



带来;拿来;领来?Did you bring an umbrella? 你带伞了吗?

bring sb/sth to sb/sth ?Is it OK if I bring some friends to the party? 我带几个朋友来参加聚会行吗?

bring sb/sth with you ?For some reason, Jesse had brought a tape recorder with him. 不知为什么,杰西带了一台盒式录音机来。

bring sb sth ?Can you bring me another beer? 你再给我拿一杯啤酒好吗?

bring sb/sth to sb/sth ?He expects me to bring everything to him. 他指望我什么东西都给他带去。

2.引起〔某种情况或情感〕,造成,导致?efforts to bring peace to the region 给这个地区带来和平的种种努力?The strikes are expected to bring chaos. 预计罢工会造成混乱。

使处于某种状况?It was the war that first brought him to power (= make him have power over a country ) . 是战争首次将他推上权力宝座。

?Bring the sauce to the boil (= heat it until it boils ) . 把调味汁煮沸。

bring sth to an end/a close/a halt/a conclusion 使某事结束?The trial was swiftly brought to an end. 庭审匆匆就结束了。

3.使朝某个方向移动bring sth up/down/round etc

?Bring your arm up slowly until it’s level with your shoulder. 慢慢举起手臂到齐肩的高度。?The storm brought the old oak tree crashing down. 暴风雨把这棵老橡树刮倒了。

4.促使某人去…what brings you here? (=used to ask why someone is in a particular place)什么风把你给吹来了?


?The expansion of state education brought new and wider opportunities for working class children. 公立教育的普及为工人阶层出身的儿童带来了更多新的机会。

bring sth to sb/sth?The government is launching a new init iative to bring jobs to deprived areas. 政府正在出台一个新的方案,为贫困地区创造就业机会。

bring sb sth?It’s a good sign –let’s hope it will bring us some luck. 这是一个好征兆——但愿会给我们带来好运。


?Who knows what the future will bring? 谁知道未来会发生什么?

7.bring charges/a lawsuit/a court case/a prosecution/a claim (against sb)

起诉(某人),对(某人)提起诉讼?Survivors of the fire later brought a billion-dollar lawsuit against the company. 火灾的幸存者后来对该公司提起诉讼,索赔十亿美元。

8.bring a smile to sb’s lips/face使某人唇边/脸上现出笑意

?Her words brought a sudden smile to hi s lips. 她的话使他唇角突然上扬露出笑意。

9.bring tears to sb’s eyes使某人流泪

?The pain brought tears to his eyes. 他痛得眼泪都出来了。

10.bring the total/number/score etc to sth使总数/数字/得分等变成…

?This brings the total to 46. 这样一来,总数就变成46了。

11.cannot/could not bring yourself to do sth〔因为会让自己或某人非常难过而〕无法使自己做某事

?She still can’t bring herself to talk about it. 她还是难以开口说这件事。

12.把…带入新话题,使…接下去谈到that/this/which brings me to ...

?This brings me to the main point of today’s meeting. 由此,我要谈到今天会议的重点。

13.向…播出;为…制作〔电视或广播节目〕sth is brought to you by sb

?This programme is brought to you by the BBC. 本节目由英国广播公司为您播出。

14.bring sth to bear (on/upon sth)(对某事物)施加压力[影响]

?The full force of the law was brought to bear on anyone who criticized the government. 凡是批评政府的,都要受到法律最严厉的惩罚。

15.bring home the bacon挣钱养家,养家糊口

bring sth ←→ about


?How can we bring about a change in attitudes? 我们如何才能改变态度?

?A huge amount of environmental damage has been brought about by the destruction of the rain forests. 毁掉热带雨林给环境造成了巨大的破坏。

bring sb/sth ←→ along

1.带上,带来?You’re welcome to bring along a friend. 欢迎你带一个朋友来。

bring sb/sth around/round

1.把话题转移到某事上?I’ll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money. 我会设法把话题转到钱上来。

2.使恢复知觉?I slapped his face a couple of times to try to bring him round. 我在他脸上拍了几下,想让他苏醒过来。

3.说服〔某人〕;使同意?She won’t listen to me. Let’s see if Sue can bring her round. 她不听我劝,我们看看休能不能说服她。


?I’ll bring the books around tomorrow. 我明天把书带过来。

bring back

1.bring sth ←→ back to start to use something again that was used in the past再次使用,恢复〔某事物〕?The city council has decided to bring back the old electric trams. 市政会决定恢复运营老式电车。

2.bring sth ←→ back to make you remember something使想起某事,使回忆起某事

?The trip brought back a lot of happy memories . 这次旅行唤起了许多美好的回忆。

3.bring sth ←→ back to take something or someone with you when you come back from somewhere带某物回来

bring sth back for sb

?Don’t forget to bring something back for the kids.别忘了给孩子们带点东西回来。

bring sb back sth

?If you’re going to the store, could you bring me back a six-pack?你如果去商店,帮我带一提六罐装的啤酒回来好吗?

4.bri ng sb ←→ back to return someone to their previous job or position of authority

使重返岗位,使恢复原职?Following their latest defeat, soccer fans are urging the club to bring back the former manager. 球队最近一次比赛失利以后,球迷们就敦促俱乐部把前任主教练请回来。

5.bring sb back to sth if something that is said brings you back to a particular subject, it is connected with that subject, so you will start talking about it again

使某人回到某个话题?This brings us back to the question of funding. 这又使我们回到了资金的问题上。

bring sb/sth ←→ down

1.降低;减少?The government hopes these measures will help to bring down inflation. 政府希望这些措施有助于减轻通货膨胀。

2.使〔飞机〕降落?The pilot managed to bring the plane down safely. 飞行员终于成功地使飞机安全降落。


?A bomber had been brought down by anti-aircraft fire. 一架轰炸机被防空炮火击落了。

4.使垮台,使下台?a crisis th at could bring down the government 可使政府下台的一场危机

5.使跌倒?He was brought down by the goalkeeper and awarded a penalty. 他被守门员绊倒,获得一个罚点球的机会。

bring sth ←→ down on/upon sb


?His recklessness brought down disaster on the whole family. 他的鲁莽给全家带来了灾难。

bring sth ←→ forth

1.使产生,使出现;生产?a tragic love affair that brought forth only pain 只带来痛苦的一场情爱悲剧

bring sth ←→ forward

1.将…提前?The meeting’s been brought forward to Thursday.会议已被提前到星期四举行。

2.bring forward legislation/plans/policies etc to officially introduce plans etc for people to discuss 提出法规/计划/政策等?The government has brought forward new proposals to tackle the problem of increasing crime. 政府提出了解决犯罪率上升问题的新计划。

3.结转〔账目〕?The balance brought forward is £21,765. 结转余额是21,765 英镑。

bring sb/sth ←→ in

1.推行,引入,提出〔新的法律〕?Harsh anti-Trade Union laws were brought in in the early 1980s. 20世纪80年代初期推行了严厉的反工会法。

2.请…参与〔讨论或某件事情〕?I’d like to bring in Doctor Hall here and ask him his views. 我想请霍尔博士上来,征求一下他的看法。

bring sb in to do sth?The police were brought in to inve stigate the matter.警方已介入调查此案。

3.使挣到;使赚到?The sale of the house only brought in about £45,000. 卖房子只赚了45,000英镑左右。

4.吸引〔顾客〕?We’ve got to bring in more business if we want the restaurant to survive. 餐馆若要生存下去,我们必须吸引更多的生意。

5.作出判决?The jury brought in a verdict of not guilty. 陪审团作出无罪裁决。

bring sb/sth into sth


?Most of the land has now been brought into cultivation. 大部分土地现在都被用于耕种。


?The government is trying to bring teachers into the debate on education. 政府设法让教师参与讨论教育议题。

bring sth ←→ off

1.使成功;圆满完成〔困难的事〕?They managed to bring off the most daring jewellery robbery in history. 他们精心实施了史上最大胆的珠宝抢劫案。

bring sth ←→ on

1.引起,导致;惹来?Stress can bring on an asthma attack. 精神压力会引起哮喘发作。

2.使提高;使进步?Teachers have to bring on the bright children and at the sa me time give extra help to those who need it. 教师需要培养聪明的孩子,同时给予有需要的学生更多的帮助。

3.促进〔植物或农作物〕生长?Keeping the young plants in a greenhouse will help bring them on. 在温室培养幼苗可以促进它们生长。

4.bring it on used to say that you are prepared and willing to deal with something bad that is likely to happen就让它来吧〔表示已经准备好面对坏事〕

bring sth on/upon sb

1.引起,招来,惹来〔不愉快的事〕?You have brought disaster on the whole village! 你给整个村子招来了灾祸!

bring sth on/upon yourself?I’ve got no sympathy for him –he’s brought this all on himself!我一点也不同情他——他这是自作自受!

bring sb onto sth


?This brings me onto the question of pay rises. 借此机会,我再谈谈加薪的问题。

bring sth ←→ outphr v

1.使显现,使表现出?The spices really bring out the flavour of the meat. 这些香料果然能把肉的味道全带出来。

2.生产;出版;推出?He’s bringing out a new album next month. 下个月他将推出一张新专辑。

3.把…拿出来?Jenny opened the cupboard and brought out a couple of bottles. 珍妮打开碗橱,拿出了几个瓶子。

4.bring out the best/worst in sb to make someone behave in the best or worst way that they can 把某人最好的一面显露出来/把某人最坏的一面暴露出来

?Alcohol just brings out the worst in her. 喝酒把她最坏的一面暴露了出来。

5.bring sb out of himself/herself to make someone feel more confident and able to talk to people 使某人更加自信?Changing schools has really brought her out of herself. 转学后,她变得活泼自信多了。

bring sb out in sth

1.使长出〔斑点、疹子等〕?Any foods containing wh eat bring him out in a rash. 他吃了任何含小麦的食物都会出疹子。

bring sb through (sth)


?Both my children have brought me through extremely difficult times since my husband died. 丈


bring sb ←→ together

1.把…召集起来?We brought together researchers from three different universities to work on the project. 我们联合了三所大学的研究人员从事这个项目。

2.使联合起来,使团结起来?Any attack by a foreign power will inevitably bring the pe ople of a country together. 任何外来侵略都必定会使全国人民团结起来。

bring sb/sth ←→ up

1.提起〔某个话题〕?Why did you have to bring up the subject of money? 你为什么一定要提钱这个话题?

2.抚养,养育,教养?He was brought up by his grandparents. 他是由祖父母抚养长大的。

bring sb up to do sth

?In my day, children were brought up to respect the law.在我那个时代,孩子们从小就被教导要守法。

be brought up (as) a Catholic/Muslim etc

?I was brought up a Catholic.我从小受天主教的教育。


?Can you bring up the list of candidates again? 你把候选人名单再调出来好吗?


?I had a sandwich for lunch and promptly brought it up again. 我午饭吃了个三明治,可马上就吐了。


?He was brought up before a magistrate, charged with dangerous driving.他因为危险驾驶遭起诉,受到治安法官的传讯。

6.bring sb up short/with a start to surprise someone and make them suddenly stop talking or doing something使某人突然停住

?Her question brought me up short. 她的问题让我一下子顿住了。


Bring所构成的重要短语及练习 bring in引进;介绍;挣(钱); bring up养育;带大, 提出, 呕吐; bring down使(价格等)降下来; 使…倒下 bring out拿出;出版=publish; bring about使…发生、产生=cause to happen 1. The boys bring in 60 dollars a week. 2. The company has brought in many modern machines. 3. Seven of his books have been brought out. (=come out) 4. He was brought up by his uncle. 5. He was ill and brought up his dinner. 6. What brought down the price of apples? 7. What brought about the forest fire? 1. Good harvest will _____________ the prices. 2. He _______________ by his grandmother in the country. 3. His new suggestion ______________ at the meeting. 4. She _____________ two new books at the same time. 5. He ___________ one hundred more dollars a month from his new job. 6. What _____________ the quarrel between them? 1. bring down 2. was brought up 3.was brought up


企业版WebEx视频会议 操作手册 武汉东浦信息技术有限公司运维服务事业部 2015年7月

武汉东浦信息技术有限公司 文件履历表

目录 1.系统介绍 (33) 2.常规使用说明 (33) 2.1终端要求 (33) 2.2会议申请 (44) 2.3PC加入会议 (44) 2.4IPHONE /IPAD加入会议 (1010) 2.5语音呼叫 (1111) 2.6视频图像 (1313) 2.6桌面/程序共享 (1414) 2.7文字交流 (14) 3.其他场景使用说明 (1515) 3.1IPHONE6.0及以上版本使用WEBEX的办法 (1515) 3.2安卓手机使用WEBEX的方法 (1818) 4.常见问题及处理 (2020) 5.技术支持 (2323)

1.系统介绍 Cisco WebEx网络会议系统是以网络为媒介的多媒体会议平台,是一款基于网络IM 的多媒体通信系统,支持多人视频会议、视频通讯、多人语音、屏幕共享、动态PPT 演讲、文字交流、短信留言、电子白板、多人桌面共享、文件传输、投票、会议录制等功能,使用者可突破时间地域的限制通过互联网实现面对面般的交流效果。 Cisco WebEx视频会议系统为用户提供了随时随地与任何人进行交互,以更快的速度完成项目,实时共享应用程序、演示、文档及PC桌面的体验,避免频繁的邮件往来,确保业务更有效地进行。 目前,CWMS系统最大并发容量250个USER,每个会议最大参加人数100人,可分配50个主持人。于2015年7月27日升级为2.5.1.29.B-AE版本。 2.常规使用说明 2.1 终端要求 ?Windows系统 支持的操作系统 Windows Vista(32 位或 64 位) Windows 7(32 位或 64 位) Windows 8(32 位或 64 位) Windows 8.1(32 位或 64 位) 支持的浏览器 Internet Explorer:版本 8 -11(32 位/64 位) Mozilla Firefox:版本 10 到 32 Google Chrome:版本 23 -37 Microsoft Outlook支持 Microsoft Outlook 2007 SP2 和更高版本 Microsoft Outlook 2010(32 位和 64 位版本;所有 Service Pack) Microsoft Outlook 2013 系统要求 Intel Core2 Duo CPU 2.XX GHz 或 AMD 处理器(推荐 2 GB RAM) 启用 JavaScript 和 cookie 对于 Microsoft Internet Explorer 启用 Active X 并且不拦截(推荐) Java 1.6.0_33 到 Java 1.6.0_37 或 Java 1.7.0_6 到 Java 1.7.0_9 ?Mac系统 支持的Mac 操作系统 Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Mac OS X 10.7 Lion


1. Bring 带来;拿来;领来?Did you bring an umb rella? 你带伞了吗? bring sb/sth to sb/sth ?Is it OK if I bring some friends to the party? 我带几个朋友来参加聚会行吗? bring sb/sth with you ?For some reason, Jesse had brought a tape recorder with him. 不知为什么,杰西带了一台盒式录音机来。 bring sb sth ?Can you bring me another beer? 你再给我拿一杯啤酒好吗? bring sb/sth to sb/sth ?He expects me to bring everything to him. 他指望我什么东西都给他带去。 2.引起〔某种情况或情感〕,造成,导致?efforts to bring peace to the region 给这个地区带来和平的种种努力?The strikes are expected to bring chaos. 预计罢工会造成混乱。 使处于某种状况?It was the war that first brought him to power (= make him have power over a country ) . 是战争首次将他推上权力宝座。 ?Bring the sauce to the boil (= heat it until it boils ) . 把调味汁煮沸。 bring sth to an end/a close/a halt/a conclusion 使某事结束?The trial was swiftly brought to an end. 庭审匆匆就结束了。 3.使朝某个方向移动bring sth up/down/round etc ?Bring your arm up slowly until it’s level with your shoulder. 慢慢举起手臂到齐肩的高度。?The storm brought the old oak tree crashing down. 暴风雨把这棵老橡树刮倒了。 4.促使某人去…what brings you here? (=used to ask why someone is in a particular place)什么风把你给吹来了? 5.带来〔可供人们使用、拥有或享受的东西〕;使得到;创造 ?The expansion of state education brought new and wider opportunities for working class children. 公立教育的普及为工人阶层出身的儿童带来了更多新的机会。 bring sth to sb/sth?The government is launching a new initiative to bring jobs to deprived areas. 政府正在出台一个新的方案,为贫困地区创造就业机会。 bring sb sth?It’s a good sign –let’s hope it will bring us some luck. 这是一个好征兆——但愿会给我们带来好运。 6.〔某段时间〕带来;使发生 ?Who knows what the future will bring? 谁知道未来会发生什么?

WebEx Recorder使用说明

WebEx Recorder:性能最好的录屏软件 你在寻找好用的录屏软件吗?商用级品质的WebEx Recorder就是一款优秀的录屏软件。WebEx Recorder可以录制全屏或指定窗口,可以设定是否包含声音,生成的文件体积极小且极清晰,录制过程占用资源很少。WebEx的最大优点是性能出众。WebEx 软件并不是个人开发或面向个人的小软件,而是完整的商业解决方案中包括的一款小工具。因此,它在效率和稳定性方面非常出色,称得上是善用佳软见过的录屏软件(包括几款共享软件)中性能最好的一款。例如,用WebEx Recorder全屏带声音录制1小时,生成的文件约25MB,且计算机仍工作流畅,无任何延缓。再如,包括微软、SAP在内的很多大公司,网络讲座经常采用WebEx平台。再如,有些录屏软件,时间太长的话会占用资源太大而失去响应,但WebEx不存在此情况。 1. WebEx Recorder 版权说明 WebEx Recorder不是免费软件,也不是共享软件,而是商业套件中的一个小工具。尽管从技术来讲,可以到主页下载,可以无限期应用,无任何注册提示或限制。但软件许可协议中规定:3.1 You may not: …… iii) utilize the Software for any purpose other than participation in a WebEx meeting or use of the WebEx services。 2. 下载安装WebEx Recorder 在官方下载 WebEx recorder v2.4,体积约 4271KB,安装后约 7MB。WebEx 安装后有三个快捷方式,包括 player、recorder、editor。但这并不意味着有3个独立程序:所谓的播放、录制、编辑其实对应同一个主程序,只是运行参数不同: ”D:\program files\WebEx\atauthor.exe” -PLAYER ”D:\program files\WebEx\atauthor.exe” ”D:\program files\WebEx\atauthor.exe”–EDITOR


bring的第三人称单数 看到bring这个单词也许大家首先想到的意思就是带来,其实它的意思还有很多,接下来为大家带来bring的英语意思解释和英语例句,欢迎大家一起学习! brings bring的用法bring的用法1:bring最基本的意思是“将人或物带至讲话人或听话人所在之处”,是及物动词,可接表示人、物或抽象事物的名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以由介词to 引出,但不能用for,用for时表示“为某人带来…”。 bring的用法2:bring可用作使役动词,表示“促使,说服”,常跟反身代词作宾语,也可跟形容词、以动词不定式的复合结构或介词短语充当补足语的复合宾语。 bring的用法3:bring作“引起”解时,可接以现在分词、过去分词充当补足语的复合宾语。 bring的用法4:bring是个非延续性动词,在肯定句中一般不与表示一段时间的状语连用。 bring的用法5:在书面语中, bring out可引出直接引语,作“说(出)”解。 bring第三人称单数例句1. This brings us to the second question I asked.

这就将我们带到了我所提的第二个问题。 2. It's really an amazing dance. It just always brings the house down. 这真是一段精彩绝伦的舞蹈表演,每次总是博得全场喝彩。 3. This technique brings life to instruction and eases assimilation of knowledge. 这一方法给教学带来了活力,也使知识的吸收变得容易了。 4. Who brings up the baby and who brings home the bacon? 是谁抚养孩子的,是谁赚钱养家的? 5. Ignorance of people brings fear, fear of the unknown. 人们的无知会带来恐惧,对未知事物的恐惧。 6. His exploration of the myth brings insight into the American psyche. 他对这个神话的探讨揭示了美国人的心理。 7. The incident brings the total of people killed to fifteen. 这次事故使死亡总人数达到15人。 8. This brings the law into line with most medical opinion. 这使得该法与绝大多数医学见解保持了一致。 9. Which brings me to a delicate matter I should like to raise. 这就把我带到了一个我想提及的敏感问题上。


关于bring与take的区别 bring 一般有“把…带过来,拿过来”的意思 如bring your coat here 把它带过来这里,拿过来这里 而take 是“把…带走,带离这里”的意思 take away your coat 把你的大衣带走,带离开这里 通俗点理解 例如两个人正在某地方对话, 那如果是把东西从这里地方带走,就是take take the book to hiim 把书带去给他 如果是把东西从别的地方带过来正在对话的这个地方,就是bring bring your book here take是把一样东西从说话的地点带到其他地方, 而bring是把一样东西从其他地方带到说话的地点。 bring指从说话人所在的地方拿来,一般与here连用 take指从说话人所在或将在的地方拿走`带走,它所表示的方向与bring相反,一般与there连用 如果还不明白你可以这么记"拿到这里用bring,拿到(拿走)那里用take" bring 是指“(从别处朝向说话者或被提到的人)带来、领来、取来、送去”。例如:Bring your friend to the party. 请带你的朋友来参加聚会。 carry 是指“拿动、搬动、携带”,不管移动方向是朝向说话者,还是离开说话者。例如:The mother carries her baby in her arms. 母亲怀里抱着她的孩子。 I always carry a gun. 我总是带枪。 fetch 是指“去拿来”,也就是说,既包括“去”的意思,又包括“来”的意思。 例如:I asked her to fetch me an evening paper. 我求她去给我拿一张晚报来。 take 是指(活动方向常常是离开说话者或被谈到的人或某个具体的位置)“拿走、取走”。 例如:Take the letter to the post office. 把这封信送到邮局去

cisco webex如何使用说明

cisco webex如何使用说明 有网友这么问小编cisco webex 如何使用说明?,小编在网上搜索了一些资料,供大家参考。 WebEx 是Cisco 的子公司,为各种规模的公司创建随需软件解决方案。在线会议应用程序和软件服务帮助全世界的客户实现其在行销、销售、培训和支持方面最雄心勃勃的目标。 WebEx一种基于网页的视频会议,并且对网络流量的控制达到了一流的水准,在视频语音质量上走在前列。 WebEx 在成立之际,便有这样的愿望:使用网络将世界各地的人聚拢起来,协同创意并开展业务。 当WebEx 于1996 年成立时,新兴的数字通信标准(譬如ISDN 和交换式数字服务)带动了视频会议的发展,这一市场开始起飞。用户对能够实现融合实时视频和音频的扩展学习、专题活动和多媒体演示感到惊喜- 省去传统会议的时间和开支。 WebEx 努力克服当时市售用户会议软件的共同障碍。大多数用户感到,如果无法将这些应用程序定制为满足其业务需求的有效解决方案,将很麻烦。另外,视频会议倾向于突出人及其脸部,而他们试图表达的信息则被降至次要角色。结果:售出了大量会议软件,但是用户寥寥。 WebEx 白手起家,利用因特网技术设计隐藏所有复杂性的协作

解决方案。当您选择WebEx时,无需为端口、平台、版本、防火墙甚至因特网忧虑。举行有效的在线会议只需一个浏览器和一部电话。使用WebEx 解决方案与同事协作易如反掌- 使您毫不费力地在任何时间与任何地方的任何人开会。 WebEx 领导网络会议的道路 WebEx 很早便在商用网络会议市场脱颖而出,并将遥遥领先之势保持至今,其制胜法宝是提供与面对面会议相同的自发性和交互性的强大解决方案。 有了WebEx 之后,用户藉由全动态视频和集成音频共享演示、应用程序、文档和桌面,一切都在多媒体环境中进行。 如今,很多行业的组织使用WebEx - 包括金融服务、高科技、医疗、制药、通信、制造、政府以及管理咨询业- 并支持客户和产品周期的每个阶段,藉由实时协作在销售、行销、实行、产品开发、制造、培训和支持等方面促进成功。 WebEx如何保持第一 不断推出创新的解决方案。我们专门的随需解决方案无缝集成到您的任务流程中,提升您公司的效率、生产力和收益。 卓越的服务和支持。从全面的培训和支持到灵活的封装和定价,WebEx 将精力集中在最大限度地提高您的效率。 世界级技术。WebEx 在无与伦比的全球基础结构之上建置随需应用程序,该基础结构旨在提升性能并达到永久连接的可靠性。 最高层级的安全性和机密性。WebEx 对每个会议进行加密,

最常用动词短语整理(1) bring—give

Bring bring around 或bring round 1. 说服:使采用某项提议,使采取某种行动 2. 使恢复知觉 bring down 1. 使倒下,使崩溃2. 杀死 bring forth 1. 引起;产生 plants bringing forth fruit. 结果的植物2. 生(后代) bring forward 1. 呈上;提出 bring forward proof.提交证据 bring in 1. &I{【法律】} 宣布(裁决)2. 生出、产生或挣得(利润,收入) bring off 1. 实现,完成 bring off a successful advertising campaign.赢得了一场广告战 bring on1.使出现 brought on the dessert.端上甜点 bring out1. 把(初入社交界的少女)引荐给社交界 brought out the facts.揭露事实 bring out a new book.出版一本新书 You bring out the best in me.你使我把自己最好的方面都发挥出来了 bring to1. 使…恢复知觉2. &I{【航海】} 使(船)顺着风向,使(船)停驶 bring up1. 照料,教育(小孩);抚养2. 把…引进讨论;提到3. 呕吐4. 使…突然停下 bring the house down1. 博得全场喝彩 bring something into play1. 使运行;使生效;激活 bring something to bear1. (为得到某结果而)施加(影响,压力) he was released after pressure had been brought to bear by the aid agencies. 几家援助机构施加了压力之后他被释放了。 bring someone/thing to mind1. 使想起,使记起 all that marble brought to mind a mausoleum.所有那些大理石让人想起了陵墓。 bring something to pass1. (主诗/文)引起,导致 bring something about1. 引起,导致 she brought about a revolution in psychoanalysis.她引发了心理分析领域的一场革命。 bring something back1. 使返回;使被忆起 the smell of the tiny church brought back every memory of my childhood. 小教堂的气息勾起了我对童年的丝丝回忆。 bring someone down1. (尤指在足球、橄榄球比赛中阻截对手时)使绊倒 bring someone/thing down1. 射倒,击倒(动物,人) bring something forth1. (古或诗/文)生,使出生 why does Elsbeth not bring forth a child?. 埃尔贝斯为什么不生孩子?。 bring something forward1. 使(会议或事件)提前2. (簿记用语)把总数从页末转入下页首3. 提出(计划,主题,观点) bring something in 1. 实施(新法律);引进(新产品) Congress brought in reforms to prevent abuse of presidential power. 国会进行了新的改革,以防止总统滥用权力。 2. 挣(钱);筹(钱) their fund-raising efforts have brought in more than $1 million. 他们的募捐活动筹到了100多万美元。 3. (陪审团)作出(判决) the jury brought in a unanimous verdict. 陪审团作出一致判决。


带来;拿来;领来?Did you bring an umbrella? 你带伞了吗? bring sb/sth to sb/sth ?Is it OK if I bring some friends to the party? 我带几个朋友来参加聚会行吗? bring sb/sth with you ?For some reason, Jesse had brought a tape recorder with him. 不知为什么,杰西带了一台盒式录音机来。 bring sb sth ?Can you bring me another beer? 你再给我拿一杯啤酒好吗? bring sb/sth to sb/sth ?He expects me to bring everything to him. 他指望我什么东西都给他带去。 2.引起〔某种情况或情感〕,造成,导致?efforts to bring peace to the region 给这个地区带来和平的种种努力?The strikes are expected to bring chaos. 预计罢工会造成混乱。 使处于某种状况?It w as the war that first brought him to power (= make him have power over a country ) . 是战争首次将他推上权力宝座。 ?Bring the sauce to the boil (= heat it until it boils ) . 把调味汁煮沸。 bring sth to an end/a close/a halt/a conclusion 使某事结束?The trial was swiftly brought to an end. 庭审匆匆就结束了。 3.使朝某个方向移动bring sth up/down/round etc ?Bring your arm up slowly until it’s level with your shoulder. 慢慢举起手臂到齐肩的高度。 ?The storm brought the old oak tree crashing down. 暴风雨把这棵老橡树刮倒了。 4.促使某人去…what brings you here?(=used to ask why someone is in a particular place)什么风把你给吹来了? 5.带来〔可供人们使用、拥有或享受的东西〕;使得到;创造 ?The expansion of state education brought new and wider opportunities for working class children. 公立教育的普及为工人阶层出身的儿童带来了更多新的机会。 bring sth to sb/sth?The government is launching a new initiati ve to bring jobs to deprived areas. 政府正在出台一个新的方案,为贫困地区创造就业机会。 bring sb sth?It’s a good sign –let’s hope it will bring us some luck. 这是一个好征兆——但愿会给我们带来好运。 6.〔某段时间〕带来;使发生 ?Who knows what the future will bring? 谁知道未来会发生什么?


常用英语短语合集 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

史上最全常用英语短语合集 1.abigheadache令人头痛的事情 2.afractionof一部分 3.amatterofconcern焦点 4.aseriesof一系列,一连串 aboveall首先,尤其是 5.absentfrom不在,缺席 6.abundantin富于 7.accountfor解释 8.accusesb.ofsth.控告 9.addto增加(addupto) 10.afterall毕竟,究竟 11.agreewith同意 12.aheadoftime/schedule提前 13.aheadof在...之前(aheadoftime提前) 14.aliento与...相反 15.allatonce突然,同时 16.allbut几乎;除了...都 17.allofasudden突然 18.alloveragain再一次,重新 19.allover遍及 20.allright令人满意的;可以 21.allthesame仍然,照样的 22.allthetime一直,始终 23.angrywithsb.at/aboutsth.生气,愤怒 24.anxiousabout/for忧虑,担心 25.anythingbut根本不 26.apartfrom除...外(有/无) 27.appealto吸引,申诉,请求 28.applicableto适用于 29.applyto适用 30.appropriatefor/to适当,合适 31.approximateto近似,接近 32.aptat聪明,善于 33.aptto易于 34.aroundtheclock夜以继日

Cisco WebEx 解决方案

释放实时协作的力量Cisco WebEx 解决方案安全性概述释放实时协作的力量 Cisco WebEx 解决方案安全性概述 白皮书 网迅(中国)软件有限公司 中国上海市徐汇区天钥桥路 333 号腾飞大厦 29 层 邮编:200030 电话:800.819.3239 传真:+86.(0)21.6121.3690 https://www.360docs.net/doc/204294265.html,

目录 简介3 WebEx Collaboration Cloud 基础结构4安全的 Cisco WebEx 会议体验5会议站点配置5会议安排的安全选项7开始和加入 WebEx 会议8加密技术9传输层安全性10防火墙兼容性10会议后数据存储10单点登录10第三方鉴定:经由独立审计验证 Cisco WebEx 的安全性12

简介 通过实时协作来连接全球员工和虚拟团队的做法在寻求竞争优势的组织中蔚然成风。全球已有很多并且越来越多的商业和政府机构依赖Cisco WebEx 的软件服务化(SaaS)解决方案来简化销售、营销、培训、项目管理和支持的业务流程。Cisco 将安全性视为设计、部署和维护WebEx 网络、平台和应用程序的头等大事。所以,您可以立即放心地您将WebEx 的解决方案融入到现有的业务流程中,甚至是在那些对安全性有着最苛刻要求的环境中。 了解WebEx 应用程序的安全功能和底层通信基础结构(Cisco WebEx Collaboration Cloud)对于您做出购买决定意义重大。了解以下各项的详细安全信息: ?WebEx Collaboration Cloud 基础结构 ?安全的 WebEx 会议体验 ?会议站点配置 ?会议安排的安全选项 ?开始和加入 WebEx 会议 ?加密技术 ?传输层安全性 ?防火墙兼容性 ?会议后数据存储 ?单点登录 ?第三方鉴定:经由独立审计验证 Cisco WebEx 的安全性 “Cisco WebEx 会议”和“Cisco WebEx 会议会话”这两个术语是指在所有 Cisco WebEx 产品中使用的集成音频会议、VoIP,以及单点和多点视频会议。Cisco WebEx 的产品包括: ?Cisco WebEx Meeting Center ?Cisco WebEx T raining Center ?Cisco WebEx Event Center ?Cisco WebEx Support Center(包括Cisco WebEx Remote Support 和Cisco WebEx Remote Access) 除非特别指出,此文档中描述的安全功能同等适用于上述提到的所有WebEx 应用程序和服务。

2 bring及call短语及练习

短语背诵2 (3)bring短语: bring about 引起,导致,使发生bring along 把……带来,领来 bring back 拿回来,使恢复bring sb back 送回某人 bring sth / sb back to life 使……生动/活泼,使……苏醒 (比较:sth / sb come back to life 复苏,苏醒) bring down 使……降低,减少,使……倒下,使……落下 bring down / up (the price) 降价/提价[比较:(the price ) go down / up 价格 下降/上涨] bring in 引进(技术),赚钱,带来(收入),吸收 bring on 发展,引起,导致,使前进 bring out 拿出,出版,生产,揭露,阐明,使表现出 bring to 使苏醒 bring … to use = put …to use 对……加以利用 bring / carry sth to / into effect 实施……(比较:sth come / go into effect 开始 实施) bring up 抚养,培养,哺育 例如: A huge amount of environmental damage has been brought about by the destruction of the rainforests. Y ou’re welcome to bring along a friend. The government hopes these measures will help to bring down inflation (通货膨胀). American country music brings in more than $10 b illion each year. This new kind of technology was brought in in the early 1980s. Stress can bring on (=lead to / result in) headaches and other illnesses. Jenny opened the cupboard and brought out a couple of bottles. He was brought up by his grandparents. (4)call短语: call at (sp) 访问(某地),拜访(某地) [比较:call on (sb) 拜访(某人),访 问(某人)] call back 回电话 call for 提倡,号召,要求,需要,去接某人,接走某人 call / shout for help 呼救call in 请来,召集,来访,打电话 call off 取消call on / upo n 号召


Take和bring到底怎么用? 你感觉到入夏的“节奏”了吗?伴随着气温升高,雨水也越来越多,出门的时候别忘记带伞。等一下,这“别忘记带伞”的英文怎么说? 说起“带”这个词,通常我们脑海中第一就会闪过“take”和“bring”这两个单词。而同样作为带,很多人都知道他们是一组反义词。 Take to move or go with someone or something from one place to another 简单说就是把某个东西或某人,从这里带去另一个地方。 例: 1. Don't forget to take your umbrella. 别忘记带走你的伞。 2. I'll take you home. 我会带你回家。 3. I'm going to take some cake to Paul. 我会给Paul带点蛋糕。 4. Take your dog away from me. 带你的狗走开。 5. Please take your bag there. 把你的包带到那里去。

Bring to take something or someone with you to the place where you are now, or to the place you are talking about 简单说就是把某个东西,从另一个地方带来这里。 例: 1. Would you like me to bring anything to the party? 你希望我带什么东西来派对吗? 2. She brought her Spanish friend into class. 她把她的西班牙朋友带到班里来了。 3. Bring some food to the party at my house. 带一些食物到我家的派对来。 4. Bring your homework to me. 把你的作业带给我。 5. Please bring your bag here. 请把你的包拿来这里。 Bring shows movement toward the speaker, but take shows movement away from the speaker. 所以,take和bring的区别用法相当简单,一点就通:take是“去”,bring是“来”。那么在“忘记带东西”的情况中他们该怎么用?其实,不能想当然地认为这两个词是截然不同无法相互替换的。实际上,这句话分以下3种情况。


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耳麦/摄像头设置保证 ? 请每个参与者准备好耳麦,并确保耳麦可听可讲,然后把它插在计算机上; ? 如果有摄像头,也请事前安装在电脑上并处于运行状态 然后,加入WebEx 会议进行调试 主题:经销商调试 主持人:Jason Ni 日期: 2009年9月29日 时间:8:30, 中国时间 (北京, GMT+08:00) 会话号:901 842 477 会话密码:090929 ------------------------------------------------------- 要加入培训课程 ------------------------------------------------------- 1. 转至 https://https://www.360docs.net/doc/204294265.html,/demo/k2/j.php?ED=2282922&UID=6909907&RT=NiM0NQ%3D%3D 2.输入您的经销商名称、可联系的手机、邮件地址。参会者一律以“ 经销商名称-电话号码” 方式进行登录 3. 输入课程密码:090929 4. 单击“现在加入”。 5. 按照屏幕上显示的说明进行操作。

bring,take ,carry相关练习

相关练习: 1. Come to the theatre with us tonight, and ________ Mary. 2. ----Come and stay for the weekend and _______ your wife. ----Thanks, I’d love to. Can we _______ the children too? 3. Let’s have one more drink, and then I’ll ______ you back home. 4. He ________ some flowers to her yesterday. 5. _______ this coat away and _________ me mine. 6. ________ him to hospital at once, please. 7. Eddie often ________ me some books. 8. I had to ________ my suitcases all the way to the hotel. 9. It’s kind of you to invite me to supper. Is it all right if I _______ my boyfriend? 10. Always remember to _______ your calculators when you come to these maths lessons! 11. I’ve _______ you some beans and tomatoes from my garden. I hope you can use them. 12. Please _______ my hat to me tomorrow. 13. ________ your raincoat with you. It's going to rain. 14. _________ the book here. 15. ________ your umbrella when you go out. Keys: 1. bring 2. bring, bring 3. take 4. took 5. Take, bring 6. Take 7. brings 8. carry 9. bring 10. bring 11. brought 12. bring 13. Take 14. Bring 15. Take


高中英语知识点大全(27):bring/take/fetch(get)/carry的 区别 1、break 小结 break 一词常用搭配有: (1)break out (战争、火灾、争吵、瘟疫等)爆发 A big fire broke out in the city last week. (2)break away from 脱离 A carriage(车厢)broke away from the train. (3)break the law 违反法律 Who breaks the law will be punished by the law. (4)break in 破门而入;打断 He broke in to say that he was not interested in what I was talking about. (5)break down 损坏;中断 Her fridge has broken down for a long time. (6)break off 打断;结束;暂停 They were arguing(争论)but broke off when someone came into the room. (7)break into 闯入;侵入 Thieves broke into my house when I was out. break off

该短语动词的意思是“中断说话”,“暂时停止”。如: He broke off in the middle of a sentence. break sth.off/break off sth. with sb. 前者意为“(使)折断”,后者意为“与某人突然断绝(关系)”。如: The mast broke off /was broken off when the ship was moving. break out (战争、火灾、疾病、瘟疫等的)爆发 ①The American Civil War broke out in 1861. ②Fire broke out in the neighbour last night. break out in (into)… 忽然(做出)…… break out in laughter 突然放声大笑 break in (强盗等)强行闯入 break into 闯入;打碎(打破)成…… break up 分开,分割 2、bring短语归纳 bring down(风)刮倒,降低(降落);bring up 养大,呕吐;bring about带来,引起;bring along捎来,带来,bring back 归还;bring out 拿出;bring in 赚(钱),带进,传入;bring on 端上(饭菜),引起(火灾),使……成长; [应用]副词填空 ①He felt terribly ill and brought ______ what he ate. ②Surely the new railway will bring __ many changes in this less developed area.
