



1. 他正在专心看书。He is absorbed in his book.

2. 眼睛是心灵的窗口。Eyes are windows to the soul.

3. 金色的阳光撒满他的面庞。The golden sunlight washed over his face.

4. 我会坚持立场的。I'll stand my ground.

5. 这句话很饶舌。This sentence is quite tongue-twisting.

6. 他尽量装出一点笑容来。He tried to fake a smile.

7. 他的话在我心里引起了共鸣。His words struck a chord in my heart.

8. 大街上挤满了行人。The streets are choked with pedestrians.

9. 我只是一时兴起这么做。I did it on a whim.

10. 这些规定形同虚设。These rules only exist on paper.

11. 他在名单上高居第一。His name topped the list.

12. 他请了三天病假。He went on a sick leave for 3 days.

13. 他快90了。He is in his late 80s.

14. 许许多多方面他和父亲一模一样。He was his father in many ways.

15. 泪水在她眼眶里闪烁。Tears shimmered in her eyes.

16. 帖子被转发了1000次。The post was forwarded 1000 times.

17. 我一瘸一拐地走下了台阶。I hobbled down the stairs.

18. 泪水夺眶而出。The tears broke free.

19. 他是个不好相处的人。He is a difficult man.

20. 他不愿意赊账给我们了。He would not allow us any credit.

21. 他是个没用的家伙。He is a good-for-nothing.

22. 我在抽屉里发现一叠牌。I found a deck of cards in the drawer.

23. 他俯过身来,悄悄在我耳边说。He leaned in and whispered into my ears.

24. 他留着齐肩发。He wears shoulder-length hair.

25. 他戴上手套。He slipped on his gloves.

26. 我觉得脸在发烧。I feel my face burning.

27. 他的目光落在了我的身上。His eyes fell on me.

28. 他们俩长得太像了。Their resemblance was breathtaking.

29. 我挣扎着从床上爬起来。I struggled out of bed.

30. 桌子上有一些面包屑。There are some bread scraps on the desk.

31. 她头发中分,脑后扎了一个马尾巴。

Her hair is parted in the middle and tied in a ponytail.

32. 鲜血从他的指间渗了出来。Blood oozed between his fingers.

33. 地铁明年交付使用。The subway will be put into service next year.

34. 事故把很多人给困住了。The accident got many people stranded.

35. 地铁在高峰期暂停运营。The subway suspended in rush hours.

36. 他与一辆小车迎头相撞。He had a head-on collision with a car.

37. 我不能陪你了。再见。I can't keep your company any more. Bye bye.

38. 他没有透一个字给任何人。He didn't breathe a word to anyone.

39. 他边哭边说,“不是我做的。”He said through his tears, "I didn't do it."

40. 他从门帘后伸出头来。He thrust his head from behind the curtain.

41. 你在孩子们身上花了太多的心血。You exert yourself too much with your children.

42. 我正要出去,妈妈就回来了。When I was on the point of going out, mama came back.

43. 四个小男孩站了起来,垂着头。The four boys stood up, their heads hanging.

44. 他们俩实在像极了。They resemble each other to a hair.

45. 她是个干瘪的老女人。She was a dried-up old woman.

46. 他告诉妈妈是那样一个男孩打了他。

He told mother that it was such and such a boy who beat him.

47. 他把所有的心思都放到了存钱上。He set every thought on savings.

48. 不知怎么搞的,我把手表丢了。Somehow or other I lost my watch.

49. 他颧骨高耸,鼻梁塌陷。He is with high cheek-bones and a sunken nose.

50. 尽管那样,他最后还是成功了。Be that as it may, he made it in the end.

51. 有时候他会单独把我叫出去聊聊。Sometimes he would single me our for a chat.

52. 那一幕永远刻在我的记忆中。The scene was engraved on my memory forever.

53. 那些事情母亲一点不在行。Mother was none too competent in such matters.

54. 出于谨慎,我们又检查了一遍。Out of delicacy, we checked it once again.

55. 他把老鼠尾巴用线给串起来。He strung the mouse tails with a thread.

56. 小男孩吓得要死,抽泣着对妈妈说。

The little boy was frightened to death and sobbed to his mother.....

57. 他一怒之下枪杀了守门人。He shot the janitor in a fit of passion.

58. 他想方设法博取老师的同情。

He tried to court the teacher's benevolence in every way possible.

59. 王先生是一位很老练的教师。Mr. Wang is a full-fledged teacher.

60. 阅读让我着迷一辈子。Reading held its spell over me throughout my life.

61. 所有的男孩,都受到了严厉的盘查。All the boys were cross-examined.

62. 他们急匆匆地进了教室,甚至没有注意到门边的我。

They hurried into the classroom without so much as noticing me by the door.


He stood in the middle of the classroom, his eyes darting fire, but without uttering a word.


I mustered all my courage and said firmly, "No."

65. 一见面他就喜欢上了那个小男孩。He felt attached to the boy at the first sight.

66. 我带着祈求的眼光看着她。I looked at her with imploring eyes.

67. 12岁他就如饥似渴地开始阅读了。He began to devour books at 12.

68. 他年龄比我小一岁,个头也比我小一点。

He is one year younger than I, a bit smaller in size.

69. 在课堂上说那些话是不合时宜的。Those words in class were out of place.


"What do you want of me?" I roared at him. He was taken aback.

71. 她有能力,博览群书,但缺乏个性。She was capable and well-read, but lacked character.

72. 她是我的远亲。She was a distant relative of mine.

73. 我一躺下就睡着了。I was fast asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow.

74. 有时候他会勃然大怒,怒气冲冲地看着他的学生。

Sometimes he would flare up, glaring at his students.


It was after a long time that the debate on environment protection died down.

76. 他再也忍不住,大笑起来。She couldn't restrain anymore, and burst outlaughing.

77. 她倒在床上,抱着枕头痛哭起来。She threw herself onto bed and cried into her pillow.

78. 无论如何我都会给你打电话的。In any event I will call you.

79. 我们绝不投降。In no sense would we surrender.

80. 有时候他看起来有点郁闷,一个人陷入沉思很久很久。

Sometimes he seemed gloomy, sunk in meditation for a long time.


We are startled when a string of camels suddenly bellowed.


He never failed to scold the workmen and findfault with their work.

83. 他抽着烟,凝视着远方。He smoked, gazing into the distance.

84. 原来这个新来的人是他的叔叔。It turned out that the newcomer was his uncle.

85. 她尖叫着冲进黑夜之中。She screamed into dark night.

86. 寒夜里,二个小女孩肩并肩坐着,紧紧地挤在一起取暖。

In the cold night, 2 girls sat side by side,pressed close together for warm.

87. 稻草塞进炉子里,火就燃了起来。When you stuffed the straw into stove, it blazed up.

88. 工程正在全力进行之中。The project is in full swing.

89. 两个棚子长达几百米,一个是芦苇做的,一个是干草做的。

The 2 sheds stretched hundreds of meters long, one of reeds and the other of straw. 90."我不是故意的,"她抽泣道,吓得半死。

"I didn't do it on purpose," she sobbed, half dead with fear.

91. 他全身发抖。He trembled all over.

92. 他斜着眼睛看着那个姑娘,爱慕油然而生。

He squinted at the girl, love rising in his heart.

93. 他站在那里,脸上带着若有所思的神情。He stood there, with an air of thinking.

94. 士兵们每4人一组前进。The soldiers marched by fours.

95. 衣服有点紧,但他还是使劲穿了进去。Tight as the clothes were, he squeezed into them.

96. 他一跃而起。He sprang to his feet.

97. 那孩子摔在地上,仰面朝天,一动不动。The child fell on his back, motionless.

98. 孩子们像一群麻雀四散跑掉了。

The children ran away in all directions, like a flock of sparrow.

99. 火辣辣的太阳照在头顶。The scorching sun beat down on my head.

100. 这些规章制度对我来说没有意义。The rules and regulations don't make any sense to me. 101. 他坐在桌旁,嘴角叼着香烟。He sat at the desk, cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth.

102. 秘书是个五十岁上下的人,朝我笑了笑。The secretary, fifty-something, smiled at me. 103. 我讲完自己的故事,她哭了起来。When I was done with my story, she cried.

104. 我突然意识到王老师的白胡须又比去年多了。

It struck me that Mr. Wang had more white hair than last year.

105.他爬上树,手搭凉棚朝远处看了很久。He climbed up the tree, shading his eyes with his hand and looking into the distance for a long time.

106. 他的税后收入高达5.5万元每月。His after-tax income amounts to 55,000 yuan per month. 107. 他翻过身去,背对着我。He rolled to his side, his back to me.

108. 看着他那张饱经风霜的脸,我震惊了。Looking at his weather-worn face, I was shocked. 109. 他是个糊里糊涂的人。He is a muddle-headed man.

110. 她打开窗帘,顿时早晨的阳光洒满房间。She pulled the curtain open and the morning sunshine flooded the room.

111. 我爸爸做生意去了,妈妈生病了,所以就该我来做家务了。My father has gone out for business. My mother is ill. It falls to me to do the housework.

112. 我要的是家庭,而你注定是传奇。I want a family, while you set to be a legend.

113. 婚外情和家暴对社会稳定形成了威胁。Extramarital affairs and family violence pose a threat to social stability.

114. 总共500学生参加了考试。500students in total sat the test.

115. 她扭过头来问道,“还记得我吗?”She asked over her shoulder, "do you still remember me ?"

116. 生活欺负弱者,又有谁比孩子更弱呢?Life strikes the weak, and who is weaker than a child?

117. 你最好去找他帮忙,以免事情失控。You'd better seek help from him to prevent things from getting out of hand.

118. 进屋他就开始收拾起东西来。Entering the house, he started tidying up.

119. 他说着说着,眼眶里就噙满了泪水。As he said it, his eyes brimmed with tears.

120. 我们不要急匆匆做决定。We should not rush to a decision.

121. 后半生我碰到不少好人。I met many nice people in the second half of my life.

122. 这让我颜面扫地。This made me lose face big time.

123. 他胆子小,难道你不知道?He is chicken-hearted. Don't you know that?

124. 万一你错过火车,我会驾车送你去。In case you miss the train, I'll drive you there. 125. “在家里,我说了算。”At home, what I say goes.

126. 文革把很多是非颠倒了。The Cultural Revolution turned many things upside down. 127. 他犯了一个错,结果大家都受到了株连。He made a mistake and get others implicated. 128. 他停了停,尽量使自己恢复平静。He paused, trying to regain his composure.

129. 他跟着人流进入纪念馆。He followed a stream of crowd into the Memorial Hall.

130. 我记得那天晚上我们一起伴着古老的阿富汗歌曲跳舞。I remember we danced to the ancient Afghan song that night.

131. 快90岁的时候,他发现腿脚有点不好使。Going on 90, he began to feel rigid in his legs. 132. 他打开收音机,在京剧声中进入梦乡。He turned on the radio, drifting into sleep with Beijing opera playing by his ears.

133. 我跟他讲了半天道理,最后他同意了。I reasoned with him for a long time. At last he agreed.

134. 你必须戒毒。You must quit drugs.

135. “快说,我在洗耳恭听。”"Come on, I'm all ears."

136. 无事不登三宝殿。One never visits the temple without a reason.

137. 上周金价暴涨。The price of gold surged last week.

138. 你可以吃个饱。You can eat your fill.

139. 在小巷子里这栋楼看上去很打眼。The building is imposing in the alley.

140. 他学会了喜怒不形于色。He had learned to conceal his feelings behind a placid face. 141. 管住你的舌头。Watch your tongue.

142. 作为老教师,王先生认为亲自参与实践对于学生很重要。As an education veteran, Mr. Wang thinks hands-on practice is very important for students.

143. 他怒火中烧。His heart burned with anger.

144. 我在餐馆里做点临时工。I did some odd jobs in the restaurant.

145. 他做了后,其他人就如法炮制了。As he did it, the rest followed suit.

146. 请留我们一点时间把真相搞个水落石出。Please allow us a little time to check things out. 147. 他把怒火都发到了室友身上。He vented his anger on his roommates.

148. 听到这里,他瘫倒在椅子里。Hearing this, he slumped into the chair.

149. 他完成了4卷本的著作。He finished his four-volume work.

150. 我把他们招呼进屋。I ushered them into the house.

151. 听到母亲过世的消息他悲痛欲绝。He was overwhelmed with grief at his mother's death. 152. 他不能忍受那样的羞辱。He couldn't swallow such humiliation.

153. 夜深人静的时候他上吊自杀了。In the dead of night, he hanged himself.

154. 很快他们的关系就变坏了。Soon their relationship turned sour.

155. 那事故真把我吓死了。The accident scared me out of sense.

156. 这次事故就是一个很好的例子。This accident is a case in point

157. 他怒气冲冲地离开了房间。He stormed out of the room.

158. 最后他在一贫如洗中死去。At last, he died in utter poverty.

159. 大部分人只能够向命运妥协。Most people have to come to terms with life.

160. 他挑衅汤姆,结果被痛打一顿。He picked fight with Tom, and was beaten up.

161. 突然我想出一个好办法。I hit upon a good idea.

162. 他几乎没付我一分钱。He paid me next to nothing

163. 我们历经波折最终成功。We experienced many ups and downs till success.

164. 你倒是省了不少麻烦。You spared yourself a lot of troubles

165. 他踏上了不归路。He embarked on a journey of no return.

166. 他的脸上绽开了满意的笑容。His face expanded with a satisfied smile.

167. 他并没有听懂我言下之意。he didn't catch the undertone of my words.

168. 只有他们能够编造出那样稀奇古怪的故事。It was they who could come up with such wild stories.

169. 他经常从后门溜出去打麻将。He often slipped out of the rear door to play mahjong. 170. 乞丐挣扎在饿死的边缘已经好几天了。The beggar has struggled on the verge of starvation for several days.

171. 他们提出了一项不错的计划。They came up with a good plan.

172. 我上瘾了。I am hooked on it.

173. 要不是吸毒,他可以过很富足的生活。But for drugs, he could have lived a rich life 174. 他们坐下来喝了几杯茶。They sat down to several cups of tea.

175. 王大头说他没有现钱。Wang Datou said he didn't have ready money.

176. 这回你说到点子上了。Now you get the point.

177. 他吃得太多,把自己给吃死了。He ate too much that he ate himself to death.

178. 这导致了又一轮争斗。This triggered another round of fights.

179. 天无绝人之路。Heaven never seals all the exits.

180. 他走过去,把鸭子嘘走了。He went over and shooed the ducks away

181. 我们用低廉的价格买下了这辆车。We bought the car at a bargain price.

182. “为什么你们要瞒着我?”我咆哮道。"Why you hide it from me?" I bellowed.

183. 诱人的香气从锅里传出来。An inviting smell came out of the wok.

184. 我们是拜把子兄弟。We are sworn brothers.

185. 一想起玛丽,汤姆的心就怦怦地乱跳起来。At the thought of Mary, Tom's heart stuttered. 186. “我们只是想要一点帮助,”有人插话说。"We just want a little help," someone chimed in. 187. 我沉浸在甜美的幻觉中。I immersed myself in a sweet illusion.

188. 他径直走开了,头都懒得抬一下。He walked away, not bothering to raise his head. 189. 既然来了,就要努力工作。Now that you are here, you should work hard.

190. 他脱下长衫,做了一个倒立。He slipped off his gown and made a handstand.

191. 他这人有点手紧。He is a bit tight-fisted.

192. 他比我高一个头。He stands a head over me.

193. 紧邻操场建了一座体育馆。A gym was built next to the playground.

194. 听到这里他放心地舒了一口气。At this, he heaved a sigh of relief.

195. 我把他痛骂了一顿。I gave him a dressing-down.

196. “住口”,他一巴掌猛地拍在桌子上。"Shut up," he banged the table.

197. 如果我们混在人群里就不会被注意到了。If we mingle with the crowd, we will not be noticed.

198. 他怒气冲冲地走了。He left in a huff.

199. 大家认为广州一直就是他的老家。Everybody thinks Guangzhou has been his hometown all along.

200. 得知真相后,他勃然大怒。Knowing the truth, he flew into a rage.

201. 大门咣当一声关上了。The gate clanked shut.

202. 门里伸出一个头来,把他上下打量了一番。A man popped his head out of the door and looked him up and down.

203. 他来到操场的最东边。He came to the east end of the playground.

204. 听到这里,他不禁捧腹大笑起来。Hearing this, he split his sides with laughter.

205. 一碰到麻烦她就冲着孩子大发脾气。When she was trapped in troubles, she would lash out at her children.

206. 她是个急性子。She is a quick temper.

207. 热闹过后,操场上恢复了平静。When the hustle and bustle died out, the playground regained peace.

208. 他对紫禁城的历史有着浓厚的兴趣。He has a keen interest in the history of the Forbidden City.

209. 那时候他是站在我们一边的。In those days he sided with us.


预约券reservation ticket 下午茶high tea 微博Microblog/ Tweets 裸婚naked wedding 亚健康sub-health 平角裤boxers 愤青young cynic 灵魂伴侣soul mate 小白脸toy boy 精神出轨soul infidelity 人肉搜索flesh search 剩女3S lady(single,seventies,stuck)/left girls 山寨copycat 异地恋long-distance relationship 性感妈妈yummy mummy 钻石王老五diamond bachelor 时尚达人fashion icon 上相的,上镜头的photogenic 学术界academic circle 哈证族certificate maniac 偶像派idol type 住房公积金housing funds 熟女cougar(源自电影Cougar Club) 挑食者picky-eater 伪球迷fake fans 紧身服straitjacket 团购group buying 奉子成婚shotgun marriage 婚前性行为premarital sex 炫富flaunt wealth 决堤breaching of the dike 上市list share 赌球soccer gambling 桑拿天sauna weather 自杀Dutch act 假发票fake invoice 金砖四国BRIC countries 笑料laughing stock 泰国香米Thai fragrant rice 学历造假fabricate academic credentials 泄洪release flood waters 狂热的gaga eg: I was gaga over his deep blue eyes when I first set eyes on him 防暑降温补贴high temperature subsidy


经典中文的英译 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。 We wish each other a long life so as to share the beauty of this graceful moonlight, even though miles apart. 独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。 A lonely stranger in a strange land I am cast, I miss my family all the more on every festive day. 大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。 The endless river eastward flows; with its huge waves are gone all those gallant heroes of bygone years. 二人同心,其利断金。 If two people are of the same mind, their sharpness can cut through metal. 富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能曲,此之谓大丈夫。 It is a true great man whom no money and rank can confuse, no poverty and hardship can shake, and no power and force can suffocate. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。 A bosom friend afar brings distance near.

合抱之木,生于毫末,九层之台,起于累土;千里之行始于足下。 A huge tree that fills one’s arms grows f rom a tiny seedling; a nine-storied tower rises from a heap of earth; a thousand li journey starts with the first step. 祸兮,福之所依;福兮,祸之所伏。 Misfortune, that is where happiness depends; happiness, that is where misfortune underlies. 见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也。 On seeing a man of virtue, try to become his equal; on seeing a man without virtue, examine yourself not to have the same defects. 江山如此多娇,引无数英雄尽折腰。 This land so rich in beauty has made countless heroes bow in homage. 举头望明月,低头思故乡。 Raising my head, I see the moon so bright; withdrawing my eyes, my nostalgia comes around. 俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。 All are past and gone; we look to this age for truly great men.


这1000个英语句子是杨老师在15年的翻译与写作教学中积累下来的一部分材料,它们脱胎于《活学活用汉英700句》,在700句的基础上增加了300句,构成了现在的1000句。它们共同的特点是简单,实用,容易记住,没有多少生词,每一句都包含一个生动的单词或者短语,能丰富英语表达,对笔译、口译、写作、口语帮助非常之大,是正英专考研同学的必备材料。 记忆这些句子时需注意2点技巧。第一,汉语在前,英语在后。也就是先记汉语,再记英语;第二,背得滚瓜烂熟才能够在实践中使用,勉强记住没有意义。 1. 他正在专心看书。He is absorbed in his book. 2. 眼睛是心灵的窗口。Eyes are windows to the soul. 3. 金色的阳光撒满他的面庞。The golden sunlight washed over his face. 4. 我会坚持立场的。I'll stand my ground. 5. 这句话很饶舌。This sentence is quite tongue-twisting. 6. 他尽量装出一点笑容来。He tried to fake a smile. 7. 他的话在我心里引起了共鸣。His words struck a chord in my heart. 8. 大街上挤满了行人。The streets are choked with pedestrians. 9. 我只是一时兴起这么做。I did it on a whim. 10. 这些规定形同虚设。These rules only exist on paper. 11. 他在名单上高居第一。His name topped the list. 12. 他请了三天病假。He went on a sick leave for 3 days. 13. 他快90了。He is in his late 80s. 14. 许许多多方面他和父亲一模一样。He was his father in many ways. 15. 泪水在她眼眶里闪烁。Tears shimmered in her eyes. 16. 帖子被转发了1000次。The post was forwarded 1000 times. 17. 我一瘸一拐地走下了台阶。I hobbled down the stairs. 18. 泪水夺眶而出。The tears broke free. 19. 他是个不好相处的人。He is a difficult man. 20. 他不愿意赊账给我们了。He would not allow us any credit. 21. 他是个没用的家伙。He is a good-for-nothing. 22. 我在抽屉里发现一叠牌。I found a deck of cards in the drawer. 23. 他俯过身来,悄悄在我耳边说。He leaned in and whispered into my ears. 24. 他留着齐肩发。He wears shoulder-length hair. 25. 他戴上手套。He slipped on his gloves. 26. 我觉得脸在发烧。I feel my face burning. 27. 他的目光落在了我的身上。His eyes fell on me. 28. 他们俩长得太像了。Their resemblance was breathtaking. 29. 我挣扎着从床上爬起来。I struggled out of bed. 30. 桌子上有一些面包屑。There are some bread scraps on the desk. 31. 她头发中分,脑后扎了一个马尾巴。 Her hair is parted in the middle and tied in a ponytail. 32. 鲜血从他的指间渗了出来。Blood oozed between his fingers. 33. 地铁明年交付使用。The subway will be put into service next year.


【篇一】怎么用地道英语口语夸赞别人 赞美能力 如果遇到能力很强,你很想学习的陌生人。赞美是和ta拉近距离的第一步。 如何用英语赞美能力比较地道呢? 正式表达: #01 If you don't mind my saying, you are a(n) excellent / outstanding / superb + (noun phrase) 如果你不介意我说的话,你是一个优秀的/杰出的/卓越的+(名词短语) Mr. Smith, if you don't mind my saying, you are an excellent public speaker. 史密斯先生,如果你不介意我说的话,你是个出色的演说家。 #02 I must say you really know how to + (verb) 我必须说你真的精通做+(动词) I must say you really know how to paint. 我必须说你真的精通怎么画画。 #03 I admire your ability to + (verb) 我钦佩你的+能力(动词) I admire your ability to think on your feet. 我很钦佩你脚踏实地的思考能力。 #04

You are a fine + (noun phrase) 你是一个很棒的+(名词短语) #05 What a(n) excellent / outstanding / superb / + (noun phrase) you are! 你真是一个出色/棒/赞的+(名词短语)! 非正式表达: #01 You're great at (verb + ing) 你在...方面很棒(动词ing形式) Wow! You're great at skiing! 哇!你真的很擅长滑雪! #02 Wow, I wish I could (verb) as well as you! 你很擅长(动词+ing) Wow! You're great at skiing! 哇!你真的很擅长滑雪! #03 You're an amazing / awesome / incredible + (noun phrase) 你是一个了不起的/超赞的/不可思议的+(名词短语) You're an awesome student. 你是一个出色的学生。 #04


地道的口语表达 1. I wasn't born yesterday.(我又不是三岁小孩) 2. How do I address you?(我怎么称呼你) 3. She turns me off.(她使我厌烦。) 4. So far so good.(目前为止,一切都好。) 5. Be my guest.(请便、别客气) 6. That was a close call.(太危险了/千钧一发) 7. Far from it.(一点也不。) 8. It's a pain in the neck[麻烦的事(人)].(那真是件麻烦事)9. We're in the same boat.(我们处境相同。) 10. My mouth is watering.(我在流口水了。) 11. I ache all over.(我浑身酸痛。) 12. I have a runny nose.(我流鼻涕。) 13. Do you have any openings?(你们有空缺吗?) 14. Think nothing of it.(别放在心上。) 15. I'm not myself today.(我今天心神不宁。) 16. I have a sweet tooth.(我喜欢吃甜食。) 17. For the time being.(暂时;暂且;目前) 18. Don't beat around the bush. (别拐弯抹角了。) 19. It's up on the air[悬而未决].(尚未确定。) 20. It slipped my mind.(我忘了。) 21. You can't please[使人感到满意和愉快] everyone.(你不可


经典古文英文翻译CLASSIC LITERATURE IN ENGLISH TRANSLATION -- EXTREMELY USEFUL AND HELPFUL 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。 We wish each other a long life so as to share the beauty of this graceful moonlight, even though miles apart. 独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。 A lonely stranger in a strange land I am cast, I miss my family all the more on every festive day. 大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。 The endless river eastward flows; with its huge waves are gone all those gallant heroes of bygone years. 二人同心,其利断金。 If two people are of the same mind, their sharpness can cut through metal. 富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能曲,此之谓大丈夫。 It is a true great man whom no money and rank can confuse, no poverty and hardship can shake, and no power and force can suffocate. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。 A bosom friend afar brings distance near. 合抱之木,生于毫末,九层之台,起于累土;千里之行始于足下。 A huge tree that fills one’s arms grows from a tiny seedling; a nine-storied tower rises from a heap of earth; a thousand li journey starts with the first step. 祸兮,福之所依;福兮,祸之所伏。 Misfortune, that is where happiness depends; happiness, that is where misfortune underlies. 见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也。 On seeing a man of virtue, try to become his equal; on seeing a man without virtue, examine yourself not to have the same defects. 江山如此多娇,引无数英雄尽折腰。 This land so rich in beauty has made countless heroes bow in homage. 举头望明月,低头思故乡。 Raising my head, I see the moon so bright; withdrawing my eyes, my nostalgia comes around. 俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。 All are past and gone; we look to this age for truly great men. 君子成人之美,不成人之恶。 The gentleman helps others to achieve their moral perfection but not their evil conduct. 君子独立不惭于影,独寝不愧于魂。 A righteous man never feels ashamed to face his shadow when standing alone and to face his soul when sleeping alone. 君子之交淡如水,小人之交甘如醴。君子淡以亲,小人甘以绝。 The friendship between men of virtue is light like water, yet affectionate; the friendship between men without virtue is sweet like wine, yet easily broken. 老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼。 Expend the respect of the aged in one’s family to that of other families; expend the love of the young ones in one’s fa mily to that of other families. 礼尚往来。往而不来,非礼也;来而不往,亦非礼也。 Propriety suggests reciprocity. It is not propriety not to give out but to receive, or vice versa.


20个地道的英语口语表达 从日常生活中学来的语言才是最生动鲜活的。混迹国外多年的网友给我们整理了一些外国人常用的但国内教科书上难见到的地道英语表达,快来看看吧,会用之后感觉口语水平瞬间上升一万点。 1. I'm good I'm good除了可以用来回答How are you?,表示“我很好”之外,还常用于: - Do you want some chips with your sandwich? 你的三明治要带薯条吗? - No, I'm good. Thanks. 不用了,谢谢。 - Do you have any questions? 你还有什么问题吗? - No, I'm good. 没有了。 也可用作委婉拒绝。 - Do you wanna go to a strip club? 要不要去看脱衣舞? - I'm good. 不去啦。

2. Go by 在课堂自我介绍时,有时会说中文名,然后英文名。Instead of saying "My Chinese name is xxx, and my English name is xxx.", 你可以这样说: My name is xxx (中文名), and I go by xxx (英文名). Go by即“被叫做,人们常叫我……”,“To be called; be known”。例如: Our friend William often goes by Billy. 我们的朋友William,我们一般都叫他Billy。 一些美国学生不乐意用自己的原名,而偏好昵称,也可以用go by来表达: My name is Catherine, and I go by Cat. 我的名字是Catherine,你们可以叫我Cat。 3. Appreciate it! 在美国,每次下公交车的时候,大家都会礼貌地对司机表示感谢,有次看到四个小哥鱼贯而出,每个人表达感谢的语句都不同。除了常见的"Thank you very much!","Thanks a lot!"以外,就是“Appreciate it!" Appreciate it,完整意思就是: I appreciate what you have done for me.


地道口语表达厌恶,无需再用“fuck”! 你知道如何用英语表达对他人的不满吗?一直觉得用“Fuck”太直接粗暴,今天我们就一起看看可以用些什么别的表达吧…… 他很自私。 He's selfish. *selfish 带有轻视的语气,表示“自私的”、“利己的”、“不考虑别人的”。 I don't like John. (我不喜欢约翰。) Why? (为什么?) Because he's selfish. (他太自私了。) He's self-centered. (他总是以自己为中心。) He's self-serving. (他是个只顾自己的人。) He only cares about himself. (他只想他自己的事。) He doesn't care about anyone but himself. (他从来不想别人。) 他总把问题想得过于严重。 He takes things too seriously. 他头脑简单。 He's simpleminded. *simpleminded“单纯的”、“头脑简单的”,也有“无知的”、“愚蠢的”语感。 He's a simple man. *这句话也可解释为“他是个很实际的人”。 He isn't so smart. (他不很聪明。) 今天他情绪烦躁。 He's on edge today. *edge“边缘”。on edge 表示“烦躁”、“不安稳”。 What's wrong with him? He's on edge today. (怎么啦,他今天这么烦躁。) I don't know. (我不知道。)

He's edgy today. He's in a bad mood today. (他今天情绪不好。) 他真是个多嘴多舌的人。 He's talkative. *talkative“喜欢说话”、“多嘴多舌”。 He's talkative. (他真多嘴多舌。) Yeah, you can say that again. (啊,你也这么说呀。) He's a motor-mouth. He never shuts up. (他从来都闭不上嘴。) 他非常有钱。 He's quite well off. *well off“有钱”、“富裕”,比rich的语气随便。 How's he doing? (他现在怎么样?) He's quite well off now. (他现在可有钱了。) He's a wealthy man. He's rich. He's rolling in it. 他很好色。 He's fresh. *看样子可以翻成“他是个新鲜的人”,但实际上表达的是“他是好色的人”。 He always tries to touch me. (他总想碰我。) Yeah, he's fresh. (是啊,他真好色。) He's a dirty-minded man. He's a dirty old man. (他真是个讨厌的老头。) All he thinks about is sex. (他满脑子想的都是情事。) 他的嘴甜着呢。 He's a smooth talker.


课本翻译的答案(整理): Unit1 英译汉A 1.The college schedule is very different than the traditional high school schedule. Generally, there is a lot more flexibility with your college classes. 大学的日程安排跟传统高中差别很大,通常大学课程有更多的灵活性。 2.The other cool thing about the college schedule is that you usually have more opportunities to explore your interests and passions. 大学日程安排还有一件事很酷,你通常有更多的机会发展自己的兴趣爱好。 3.There will always be some courses that are only offered on certain days at certain times, but for the most part, there are a lot of options to think about! 总有些课程是只在固定日子的固定时段开的,但是对于大多数课程,你有很多选择! 4.However, college is like high school in that you will have the opportunity to get involved by joining different clubs, organizations, and maybe even by getting a part-time job. 然而,在大学像在高中一样你有机会参加各种活动,加入不同的俱乐部和组织,甚至可能找到一份兼职。 5.Of course, the best way to see what a true day in the life of a college student is like is to actually get the schedules of some college students! 当然,要看一个大学生一天的真实生活是什么样的,最好的方式其实是拿到一些大学生的日程表。 B 1.caught a glimpse of him sitting in the car 2.in search of new opportunities 3.without my being aware of it 4.are involved in different extracurricular activities 5.but ignore others' feeling 汉译英 如今,中国共有大约2500万名大学生,是十年前的五倍,并且这个数字有望持续增长。中国设立的学位制度包括学士、硕士和博士三个学位等级(Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral degrees)。中国的大学通常依据学生的高考(the National Higher Education Entrance Examination)成绩招生。公立大学对学生择优录取,被看做国家经济的主力。踌躇满志的学子们急切地等待考试结果,因为成绩能决定他们是否能进入著名的公立大学。 Today, there are about 25 million university students in China—five times the number a decade ago—and that number is expected to keep growing. China has set up a degree system, including Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral degrees. Universities in China generally select their students based on students’performances in the National Higher Education Entrance Examination. Publicly run schools get their pick of the best students and are viewed as engines of the economy. Ambitious students eagerly await their exam results, which determine whether they can get into a prestigious public school.


10个地道短句,教你用英语表达评价 1.This sort of music is quite to my taste. 这种音乐很符合我的口味。 汉语“合口味”与英语的to one's taste几乎形似意合。此语一般作表语。 如:Try this song. It's beautiful. This sort of music is quite to my taste. 听听看这首歌。很好听。这种音乐很符合我的口味。 2.He's for the birds. 他特别无聊。 “无聊”可以用短语be for the birds来表达。此语常用作表语,意指“毫无意义”以及“荒唐可笑”和“无聊”。 如:I can't understand why you should like to talk with Jack.He's for the birds. 我不明白你怎么愿意跟杰克说话还。他特别无聊。

3.His handwriting is plain one for the books. 他的字写得漂亮极了。 汉语中“棒极了”、“漂亮极了”以及“糟糕透了”、“丑极了”之类表示“到了极点”的语气均可用短语one for the books来表达。其字面意思是“可以写进书里面去”,相当于汉语口语中“创纪录了”的含义。 如:Yeah, but he wrote me a letter. His handwriting is plain one for the books. 但是他写了封信给我,他的字写得漂亮极了。 4.Nothing to it. 容易极了! Nothing to it一般用于回答“你干得了吗?”、“你行吗?”等问题。 如:Nothing to it, of course. 当然,容易极了。


2019年纯正地道美语,英语口语入门学习材料篇一:英语口语学习实用方法帮你说出地道美语 英语口语学习:实用方法帮你说出地道美语 现实生活中,不少英语学习者发现在交际过程中有时不能很好表达自己的思想或理解别人的情感,会说出闹不少笑话的Chinglish(中国式英语),怎样才能避免这种情况呢?以下几点供你参考。 一、了解西方国家的文化和风土人情并强调了解中西文化差异才能使交际有效 如:Jackisagreenhandatdoingthiswork.(杰克做这种工作没有经验)这里“greenhand”意思是“生手”、“没有经验”,而不是“绿色的手”之意。England是个岛国,船是重要交通工具,为保养船只,常用与海水一样的绿色油漆来漆船。一个不熟练的油漆工,工作时常会双手粘满油漆。了解了这一背景,“greenhand”之意就不一言自明。 二、学会在适当的环境中使用适当的语言

语言环境在很大程度上制约着用词。要注意在不同的语言环境中使用适合上下文的词,使思想连贯、内容完整。如:Ofcourse!这一常用词组,“同学,今年过年你回家不?”“ofcourse!"也许你这样回答似乎看来并没有问题,但老外会理解成“你这不是废话吗?我不回家干什么?”因为ofcourse本来就有对方已经知道的意思。 三、学会判断交际时哪些语言形式可接受,哪些不可接受 我们常会给对方提建议,提建议的目的是让别人接受我们的建议。当然,对方是否接受取决于与对方的关系和建议的可行性,但是要避免使用带有命令口气的词语和方式。如:“Youmust/should…”等,而用婉转语气,恰当的语言会在很大程度上影响对方接受建议与否。 如:“Whydon'tyou…?”,“Whynot…?”,“You'dbetter….”“Doyouthink…?”等。 Whydon'tyou/Whynotspendmoremoneyonbooks?(为什么不在书上多花些钱?) You'dbetterdoyourhomeworkallbyyourself.(你最好独立完成作业)


In short,we must study happiness scientifically 总之,必须科学地研究这个问题。 This conclusion is grounded in scores of studies around the word 这一结论是从世界范围内的几十个调查研究中得出的。 And what we also are doing is showing off 我们同样也在卖弄 And (although we have been taught that it's bad to boast, that it's trashy to toot our own horn),that nice people don't strut their stuff,seek attention or name-drop,there are times when showing off maybe forgivable and maybe even acceptable 尽管有人教导我们说,自我吹嘘不好,自吹自擂没用,好人从不炫耀自己,从不出风头或借名人来抬高自己。然而,有些时候卖弄可以得到原谅,甚至是可以接受的。 “Oh,I don't know,”he replied,“but all of a sudden the talk started getting so superficial.” “哦,没什么,”他回答说,“不过,我感到话题一下子变得那么肤浅了。” Sometimes showoffs ask for cheers to which they're not entitled 有的时候,卖弄者们企求他们没资格得到的喝彩 For we know very well—I certainly know— that( if we'd been that lucky lady,we'd have worked our triumph into the conversation) 我们很清楚,假如我们是那位幸运的女士的话,我们就会想方设法把自己的胜利纳入话题,这一点我当然明白。 As a matter of fact,I'll lay my cards right on the table and confess that the first time some poems of mine were published,I not only worked my triumph into every conversation for months and months),but I also called almost every human being I'd ever known to proclaim the glad tidings both local and long distance. 其实,我可以坦白交代:当我诗歌首次发表时,我不仅成年累月地谈及此事,还不厌其烦地打电话给本地的和外地的几乎所有认识的人,宣告喜讯。 "Enough about me.Let's talk about you.So what do you think


1a tissue of lies British English a story or account that is completely untrue. 2click your tongue to make a sharp noise with your tongue to show that youare annoyed or disappointed: She clicked her tongue and shook her head. 3sharp tongue if you have a sharp tongue, you often talk in a way that shows you are angry: Gina’s sharp tongue will get her into trouble one day. 4silver tongue literary if you have a silver tongue, you can talk in a way that makes people like you or persuades them that you are right 5sharp-tongued/silver-tongued etc able to talk in a very angry or pleasant way: a sharp-tongued young teacher 6with (your) tongue in (your) cheek if you say something with your tongue in your cheek, you say it as a joke, not seriously →TONGUE-IN-CHEEK 7slip of the tongue a small mistake in something you say: Did I say $100? It must have been a slip of the tongue. 8bite your tongue to stop yourself saying something because you know it would not be sensible to say it:I wanted to argue, but I had to bite my tongue. 9Cat got your tongue? (also Lost your tongue?) spoken used to ask someone why they are not talking 10get your tongue around something informal to be able to say a difficult word or phrase: I couldn’t get my tongue around the names of the villages we’d visited. 11trip/roll off the tongue informal if a name or phrase trips or rolls off your tongue, it is easy or pleasant to say:Their names trip off the tongue very easily. 12loosen sb’s tongue informal if something such as alcohol loosens your tongue, it makes you talk a lot: The wine had certainly loosened her tongue.


1.意大利著名旅行家马可。波罗曾这样叙述他印象中的杭州:“这是世界上最美妙迷人的城市,它使人觉得自己社在天堂。”在中国,也流传着这样的话:“上有天堂,下有苏杭。”杭州的名气主要在于风景如画的西湖。西湖一年四季都美不胜收,宋代著名诗人苏东坡用“淡妆浓抹总相宜”的诗句来赞誉西湖。在杭州,您可以饱览西湖的秀色,也不妨漫步街头闹市,品尝一下杭州的名菜名点,还可购上几样名特土产。 The famous Italian traveler Marco Pole was so impressed by the beauty of Hangzhou that he described it as “the mist fascinating city in the world where one feels that one is in paradise.” In China, there has been a century-old popular saying praising the city: In Heaven there is Paradise; on Earth there are Suzhou and Hangz hou.” Hangzhou’s fame lies mainly in its picturesque West Lake. As it is beautiful all the year round, the West Lake was compared by Su Dongpo, a celebrated poet of the Song Dynasty, to a beauty “who is always charming in either light or heavy makeup.” In Hangzhou, you will not only find the lake a perfect delight to the eye but also find it a joy to stroll along the busy streets, taste famous Hangzhou dishes and buy some special local products. 2.在设备制造期间,雇主的代表有权对根据合同提供的全部工程设备的材料和工艺进行检查、研究和检验,同时检查其制造进度。这一切应在工作时间内于承包商的工厂里进行。如果工程设备正在其它第三方工厂制造,承包商应为卖方代表获得他能在该工厂进行此类检查、研究和检验的许可。此类检查、研究或检验不应解除承包商在合同中的任何义务。 The Employer’s representative shall be entitled during manufacture to inspect, examine and test the materials and workmanship and check the progress of manufacture of all Plants to be supplied under the Contract. This shall take place on the Contractor’s promises during working hours. If the plant is being manufactured on other premises, the Contractor shall obtain permission for the Employer’s representative to carry out such inspection, examination and testing on those premises. 3. 雇主或项目经理提交给承包商的雇主的图纸,技术规格以及其它资料仍应为雇主的财产。除非是为了合同的需要,未经雇主同意,承包商不得使用、复制这些材料或将之传递给第三方。 承包商应对承包商的图纸中的任何错误或遗漏负责,除非他们可归因与雇主或项目经理提供的不正确的雇主图纸或其它书面资料。项目经理对承包商的图纸的批准不应解除本款规定的承包商的任何责任。 The Employe r’s drawings, specification and other information submitted by the Employer or the Project Manager to the Contractor shall remain the property of the Employer. They shall not, without the consent of the Employer, be used, copied or communicated to a third party by the Contractor unless necessary for the purposes of the Contract. The Contractor shall be responsible for any errors or omissions in the Contractor’s Drawings unless they are due to incorrect Employer’s Drawings or other written information supplied by the Employer or the Project Manager. Approval by the Project Manager of the Contractor’s drawings shall not relieve the Contractor from any responsibility under this Sub-Clause. 4.工程监护:在工程开始后,但在完工移交前,已完工的工程及留在工地的材料、
