

Unit3 (Reading)教学设计




Step1 lead-in and study the new words

T: What are you doing now?

What were you doing at this time yesterday?

What’s the date today? It’s October 15.

What was the date four days and a month ago? It was September 11.

(Show a movie about the Event of Sep.11)

Do you know this date? Let’s see a movie.

What’s the video about?

Do you know the event?

How old were you at this time?

Can you remember this day?

But I can remember it clearly and I wrote a diary about it.

Tuesday September 11th

This evening I was walking on the playground as usual when my telephone rang. My friend told me that the World Trade Center was destroyed by terrorists. Many people were killed in this accident. But they didn’t catch the murders. When we heard the news, we became very sad and we walked home in silence. I felt very angry and I thought the events like this shouldn’t take place on the earth again. It has the important meaning to us.

Study new words:

(Show the new words on PPT with both English and Chinese meaning) playground, rang, told, World Trade Center, destroy, terrorist, kill, murder, became, in silence, take place, earth, meaning

Step2 Before- reading

1. 板书题目:Do you remember what you were doing?

T: Guess what the passage is about? Don’t read and just guess.

2. Show the reading strategy:

The title is helpful for you to understand the passage.

Step3 Fast-reading

1.Read and match.

____b___ Paragraph 1 ____d___ Paragraph 2

____a___ Paragraph 3 ____c___ Paragraph 4

a.Most Americans remember what they were doing when the World Trade

Center was destroyed.

b.People remember what they were doing when they heard the important news.

c.What we remember is not as terrible as this.

d.Everyday activities can seem important.

2. Ask the students to say the answers and show the reading strategy.

T: How can you do so correctly and quickly? (Ask the students to say their opinions)

S1: First read the questions and then read the article.

S2: Read the first sentence of each paragraph.

T: (Show the reading strategy)

It’s a good idea to read the first sentence of each paragraph.

Step4 Careful-reading

1.Read paragraph 1 and 2 and tell the following sentences True or False.

(1)Dr. Martin Luther King was murdered on April 4, 1968. ( T )

(2)People can still remember who murdered him. ( F )

(3)Robert was 40 when Martin Luther King was killed. ( F )

(4)Robert and his friends were having fun in the playground when the bell rang.

( T )

(5)The teacher told them the news as soon as Dr. Martin Luther King was killed.

( F )

2.Read paragraph 3 and 4, match the events with the right time.

(1)The World Trade Center was October 15, 2003

destroyed in New Y ork.

(2)Man walked on the moon for September 11, 2001

the first time.

(3) Y ang Liwei flew around the earth. July 20, 1969

Step5 After-reading

1. Fill in the blanks after reading the passage.

Most people can remember ______ they were doing when they heard about some important _______. For example, lots of Americans remember what they were doing when they heard Dr. Luther King was _______ on April 4, 1968. Robert Allan is one of them. He remembered he was having _______ in the _______, and his teacher asked him to ______ what he was doing and the school _______ for the day. American people also remember what they were doing when the World Trade Center was ______ by terrorists. Most Chinese know Y ang Liwei is a _______, because he was the ______ Chinese astronaut that went into the space. He _______ around the earth for more than 22 hours.

2.Do you remember what you were doing? (能力提升,拓展运用)

Wenchuan Earthquake May 12th, 2008

Beijing Olympic Games August 8th, 2008

National Day in 2009 October 1st, 2009

Zhouqu Landslide August 8th, 2010

Pair work:

A: What event do you remember well?

B: …

A: When did it happen?

B: It happened on…

A: What were you doing when it happened?

B: I was…

A: How did you feel them?

B: I felt…

情感教育:(Show a movie about a Concert about Hope)

T: There are many events in our life. Some are good, and some are bad. Good events can make us happy and excited. But terrible events can make us feel upset and sad. When we meet terrible events, we shouldn’t be afraid of them. Because we believe unity can help us do the disasters.

Step6 Homework

Write an event what you remember well.



Step1 Lead-in


Step2 Fast-reading

根据这节课的内容,本环节采用了限时快速阅读的策略,来训练学生提高阅读速度。本环节设计的是“寻找各段的段落大意”,让学生在2-3分钟时间内迅速阅读并选出属于各段的段落大意,并采用抢答的方式检测答案,同时指出快速阅读的阅读策略:It’s a good idea to read the first sentence of each paragraph. 这样在整体上把握了文章大意,做到了从整体上感知课文。


Step3 Careful-reading:



判断正误:People can still remember who murdered him. 这个句子是错误的,在核对答案的时候,不仅要求学生说出该句的对错,还要让学生说出错在哪里并改正过来,该句正确答案为:People may not remember who murdered him.这样让学生从细节上真正理解了课文的原句。


Step4 After-reading

在细节阅读后,即进行整体巩固,深层理解环节,本环节设计的是课文挖空练习,抽出重要生词短语让学生填空,进行笔头巩固。最后再进行实践运用练习:Do you remember what you were doing?把学习的语法和相关句型落实到现实


本环节也可以设计利用简笔画及其词组短语(key words)让学生进行课文复述,来提高理解能力。



Teaching Plan 1. Teaching content (教学内容): The Past Continuous Tense(过去进行时态) 2. Analysis of teaching material(教材分析): 由于我是教的语法,按照教学大纲,结合语法体系,我这节课将要讲到的是过去进行时态。因为之前学生已经学习了一般现在时、现在进行时、一般过去时,所以这个时态对于学生来说并不是很难的。让学生在一个轻松快乐的环境中很好的掌握好此时态是我的目标。所以我针对教学内容,设计了一系列的活动,让整个教学内容很好的贯穿于一个个活动中。 3. Teaching objectives (教学目标): a. Knowledge ojectives (知识目标) 要求学生掌握使用过去进行时 b. Ability objectives (能力目标) 让学生做课堂的主人,培养他们掌握一些行之有效的学习方法,优化学习效果 c. Emotional objectives (情感目标) 1. 让学生爱上英语课堂活动,鼓励他们在课堂上进行合作交流 2. 设法使学生掌握使用英语进行交流,学习积极参与班级活动。通过大量练习来巩 固所学时态 4. Teaching key points (教学重点) 1. 复习过去进行时的用法; 2. 学习新的词汇和短语的用法 5. Teaching difficult points (教学难点) 1. 让学生了解在怎样的情景下使用过去进行时; 2. 创设情景设计话题,使语法项目在交际活动和完成任务中得到熟练掌握 6. Teaching methods (教学方法) 1. 任务型教学法: 2. 情景教学法 3. 交际教学法


初二英语教案(过去进行时) 教学目标: 掌握过去进行时态的用法 教学设计过程: Step 1 Revision (学生活动)利用图片或照片复习过去进行时的用法。 (录像演示)通过情景复习过去进行时表达一个过去某个时间所发生的动作。 Step 2 Listening (声音课件展示)让学生边听边完成听力练习 Step 3 Read and say (学生活动)根据不同的职业特点,让学生选择最好的答案来回答警察的问话。(录像演示)情景演示警察调查案件时询问每个人的情景,运用过去进行时来表达当时发生的动作。观看后教师可让学生写对话并表演出来。 (学生活动)提供一个案情,让学生来表演过程。 Here is another situation for the students to practice. A very famous drawing was stolen in the art gallery last night. You are trying to find out who did that. You can ask the question “What were you doing at nine o’clock last night?” After everyone has answered the question, the class discuss together, “Who do you think stole the painting from the gallery? Why?” Step 4 Read and talk Read the table about what David was doing at different times yesterday, then ask and answer in pairs. (录像演示)情景演示询问过去某个时间点正在进行的动作,看后让学生进行模仿练习。 Step 5 Writing 通过图片展示昨天一天的主要活动,让学生描述每个不同的时刻正在发生的动作。然后让学生用过去进行时描述自己昨天的一天的活动。 Step 6 Reading (录像演示)情景演示关于邻里关系的幽默故事,回答:How do you think the neighbor was’t a good neighbor? (课件演示)让学生跟读此篇幽默故事,回答下列问题: 1. Why were Marsha and Sasha tired of Mishap? 2. What did Marsha borrow today? 3. Did Sasha want to lend him? 4. How did Sasha do? 5. What do you think happened at last? 6. What will you do if you were Sasha? Step 7 Discussion Discuss what a person should or should not do in the neighborhood. Step 8 Checkpoint (录像演示)总结归纳过去进行时的用法、构成及其陈述和疑问句式。 归纳本单元的useful expressions


过去进行时态详解及练习 1.过去进行时用法: ①过去某个时间正在发生的动作 例:He was cooking at six last night. 昨天晚上六点,他正在做饭。 ②过去某段时间正在发生的动作 例:I was staying here from March to May last year. 去年从3月到5月,我一直呆在这里。 2.与过去进行时连用的时间状语,常见的有at nine last night at that time= then at this time yesterday 或者:when the teacher came in while he was reading 的提示 3.过去进行时的构成:was\were +现在分词 4.过去进行时的四个基本句型 肯定句He was cooking at six last night. 否定句He was not cooking at six last night. 一般疑问句Was he cooking at six last night? 肯定和否定回答Yes ,he was. No, he wasn’t. 特殊疑问句What was he doing at six last night? 5.过去进行时的固定句型 Jim was reading when the teacher came in. 当老师进来的时候,吉姆正在读书。 Jim was reading while Kate was watching TV. 在凯特正在看电视的同时,吉姆正在读书。 Jim came in while Kate was watching TV.

过去进行时 初中八年级下册英语教案教学设计课后反思

教师姓名靳娜单位名称博乐市第九中学填写时间2020年8月13日学科英语年级/册八年级下册教材版本人教版 课题名称过去进行时中的when和while 难点名称难点:when和while的区别 难点分析从知识角度分析为 什么难 在过去进行时中,When和While引导的都是时间状语从句,但是两者在用法上是 有区别的,而且区别比较细微,容易出错。要想掌握when和while的用法,必 须要了解延续性动词及非延续动词,还要注意区分主从句时态,这一点在理解 方面有难度。 难点教学方法1、教师通过复习,带领学生回顾过去进行时的概念、基本结构及时间状语。 2、通过从延续性动词和非延续性动词的概念——when和while的区别——例句展示这样由简到难的过程,让学生一步步学习。 3、通过课堂练习部分来加强学生对于知识的印象。 4、通过课堂总结和归纳,让学生复习本节课的知识,同时进行更有效的记忆。 教学环节教学过程 导入 与学生打招呼,直接引出本课的课题:When and while in Past Progressive Tense(过去进行时 中的when和while)。通过复习过去进行时的含义、基本结构,带领学生回顾新学习的时态。 一、过去进行时的定义 定义:表示在过去某一时刻或某一阶段正在发生的动作 二、过去进行时的基本结构 肯定句:主语+was/were+动词-ing+其他. 否定句:主语+was/were+not+动词-ing+其他. 一般疑问句:Was/Were +主语+动词-ing+其他? 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+was/were+主语+动词-ing+其他? 知识讲解(难点突破)三、提问:同学们,过去进行时的标志性时间状语有哪些,你们知道吗?给出例子:at that time/moment at this time yesterday at 9 o'clock last night when引导的时间状语从句 while引导的时间状语从句


常见的八种英语时态详解 时态(Tense)是表示行为、动作和状态在各种时间条件下的动词形式。因此,当我们说时态结构的时候,指的是相应时态下的动词形式。英语时态分为16种 1. 一般现在时 基本结构:①be动词am/is/are;②行为动词原形或单数第三人称。 否定形式:①am /is /are +________;②此时态的谓语动词若为行为动词,则在其前加_________,如主语为第三人称单数,则用___________,同时还原行为动词。 一般疑问句:①把be动词放于句首;②用助动词do提问,如主语为第三人称单数,用does,同时,还原行为动词。 提示词:always , everyday , often , once a week (month , year , etc.) , sometimes , seldom , usually 1) 描述当前时间内经常出现、反复发生的动作或存在的状态。 She doesn't often write to her family, only once a month. It seldom rains here .这儿很少下雨。 2)仅为了描述状态、性质、特征、能力等等。 这里的目的是为了"描述现阶段的动作或状态",其重点"不是强调动作发生的时间、或进行的状态"。例如:

He can speak five foreign languages . Changjiang River is one of the longest rivers in the world. 3) 陈述客观事实、客观真理。 The earth goes around the sun .地球绕着太阳转。 4) 根据英文语法规定,当主句的谓语动词是一般将来时,那么时间或条件状语从句的谓语动词只能用一般现在时来表示将来要发生的动作。例如: I'll tell him the news when he comes back. 他回来时,我将告诉他这个消息。 If you take the job , they will talk with you in greater details. 5)现在时的特殊用法:一般现在时表过去 1. 用于某些动词(tell, say, hear, learn, gather等)表示不确定的过去时间。如: I hear that he got married last month. 我听说他上个月结婚了。 Mary says you told her to come over here. 玛丽说是你让她到这儿来的。 2. 当要陈述一个客观事实时,有时即使有过去时间状语也可用一般现在时。如: The story is set in the summer of 1937. 故事的背景是1937年夏天。 The story begins in the year 1937. 故事开始于1937年。 练习 1)He always _____ ( get)up early. 2)Mary often ______(do)some shopping on Sundays 3).I’ll go with you as soon as I_______(finish)my homework. 4)If he _______(come) here, I will tell you 5)The earth ________( move) round the sun. 6)Tom sometimes ________(have) lunch at school. 7)Lily usually ________(fly) kites on weekends.


时态详解:过去进行时 一、过去进行时的定义 过去进行时主要表示过去某一时刻正在进行的动作,或表示过去某一阶段一直在进行的动作。如: I was having a talk with Li Hua at that time. 那时,我正在跟李华谈话。 I was watching TV at home last night. 昨晚我一直在看电视。 二、如何理解过去进行时: 大家知道,过去进行时表示说话时正在进行的动作或发生的情况。由此可推知,过去进行时就是表示在过去某时正在进行的动作或发生的情况。如汉语说“我进来时他正在吃饭”,如果“进来”发生在过去,那么“正在吃饭”显然就是过去某时正在进行的动作——也就是说,“进来”用一般过去时,“正在吃饭”就要用过去进行时。 三、过去进行的构成 过去进行时由“was / were + 现在分词”构成。如: Someone is knocking the door. 有人在敲门。 Steam was rising from the coffee. 咖啡冒着热气。 Clouds were flying across the sky. 云彩飘过天空。 注意有些was (were) doing sth不是现在进行时,而是系表结构,其中的doing sth是动名词,不是现在分词。如: Her job was washing clothes. 她的工作是洗衣裳。 Her hobby was growing roses. 她的爱好是种植玫瑰。 Her suggestion was having our conversation in French. 她的建议是我们用法语交谈。 四、过去进行时的主要用法 1. 表示在过去某一点时间或某一段时正在进行的动作。如: I was having a bath when the phone rang. 我正在洗澡,突然电话铃响了。 She was writing letters. I didn’t want to disturb her.她在写信。我不想打扰她。 2. 表示在过去短期内正在进行的动作或存在的情况,这种情况通常不会长期如此。如:


英语时态讲解 1. 一般现在时的应用 (1) 表示经常发生的动作或存在的状态。常用频度副sometimes, often, always, usually, seldom 以及时间副词 every day / night / week / month / year, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night 做状语。如: He often stays up late. 他常熬夜。 We go home every month. 我们每月都要回家。 I watch TV at night. 我晚上看电视。 (2) 表示客观真理或永恒的状态。如: The earth travels round the sun. 地球绕太阳旋转。 Trees turn green in spring. 春天树木变绿。 Liquid turns into gas when it is hot enough. 足够热时,液体变为气体。 Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。 (3) 现阶段的状态。常跟时间副词now连用。如: He lives in Beijing now. 他现在住在北京。 She is at home. 她在家。 They work in that factory. 他们在那家工厂工作。 (4) 习惯性的爱好或行为。如: I like dancing while she likes singing. 我喜欢跳舞,而她喜欢唱歌。 We get up at six. 我们六点起床。 He studies very hard. 他学习很刻苦。 (5) 表示已经计划、安排好了或时间表上所安排,并且一定要做的事情。用于这种句型的动词主要是瞬间动词:come, go, leave, arrive, begin, start, stop, close, open等。如: The train arrives at five past eight and leaves at ten past eight. 火车八点过五分到,八点过十分


What_were_you_doing_when_the_UFO_arrived?(过去进行时) 教学设计 高邑县教育局教研室耿换霞 一、教材分析: 1.位置和内容:这是新目标英语(GoForIt)八年级下册第三单元第一课时。谈论如何使用过去进行时。如何使用过去进行时是本单元的重点内容。同时我创造了一些便于进行沟通交流的情境,让学生学会使用过去进行时。过去进行时是以前学生从未接触过的一个语法项目。这是一节前置语法课。学生对现在进行时已经比较熟悉,过去进行时的结构和用法与之较为相似。 2.教学重点:如何使用过去进行时。 3.教学难点:如何在由when,while引导的时间状语使用过去进行时。 二、教学目标: 1.知识目标:要求学生掌握使用过去进行时。 2.能力目标:让学生做课堂的主人,培养他们掌握一些行之有效的学习方法,优化学习效果。 3.情感目标:让学生爱上英语课堂活动,鼓励他们在课堂上进行合作交流。 4.学习策略目标:设法使学生掌握使用英语进行交流,学习积极参与班级活动. 通过大量练习来巩固所学时态。 三、教学方法: 1)任务型教学法: 2)情景教学法 3)交际教学法 四、学情分析: 学生七年级下册就学过现在进行时,并掌握如何使用现在进行时来描述日常活动,而且掌握了一些日常活动的短语,已经能够正确理解句子了,对各个时态的区分已经有了基本上的认识,有利于他们学习过去进行时. 五、教学用具 本课时的教学课件 六、教学设计与有效分析 1、情景导入:练习现在进行时态,为过去进行时学习铺路搭桥 与学习重点关系最密切的时态是现在进行时,我设计了一个游戏“猜动作”环节进行练习。我准备了六张小纸条,上面用英语写着“打乒乓球,弹吉他,打鼓,开汽车,放风筝,切蛋糕”。请一名学生到前面,从教师手中抽取一张纸条,照上面所写表演一动作,其他学生轮流猜,如:Are you eating a banana?(你正在吃一个香蕉吗?)做动作的学生用“Yes, I am. /No, I’m not.”来回答是或否。猜中的学生到班级前面接着抽取下一个动作并表演,游戏继续。 有效分析: 这项活动能调动学习积极性,复习现在进行时态。为过去进行时的学习进行铺垫。 2、精讲规则:引导学生自己归纳过去进行时的构成并及时指导 起先,我先通过现在进行时态的讲解,引出过去进行时态,并引导学生猜出过去进行时的构成,及其否定形式和疑问形式,指出这些变化方式与现在进行时一样.


语法:过去进行时态 1 用法:①过去某个时间正在发生的动作 例:He was cooking at six last night. 昨天晚上六点,他正在做饭。 ②过去某段时间正在发生的动作 例:I was staying here from March to May last year. 去年从3月到5月,我一直呆在这里。 2 与过去进行时连用的时间状语,常见的有at nine last night/ at that time= then/ at this time yesterday /或有when the teacher came in/ while he was reading的提示 3 过去进行时的构成:was\were +现在分词 4 过去进行时的四个基本句型 肯定句 He was cooking at six last night. 否定句 He was not cooking at six last night. 一般疑问句 Was he cooking at six last night? 两回答 Yes ,he was. No, he wasn’t. 特殊疑问句 What was he doing at six last night? 5 过去进行时的固定句型 Jim was reading when the teacher came in. 当老师进来的时候,吉姆正在读书。 Jim was reading while Kate was watching TV. 在凯特正在看电视的同时,吉姆正在读书。 Jim came in while Kate was watching TV. 在凯特正在看电视的时候,吉姆进来了。 6 请比较 He watched TV last night. (过去时间last night, 用一般过去时) He was watching TV at nine last night. (过去时间last night+点时间at nine, 用过去进行时) 巩固练习:用所给动词的适当形式填空 1. Now Jim’s sister __________________(read) newspapers. 2. He __________________(watch)TV at nine last night. 3. He __________________(watch)TV last night. 4. What __________________the twins __________________(do) then? 5. ________Lily ______________(draw) a cat when the teacher came in ? ------No, she _________ 6. __________________you __________________(have) supper at that time? 7. Jack __________________(not read) a book at nine yesterday evening. 8. Now Jim __________________(play) basketball on the playground(操场). 9. What ___________________ he ___________________ (do) at nine o’clock last night. 10. They ___________________ (listen) to the music at that time. 11. When the teacher came in, the students ___________________ (read) the text. 12. We ___________________ (watch) TV when suddenly the telephone rang. 13. Her mother ____________(cook) while her father was watching TV. 改错:每处划线中有错误,在题后改正 1. Linda was write carefully at nine last night. ___________________ 2. Tomorrow they were swimming in a river. ___________________ 3. At that time, she listening to the radio. ___________________ 4. Jim and I was playing when he came in. ___________________ 5. I was studiing English when he knocked at the door. ___________________ 6. Were you cooking a meal? ------Yes, I were. ___________________ 7. I weren’t doing my homework while Jim was listening to the radio. ___________________ 8. The students were put the apples in the box then. ___________________ 按要求句型转换:Mary was riding a bike at that time. 否定句:__________________________________ 一般疑问句:______________________________ 两回答:__________________________________ 特殊疑问句:______________________________


Unit3 (Reading)教学设计 内容摘要:本节课采用阅读教学中“整体教学”的教学原则,即先从整体上把握文章大意,整体感知;再逐段理解文章的细节,循环加深;最后整体 推进,深层理解。 关键词:整体阅读细节理解阅读教学 Step1 lead-in and study the new words T: What are you doing now? What were you doing at this time yesterday? What’s the date today? It’s October 15. What was the date four days and a month ago? It was September 11. (Show a movie about the Event of Sep.11) Do you know this date? Let’s see a movie. What’s the video about? Do you know the event? How old were you at this time? Can you remember this day? But I can remember it clearly and I wrote a diary about it. Tuesday September 11th This evening I was walking on the playground as usual when my telephone rang. My friend told me that the World Trade Center was destroyed by terrorists. Many people were killed in this accident. But they didn’t catch the murders. When we heard the news, we became very sad and we walked home in silence. I felt very angry and I thought the events like this shouldn’t take place on the earth again. It has the important meaning to us. Study new words: (Show the new words on PPT with both English and Chinese meaning) playground, rang, told, World Trade Center, destroy, terrorist, kill, murder, became, in silence, take place, earth, meaning Step2 Before- reading 1. 板书题目:Do you remember what you were doing? T: Guess what the passage is about? Don’t read and just guess. 2. Show the reading strategy: The title is helpful for you to understand the passage. Step3 Fast-reading 1.Read and match. ____b___ Paragraph 1 ____d___ Paragraph 2 ____a___ Paragraph 3 ____c___ Paragraph 4 a.Most Americans remember what they were doing when the World Trade Center was destroyed.


过去进行时态的要点Name____________ 一、定义 过去进行时表示在过去的某个时刻或某一段时间内正在进行或发生的动作或存在的状态。 二、构成由助动词be的过去式was或were 加v-ing形式构成。 三、用法 1、表示过去某个时刻正在进行或发生的动作或存在的状态 What were you doing at that time?你那时在干什么? I was reading a book at ten yesterday evening.昨晚十点钟我在看书。 Peter was doing his homework at that time. 那时候彼得正在做家庭作业。 2、表示在过去某一时间内发生的动作或存在的状态。如: The wing was getting stronger.风刮得越来越大了。 They were having classes all that morning. 那天整个上午他们都在上课。 What were you doing from nine to eleven last Sunday morning? 上星期天早晨九点至十一点你在干什么? 3、与when/while引导的时间状语从句连用。when 通常表示一个短暂的时间点,也可以表示一段时间(此时可与while互换),谓语动词用一般过去时;while通常表示一段时间,谓语动词用过去进行时。 如:Was she playing computer games when you saw her? 你看到她时,她正在玩电脑游戏吗? The telephone rang while she was sleeping. 她正睡觉时电话铃响了? we were all sleeping when he came in.他进来时,我们都在睡觉。 I was reading when someone knocked at the door. 有人敲门时,我正在看书。 4、与always连用,用来表示过去一个不断重复的动作,常常有埋怨、讨厌、赞扬或喜爱之意,意为“老是、总是”。 My son was always forgetting things.我的儿子总是丢三落四。 He was always helping others.他总是帮助他人。 He was always ringing me up. 他老是给我打电话。 The boy was always asking me some strange questions. 那孩子总是问我一些怪问题。 四、句型转换。 肯定句:S+be(was/were)+v-ing.... 否定句S+be(was/were)+ not v-ing.... 一般疑问句:Be(Was/Were) +S +v-ing...? (I/we→you,my/our→your,) 肯定回答:Yes,S(pron) was/were. 否定回答:No,S(pron) wasn't/weren't. 对V-ing部分提问:What was/were +S+doing( 不能改,不能去)? (I/we→you,my/our→your,) 对主语提问:Who/What+余下部分?(语序不变,be用was) 对其它部分提问:用相应的疑问词+一般疑问句(去掉划线部分即可) 五、常用的时间状语 1.at this time yesterday 在昨天的这个时候


初中英语语法动词八种时态详解:过去进行时初中英语语法动词八种时态详解:过去进行时 主要表示在过去的某个时间点上正在发生、进行的动作。由于它的定义是表示在过去的某个时间点上正在发生、进行的动作,所以,句子常带有一个表示过去某个时间点的状语。这个状语可能是短语,词组,或是一个从句。也可能是通过上下文来表达这层意思。过去进行时主要用于下面的情景中: 1)表示在过去某时刻正在进行的动作,例如: At this moment yesterday, I was packing for camp.昨天这个时候,我正在收拾东西去露营。 When I came to see her last time, she was writing an article.上次我来看她的时候,她正在写一篇文章。 What were you doing at eight last night ? 昨晚八点钟你在做什么?

2)用于故事的开头,交代故事发生的背景情况。 过去进行时所描述的动作是正在进行,所以,在这种情景中用过去进行时可以给读者一种动感,从而能使文章更加生动活泼。例如: One night, he was typing in his study . Suddenly , a man broke into his house and cut off the electricity .一天晚上,他正在书房里打字。突然,一个人闯进屋来,切断了电源 3)(仅限少数动词)表示在过去的未来时间要发生的动作。例如: When National Day was coming near , they began to make a plan for the holiday .国庆节即将来临的时候,他们开始制订度假计划。 She told me that she was going to Hainan for her holiday. 她告诉我她将去海南度假。 My friend said to me that he was lunching with one of his customers that day .我朋友对我说,他今天要与他的一位客户一块儿吃午饭。


时态之四:过去进行时 一.过去进行时的构成形式 由“was/were + v-ing”构成,如: She was watching TV at 9:00 yesterday evening. 昨晚九点钟她在看电视。 They weren’t playing football at that time. 那时他们不在踢球。 Were you doing your homework this time yesterday? 昨天这个时候你正在做作业吗?二.过去进行时的用法 1. 过去进行时的基本用法 过去进行时主要表示过去某一时刻正在进行或过去某一阶段一直在进行的动作, 常和then, at that time, at eight yesterday, this time last night, the whole night, those days, from one to five yesterday等时间状语连用。如: What were you doing at nine last night? 昨晚九点你在做什么? We were expecting you yesterday. 我们昨天一直在等你。 I was having a talk with Li Hua at that time. 那时,我正在跟李华谈话。 I was doing my lessons then. 那时,我在做功课 2. 过去进行时表示现在 用过去进行时表示现在主要是为了使语气委婉、客气。如: I was wondering if you could give me a lift. 我不知你能否让我搭一下车。 We were hoping you would stay with us. 我们很希望你能跟我们住在一起。 How much did you want to spend, sir? 先生,您打算花多少钱? 【注】一般过去时也有类似用法,但比较而言,用过去进行时显得更客气,更不肯定3. 过去进行时表示感情色彩 与现在进行时相似,过去进行时也可表示满意、称赞、惊讶、厌恶等感情色彩,也通常与 always, forever, continually等副词连用。如: They were always quarrelling. 他们老是吵架。 The boy was continually asking questions. 这个男孩子老是问东问西的。 He was always thinking of others. 他总是想到别人。 4. 动词be的过去进行时 动词be的进行时也可表示过去一时的表现或暂时的状态。比较。如: He was friendly. 他很友好。(指过去长期如此) He was being friendly. 他当时显得很友好。(指当时一时的表现) 5.在复合句中 (1)当表示在某事发生前开始的动作时, 用过去进行时表示过去正在进行的情况和动作, 用一般过去时表示比较短暂的动作或事件。正在进行的动作或当时的情况往往由连词when, as, while等引导。如: Jane met Frank when/as/while she was living in Hollywood. 简住在好莱坞时,认识了弗兰克。 He fell asleep when he was reading. 他看书时睡着了。 (2)当表示同时进行的动作时,用while连接,强调同时进行的两种或几种动作,如While I was working in the garden, my mother was cooking dinner. 我在花园里干活时,我妈妈正在做饭。 He was playing while I was studying. 我在做功课时他在玩。 三、过去进行时与一般过去时的区别


英语一共有多少种时态 时态是英语中一个重要的语法范畴,它表示不同时间发生的动作或存在的状态以及动作发生或存在的方式。动作发生的时间可分为现在、过去、将来和过去将来四种形式,动作发生的方式可分为一般、完成、进行和完成进行四种形式。将时间形式和动作方式结合起来,就构成了以下16种时态形式(以do为例): 时态详解:一般现在时 1. 一般现在时的应用 (1)表示经常发生的动作或存在的状态。常用频度副词sometimes, often, always, usually, seldom及时间副词every day / night / week / month / year, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night做状语。如:He often stays up late. 他常熬夜。 We go home every month. 我们每月都要回家。 I watch TV at night. 我晚上看电视。 (2)表示客观真理或永恒的状态。如:

The earth travels round the sun. 地球绕太阳旋转。 Trees turn green in spring. 春天树木变绿。 Liquid turns into gas when it is hot enough. 足够热时,液体变为气体。 Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。 (3)现阶段的状态。常跟时间副词now连用。如: He lives in Beijing now. 他现在住在北京。 She is at home. 她在家。 They work in that factory. 他们在那家工厂工作。 (4)习惯性的爱好或行为。如: I like dancing while she likes singing. 我喜欢跳舞,而她喜欢唱歌。 We get up at six. 我们六点起床。 He studies very hard. 他学习很刻苦。 (5)表示已经计划、安排好了或时间表上所安排,并且一定要做的事情。用于这种句型的动词主要是瞬间动词:come, go, leave, arrive, begin, start, stop, close, open等。如: The train arrives at five past eight and leaves at ten past eight. 火车八点过五分到,八点过十分离开。 Our class begins at 7:45. 我们的课七点四十五开始。 The shop opens at eight o’clock. 商店八点开门。 (6) 时间、条件、方式及让步状语从句中的谓语动词是将来的动作或状态时,用一般现在时表示。如: If you come, we will wait for you. 如果你来,我们就等你。 When he gets here, the work will be finished. 当他到这儿时,工作将做完了。 Though he disagrees with us, he will do as we decided. 尽管他不赞成我们当观点,他还是会按我们的决定去做。 (7) 在某些习惯表达法中,常用一般现在时表示已经发生过的动作或存在的状态。如: They say Wu Dong is ill. 据说吴东病了。


Unit3 Section A Period1(1a–1c)教学设计 一、教材分析 本节课是新目标英语八年级下册第三单元第一课时,内容是谈论过去进行时的用法。围绕what were you doing when the UFO arrived,这一主题展开各种教学活动,让学生能在“做中学”。用英语叙述过去正在发生的事情。 2.教学重点过去进行时的用法。 3.教学难点when 引导的时间状语从句在过去进行时中的用法。 二、教学目标: 根据课程标准和本课的内容及其教材所处的地位,结合初中学生的实际情况,我制定以下教学目标: 1.知识与技能: Key vocabulary: bathroom、bedroom、kitchen、UFO、alien、 barber’s chair.cutting hair、climbing 、jumping、land 、get out of 、take off、in front of . Key sentences: When were you doing when the UFO arrived? I was sitting in the barber’s chair. The barber was cutting my hair. 2.过程与方法:培养学生的听、说、读、写的能力,并根据本课时的图片,学会用逻辑的顺序讲故事。 3.情感态度价值观:培养学生学习英语的积极性和兴趣,引导学生热爱自然科学和社会科学,并通过本课时的学习,学会做人的道理。 三、教学重、难点: 重点:掌握过去进行时 难点:以when和while引导的时间状语从句。 四、设计理念: 本节课我从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式以及多样的教学途径,充分激发学生强烈的学习愿望,使学生获得最基本的英语听说能力,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。并在注重学生知识能力发展的同时,特别强调学生人格的发展和思维的发展。 五.教学手段:利用多媒体,录音机辅助课堂教学。
