


Parts 1 In the morning

1-01 It's time to get up! Wake up!


●The sun is up.Time to get up.太阳都晒屁股啦,该起床了。

●Mom,I'm so sleepy.5 more minutes.妈妈,我还没睡醒,再睡5分钟吧。

●You're running late!Get out of bed.不行,要迟到了,立刻起床。

It's already 7:00 AM.现在都7点了。

Next time,go to bed earlier.明天开始早点睡。

●All right.I am up now.知道了,已经起来了。

●Good morning,did you sleep well?早上好,宝贝睡得好吗?


●Wake up./Get up.醒醒。/起床了。

●Hurry and get up./Rise and shine.快点起床了。/太阳晒屁股了。

●You,https://www.360docs.net/doc/1f12594072.html,e on,don't be lazy.你这个小懒虫,还不起床,快点!

●Are you awake?睡醒了吗?

●Good morning.早上好!

Did you have a good night/rest?宝贝睡得好吗?

●Is your Dad still sleeping?爸爸还在睡觉吗?

●Go and wake Dad up,please.去把爸爸叫醒!

●I dreamed about a tiger.我做噩梦了。

1-02 Let's do our exercises together.


●Let's do some morning exercise.去晨练吧。

First,stretch yourself.先伸伸懒腰。

Now stretch to one side,then the other.右转转,左转转。

●Look at me!I did it.妈妈看我,我做到了。

●Let's swing your arms high.用力甩胳膊。

Let's try some jumping.做跳跃运动吧。

First curl up,then shoot into the air.先把身体蜷一下,然后往前跳。


●You should exercise.Follow me.你应该锻炼,跟我做吧。

●Before we exercise,let's do some stretching.锻炼前先放松身体。

●Stretch out your arms and legs.活动活动手脚。

●Touch your toes.触摸脚尖。

●Reach up high.把胳膊用力地伸展开。

●Turn your neck.转转脖子。

●Twist your waist.扭扭腰。

●Put your hands on your hips and turn to the right.把手放在屁股上向右转一转。

1-03 Go wash your face.


●Did you wash your face?洗脸了吗?

●No,I didn't.没有。

●Go wash your face and brush your teeth.快去洗脸刷牙吧。

Brush your teeth completely clean.把牙刷干净点。


Up and down,and side to side!上刷刷,下刷刷,从左到右再刷刷。

●Put some lotion on your face.抹点护肤液吧。


●First wash your face with soap.先用香皂洗脸吧。

●Then rinse your face.然后再用水清洗。

●Dry your face with a towel.用毛巾把脸擦干净。

●Put some toothpaste on your toothbrush.把牙膏挤在牙刷上。

●Brush your teeth.刷牙吧。

●Move your toothbrush up and down,and side to side.刷牙时上下左右都要刷。

●Rinse your mouth out.漱口吧。

●Floss gently.用牙线轻轻地清理牙齿。

1-04 Hurry up and get dressed.


●Here's your new suit.这是你的新衣服。

Put on your new suit while I set the table.我摆餐具时你去换新衣服。

●I don't like this suit!不喜欢这件衣服!

●I'm going to help you get dressed.我帮你换衣服。

First put on the pants.Now the shirt.先穿裤子。现在穿上衣。

Good,you're all dressed-up.好的。穿好衣服帅气多了!


●What do you want to wear?想穿什么衣服?

●I want to wear my brand-new suit.我想穿我的新衣服。

●Chang your clothes./Get dressed.换衣服吧。/穿衣服。

●Look,I got dressed all by myself.看,我自己穿好衣服了。

●Take off your pajamas.脱掉睡衣吧。

●Put on your shirt.穿衬衣吧。

●Button your shirt.扣好扣子。

●Put on your shoes.Tie your shoelaces.穿好鞋,把鞋带系上。

1-05 Don't forget to brush your hair.


●Look at yourself in the mirror.去照照镜子吧。

Don't forget to brush your hair.不要忘了梳头呀。

●I don't know where the pin is!我找不到发夹了。

●Fix yourself.Let me comb your hair.打扮得漂亮点,妈妈给宝贝扎头发吧。How do you want your hair?扎什么样的辫子?

●In a ponytail.给我扎一个马尾吧。


●Comb your hair before you go out.出门之前梳梳头发吧。

●You need to do your hair.你得做个发型。

●Let me part your hair in the middle.给你的头发从中间分缝吧。

●Let me part your hair on the right side.从右边分缝吧。

●Let me braid your hair.给你编小辫吧。

●How about pigtails?扎两个小辫怎么样?

●Let's mousse your hair.我们来打点摩丝吧。

●It looks great./You're gorgeous!真好看。/你好漂亮呀!

1-06 Breakfast is ready. Let's have breakfast.


●Time for breakfast!到吃早餐的时间了!

Do you want toast or rice with soup?吃面包还是泡饭?


●The toast and egg are ready.Here you are.面包和鸡蛋准备好了,给你。

●I don't want any eggs.我不想吃鸡蛋。

●Try it,you'll like it!Take a bite.尝尝吧,很好吃!就吃一口。

●It's yummy.真好吃。


●I have something special for your breakfast.我给你准备了一些特殊的食物。

●Let's try a bit of spinach.吃一点菠菜吧。

●Okay,but only a little.好的,但只吃一点。

●Why don't you try a little bit?为什么不尝一点呢?

●Eat a lot.多吃点。

●All gone!都吃掉了!

●Have you finished eating?都吃完了吗?

●I want more!我还想吃呀!

1-07 It's raining. Put on your raincoat.


●It's raining.下雨了。

You can't go outside until you get all your raincoat on!出去之前要穿雨衣呀! Put on your raincoat.穿上雨衣。

Put on your rubber boots.穿上雨鞋。

●Where is my umbrella?我的雨伞在哪里?

●Here you are.给你。

We're ready for the rain.Let's go outside.做好雨天出发的准备了,走吧。


●It's https://www.360docs.net/doc/1f12594072.html,e on inside.下雨了,到里面去吧。

●We can't stay outside.我们不能在外面待着。

●We'll get soaked.会被淋湿的。

●Your raincoat is here.你的雨衣在这里。

●The raincoat will keep the rain off your whole body.这件雨衣可以帮你挡雨。

●Rubber boots will keep your feet dry in the puddles.雨鞋可以不让积水弄湿你的小脚丫。

●Put your rain hat on.戴上雨帽吧。

●You're all dressed for the rain.穿戴好了不怕雨啦。

1-08 Are you ready to go out.


●You'll be late for kindergarten.你要迟到了。

Do you pack your bag?书包整理好了吗?

Do you have everything you need?该拿的东西都准备好了吗?

●I already packed the school bag.都准备好了。

●Are you ready to go?准备出发了吗?

●Yes.I am leaving,now.嗯,现在就出发了。


●Let's hurry and get ready to go to kindergarten.快点准备去幼儿园!

●Are you ready for kindergarten?准备好去幼儿园了吗?

●Did you pack your bag?书包准备好了吗?

●Check your books!看看有书落下没有?

●I put my books into my backpack.我把书装进书包里了。

●Put on your shoes.穿鞋吧。

●Put on your backpack.背上书包吧。

●Kiss me goodbye!来个吻别。

1-09 Here comes the school bus.


●Minki,hurry up!民基,快点啦!

We have to go now.我们现在就得走!

Your school bus will be here soon.校车马上要来了。

Let's get going.走吧。

The school bus should be here already.校车应该已经到了。

●Here comes the school bus!校车来了!

●Let's get on the bus.赶紧上车吧。

Please watch your step.小心台阶。

●Okay,I'm coming.好的,我走啦。


●Let's hurry.You'll miss the bus.快点,要不赶不上校车了。

●We missed the bus.我们没赶上校车。

●But there's another bus in thirty minutes.下一趟得30分钟以后吧。

●Let's go to kindergarten by taxi.我们坐出租车去幼儿园吧。

●I'll give you a ride.我开车捎你过去。

●How long have you been waiting?等多久了?

●The school bus pulls up on time.校车是准时来的。

●We don't want to be late for https://www.360docs.net/doc/1f12594072.html,e on.我们可不想迟到呀,快点吧。

1-10 Daily Routines


●wake up

●wash your face& brush your teeth

●get dressed

●eat breakfast

●take the bus to school

●listen to your teacher

●come home

●do your homework

●go to the market with mommy

●eat dinner

●watch TV


●take a bath

●pack the bag

●listen to a story

●get into bed/go to sleep

part2 At the kindergarden?

2-01 What kind of rules do you have to follow at kindergarten?


●What kind of rules do you have to follow at kindergarten?在幼儿园要遵守什么规矩呀?

●We have to take turns.我们要排队。

We have to share.什么东西都要跟小伙伴们一起分享。

●What else?还有别的规矩吗?

●We have to use kind words.我们要用礼貌用语。

We have to listen.我们还要听话。

●Anything else?还有什么?

●Talk it over.用谈话解决问题。


●It is your first day of kindergarten.今天是去幼儿园的第一天。

●Kindergarten is where you can have fun with your friends.幼儿园是和小伙伴们一起玩的地方。

●Your teacher will teach you exciting songs and motions.老师会教你好听的儿歌和有趣的活动。

●What's your homeroom teacher's name?班主任叫什么名字?

●Do you go to kindergarten?你上幼儿园吗?

Which kindergarten do you go to?你上哪家幼儿园?

●I go to the Rainbow Kindergarten.彩虹幼儿园。

●Which is your class?上什么班?

My class is the "BLue" class.*我上小班。


2-02 How was your school?


●How was your day?今天在幼儿园过得怎么样?

Did you have fun at kindergarten?玩得开心吗?


●Did you behave well and listen to your teacher?今天乖乖听老师话了吗?

Did you play with your friends?跟同学们玩得开心吗?


Teacher patted me on the back.今天我还受到表扬了。


●I'm home,Mom!妈妈,我回来了。

●You are home!How was your day?你回来啦!今天过的好吗?

●Did you have fun at kindergarten?在幼儿园玩得开心吗?

●We read a book,and then we heard a story.我们读完以后还听故事了。

●Did you enjoy playing with your friends?跟同学们玩得开心吗?

●I ran around and played kick-ball.我们在室外活动,还踢球了。

●What activity did you like the most?什么最好玩呀?

●What did your teacher tell you today?今天老师都嘱咐什么了?

2-03 Let's have a snack.


●Snack time.Let's have a snack.加餐时间了,来吃点心吧。

Let's make a sandwich.一起来做三明治吃吧。

Here are some bread,ham,cheese,lettuce and jam.这里有面包、火腿、奶酪、生菜和果酱。 Put some cheese,ham,and lettuce on your bread.在面包上放点奶酪、火腿和生菜吧。

The sandwich is ready.Here you are.三明治做好了,拿着。

●Thanks,Mom.It's delicious!谢谢妈妈,真好吃!


●We're going to have an apple for snack time.把苹果当零食吃。

●Here are some oranges.吃些橘子吧。

●Please share them with your sister.跟妹妹一起分着吃吧。

●What kind of juice would you like?想喝些什么果汁?

●Who wants some hot chocolate?谁要喝热巧克力?

●Would you like more bread?再给你来点面包吗?

●No,thanks.That's enough.不用,这些够了。

●I'll get you some.Here you are.我去给你拿。给你。

2-04 What did you learn.


●How was your class today?今天的学习怎么样?

●It was good.很不错!

●The class must be a lot of fun.今天的学习好像很有意思呀。

What did you do?都学了什么?

●We saw a lot of different paintings.看了很多画。

We drew a picture.还画画了。

●That must have been fun.很好玩吧。


●What did you learn at kindergarten today?今天在幼儿园都学了什么?

●Which activity did you like the most?今天什么活动最有趣呀?

●I bowled with my friends.跟小伙伴们打保龄球了。

●What songs did you sing today?在幼儿园唱什么歌了?

●We sang A tadpole and a frog.唱了《蝌蚪和青蛙》。

●What did you draw today?画了什么?

●I drew some animals at the zoo.我画了动物园里的动物。

●Did you have English class today?今天有英语课吗?

2-05 What did you have for lunch.


●What did you have for lunch?今天中午在幼儿园吃的什么?

●I had meat,rice,soup,spinach,Kimchi,fruit and milk.我吃了肉、米饭、汤、菠菜、泡菜、水果和牛奶。

●Did you enjoy your lunch?午饭好吃吗?

Did you finish all your lunch?午饭都吃完了吗?

●Yes,I enjoyed it.But I didn't eat much of the kimchi.嗯。午饭挺好吃的,但是没有吃太多泡菜。

It's too spicy for me.太辣了。


●Ice cream is sweet.冰激淋是甜的。

●Lemon is tart.柠檬是酸的。

●The medicine tastes bitter.药是苦的。

●This cheese is a bit salty.这奶酪是咸的。

●This Kimchi is too spicy.这泡菜很辣。

●This cookie is crisp.这饼干很脆。

●This steak is nice and tender.这牛排很嫩。

●The watermelon is very juicy.西瓜水分很多。

2-06 Who sits by you.


●Who sits by you? 你的同桌是谁呀?

●Minki sits by me.民基是我的同桌。

●How did you get along with the other kids?跟别的小朋友相处的好吗?

●I had a fight with Jaeeun.跟在恩吵架了。

●What for?为什么?

●She always wants to be first.她什么都想自己先做。


●Invite her over sometime.什么时候招待一下小朋友吧。

●With whom did you play?在幼儿园跟谁玩了?

●Who is your best friend?跟谁最要好呀?

●Who was your partner today?今天跟谁做搭档了?

●Did you have a good time with your friends?跟小伙伴们相处的好吗?

●It's not good to pick on others.嘲笑小伙伴是不对的。

●Would you like to play with me?愿意跟我一起玩吗?

●I don't want to play with you any more.我再也不想跟你玩了。

2-07 What's your homework for today.


●Do you have homework today?今天有什么家庭作业吗?

What's your homework for today.有什么作业?

●Spelling and Math.写字和数学。

●Do you need some help?需要妈妈的帮助吗?

Let me know if you have a problem.要是有不懂的可以问妈妈。

●I don't know about this part.这个部分不是很明白。

●Let me see.I can help you.我来看看,妈妈来帮你。


●My homework is hard.作业很难。

●Can I check your homework?妈妈检查一下你的作业可以吗?

●Have you finished you homework?作业做完了吗?

●Get your homework done before dinner.晚饭之前把作业都做好。

●Can you help me with this?I don't get it.妈妈你帮我一下,这个我不是很懂。

●Work on it by yourself first.你先自己做做看。

●Did you do it all by yourself?你自己都做了吗?

●Do you promise to finish all your homework?你可以保证完成所有的作业吗?

2-08 You've got it!


●Today, I got a "plus"sticker.今天拿到了表扬小红花。

Look at this.Here it is.看,就是这个。

●That's great!做得不错呀!

You must be so happy!一定很开心吧!

●The teacher told me that I was making good progress.老师说我进步了很多。

●That's excellent!I'm proud of you.做得好!我真为你骄傲。


●I'm glad to see you so happy with the stickers.看你得到小红花这么开心,妈妈也很高兴!

●You're a big boy now.真的是长大了。

●You're incredible./You're doing great.你真了不起呀!


●Good job/Well done!做得很好!

●You are special./I'm proud of you!你很出色。、我为你感到自豪!

●You've got it!你做到了!

2-09 I have a cold.


●What's the matter?Are you sick?怎么了,哪里不舒服吗?

●I have a headache.头疼。

●Let me check your temperature.量量体温吧。

You have a feve.你在发烧。

We should go and see a doctor.我们得去看医生。

●I don't want to go to the doctor.我不想去医院。

The doctor hurts me.医生会弄疼我的。

Will I have to get a shot?还会给我打针吗?


●I think I have a cold.我好像感冒了。

●Are you feeling OK/Are you okay?好点了吗?

●Achoo!I'm coughing/I'm sneezing.阿嚏~我咳嗽/打喷嚏。

●I have a headache/stomachache/sore throat.我头痛/肚子痛/嗓子疼。

●I feel much better now.现在感觉好多了。

●You have a runny nose.你流鼻涕了呀。

●Blow your nose./Wipe your nose.擤鼻涕吧。

●You can't go to kindergarten today.今天不能去幼儿园了。

2-10 I hurt my knee.


●Mommy,I hurt my knee!妈妈,我弄伤膝盖了。

●Your knee is bleeding a little.膝盖流血了。

What happened?怎么弄的?

●I fell down and got a cut on my knee.摔倒了,膝盖就破了。

●Let me see.I'll get a Band-Aid for that cut.我看看。我去拿一张创可贴。 It's clean now.Just hold one more second.现在干净了,你先晾一会。 Be more careful next time.下次要小心呀。


●I've got a wiggly tooth.我有一颗牙齿松动了。

●Let's pull it out.拔牙吧。

●My tooth fell out.我的牙掉了。

●Go rinse your mouth out.去漱漱口吧。

●I have a terrible toothache.牙很疼。

●One of my teeth had a cavity.我有一颗牙是蛀牙。

●Let's go to the dentist.我们去看牙医吧。

●I have many bad cavities.我有很多颗蛀牙。

2-11 Kitchen Dining room


●Kitchen 厨房

1 cupboard 橱柜

2 dish drainer 碗碟架

3 sink 水池

4 toaster 烤面包机

5 microwave oven 微波炉

6 stove 炉子

7 oven 烤箱

8 pan 平底锅

9 pot 蒸锅

10 refrigerator 冰箱

11 freezer 冷柜

12 kettle 水壶

13 bowl 饭碗

14 knife 刀

15 cutting board 菜板

16 blender 搅拌机

17 waste basket 垃圾桶

18 glass 玻璃杯

●Dining room 餐厅

1 electric light 电灯

2 china cabinet 碗柜

3 plate 盘子

4 bowl 碗

5 spoon 勺子

6 placemat 餐桌垫

7 glass 玻璃杯

8 knife 餐刀

9 fork 叉子

10 salt shaker 盐瓶

11 pepper shaker 花椒瓶

12 jam 果酱

13 dining room table 餐桌

14 bread tray 面包托盘

15 tablecloth 餐桌布

16 dining room chair 椅子

part 3

3-01 Go play on the playground.


●Mommy,come play with me.妈妈,跟我一起玩吧。

●It's a beautiful day.Let's go play outside.天气很好,去外面玩吧。

Go play on the playground.去小操场玩吧。

With one do you want to try first?你想先玩什么?

●Here is the slide!I'd like to try it.这里有滑梯,我想先玩这个。

I'd like to swing.Can you push me?我想玩秋千,妈妈推我一下。

This is so much fun!真好玩!


●Let's play on the swings/seesaw/slide.让我们一起玩秋千/跷跷板/滑梯。

●Can you push me?Push me higher.妈妈推我,再推高点。

●Can you hold me up?I want to hang from it.妈妈把我举起来,我想玩单杠。

●There you go.Is that fun?对了,做得不错,好玩吗?

●Come sit in front.你坐在跷跷板的前面。

●Can I play in the sandbox?可以玩沙子吗?

●Climb up the jungle gym.去玩攀登架吧。

Hold on as you climb.爬的时候记得要抓紧呀。

●Just take one step at a time.每次只上一个台阶。

3-02 Answer the phone, please.


●The phone is ringing.来电话了。

Minki,answer the phone.民基,帮我接一下。

●I've got it.Hello.Who is this?我接了。你好,是谁呀?

Just a minute.Mom!It's for you.您稍等一下。妈妈您的电话。

●Who is it?是谁呀?

●It's Mrs.Kim.Can you talk?是金大婶,可以跟她说话吗?

●OK.I'll get it.知道了,给我吧。


●This is the Lee's residence.这里是李家。

●Who is calling?您是哪位?

●Can I take a message?您有什么要转达的吗?

●I'm on the phone.You'll just have to wait.现在是通话中,您稍等一下。

●Why don't you answer it this time?这次你来接一下吧?

●Hi.It's me,Minki.您好,我是民基。

●It's Grandma,Mommy.妈妈,是奶奶的电话。

3-03 Now it's time to take a nap.


●Now it's time to take a nap.现在是午觉时间了。

I'll turn on some music to help you sleep.我给你放一点音乐,快点睡吧。

●But I don't wanna have a nap.但是我不想睡午觉。

●First,get into bed.先躺下来。

I'll tuck you in nice and snug.我要把你裹得暖暖的。

Get under the covers.快进被窝吧。

When you get up,we'll have a lot of fun in the afternoon.等你醒了,我们下午再一起玩。<睡午觉时用的语句>

●It's nap time.现在是午觉时间。

●It's past your nap time.已经过了午觉时间了。

●Lullabies are made for putting babies to sleep.催眠曲是哄孩子睡觉的时候唱的。

●I yawned a great big yawn.我打了一个大大的哈欠。

●You look so sleepy.你看起来很困呀。

●I'll tuck you into bed.Now go to sleep!把你抱到床上,睡个好觉。

●Just lie down and be quiet.躺下安静一会儿。

●Try to get some rest,please.稍微休息一下。

3-04 You may watch TV for only an hour.


●Minki come quickly!民基快来!

Pororo is about to start.《小企鹅》节目要开始了。

●May I watch TV now?我现在可以看电视吗?

●Yes,you may.可以看。

How long do you want to watch?你打算看多久?

●About two hours.看两个小时左右。

●You may watch TV for only an hour.就看一个小时吧。

●All right,Mom.Thank you.好的,谢谢妈妈。


●Do you know when Pororo is on TV?动画片《小企鹅》什么时候演?

●What time is it on then?几点开始?

●It is on TV from 5:00 to 5:20.从5:00到5:20。

●Can I change the channel?可以换台吗?

●Turn to channel eleven.换11频道吧。

●You're sitting too close to the TV.你离电视太近了。

●After this one,I'm turning off the TV.这个演完后我就要关电视。

●Can I stay up to watch?看完这个再睡觉可以吗?

3-05 What's for dinner today?


●What's for dinner today?今天晚上我们吃什么?

●Pork cutlet and Chopche.猪排和杂菜。

●It looks delicious.My favorite!看上去好好吃呀,都是我喜欢的。

●This Chopche is great!I like it.这个杂菜很好吃!我好喜欢。

●Take your time eating.慢点吃。

●Can I try this one,too?这个我也可以吃吗?

●Sure,you can have as much as you want.当然可以,想吃多少就吃多少。


●What do you like to eat?想吃什么?

●Come now.Dinner is ready.赶紧过来,吃晚饭了。

●When do we eat?我们什么时候吃饭?

●In a few minutes.马上就好了。

●Help yourself.多吃点。

●Take smaller bites.慢点吃。

●It's good for your health.这个对身体有好处。

●Who wants dessert?/I do.Me.谁要吃甜点?/我要吃。

3-06 Can you help me set the table?


●Can you help me set the table. 帮我布置一下餐桌好吗?

Put spoons and chopsticks on the table.先把勺子和筷子放好。

●It's all done,Mom.都放好了,妈妈。

●Can you get the dishes?能帮我拿一下盘子吗?

●Here you are.给你。

What do you want me to do next?还要我做什么?

●Why don't you go and tell Daddy it's dinner time.Thanks for helping.叫爸爸吃饭。今天你辛苦啦,谢谢。


●Set the table,while I cook.我做饭时能帮我布置一下餐桌。

●What do you want me to do?要我做些什么?

●Do you want any help?需要我帮忙吗?

●Put the chair back.把椅子放回原处。

●Let's clean up the table.把餐桌上的东西整理一下。

Wipe the table down.擦一下餐桌。

●Come here and sit down.赶紧过来坐在你的位置上。

●Help me put the food on the table.帮我把饭菜端过去。

●Help me put the cups on the table.帮我放几个杯子。

3-07 Please stop playing computer games.


●Please stop playing computer games.不要再玩电脑游戏了。

Go to your room to do your homework.赶紧回屋写作业吧。

●But I'd like to play a computer game now.可是我现在想玩游戏。

●Do your homework first,then you can play computer games.先做作业再玩游戏。

●Can I play computer games first?先玩游戏不可以吗?


●You've played too many computer games.你今天玩的时间太久了。

●Almost finished!快结束了。

●I'll be finished soon.马上结束游戏。

●Can I play again?还可以多玩会吗?

●Only for an hour.就玩一个小时吧。

●Mom,give me a break,please.妈妈,给我点休息时间吧。

●OK.Let's play a computer game,then.好的,那我们一起玩电脑游戏。

●Yeah!You're the best Mom!哇!好开心,你是最好的妈妈。

3-08 Let's go to the market.


●Do you want to go shopping?一起去市场吗?

●Wow,great!What are we buying?好的,妈妈,我们都买什么?

●Let's see.We can buy carrots,onions...我想想,买胡萝卜、洋葱……

●Can we get strawberries?要买草莓吗?

●Yes,anything else you might like?是呀,你还有什么要买的吗?

●Mom,can I get a doll?可以买个洋娃娃吗?


●Let's go shopping.Make a shopping list.我们去购物吧,列张购物清单。

●Let's go to a grocery store.去食品杂货店吧。

●We need some fish.我们要买一些鱼。

●I have to go to the store to get fruit.我要去商店买水果。

●Will you come with me?你要和我一起去吗?

●Here is the money.You go give it to the clerk.钱在这里,你去付钱吧。

●Don't forget to get the change.不要忘了找零钱。

●Let's go to the frozen food section.去冷冻食品专柜吧。

●Put them in the cart.放进手推车里吧。

-09 Which DVD would you like to see?


●Which DVD would you like to see today?今天想看哪张DVD?

Pick one.你自己选一下。

●I'd like to see Max & Ruby.想看《马克斯与罗比的快乐时光》。

●What is it about?什么内容呀?

●It is the adventures of a bunny brother and sister.讲了兔子兄妹冒险的故事。

●That sounds interesting.听起来很有趣哦。


●Put the DVD-ROM into the DVD player.把光碟放进DVD里。

●Press the "play" button.按“播放”键。

●I'll rewind the DVD for you.我帮你倒一下带子。

●Here's your favorite part!这是你最喜欢的那一段。

●Mommy wants to watch it with you.妈妈也想和你一起看。

●Wow,that was fun.哇,真的很好看!

●No more DVDs today.今天只能看到这里了。

●Will you turn it off by yourself?你自己关掉可以吗?

3-10 Would you put away your toys?


●What a mess!Let's clean them up.房间太乱了,我们一起来打扫吧。

Let's put your toys away.把玩具收拾好。

Put the toys back in the toy box.把它们放回玩具箱里。

●OK.I did.嗯,整理好了。

●Now,let's arrange all these things.那现在开始全部整理一下。

Please put the books back on the shelf.把看过的书放回书架上。

●OK,I'll put the books on the bookshelf.嗯,我会把书放到书架上的。


●It's time to clean up.现在是打扫的时间。

●You must clean up your own mess.你弄乱的东西自己要收拾。

●Everything has a place.每件玩具都要放回原处。

●Your room is all cleaned up.你的房间变干净了。

●I'll run the vaccum cleaner.我去开吸尘器。

●We have to scrub it.用抹布擦灰尘。

●A broom is for sweeping up.扫帚是打扫时用的。

●Dust off your desk.书桌上的灰尘你擦吧。

●Let me finish the shelves.妈妈收拾架子。

3-11 Can you take care of your sister?


●Little baby brother is asleep.小弟弟睡着了。

I'm going to the store.我要去买点东西。

Will you care for your little brother?你帮我看一下小弟弟可以吗?

●Sure,no problem.当然啦,没问题。

●I've left a snack for you in the kitchen,if you get hungry.厨房有零食,要是饿的话就吃吧。 Just call if there's a problem.有什么事就打电话。

●Don't worry,Mom.You can count on me.妈妈不用担心了,一切包在我身上。

●Thanks,I'll be back soon.谢谢,我马上回来。


●You'll baby-sit your little brother,won't you?帮我照顾一下弟弟可以吗?

●I'll pay you 5 yuan if you do a good job.要是干得好我就给你5元钱。

●Shhhh!The baby is sleeping.We have to be quiet.嘘,小宝宝在睡觉,安静点。

●You have to play quietly.你要安安静静地玩。

●That car is too loud.那个汽车玩具太吵了。

●Puzzles are quiet.不要玩了,玩猜谜语吧。

●You go play with your toys while I bathe the baby.我给小宝宝洗澡的时候你自己玩玩具吧。

3-12 Stop teasing your sister/brother.


●Stop teasing her.不要欺负妹妹。

What did I tell you about teasing your sister?欺负妹妹的话,妈妈是怎么说的?

●You need to take a "time-out".不许我玩。

●Go to your bed,think about how you acted.你去好好反省一下自己的行为。

Why did you have a "time-out"?知道妈妈为什么不许你玩吗?

●Because I teased my sister.因为我欺负妹妹了。


●Don't pick on your brother.不要欺负弟弟。

●Be nice to each other.要互相谦让。

●You two quit bothering each other.你们两个不要再吵了。

●Don't hit your sister.不能打妹妹。

●I didn't do that.不是我做的。

●You should say "sorry".你应该道歉。

●You must be punished.你应该受到批评。

●I'm sorry.Please forgive me.我错了,原谅我吧。

●Don't do it again,please.不要再犯错了。

●Give me a big hug,sweetie.过来吧,乖乖,妈妈抱抱。

●I forgive you.I still love you.我原谅你了,妈妈是爱你的。

3-13 Let's take a bath.


●Let's take a both.洗澡吧。

Let's wash our hair first.我们先来洗头发。

Let's wash with soap and then scrub.涂上香皂后帮你搓一搓吧。

●Am I done,then?那样是不是就洗完了?

●Let me wash your back.Turn around.还要洗洗你的后背,把后背转过来。

●Go get dressed.穿衣服吧。

Put some lotion on your body and face.抹点润肤油。


●I'll check on your bath.帮你试试洗澡水。

●Let's get you undressed.脱衣服吧。

●I'll get some towels.我去拿毛巾。

●Turn on the water.打开淋浴器。

●Let's add some bubble bath.我们洗泡泡浴吧。

●Do you want me to scrub your back?要我给你搓搓后背吗?

●Let's rinse with clean water.用清水冲洗吧。

●Let's dry your hair.吹干头发吧。

●Go get dressed and put on clean underwear.穿上衣服吧,换上干净的内衣。

3-14 Have you finished packing your school bag?


●Have you finished packing your school bag?书包整理好了吗?

●No,I am not through.还没呢。

I need a paintbrush,but I forgot to buy it.我需要画笔,但忘记买了。

●I already bought it.妈妈已经买回来了。

Is there anything else?还有其他没准备的吗?

●They're already packed.都准备好了。


●How about your homework/study materials?作业本/参考资料都放进书包了吗?

●I already packed the school bag.书包已经整理好了。

●Is that all?这是全部吗?

●Are you going to take it with you to school?这是要拿到幼儿园去的吗?

●I forgot to buy it.我忘记买了。

●Tell me in advance next time.下次要提前告诉妈妈。

●Make sure you prepare for tomorrow's classes before you go to bed.睡觉之前整理好明天需要的东西。

3-15 I'll read you a bedtime story.


●It's nine o'clock.Now go to bed.9点了,现在该去睡觉了。

●I'm not tired.我现在还不困。

●I'll read you a bedtime story.睡觉前我给你读童话书。

●What story are you going to read tonight?今天给我讲什么故事呀?

●It's Good night,moon from now on.现在开始给你讲《晚安,月亮》。



●You should go to bed.该睡觉了。

●It's bedtime.Go get into bed.睡觉时间到了,快上床去。

●Go potty before you go to bed.睡觉之前去趟卫生间吧。

●Sweet dreams./Sleep tight.做个好梦。/睡个好觉。

●You have to get up early.明天还要早起呢。

●Now,tuck yourself in.现在钻进被窝吧。

●Kiss Mommy "Good night".给妈妈来一个吻安。

●You'll be able to sleep fine now.现在你可以好好睡了。

3-16 Bathroom Living room


●Bathroom 浴室

1 bathtub 浴缸

2 towel rack 毛巾架

3 tile 瓷砖

4 shower head 喷头

5 faucet 水龙头

6 mirror 镜子

7 tooth brush 牙刷

8 tooth brush holder 牙刷架

9 shampoo 洗发水

10 sink 洗手池

11 soap 香皂

12 hair drier 吹风机

13 toilet paper 卫生纸

14 toilet 坐便器

15 scale 体重计

16 towel 毛巾

17 medicine cabinet 药柜

18 lotion 润肤液

●Living room 客厅

1 wall clock 挂钟

2 picture frame 相框

3 stereo system 立体声音响

4 TV(television) 电视

5 console 电视柜

6 curtain 窗帘

7 window 窗户

8 coffee table 咖啡桌

9 remote control 遥控器

10 cushion 垫子

11 end table 小方桌

12 telephone 电话

13 sofa 沙发

14 carpet 地毯

15 plant 花草

part4 文本

4-01 Can we go to the park?


●It's beautiful day,isn't it?天气很好。

Why don't we go for a walk?我们去散步吧。

●Let's go to the park.那我们去公园吧。

●Take my hand.Watch out.A car is coming.拉着我的手,来车了,小心点。 That's a traffic light.那是交通信号灯。

We can cross when the light turns green.绿灯亮时我们才可以过马路。●Let's cross the road.我们过马路吧。

●Here we are.到了。


●Let's go out.去外面吧。

●Take the dog for a walk?带着小狗去散步吗?

●Hold my hand tight.抓紧我的手。

●Be careful of the cars./Watch your step.小心车。/小心。

●Let's find an overpass.我们走立交桥吧。

●We are almost there.快到了。

●Can you walk just a little more?还能走会儿吧?

●Take your time.If you run,you might fall down.慢点,别跑,小心摔倒。4-02 Let's take a taxi.


●Let's go to the department store.跟妈妈一起去百货商店吧。

Because it's raining,let's take a taxi.因为下雨了,我们坐出租车去吧。

●OK.Let's take a taxi.好的,那就坐出租车去吧。


●Quickly,now get in the cab.赶紧上车!

We're going to Shinsong department store.去新颂百货商店。

Let us off here,please.您在这里停车吧。

Now,let's take off.好了,我们下车!


●How about riding a taxi?坐出租车感觉怎么样?

●It is similar to a car.But it puts on a cap.跟汽车差不多,就是戴了个帽子。

●Here comes the bus!Step back.公交车来了,往后点。

●Let's get on the bus carefully.上公交车小心点。

●Get in the car.上车吧。

●Fasten your seat belt.系好安全带。

●We'll get off at the next stop.我们在下一站下车。

●Why don't you just take the subway?为什么不坐地铁呢?

4-03 This blouse fits just right.


●Mom,how do I look?妈妈,我看起来怎么样?

●Isn't it a bit tight?是不是有点小?

●It fits just right.很合适呀。

●It looks a bit tight.这件看起来还是有点小。

How about this?你看这件怎么样?

●I don't like big clothes.我不想要这么大的衣服。

●Here's a medium.这里有中号。

Would you like to try this on?试试这件吧。


●It fits me!很适合。

●Can I try it on?可以试一下吗?

●The skirt is a bit tight/loose.裙子有点小/大。

●The gloves are too small/big.手套太小/大。

●I'm just looking around,thanks.我只是看看,谢谢。

●Can you show me another color/one?给我拿别的颜色吧。

●How much is it?这件多少钱?

●It's too expensive.Can I get a discount?这件有点贵,能便宜点吗?

●I'll take this one.给我这件吧。

4-04 Let's eat out tonight.


●How about eating out tonight?今天我们在外面吃,怎么样?

●That sounds great!好棒的主意呀!

●Where would you like to go?你想去哪里?

●I want to go to McDonald's.我想去麦当劳。

●No,we shouldn't.不行,我们不去那里。

Hamburgers are not good for your health.汉堡对身体没有好处。


●Let's eat out tonight.今天晚上在外面吃吧。

●That sounds good!/That's a good idea!这个想法不错。

●How do you like Korean food?吃韩国料理怎么样?

●I love it./Not too bad.很好。/还行。

●What would you like to have?您想吃什么?

●I'd like to have a hamburger and a Coke!我要汉堡和可乐。

●Hold the onions!不要洋葱。

4-05 Which book are you looking for?


●What kind of books do you like?你喜欢什么样的书?

●I love picture books.喜欢图画书。

●Which book are you looking for?你在找什么书?

●It's called The Very Hungry Caterpillar.《饥饿的毛毛虫》。

●Let's look it up on the online computer.我们去前台计算机查一下。

Eric Carle.It's number K-235.埃里克·卡尔的那本《饥饿的毛毛虫》在K-235。<在图书馆时用的语句>

●Will you take this book back to the library for me?你能帮我把书还给图书馆吗?

●What are "call" numbers?图书编号是多少?

●The numbers are on the books.就在书上呢。

●Can we take these books home?这些书可以借回家看吗?

●Be sure to return the books by the due date.不要忘了在规定日期内还书。

●Which book do you like most?你喜欢什么书?

●Which book do you want to read?你想读什么书?

4-06 You've grown a lot.


●Why don't you go out to the backyard?你去后院看一下。

Somebody's waiting for you.好像有人在等你。

●It's aunt Sally.Hello!是莎莉姑妈呀,您好!

●You've grown a lot.你长大了。

●Are my cousins here?我的弟弟、妹妹/哥哥、姐姐们都来了吗?

●They are in the garden.他们在花园呢。


●You've grown so much since I saw you last!你比上次见到时长大了很多!

●Your kids get bigger each time I see them!孩子们长得真快呀!

●You're so tall,I didn't recognize you.你长这么高,刚才我都没有认出来!

●Where is Minsun?I missed her so much.敏善在哪里?我想她了。

●You are Aunt Sally's daughter,Minsun,right?你是莎莉姑妈的女儿敏善吧?

●Give me a hug!拥抱一下吧!

●How was the trip here?路上一切顺利吗?

●Your cousin,Jaeeun,sends her love.你的表姐在恩让我代她向你问个好。


4天记住2000个英文单词的秘诀 背单词是学习英语绕不过去的坎,如何更快更好的背单词,这里给大家总结一下超右脑的秘诀,如何4天记住2000个英文单词?! 4天记住2000个英文单词实有其事?! 第一次提出并做到4天记住2000个英文单词的是日本人——七田真博士,而且还只是每天用30分钟时间,背500个单词,四天搞定2000单词,不可思议吧!我相信你一定像我当初一样…会质疑,怎么可能、不会吧、不可能的……甚至置之一笑。 中国的老子曾经说过一句话"不笑不能谓之道",你不笑他就不是大道了。套用到这里,你还先别笑,因为我做过认真的研究,可能这个方法会把你学习英语的效率成倍的提升。 我们先来看看,4天记住2000英语单词,七田真博士如何做到的。事情发生在1999年8月,七田真博士对8名中学生进行了一次快速大量记忆单词的实验。他们用4天时间记住高考所需的1000个单词。实验非常成功,学生们可以每天用30分钟记住250个单词。 实验的做法是:首先从要背的单词表里挑选出已经认识的单词,然后打开学校生活、交通工具和体育等不同分类部分的相应翻译,让学生们想象例文的情景。接下来,打开cd机播放英文,先用3倍速度,再用2倍速度放。学生们边听边看教材,争取用眼睛看的速度能跟上cd的速度。最后用正常速度放一遍,学生们对着翻译,边听边想象各项内容的场景。实验结束后,用单词表检查以下学生们到底记住了多少,让他们把没有记住的单词写在笔记本上,整理在一起,再听,再背。所有这些都要在30分钟内完成。

就这么简单,七田真让8名学生记住了1000个英语单词。 当然这其中还有一定的原理,我们准备了《超右脑英语学习法》的电子书,这是已经绝版的图书,如何想彻底开启英语学习潜能可以联系我们。 进一步完善方法,达到4天记住2000单词 七田真博士在后来的试验中不断完善,发展到今天,已经把学习速度提升到2倍,所以才提出了4天记住2000单词。 那么这其中的原理是什么?我们具体又要如何做呢? 各位,这是需要付出坚苦努力的(不是背单词,而搞清楚方法),因为七田真博士提供的信息太少,只有这么一点试验资料,这究竟是什么方法? 别着急,今天我们理出一个头绪来,并且搞定背单词。 首先超右脑是有一系列的理论,左脑是后天脑,右脑是先天脑,左脑是慢速脑,右脑是快速脑。右脑的记忆能力是左脑的100万倍,这个差距惊人吧!关于这些我还专门写过一篇《我们必须知道的超右脑》,你可以详细了解一下。 学习语言的潜能蕴藏在右脑当中,前头提到的试验中,特别提到有用"听"的方法,这就是启用右脑的关键了。因为听觉记忆与右脑有着密切的关系,学不好英语就是没有打开耳朵,有兴趣可以看看我写的《三个月流利说美式英语》。 单词要慢慢背是最大的误区! 背单词大家习惯了慢慢背,30分钟能够记住20个单词就不错了,这是很多人的心理。其实不然,左脑是慢速脑,你背单词的速度一慢,你的左脑就开始运作。因为左脑主管逻辑、推理,不善记忆,所以这个单词是左脑无法理解的信息,当然背起来很吃力。结果速度慢,却还是记不住单词。 右脑是快速脑,而且善长记忆,所以背单词就要快速,一旦速度快了,你的左脑


现代英语词汇学概论最强版复习资料c h a p t e r 文件管理序列号:[K8UY-K9IO69-O6M243-OL889-F88688]

Chapter 9 Changes in Word Meaning 9.1 Causes of Changes in Word Meaning 9.2 Four Tendencies in Semantic Change 9.3 Semantic Development or Change Resulting from the Figurative Use of Words Definition: Change of meaning refers to the alteration of the meaning of existing words, as well as the addition of new meaning to established words. 9.1 Causes of Changes in Word Meaning A.Historical cause 历史原因 It often happens that though a word retains its original form ,its meaning has changed because the object which it denotes has changed . *Changes of meaning because of increased knowledge of the object described are common in the history of science. Eg. pencil ==is from a Latin word meaning “a little tail” or “a fine brush”, like our Chinese “pen”毛笔.Later, when it was made of wood and graphite ,it was still called a “pencil”. atom ==It was borrowed though Latin and French from Greek arouos,invisible. Thus atom meant originally “an particle too small to be divided”. This meaning is now out-of-date, because scientist have found out that atom can be split.


《别笑我是英文单词书》读后感600字 今天,我看了《别笑,我是英文单词书》。这本书特别搞笑,里面全是故事,书的作者是韩国超级幽默单词大师文德。他的英文名字叫MOONDUCK(月亮上的鸭子)。 第一个单元是人体器官,第二个单元是感情与性格,第三个单元是生活与旅行。看了这本书,你会懂得很多英语单词。书里面还有彩色图片,特别搞笑。有一副图是写一个男人喝啤酒把肚子弄得很大,然后他旁边的一个小孩说,叔叔肚子里有宝宝了。 这里有一些我们学过的单词,有一些没学过的,还有一些我们没见过的。 这里有故事,有单词,每个故事结束,单词就开始了。在故事里面有一些单词是要学的,就会用英文标出来,然后在旁边打个括号,写上汉语意思。 这本书是我小时候买的。三四岁的时候,妈妈买回来准备自己看的,结果被我发现了,我就要妈妈给我讲,直到现在我还喜欢看。 有一个故事是写动物的,写的是moonduck小时候,这个故事特别搞笑,moonduck说他小时候,有一个大大的农场,农场里住着一只小

白,那是一只纯种小白,每次她生宝宝的时候都可以生七八只,有时候会死掉一两只。厕所在门外,不是真正地厕所,是茅坑,如果幸运的话,每天早上还可以在茅坑外捡到一两个鸡蛋,就像收到了圣诞老人的礼物一样开心。当你蹲在茅坑上的时候,突然有 ___窜出来,后面还跟着一只猫,你会吓一跳的。如果你去惹那只门外的老黄狗的话,它会追过来咬你,直到你跳过墙,它也跳过墙,你爬上树,它非要抓到你不可,可是爬不上去,它才会放弃。 就让我给你们讲一些关于动物的单词吧。 如果你把hare抓回来,养一段时间,它就变成了rabbit,如果你把wildboar抓回来,养一段时间,它就会变成pig,如果你把wildhorse抓回来,养一段时间,它就会变成一只听话的horse。 不跟你们说了,下次再讲吧,拜拜。 模板,内容仅供参考


《别笑,我是英文单词书》读后感600字 《别笑,我是英文单词书》内容概要:俗话说日久生情,英语也是这样,经常接触就会越来越熟。你不要觉得有多难,放下包袱,轻装上路。只要有时间你不妨随便翻翻,这样你和单词也就会变得熟悉和亲近。报纸上经常出现的文化、社会、政治、经济、科学领域的单词终将为你所有…… 《别笑,我是英文单词书》读后感600字 今天,我看了《别笑,我是英文单词书》。这本书特别搞笑,里面全是故事,书的作者是韩国超级幽默单词大师文德。他的英文名字叫MOONDUCK(月亮上的鸭子)。 第一个单元是人体器官,第二个单元是感情与性格,第三个单元是生活与旅行。看了这本书,你会懂得很多英语单词。书里面还有彩色图片,特别搞笑。有一副图是写一个男人喝啤酒把肚子弄得很大,然后他旁边的一个小孩说,叔叔肚子里有宝宝了。 这里有一些我们学过的单词,有一些没学过的,还有一些我们没见过的。 这里有故事,有单词,每个故事结束,单词就开始了。在故事里面有一些单词是要学的,就会用英文标出来,然后在旁边打个括号,写上汉语意思。 这本书是我小时候买的。三四岁的时候,妈妈买回来准备自己看的,结果被我发现了,我就要妈妈给我讲,直到现在我还喜欢看。 有一个故事是写动物的,写的是MOONDUCK小时候,这个故事特别搞笑,MOONDUCK 说他小时候,有一个大大的农场,农场里住着一只小白,那是一只纯种小白,每次她生宝宝的时候都可以生七八只,有时候会死掉一两只。厕所在门外,不是真正地厕所,是茅坑,如果幸运的话,每天早上还可以在茅坑外捡到一两个鸡蛋,就像收到了圣诞老人的礼物一样开心。当你蹲在茅坑上的时候,突然有一只老鼠窜出来,后面还跟着一只猫,你会吓一跳的。如果你去惹那只门外的老黄狗的话,它会追过来咬你,直到你跳过墙,它也跳过墙,你爬上树,它非要抓到你不可,可是爬不上去,它才会放弃。 就让我给你们讲一些关于动物的单词吧。 如果你把hare抓回来,养一段时间,它就变成了rabbit,如果你把wildboar抓回来,养一段时间,它就会变成pig,如果你把wildhorse抓回来,养一段时间,它就会变成一只听话的horse。 不跟你们说了,下次再讲吧,拜拜。 别笑,我是英文单词书的读后感,来自新华文轩网上书店的网友:韩国人编写的英语教材在实用性和趣味性方便比我们国内强很多,现在买这类书籍,我都是先搜索韩国作者的书。


背单词的书推荐 在日常学习英语中,背单词,应该找那些书籍。 1、新东方-胡敏读故事记单词系列。这套书是新东方教育集团总裁、北京新东方学校第二任校胡敏编著的,他主张在英语培训领域提出自己独特的教学理念改进学习方法、提高应试技巧、加强英语实,升华事业人生,这一理念在新东方的课堂上得以贯彻并为广大学员所认可。书中是一些内容各异、即兴创作的故事,且借故事帮助读者记住单词和它们的一些用法。此套从书由易到难,有初中、高中、大英四级、六级和托福等五本书,建议同学们觉得自己平时就爱看小说、故事之类书籍的选择,而且可以根据自己的英语水平选择套中的不同书本,循序渐进地学习。 2、李阳疯狂英语口语突破系列之突破单词。这本书是的目的是突破核心单词,口语更胜一筹。书中包括数十种高效的单词记忆法:方法穿插全书。建议平时背单词时喜欢边读边背,不读背不出的同学选择。 3、新经典智库的爱上背单词丛书。这套丛书特别适合刚刚开始学习英语的中小学生;曾学过英语,但由于种种原因被迫放弃者;深受传统英语教学方法束缚,学习不得法,甚至失去兴趣者。它满足了读者背单词的两个根本目的:一是“记住”,二是“会用”。丛书包括基础关键词、进阶关键词和高考关键词三本,如果同学有觉得自己需要从头开始学

英语,背单词的,又愿意找到一个好方法认真学的,可以考虑这套书。甚至跟自己的孩子们比比看谁学得快,不知道你们有没有勇气呢。 4、词根记忆书。词根记忆是英语单词记忆中非常重要的一种记忆方法,英语中的很多单词都具有相同的词根,因此记住词根,并根据词根来记忆单词,可以实现背一即背十的目标,而且掌握了词根后,即使在考试、日常的阅读中碰到不会的单词,也可以用词根法来推断它的意思。以词根记忆单词的书籍,我推荐新东方出的《大学英语考试CET-4:四级词汇词根+联想记忆法》,还有六级版的、英语词汇速记大全、TOEFL词汇等几本。还有声名很好的《星火式四六级词汇巧记速记》。建议平常就看推理的同学,喜欢举一反三的同学用。 5、口袋书系列。我看过的口袋书都还挺不错的,如吴铭方英语词汇书,一小本,装在口袋里,有空的时候就拿出来看看,或者每天给自己一个任务,背完10页,一小本书很快就过了。而且书里也有各种单词的记忆法提示,和提醒你循环背诵的时间表。 其实“背单词”从来就是学英语不可或缺的一部分,只是母语孩子不像我们几十年前(写下这个数字的时候真是辛酸,青春还没享受呢怎么就没了)学英语那样,刻苦就是抱着“红宝书”啃下单词列表。现在大家耳熟能详的Phonics(见


Fourteen Steps to a Clearly Written Technical Paper by R. T. Compton, Jr. A technical paper will usually have four sections. The purpose of each of these sections is as follows: Section I: Introduction The introduction should do the following: 1. Open up the subject. (The subject will be electromagnetic fields in cylindrical dielectric geometrics, adaptive arrays in packet radio, or whatever.) 2. Survey past work relevant to this paper. 3. Describe the problem addressed in this paper, and show how this work relates to, or augments, previous work. 4. Describe the assumptions made in general terms, and state what results have been obtained. (This gives the reader an initial overview of what problem is addressed in the paper and what has been achieved.) 5. Overview the contents of the paper. (“Section II contains our formulation of the problem. Section III contains the experimental data...”) Section II: Formulation of the Problem This section should do three things: 1. Define the problem to be considered in detail. Typically this section might begin with something like: “Consider a packet radio system consisting of a single central repeater surrounded by user terminals. Each user transmits packets to the central repeater using a slotted ALOHA protocol [1]. The transmissions from all users are assumed to be on the same frequency...”The discussion should proceed in this way until the problem is completely defined. 2. Define all terminology and notation used. Usually the terminology and notation are defined along with the problem itself. 3. Develop the equations on which your results will be based and/or describe any experimental systems. Section III: Results This section presents the detailed results you have obtained. If the paper is theoretical, you will probably show curves obtained from your equations. If the paper is experimental, you will be presenting curves showing the measurement results. In order to choose the proper curves to present, you must first be clear what point you are trying to convey to the reader. The curves can then be chosen to illustrate this point. Whether your paper is theoretical or experimental, you must provide a careful interpretation of what your results mean and why they behave as they do. Section IV: Conclusion This section should summarize what has been accomplished in the paper. Many readers will read only the Introduction and Conclusion of your paper. The Conclusion should be written so they can be understood by someone who has not read the main work of the paper. This is the common format for an engineering paper. Of course, the names of the sections may differ slightly from those above, but the purpose of each section will usually be as described. Some papers include additional sections or differ from the above outline in one way or another. However, the outline just presented is a good starting point for writing a technical paper. To write your paper, you should proceed as follows: Step 1: Start by writing a complete first draft of your paper, except for the Introduction and Conclusion. (It is easiest to leave the Introduction and Conclusion until after the main body of the paper is written.) In writing your paper, keep the following in mind: 1. You must always present the big picture first and then work towards the details. The other way around will not work. This is especially true in the beginning of Section II, where you are explaining the problem you are studying. 2. If you get stuck and cannot figure out how to explain something, a useful trick is to imagine that you are telling a very good friend what you are working on: just put down the words as you would say them to your friend. In writing your first draft, do not worry if the wording is not perfect. Polishing the document comes later. When you are finished with your first draft, put it away for a couple of days before you begin Step 2. Step 2: Make sure the ideas in the paper are in the right order. If not, move blocks of the paper around with your text editor until they are. Ask yourself: “Can the reader understand every passage strictly from the material up to that point?” If not, add material or move ideas around. Make sure there are not gaps in your logical arguments, and make sure you are not implicitly assuming that the reader understands something needed to follow your arguments, even though you have not stated it. The reader probably understands less than you think. Step 3: Work on the transitions between ideas. Make sure that at each stage the reader has a roadmap of where he or she is going. The reader must be able to see the big picture. At the beginning of each section, make clear to the reader in advance what the purpose of that section will be and how that section relates to the preceding material. At the end of each section, you may also want to remind the reader that you have now completed what you set out to do in that section. Then point out what the purpose of the next section will be, and so forth. These connecting statements are called transitions. The reader must always be able to see where you are going and why and how far you have progressed. Step 4: Check each paragraph for unity. Each paragraph should have one main point. Usually the central point of each paragraph is stated in a topical sentence at the beginning of the paragraph, but not always. You should not mix different ideas together in the same paragraph. If you are having trouble getting a certain section of your paper to sound right, go through that section one paragraph at a time and ask yourself what the main point of each paragraph is. Foggy writing is often due to mixed-up paragraphs. Step 5: Work on the sentences to reduce the fog index. The Fog Index F is defined as F = 0.4(L + P), where L is the average number of words per sentence and P is the average number of polysyllables per 100 words of text [1]. (A polysyllable is a word with three or more syllables.) To evaluate the Fog Index for your paper, count the number of words per sentence and the number of polysyllables per 100 words for a representative portion of your paper five or six hundred words long. Ideally, you should strive for a fog index less than 10. In technical writing, it is sometimes difficult to get the Fog Index below 10, but a Fog Index above 15 is a warning that your material will be very hard for a reader to follow. Consider the following examples taken from typical office memos. Note that both memos say the same thing. Fog Index = 35: “In order to eliminate the possibility of errors occurring in the time charges relating to engineering jobs through transposition of numbers or typing errors, each of the Division Planning Offices should set up a file of time cards showing all authorized project numbers and make a daily check of the charges on all time sheets forwarded to the Accounting Department to be sure that


一页十个五分钟,背完一页再把折页看一遍;六页三十分钟,回到第一页再看到第六页; 再用同样的方法背后六页;背完后再把后六页看一遍;再整体的把十二页看一遍? 一天三小时背三个list,一般早上、清晨时背;背完单词的十二个小时后一定要复习,每个List小于或等于20分钟,3个List在50~60分钟之间,早晨的顺序是List1,List2,List3,则这一遍请调整为List2,List3,List1 时间表: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 List 1-3 *List 1-3 List 4-6 *List 1-3 *List 4-6 List 7-9 *List 4-6 *List 7-9 List 10-12 *List 1-3 *List 10-12 List 13-15 *List 4-6 *List 10-12 *List 13-15 List 16-18 *List 7-9 *List 13-15 *List 16-18 List 19-21 *List 10-12 *List 16-18 *List 19-21 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 List 22-24 *List 1-3 *List 13-15 *List 19-21 *List 22-24 List 25-27 *List 4-6 * List 16-18 * List 22-24 * List 25-27 List 28-30 *List 7-9 * List 19-21 * List 25-27 *List 28-30 List 31-33 * List 10-12 * List 22-24 * List 28-30 *List 31-33 List 34-36 * List 13-15 * List 25-27 * List 31-33 *List 34-36 List 37-39 * List 16-18 * List 28-30 * List 34-36 *List 37-39 List 40-42 * List 19-21 * List 31-33 * List 37-39 * List 40-42 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 List 43-45 * List 1-3 * List 22-24 * List 34-36 * List 40-42 *List 43-45 List 46-48 * List 4-6 * List 25-27 * List 37-39 *List 43-45 * List 46-48 List 49-51 * List 7-9 * List 28-30 * List 40-42 * List 46-48 * List 49-51 *List 10-12 *List 31-33 *List 43-45 * List 49-51 *List 13-15 *List 34-36 *List 46-48 *List 16-18 *List 37-39 * List 49-51 *List 19-21 * List 40-42 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 *List 22-24 *List 43-45 * List 25-27 * List 46-48 *List 28-30 * List 49-51 *List 31-33 *List 34-36 *List 37-39 * List 40-42 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 *List 43-45 *List 1-3 * List 46-48 *List 4-6 * List 49-51 *List 7-9 *List 10-12 *List 13-15 *List 16-18 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 *List 19-21 *List 22-24 * List 25-27 *List 28-30 *List 31-33 *List 34-36 *List 37-39 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 * List 40-42 *List 43-45 *List 46-48 * List 49-51 如果要想17天把这些单词基本搞定,从第8天到第17天中间的这10天最关键,能不能咬牙挺住,决定了这场与单词的搏斗能否成功。至于这种背单词方法的效果,相信只要大 概地研究一下上面地时间表,任何人都不会有疑问:只要能够坚持下来,一定可以记得很牢。 简单地统计一下,仅仅在前17天中背过的单词便高达4万零3百词次,平均每个红宝书单 词背过6.5次,背词者对于70%到80%的单词的掌握都可以达到很熟练的程度。


recent - 正确发音是['ri:snt] 我不知道有多少人第一眼把重音放在c那里了,总之,我是犯了很久这个错误(几乎初中三年都如此),不过好在这个词还是一个非常常见的词,我较早的时候就改正了。 expert - 正确的发音是['eksp?:t] 接触这个词很早,第一次应该是小学时玩游戏用到FPE(Fix People Expert,用于计算机游戏作弊)和recent一样,初中的时候一直以为重音在后面。 mobile - 正确发音是['m?ubail] adj 活动的 这个单词我想不少人会把重音放到第二个音节吧?其实重音在开头。 archive - 正确发音是['ɑ:kaiv] 关于这个词的发音我一直很自信地以为自己是正确的,直到我开始使用WordPress之后,才逐渐发现原来ch是发[k]而不是[t∫]的 utility - 正确发音是[ju:'tiliti] n效用功用 这个词我一直念错(把第一个[ju]发为[?]),恐怕有十多年了!说来惭愧,这个词是计算机中的常见词,我很早玩电脑的时候就遇到过。 statistics - 正确的发音是[st?'tistiks] 这个词让我非常纠结,我2000年沉迷于NBA的时候,天天跟这个词打交道,但我的盲目自信彻底地害了我。我一度在拼写中遗漏了第一个“i”,之后又误以为重音是在开头,直到我开始看不是由CCTV5转播的NBA比赛时才发现我错了。 live - 多音词[liv,lɑiv] 在Twitter上有一些朋友告诉我他们不知道Live究竟什么时候读[lɑiv],什么时候读[liv] - 其实我也困惑了很久,唯一的解决方法就是多读句子。 单元音: 过去一周以来,我一对一地模拟面试了超过一百名即将参加高自考口译考试的学生,平均每人8到15分钟,虽然有些累,但是很值得,让我明白了如何更有针对性地帮助这个层面的学生。下面是他们在发音时候的主要问题,稍加改进,英语的口语将一定会进步。 一. 太喜欢发“儿”话音 英语的发音一定会受到本地方言的影响,比如s和sh不分,n和l不分,我至今还记得当初北外的一个男同学把自己“失声”了,说成自己“失身”了。但这些毛病没有普遍性,也很容易改。我发现,具有一定英文基础的同学在发音时最大的通病是,不加区分地卷舌发儿话音,也就是把音标是短“哦”的单词都“儿子化”。 有些来自北京、河北、四川、湖南等地的同学误认为自己的“家乡英语”是美国口音,这实在是个可爱的误解。美音只有在有“r”的情况下才卷起舌头。 China, America的结尾音是那和卡,不是“那儿”和“卡儿”。 Famous, delicious的弱音节是“么斯”和“社斯”,不是“么儿斯”和“社儿斯”。 August的gu,读“戈”,不是“戈儿”。威严的


6天时间如何牢记12000词汇的记忆方法 网络学习方法网2009-11-14 点击: 我要投稿 单词是英语的基本组成模块,单词是人体细胞,单词是建筑的砖块 织梦内容管理系统 Without grammar few can be express, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. 内容来自dedecms 许多人说,为什么我单词背了那么久还是没有记下来? copyright dedecms 我问,你背了多少遍?他说,我背了2个月……背了一遍织梦好,好织梦 我说:“啊?!一遍你就想把词汇记下来” 本文来自织梦 一遍就能记住的,是天才,十遍二十遍能记住的,是普通人,我比较笨,我要重复几百遍才能记得牢 https://www.360docs.net/doc/1f12594072.html, 如果一遍就要花2个月,那么如何能用6天时间突破12000词汇呢?织梦好,好织梦 有人问我,单词书看的烦怎么办,我说我看的也烦 本文来自织梦 有人问我,不想看不想看不想看,我说我也不想总是看,没那么多时间织梦内容管理系统 我问他:如果从长沙去北京,你认为是开奔驰SUV过去比较快,还是开宝马320i 过去比较快?内容来自dedecms 当他苦苦思索到底到哪里去找量比较快的车的时候……织梦内容管理系统 我直接坐飞机过去了…… 织梦内容管理系统

背单词也是如此,你不知道原来可以坐飞机,不代表就没有飞机 织梦内容管理系统 看单词书,确实比较累本文来自织梦 如果去上单词课我也不是很喜欢https://www.360docs.net/doc/1f12594072.html, 知识的补充是无穷无尽的,世界上的知识是一辈子也补充不完的内容来自dedecms 学会方法、技巧和正确的态度,自己去补充知识,同时也加以利用别人帮你总结的知识,这个是我个人推崇的 https://www.360docs.net/doc/1f12594072.html, 那么,单词到底要怎么背呢?我到底要怎么背单词呢?我如何才可以快速有效不遗忘的背单词呢? 织梦好,好织梦 这里,我说背单词的几个阶段 copyright dedecms 第一个阶段:背单词阶段 https://www.360docs.net/doc/1f12594072.html, 这个阶段的方法就是重复!重复!再重复! 织梦内容管理系统 背单词的真正秘诀就是重复!本文来自织梦 我们看单词书看不下去,完全可以不看嘛~ copyright dedecms 如果有一个人,每天在你的耳边,跟你读一遍英文,读一遍中文,甚至在读一个句子……


第一部分:探源法英语词汇来源及词汇记忆方法的历史发展篇 词汇、语音和语法是构成语言的三大要素。其中,词汇是思维概念的基本单位,也是语言的基本构成单位,掌握好一门语言首先必须掌握一定量的词汇。如何学好英语单词,能够以较少的精力、较快的速度、较好的效果来大量识记英语单词,迅速扩大词汇量,这与有效的学习方法有密切关系。 一、探源法的含义、内容、作用及衡量标准 (一)探源法的含义 探源法是了解世界语言学界研究英语现状和发展状态的最基本的方法,此法遵循和应用了一般语言学原理,是研究英语词汇最科学、合理、有效的方法。具体来讲:它是以研究构词学为基础,并在此基础上综合了国内外各种科学记忆单词的方法,最后汇总而成的记忆法则。只要你能把这种方法达到融会贯通的话,那么你得到的不仅仅是一种学习英语词汇的技巧,你得到的更是一种学习英语词汇的能力,一旦你拥有这种能力,你就不在需要别人帮助,你可以根据自己需要去选择适合自己的词汇书去学习,从此你学习词汇不在盲目,不在没有信心,面对任何词汇书,你不会在无所适从!当然此时的你面对单词,不再是记忆,而是学习。因为学习探源法的最终目的是:不再记单词! 此法主要从以下两方面介绍、研究英语词汇的:(1)构词法的内容及意义;(2)构词法中,最常见的几种记忆词汇的方法。 (二)探源法所包含的内容 1.构词法的内容及意义 构词法是一种总称,是科学研究词汇发展及规律的所有方法总和。随着社会的不断进步,语言也跟着不断的发展,在这个发展过程中有些词汇被淘汰,被人们所遗忘,而根据社会的需要又有许多新词汇应运而生,就在词汇不断灭亡和重造过程中,人们总结了一些好的造词方法,这些方法的不断运用,导致它最后成为词汇发展必须遵守的规律之一,这些规律被总结到一块,就成了构词法。 构词法是可以帮助我们扩大和巩固词汇,了解词的结构,通过已知的成分合理推知词的含义,从而有利于我们记忆、理解和掌握词汇的一门学科。 2.构词法中,最常见的几种记忆词汇的方法 (1)《赢在单词》一书指出:词汇、语音和语法是构成语言的三大要素。其中,词汇是思维概念的基本单位,也是语言的基本构成单位,掌握好一门语言首先必须掌握一定量的词汇。如何学好英语单词,能够以较少的精力、较快的速度、较好的效果来大量识记英语单词,迅速扩大词汇量,这与有效的学习方法有密切关系。 转化法:就是把一个词,从一种词类转成另一种词类的方法,此法属于语法的范畴,在一般的语法书中都可以见到,形式多样,非常复杂,一般学者可以找一些常用的形式学习,并学以致用。由于它属于语法范畴,在学校,一般英语老师都会教我们,故在此不过多论述。例如:①名词转化为动词:bicycle 自行车→ to bicycle 骑自行车、cage 笼子→ to cage 装在笼里;②形容词转化为动词:black 黑色的→ to black 涂黑/变色、cool 寒冷的→to cool使冷却/变冷;③形容词转化为名词:comic 滑稽的→comic 滑稽演员/新闻、daily

英文唯美的QQ个性签名:You are very important to me

英文唯美的QQ个性签名:You are very important to me Everything you want comes after you stop looking for it. 当你不再寻觅,你想要的也就来了。 I’m counting the days till I see you again. 每天我这样数着日子,直到我们再次相见。 Like a sunrise, getting better and better. 像日出一样,越来越好,所有的一切。 No matter how beautiful the memory is, it just belongs to the past. 回忆再美好,也只是曾经。 To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. 爱自己,便是一部终身罗曼史的开始。 In life, then boring time, also are limited edition. 生命中,再无聊的时光,也都是限量版。 The most beautiful word in English language word is YOU. 最美的英文单词,就是你! I just wish you knew, I was so in love with you. 我希望你知道,我是那么的爱你。 Life is tough, my darling, but so are you. 生活很艰难,但是宝贝,你也很坚强。 No road is long with good company. 有好的旅伴,再远的旅程都不会嫌长。 We are all explorers trying to find ourselves. 我们都是想要找到自己的探险家。 You are very important to me. 你对我来说,很重要。 My heart is like a lion, loud, proud and fearless. 我的心就像一只狮子,响亮,骄傲而无畏。
