C. diabetes D. liver disease 2.The main idea of the third paragraph is . 第一句 A.how to write a medical research paper B. how to avoid sleep loss C. how the research was conducted D. how to conduct a medical experiment 3.What does the word “ leach ” in the last paragraph probably mean? A.Leap B. Lead. C. Lead. D. Leak . 泄露


广东省学位英语历年真题及答案 - 百度文库 百度文库 搜索文档或关键词 普通分享 > 广东省学位英语历年真题及答案 VIP专享文档 2020-05-09 66页 用App免费查看 I. 会话技能15道15分15分钟 II. 阅读理解20道40分40分钟 III. 词汇和语法40道20分25分钟 IV. 完形填空10道10分10分钟 V . 短文写作100~120个词15分30分钟 考试总时间:120分钟 2011年广东学位英语考试试题及答案 PartⅠ Vocabulary and Structure (25 points, 30 minutes) Directions: There are 50 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. By 1929, Mickey Mouse was as popular ____ children as Coca Cola. A) for B) with C) to D) in 2. When you buy anything expensive, never forget to ask for the ____ from the shop. A) receipt B) trust C) render D) tale 3. The financial support is decided not only according to your GRE score, but also according to your ____ in college. A) intelligence B) policy C) performance D) statement 4. Professor Smith is also the ____ of the international program office. If you have any problem when you study here, you may go to him for help. A) detective B) president C) manager D) director 5. We do not have a ____ school in our institute. The highest degree we provide for the students is a B. A. and a B. S. .


北京地区成人本科学士学位英语统一考试 2015.05.09 Part I Reading Comprehension (30%) Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D, You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: Babies who are breast-fed may be more likely to be successful in life, a new study published Tuesday suggests. The study followed more than 3,000 babies into adulthood in Brazil. The researchers found those who were breast-fed scored slightly higher in intelligence tests in their 30s, stayed in school longer and earned more money than those who were given formula(配方奶粉). CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)中央情报局 IQ(intelligence quotient) n. 智力商数 EQ(Emotional Quotient)情商 “Breast-feeding not only has short-term benefits, but also breast-feeding has long-term benefits, "says Bernardo Lessa Horta of the Federal University of Pelotas in Brazil, who led the study being published in The Lancet Global Health. short-term memory短时记忆 Long-term memory长时记忆 The Lancet Global Health《柳叶刀》杂志 (76) Doctors have long known that breast-feeding can be good for a baby’s heal th. 长久以来,医生们就已熟知母乳喂养对婴儿健康有益。This is especially true in poor countries, where water can be contaminated. For instance, a baby given formula in developing countries is 14 times more likely to die in the first six months than one who’s breast-fed. In the U.S., some research has suggested that breast-feeding may raise a baby’s IQ(智商)by a few points. But a recent study with siblings(兄弟姐妹)found little advantage to breast-feeding. Horta says these previous studies didn’t follow children into adulthood to see if breast-feeding had long-term effects. So Horta analyzed data collected from 3,493 volunteers he and his colleagues have been following since birth. They are now in their 30s. First, the


成人英语三级考试模拟试题及答案 英语试卷一 Part I Dialogue Completion (15 points) Directions: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1. Louise: Would you like to go to a party this Saturday? Jackie: ______________. What kind of party? A. Feels great. B. Sounds good. C. Looks nice. D. Seems OK. 2. Customer: Hi, I’d like a double room for tonight Receptionist: ____________? Customer: Yes, I called you last week from Seattle. My name is Bob Woods. A. Do you have an appointment? B. Have you paid beforehand? C. Do you have a reservation? D. Have you made an order? 3. Sally: You look great in this red dress! Jennifer: __________. A. No, it’s not. Yours looks better. B. No, I don’t like it very much. C. I quite agree with you. D. Thank you. It’s my favorite. 4. Ginger: Hey, how was your vacation?


成人学位英语考试内容 成人学位英语考试内容 试卷五个部分的题目数、记分及考试时间列表如下: 考试内容包括五个部分:分别是阅读理解、词语用法与语法结构、挑错、完形填空和英汉互译。全部题目按顺序统一编号,共85题。 第一部分 阅读理解(PartIReadingComprehension),共15题,考试时间 40分钟。 要求考生阅读三篇短文,总阅读量不超过900个词。每篇文章后有五个问题,考生应根据文章内容从 每题四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。短文选材的原则是: 1、题材广泛包括人物传记、社会、文化、日常知识、热门话题 及科普常识等。但所涉及的背景知识应能为学生所理解 2、体裁多样包括叙述文、说明文、议论文等。 3、文章的语言为中等难度无法猜测而又影响理解的关键词,如 超出全日制文理科教学大纲中词汇 表一至三级的范围,则用汉语注明词义。 阅读理解部分主要测试考生的下述能力 1、掌握所读材料的主旨和大意; 2、了解说明主旨和大意的事实和细节; 3、既理解字面的意思,又能根据所读材料进行一定的判断和推论;

4、既理解个别句子的意义,又能在一定程度上理解上下文的逻辑关系。 阅读理解部分主要考核学生通过阅读获取信息的能力,既要求准确,也要求有一定的速度。 第二部分 词语用法和语法结构(PartIIVocabularyandStructure),共30题,考试时间25分钟。题目中50%为词和短语的用法,50%为语法结构。要求考生从每题四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 词语用法和语法结构部分主要考核学生运用词汇、短语及语法结构的能力。考试范围包括全日制文理科本科教学大纲中词汇表及语法结构表一至三级的`主要内容。 第三部分 挑错(PartIIIIdentification),共10题,考试时间10分钟。挑错题由10个单句组成。每个句子含有标着A、B、C、D的四个划线部分,其中有一处是错误的,要求考生从四个划线部分中挑出其错误的部分。挑错部分是词语用法和语法结构部分的延伸,目的是测试学生掌握词汇、短语及语法结构的熟练程度,其重点是固定搭配和句型。考试范围与第二部分相同。 第四部分 完形填空(PartIVCloze),共20题,考试时间15分钟。完形填空题是在一篇题材熟悉,难度适中的短文(约200词)中留有20个空白。每个空白为一题,每题有四个选项。要求考生在全面理解内容的基础上选出一个最佳答案,使短文的结构和意思恢复完整。填空的选项包括结构词和实义词,有些选项会涉及到一些重要的语法内容。完形填空部分主要考核学生综合运用语言的能力。 第五部分 翻译(PartVTranslation),共10题,考试时间30分钟。翻译试题由两部分组成。第一部分为英译汉,要求考生把前面阅读理解文

学位英语考试真题答案 完整版

2015年11月1日学位英语考试真题答案(完整版)Part ⅠDialogue completion (10 points) Dialogue one Tom: Do you go to college? Mike: Yes. __1__ Tom: What college do you go to? Mike: I go to Pasadena City College. Tom: Do you like it? Mike: Oh, yes. __2__ Tom: why do you like it? Mike: Because it has great teachers. Tom: __3__ Mike: I like all my classmates, too. Tom: Anything else? Mike: Yes. __4__ A. It’s not expensive! B. You bet.

C. I think I do. D. what else? Dialogue Two Speaker A: I just recently moved into the neighborhood. Speaker B: __5__ How recently? Speaker A: Just last week. Speaker B: What kinds of things have you been doing out there? Speaker A: __6__ Speaker B: why not? Speaker A: I don't know what to do. Speaker B: There're all sort of things to do. Speaker A: __7__ Speaker B: Shopping, or seeing a movie, or even going to the beach. Speaker A: That sounds great. A. I haven't been doing much. B. Really? C. How are you doing? D. Like what? Dialogue Three


成人英语三级考试阅读典型练习题3 高效备考!年成人英语三级考试课程火热开售中>> Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45. A house is the most expensive thing most people will ever buy. Very few people have enough money of their own to buy a home, so they have to borrow money from a bank. Borrowing money from a bank to buy a house is called “take a mortgage (抵押).”The bank usually lends money or gives a mortgae for twenty-five years. Houses are so expensive that many people nowadays have to borrow as much as $ 50 000. In other words, they will have a $ 50 000 mortgage. How can you get a mortgage? When you find a house you like, you go to a bank. The bank will research you financial (金融的) history and decide if. they think you are a good risk. They will want to know what kind of job you have, what kind of salary you make, and how long you have had the job. They will also want to know how much money you have. In addition, the banks will require a down payment. Depending on which state you live in, the bank may require as much as 30% of the-price of the house as a down payment. The bank will then lend you the rest of the money to buy the house. Many people are never able to buy a house because they cannot save enough money for the down payment. 1. What does a house mean in the United States?转自环球网校


本试卷共 5 页,请核对试卷页数,班级、姓名等信息写在左侧,否则试卷无效。 一、Vocabulary &Structure (40%) Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections. Section A Directions: In this section, there are 20 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. P13页内容 1. They were forced to___B_____the concert when the conductor became ill. A. change B. cancel C. remove D. Shift 2. Reporters asked him to __B______his position on welfare reform. A. clear B. clarify C. classify D. clean 3. It was a good concert, I enjoyed the last song____C____. A.in theory B. in authority C. in particular D. in reality 4. The university____A____pressure to close its art department. A. resisted B. insisted C. consisted D. persisted 5. Their guarantee_____D___customers of fast delivery. A. insures B. ensures C. assures D. Reassures 6. Newspapers tend to_____C___their influence on the way people vote. A. accomplish B. mislead C. exaggerate D. Convey 7. If you only go to the theatre occasionally,you go____C____. A. again and again B. very often C. now and again D. time and again 8. If these don’t work I may have to____B____you something stronger. A. describe B. prescribe C. distribute D. Provide 9. The town has___A____much of its country charm. A. retained B. remained C. resembled D. Remarked 10. This is currently the most efficient way to____B___certain types of data like electronic mail. A.translate B. transmit C. transport D. Transfer 11. I___D_____a few words of Russian when I was in Moscow. A. picked out B. picked off C. picked on D. picked up 12. The company isn’t___D_____of handling an order that large. A. able B. skilled C. competent D. Capable 13. Many theories have been advanced to____D____the existence of the moon. A. work out B. figure out C. look out D. account for 14. Language belongs to each one of us,to the flower-seller___B_____to the professor. A. as far as B. as much as C. as soon as D. as long as 15.Some scientists___C_____that the Earth’s temperature will rise by as much as 5℃over the next 20 years. A. boast B. convince C. predict D. evaluate 16.The Prime Minister will only resign if he_____B__there is no other way out of the crisis. A.receives B. perceives C. deceives D. conceives 17. Problems often___D_____when you least expect them. A. arouse B. raise C. rise D. arise 18. Considering what he did,I think the punishment was___C_____. A. accurate B. accidental C. appropriate D. additional 19. German law____B____the dumping of dangerous waste on German soil. A. avoids B. forbids C. prevents D. allows 20. The museum is of great interest,both to experts and to____D____visitors. A. strange B. normal C. casual D. common
