




When it comes to helping developing countries, we often think about offering money in order that they can build schools and hospitals, buy food and medicine, or find clean water supplies. These seem to be the most important basic needs in their lives. However, it's far from enough. We have to come up with better ideas.

A man called Nicholas Negroponte invented a cheap laptop computer, which he decided to invent after he visited a school in Cambodia. The laptop which Mr. Negroponte has designed is not the same as the normal one that you can buy in the shops. One difference is that it will be covered in rubber so that it is strong and won't be damaged easily. As an electricity supply can be a problem in developing countries, the computer also has a special handle in order that children can wind the computer up to give it extra power when needed.

This special laptop computer will cost less than 100 US dollars and Mr. Negroponte wants to produce as many as 15 million laptop computers in the first year. The idea is that these computers will help the children's education as they will be able to access the Internet. These computers might not benefit the people in developing countries immediately, but by improving children's education they should help people to find their own solutions to their problems in the long term.

Another idea to help children in developing countries is to recycle old mobile phones so that they can be used again. In the UK. And probably in many other countries too, millions of mobile phones are thrown away every year. The waste crested by throwing away thee old phones is very bed for the environment, so it seems to be an excellent idea to achieve two important goals at the same time. We will reduce the waste we produce and help others. In other words, we will be able to" kill two birds with one "and that is always a good thing.

(1)The underlined phrase "wind up" in paragraph 2 means .

A. 吹风

B. 给……上发条

C. 摇上

D. 利用空气……使……(2)The laptop computer that Mr. Negroponte has designed .

A. will be damaged much easier than the normal one

B. has a special handle to access the Internet

C. is cheap and can run with extra power

D. can be helpful to find the people's own solutions

(3)According to the passage,what benefit can we get from recycling old mobile phones?

A. We can reduce the waste to protect the environment.

B. We can help children in developing countries reuse the old mobile phones.

C. it is good for the environment and very educative for phone users.

D. It not only reduces the waste produced by developed countries but also helps the children in developing countries.

(4)Mr. Negroponte's cheap computer is mentioned in the passage to .

A. illustrate the kindness of people in the developed countries

B. tell us what high technology can help people

C. show how to find business opportunities in developing countries

D. give an example of how to help developing countries

(5)Which is the best idea the author gives us to help the developing countries?

A. We need to help people in developing countries to help themselves,not just throw money at the problem.

B. We should spend much money helping people in developing countries build more schools and hospitals.

C. We should think about giving help to developing countries more often.

D. We should help the people in developing countries by improving children's education immediately.






【解析】【分析】主要讲了Nicholas Negroponte发明了一种便宜的手提电脑和循环使用手机来帮助发展中国家。

(1)细节题。根据give it extra power when needed.当需要的时候给它额外的能量,是通过特殊的把柄来产生能量,即通过上发条,故选B。

(2)细节题。根据A man called Nicholas Negroponte invented a cheap laptop computer和give it extra power when needed.可知手提电脑是便宜的,并且有额外的能量,故选C。(3)细节题。根据We will reduce the waste we produce and help others.可知不仅降低了废弃物污染,而且帮助了发展中国家,故选D。

(4)细节题。根据第一段We have to come up with better ideas.可知是帮助发展中国家更好的主意的例子,故选D。




Did you take part in a camp this summer? There are so many summer camps and not all of them are the same. To choose which camp is best for you, first you must do a bit of research.

Maybe you've never thought about it before, but every great summer camp has the same main goals—opportunity, challenge and growth.

Opportunity means you are given a chance to do something special. It also makes you special because other kids don't have the same opportunity. For example, if you are interested in writing, then you can choose to join a journalism (新闻)camp. You may have the opportunity of meeting famous journalists there.

Challenge means you are given a task. You must finish the task and succeed in dealing with the

challenge. Then you will have a sense of achievement. For example, you could take a lifeguard course at some summer camps. If you pass the exam, then you will receive a certificate (证书)to become a real lifeguard.

This also leads to the third and most important goal of very great summer camp—personal growth. It doesn't mean growing taller and stronger or more beautiful. It means seeing yourself improve, learning something new and doing something you didn't know or believe you could do before. It also means becoming more confident in yourself.

So in the future when choosing your next summer camp, remember to ask yourself: Is it a special opportunity? Is it a challenge? Will I grow?

But what about friendship, fun and joy? These will all happen naturally when you have the right goals at summer camps!

(1)Which is the writer's opinion?

A. Different camps have different goals.

B. There are too many summer camps today.

C. All great summer camps have the same main goals.

D. All the summer camps offer the same activities and courses.

(2)According to the passage, a camper feels successful when he ______.

A. joins the best camp

B. finishes a hard task

C. grows taller and stronger

D. takes a special chance

(3)The most important thing for a camper is to ______.

A. take opportunities

B. grow more beautiful

C. become better and more confident

D. learn new life-saving skills

(4)What does the last paragraph tell us?

A. It's not important to have fun at a camp.

B. It's hard to make real friends at a camp.

C. You can get more joy with more goals at camp.

D. With the right goals, you can have fun while learning at a camp.

(5)Which is the best title for the passage?

A. What makes a camp great?

B. Which is the best goal?

C. How to be a successful camper?

D. How to do research work?







(1)细节题。根据but every great summer camp has the same main goals—opportunity, challenge and growth.可知,作者观点是所有好的夏令营都有相同的主要目标——机会,挑战,成长,故选C。

(2)细节题。根据You must finish the task and succeed in dealing with the challenge. Then you will have a sense of achievement.可知,每当野营者完成一次艰难的任务后会有成就感,故选B。

(3)推断题。根据the third and most important goal of very great summer camp—personal growth. It means seeing yourself improve, learning something new and doing something you didn't know or believe you could do before. It also means becoming more confident in yourself.可知,对于野营者而言,最重要的事是变得更好而且更自信,故选C。





As we all know, English is an important subject in middle school. Everyone knows that they must learn English well, but some people don't know how to learn it well. Here are some suggestions which may help you with your English.

The biggest problem is people's own fear. They worry that they won't say things correctly or that they will look foolish so that they don't speak English at all. Don't be afraid of being laughed at. Only if we aren't afraid of making mistakes can we learn English well.

The fastest way to learn something is to do it again and again until you get it right. Learning English needs practice. Don't let a little fear stop you from getting what you want.

The best way to learn English is to have a good environment. Take notes in English, put English books around your room, listen to English radios, watch English news, movies and TV programs. Speak English with your friends whenever you can. The more English materials that you have around you, the faster you will learn it.

Many people think that exercises and tests aren't much fun. However, by doing exercises and taking tests you can really improve your English. If you never test yourself, you will never know how much you are making progress.

(1)The biggest problem of learning English is ________.

A. not knowing how to learn

B. being afraid of being laughed at

C. looking foolish

D. making mistakes

(2)The fastest way to learn English well is ________.

A. practicing over and over again

B. listening to it every day

C. going over the fear

D. going to a foreign country

(3)To create a good environment, you need to do many things except ________.

A. putting English books around your room

B. listening to English radios

C. watching English news and movies

D. speaking English with your friends only in class

(4)According to the passage, English exercises and tests are ________.

A. very necessary

B. not helpful at all

C. very boring

D. not important

(5)How many suggestions on how to learn English are mentioned according to the passage?

A. Two

B. Three

C. Four

D. Five







(1)细节理解题。根据文中"The biggest problem is people's own fear"和"They worry that they won't say things correctly or that they will look foolish"及"Don't be afraid of being laughed at"可知,最大的问题是人们自己的恐惧心理。他们担心自己不能正确地说对句子,或者他


(2)细节理解题。根据文中"The fastest way to learn something is to do it again and again until you get it right"和"Learning English needs practice"可知,学东西最快的方法是一次次地所,直到做正确。学习英语需要练习(即反复练习)。故选A。

(3)细节理解题。根据文中Speak English with your friends whenever you can可知,在任何


(4)细节理解题。根据文中"However, by doing exercises and taking tests you can really improve your English"可知,通过做练习和参加测验,你真地可以提高英语。故选A。

(5)细节理解题。根据第二段中Don't be afraid of being laughed at和第三段中learning English needs practice及第四段中The best way to learn English is to have a good environment

还有最后一段中However, by doing exercises and taking tests you can really improve your English可知,文章提出如下建议:不要害怕被嘲笑;学习英语需要反复练习;创造一个良





Hobbies let you explore interests outside of your line of work. They let you be creative and try

all kinds of new things. Picking a different one can get your creative juices flowing again.

Look at what interests you.

Check what you love doing in your spare time. Do you enjoy reading books? Maybe you want to try your hand at writing your own. Do you like a hot coffee at the end of the day? Maybe your hobby could be trying to make it at home. Turn what you already love into a hobby.

Think about what you value most

Do you value wisdom or courage? Do you admire artists? Let such question guide you when choosing a hobby.

For example, maybe you could volunteer at a library as a hobby because you value education or maybe you could try painting because you admire people who can express themselves with art. Examine your skills and personality.

Certain hobbies require certain skill

If you don't have much patience, then maybe going fishing isn't something you'd enjoy. However, if you love building things, maybe you should consider a hobby like working on older cars or building furniture.

Play to your strengths.

Pay attention to what excites your ①________.

The way you talk about things can also show what you really like and it can be developed into a hobby.

Think about the topics you go on endlessly about. Ask your friends and family what you seem to talk about all the time. Now think about the subject that you enjoy so much and decide how it can be turned into your hobby.

(1)This passage is most probably taken from ________.

A. a magazine for old people

B. a magazine for young people

C. a picture book for children

D. a picture book for hobbies

(2)This passage mainly shows us ________.

A. how to find a new hobby

B. how to give up old hobbies

C. why you must find a new hobby

D. why you must give up old hobbies

(3)Which is the most suitable word for ①________?

A. hobbies

B. skills

C. topics

D. interests





(1)细节题。根据全文可知讲了发现一种新爱好,可知不是picture book图画书,排除C、D。根据maybe you could volunteer at a library在图书馆里当志愿者,所以给年轻人写的,故选B。


(3)推断题。根据后文Think about the topics you go on endlessly about.考虑下话题,可知最合适的词是话题,topics,故选C。



Dear Alan,

Guess what? I have a chance to choose my new place to live in. I am excited and a little nervous. Could you please give me some help?

I am not sure whether I will live in a house or in an apartment. On the one hand, a house will be too big for just one person, so maybe I should rent an apartment, On the other hand, if I rent a house, I could find someone else to share with me. The only problem is that a house full of people might be too noisy for me. I prefer to have my own space. The city has some nice apartments, but they are also too expensive. However, if I could find a two-bedroom apartment and get a roommate, that would make it more affordable. I just need to search for a roommate who is neat and quiet. You know I can not live with someone who is loud and messy. I do not have a car, so I also need to think carefully about the location. I probably need to look for somewhere near a bus stop or an underground station. That way I will have more time to study and spend less time travelling.

I'm looking forward to your reply.


Victor (1)Victor feels excited because he can decide where to live.

(2)Victor wants to share the house with a(an)neat and quiet person.

(3)If Victor finds a roommate, he will waste money.

(4)Victor doesn't have a car, so he wants a two-bed-room apartment

(5)Victor also needs to think carefully about the location.







(1)细节题。根据I have a chance to choose my new place to live in. I am excited and a little nervous.可知Victor是兴奋的,因为他有机会选择新住址,故选正确。

(2)细节题。根据I just need to search for a roommate who is neat and quiet.可知Victor希望舍友是干净和文静的,故选正确。

(3)细节题。根据However, if I could find a two-bedroom apartment and get a roommate, that would make it more affordable. 可知Victor找到舍友后会平分房租,所以不是浪费钱,故选错误。

(4)细节题。根据I do not have a car, so I also need to think carefully about the location.可知Victor没有车,所以也需要仔细考虑位置,而不是想要一个两间卧室的公寓,故选错误。(5)细节题。根据I do not have a car, so I also need to think carefully about the location.可知Victor没有车,所以也需要仔细考虑位置,故选正确。



Hi, guys! Last week I read a book called Rabbits in Australia. Rabbits look

cute, but when they enter in large numbers, it's a problem. In Australia,

rabbits have crowded into the land. They eat the plants that farmers grow.

They eat the plants other animals need to eat, so other animals find it hard to


These days I'm reading Moby Dick. It's considered to be the "Great American Novel", or one of the greatest novels of all time. "The story takes

place on a whaling ship that sails the seas to find Moby Lick, a very large


Well, I love detective stories. Last month I read The Stolen Letter. The

writer brings me into the story of his characters' lives. He also introduces a

sense of mystery in the story. It keeps me interested until the very end of the


(1)What are Amy, Daniel and Simon talking about?

A. Listening.

B. Speaking.

C. Reading.

D. Writing.

(2)The rabbits in the book Rabbits in Australia .

A. are very cute

B. are in small numbers

C. cause a problem

D. find it hard to live in Australia

(3)What type of book is Moby Dick?

A. Science.

B. Novel.

C. Detective story.

D. Travel.

(4)What do we know about the book The Stolen Letter?

A. It's set in Australia.

B. It's about the writer's life.

C. Its story happens on a ship.

D. There's a sense of mystery in it.






(1)细节题。根据第一个表格Hi, guys! Last week I read a book called Rabbits in Australia.第二个表格These days I'm reading Moby Dick.第三个表格Well, I love detective stories.可知他们在谈论读书,故选C。

(2)细节题。根据In Australia, rabbits have crowded into the land. They eat the plants that farmers grow. They eat the plants other animals need to eat, so other animals find it hard to live.在澳大利亚,兔子已经挤进了陆地。他们吃农民种的植物。它们吃其他动物需要吃的植物,所以其他动物觉得很难生存,所以兔子导致了一个问题,故选C。

(3)细节题。根据These days I'm reading Moby Dick. It's considered to be the "Great American Novel", or one of the greatest novels of all time.可知它是一部小说,即novel,故选B。

(4)细节题。根据Last month I read The Stolen Letter. He also introduces a sense of mystery in the story.可知这本书透露了神秘感,故选D。



Have you ever wanted to achieve a goal and ended up doing lots of research on how to achieve it? As you learned more and more. It seemed you knew less and less. That is because when you learned a new concept(概念). You found that there was a lot more to know about it.

Usually, people think they need to get more and more information before trying a new idea. There is nothing wrong with learning a lot, but when you let learning get in the way of doing, you will never get going.

One of the best ways to learn is to take action and learn from the results that you get from those actions. Don't be afraid of not being perfect and just take the first step. You will go further than those who are still in preparation. It's good to be prepared, but over-preparation in trying to reach a goal won't get you results. The knowledge and skills that you will need will be picked up along the way.

If a baby wants to learn how to walk, it doesn't do it by just sitting there and thinking about how to walk. The best way for a baby to walk is to actually get up and start walking. Sure it may fall, but with every fall, it learns what is working and what is not and adjusts(调整)to it. By doing this over and over, it will finally learn to walk. This is the method you should use when you want to achieve your goals as well. It works.

Learning more is great but if all you're doing is learning and not taking action, it's time to change that. Just take the first step.

(1)When you learned something new, you found there was to know about it.

A. less

B. nothing

C. everything

D. more

(2)Which is NOT true according to the passage?

A. People need to learn a lot before trying a new idea.

B. One of the best ways to learn is to take action.

C. Learning has nothing to do with doing.

D. Over-preparation is not good for reaching a goal.

(3)A baby should when it wants to learn how to walk.

A. get up and start walking

B. sit there and think about how to walk

C. learn from its parents

D. read books about how to walk

(4)We can usually read the passage in .

A. a storybook

B. a newspaper

C. an advertisement

D. a guidebook

(5)The purpose of the passage is .

A. to tell us how to learn more

B. to tell us how to be successful

C. to talk about the importance of doing

D. to talk about the importance of learning






【解析】【分析】本文告诉我们一个道理,最后的学习方法是从行为结果中去学习。(1)细节题。根据As you learned more and more. It seemed you knew less and less.随着你学得越来越多。看来你知道的越来越少了,可知当你学到新东西时你发现有更多的东西要知道,故选D。

(2)细节题。根据One of the best ways to learn is to take action and learn from the results that you get from those actions学习的最好方法之一是采取行动,从这些行动中获得的结果中学习,可知学习与做无关是错的,故选C。

(3)细节题。根据The best way for a baby to walk is to actually get up and start walking可知,当婴儿想学会走路时,就应该站起来开始走,故选A。




House fires often happened. So it appears necessary to learn something useful to protect family from them. The following poster in the neighborhood will tell you how to do it.

Fire Safety

Put a smoke alarm in your house and test it every month. Half of all house fire deaths happen between 11 pm and 7 am. The risk of dying in a house fire is cut in half with working smoke alarms.

Make sure your hearing aid, wheelchair or eyeglasses are next to your bed. Fire can spread through a house soon. You may have as little as two minutes to escape (逃离)safely. Be ready to act at once.

Create a fire escape plan. 77% of families don't have a house fire escape plan to follow. That's one of the reasons why at least one child dies and 293 children are injured in a house fire every day.

Don't call 119 until you are safely outside. During a fire, the first thing to do is to get out of house as fast as you can.

A. A smoke alarm

B. A pair of eyeglasses

C. A wheelchair

(2)We may have only ________ to escape from a house firm safely.

A. half an hour

B. 2 minutes

C. 293 seconds

(3)According to the poster, ________ can help save you from a house fire.

A. stopping the fire from spreading

B. making and following a plan to escape

C. keeping awake betwren11 pm. and 7 am.

(4)Call 119 for help ________.

A. after you reach safely

B. as soon as you are ready to escape

C. when you find out what causes the house fire

(5)The poster is put up in the neighborhood to help people learn to ________.

A. plan their live as they wish

B. save time as much as possible

C. protect themselves in a right way







(1)细节理解题。根据“The risk of dying in a house fire is cut in half with working smoke alarms”可知,烟雾报警器会降低火灾的死亡, 故答案是 A。

(2)细节理解题。根据“You may have as li ttle as two minutes to escape (逃离)safely” 可知,故答案是 B。

(3)细节理解题。根据“Create a fire escape plan. 77% of families don't have a house fire escape plan to follow. ”可知,77%的家庭没有可遵守的火灾逃离方案。制定并且遵守逃离方


(4)细节理解题。根据“Don't call 119 until you are safely outside. ”可知,直到你安全到达户外后再打 119,故答案是 A。

(5)细节理解题。根据“So it appears necessary to learn something useful to protect family from them.”可知张贴海报的目的是以正确的方式保护人们,故答案是C。



1-5 of 90 days / All 90

days Next 5


JUN 30







21°/13 °C Mostly cloudy

19 °/

11 °

Partial sunshine


19 °/12 °

Clouds and sun


20 °/12 °




22°/14 °

Times of

clouds and



Temperature JUN 29

Today Normal Record 6/29/2018 High 21° 21° N/A 26°Low 13° 13° N/A 15°

More Historical Weather Data (数据)


Sunrise: 6:06 AM

Sunset: 7:57 PM Duration: 13:51 hr

Moonrise/moonset Moonrise: 9:03 PM Moonset: 9:01 AM

Duration: 11:58 hr

Astronomy (天文学)

A. Mostly cloudy.

B. Partly sunny.

C. Sunny and windy.

D. Cloudy and rainy.(2)What was the high temperature on Jun. 29, 2018?

A. 21℃.

B. 13℃.

C. 15℃.

D. 26℃.

(3)Which of the following days has the lowest temperature?

A. JUN 29.

B. JUN 30.

C. JUL 1.

D. JUL 2.

(4)When did the sun rise today?

A. At 6:06 am.

B. At 9:03 pm.

C. At 9:01 am.

D. At 7:57 pm.(5)If you want to know about the weather of next Friday, you can click "_____".

A. More Historical Weather Data

B. Astronomy

C. Next 5

D. More







(1)细节题,根据Partial sunshine More Clouds and sun More Partly sunny More可知大都是晴朗的,故选B。

(2)细节题。根据TODAY JUN 29 21°/13 °C可知最高温度是21摄氏度,最低温度是13摄氏度,故选A。

(3)细节题。根据JUN 29 21°/13 °C;JUN 30 19 °/11 °; JUL 1 19 °/12 °;JUL 2 20 °/12 °;JUL 3 22°/14 °,可知最低温度是JUN30 11摄氏度,故选B。

(4)细节题。根据Sunrise: 6:06 AM可知早上太阳6:06升起,故选A。

(5)细节题。根据Astronomy (天文学)可知是点击天文学,故选B。



What subject do you worry about the most at school? Many students worry about math. Some students can't sleep well the day before a math exam. Others may feel very nervous during the exam itself. But there might be a way to make the subject less stressful(压力大的).

"For people who are worried about math, posture (姿势)makes a big difference," Erik Paper from San Francisco State University told the Daily Mail. That's right – sitting up straight can help you do better on math exams.

Scientists tested 125 college students. They asked them to do a simple math exam while sitting in a slumped-over (趴倒的)posture, or sitting up straight. After the test, 56 percent of students said the exam was easier to do if they were sitting up straight.

Slumping over is a defensive(戒备的) posture. It can bring about bad memories in the body and brain. This can stop you from thinking clearly, Paper said.

Students who were not nervous about taking the math exam did not necessarily benefit(受益)from better posture. But they did find that doing math while slumped over was more difficult, Science Daily reported.

Good posture isn't just helpful for taking math exams. Sportspeople, musicians and public speakers can all benefit from better posture. When you feel stressed out, you can also try to sit up straight or stand tall. It can help you feel more certain and focus better.

(1)What posture can make people feel less stressed during math exams?

A. Sitting up straight.

B. Hanging your head.

C. Lying on your back.

D. Raising one hand.

(2)What did the scientists ask the college students to do during the test?

A. To do sit-ups.

B. To count numbers.

C. To think carefully.

D. To sit in different postures.

(3)How many students in the test benefited from the better posture?

A. All the 125 students.

B. Less than half of them.

C. 56 percent of them.

D. None of the students.

(4)The fourth paragraph is written to explain .

A. why slumping over makes exams harder to do

B. why slumping over is bad for one's health

C. why some people slump over during exams

D. why people are nervous during math exams

(5)Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. Slump over to Take Exams

B. Sit up to Do Math

C. Better Posture for Nervous Students

D. Good Advice for Better Exams







(1)细节题。根据For people who are worried about math, posture (姿势)makes a big difference 和That's right – sitting up straight can help you do better on math exams. 可知坐直可以让人们在数学考试中感觉压力更小,故选A。

(2)推理题。根据 They asked them to do a simple math exam while sitting in a slumped-over (趴倒的)posture, or sitting up straight. 可知科学家在测试中要求大学生以不同的姿势坐着,故选D。

(3)细节题。根据 After the test, 56 percent of students said the exam was easier to do if they were sitting up straight 可知56%的参加测试的学生从更好的姿势中受益,故选C。

(4)主旨题。根据 Slumping over is a defensive(戒备的)posture. It can bring about bad memories in the body and brain. This can stop you from thinking clearly, 可知第四段是用来解释为什么睡懒觉会让考试变得更难,故选A。

(5)主旨题。根据本文教室里姿势有助于参加数学考试和 the exam was easier to do if they were sitting up straight ,可知标题适合是 Sit up to Do Math 坐起来做数学,故选B。




One night, when I was eight, my mother gently asked me a question I would never forget. "Sweetie, my company wants to promote(升职) me but needs me to work in Brazil. This is like your teacher telling you that you've done well and allowing you to skip(跳) a grade, but you'll have to leave your friends. Would you say yes to your teacher?" She gave me a hug and asked me to think about it. I was lost in thought. The question kept me wondering for the rest of the night. I had said "Yes" but for the first time, I realized the difficult decisions adults had to make.

For almost four years, my mother would call us from Brazil every day. Every evening I'd eagerly wait for the phone to ring and then tell her everything that happened during the day. A phone call, however, could never take her place and it was difficult not to feel lonely at times.

During my fourth-grade Christmas break, we flew to Rio to visit her. Looking at her large empty apartment. It was then I started to understand the difficult choices she had to make. She needed to think about both family and work. Faced with difficult decisions, she used to tell me, you wouldn't know whether you made the right choice, but you could always make the best out of the situation, with a positive attitude.

Back home, I reminded myself that what my mother could do, I could, too. If she managed to live in Rio all by herself, I, too, could learn to be independent. I learn how to take care of myself and set high but achievable goals.

My mother is now back with us. But I will never forget what the experience has really taught me. I've learned a lot because of this separation(分离). There are lots of difficult decisions that we have to face in our life. We need to have a positive attitude no matter what happens.(1)It was __________ for the writer to say "Yes" to her mother s question.

A. excited

B. difficult

C. unusual

D. easy

(2)Which of the following sentences can be put in the blank in Paragraph 3?

A. I thought my mother might regret her decision.

B. I thought my mother might want to go home with us.

C. I realized how lonely my mother was in Brazil herself.

D. I realized my mother had a happy time in Brazil herself.

(3)The writer most probably wants to tell us that __________.

A. how she gets on well with her mother

B. it's difficult for her to make a decision

C. she has learnt a lot from the experience

D. adults have to face the difficult decisions





(1)细节理解题。根据文中的第一The question kept me wondering for the rest of the night.I had said"yes",可知这个问题很难回答,故答案是B。

(2)细节理解题。根据文中的前面Looking at her large empty apartment看着她那空荡荡


(3)细节理解题。根据文中的最后一段My mother is now back with us.But I will never forget what the experience has really taught me.I've learned a lot because of this separation.There are lots of difficult decisions that we have to face in our life.We need to have a positive attitude no matter what happens.可知作者从中学到了很多,故答案是C。【点评】考查阅读理解。考查对篇章的把握与细节的识别能力,答题时注意紧扣问题中的关键词,在文章中寻找答案。


(2)In Jim's eyes, his mother doesn't always understand what he's trying to say.

(3)Dr. Green thinks it's common for kids to have trouble talking with their parents.

(4)In Dr. Green's opinion, talking is a way for mothers to relax after a day's work.

(5)Dr. Green explains three reasons for mom's nagging and offers three suggestions.







(1)细节题。根据My relationship with my mother is worse and worse now.可知Jim和妈妈的关系越来越糟,而不是朋友,故选错误。

(2)细节题。根据She doesn't always understand what I'm trying to say.可知Jim认为妈妈不理解Jim说的,故选正确。

(3)细节题。根据It's common for kids to have trouble talking with parents可知对于孩子们来说和父母交流有困难是普遍的,故选正确。

(4)细节题。根据After a day's work, she's tired, too. But she will never be tired of caring about you.可知文章没说交流是放松的一种方法,故选错误。




This is the school timetable of Class One, Grade Three, Sunshine School on Monday.

A. At 8:00 am.

B. At 10:00 am.

C. At 1:00 pm.

D. At 2:00 pm.(2)How long does the science homework take?

A. At least 90 minutes.

B. About 20 minutes.

C. More than 60 minutes.

D. About 40 minutes.

(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the timetable?

A. Students always take their painting lessons outsides.

B. Boy students will play a short soccer match this week.

C. Students will use skills in real games in the theory lesson.

D. Students learn how to fix computers in the technology lesson.





(1)细节理解题。根据10:00-11;00 am:Drama During this lesson, students will have the chance to act out roles with other students. 可知戏剧在这节课将在上午10:00开始,故选B。

(2)细节理解题。根据Science (Biology or chemistry) Students have to write a report of the lesson(about 40 minutes) .可知科学作业花费大约40分钟,故选D。

(3)细节理解题。根据 Practice Students will play a short match lasting 45 minutes. This week, the sports are soccer(the boys)and volleyball(for girls). 可知实习学生将进行一场持续45分钟的短比赛。本周的运动项目是男孩足球和女孩排球。故选B。



The human body is a machine that can raise lots of interesting questions. Why, for example, are yawns (呵欠)contagious (传染的)? What's up with ice-cream headaches? Here are answers to these and other questions about our bodies.

Why do I get a headache when I eat ice cream too quickly?

Scientists aren't exactly sure what causes the brain freeze when we eat ice cream or other super cold foods too quickly, though some believe it's the result of changed blood .flow in the nervous system. Blood vessels in the head tighten to stop the loss of body heat and then relax to

let blood flow rise; that sudden rush of blood is what causes the headache. You can improve an ice-cream headache by rapidly rubbing your tongue across the roof of your mouth to help warm up things.

What causes my stomach to make a low continuous noise when I'm hungry?

Actually, your stomach makes noise whether you're hungry or full; you just hear it more clearly when you're hungry. Think of your digestive tract(消化道)as a really long tube lined with smooth muscle tissue. These muscles move food, fluids and gas through your digestive tract. ___________. It can make you feel embarrassed(尴尬的)but is nothing to worry about.

Why do I blush when I'm embarrassed?

When you're embarrassed, your brain releases a shot of adrenaline(肾上腺素), which makes your heart race and blood vessels become larger in size. All this happens to increase blood flow and oxygen delivery throughout the body in a fight-or-flight reaction(对抗反应). There are a lot of tiny blood vessels in your face, which turn noticeably redder from this sudden rush of blood. As for the actual function of blushing, researchers are still trying to find that one out.

Why are yawns contagious?

Have you ever yawned in front of someone, only to have them yawn right back? It's a common thing, but researchers don't have a good explanation for it. They do, however, know this happens only with humans and chimpanzees(黑猩猩). A bigger question puzzling scientists is why we yawn at all. It used to be thought that yawning showed that oxygen to the brain was not enough, but that's just a myth. A growing body of research now shows that yawning is nature's way of keeping our brains cool.

(1)What is the meaning of the underlined word tighten?

A. 变松

B. 变紧

C. 变短

D. 变长(2)Which of the following sentences can be filled in the blank?

A. And that's what you're hearing when your stomach makes noise.

B. And that's why you're so hungry when your stomach is empty

C. And that's what makes you feel uncomfortable when you're full.

D. And that's how it makes a difference to your digestive tract.

(3)Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. There is no way for you to improve an ice-cream headache.

B. Researchers have found out the actual function of blushing.

C. Your stomach makes noise only when you are hungry.

D. Researchers don't have a good explanation for why yawns are contagious.

(4)What is the best title of the passage?

A. Some Interesting Facts

B. Our Strange Body

C. Some Useful Discoveries

D. Our Amazing Feelings






(1)词义猜测题。根据Blood vessels in the head tighten to stop the loss of body heat and then relax to let blood flow rise; that sudden rush of blood is what causes the headache然后放松,让血液流动起来;这种突然的血液流动是导致头痛的原因。你可以通过快速地将舌头摩擦到口腔顶部来帮助热身来改善冰淇淋头痛。由relax,放松,动词,可知放松让血液流动,推知阻止血液流动的应该是变紧,因此tighten的意思是变紧,故选B。

(2)细节理解题。根据上文These muscles move food, fluids and gas through your digestive tract. 把你的消化道想象成一条很长的管道,内衬着平滑肌组织。这些肌肉通过消化道输送食物、液体和气体。可已推知这些肌肉通过消化道输送食物、液体和气体。就会在胃里产生声音。故选A。

(3)判断正误题。根据You can improve an ice-cream headache by rapidly rubbing your tongue across the roof of your mouth to help warm up things.你可以通过快速地将舌头摩擦到口腔顶部来帮助热身来改善冰淇淋头痛。可知选项A不符合文章内容,故排除A;As for the actual function of blushing, researchers are still trying to find that one out.至于脸红的实际作用,研究人员仍在努力找出其中之一。可知选项B不符合文章内容,故排除B;you just hear it more clearly when you're hungry. 当你饿了的时候,你只会更清楚地听到声音。可知选项C不符合文章内容,故排除C;It's a common thing, but researchers don't have a good explanation for it. 这是一件很平常的事情,但研究人员对此没有很好的解释。可知选项D符合文章内容,故选D。




Along with wheat, rice is one of the most important food crops in the world. It is a nutritious, healthy food.

Each year, farmers grow millions of tons of rice.

Top Five Rice﹣producing Countries


阅读理解整体分析 选材 ①阅读材料通常在150~250词之间 ②选材广泛,具有浓厚的时代气息 ③阅读语段生动活泼,语句富子变化 命题原则 ①要求考生既能理解具体的事实,也能理解抽象的概念; ②要求考生既能理解文章的表层意思,也能理解文章的深层含义; ③要求考生既能理解某句、某段的意思,也能理解全篇的逻辑关系; 中考阅读理解的应试策略 在解答阅读理解题时,要根据如下步骤进行解题。 1.浏览问题明确要求 先了解文章后面所要解决的问题再去看文章,能使思路更加清晰,做到心中有数。 2.略读全文,了解梗概 略读就是在尽可能短的时间内把握文章或段落的内容,略读时要特别注意主题。 3.通读寻读猎取信息 寻读时可把与答题无关的内容一扫而过,而与答题有关的重要信息要认真读。 4逐条分析,对号入座 即把寻读时所获得的信息与答题要求结合起来,逐条进行分析,对号人座。 5.复读全文,验证答案 再次仔细阅读全文,进一步加深对文章的理解,核实所选内容是否正确。 阅读理解不同题型解题技巧 基于不同的考查目的,阅读理解题通常可分类为“细节理解题”“主且大意题”“词义猜测题”与“推理判断题”,不同的考查目的,会有不同的设题特点可使用不同的解题技巧。 一、细节理解题解题技巧 细节理解题主要是考查who, what, which, when, where等文章细节些细节理解题比较简单,只需浏览文中所叙述的事实或细节,就可以作答。 但一些细节理解题则需要通过语句的同义或反义转换来考查学生对英语的理解能力,对文中个别难词、关键词、词组或句子作出解释或需要对有关的上下文提供的语境和信息、甚至对整篇文章的内容建立准确、立体的理解和判断。这些题的难度较大解答细节理解题时,要先看题于,然后带着问题读文章。同学们做这类题时可以边读边做记号,加强阅读的针对性提高做题的准确率, 1.语义转换题一跳读查找法。语义转换题通常考查对某句话或某几包话的理解,可根据题干内容从原文中找到相关句子,然后进行比较和分析,并确定最佳答案运用跳读查找法时,要特别注意试题及其选项与原文之间的语义变换,如同义变换、概念解析、归纳事实等 2.生活应用题一常识理解法。生活应用题要求学生在读懂文章的基础上结合定的生活常识进行判断。但有些时候,一些常识性判断题,甚至只看题干,就可选出最佳答案。 3.细节排序题一首尾定位法。这种试题要求学生根据动作发生的先后顺序和句子之间的逻辑关系,找出事件发生的正确顺序,做此类题时可采用“首尾定位第一个动作和最后一个动作,迅速缩小选择范围,从而快速选出正确答案 4.寻找值息题一干定位法。快速寻找信息题一般为功能阅读题,主要形式有广告、公告、演出信息、航班时间表、购物就餐等,做这类题时没有必要阅读全文,直采用“题干定位法,根据题干要求,直接从表格中查找相关信息


(英语)高二英语阅读理解专题训练答案及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Flying for a long time, you finally arrive at the place where you can relax—your hotel room. Now you throwyour bag on the bed, turn on the TV and watch an international news programme on a satellite channel probably from UK or the USA. The main international broadcasters are BBC World and CNN. With an audience of over 1.5 billion people, these are popular channels that offer good-quality news programmes. In both companies, the journalists are experienced writers that produce journalism of a high standard. However, there are alternative news channels which people watch because they want a less traditional or non-Western view on world events. Russia Today and Al Jazeera International, an Arabic company, are international channels that broadcast in English. Both companies say they give a fresh view on big stories, and their experienced journalists often report from places where Western journalists do not work, and so they give us stories that we don't normally see. The Internet offers more variety. OneWorldTV is an Internet site where you can find stories about the developing world and human rights, rather than the usual stories about US politics and business. The writers for this company are often local people who write the stories for free. This non-professional journalism is increasing, and it certainly offers more choices. This increase in citizen journalism means that you can write the news, too. Main news broadcasters often use photographs and stories that members of the general public send to them, especially when there is a dramatic breaking news story. Besides this, some blogs are popular sources of news, and the website NowPublic lets you write stories using information you can get from anywhere, including sites like Youtube, Flickr and Twitter. (1)The first paragraph is meant to . A. offer a suggestion B. give a warning C. explain a reason D. introduce the topic (2)It can be learned from the text that more and more people will . A. prefer to read local news B. pay more attention to world news C. start a career in citizen journalism D. give up watching TV news programmes (3)What would be the best title for the text? A. The Latest Local News B. More Choices for News C. The End of TV News D. Traditional World News 【答案】(1)D (2)C (3)B 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了市民可以观看的新闻媒体。有些新闻来自国家(正式新闻);有些新闻来自民间,这种民间的非正式媒体新闻正呈上升趋势;市民还可以在网上发布一些新闻。 (1)考查推理判断。根据第一段中的“ watch an international news program on a satellite channel probably from UK or the USA.”和第二段中的“The main international broadcasters are BBC World and CNN”可以推断出第一段是引子,是为了引出下文的话题(介绍BBC World和


初三英语阅读理解(10篇) (一) Little Tom down the street calls our dog "The keep dog".Zip is a sheep dog. But when Tom tries to say" Seep", it comes out "keep". And in a way Tom is right. Zip is always bringing things hoem for us to keep! I'll tell you about some of them. Zip's first present was a shoe. It was made of green silk. We didn't know how Zip found the shoe. But after a moment Mary, my big sister, told me the shoe had a strange smell. I nodded(点头)and held my nose. "What do you think it is?" "It smells like something for cleaning. I think someone tried to clean a spot (污点) off the shoe. Then he put it at the door to dry." "Along came Zip. And good-bye shoe!" I said."We should take it back." "We can't ".said my sistter. "Maybe little Tom is right," Mary said. "Maybe Zip is a keep dog!" 1.The writer and Mary didn't know______. A.what Zip's first present was B.how Zip carried its first present home C.who owned Zip's first present D.what Zip's first present was made of


阅读短文还原句子—1 阅读短文,从下列所给的五个句子中,选四句还原到短文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整。其中有一个多余选项。 阅读短文,从下列所给的五个句子中,选四句还原到短文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整。其中有一个多余选项。 In 1940, a little girl named Wilma Rudolph was born. She was small and sick. In her early childhood, Wilma had many serious illnesses. 61 When Wilma was four years old, doctors noticed her left leg was not straight. They told her family that she had polio(小儿麻痹症),and that she would never walk. Wilma and her family didn’t want to believe the doctors. Wilma exercised every day until she was able to walk with a brace(支架). 62 All her friends played basketball after school. Wilma sat and watched them every day, dreaming of being an athlete(运动员). Of course, people thought she was crazy. 63 By the time she was nine years old, she could walk without a brace! She began playing basketball. In middle school, she was the star of the basketball team. A running coach saw her play. He thought Wilma could be a great runner. Soon Wilma was training for the Olympics. When she was sixteen, she flew to Melbourne for the 1956 Olympic Games. 64 Over the next four years, Wilma continued to train as a runner. In 1960, Wilma went to the Rome Olympics, determined to do better. Two days before her first race, she twisted(扭伤) her ankle. She was worried that her chance was gone. But she won the 100-meter race. 65 After that, she and her teammates won the 400-meter relay race. Wilma Rudolph was the first American woman to win three gold medals in a single Olympics! 281words 61-64 阅读短文还原句子—2 阅读短文,根据短文内容从方框中选择恰当的句子把短文补充完整,将其代号填在答题卡相应的题号后。注意选项中有一个多余选项。


What a newspaper includes is decided by its editors. The managing editor decides which stories are newsworthy and gives reporters their tasks. To an editor, there are two kinds of news: hard news, such as the election (选举) of a president, and soft news. Soft news includes stories about a new dance craze, a beautiful historic building, or an interesting person. The soft news fills whatever space is left after the hard news is put into the newspaper space. There is also public service news to fit in-information about meetings and lectures, free health programs, or changes in a local library’s hours. The managing editor decides how important a story is. If a story is very important, it is marked for a headline on the front page. Less important stories appear farther back in the paper. The story editor takes a story and decides to “boil or trim it”. If the editor decides to boil a story, it becomes front-page article. Depending on the size of a paper, there may be a sports editor, a business editor or an art editor. On a small weekly paper, an editor may cover two or more of these areas. Once all the stories are written, they are given to a copy editor, who corrects any mistakes and fits the articles into the newspaper’s format(版式). The makeup editor, with the managing editor, usually dec ides how the paper will look. The editor’s job is to decide whether a page will look. This editor’s job is to deicide whether a page will carry two stories and four ads or six stories and one ad. Editors may rewrite or redesign many of the pages as more stories come from the pressroom. 61. An example of hard news is _______ A. the election of a president B. a story about a historic building C. a new fashion in clothes D. information about health programs 62. Where a news story is put in the newspaper depends on___________ A. its length B. its style C. its importance D. its title 63. What does the underlined word “trim” in the second paragraph mean? A. Reduce in size B. Increase in length C. Beautify in appearance D. Change in shape 64. Correcting the mistakes of all the articles is the work of_______ A. makeup editors B. copy editors C. managing editors D. business editors 65. What’s the purpose of the passage? A. To persuade people to work as editors. B. To tell the readers how editors are educated. C. To introduce some famous editors. D. To show how a newspaper is made.


中考英语阅读理解100篇:中考英语阅读理解真题及答案(1) Edward rose early on the New-year morning. He looked in every room and wished a Happy New Year to his family. Then he ran into the street to repeat that to those he might meet. When he came back, his father gave him two bright, new silver dollars. His face lighted up as he took them. He had wished for a long time to buy some pretty books that he had seen at the bookstore. He left the house with a light heart, expecting to buy the books. As he ran down the street, he saw a poor family. “I wish you a Happy New Year.” said Edward, as he was passing on. The man shook his head. “You are not from this country.” said Edward. The man again shook his head, for he could not understand or speak his language. But he pointed to his mouth and to the children shaking with cold, as if (好像) to say, “These little ones have had nothing to eat for a long time.” Edward quickly understood that these poor people were in trouble. He took out his dollars and gave one to the man, and the other to his wife. They were excited and said something in their language, which doubtless meant, “We thank you so much that we will remember you all the time.” When Edward came home, his father asked what books he had bought. He hung his head a moment, but quickly looked up. “I have bought no books”, said he. “I gave my money to some poor people, who seemed to be very hungry then.” He went on, “I think I can wait for my books till next New Year.” “My dear boy,” said his father, “here are some books for you, more as a prize for your goodness of heart than as a New-year gift” “I saw you give the money cheerfully to the poor German family. It was nice for a little boy to do so. Be always ready to help others and every year of your life will be to you a Happy New Year.” 48. Edward expected to _________ with the money he got from his father. A. help the poor family B. buy something to eat C. buy some pretty books D. learn another language 49. Why did the poor man shake his head when Edward spoke to him? A. He couldn’t understand the boy B. He wouldn’t accept the money C. He didn’t like the boy’s language D. He was too cold to say anything 50. How much did Edward give the poor family? A. One dollar B. Two dollars C. Three dollars D. Four dollars 51. We know that Edward_________ from the passage? A. got a prize for his kind heart B. had to buy his books next year C. bought the books at the bookstore D. got more money from his father 【参考答案】:48-51 CABA 【语篇解读】:本篇是一个记叙文。主要记叙了一个叫Edward的小男孩,用父母给自己的两美元去帮助更需要的穷人。最后小男孩不仅从爸爸那得到了喜欢的书作为新年礼物并且


中考英语英语阅读理解精选附答案 一、英语阅读理解专项练习试卷 1.阅读理解 Earlier this year, China achieved a new milestone (里程碑) in space research. On January 3, 2019, Chang'e-4 became the first lunar probe (月球探测器) in history to successfully land on the far side of the moon. The Earth's gravity (重力) slows the moon's rotation (自转), matching it to the speed of its orbit (公转). Therefore, the far side of the moon is almost "dark" and has never been seen. It's this sense of the unknown that makes the far side of the moon such an interesting place for scientific and space research. Being blown by solar (太阳的) winds, the far side may have the special minerals (矿物质). For this reason, Chang'e-4 will study the effect of solar winds on the lunar surface and any mineral found by the spacecraft. Chang'e-4 is also carrying flower seeds, potatoes and silkworm eggs to see whether life is possible on the moon. If it is, then the moon will become a possible choice for space travel in the future. However, research of the "dark" side isn't easy. As the far side is blocked(阻断) off from us, radio noise coming off Earth is also blocked. This is why China's relay satellite (中继卫星) Queqiao was sent up in May, 2018. Thanks to Queqiao, the communication problem between Earth and Chang'e-4 has been well solved. Power supply (电源供应) is also a challenge to the task. Chang'e-4 gets energy from the sun through its solar panels. As we know, a lunar day has the length (长度) of 28 Earth days. After Chang'e-4 was sent up on December 8, 2018, it took the probe over 20 days to orbit the moon to be in a position to be able to land in moon daylight and use its solar panels. Luckily, everything goes well, Chang'e-4 has worked on the "dark" side for over 5 months. It has sent back many photos of the far side of the moon and has been used to carry out some scientific experiments. The New York Times used the word "groundbreaking" to praise the task and wrote that "it will offer help to the history and development of the moon". (1)When was Chang'e-4 sent up? A. In May, 2018. B. On December 8, 2018. C. On January 3, 2019.


中考英语阅读理解专项复习经典 一、初三英语阅读理解(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读理解 Science fiction is a popular kind of writing, and many people think of Jules Verne(凡尔纳) as the father of science fiction. He was born in France in 1828. His father wanted him to become a lawyer, but from his early 20s Verne decided to become a writer. At first he wrote plays for the theater. Then, in 1863, he wrote a story called Five Weeks in a Balloon. The success of this book encouraged him to write more stories such as A Journey to the Center of the Earth(1864) and From the Earth to the Moon(1865). In the 19th century, many people were interested in science and inventions. Jules Verne wrote about scientific subjects in his stories and, as a result, they were very popular. Verne's writing included many predictions(预言)for the 20th century and many of them came true. He described space flight, movies, and air conditioning, a long time before they appeared. These books were very successful and they made Verne rich. Jules Verne's books have been the subjects for many movies. 20, 000 Leagues under the Sea was a successful movie for Walt Disney. It was the first time that Disney movie had used real actors instead of cartoon drawings. Around the World in Eighty Days is another famous movie based on one of Verne's books. The main character is an Englishman called Phileas Fogg. For him, the most important thing is to be always on time! (1)What does the phrase "the father of science fiction" mean? A. The father who has several children. B. The man who loves science and inventions. C. The writer whose father wrote science fiction. D. The man who first started writing science fiction successfully. (2)What encouraged Jules Verne to write more stories? A. The plays he wrote for the theater. B. The encouragement from his father. C. The success of Five Weeks in a Balloon. D. The scientific subjects in his stories. (3)Why were Jules Verne's books very popular in the 19th century? A. Because his books made him rich and famous. B. Because he wrote many plays for the theater at that time. C. Because his books were the subjects for many movies. D. Because many people were interested in science and inventions. (4)Which of the following has the main character called Phileas Fogg? A. Five Weeks in a Balloon. B. Around the World in Eighty Days. C. A Journey to the Center of the Earth. D. From the Earth to the Moon. (5)According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? A. The space flight Verne described was different from others. B. The main characters in Verne's books are always on time. C. Jules Verne only wrote in the 19th century. D. Many of the predictions in Verne's stories came true.

高中英语阅读理解专题(有答案) 百度文库

一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Hipster Greenport: 4 places to eat, shop and visit Greenport may date back to the 1630s, but it's feeling pretty of-the-moment right now. Here are four places that embody the old-meets-new energy of the village: Claudio's If you've been to Greenport, you can't miss Claudio's —it's where generations of Long Islanders have made a tradition of eating, whether inside the main restaurant or at the floating dock-bar. The new owners have added fresh elements: Baccano Pizza by Nino, which offers a variety of slices and pies until as late as 2 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays — is right by the dock entrance. Little Creek Oyster Farm & Market It's little spots like this that tell the current Greenport story. There's no sign or advertising for this tiny house changed from the cabin of an old ship that's practically hidden down Bootlegger's Alley near Mitchell Park. But there they are — streams of people who come to enjoy the fresh oysters while drinking local craft beer, with a waterside view. The Times Vintage Nostalgia (怀旧) for bygone times runs high in this 1909 building, which once served as the base for the Suffolk Times newspaper. These days, this well-designed shop sells vinyl records (黑胶唱片) and loads of old-fashioned clothing and home decoration items including mid-century highball sets. Greenport Fire Heat comes in many forms and several are sold here — hot sauces, cigars and candles. Consult the chalkboard for the current sauce offerings or browse cigars such as a hand-rolled Honduran Leaf by Oscar or the Gurkha Cellar Reserve made with 18-year-aged tobacco. (1)What's special about Greenport? A. It is a place full of energy. B. It is a famous port in the world. C. It is a combination of new and old. D. It is a popular place of interest. (2)What can you do in The Times Vintage? A. You can enjoy delicious oysters. B. You can buy some old things. C. You can find hand-rolled cigars. D. You can have Baccano Pizza. (3)If you are a smoker, you may be interested in _________. A. Claudio's B. Little Creek Oyster C. Greenport Fire D. The Times Vintage 【答案】(1)C (2)B (3)C 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇应用文,介绍了绿港(Greenport)这个村庄里能体现新旧融合的四个地方。 (1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“…but it's feeling pretty of-the-moment right now. Here
