



姓名___________ 班级____________ 分数__________


1. What do Tom Sawyer and Jumping Frogs have in common? Stories about both of them were created by one man: Mark Twain. Twain was four years old when his family moved to Hannibal, Missouri, located on the west bank of the

Mississippi. Twain grew up there and was fascinated with (使……入迷) life

along the river——the steamboats, the giant lumber(木头)rafts, and the

people who worked on them.

The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County is one of Twain’s best loved short stories, and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is one of his most famous novels. Both these works are celebrated by events held during National Tom Sawyer Days, which originated in the late 1950s and became national in the 1960s. Children enter their frogs in the jumping contest during National Tom Sawyer Days. There’s also a

fence painting contest to see who can paint the fastest. The idea for this contest comes from a scene in Tom Sawyer, in which Tom has been told to paint the fence in front of the house he lives in. It’s a beautiful day,

and he would rather be doing anything else. As his friends walk by, he makes them believe that it’s fun to paint, and they join in the “fun”. By the end of the day,

the fence has three coats of paint!

Although the sto ry of Tom Sawyer is a fiction, it’s based on facts. If you

go to Hannibal, you’ll see the white fence, which still stands at Twain’s boyhood home.

1.Which of the following statements about Mark Twain is TRUE?

A. He was born in Hannibal.

B. He enjoyed his life in Hannibal.

C. He spent most of his childhood on the Mississippi.

D. He often went rafting on the Mississippi with his parents.

2. Tom Sawyer Days were created ______________.

A. about forty years ago

B. in memory of a great writer

C. shortly after Twain’s death

D. to improve kids’ interest in reading

3.Who will win the fence painting contest?

A. Bob, painting the longest.

B. Julia, painting most carefully.

C. Jim, painting in the newest way.

D. John, painting in the shortest time.

4.From the white fence at Twain’s boyhood home, we know that ________.

A. the story of Tom Sawyer is based partly on Twain’s experiences.

B. the story of Tom Sawyer is based totally on Twain’s imagination.

C. Twain’s old house is painted by the fence painting competitors.

D. Twain’s old house is visited by people from all over the country.

2. One day, a poor man, who had only one piece of bread to eat, was walking

past a restaurant. There was a large pot of soup on the table. The poor man

held his bread over the soup, so the steam from the soup went into the bread, and gave it a good smell. Then he ate the bread.

The restaurant owner was very angry at this, and he asked the man for money, in exchange for the steam from the soup. The poor man had no money, so the restaurant owner took him to Nasreddin, who was a judge at that time. Nasreddin thought about the case for a little while.

Then he took some money from his pocket. He held the coins next to the restaurant owner’s ear, and shook them, so that they made a dingling(叮当声)noise.

“What was that?” asked the restaurant owner.

“That was payment for you,” answered Nasreddin.

“What do you mean? That was just the sound of coins!” protested (抗议) the restaurant owner.

“The sound of the coin is payment for the smell of the soup,” answered Nasreddin. “Now go back to your restaurant.”

1.The poor man held his bread over the soup to _______.

A. make it heated

B. warm his cold hands

C. avoid paying the restaurant owner

D. make it smell and taste a little better

2.Why did Nasreddin make a noise with the coins?

A. To make the poor man relaxed.

B. To pay for the smell of the soup.

C. To make the restaurant owner happy.

D. To show that he was a rich person.

3. Nasreddin thought that the smell of the soup ________.

A. was worthless________

B. should be paid

C. was pleasant

D. could be sold

4.The writer’s purpose in telling the story is mainly to _________.

A. show the restaurant owner’s greed(贪婪)

B. describe the poor’s unhappy life

C. show Nasreddin’s cleverness a nd humour

D. prove the value of the sound of coins

3. Habits, whether good or bad, are gradually formed. When a person does a certain thing again, he is driven by some unseen force to do the same thing repeatedly, then a habit is formed. Once a habit is formed, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to get rid of. That’s why we should pay great attention to the formation of habits. Children often form bad habits, some of which remain with them as long as they live. Older persons also form bad habits as long as they live, and sometimes become ruined by them.

There are other habits which, when formed in early life, are of great help. Many successful men say that much of their success has something to do with certain habits in early life, such as early rising, honesty and so on.

Among the habits which children should not form are laziness, lying, stealing and so on. These are all easily formed habits. Unfortunately older persons often form habits which should have been avoided.

We should keep away from all these bad habits, and try to form such habits which will be beneficial for ourselves and others.

1.The last word, “them”, in the first paragraph refers to _________.

A. good habits______________

B. bad habits

C. children _________

D. older persons

2.Why should we pay attention to the formation of habits?

A. Because habits are of great help to every one of us.

B. Because a man can never get rid of a habit.

C. Because we are forced to do them again and again.

D. Because it’s hard and even not possible to throw awa y bad habits.

3._________ are formed little by little.

A. Good habits

B. Bad habits

C. Both good habits and bad habits

D. Either good habits or bad habits

4. Happy birthday! Do birthday really make people happy? Of course they

do._________ Birthdays celebrate the day when we were born. Besides, that

extra candle on the cake suggests another year of growth and maturity (成熟)—or so we hope . We all like to imagine that we are getting wiser and not

just older . Most of us enjoy seeing the wonder of growth in others, as

well . For instance, seeing our children develop and learn new things makes

us feel proud . For Americans, like people in most cultures, growing up is a wonderful process . But growing old?________ That is a different story.

Growing old is not exactly for people in youth-oriented (以

年轻人为中心)American culture.Most Americans like to look young, act young and feel young. As the old saying goes,

“You’re you ng as you feel.” Older people joke about how many years young they are, rather than how many years old.People in some countries value the aged as a source

of experience and wisdom.But Americans seem to favor those who are young, or at least “young at heart”.

Many older Americans find the “golden years” to be

anything but golden.Economically, “senior citizens” often try just to get by.Retirement at the age of 65 brings a

sharp decrease in personal income.Social security benefits usually cannot make up the difference.Older people may suffer from poor nutrition (营养), medical care, and housing. Some even have the experience of age discrimination(歧视). American sociologist(社会学家) Pat Moore once dressed up like an older person and wandered city streets.She was often treated

rudely--even cheated and robbed.However, dressed as a young

person, she received much more respect.

Unfortunately, the elderly population in America is increasing fast.Why?

People are living longer.Fewer babies are being born.And middle-aged “baby boomers”(婴儿潮) are rapidly entering the group of the elderly.America may

soon be a place where wrinkles(皱纹)are “in”.Marketing experts are

already noticing this growing group of consumers.

1.Growing up is a wonderful thing because ________.

A. people can celebrate their birthdays.

B. people can become more and mature and wiser.

C. people can receive many presents.

D. people will feel younger at heart.

2.We can infer from the second paragraph that _________.

A. young people lack experience and wisdom.

B. American older people often joke about their old age.

C. American culture is very young.

D. different countries have different opinions on the old age.

3.The underlined sentence (in Paragraph 3) means “_________.”

A. the golden years can make the old earn lots of money and receive good medical care

B. the old people in America are probably leading a hard life without good nutrition, medical care or housing.

C. the old in America have to retire at the age of 65.

D. American social security benefits are not good.

4.From the last paragraph we know that the underline d word “in” can be replaced by _______.

A. serious___________________________________________

B. bad

C. disappearing slowly___________

D. growing fast


5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中的两项为多余


__ 1. ___You probably think you will never be a top student. This is not necessarily so, however. Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to. Here’s how:

Plan your time carefully. When planning your work, you

should make a list of things that you have to do. After making this list, you should make a schedule of your time.

First your time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. Then decide a good, regular time for studying. ___ 2. ____A weekly schedule may not solve all your problems, but it will

force you to realize what happens to your time.

Find a good place to study. Look around the house for a good study area. Keep this space, which may be a desk or simply a corner of your room, free of everything but study materials. No games, mobile phones, radios, or television. When you sit down to study, concentrate on the subject.

Make good use of your time in class. ___ 3. _____Listening carefully in class means less work later. Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says.

Study regularly. When you get home from school, go over your notes, review the important points that your teacher is going to discuss the next day, read that material. ___ 4.

___ If you do these things regularly, the material will become more meaningful, and you’ll remember it longer.

Develop a good attitude towards tests. The purpose of a

test is to show what you have learned about a subject. They help you remember your new knowledge. The world won’t end if you don’t pass a test, so don’t be over worried. ___ 5. ____ You will probably discover them after you have tried these.

A. There are other methods that might help you with your studying.

B. Don’t forget to set aside enough time for entertainment.

C. Take advantage of class time to listen to what the teacher says.

D. No one can become a top student unless he or she works hard.

E. Maybe you are a common student.

F. Make full use of class time to take notes of everything the teacher says in class.

G. This will help you understand the next class.


6. 完形填空



One man was to meet his wife downtown and spend some

time shopping with her. He waited

_____ for 15 minutes. Then he waited impatiently for 15 minutes more. After that, he became _____ . When he

saw a photograph booth (照相亭) nearby, he had _____ .

He wore the most unhappy expression he could manage, which

was not _____ in the situation. In a few moments, he was holding four small prints that _____ even him.

He wrote his wife’s name on the back of the photos and handed them to a _____ behind the desk in the booth. “ _____ you see a small, dark lady with brown eyes

and an apologetic expression, obviously _____ someone, would

you please give her this?” he said. He then _____ _

his office in Morrison Building, _____ that if a picture

is worth a thousand words, then the four photos must be

a good _____ ! He sat down with a smile.

Of course his wife received those pictures and she even

_____ them. She carries them in her purse now and shows them to anyone who asks if she is married, “See? This

is my husband!”

How are you with _____ ? One person calls it “wait training.” It seems that th ere is always something we are _____ . We wait on traffic and we wait in lines. We

wait to hear about a new job. We wait to complete school. We wait for someone to change his or her mind.

Patience is an important _____ of a happy and

rewarding life. _____ some things are worth waiting for.

_____ presents many good chances for wait training.

We can hate waiting, _____ it or even get good at it! But one thing

is _____ —we cannot avoid it. How is your _____ coming along?

1. A. proudly _________ B. respectfully C. patiently________

D. curiously

2. A. angry ______________ B. hungry______________ C. frightened

D. thirsty

3. A. a question B. a reason ________ C. an

opinion________ D. an idea

4. A. Serious _________ B. difficult C. Regular_________

D. easy

5. A. hurt________________________ B. achieved C.

attracted________ D. shocked

6. A. Clerk ___________ B. secretary C. passer-by________

D. friend

7. A. Since____________________ B. Before______________ C.

Unless______________ D. If

8. A. looking for B. working for C. sending for D. paying for

9. A. called up B. returned to C. Visited___________

D. left

10. A. worried___________ B. disappointed C. Satisfied_________ D. surprised

11. A. action ___________ B. preparation C. Excuse_________

D. lecture

12. A. Tore ___________ B. saved ___________ C. Developed

D. destroyed

13. A. your wife B. determination C. patience________ D.

your family

14. A. hoping for B. waiting for C. ready for________

D. fit for

15. A. humor______________ B. comment ________ C. purpose________

D. quality

16. A. For example B. After all C. Right now________

D. So far

17. A. Every wife B. Every shop C. Every day________

D. Every office

18. A. accept ___________ B. control ________ C. Change________

D. improve

19. A. certain _________ B. interesting C. Valuable_________

D. easy

20.A. photo taking B. job hunting C. decision making D. wait training


7. 语法填空


Henry,__ 1. _____ American businessman, ________ 2._________ (rescue)

by a British ship at sea. 3.________ took him to

London 4. he found himself without money, friends or

the hope of a good job. ___ 5. ___(hunger) and alone, he walked in the streets of the city when he was invited

into a large house________ 6. (unexpected).The two wealthy brothers, Roderick and Oliver_________ 7. (make) a secret bet. Roderick believed that a man could not survive in the city for a month 8.___________ a million pound bank note, 9. Oliver believed he could. The play followed Henry’s

adventures 10. ( find) who would win the bet.


8. 单词拼写


1.People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter and the

a ________________ work(农活)is over.

2. Some people might win a________________________ (奖品)for

their farm produce, like the biggest watermelon or the most handsome rooster.

3. The most _____________(有活力的) and important festivals are

the ones that look forward to the end of winter and the coming of spring.

4. _________________(好奇心) drove Wang Peng inside. It was

full of people.

5. I found your menu so limited that I stopped worrying

and started advertising the b__________ (益处) of my food.

6. At this moment, they see a penniless young man

______________(徘徊) on the pavement.

7. I went to the American embassy to

s______________________________ (寻求)help , but failed.

8. Cheating is not p______________________________ (允许)in the examination.

9. If it is raining ,it means that Zhinu is

w________________________ (哭泣)and the couple won’t be able

to meet.

10.I thought you were a new (顾客) and now I know that you

only came to spy on me and my menu.


9. 短文改错







I am so exciting that I can’t wait to share that I experienced with you today. I gave my first lesson in our school, that left me a deep impression.

When I entered into the classroom, my students began to make much noise. I stand on the platform, not knowing what to do at first. But soon I realized everything must be done. “My friends, do you know who I am?” I asked them in loud voice. Immediately, the classroom became quiet and

the kids were curiously about me. Then I wrote my name

on the blackboard and introduce myself in standard Chinese with local accent, which sounded very funny. “My friends,

it seems that I can speak several language.” When hear ing this, the kids burst into laugher. Gradually all the kids turned their attention to my class.


10. 单句翻译

1. 如果你的膳食不平衡,会有什么情况发生呢?

2. 我们能够从小组讨论中获益良多。换句话说,学会交流很有益处。

3. 显而易见没人喜欢被捉弄。(it 作形式主语)

4. 正相反,我不同意你所说的。(宾语从句)

5.他在银川, 黄河岸边一个美丽的城市被抚养成人。(用同位语)









2019年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 理科数学试题卷 (银川一中第一次模拟考试) 注意事项: 1 ?答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2 ?作答时,务必将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷及草稿纸上无效。 3 ?考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 、选择题:本大题共 12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是 符合题目要求的. i .设集合 A =「0,2,468,i0?, B = \ x2x-3 “,则 A B = A.人8? B. ^0,2,6? C.「0,2^ D.「2,4,6^ z 2 +3 2.复数 z =1 —2i ,则 - z-1 A . 2i B . -2 C. -2i D .2 3?高铁、扫码支付、共享单车、网购被称为中国的“新四大发明”,为评估共享单车的使用情况, F 面给出的指标中可以用来评估共享单车使用量的稳定程度的是 A . X i , X 2 , , X n 的平均数 B . X i , X 2 , , X n 的标准差 C. X i , X 2 , , X n 的最大值 D ? X i , X 2 , , X n 的中位数 4?已知等比数列{a n }中,有a 3a ii =4a 7,数列{g }是等差数列,其前n 项和为S ., 绝密★启用前 选了 n 座城市作实验基地, 这n 座城市共享单车的使用量 (单位:人次/天)分别为X i , X 2 , , X n , A . 26 B . 52 C T .78 2 T D . 104 5.如图,在 ABC 中,AN 二 NC , P 是BN 上 3 1 一点,若 AP =tAB — AC ,则实数t 的值为 3 2 r 2 c 1 3 A.— B . C . D (5 3 5 6 4 且6二a ?,则弘二


宁夏银川市第二中学七年级语文第一学期期末质量检测试卷 一、积累与运用(15分) 1.给下列加点的字注音,根据拼音写汉字。(4分) 狩.猎( ) 擎.天撼地( ) 隐n ì h ài 人听闻 静谧.( ) 各得.其所( ) 洗zhu ó 风声鹤l ì 2.默写。(7分) (1 。(王湾《次北固山下》) (2 ,却话巴山夜雨时。(李商隐《夜雨寄北》) (3 。(朱熹《观书有感》) (4)晏殊《浣溪沙》中属对工巧,传诵千古的名句是: 。 (5)白居易的《钱塘湖春行》的颔联是: 。 (6)孔子曾说过:“善人,不善人之师;不善人,善人之资. (资:这里有借鉴的意思)。”用《论语》中的话来说就是: 。 (7)曹操的诗以慷慨悲壮见称。请写出你最喜欢的他的一组诗句(至少是连续的两句)。 3.看云可以识天气,其实通过观察生物的变化也可以了解天气的变化。如见到蜻蜓低飞,就知道将要下 大雨了。请再举出两个这样的例子。(2分) ① ② 4.读文填空。(1分) 一间蜂蜜工厂的仓库里洒了很多的蜂蜜,吸引了许多苍蝇飞来吃。因为蜂蜜太香了,它们都舍不得离 开。不久,这些苍蝇都因脚被蜂蜜粘住飞不起来而被溺死了。 这个故事适用于那些 的人。 5.综合性学习。(1分)

个岗位中的一个,请根据这一岗位的特长需求,介绍自己的优势,力争竞选成功。(30字左右)竞选: 竞选词: 二、阅读(35分) (一)文言文阅读(14分) 阅读下面两个语段,回答问题。 [甲]陈太丘与友期行,期日中,过中不至,太丘舍去,去后乃至。元方时年七岁,门外戏。客问元方:“尊君在不?”答曰:“待君久不至,已去。”友人便怒:“非人哉!与人期行,相委而去。”元方曰:“君与家君期日中。日中不至,则是无信;对子骂父,则是无礼。”友人惭,下车引之,元方入门不顾。 [乙]王戎①七岁,尝与诸小儿②游。看道边李树多子折枝,诸儿竞走取之,唯戎不动。人问之,答曰:“树在道旁而多子,此必苦李。”取之,信然③。 ——(选自《世说新语》)[注释]①王戎:西晋琅玡临沂(今属山东)人。②诸小儿:许多小孩子。③信然:确实这样。 6.两文都出自《世说新语》,其作者是(朝代)文学家。(1分) 7.解释下列加点词语在文中的意思。(2分) (1)与友期.行()(2)相委.而去() (3)尊君在不.()(4)竞走.取之() 8.[甲]文中“君”、“尊君”、“家君”的称谓有何不同?(3分) 君: 尊君: 家君: 9.[甲]文中“友人惭”的原因是什么?(2分) 10.在这两则故事中,让我们看到了“陈元方”和“王戎”的聪敏。除此而外,分别表现出他们二人各自怎样的特点?(4分) 元方: 王戎: 11.这两则小故事都会给人以启示,请从中任选一则 ....,谈谈你的启示是什么。(选择感悟最深的一个方面来谈即可)(2分)


2020-2021学年高一下期3月考试 英语试题 本试卷分两部分,共8页。满分150分。考试用时120分钟。考试结束后,将答题卡提交至“家校本”。第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共10小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Dear daughters, Most parents tell their children, “You can be anything you want when you grow up.” I feel the same and I say this often. But I also want you to understand that realizing your dreams comes from hard work, some good luck and good timing. Here are some words of wisdom for you as you make your way in the world, from an entrepreneur (企业家) and from your mama. 1. Be open-minded to changing your path along the way In high school, I wanted to be a politician. I left my hometown and went off to college in Washington,DC. There, I discovered that I loved to support women. It taught me that I’m creative, a strong leader and great at marketing. As a result, I moved on to be the head of a national health-care nonprofit. Becoming a mother while in that job opened my mind to launching a breast pump bag (储奶袋) business. Now I run a highly successful company that I started up on my own. I'm not a politician! 2. Failure is critical to your success Failure can be heartbreaking. But I will tell you that every failure I’ve had along the way has absolutely made me better. Failing the big math exam in high school and going to summer school was embarrassing. I eventually passed, and I’ve never failed an exam again. I learned from that experience to ask for help. Now, I ask for help in business all the time. I’m proud to be a role model to you as a mom and an entrepreneur. I hope I inspire you to believe that you can be anything you want. It will be my pleasure to watch your lives unfold before my eyes. Love, Your mom 21. In the writer’s opinion, what does it take to realize one’s dream? A. Failure, hard work and good timing. B. An open mind, failure and hard work. C. Hard work, good luck and good timing. D. A good dream, an open mind and hard work. 22. What did the writer learn from her failure? A. Failure can make us embarrassed.


2019届宁夏银川二中等三校高三下第一次大联考文综 地理卷【含答案及解析】 姓名___________ 班级____________ 分数__________ 一、选择题 1. 2015年11月7日上午,我国第32次向南极科学考察队乘“雪龙”号破冰船从上海出发,赴南极执行科考任务。总航程3万海里,预计历时159天(下图为此次科考计划航线示意图)。据此,回答下列问题。 1.科考队出发时,一架飞机从③地附近机场出发准备行至④地,则该飞机的最短航线方向为 A.正东 B.正西 C.先西南后西北 D.先东南后东北 2.我国第32次南极科学考察队出发三个月 A.①地温和湿润_____________________________________ B.②地炎热干燥 C.③附近岛屿东侧进入旱季 D.⑤所在国农民正忙着剪羊毛 3.若科考队完成任务回国经过④地时为次年4月,此时航船最可能 A.顺风顺水________ B.顺风逆水________ C.逆风逆水________ D.逆风顺水 2. 下图为“黄土高原某地等高线和黄土底面(基岩表面)等高线(单位:米)图”。回答下列问题。

1.造成图示地区等高线弯曲的主要动力是 A.风力沉积 B.流水侵蚀 C.风力侵蚀 D.流水沉积 2.图中乙地黄土层的最大厚度(单位:米)可能是 A.83 B.156 C.200 D.234 3.对于图中四地叙述合理的是 A.甲地适宜进行新农村建设________________________ B.乙地较丙地更适宜发展林牧业 C.丙地适宜开发梯田 D.丁地水能资源丰富 3. 读“世界某区域简图”,回答下列问题。 1.下列关于图中地理事物判断正确的是 A.图中b湖泊为世界上面积最大的淡水湖___________ B.图中d河流自南向北流入海洋 C.图中c海域沿岸冬季地下水位较高 D.b湖泊盐度北部高于南部 2.下列关于该区域甲、乙两地地理特征的表述,不正确的是 ①冬奥会选择乙地的优势为较甲地降雪量大②与乙地相比,甲地气温年较差较小 ③甲地可利用充足的湖泊水发展农业④地形影响甲、乙两地植被种类和降雪量 A.①② B.①④ C.③④ D.②④ 3.关于图示区域说法正确的是 A.图中丙地通过铁路运输向中国出口石油 B.该区域河湖众多,因而水资源比较丰沛

宁夏银川一中2019届高三第五次月考数学(文)试题 含答案

银川一中2019届高三年级第五次月考 文 科 数 学 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.作答时,务必将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷及草稿纸上无效。 3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,满分60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.已知集合{|1}N x x =<,{}31x N x =,则M N ?= A. Φ B. {|01}x x << C. {|0}x x < D. {}1x x < 2.王昌龄《从军行》中两句诗为“黄沙百战穿金甲,不破楼兰终不还”,其中后一句中“攻破楼兰”是“返回家乡”的( )条件. A. 充分 B. 必要 C. 充要 D. 既不充分也不必要 3.四名同学根据各自的样本数据研究变量x y ,之间的相关关系,并求得回归直线方程,分别得到以下四个结论: ① y 与x 负相关且y 2.347x 6?.423=-; ② y 与x 负相关且y 3.476x 5?.648=-+; ③ y 与x 正相关且y 5.437x 8?.493=+; ④ y 与x 正相关且y 4.326x 4?.578=--. 其中一定错误的结论的序号是( ) A. ①② B. ②③ C. ③④ D. ①④ 4.设向量(1,4),(2,),a b x c a b ===+r r r r r .若//a c r r ,则实数x 的值是 A. -4 B. 2 C. 4 D. 8 5.设a <b,函数2()()y x a x b =--的图象可能是

( ) 6.按照如图程序运行,则输出 k 的值是 A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 7.若复数cos sin z i θθ=+且22()1z z +=,则2sin θ= A. 14 B. 12 C. 34 D. 1 8.如图,大正方形的面积是34,四个全等直角三角形围成一个小正方形,直角三角形的较短边长为3,向大正方形内抛一枚幸运小花朵,则小花朵落在小正方形内的概率为( ) A. 117 B. 217 C. 317 D. 417 9.已知数列{}n a 的通项公式是221sin 2 n n a n π+=( ),则12310a a a a ++++=L A. 110 B. 100 C. 55 D. 0


银川市- 兴庆区 ?银川民办英才学校 ?银川市第九中学 ?银川市第十五中学 ?银川市第十中学 ?银川市第四中学 ?银川市电大工作站 ?银川市唐徕回民中学 ?宁夏回族自治区银川一中宁夏回民高级中学 ?宁夏阳光学校 ?银川市第二十中学 ?银川市第二中学 ?银川市第三中学 ?银川市第十二中学 ?银川市第五中学 ?银川市回民中学 ?银川市郊区大新中学 ?银川市郊区高级中学 ?银川市郊区回民中学 ?银川市郊区满春中学 ?银川市郊区掌政中学 ?长庆银川高级中学 ?西安长庆石油勘探局银川高级中学 ?宁夏银川市第一职业高级中学 ?银川实验中学 ?银川实验中学 ?银川市实验高中 银川市- 西夏区 ?银川市第十三中学 ?银川铁路分局教育管理中心

?银川铁路职工子弟中学 ?宁夏农林科学院附属中学 ?银川市郊区芦花中学 ?宁夏大学附属中学 ?宁夏华西中学 ?宁夏农垦中学 ?银川市第二职业中专学校 ?银川市第十八中学 ?银川市第十六中学 ?银川市第十四中学 ?银川市第十一中学 ?宁夏育才高级中学 ?银川市25中 银川市- 金凤区 ?银川市郊区良田中学 ?银川市郊区银新中学 ?银川市第六中学 ?宁夏农林科学附属中学 ?银川市郊区兴源乡回民中学 ?六盘山高级中学 银川市- 永宁县 ?宁夏永宁县胜利乡胜利中学 ?永宁县回民中学 ?永宁县闽宁中学 ?永宁县仁存中学 ?永宁县通桥中学 ?永宁县望洪中学 ?永宁县杨和中学 ?永宁县增岗中学

?永宁中学 ?永宁县李俊中学 ?国营玉泉营农场中学 ?永宁县黄羊滩农场中学银川市- 贺兰县 ?银川市第八中学 ?贺兰县第一中学 ?贺兰县丰登中学 ?贺兰县潘昶新渠回民学校 ?贺兰县潘昶中学 ?贺兰县体育中学 ?贺兰县通义中学 ?贺兰县习岗中学 ?贺兰县逸辉基金回民中学 ?宁夏原种场中学 ?贺兰县金贵回民中学 ?贺兰县第二中学 ?贺兰县四十里店中学 ?贺兰县常信中学 银川市- 灵武市 ?灵武市白土岗中学 ?灵武市第二中学 ?灵武市第一中学 ?灵武市东塔中学 ?灵武市狼皮子梁中学 ?灵武市临河中学 ?宁夏灵武市第三中学 ?灵武市杜木桥乡中学 ?灵武市梧桐树中学


四川省新津中学2020学年高一英语3月月考试题 考试时间共120分钟,满分150分 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What is the man going to buy? A. Food. B.Drinks. C.Flowers. 2. What has the woman decided to do on Saturday? A. Go swimming. B.Visit a training center. C.Attend a wedding party. 3. How does the woman often get to the office? A. On foot. B.By bus. C.By car. 4.What is Eric Brown? A.A writer. B.A teacher. C.A doctor. 5. What does the man mean? A. He doesn’t like his job. B.His job is really interesting. C.He likes flying here and there. 第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选顼中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Which grade is John in? A. Senior One. B.Senior Two. C.Junior Three. 7. What is John's problem?


2020届高三年级统练七考试 语文试题 全卷满分150分考试时间150分钟 注意事项: 1.作答时,将答案写在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。 2.考试结束后,将答案拍照并按时上传至智学网。 一、现代文阅读(36分) (一)论述类文本阅读(本题共3小题,9分) 阅读下面的文字,完成13题。 在现代社会来临之前,民歌一直就是时尚。“歌谣所生,宜自生民始也”。作为口头语言艺术的民歌,其起源即昭示着人类的起源。人类自脱离动物界开始,也就开始了超越性的审美活动,这种审美很自然地体现在他们的言谈歌咏之中,作为中国文学起源佐证的《弹歌》:"断竹,续竹,飞土,逐肉"就是越人之歌。而作为中国文学源头的《诗经》的“国风”,也是民歌歌词的总汇。从先秦的歌谣,到汉魏乐府,再到唐宋间的曲子词、竹枝词等体式的流变,民歌生长在百姓的唇吻和心灵之上,始终是社会风尚的主要组成部分。马克思说:“民歌是唯一的历史传说和编年史。”我们可以说,民歌又何尝不是一部时尚史呢? 问题是,今天当很多人在叫嚣娱乐至死"、张扬多元价值的时候,当多数民歌所塑造的农耕甚至游牧、渔猎生活情境离绝大多数人已很遥远的时候,我们还需要和民歌生活在一起吗? 解答这个问题的关键,在于我们怎样理解现代性与传统之间的关系。现代性并非全然固定的僵死结构,它应该是开放的,既对空间开放也对时间开放,它应该是一种建构性的场域,在这个场域中间我们可以把现代性变得更加符合人的需要,人诗意生存的需要。这样来理解,传统就不再是一个被降服、被审判、被耻笑、被切割、被虚假玩弄的概念,而应该是唤起我们敬畏感的、我们借此和世界真诚连接的一种方式。我们通过传统洞开人类生命的本质存在,回归人类应然的统一存在。 民歌正是自传统社会以来,人们和世界真诚连接、自然洞开的一种生命的打开方式。在民歌的歌唱中,艺术活动和人的肉身体验、生命器官高度合一,是在深层次上对人的主体性的高度弘扬。在歌唱中,身体这一自然客体、心灵寓体的能量被强烈激发,人的主体意义被充分地释放,这是艺术的解放,更是人的解放。我国著名的思想家梁启超曾说过:''人(最少也不是专门诗家的人)将自己一瞬间的情感,用极简短极自然的音节表现出来,并无意要它流传。因为这种天籁与人类好美性最相契合,所以,好的歌谣能令人人传诵,历千年不废。其感人之深,有时还驾于专门诗家之上。'‘ 今天,我们理解民歌价值的时候,应该有更宽广和深层的追问,我们对民歌艺术存在和发展的生命力才可能会有更多的期待。而对民歌的自信,正是民族文化自信的一部分。正因为这样,我们应该向致力于民歌保护、挖掘和创造性转化的艺术家、理论家致敬。 1、下列关于原文内容的理解和分析,正确的一项是(3分) A、在古代,作为口头语言艺术的民歌,无论发生怎样的体式流变,一直就是时尚。 B、民歌塑造了农耕生活,甚至游牧、渔猎生活的情境,可它远离了当代绝大多数人。 C、民歌能够人人传诵,历经千年而不废,其感人之深,有时还可以超过专门的诗家。 1/8

河北省石家庄实验中学2019-2020学年高一3月月考英语试题 Word版缺答案

石家庄实验中学高一英语月考试卷 命题人:高一英语组 阅读理解(每小题2.5分,共25分) A I had a great time this past summer visiting Stone Mountain Park with my twin grandsons. I had the opportunity to spend the day with them seeing the various sights and attractions. One thing that my grandsons had really wanted to do that particular day was to climb to the top of the mountain. Stone Mountain isn't a particularly tall mountain and fortunately has walking trails to the top, but for two 5-year-olds, along with Grandpa, it's a formidable task. Since my grandsons' enthusiasm was much greater than mine, I decided to start the slow walk up the mountain. The beginning part of the trail was slow and gradual. It seemed like we were taking forever to climb just a short distance, but I had to remind myself that it took 3 of their steps to equal1 of mine, so I found myself walking ahead of them, then having to stop and let them catch up, over and over again. I was tired and sweaty, just wanting to get to the top of the mountain so I could rest well before starting my way back. I learned early during our walk that this wasn't going to be the case. We had to stop and look at every large rock with someone’s name carved in it. We looked at unusual plant formations. We examined large trees and we explored small rock overhangs that reminded the kids of caves. My grandsons viewed the walk as an exciting adventure. Climbing the mountain was a trial to me but my grandsons were not focused at all on the trial of climbing the mountain; they were simply enjoying the journey of the walk. I know when I face a trial in life, I tend to always think of the problem. I want the trial to be over quickly and let life get back to normal. What can I learn during the course of trial? At some point, the trial will be over and we'll be joyous for sure. However, the real joy should not be that the trial’s over, but I am celebrating what I learned during the journey. 1. What does the underlined word "formidable" in Paragraph 1mean? A. Relaxing. B. Meaningful. C. Strange. D. Difficult. 2. What can we know from Paragraph 2? A. The writer kept challenging his grandsons to catch up with him.


银川一中2019届高三第一次模拟英语参考答案 一、1-5 CCBAA 6-10 BAACC 11-15 ABBAC 16-20 BCBAB 二、阅读 A: A D B B: B A C A C: B A B D D: C B A D 36-40 ACEFD 三、完形填空41-45 DCACB 46-50 CBBDA 51-55 BACAC 56-60 DDADB 四、语法填空 61.were sent 62.safely 63. members 64. the 65.from 66. global 67. accuracy 68. Named 69.where 70. to provide 五、短文改错 71. visit the old lady改为an 72. but改为and/while 73. cleaning for us改为her 74.real改为really 75. sport改为sports 76. polished改为polishing 77. at no time改为in 78. pleasant community前面加more 79. Tiring改为Tired 80. our work was paid off删掉was 六、书面表达 Recently there was a heated discussion among Senior 3 students in our school. The students were questioned whether they were willing to have the evening self-study at school or not. Here is the result according to the survey. 60 percent of the students think it’s a good idea to have the evening self-study at school. They think they can do better in their study with the help of the teachers. Also, they can concentrate on their lessons better in the classroom and with company of their fellow classmates. There are 25 percent of the students who think they prefer to study at home. They suppose that they may get disturbed by others and there are possible dangers on their way home alone. At the same time, still 15 percent of the students don’t have a clear an swer to the question. They say they will go to school to have evening self-study if they are asked to, but they promise they can also do well at home.


2019届高一下学期3月阶段检查 英语试卷 第一部分:语法知识(20题,每题1分,共20分) 1. If a computer crashes, you will lose the file you _________unless you save it regularly. A. are working B. work C. will work D. worked 2. The building burnt down in a big fire. ________was the base on which it stood. A. What remained B. All remained C. What was remained D. All what remained 3. To our surprise, that top student in our class failed _________a scholarship. A. obtain B. obtaining C. to obtain D. obtained 4.I feel honored to introduce Mr. White to you, without _________consideration our project would have ended in failure. A. whom B. that C. whose D. who 5._______ advertisements are of great help, I don't think we should entirely rely on them. A. Since B. While C. Once D. As 6. No one knows _________prevented the rumor from spreading. A. what was it that B. what it was that C. how it was that D. why it was that 7. Joe‘s ______ in the get-together surely brought us a lot of pleasure as he is a man with a strong sense of humour. A. joining B. having been joined C. joined D. had joined 8. After John stayed in shanghai for a couple of days, he got the impression _________ the city was very fascinating. A. which B. why C. where D. that 9. Don't leave the chocolates _______Cathy can get them. They are not good for teeth. A. whether B. in which C. where D. unless 10. Once harm ______ to the environment, it takes years to have the system recovered. A. does B. is done C. will be done D. be done


2020 年宁夏银川二中高考地理一模试卷 一、单选题(本大题共11小题,共22.0 分) 1. 某游记记载:“我驾车离开P地时,太阳已经在巴尔喀什湖的水面上了。在约200km 的行程中,车的影子始终 在我的右侧一路伴行,快到终点时远处的雪山开始出现在我的视野中,雪峰在远处闪耀着亮的白光。”读图完成1~3 题。 游记中的P 地最可能位于图中的() A. ①地 B. ②地 C. ③地 D. ④地 2. 某游记记载:“我驾车离开P地时,太阳已经在巴尔喀什湖的水面上了。在约200km 的行程中,车的影子始终 在我的右侧一路伴行,快到终点时远处的雪山开始出现在我的视野中,雪峰在远处闪耀着亮的白光。”读图完成1~3 题。 此段旅行发生的时间最可能在() A. 3月 B. 7月 C. 9月 D. 12月 3. 某游记记载:“我驾车离开P地时,太阳已经在巴尔喀什湖的水面上了。在约200km 的行程中,车的影子始终 在我的右侧一路伴行,快到终点时远处的雪山开始出现在我的视野中,雪峰在远处闪耀着亮的白光。”读图完成1~3 题。

该区域近期发生一次规模较大的雪崩,甲乙丙丁四地中,此次雪崩雪源地是( ) A. 甲地 B. 乙地 C. 丙地 D. 丁 地 5. 欧洲许多高山拥有壮丽的山岳冰河景观,往往成为热门的登山景点。在进行登山活动之前,最 若全球变暖持续加剧,在相对较短的地貌演化时期内,图中哪些区域会出现湖泊( ) A. 甲、乙 B. 甲、丙 C. 乙、丁 D. 丙、丁 4~5 4~5 此段行程中较为可信的现象是( ) A. 公路的限速值变得越来越高 B. 牧民将成群的牛羊赶到山下 C. 河流因凌汛导致河水排泄困难 D. 公路沿线的植被覆盖越来越好 4. 欧洲许多高山拥有壮丽的山岳冰河景观,往往成为热门的登山景点。在进行登山活动之前,最 好事先浏览相 关图文资料。 如图示为欧洲某处山岳冰河的卫星影像图和同一地的等高线地形图, 除了山脉阴影外,浅色为冰雪堆积,两图中的甲、乙、丙、丁为四种冰河地貌。读图完成 题。 好事先浏览相关图文资料。 如图示为欧洲某处山岳冰河的卫星影像图和同一地的等高线地形图, 除了山脉阴影外,浅色为冰雪堆积,两图中的甲、乙、丙、丁为四种冰河地貌。读图完成 题。


2019学年高一英语下学期3月月考试题本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。考生作答时,将答案答在答题卡上,在本试卷上答题无效。考试结束后,将答题卡交回。 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分:听力(共两节,每小题1.5分,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What is the man looking for? A. A street. B. A bookstore. C. A café. 2. When will the second film start? A. At 5:00 p.m. B. At 7:20 p.m. C. At 7:00 p.m. 3. Where does the conversation take place? A. At the airport. B. At the hotel. C. At the bus stop. 4. What will the woman do? A. Let the man put his cup on her desk. B. Make coffee for the man. C. Clean the man’s desk. 5. What does the woman mean? A. The man can stay at her brother’s. B. The man should book a cheaper one. C. Her brother can help him book a cheaper one. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个


绝密★启用前 2019年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 语文试题卷 (银川一中第二次模拟考试) 注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2. 作答时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷及草稿纸上无效。 3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、现代文阅读(36分) (一)论述类文本阅读(本题共3小题,9分) 阅读下面的文字,完成1~3题。 诗歌应有对生活现实的深切抵达 中国诗歌有着悠久而深厚的现实主义传统,要求诗歌产生一定的现实功用,介入、改变外部现实,一直是中国诗歌传统中的重要组成部分,它形成了光辉而灿烂的中国诗歌文化,使诗歌不断走入人民大众的内心之中和生活之中。近年来,诗歌中的现实书写也存在一些问题。其中,打工诗歌、乡土诗歌、城市诗歌也是各有其问题。 “打工诗歌”写作现象将一个数量庞大的社会群体和写作群体呈现到了社会大众面前,有着重要的社会意义和文学意义。打工诗歌的写作贴近生活、“接地气”、有真情,体现着现实主义精神,具有感动人心的力量。但是,如果深入地、大量地阅读作品,便会发现其中有不少问题。“打工诗歌”作品数量很多,但却大同小异,“千部一腔,千人一面”,在艺术上存在粗糙、直白、重复等问题,文学性不强。从深层次来讲,诗首先是诗,应该用诗的方式说话,评价其成就的最终尺度只能是艺术水准和品质。在打工诗歌的写作中,有一部分是跟风的、人云亦云的写作,所书写的现实是想象的、观念的、概念化的,而与真实、丰富、复杂的社会现实并不搭界。 乡土诗歌的写作资源是广袤的乡村。在这个大变革的时代,农村面临着全新的机遇,也遭遇着挑战,这对于写作而言是一个千载难逢的契机。但就现实之中的乡土诗歌创作而言,情况同样不容乐观。乡土诗歌写作的群体很大,但写得好的、有特色的还不多。很多诗人的观念还停留在前现代社会,一味把乡土、乡村写成桃花源、乌托邦。个别这样的写作并无不可,但是如果风靡一时、大行其道,无疑是有问题的。因为这样的写作,前人早已写过无数遍了,并无新意,而且现代人的生活


宁夏银川市第二中学2020-2021学年高一上学期月考一 化学试题 一、 1.在盛放浓硫酸的试剂瓶标签上应印有下列警示标记中的() A. B. C. D. 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】A.浓硫酸具有强的腐蚀性,因此在盛有浓硫酸的试剂瓶标签上应印有腐蚀品标志,故合理选项是D。 2.有关化学实验操作正确的是 A. B. C. D. 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】A.用天平秤NaOH固体时,NaOH固体要放在烧杯里面,不能放在纸片上,故A错误; B.用玻璃棒引流,玻璃棒不能接触量筒中的液体,故B错误; C.不能用手直接接触加热过的蒸发皿,故C错误; D.用滴管滴加液体,滴管要悬于试管上方,故D正确;

正确答案是D。 3.如果胡麻油中混有水,最好采用下列何种方法分离 A.过滤 B.蒸馏 C.分液 D.萃取 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】胡麻油和水为不互溶的液体,应采用分液的方式进行分离; 答案选C。 4.下列实验操作均要用玻璃棒,其中玻璃棒作用相同的是 ①过滤②蒸发③溶解④向容量瓶转移液体 A.①和② B.①和③ C.③和④ D.①和④ 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】①过滤时,玻璃棒起引流作用,防止溶液溅出; ②蒸发时,玻璃棒起搅拌作用,防止溶液因局部过热发生飞溅; ③溶解时,玻璃棒起搅拌作用,可加速固体的溶解; ④向容量瓶中转移液体时,玻璃棒起引流作用,防止溶液溅出; 则玻璃棒作用相同的是①和④,故选D。 5.下列关于实验操作的叙述中正确的是 A.从试剂瓶中取出的任何药品,若有剩余不能再放回原试剂瓶 B.可燃性气体点燃之前必须验纯 C.用胶头滴管向试管中滴加液体,一定要将胶头滴管伸入试管中 D.选用100mL量筒量取4.53mL稀硫酸 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】A.化学实验剩余的药品大多是不可以放回原瓶的,但金属钠还原性强,易与空气中的氧气、水等发生反应,实验时切下一小块钠后,剩余的金属钠要放回原瓶,故A错误; B.不纯的可燃性气体点燃时可能发生爆炸,则可燃性气体点燃之前必须验纯,故B正确; C.用胶头滴管向试管中滴加液体,不能将滴管伸入试管中,若伸入试管中会污染滴管中的液体,故C错误;


2019年银川市高三质量检测理科综合能力测试 (物理部分) 二、选择题:本题共8小题,每题6分,共48分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,第14~18题只有一个选项符合题目要求。第19~21题有多个选项符合题目要求。全部答对的得6分,选对但不全的得3分,有选错的得0分。 1.国产科幻大片《流浪地球》讲述了太阳即将在未来出现“核燃烧”现象,从而导致人类无法 生存,决定移民到半人马座比邻星的故事。据科学家论证,太阳向外辐射的能量来自其内部 发生的各种热核反应,当太阳内部达到一定温度时,会发生“核燃烧”,其中“核燃烧”的核反应方程为,方程中X表示某种粒子,是不稳定的粒子,其半衰期为T,则下列说法正确的是 A. X粒子是 B. 若使的温度降低,其半衰期会减小 C. 经过2T,一定质量的占开始时的 D. “核燃烧”的核反应是裂变反应 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】根据质量数和电荷数守恒可知,X粒子的质量数为4,电荷数为2,为,选项A正确;温度不能改变放射性元素的半衰期,选项B错误;经过2T,一定质量的占开始时的,选项C错误;“核燃烧”的核反应是轻核聚变反应,选项D错误;故选 A. 2.利用函数图像是一种解决物理问题的常用方法。某同学利用传感器探究一玩具车沿某一路 段做直线运动的性质,从t=0时刻开始计时得到了的图像.如图所示,由此可知 A. 玩具车做速度为-3m/s的匀速直线运动

B. 玩具车做变加速直线运动 C. 玩具车做匀加速直线运动,初速度大小为2m/s D. 玩具车做匀加速直线运动,加速度的大小为 1.5m/s2 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】由图得:,由x=v0t+at2得:=v0+at,可得a=,解得a=m/s2.v0=2m/s,可知物体做匀加速直线运动,初速度大小为2m/s,加速度的大小为m/s2。故ABD错误,C正确。故选 C. 3.如图所示,一质量为m的滑块置于倾角θ=30°,质量为M的直角三角形斜劈的底端,现通过一质量不计的细绳给滑块施加一方向沿斜面向上的拉力F,大小为mg,使滑块沿斜面匀 速上滑,整个过程中斜劈处于静止状态,若斜劈与滑块、斜劈与地面间的动摩擦因数均为μ,已知重力加速度大小为g。则 A. 斜劈对滑块的支持力大小为mg B. 斜劈对滑块的作用力大小为mg C. 动摩擦因数μ=0.5 D. 水平面对斜劈的摩擦力大小为mg 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】斜劈对滑块的支持力大小为mgcos30°=mg,选项A错误;滑块处于平衡状态, 重力与拉力夹角为120°,重力与拉力合力为mg,则斜劈对滑块的作用力与重力和拉力合力 等大反向,则斜劈对滑块的作用力大小为mg,选项B正确;根据 ,解得,选项C错误;对滑块和斜劈的整体,水平方向:Fcos30°=f,解得,选项D错误;故选 B.
