

Unit One

1. the entire previous history of humankind (人类)

2. due principally (chiefly) to

3. to rescue (save) civilization from

4. the dread (fearful) shadow of diseases

5. the conscience (觉悟)and concern of scientists

6. driving forces (动力)

7. to advance (promote) health

8. the amplification (增大)of virus

9. tissue culture (培养)

10. killed and live attenuated (减弱)vaccines

11. national immunization (免疫)days

12. monitoring (监测)methods

13. worldwide eradication (elimination) of polio

14. little reason for complacency (自满)

15. microbial (微生物)enemies

16. temporary (暂时)victories

17. be adept (skillful) at developing new defenses

18. to facilitate (使便利)the spread of epidemics

19. political and economic mismanagement (管理不善)

20. the deprivation (poverty) of population

21. to address (deal with) the largest disease burden

22. major scourge (灾祸)such as malaria and AIDS

23. in an interdisciplinary (跨学科的)way

24. talented (有才能的)young scientists

25. to underwrite (support) their mission

26. stunning pace (speed, rate) of change

27. potential, passion, and perception (洞察力)of scientists

29. to address (attend to) global health needs

30. to make deliberate (慎重的)use of it

31. to bear (keep) in mind that 32. strategically (战略上)placed on

33. the scientific underpinning (基础)of policy

34. evidence-based (循证)policy

35. policy setting (establishment)

36. to bear on (影响)the well-being of people

37. a(n) terminally ill patient (临终病人)

38. metastatic (转移)renal cancer

39. our beloved (热爱的)profession

40. our zeal (enthusiasm) for medical science

41. bedside (clinical) care

42. to conduct groundbreaking (突破的)research

43. a(n) noble (崇高的)calling

44. a(n) oral formulation ( 口月服制剂)of morphine

45. bone metastasis 转移)

46. radicular (根的)pain

47. spinal (脊柱)root

48. to counsel (忠告)the terminally ill patient

49. to reflect upon (反省)my profession

50. caring and compassionate (有同情心的)

51. chemotherapeutic (化疗的)agents

52. to shower their patients with genuine (true) love and


53. emotional and physical (身体的)support

54. dignity (尊严)and compassion

55. combination (cooperation) of physicians and nurses

56. to attend to (address, meet, satisfy) the physical

28. need to be tapped (explored) needs of sick

57. the bureaucrats (官僚)and administrators

58. the inflated price tag (物价上涨)

59. precious (very, extremely) few

60. the threat of litigation (诉讼)

61. an ethical, legal, and economic consensus


62. to allocate (分酉己)these resources

63. to pass health care legislation (立法)

64. assembly-line mentality (理念)

65. unethical in the extreme (极度,非常)

66. the application of scientific inquiry (investigation)

67. to die naturally and humanely (人道地)

68. inauguration (就职)speech

69. to garner (acquire, obtain) more support

70. to venture (go) beyond

71. the walls of the ivory tower (象牙塔)

72. a more entrenched (deeply rooted) obstacle

73. Up service (口惠)

74. a(n) innovative (革新的)program

75. a growing nucleus (核心)of

76. between academia (学术界)and industry

77. the messy fray (争论)of democracy

78. the scientific community (科技界)

79. a(n) chaotic (混舌L的)realm

80. a(n) enlightened (文明的)citizenry

81. politicians and lobbyists (说客)

Unit Two

1. the acquisition (获得)of knowledge

2. a(n) prized (珍贵的)commodity

3. the role of breadwinner (家庭支柱)

4. the family boarding (供膳宿的)house

5. (勤劳地)industriously generated profits

6. Dad' consistent (一贯的)message

7. extracurricular (课夕卜的)activities

8. a(n) avid (渴求的)reader

9. glowing approbation (称赞)

10. distinctly different flavors (韵味)

11. a(n) academic (教学的)physician

12. to delight in (热衷于)learning

13. to need a(n) reminder (提示)

14. collegial teasing (逗乐)

15. at the crack of dawn (黎明)

16. to smile graciously (和蔼地)

17. in a very heavy accent (口音)

18. nostalgic (怀旧的)reminiscence

19. the privilege (特权)of learning

20. reverence (respect) for knowledge

21. a frustrating and inefficient (低效率的)process

22. to assemble (收集)paper charts

23. to become intimately (深深地)aware of

24. a young, enthusiastic, idealistic (理想主义的) person

25. a(n) compassionate (有同情心的)clinician

26. to employ that knowledge reliably (可靠地)

27. to immerse (沉浸)myself in the hospital

28. jam-packed (crowded) emergency departments

29. primary (初级的)prevention

30. extraordinary (极度的)waste

31. to remedy (correct) these problems

32. insightful (有见识的)teachers and colleagues

49. accelerate (力口快)the redefinition of science 26. 33.

miraculous (奇迹般的)tools 10. to bestowed (赐予)the

gift of prophecy 34.

to orchestrate (coordinate) conversation and 11. the camaraderie (同志情谊)of

making music


35. interdisciplinary (交叉学科的)teamwork 36. the medical establishment (system) 37. untapped (未汲取的)resource 38. to channel (弓 1导)the energy into 39. exuberant (精力旺盛的)practitioners 40. disparities (差异)of quality 41. health care settings (环境)

42. introductory (入门的)science course

43. the distinguished (杰出的)committee of scientists 44. natural phenomena (现象) 45. active inquiry (exploration) 46. quality assessments 评估) 47. to explicitly (明确地)measure

48. to energetically (积极地)advertise and explain


50. to need urgently (急迫地)

Unit Three 1. a(n) general (普夕卜)surgeon 2. specialty (专科)surgeons 3. a(n) plastic (整形)surgeon 4. a hospital administrator (行政人员) 5. to review a(n) untimely(过早的)death 6. to reprimand (训斥)a disgraced colleague 7. medical consultation (会诊)

8. the melding (combining) of music and medicine 9.

a(n) gifted (有天赋的)musician


12. a time capsule (时光锦囊) 13. a(n) theme (主题)party

14. in the seasonality (季节性)of medical practice 15. the cruelest hoax (戏弄) 16. blossoms (生气盎然)of rebirth 17. child abuse (儿童虐待) 18. to become prevalent (盛行的) 19. domestic violence (家庭暴力) 20. psychiatric (精神病的)symptoms 21. to share similar concerns (忧虑) 22. to approach (treat) music as therapy

23. entertainment (娱乐)value

24. to remove one inner (内心)restlessness

25. to quiet the agitation (anxiety) of ceaseless thinking the

reduction of psychophysiologic (心理生理的) stress 27. on a(n) therapeutic (治疗的)level 28. the harried (被烦扰的)left hemisphere 29. the limbic system (大脑边缘系统) 30. pitch and rhythm (节奏)

31. to have alternative (可选择的)plans 32. bodily (physical) health 33. enrichment (充实)of the spirit

34. nostalgic (怀旧的)foray into the music of the 1940s 35. to add balance to one ' existence (生存) 36. the harmonies (和声)and rhythms 37. statistically (统计上)significant

38. anniversary (周年纪念日)dinner candles

39. the diagnoses that reek (散发出)frustration

40. the rule out (exclude) fibromyalgia

41. a free-flowing account (叙述)of her symptoms

42. to resort to (诉诸)the last refuge

43. the harried (被烦扰的)physician

44. the wind-driven sleet (雨夹雪)

45. the capricious (变化莫测的)nature of the events

46. the conspiracy (阴谋)of machinery

47. near the edge (边缘)of tolerance

48. to restore equanimity (镇定,平静)

49. a service profession (occupation)

50. poorly articulated (expressed)

51. to succumb to (die of) melanoma

52. bone metastases 转移)

53. to ease (relieve) the loneliness, fear, and emotional


54. to have unrealistic (不切实际的)expectations

55. a(n) attentive (专心的),understanding ear

56. the currency of the realm (领域里的流行)

57. the medical interview (问诊)

58. to notice my heart pounding (beating)

59. the feel of sweat on one foreheads(前额)

60. a(n) triage (病人鉴别分类)sheet

61. grumbling (饥肠辘辘的)stomach

62. racism and hatred (仇恨)

63. aches (疼痛)and pains

64. billing sheets (账单)

65. primary physician (初级保健医生)

66. to access (use) the computer

67. periodic (定期的)checks

68. to shrug one ' s shoulder耸肩)Unit Four

1. with the advent of (随着 ...... 的到来)

2. become laden with (full of)

3. corporate (公司)management

4. to articulate (voice) age-old frustrations

5. forward-thinking and laudable (值得称赞的)


6. preventive interventions (介入)

7. reparative (治疗的)interventions

8. those in pinstripes (商人)

9. conceptual (观念的)constructs

10. ostensibly (obviously) because

11. allied (同行的)health professionals

12. routine (常规的)medical care

13. to carry a(n) connotation (含义)of

14. integral (组成部分的)components

15. to give the advantage of (有利于)

16. to diluting (稀释)identification

17. the recipient (接受者)of medical care

18. to endure (忍受)pain calmly

19. the vernacular (jargon) of managed care

20. more literally (确切地)

21. to provide an impetus (动力)for

22. of a(n) Faustian (浮士德式的)nature

23. society in general (整个社会)

24. to serve a(n) nominative (称谓的)function

25. too obtuse (迟钝的)to declare openly

26. as accurately (精确地)as possible

27. the jargon (vernacular) of managed care

28. in the final analysis (总之)

29. to make a(n) career of (以.......为事业)

30. to acquiesce (默许)the shifting currents

31. the timbre (基调)of the debate

32. to stretch (extend) myself toward the model

33. seemly, fitting, and decent (正派的)

34. to increase consistency (一致性)of record keeping

35. to decrease the cost of transcription (抄写)

36. on a(n) whim (一时的兴致)

37. to leaf through (翻阅)records

38. the terse (concise) language

39. between tidy and almost illegible (难以辨认的)

40. a(n) reproducible (可复制的)a n d less personal


41. to stir (使激动)and touch me

42. peripheral neuropathy (神经病)

43. a mind jumbled and bruised (被挫伤)

44. with my own slant (观点)on things

45. to scratch one'head (感到困惑)

46. to decipher (decode) what I really meant

47. loopy (潦草的)handwriting

48. hospice (临终关怀)volunteer

49. to make eye contact (眼神交流)

50. behavioral (行为的)disturbance

51. have the right to privacy (隐私)

52. depressive disorder (忧有P症)

53. a(n) concrete (具体存在的)plan

54. to voice (articulate) grievances

55. without discrimination of reprisal (报复)

56. the newspaper obituary (计告)

57. outrageous (不寻常的)acts

58. everyday rebellious (反抗)

Unit Five

1. annual (yearly) meeting

2. especially timely (in time)

3. harsh (严厉的)penalty

4. scientific illiteracy (ignorance)

5. unprecedented (前所未有的)financial and policy


6. the general citizenry (公民)

7. to hold scientists in high regard (respect)

8. the integrity (honesty) and credibility of science

9. a(n) spate of (大量)recent incidents

10. research accomplishments (研究成果)

11. the implications (影响和结果)of scientific


12. substantial (巨大的)tension

13. religious (宗教的)beliefs

14. embryonic (胚胎的)stem cells

15. scientific advances (进展)

16. a high priority (当务之急,头等大事)

17. a(n) genuine (真诚的)dialogue

18. inappropriate (improper) behavior

19. out of proportion (不成比例)to

20. widely publicized examples (广泛报道的事例)

21. scientific misconduct (不端行为)

22. accusations (指责)of misconduct

23. to tarnish (站污,败坏)the image

24. to diminish (降低)the credibility of

25. the entire scientific enterprise (事业)

26. undisclosed (未披露的)conflicts of interest

27. to overinterpret (夸大其词)scientific facts

28. scientific behavioral norms (规范)and standards

29. allegorically (比喻地)speaking

30. to listen for clues (evidences) of disease

31. to look for signs of pathology (病理)

32. bloodshot (充血的)eyes

33. to no avail (无济于事)

34. blunt chest trauma (创伤)

35. mutual partings of the way (分道扬镳)

36. declared (公然的)and naked hate

37. medicolegal (医学法律的)liabilities

38. in imminent (immediate) danger

39. in the ideal and neutral configuration (处境)

40. to update (更新)him on his condition

41. to order serial radiographs (系列X 光照相检查)

42. to obtain daily arterial (动脉的)blood gases

43. to follow hematocrits (血细胞比容)

44. a broken, ailing (病态的),and sorry soul

45. surgical intervention (介入)

46. shell of prejudice (偏见,歧视)

47. intellectual (理智的)isolation

48. to accept consolation (安慰)

49. legend has it (据传说)

50. a(n) inscription (铭文)bearing the words

51. to uncover (reveal) truths

52. odd scraps (零碎)of evidence

53. the paucity (lack) of data

54. gender (sex) roles

55. the combustibility (易怒性)of the interface

56. to steer clear of (avoid)

57. under the unifying framework (框架)

58. human behavioral ecology (生态学)

59. to pursue (explore) similar questions

60. the ethnographic (人种学的)data

61. outdated (obsolete, out-of-date) versions

62. mathematical (数学的)analyses

63. to foster (nurture) dialogue between 64. highly interconnected (互相连接的)cities

65. diverse (distinct, different) areas of research

66. to deliver (传递)an optimistic message Unit


1. successive (相继的)generations

2. functionality and versatility (多用途)

3. added (附加的)functionality

4. moral (道德的)standards

5. ethical (伦理的)principles

6. behavioral (行为的)guidelines

7. a long and arduous (艰巨的)evolutionary process

8. social discord (不和谐)

9. to make improvement (改进)

10. remote ancestors (祖先)

11. the evolutionary (进化的)tree

12. solitary (独居的)predators

13. a(n) extended family (大家庭)

14. wandering (居无定所的)bands

15. a(n) embryonic (萌芽期的)Golden Rule

16. the physical environment (物质环境)

17. parental supervision (监护)

18. the practice of monogamy ( 一夫一妻制)

19. verbal symbols (语言符号)

20. ancestral primates (灵长类)

21. Homo sapiens (智人)

22. archaic (古代的)humans

23. in extreme (极端的)cases

24. think in abstractions (抽象)

25. in critically (vitally) important ways

26. to populate (定居)the habitable world

27. formed confederations (同盟)of tribes

28. to multiply explosively (剧增地)

29. on a(n) grander (large) scale

30. trade and commerce (商业)

31. cultural markers (标识)

32. conventions (社会习俗)in dress and manners

33. the basic template (model)

34. kingdoms and empires (帝国)

35. the time frames (时段)

36. at the dawn (拂晓)of a new millennium

37. galloping (飞速的)technological change

38. to facilitate (promote) cooperation

39. fully explored an defined (被定义)

40. our archive (档案)of past experience

41. fore-thinking (超前意识的)imagination

42. a date with immortality (流芳百世)

43. natural riches (resources)

44. common kinship (亲属关系)

45. to have a social dimension (aspect)

46. noble ambitions (抱负)

47. a(n) fiercely (激烈地)competitive world

48. impartial (无偏见的)consideration

49. pretexts and apologias (辩解)

50. the scientific enterprise (事业)

51. to pay particular heed (attention) to

52. social implications (consequences)

53. the scientific endeavor (effort)

54. trust in authority (权威)

55. mores and prejudices (偏见)

56. objective and reliable (可靠的)

57. a(n) stern (strict) restraint

58. communal (collective) will

59. fertility (受孕)clinics 60. to create quite a stir (轰动)

61. a(n) affront (冒犯)to human dignity

62. those on the fringes (极端分子)

63. with credentials and track records (业绩)

64. to pioneer the use of (首先使用)

65. reproductive (生殖的)biology

66. surrogate (代孕)mums

67. adoption (领养)agencies

68. a(n) joJi (刺激)of electricity

69. a(n) staggering (惊人的)97 per cent

70. a(n) reckless (鲁莽的)waste of time and energy

71. miscarriages or abortions (堕胎)

72. sickly of deformed (畸形的)

73. the sole (only) survivor

74. wrong instincts (直觉)

Unit Seven

1. the scientific triumphs (accomplishment)

2. the past millennium (千年)

3. to honor (敬重)the origins of science

4. to give grateful (感激的)thanks to

5. a(n) magical (神秘的)view

6. in concrete (具体的)terms

7. rational (理性的)argument

8. a natural mode (pattern) of thought

9. to be beautifully illustrated (举例说明)

10. to have the honor (荣幸)of

11. the opposite angles (对角)

12. the centre of gravity (重心)

13. to arrive at (reach) a proof

14. an elegant rebuttal (反驳)

15. applied (应用)mathematician

16. vigorous (激烈的)debate and discussion of evidence

17. the admiration (赞赏)of one'peers

18. to challenge authority (权威)

19. to point out forcibly (强烈地)

20. debt and credit (借贷)

21. political disputes (争论)

22. social castes (等级)

23. national boundaries (国界)

24. philosophical distinctions (辨另1J)

25. in the philosophy bz_(圈子)

26. a dichotomy or a(n) continuum (连续体)

27. mental constructs (构想)

28. highly abstract (抽象的)things

29. to spill much ink over (花费大量笔墨)

30. autonomous (独立自主的)individuals

31. dress codes 规范)

32. at one'core (核心)

33. the interaction of individuals (个人)

34. primary (基本的)sensations

35. the end of the scale (标度终点)36. a highly vociferous (激烈的)debate

37. in circles of philosophy (在哲学圈里)

38. be wet blankets (令人扫兴的人)at parties

39. abstruse (深奥的)conditions

40. chemical composition (成分)

41. at the cutting edge (前沿)of science

42. genetically modified (转基因的)crops

43. to make headlines (成为报纸的头条新闻)

44. the influential (有影响的)climate researcher

45. to strike a balance (达到平衡)

46. the justifiability (合理性)of animal experiments

47. celebrity endorsement (support)

48. to make assertions (claims)

49. eminent (著名的)researchers

50. to sign a(n) declaration (宣言)

51. an impressive rejoinder (rebuttal)

52. to trace (追溯)the origins of

53. to engender (produce) trust

54. the imprimatur (recognition) of the scientific academy

55. in the refereed (审阅的)literature

56. lobby groups (游说集团)

57. to place a clear obligation (responsibility) on

58. to substantiate (prove) it with evidence

59. in all probability (很可能地)

60. intellectual authority (权威)

61. to provide invaluable weight (重量)of evidence

15. to be skewed (偏离)by the prism of past experience 42. 62. the reliable (可信的)outcome 63. toxicity (毒性)testing 64. to toss a coin (掷硬币决定) 65. authority figures (权威人士) 66. scientific credibility (可信性)

67. expensive and time-consuming (耗时的) 68. intellectual integrity (honesty) Unit Eight 1. the theory of relatively (相对论) 2. thinking strategies (策略) 3. to illuminate (阐明)nothing 4. the piles of data (成堆的数据) 5. run-of-the-mill (ordinary) physicists 6. extraordinary (非凡的)genius

7. a(n) extraordinarily (异常地)high IQ 8. considerable debate (argument) 9.

average (平均的,普通的)intelligence

10. to fixate on (注意力集中于)something

11. the most promising (likely) approach 12. to be arrogantly (傲慢地)certain of 13. to find a needle in a haystack (大海捞针) 14. to be encountered (遇上)a problem 16. to foster rigidity (僵化)of thought

17. superficially (浅薄地)similar

18. to lead the thinker astray (误入歧途) 19. a gene pool (基因库)

20. genetically encoded (编码的)wisdom

21. a rich repertoire (collection) of ideas and concepts 22. to survive and prosper (蓬勃发展)

23. to become stagnant (停滞的)

24. the most distinguished (卓越的)experts 25. to be conditioned (制约的)to think 26. a(n) expert (专家)taxonomist 27. the textbook case (典型例子)

28. analogous (可比拟的)to biological evolution

29. a rich diversity of alternatives and conjectures (假 设) 30. a(n) departure (背离)from reproductive knowledge 31. a(n) prodigious (immense) variety of novel and original ideas

32. a(n) thumbnail (简略的)description

33. to be biased (有偏见的)toward his usual way of seeing


34. the essence 实质)of the problem 35. to abandon (抛弃)the initial approach 36. a(n) environment-friendly (环保的)fuel

37. to make his thought graphically (通过图表)visible 38. visual and spatial (空间的)abilities

39. immense (huge) productivity

40. the laws of heredity (遗传)

41. to make juxtapositions (并置) to tolerate ambivalence (矛盾心理)between opposites 43. two incompatible (不兼容的)things

44. to perceive resemblance (similarities) 45. to draw a(n) analogy (类比)

46. to render an overwhelming verdict (裁定) 47. a cultural icon (偶像)

48. a rather fuzzy (模糊的)understanding

49. the vastness (浩瀚)of the universe

50. previously held unquestionable (无懈可击的)

51. to cast (投)doubt on

52. the reliability (可靠性)of the investigators conclusions

53. the origin (起源)of genius

54. to yearn for (desire) genius

55. the intermingling (mix) of culture, history, and life


56. a history dating back to (追溯到)Plato

57. to think the reverse (相反)

58. to govern (control) all organic life

59. an interacting hierarchy (order) of feedback systems

60. communities and ecosystems (生态系)

61. intellectual intuition (直觉)

62. to face strong opposition (反对)

63. a(n) doctrinal (dogmatic) views

Unit Nine

1. of ultimately lawful materialism (唯物论)

2. as concisely (简明地)as possible

3. organizes systematic enterprise (事业)

4. to condense (压缩)the knowledge

5. testable laws and principles (原理)

6. diagnostic (特征的)features

7. confirmed or discarded (rejected)

8. to abstract (抽象化)the information

9. aesthetically (审美地)most pleasing

10. universally (普遍地)accepted scales

11. rendered unambiguous (明确的)

12. proved consistent (一致)with one another

13. ineradicable (根深蒂固的)technical base

14. to satisfy (meet) personal psychological needs

15. to consume (take) large amounts of time 16. to yield (produce) negative or ambiguous results

17. administrative (行政的)duties

18. original (原创性的)research

19. no holds barred (无清规戒律约束)

20. the frontier (前沿)of science

21. a(n) abstracted (抽象化的)world

22. the mother lode (矿脉)

23. to practice elitism (精英主义)without shame

24. to set foot on virgin soil (处女地)

25. interpretation (阐释)and explanation

26. a scattering of icons (偶像)

27. a great deal of bickering (口角,争端)

28. a loose confederation (联邦)

29. petty fiefdoms (封地)

30. to hope for a strike (意外成功)

31. the least conspiratorial (搞阴谋的)of professions

32. the population at large (大众)

33. from generous to predatory (贪婪的)

34. (from) well-adjusted to psychopathic (精神变态的)

35. (from) causal (散漫的)to driven

36. (from) gregarious to reclusive (隐居的)

37. clinically certifiable (可证明)

38. from venal (贪污腐败的)to noble

39. in the temple (殿堂)of science

40. to achieve utilitarian (功利的)ends

41. convincingly validated (verified/proved)

42. to steer (驾驶,航行)for blue water

43. to suffer boredom (单调)

44. under varying (changing) circumstances

45. statistical (统计的)analyses

46. to reject null (无价值的)hypotheses

47. a(n) reputable (声誉好的)peer-reviewed journal

48. to be indissolubly (坚不可摧地)united

49. a(n) whiz-kid (outstanding) professor

50. a(n) obscure (无名气的)journal

51. to stiffen a slightly floppy (weak) argument

52. class or creed (宗教信仰)

53. organized skepticism (怀疑态度)

54. social conventions (习俗)

55. mundane (世俗的)practice

56. publish or perish (死亡)

57. to cite generously and meticulously ( 一丝不苟地)

58. to fudge (捏造)data

59. to vilify (贬低)out opponents

60. personal credibility (可信性)

61. driven, shaped and honed (被磨练)

62. to humbly (谦虚地)accept realities

63. social imperatives (obligations)

64. competitive ambition (desire)

65. a(n) obsolete (out of date) ethos

66. to maximize (最大化)pleasure

67. to minimize (最小化)pain

68. to laud (称赞)a desirable personal characteristic

69. to avoid complacency (自满)

70. to be wired (conditioned) to respond positively


D(①deuterium ②density) ①氘,重氢②密度 D/A(digital-analog) 数字-模拟的 DAC (digital analog converter) 数字-模拟转换器dacron 聚脂纤维,绦纶 dacry-; dacryo- 泪 dacryagoga 催泪剂 dacryocyst chisel 泪囊凿 dacryocystitome 泪囊刀 dacryocystotome 泪囊刀 dacryocyst retractor 泪囊牵开器 dacryosyrinx 泪管注射器 dactylo- 指(趾) dactylogram 指印,指纹 dactylograph 打字机 dactyloid 指样的 dactyloscopy 指纹鉴定法 D/A decoder 数字模拟译码器 daltonism 色盲 dam 橡皮障,空气阀,堤 damage claim 残损索赔 damaged cargo 残损货物 257 damp ①潮湿②阻尼,衰减 damped resistor 阻尼电阻器 damped wave detector 减幅波检波器 dampen 减震,缓冲 damper 阻尼器,减震器 damper cylinder 减震筒 damper tube 阻尼管 damping ①阻尼,挫抑,减幅②回潮的damping factor 阻尼因数 damping machine 调湿机

damping magnet 阻尼磁铁 damping ring 阻尼环 damp-proof 防潮的 damp-proof rubber cloth 防湿橡皮布 dandy ①双轮小车,担架②时髦的 dark-adapted retina 暗适应视网膜 dark-adaptometer 暗适应计 dark chamber 暗室,暗箱 dark field 暗视场 dark field and bright field incident light microscope 入射光暗视场和明视场显微镜dark-field condenser 暗场聚光器 dark field microscope 暗视场显微镜 258 dark field microscopy 暗视声显微镜检查 dark field photomicrography 暗场显微摄影 dark-ground illuminator 暗场照明器 dark image 暗象 dark room 暗室 dark room apparatus 暗室设备 dark room camera 暗室照相机 dark room lamp 暗室灯 dark room timer 暗室计时器 dark slide ①遮光板②暗盒 darkspace 暗区 dart ①射器②针刺 dash ①冲撞②控制板③洒 dash-pot 减震器,阻尼延迟器 dash thermometer 缓冲温度计 dasymeter 气体密度计 data 数据,资料 data bank 资料库 data book 数据手册

医学英语新教程 下册 重点单词及翻译打印版

unit 1 hemoglobin血红蛋白polycythemia红血球增多症hypertrophy 肥大,过度增大atrophy萎缩 mutate改变,使突变 anomaly 异常,不规则congenital defect先天性缺陷lesion损害,机能障碍infectious agent传染剂pathogenesis发病原diagnosis诊断 prognosis预后 autopsy尸体解剖 heredity遗传 hemophilia 血友病 syndrome综合征 alcoholism 酗酒 anemia 贫血 pregnancy怀孕 delivery 分娩,交付leukemia白血病 malnutrition 营养不良hyperactive thyroid活跃甲状腺hyperthyroidism甲状腺功能亢进mongolism先天愚型urinalysis尿分析 physician内科医生 surgeon外科医生 remission缓解 relapse复发 complication 并发症pneumonia 肺炎 sequela后遗症 paralysis 麻痹 polio 小儿麻痹 fallopian tubes输卵管alleviate减轻 masterpiece 杰作 defective有缺陷的 deficient不足的 concurrent并发的respectively分别地 utilize利用 perceive察觉 terminal末端,晚期的severity严重 fracture破裂 prostate 前列腺 transmit 传输,遗传trigger引发,触发 protrude 突出,伸出 counteract抵消,中和 prescribe开处方,规定 exacerbate使加剧 aggravate恶化,加重 resemble类似 subside平息,沉淀 onset开始,着手 confined to只限于 compensate补偿,赔偿 traumatize使。。损伤 accompany陪伴,伴随 observe 观察 manifest证明,显示 aftermath后果 rheumatic fever风湿热 sterility不育 health professional保健专业人士 comprehensive综合的 unit 2 a cluster of一群,一组 initial最初的 inject注入,注射 homosexual同性恋者 impair损害,减少 emerge摆脱暴露 monitor 监视,监控 compromise妥协,和解 alert 警惕的 official正式的 original原始的 outbreak发作,爆发 coin 硬币 isolate隔离 novel异常的 press按压 lymphoadenopathy 淋巴瘤 lymphotropic嗜淋巴细胞 declare宣布striking显著,惊人 contradict 反驳,否定 turn out发生,证明 in check 受控制 pinpoint精确地 supplement补充 complement补助 considerable值得考虑的 Implicate暗指影响涉及 activate 刺激激活 decline下降,衰退 routinely 常规地,通常地 prevailing流行的,一般的 devise遗赠equip装备 multipronged 多种要素的 destruction破坏,毁灭 advancement 前进,进步 replication复制,反响 administer管理,执行 administration管理,实施 nucleoside analog核苷类似物 nucleocapsid核蛋白体 diminish 使减少,使缩小 appear to似乎,好像 indicate 表明,指出 specific特殊的,明确的 drawback 缺点,不利条件 optimism乐观 trial 实验 confer授予,给以 causative成为原因 desease-causing成为致病原因 be intended to 打算 preliminary准备,预赛 mediate间接,居中 prolong延长 enhance 提高 rule out排除,取消 be capable of 能够 attach附加,附属 inert迟缓的,无效的 hemophiliac血友病的 myeloid 骨髓的 compatibility兼容性 homozygous 纯合子的 heterozygous杂合子的 bowel 肠内部同情 commentator评论员 reservoir 水池 investigational调查 anecdotal 轶事的 mortality死亡数 ongoing 前进 modulate调节,调整 latency 潜在因素 eradication消灭,扑灭 adherence坚持,忠诚 pandemic全国流行的,普遍的 angiography血管学,血管造影术 angioplasty血管成形术


英语单词大全 一.学习用品(school things) 钢笔pen 铅笔pencil 铅笔盒pencil-case 尺子ruler 书book 书包schoolbag 漫画书comic book 明信片postcard 报纸newspaper 包bag 橡皮eraser 蜡笔crayon 卷笔刀sharpener 故事书story-book 笔记本notebook 语文书Chinese book 英语书English book 数学书math book 杂志magazine 词典dictionary 二.人体(body) 脚foot 头head 脸face 头发hair 鼻子nose 嘴mouth 眼睛eye 耳朵ear 手臂arm 手hand 手指hand 腿leg 尾巴tail 身体body 三.颜色(color) 红red 蓝blue 黄yellow 绿green 白white 黑black 粉红pink 紫purple 橙orange 棕brown 灰grey 四.动物(animals) 猫cat 狗dog 猪pig 鸭duck 兔rabbit 马horse 大象elephant 蚂蚁ant 鱼fish 鹰eagle 鹿deer 海狸beaver 鸟bird 蛇snake 老鼠mouse

松鼠squirrel 熊bear 袋鼠kangaroo 猴monkey 熊猫panda 狮子lion 老虎tiger 狐狸fox 斑马zebra 长颈鹿giraffe 鹅goose 母鸡hen 火鸡turkey 小羊lamb 绵羊sheep 山羊goat 奶牛cow 驴donkey 鱿鱼squid 龙虾lobster 鲨鱼shark 海豹seal 抹香鲸sperm whale 虎鲸killer whale 五.人物(people) 朋友friend 男孩boy 女孩girl 母亲mother 父 亲father 姐妹sister 兄弟brother 叔叔;舅舅uncle 男人man 女人woman 先生Mr. 小姐Miss女士lady 妈妈mom 爸爸dad 父母parents(外)祖母grandma/grandmother (外)祖父grandpa/grandfather 姑姑aunt 儿子son 婴儿baby 堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹cousin 小孩kid 同学classmate 女王queen 参观者visitor 邻居neighbors 校长principal 大学生university student 笔友pen pal 旅行者tourist 人物people 机器人robot 六.职业(jobs) 教师teacher 学生student 医生doctor 护士nurse 司机driver 农民farmer 歌唱家singer (男)警察policeman 作家writer 男演员 actor 女演员actress 画家artist 电视台记者TV reporter 工程师engineer


第一章医学英语词汇 医学领域涉及的科学和专业广泛,不仅包括基础医学和临床医学的诸多学科,还涉及化学和物理两大基础学科领域,甚至社会科学领域中的诸多学科和专业。因此,医学英语词汇数量庞大,其词汇量高达数十万。同时,由于医学专业的历史渊源,医学英语词汇大多含有希腊语和拉丁语成分,一些医学英语单词显得古怪而陌生,单词结构长而复杂。但就其构词法上基本遵循普通英语单词的构词规律,也往往由前缀、词根、后缀组成,虽然具有其自身的特点,也是可以找到规律的。因此,医学英语词汇构词法,理解与掌握单词尤其是组合词构成的基本知识,牢记必要的基本词素,就能找到掌握医学英语词汇的捷径。 第一节医学英语词汇的结构 一、医学词素 一般认为,词是语言中可独立使用表达意思的最小单位。但是,从结构方面来看时,词并不是最小的语言单位,许多单词可以细分为更小的,同时也是具有意义的单位.这些最小的有意义的单位就是词素。 医学词素(morpheme)是医学语词的组成部分,是医学英语中语音和语义的最小结合体。一个医学语词可以由一个词素构成,也可以由两个或两个以上的词素构成。从语义方面来看,医学词素有两种类型。一种医学词素含有明确的词汇意义,表达单词的主要意义,这类词素称为词根。例如,orth(o)-(正常的)、plasma(血浆)、reticul(o)-(网状)等。其中,plasma可以单独使用,这类词根称为自由词根。另外两个不能单独使用,是黏着词根,这类词根必须与其他词素结合使用。还有一类医学词素是词缀。词缀也有两种,一种屈折词缀只有语法意义而没有词汇的意义(如表示名词复数-s);另一咱派生词缀有一定的词汇意义,但只表达单词的次要意义。 二、医学词根 医学词根(root)是医学语词的基本形式,承载着医学语词的核心意义。一般认为,词根是同根词共有的、可以辨认的部分,也就是说,词根可以在不同的单词里出现,但它的基本形式和含义相同。例如,erythroblast(成红细胞)、erythrocatalysis(红细胞溶解)、erythroclasis(红细胞破碎)和erythrocytopenia(红细胞减少)都有一个共同的词根“erythr(o)-”(红的)。这一词根在不同的语词里出现,但形式没有什么变化,含义也相同。


翻译的英语单词 翻译是在准确、通顺的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的行为。翻译是将一种相对陌生的表达方式,转换成相对熟悉的表达方式的过程。那么你知道翻译的英语单词是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。 翻译英语单词1: translate 翻译英语单词2: interpreter 翻译的英语例句: 女孩们等待埃施先生作翻译。 The girls waited for Mr Esch to translate. 人们很难翻译幽默或笑话。 You really can 't translate humor or jokes. 逐字翻译不一定最接近原义。 A literal translation is not always the closest to the original meaning. 我认为她对这篇文章的翻译要比他强的多。 I think her translation of the article is much better than his. 你能把这句话翻译成英语吗?

Can you translate the sentence into English? 我不太满意他对这个句子的翻译。 I'm not satisfied with his interpretation of this sentence. 我正在逐字的翻译。 I am making a verbal translation. 我给你当翻译。 I'll act as interpreter for you. 要不要我来帮你翻译? Would you like me to interpret for you? 被翻译成英语的爱尔兰童话故事 Irish fairytales that had been translated into English 在你们的合同中已订定有可能要翻译这本书。 The possibility of the book being translated is provided for in your contract. 受控语言加机器翻译就是受控翻译。 Machine translation plus controlled language is called controlled translation. 这部书已经翻译成多种语言。 This book has been translated into several languages. 翻译诗歌在许多情况下都是困难的。 It's often difficult to translate poems.


医学细胞生物学专业英语词汇acrocentric chromosome 近端着丝粒染色体actin 肌动蛋白 actin filament 肌动蛋白丝actinomycin D 放线菌素D activator 活化物 active transport 主动运输 adenine 腺嘌呤 adenosine monophosphate, AMP 腺苷一磷酸, 腺苷酸adenyl cyclase, AC 腺苷酸环化酶adhesion plaque 黏着斑 agranular endoplasmic reticulum 无颗粒内质网Alzheimer disease 阿尔茨海默病amino acid 氨基酸 aminoacyl site, A site 氨基酰位,A位amitosis; direct division 无丝分裂;直接分裂amphipathic molecule 双型性分子anaphase 后期 anchoring junction 锚定连接 annular granule 孔环颗粒anticoding strand 反编码链 antigen 抗原 antiparallel 逆平行性 apoptic body 凋亡小体apoptosis 凋亡 assembly 组装 aster 星体 asymmetry 不对称性 autolysis 自溶作用

autophagolysosome 自噬性溶酶体 autophagy 自噬作用 autoradiography 放射自显影技术 autosome 常染色体 B lymphocyte B淋巴细胞 bacteria 细菌 base substitution 碱基替换 belt desmosome 带状桥粒 bioblast 生命小体 biological macromolecule 生物大分子 biomembrane 生物膜 biotechnology 生物技术 bivalent 二价体 breakage 断裂 cadherin 钙粘连素 calmodulin, CaM 钙调蛋白 cAMP 环一磷酸腺苷 cAMP-dependent protein kinase 环一磷酸腺苷依赖型蛋白激酶capping 戴帽 carrier protein 载体蛋白 cat cry syndrome 猫叫综合症 cell division cycle gene CDC基因 cell 细胞 cell and molecular biology 细胞分子生物学 cell biology 细胞生物学 cell coat; glycocalyx 细胞衣;糖萼 cell culture 细胞培养 cell cycle 细胞周期 cell cycle-regulating protein 细胞周期调节蛋白


医学英语单词 Antibiotics 抗生素 albomycin 白霉素 ampicillin 氨苄青霉素 berberine 黄连素 carbenicillin 羧苄青霉素 cephaloridine 先锋霉素II cephtlothin 先锋霉素I chloromycetin 氯霉素 erythromycin 红霉素 furbenicillin 呋苄青霉素 gentamycin 庆大霉素 griseofulvin 灰黄霉素 kanamycin 卡那霉素 meecamycin, medemycin 麦迪加霉素,麦迪霉素neomycin 新霉素 penicillin G 青霉素G polymyxin B 多粘菌素B streptomycin 链霉素 terramycin 合霉素 terramycin 土霉素 Sulfonamides and Furane Derivatives 磺胺类及呋喃类药furacilin 呋喃西林 furazolicone 呋喃唑酮,痢特灵 sulfacetamide (SA) 磺胺醋酰 sulfaciazine (SD) 磺胺嘧啶 sulfadimidine (SM2) 磺胺二甲嘧啶 sulfamethoxazole 新诺明,磺胺甲恶唑 trimethoprim (TMP) 增效磺胺 Sedatives and Tranquilizers 镇静、安定药chlordiazepoxide, librium 利眠宁 chlorpromazine, wintermine 氯丙嗪,冬眠药diazepam, valium 地西泮,安定 fluphenazine 氟奋乃静 meprobamate, miltown 甲丙氨酯,眠尔通 oryzanol 谷维素 pentobarbital 戊巴比妥 perphenazine 奋乃静 phenobarbital, luminal 本巴比妥,鲁米那 Analgesics 镇痛药 codeine phosphate 磷酸可待因


《医学英语词汇》 课程名称医学英语词汇 授课专业中医翻译06级 必修课专业课(√) 授课方式课堂讲授(√);实践课() 考核方式考试(√);考查() 总学时数4*18=72 Terminology-----from term thrombocytopenia lymphocytic leukemia carcinoma 癌 hepatitis 肝炎 cholesterol 胆固醇 医学英语术语:上述这些单词来源于希腊或拉丁词根,有特定得医学含义,我们将之统称为医学英语术语(medical term); 医学术语学:而将专门研究它得学问称为-医学术语学(medical terminology):An introduction to the language of veterinary and human medicine 第一章医学英语术语学概述 医学英语术语学(medical terminology)就是研究医学术语得起源与发展得学科,也就是向广大医务工作者、医学院学生、医学科学研究人员提供科学得方法以提高对医学英语术语认知能力得一门专项技能,同时也就是医学与语言学结合得跨学科研究方向。 涉及学科门类:医学人类学 词汇学词源学 社会学 英语史等 一、医学英语术语学简介 1、几个词汇学方面得基本概念 词素----组成词得基本元素,就是语言中语音与语义得最小结合体。 词根----含有明确得词汇语义,在单词中表达主要得意义得词素叫做"词根"(root)。 词缀----只有语法意义、而没有词汇意义(例如表示名词复数得-s),或者虽有一定得词汇意义、但在词中只表达次要得意义得词素,称为"词缀"(affix)。 2、医学术语与基本词素 Psychiatrist---psych /iatri /ist Physiology---physi /o /logy 二、医学英语术语词源学、发展史(了解)及其学习得意义 1、来源于拉丁语、古希腊语 词缀可与不同得词干一起,擎生无数新词。 auto: auto-activation


**最常用2000英语单词** One 1 the [e?, ei:] art.这,那 ad.[用于比较级;最高级前] 2 be [bi:,bi] aux. v.(am,is,are之原型) vi.是;在 3 of [?v, ?, ?v] prep.…的;由…制成的;关于;由于 4 and [?nd, ?nd] conj.和;那么;然后;而且 5 a [ei, ?, ?n, ?n] art.一(个);任何一(个);每一(个) 6 to [tu:, tu, t?] prep.向;对;趋于;直到…为止;比;到 7 in [in] prep.在…里;以;穿着;由于 ad.进;到达 8 he [hi:, hi] pron.他;(不论性别的)一个人 9 have [h?v,h?v] aux. v.已经 vt.有;进行;经受;吃;取得 10 it [it] pron.它;这;那 11 that [e?t] a./ pron.那,那个; ad.那样,那么 12 for [f?, f?:] prep.为;对,供,适合于;向 conj.因为故 13 they [eei] pron.他(或她、它)们 14 I [ai] pron.我 15 with [wie, wiθ] prep.和,跟,同;具有;用;关于;随着 16 as [?z, ?z] ad.同样地 prep.当作 conj.随着;因为 17 not [n?t] ad.不,没,不是 18 on [?n] prep.在…上;向;处于;在 ad.上;向前 19 she [?i:, ?i] pron.她 20 at [?t, ?t] prep.在;向;以;处于;因为;从事 21 by [bai] prep.被;凭借;经由;由于 ad.在近旁;经过 22 this [eis] a.这,这个;今,本 pron.这,这个 23 we [wi:, wi] pron.我们 24 you [ju, ju:] pron.你,你们 25 do [du, du:] aux. v.[代替动词] v.做,干,行动 26 but [b?t,b?t] conj.但是;而(是) prep.除…以外 ad.只 27 from [fr?m,fr?m] prep.出自;离;去除;从;因为;由;与 28 or [?:, ?] conj.或,或者;或者说;否则,要不然 29 which [wit?] pron./ a.哪一个(些);[关系代词]那个(些) 30 one [w?n] num.一 pron.一个(人) a.一个的;一体的 31 would [wud] aux. v.[will的过去式];总会;也许;请 32 all [?:l] a.全部的;尽量的 ad.很 pron.全部 33 will [wil] aux. v.将;愿意 n.意志;遗嘱 vt.用意志驱使



疾病Disease anemia, anaemia 贫血angina pectoris 心绞痛appendicitis 阑尾炎 arthritis 关节炎 bronchitis 支气管炎 cancer 癌 catarrh 卡他, 粘膜炎chicken pox, varicella 水痘cholera 霍乱 cold 感冒, 伤风, 着凉(head) cold 患感冒 diabetes 糖尿病 diphtheria 白喉 eczema 湿疹 epilepsy 癫痫 erysipelas 丹毒 gangrene 坏疽 German measles, rubella 风疹gout 痛风 headache 头痛 hemiplegy, hemiplegia 偏瘫, 半身不遂 icterus, jaundice 黄疸indigestion 消化不良influenza, flu 流感 insanity 精神病 leukemia 白血病 malaria 疟疾 malnutrition 营养不良 Malta fever 马耳他热, 波状热measles 麻疹migraine, splitting headache 偏头痛 miocardial infarction 心肌梗塞mumps 流行性腮腺炎neuralgia 神经痛neurasthenia 神经衰弱paralysis 麻痹 peritonitis 腹膜炎 pharyngitis 咽炎 phtisis 痨病, 肺结核pneumonia 肺炎 poliomyelitis 脊髓灰质炎rabies 狂犬病 rheumatism 风湿病 rickets, rachitis 佝偻病scabies, itch 疥疮 scarlet fever 猩红热 sciatica 坐骨神经痛 sclerosis 硬化 septicemia, septicaemia 败血病sinusitis 窦炎 smallpox 天花 swamp fever 沼地热 syncope 晕厥 syphilis 梅毒 tetanus 破伤风 thrombosis 血栓形成torticollis, stiff neck 斜颈tuberculosis 结核病 tumour,tumor 瘤 typhus 斑疹伤寒 urticaria, hives 荨麻疹 2


Chapter 1 Passage 1 Human Body In this passage you will learn: 1. Classification of organ systems 2. Structure and function of each organ system 3. Associated medical terms To understand the human body it is necessary to understand how its parts are put together and how they function. The study of the body's structure is called anatomy; the study of the body's function is known as physiology. Other studies of human body include biology, cytology, embryology, histology, endocrinology, hematology, immunology, psychology etc. 了解人体各部分的组成及其功能,对于认识人体是必需的。研究人体结构的科学叫解剖学;研究人体功能的科学叫生理学。其他研究人体的科学包括生物学、细胞学、胚胎学、组织学、内分泌学、血液学、遗传学、免疫学、心理学等等。 Anatomists find it useful to divide the human body into ten systems, that is, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the urinary system, the endocrine system, the nervous system, the reproductive system and the skin. The principal parts of each of these systems are described in this article. 解剖学家发现把整个人体分成骨骼、肌肉、循环、呼吸、消化、泌尿、内分泌、


1.学习用品(school things) 钢笔pen 铅笔pencil 铅笔盒pencil-case 尺子ruler 书book 书包schoolbag 漫画书comic book 明信片postcard 报纸newspaper 包bag 橡皮eraser 蜡笔crayon 卷笔刀sharpener 故事书story-book 笔记本notebook 语文书Chinese book 英语书English book 数学书math book 杂志magazine 词典dictionary 二.人体(body) 脚foot 头head 脸face 头发hair 鼻子nose 嘴mouth 眼睛eye 耳朵ear 手臂arm 手hand 手指hand 腿leg 尾巴tail 身体body 三.颜色(color) 红red 蓝blue 黄yellow 绿green 白white 黑black 粉红pink 紫purple 橙orange 棕brown 灰gray 四.动物(animals) 猫cat 狗dog 猪pig 鸭duck 兔rabbit 马horse 大象elephant 蚂蚁ant 鱼fish 鹰eagle 鹿deer 海狸beaver 鸟bird 蛇snake 老鼠mouse 松鼠squirrel 熊bear 袋鼠kangaroo 猴monkey 熊猫panda 狮子lion 老虎tiger 狐狸fox 斑马zebra 长颈鹿giraffe 鹅goose 母鸡hen 火鸡turkey 小羊lamb 绵羊sheep 山羊goat 奶牛cow 驴donkey 鱿鱼squid 龙虾lobster 鲨鱼shark 海豹seal 抹香鲸sperm whale 虎鲸killer whale 五.人物(people) 朋友friend 男孩boy 女孩girl 母亲mother 父亲father 姐妹sister 兄弟 brother叔叔;舅舅 uncle 男人man 女人woman 先生Mr. 小姐Miss 女士lady 妈妈mom爸爸dad 父母parents (外)祖母grandma/grandmother (外)祖父 grandpa/grandfather姑姑aunt 儿子son 婴儿baby 堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹cousin 小孩kid 同学classmate 女王queen 参观者visitor 邻居neighbors 校长principal 大学生university student 笔友pen pal 旅行者tourist 人物people 机器人robot


antiseptic防腐剂biochemistry生物化学dissection 解剖 incontinent无节制的irregular不规则的malfunction故障microbiology微生物学outpatient门诊病人premature不成熟transmission传输ultrasound超声波cardiologist心脏病学家epidemic流行的 functioning运作 identify确定 improvement改善 lucidity明朗,清澈mechanism机制,原理medical医学 palpitation心悸,跳动physician内科医师physiology生理学practitioner执业医师regulate规定 resistance阻力,抵抗specialize专门从事,详细说明lens晶状体 conjunctiva结膜 cornea角膜 femur股骨 synovial membrane滑膜synovial fluid 滑液 patella膝盖骨 cartilage软骨 tibia胫骨 aorta主动脉 right /left atrium右/左心房tricuspid valve三尖瓣 mitral valve二尖瓣 aortic valve主动脉瓣pulmonary valve肺动脉瓣ventricular valve室间隔 right/left ventricle 右/左心室pulmonary artery肺动脉human anatomy人体解剖pharmacology药理学pathology病理学 laser surgery激光手术scalpel解剖刀 stagnant water停滞的水vaccination接种疫苗 Unit2 mass众多,聚集,质量waste废物,废弃 disc圆盘 joint关节,连接 stool粪便,凳子,引诱loose变松,松散的 labour分娩,劳动productive生产的,多产的medicated药制的,用药治疗episode发作性状,插曲carrier带菌者,载体murmur心脏杂音,低语patient病人 mediation调解 medic医师,医科学生medical医学的,体格检查medical examiner验尸员medically医学上的medicate用药治疗medication药物 medicinal药用的 medicine医学,药 bypass绕开,忽视,旁路operate动手术,运作,操作circulation循环,流通 flow流动,淹没 dislodge驱逐,使……移动oxygenate氧化 rejection抛弃,拒绝infection感染,传染,影响


医学英语(下)重点单词和句子翻译 unit1 hemoglobin血红蛋白 polycythemia红血球增多症 hypertrophy肥大,过度增大 atrophy萎缩 mutate改变,使突变 anomaly异常,不规则 congenitaldefect先天性缺陷 lesion损害,机能障碍 infectiousagent传染剂 pathogenesis发病原 diagnosis诊断 prognosis预后 autopsy尸体解剖 heredity遗传 hemophilia血友病 syndrome综合征 alcoholism 酗酒 anemia 贫血 pregnancy怀孕 delivery 分娩,交付

leukemia白血病 malnutrition营养不良hyperactivethyroid活跃甲状腺hyperthyroidism甲状腺功能亢进mongolism先天愚型 urinalysis尿分析 physician内科医生 surgeon外科医生 remission缓解 relapse复发 complication并发症pneumonia肺炎 sequela后遗症 paralysis麻痹 polio 小儿麻痹 fallopiantubes输卵管 alleviate减轻 masterpiece 杰作 defective有缺陷的 deficient不足的 concurrent并发的 respectively分别地 utilize利用 perceive察觉

terminal末端,晚期的 severity严重 fracture破裂 prostate前列腺 transmit传输,遗传 trigger引发,触发 protrude 突出,伸出counteract抵消,中和 prescribe开处方,规定exacerbate使加剧 aggravate恶化,加重 resemble类似 subside平息,沉淀 onset开始,着手 confinedto只限于 compensate补偿,赔偿traumatize使。。损伤accompany陪伴,伴随 observe观察 manifest证明,显示 aftermath后果 rheumaticfever风湿热 sterility不育healthprofessional保健专业人士


Origin软件菜单的英语单词翻译一、文件(File)菜单中英语单词 New 新文件 Open 打开 Open Excel 打开Excel文件 Open samples 打开样例 Append 添加 Close 关闭 Save project 保存项目 Save project as 项目另存为 Save window as 窗口另存为 Save template as 模板另存为 Print 打印 Print preview 打印预览 Page setup 页面设置 Import 导入 Export ASCII 导出到ASCII文件 Import wizard 导入向导 Simple single ASCII 简单的ASCII导入 ASCII options ASCII 导入选项 二、编辑(Edit)菜单中英语单词 Undo 撤消 Cut 剪切 Copy 复制 Paste 粘贴 paste transpose 转置粘贴(行列变换) paste link 粘贴链接 clear 消除 button edit mode 按钮编辑模式 inset 插入 delete 删除 clear worksheet 清除工作表 set as begin 设置为开始 set as end 设置为结束 reset to full range 所有范围重新设置 convert to matrix 转换为矩阵 transpose 转置 三、项目管理器中相关菜单单词 Find 查找 append project 添加项目 save as project 项目另存为 show all windows 显示所有窗口


这里汇聚了中西医学行业的大部分英语词汇和详细解说,如果要查询相关词汇,你可以点此word 文档工具栏的“编辑”,找到“查找”,然后点开输入你要查询的词汇就可以查询了。 西医篇: 1、医院部门及科室名称 2、医务人员名称 3、诊断和治疗常用词汇 4、常见疾病名称 5、常见手术名称 6、常用药物名称 7、常用护理术语 8、常用临床医学术语 9、医疗器材 10、医学英语快速记忆-后缀 11、主要人体系统名称 12、医院类型名称 13、医学词汇 14、医学常用字首与字根 1.医院部门及科室名称 out-patient department 门诊部 In-patient department 住院部 Nursing department 护理部 Admission office 住院处 Discharge office 出院处 Registration office 挂号处 Reception room, waiting room 侯诊室 Consultation room 诊察室 Isolation room 隔离室 Delivery room 分娩室 Emergency room 急诊室 Ward 病房室 Department of internal medicine 内科 Department of surgery 外科 Department of pediatrics 儿科 Department of obstetrics and gynecology 妇科 Department of neurology 神经科 Department of ophtalmology 眼科 E.N.T.department 耳鼻喉科 Department of stomatology 口腔科 Department of urology 泌尿科 Department of orthopedic 骨科 Department of traumatology 创伤科 Department of endocrinology 内分泌科


医学英语专业词汇大全单词带翻译 医学专业的很多英语的专业术语都需要清楚了解,今天学习啦小编在这里为大家分享医学英语专业词汇大全,希望这些医学专业词汇能帮到大家! 医学英语专业词汇阅读A p n e a呼吸暂停 A p l a s t i c A n e m i a再生不良性贫血 A r t e r i o V e n o u s M a l f o r m a t i o n动静脉畸形 B r o n c h i a l A s t h m a支气管性气喘 B r o n c h i t i s支气管炎 C e p h a l o p e m a t o m a头血肿 E r y t h e m a红斑 H y p o s p a d i a尿道下裂 D e h y d r a t i o n脱水 H y d r o c e p h a l u s水脑 H y d r o c e l e阴囊积水 P o l y d a c t y l i a多指畸形 P y o d e r m a脓皮症 S e p s i s败血症 T o n s i l l i t i s扁桃腺炎

E n c e p h a l i t i s脑炎 G a s t r o e n t e r i t i s肠胃炎 N e c r o t i z i n g E n t e r o c o l i t i s坏死性小肠结肠炎 M a l i g n a n t恶性的 C o n g e n i t a l M a l f o r m a t i o n先天性畸形 N e o n a t a l A s p h y x i a新生儿窒息 C l e f t P a l a t e颚裂 D i a r r h e a腹泻 D e n t a l C a r i e s龋齿 c a t e l e p s y僵直 i l l o g i c a l t h i n k i n g不合逻辑思考 p r e s s u r e s p e e c h言语急迫 t h o u g h t b l o c k i n g思考中断 i n c o h e r e n t语无伦次 t h o u g h t W i t h d r a w a l思想退缩 i r r e l e v a n t答非所问 d e l u s i o n妄想 d e l u s i o n o f p e r s e c u t i o n被害妄想 医学类英语简单词汇F a c i a l N e r v e P a r a l y s i s颜面神经麻痹
