陈圣元句子填空section 1-42(No题)

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Section 1

1. Hydrogen i s the ----el ement of the uni verse i n that i t provi des the buildi ng bl ocks from whi ch the other el ements are produced.

(A) steadiest

(B) expendable

(C) lightest

(D) final

(E) fundamental

2. Few of us take the pai ns to study our cheri shed convi cti ons; indeed, we almost have a natural---- doi ng so.

(A) aptitude for

(B) repugnance to

(C) interest i n

(D) ignorance of

(E) reacti on after

3. It i s hi s dubi ous di sti ncti on to have proved what nobody woul d thi nk of denying, that Romero at the age of sixty-four wri tes wi th all the characteri sti cs of----.

(A) maturi ty

(B) fiction

(C) inventi veness

(D) art

(E) brilliance

4. The primary cri teri on for----a school i s i ts recent performance: cri tics are----to extend credi t for earlier victori es.

(A) eval uati ng .. prone

(B) investi gati ng .. hesi tant

(C) judgi ng .. rel uctant

(D) improvi ng .. eager

(E) admini steri ng .. persuaded

5. Number theory i s rich in problem s of an especiall y----sort: they are tantalizingl y sim ple to state but----diffi cult to sol ve.

(A) cryptic.. decepti vel y

(B) spuri ous.. equally

(C) abstruse.. ostensi bl y

(D) elegant.. rarel y

(E) vexing ..notori ousl y

6. In faili ng to see that the justice's pronouncement

merel y----previ ous deci si ons rather than actually establi shi ng a precedent, the novice l aw clerk--- the scope of the j usti ce's judgment.

(A) synthesized.. limited

(B) overturned.. mi sunderstood

(C) endorsed.. nullifi ed

(D) qualified.. overemphasiz ed

(E) recapi tulated.. defi ned

7. When theori es formerl y consi dered to be----i n their sci entifi c objecti vi ty are found i nstead to reflect a consi stent observati onal and eval uati ve bi as, then the presumed neutrali ty of sci ence gi ves way to the recogni ti on that categories of knowledge are human----.

(A) di si nterested.. constructi ons

(B) call ous.. errors

(C) verifiabl e.. prej udi ces

(D) convi nci ng.. imperati ves

(E) unassail abl e.. fantasi es 1. Al though the minuet appeared simple, i ts---- steps had to be studi ed very carefull y before they coul d be gracefull y----i n public.

(A) progressive.. reveal ed

(B) intricate.. executed

(C) rudimentary.. allowed

(D) minute.. di scussed

(E) entertai ni ng.. styliz ed

2. The resul ts of the experiments performed by Elizabeth Hazen and Rachel Brown were----not only because these resul ts

chall enged ol d assum pti ons but al so because they called the---- methodology i nto questi on.

(A) provocati ve.. prevailing

(B) predictable.. contemporary

(C) inconcl usi ve.. tradi ti onal

(D) intri guing.. proj ected

(E) speci ous.. ori ginal

3. Despi te the----of many of their coll eagues, some schol ars have begun to em phasize "pop cul ture" as a key for----the myths, hopes, and fears of contemporary society.

(A) antipathy.. entangli ng

(B) di scernment.. eval uati ng

(C) pedantry.. reinstati ng

(D) skeptici sm.. deci phering

(E) enthusiasm.. symbolizing

4. In the seventeenth century, direct fl outi ng of a generall y accepted system of val ues was regarded as----, even as a si gn of madness.

(A) adventurous

(B) frivol ous

(C) willful

(D) impermissi ble

(E) irrati onal

5. Queen Elizabeth I has qui te correctl y been call ed a ----of the arts, because many young arti sts recei ved her patronage.

(A) connoi sseur

(B) cri tic

(C) friend

(D) scourge

(E) judge

6. Because outlaws were deni ed----under medi eval law, anyone could rai se a hand agai nst them with l egal----.

(A) propri ety.. authority

(B) protecti on.. impunity

(C) collusi on.. consent

(D) rights.. collaborati on

(E) provi si ons.. vali dity

7. Rather than enhanci ng a country's securi ty, the successful devel opment of nuclear weapons coul d serve at first to i ncrease that country's----.

(A) bol dness

(B) infl uence

(C) responsi bili ty

(D) moderati on

(E) vul nerabili ty
