











保密★启用前 2020年浙江省湖州市中考英语试卷 注意事项: 1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 一、完型填空 Most of us like to know where we are and where we're going. It can feel strange to be 1 . The words "being lost" make us think of a dark and scary wood or street, 2 that's not always the case. Once we were on holiday in Venice. My dad planned to go out to take photos early the next morning. Mum wasn't 3 , but I would go with him, only because he 4 I could have the biggest ever bowl of Italian ice cream if I did. 5 else would I get up so early? So at 5 a.m. the next day we left the hotel and started walking in the 6 streets. When the sun came up, Dad started taking photos and I 7 him, down small streets and over little bridges. After about an hour, I turned to Dad and asked, "Where are we?" He said, "I have no idea. "I immediately felt a bit 8 , but Dad just laughed and said, "We're lost!", I told him to 9 his map or phone. He said, "I only brought the 10 . Come o n, let’s get more lost!" He laughed again. His laughter 11 me and made me feel safe. Slowly people were appearing on the streets —shops and cafes began to open. I began to 12 that we were lost, and just started watching and taking in everything that was happening around me. 13 , after about four hours of walking around, we were back. Mum asked anxiously(担心地), "Where have you been?" I said with a big 14 , "We got lost!"


2018年浙江省湖州中考英语试卷 1、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题15分,共计15分)阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案. In San Francisco, I had this amazing experience. While I was waiting for the bus, I saw a homeless person carrying a___1___which said that he would like a cup of hot coffee. As soon as I ___2___it, I knew it was time for me to carry out the task. I joyfully ran across the street, thinking that getting ___3___a cup of hot coffee would be great. I went to Uncle Bob's nearby and asked the young lady behind the counter to give me a ___4___. I then walked back to the street corner where the man had ___5___As I went up to him. I could see that the ___6___I got, the more joy in his eyes I could see. When I ___7___him the hot coffee, I just said, "This is___8___you, my dear. "I could see so much ___9___in his face and even a tear (眼泪) was running down. He kept thanking me and holding his coffee like the biggest ___10___and prize in his life. It made me cry that a(n)___11___action can bring so much joy and make someone feel really warn. I walked back to the ___12___with such a happy hop. When the bus driver opened the door and I wanted to pay the bus fee, ___13___, he waved me through and said, "Honey, you don't need to pay. This is on me. " He explained that it ___14___ his heart to see that I gave away free coffee. This ___15___moment was the warmest in my heart and it gave my day and my life a brand new start. It brings me such a joy to simply love and bless. 1. A. poster B. notice C. picture D. sign 2. A. reached B. read C. faced D. held 3. A. me B. you C. her D. him 4. A. ticket B. hand C. coffee D. prize 5. A. stayed B. visited C. shared D. expected


一.Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese(写出下列词组的汉语。)(共10分,每题1分) 1. the resultant of forces : 2. a point particle: 3. kinetic energy: 4. satistical phsics: 5. inelastic collision : 6. relative molecular mass: 7.quasistatic process : 8. parameters of state : 9. magnetic induction strength: 10. relaxation time : 二.Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English (根据 汉语写出相应的英语。) (共10分,每题1分) 1.热力学: 2.参考系: 3.法向加速度: 4.平均距离: 5.连续量: 6.非保守力: 7.光程差: 8.理论力学: 9.干涉: 10.弛豫过程: 三. Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similar in meaning in the right column.(将左列的词汇与右列相应的汉语匹配) (共10分,每题1分)。 1.axial symmetry: a.折射率 2. momentum conservation: b.轴对称 3. electric potential energy: c.相位差 4. the principal axes of inertia: d.比热容 5. center of mass: e.主惯性轴 6.refractive index: f. 电势能 7. specific heat capacity : g.磁针 8. phase difference : h.动量守恒 9.electrostatic field: i. 质心 10.magnetic pointer: k.静电场 Answers (答案): 四.Fill in the blanks with suitable words or expressions from the list given below, and change the form where necessary. (从下面方框中选择合适的词或表达,以其适当的形式填空。)(10分, 每空2分)


浙江省湖州市xx年中考英语真题试题 考生须知: 1.全卷分试题卷和答题卷两部分。试题卷共8页,答题卷共2页。全卷满分为100分,考试时间为100分钟。 2.试题卷分卷I和卷II两部分。卷I中试题(1-56小题)的答案填涂在答题卷上,卷II由试题的答案写在答题卷相应的位置上,写在试题卷上无效。 卷I 说明:本卷共五大题,56小题,满分66分。 一、听力(本题有15小题,其中1-10小题每题1分,11-15小题每题2分,共20分) 注意:听力共分三节。答题时,请先将答案标在试卷上,听力部分结束后,请将答案转涂到客观题答题卷上。听每段对话或独白前,你都有五秒钟的时间阅读这一小题,听完后你将有五秒钟的时间回答这一小题。 第一节:听下面五段对话,每段对话后有1个小题,请从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Where is the man going? A. To the bookstore B. To the post office C. To the library 2.Why did the woman miss the bus? A. She overslept B. She had a headache. C. She got the wrong way 3. When did they last see their primary school classmates? A. Yesterday. B. Last year C. Three years ago. 4. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a theatre B. In a café C. In a bank 5. What does the woman ask the man to bring? A. Some games. B. Some food C. Some drinks. 第二节:听下面两段较长对话,每段对话后有2至3个小题,请从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。每段对话读两遍。 听下面一段较长对话,回答第6-7小题。 6. What did Cindy do on Sunday?


高中物理英语词汇 机械运mechanical motion [mi'k?nik?l] ['m?u??n] 力学mechanics [m?'k?n?ks] 质点mass point [m?s] [p?int] 参考系reference frame ['refr?ns] [freim] 坐标系coordinate system [k?u'?:dineit] ['sist?m] 路程path[pɑ:θ] 位移displacement[d?s'ple?sm?nt] 矢量vector['vekt?] 标量scalar['skeil?] 速度velocity[vi'l?siti] 平均速度average velocity['?v?rid?] [vi'l?siti 瞬时速度instantaneous velocity[,?nst?n'teinj?s] 速率speed[spi:d] v-t 图象v-t graph[ɡrɑ:f] 加速度acceleration [?k,sel?'re???n] 普朗克Planck 匀变速直线运动uniform variable rectilinear motion['ju:nif?:m] ['v??ri?bl] [,rekti'lini?] 初速度initial velocity[i'ni??l] [vi'l?siti] 自由落体运动free-fall motion 自由落体加速free-fall acceleration[?k,sel?'re???n] 重力加速度gravitational acceleration[,ɡr?vi'tei?n?l] 伽利略Galileo Galilei 力force[f?:s] 牛顿Newton['nju:tn] 重力gravity['ɡr?viti] 重心center of gravity['sent?] 万有引力gravitation[,gr?v?'te???n] 电磁相互electromagnetic interaction[?,lektr??m?g'net?k]强相互作用strong interaction[,?nt?r'?k??n] 弱相互作用weak interaction 形变deformation[,di:f?:'me???n,] 弹性形变elastic deformation[i'l?stik] [,di:f?:'me???n,] 弹性限度elastic limit[i'l?stik] ['limit] 弹力elastic force[i'l?stik] [f?:s] 劲度系数coefficient of stiffness[,k???'f???nt] ['st?fn?s] 胡克定律Hooke law[l?:] 摩擦力friction force['frik??n] 静摩擦力static frictional force['st?tik] ['frik??n] 滑动摩擦力sliding frictional force['slaidi?] 动摩擦因数dynamic friction factor[dai'n?mik] 合力resultant force[ri'z?lt?nt] 分力component force[k?m'p?un?nt] 力的合成composition of forces[,k?mp?'zi??n] 平行四边形定则parallelogram rule[,p?r?'lel?,gr?m] 共点力concurrent forces[k?n'k?:r?nt,] 力的分解resolution of force[,rez?'lu:??n] 三角形定则triangular rule[tra?'??gj?l?] [ru:l] 运动学kinematics[kini'm?tiks] 动力学dynamics[dai'n?miks] 牛顿第一定律Newton first law['nju:tn][l?:] 惯性inertia [i'n?:?j?]惯性定律law of inertia[i'n?:?j?] 质量mass[m?s] 惯性系inertial system['sist?m] 牛顿第二定律Newton second law 单位制system of units 国际单位制Le Systeme International Unites SI[,?nt?'n???n?l] 作用力action['?k??n] 反作用力reaction[ri'?k??n] 牛顿第三定律Newton third law 超重overweight[,??v?'we?t] 失重weightlessness['we?tl?s] 误差error['er?] 偶然误差accidental error[,?ksi'dentl] 系统误差systematic error [,sist?'m?tik] 绝对误差absolute error['?bs?lu:t] 相对误差relative error['rel?tiv] 亚里士多德Aristotle 曲线运动curvilinear motion[k?:vi'lini?] 基尔霍夫Kirchhoff 切线tangent['t?nd??nt] 抛体运动projectile motion[pr?'d?ekt?l,] 抛物线parabola[p?'r?b?l?] 线速度linear velocity['lini?] 匀速圆周运动uniform circular motion['ju:nif?:m] ['s?:kjul?] 角速度angular velocity['??gj?l?] 弧度radian['reidj?n] 周期period['pi?ri?d] 向心加速度centripetal acceleration[sen'tr?p?tl] 向心力centripetal force[sen'tr?p?tl] 开普勒Kepler 引力常量gravitational constant[,ɡr?vi'tei?n?l]['k?nst?nt]万有引力定律law of universal gravitation[,ju:ni'v?:s?l] 第一宇宙速度first cosmic velocity['k?zmik] 第二宇宙速度second cosmic velocity 第三宇宙速度third cosmic velocity 黑洞black hole 能力energy['en?d?i] 势能potential energy[p?'ten??l] 动能kinetic energy[k?'net?k, ka?-] 功work[w?:k] 焦耳joule[d?u:l] 功率power['pau?] 瓦特watt['pau?] 重力势能gravitational potential energy[,ɡr?vi'tei?n?l][p?'ten??l] 弹性势能elastic potential energy[i'l?stik] [p?'ten??l] 动能定理theorem of kinetic energy['θi:?r?m] 机械能mechanical energy[mi'k?nik?l] [k?'net?k] 机械能守恒定律law of conservation of mechanical energy[,k?ns?'vei??n] [mi'k?nik?l] 能量守恒定律law of energy conservation[,k?ns?'vei??n]亥姆霍兹Helmholtz['helmh?ults] 力 force

化学专业 英语单词

Chemistry Summer Holidays Homework for Future Freshmen of High school Class: __________________________ Chinese Name:______________________ English Name:______________________ Beijing#80 High School International Department

Introduction to Chemistry 化学入门 Definition:Chemistry is the study of the composition, structure, and properties of matter, the processes that matter undergoes, and the energy changes that accompany there processes. (化学的定义:化学是研究物质的组成,结构,性质,物质发生的变化,以及变化过程中涉及的能量变化。) Branches of Chemistry: Organic Chemistry;Inorganic Chemistry;Physical Chemistry; Analytical Chemistry; Biochemistry; Theoretical chemistry (化学的分支:有机化学;无机化学;物理化学;分析化学;生物化学;理论化学)

Day 1 【Task】Please put the Chinese name into the suitable chapter. Vocabulary about chapter name. 章节名称词汇 (----What may we study about chemistry in the first year? 高一可能涉及哪些化学知识?) 物质和变化;原子:构建物质的基本单元;酸和碱;氧化还原反应;气体; 化学键;原子中的电子排布;称量和计算;有机化学;反应能量;元素周期律;化学方程式和化学反应;化学平衡;化学反应动力学;化学计量学; 化学式和化学物质;物质的状态;生物化学;电化学;滴定与pH值; 水溶液中离子和稀溶液的依数性;溶液; Chapter 1 Matter and Change ( ) Chapter 2 Measurement and Calculation ( ) Chapter 3 Atom-Building Block of Matter ( ) Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in Atoms( ) Chapter 5 The periodic Law ( ) Chapter 6 Chemical Bonding ( ) Chapter 7 Chemical Formulas and Chemical Compounds ( ) Chapter 8 Chemical Equations and Reactions ( ) Chapter 9 Stoichiometry ( ) Chapter 10 States of Matter ( ) Chapter 11 Gas ( ) Chapter 12 Solution ( ) Chapter 13 ions in Aqueous Solution and colligative Properties ( ) Chapter 14 Acid and Base ( ) Chapter 15 Acid-Base Titration and pH ( ) Chapter 16 Reaction Energy ( ) Chapter 17 Reaction Kinetics ( ) Chapter 18 Chemical Equilibrium ( ) Chapter 19 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions ( ) Chapter 20 Electrochemistry ( ) Chapter 22 Organic Chemistry ( ) Chapter 23 Biology Chemistry ( )


2016年湖州中考英语试卷 本卷共有五大题,56小题,满分66分 一.听力(本题有15小题,其中1-10小题每题1分,11-15小题每题2分,共20分) 注意:听力公分三节,答题时,请先将答案标在试卷上,听力部分结束后,请将答案转涂到答卷上,听每段对话或独白前,你都有五秒钟的时间阅读这一小题,听完后你将有五秒钟的时间回答这小题。第一节:听下面五段对话,每段对话有1表小题,请从所给的A,B,C三个选项中选择正确胡选项,每段对话仅读一遍。 1.when will the man give the report? A.Next Sunday B. Next Monday C. Next Friday 2.What does Linda like about the restaurant? A.The food B. The service C. The environment 3.Who went to the movie with the woman? A.Her sister B. Her brother C. Her cousin 4.Why is the man going to London? A.To work there B.To visit a friend C. To have a vacation 5.Where are the speakers going next Sunday? A.To the park B. To the zoo C. To the museum 第二节,听下面两段较长对话,每段对话后有2至3小题,请从题中所给的A,B,C,三个选项中选择正确的选项,但每段对话读两遍。 听下面对话回答第6-7题 6.Where is Daisy at the moment? A.In the school B. On a bus C. At a bus stop 7.How might Daisy go home? A.By taxi. B. By car. C. On foot. 听下面一段较长对话,回答8-10题。 8.What do you know about Sam? A.He is lazy. B. He is impolite C. He is careless. 9.Where may Sam find his glasses? A.In the bathroom. B. In the living room. C. In the bedroom. 10.What’s the relationship between the speakers? A.Mother and son. B. Teacher and student C. Wife and husband. 第三节,听下面一段独白,独白后有5表小题,请从题目中所给的A.B.C三个选项中选择出正确胡选项。独白读两遍。 11.What’s the main rule Tom has to follow? A.Studying hard. B. Going to bed early. C. Cleaning his room. 12.What time does Tom have to go to bed on school nights? A.By 10 p.m. B. By 11 p.m. C. By 12 p.m. 13.How will Tom’s parents feel if he leaves things everywhere? A.Bored. B. Angry. C. Sad. 14.What does Tom often put on the wall? A.Maps. B. Rules. C.Posters. 15.What’s the passage mainly about? A.Family photos. B. Family rules. C. Family members 二.完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分) 阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从各题所给的A.B.C.D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 I strongly believe the right words at just the right time could change soneon’s life. When I was 3 years old, my parents 16 I was totally deaf. But from the third grade, they decided to put me in a “mainstream”school where all of my classmates had 17 hearing. So I was the only deaf child at Blue Creek Elementary School. From the first day there, the other kids often 18 me and called me names mainly because of my hearing aid(助听器) and the way I talked.


中学物理学名词中英文对照 中文词汇英文对照 A 安培Ampere 凹透镜concave lens B 比热容specific heat 变阻器variable resistor 并联电路parallel circuit 不可再生能源nonrenewable energy source C 超重overweight 超声波supersonic wave 超导体superconductor 次声波infrasonic wave 参照物frame of reference 参照系reference frame 测量measure 长度length 串联电路series 磁场magnetic field 磁感线magnetic induction line 磁体magnet D 动力学dynamics 动能kinetic energy 动能定理theorem of kinetic energy

动摩擦因数dynamic friction factor 第一宇宙速度first cosmic velocity 第二宇宙速度second cosmic velocity 第三宇宙速度third cosmic velocity 导体conductor 电池cell 电灯electric light 电流electric current 电流表ammeter 电路electric current 电压voltage 电压表voltmeter 电源power supply 电阻resistance 动滑轮movable pulley 定滑轮fixed pulley 短路short circuit 断路open circuit 地磁场germagnetic field 电磁波electromagnetic wave 电磁波谱electromagnetic spectrum 电磁感应electromagnetic induction 电动机motor 电功率electric power 电话telephone 电能electrical energy 电能表kilowatt-hour meter


浙江省2012年初中毕业生学业测试(湖州市) 英语试题卷 卷Ⅰ 一、听力(本题有15小题,其中1—10小题每题1分,11—15小题每题2分,共20分) 第一节:听小对话,回答问题。请从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。 对话仅读一遍。 1.What color is the woman’s dress? A. Red. B.Brown. C.Blue 2.When did Peter join the swimming club? A. In 1978. B.In 1980. C.In 1982. 3. What will Sue do after supper? A. To visit Disneyland. B. To meet Mr Black. C. To take the airplane. 4. Where is the woman from? A. America. B. France. C. Russia. 5. How many exams does the man have to take this term? A. Nine. B.Six. C. Five. 第二节:听对话,回答问题。请从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。 对话仅读一遍。 6. How much does a tie cost? A. $ 24. B. $ 20. C. $16. 7. What did the man see? A. An animal. B. The moon. C. The sun. 8. Why can’t Jane go to see the film tonight? A. She has seen it already. B. She has to take care of her sick mother. C. She doesn’t like the film. 9. Who runs fastest? A. Jack. B. Peter. C. John. 10. Whose bicycle was stolen? A. Joan’s. B.Mary’s. C.Kate’s. 第三节:听独白,请根据独白的内容,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成下面的表格。独白读两遍。 Mike was born in__11__. Mike went to Beijing with his parents__12___. The next year, he__13__ and made a lot of Chinese friends. In 1994, Mike__14__ his friends because he had to go back home. Now Mike studies in a high school and misses his __15__ very much. 12. A. at the age of four B. at the age of five C. at the age of six 13. A. went to a school B. went to a party. C. went to a club 14. A. said thanks to B. said goodbye to C. said sorry to 15. A. friends B. teachers C. parents


高考听力高频单词 听力的短对话和长对话部分,其话题范围是以校园生活(campus life)为主题,主要是学习打工,衣食住行,英语是模式化的语言,固定场景只会用固定词汇,分场景总结记忆,听力场景词汇,归纳总结是十分必要的。 1.学习选课场景 Day course 白天的课,Evening course 晚上的课 科目或专业:mathematic 数学,history 历史,chemistry 化学,Literature 文学,Physics 物理, Chemistry 化学, Biology生物, Politics政治, History历史, Geography地理Math 数学Final exam 期终考试,middle exam 期中考试,test测验,quiz 小测验,oral test 口试drawing near考试临近, delay / be off / hold up / postpone / put off考试延期或取消public school 公立学校,private school 私立学校, 学校中的人:president 校长,dean 院长,headmaster 中小学校长,professor 教授,lecturer 讲师doctor 博士,master 硕士,bachelor 学士,freshman 大一新生,middle school student 中学生,primary school student小学生 have a lecture 上课,cut a class/play truant 逃课,miss a class 错过了课,scholarship 荣誉奖学金,homework, exam, test, mid-term/ final examination, marks, text book, playground, department, Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, Doctor’s degree, Campus, lecture, dormitory, term, dining-hall, swimming-pool, courses, foreign language, gym, 2. 图书馆场景 lend / borrow借书reference book参考书,renew续借,overdue过期,return还书,fine 罚金,librarian图书管理员, subject主题,author作者,library图书馆, reading-room阅览室, book-shelf书架, novel小说, story-book故事书, picture-book图画书,science fiction科幻小说newspaper报纸, magazine杂志, periodical期刊library card借书证 3.交通运输场景 fare 车票,license 驾照,rush hours 高峰时间,traffic jam 交通堵塞one way street 单行道,over speed 超速ticket 罚单express way 高速公路traffic police交警, 交通工具(出现频率从高到低)plane / train / bus / bike / walk / taxi tunnel / channel 隧道, ring road 环线, subway(美)/ underground (英)地铁Used car 旧车,afford买的起,Give sb a ride搭车Taxi/cab出租车,break down抛锚,flat tire爆胎rush hour 高峰期,traffic jam堵车,car accident事故fix/repair修理,garage 修车场,damage损害dead 报废,survive 活下来,minor injury 轻伤subway(underground), boat, ship, transportation, timetable, journey, speed, 4.电话场景 mobile phone 手机,pay phone 公用电话,telephone box/booth 电话亭yellow page 黄页,extension 分机,dial/ press(拨/按电话号码),put through 接通,wrong number记错号码,hold on 不要挂断,take / leave a message 留言,hang up ,挂断answering machine 自动答录机,long-distance call 长途电话,overseas call 越洋电话,mobile / cell phone 手机give sb a call / ring 给某人打电话the line is busy 占线operator 接线员The line is bad/ busy / engaged. It kept a busy line.电话占线 5.机场场景 flight航班Welcome on board 欢迎登机plane 飞机,book 订票,timetable 时间表,destination 目的地safe landing 安全着陆,board 登机,take off 起飞,departure 离港safety / sect belt 安全带,land 着陆,arrival 进港,pick up 接机security check 安检,see off 送



浙江省2018年湖州中考英语试题 考生须知: 1.全卷分试题卷和答题卷两部分。试题卷共8页,答题卷共2页。全卷满分为100分,考试时间为100分钟。 2.试题卷分卷I和卷II两部分。卷I中试题(1-56小题)的答案填涂在答题卷上,卷II 由试题的答案写在答题卷相应的位置上,写在试题卷上无效。 卷I 说明:本卷共五大题,56小题,满分66分。 一、听力(本题有15小题,其中1-10小题每题1分,11-15小题每题2分,共20分) 注意:听力共分三节。答题时,请先将答案标在试卷上,听力部分结束后,请将答案转涂到客观题答题卷上。听每段对话或独白前,你都有五秒钟的时间阅读这一小题,听完后你将有五秒钟的时间回答这一小题。 第一节:听下面五段对话,每段对话后有1个小题,请从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Where is the man going?

B. She studied for a test C. She went to the paper-cutting museum. 7. What does Cindy think of Bobs weekend? A. Quite busy. B. Relaxing C. Not too bad 听下面一段较长对话,回答第8-10小题。 8. What does the man want to buy? A. A dress B. A skirt C. A sweater 9. What color does the man’s daughter prefer? A. White B. Red C. Yellow 10. How much does the man have to pay at last? A. 34 dollars B. 48 dollars C. 68 dollars 第三节:听下面一段独白,独白后有5个小题,请从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。独白读两遍。 11. What is the speaker probably doing in London? A. Traveling B. Studying. C. Working.


物理: absolute acceleration 绝对加速度 absolute error 绝对误差absolute motion 绝对运动absolute temperature 绝对温度 absolute velocity 绝对速度absolute zero 绝对零度absorption 吸收absorptivity 吸收率accelerated motion 加速运动 acceleration of gravity 重力加速度 acceleration 加速度accidental error 偶然误差acoustics 声学 acting force 作用力adjustment 调节 aether 以太 air pump 抽气机 air table 气垫桌 air track 气垫导轨alternating current circuit 交流电路 alternating current generator 交流发电机alternating current 交流电altimeter 测高仪 ammeter 安培计amperemeter 电流计ampere 安培 Ampere's experiment 安培实验 Ampere's force 安培力Ampere's law 安培定律amperemeter 安培计amplitude 振幅 angle of rotation 自转角,转动角 angular acceleration 角加速度 angular displacement 角位移 angular velocity 角速度 anion 负离子 anisotropy 各向异性 annihilation 湮没 anode 阳极 antenna 天线 applied physics 应用物理学 Archimedes principle 阿基 米德原理 area 面积 argumentation 论证 argument 辐角 astigmatoscope 散光镜 atomic nucleus 原子核 atomic physics 原子物理学 atomic spectrum 原子光谱 atomic structure 原子结构 atom 原子 Atwood ' s machine 阿特伍 德机 average power 平均功率 average velocity 平均速度 Avogadro constant 阿伏加 德罗常数 Avogadro law 阿伏加德罗定 律 balance 天平 ballistic galvanometer 冲击 电流计 band spectrum 带状谱 barometer 气压计 basic quantity 基本量 basic units 基本单位 battery charger 电池充电器 battery,accumulator 蓄电 池 battery 电池组 beam 光束 betatron 电子感应加速器 Bohr atom model 玻尔原子 模型 boiling point 沸点 boiling 沸腾 bounce 反弹 bound charge 束缚电荷 bound electron 束缚电子 branch circuit 支路 breakdown 击穿 brightness 亮度 buoyancy force 浮力 calorifics 热学 camera 照相机 capacitance 电容 capacitor 电容器 capillarity 毛细现象 cathode ray 阴极射线 cathode-ray tube 阴极射线 管 cathode 阴极 cation 正离子 cell 电池 Celsius scale 摄氏温标 centre of gravity 重心 centre of mass 质心 centrifugal force 离心力 centripetal acceleration 向 心加速度 centripetal force 向心力 chain reaction 链式反应 chaos 混沌 characteristic spectrum 特 征光谱 charged body 带电体 charged particle 带电粒子 charge 充电 circular hole diffraction 圆 孔衍射 circular motion 圆周运动 classical mechanics 经典力 学 classical physics 经典物理 学 cloud chamber 云室 coefficient of maximum static friction 最大静摩摩系 数 coefficient of restitution 恢 复系数 coefficient of sliding friction 滑动摩擦系数 coefficient 系数 coherent light 相干光源 coil 线圈 collision 碰撞 component force 分力 component velocity 分速度 composition of forces 力的 合成 composition of velocities 速度的合成 compression 压缩 concave lens 凹透镜 concave mirror 凹面镜 concurrent force 共点力 condensation 凝结 condenser 电容器 conducting medium 导电介 质 conductor 导体 conservative force field 保 守力场 conservative force 保守力 constant force 恒力 constant 常量 continuous spectrum 连续 谱 convergent lens 会聚透镜 convex lens 凸透镜 convex mirror 凸面镜 coordinate system 坐标系 coplanar force 共面力 Corolis force 科里奥利力 corpuscular property 粒子 性 corpuscular theory 微粒说 Coulomb force 库仑力 coulomb 库仑 Coulomb's law 库仑定律 counter 计数器 creation 产生 creepage 漏电
