


2016-2017学年度苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调研(二) 语文2017年5月注意:本试卷共6页,19小题,满分160分。考试时间150分钟。请按照题号将答案填涂或书写在答题卡相对应的答题区域内,将答案直接书写在本试卷上无效。 一、语言文字运用(15分) 1.在下面一段话的空缺处依次填入词语,最恰当的一组是(3分) 一个虎口没能脱险的人间惨剧,▲ 了整个春节期间的舆论场。好多人指责逃票翻入虎园的游客▲ ,这没毛病。只不过,世间的各种不堪与罪恶中,逃票实在▲ ,怎么就让一众旁观者咬牙切齿呢? A.贯穿责无旁贷无足轻重 B.贯注咎由自取无足轻重 C.贯注责无旁贷微不足道 D.贯穿咎由自取微不足道 2.下列各句中,没有 ..语病的一句是(3分) A.专家提醒市民,夏季健身体能消耗大,锻炼能否达到健身的目的,关键在于运动项目适宜、运动强度适当、运动时间合理。 B.从看似平淡无奇的文字里发现汉语之美、文章之美、人性之美以及自然之美的能力,不是自然而然形成的,需要长期的培育。 C.福岛核电站看不到头的灾难背后,是日本核能行业数十年来伪造安全报告、隐瞒死亡事故和对地震危险性估计不足造成的。 D.曹聚仁的《鲁迅评传》颇具见识,虽史料不足,但许多专家认为,“评传” 无须对此要求太多,堪称迄今写得最好的鲁迅传记。 3.下列诗句中,没有 ..使用比拟手法的一项是(3分) A.千载琵琶作胡语,分明怨恨曲中论。 B.紫艳半开篱菊静,红衣落尽渚莲愁。 C.清江一曲抱村流,长夏江村事事幽。 D.人面不知何处去,桃花依旧笑春风。 4.在下面一段文字横线处填入语句,衔接最恰当的一项是(3分) “二十四节气”是中国人通过观察太阳周年运动,认知一年中时令、气候、物候等方面变化规律所形成的知识体系和社会实践。▲ ,▲ ,▲ 。▲ ,▲ ,▲ 。 ①作为中国人特有的时间知识体系 ②是中华民族文化认同的重要载体 ③以观察该区域的天象、气温、降水和物候的时序变化为基准 ④作为农耕社会的生产生活的时间指南逐步为全国各地所采用 ⑤“二十四节气”深刻影响着人们的思维方式和行为准则 ⑥“二十四节气”形成于中国黄河流域 A.①⑤②⑥③④B.①⑥③④⑤②


2016学年第二学期徐汇区高三模拟考英语试卷2017.4 I. Listening Comprehension Section A Short Conversations Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. He knows who is knocking. B. He is eager to know who it is. C. He doesn’t want to open the door. D. He is ready to open the door. 2. A. By plane. B. By bus. C. By taxi. D. By train. 3. A. $100. B. $200. C. $300. D. $400. 4. A. She went to cinema. B. She went to an exhibition. C. She stayed at home. D. She stayed with her classmates. 5. A. In a doctor’s office. B. In a professor’s office. C. In an operating room. D. In an emergency ward. 6. A. The man paid the tuition for learning physics. B. The man got a lot of money for his hard work. C. His hard work was not rewarding at all. D. His work before the test led to a good result. 7. A. A furnished house. B. A recent book. C. A further study. D. A new record. 8. A. They will go swimming. B. They will climb mountains. C. They will buy some clothes. D. They will forecast the weather conditions. 9. A. He has another lecture to attend. B. He has no interest in the lecture. C. He’s attended the same lecture given by Professor Wilson before. D. He might miss the lecture, if the woman didn’t remind him. 10.A. She fully agrees with the man. B. They are uncertain about the weather. C. She disagrees with the man. D. She thought the man was always late. Section B Directions: In Section B, you will hear several longer conversation(s) and short passage(s), and you will be asked several questions on each of the conversation(s) and the passage(s). The conversation(s) and the passage(s) will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11. A. People are encouraged to be a craftsman. B. Learning woodworking is not as hard as you think. C. Learning woodworking will help you know more people. D. Taking a class in woodworking will be very helpful. 12. A. Because I am a talent in this art and want to share it with others. B. Because I am interested in it and want to show it to others. C. Because I wonder how to pick materials and how to do it well. 1 / 16


(这是边文,请据需要手工删加) 2017届高三年级第三次模拟考试(二) 语文一、语言文字运用(15分) 1. 在下面一段话的空缺处依次填入词语,最恰当的一组是(3分)() 一个虎口没能脱险的人间惨剧,________了整个春节期间的舆论场。好多人指责逃票翻入虎园的游客________,这没毛病。只不过,世间的各种不堪与罪恶中,逃票实在________,怎么就让一众旁观者咬牙切齿呢? A. 贯穿责无旁贷无足轻重 B. 贯注咎由自取无足轻重 C. 贯注责无旁贷微不足道 D. 贯穿咎由自取微不足道 2. 下列各句中,没有语病的一句是(3分)() A. 专家提醒市民,夏季健身体能消耗大,锻炼能否达到健身的目的,关键在于运动项目适宜、运动强度适当、运动时间合理。 B. 从看似平淡无奇的文字里发现汉语之美、文章之美、人性之美以及自然之美的能力,不是自然而然形成的,需要长期的培育。 C. 福岛核电站看不到头的灾难背后,是日本核能行业数十年来伪造安全报告、隐瞒死亡事故和对地震危险性估计不足造成的。 D. 曹聚仁的《鲁迅评传》颇具见识,虽史料不足,但许多专家认为,“评传”无须对此要求太多,堪称迄今写得最好的鲁迅传记。 3. 下列诗句中,没有使用比拟手法的一项是(3分)() A. 千载琵琶作胡语,分明怨恨曲中论。 B. 紫艳半开篱菊静,红衣落尽渚莲愁。 C. 清江一曲抱村流,长夏江村事事幽。 D. 人面不知何处去,桃花依旧笑春风。

4. 在下面一段文字横线处填入语句,衔接最恰当的一项是(3分)() “二十四节气”是中国人通过观察太阳周年运动,认知一年中时令、气候、物候等方面变化规律所形成的知识体系和社会实践。________,________,________。________,________,________。 ①作为中国人特有的时间知识体系 ②是中华民族文化认同的重要载体 ③以观察该区域的天象、气温、降水和物候的时序变化为基准 ④作为农耕社会的生产生活的时间指南逐步为全国各地所采用 ⑤“二十四节气”深刻影响着人们的思维方式和行为准则 ⑥“二十四节气”形成于中国黄河流域 A. ①⑤②⑥③④ B. ①⑥③④⑤② C. ⑥③④①⑤② D. ⑥④②⑤③① 5. 下列说法,不符合 ...材料意思的一项是(3分)() 国内的书店为何无法在专业阅读与公共阅读之间作出区分?其中很重要的一个原因是专业研究者往往不重视公共文化的培育,更不愿投入到公共写作中去,而政府与社会对于公共文化从业者的压制与吝啬,也使得公共文化雪上加霜,反倒成为一种奢侈消费。要么去听于丹,要么只能硬着头皮去读章太炎的国学。显然,这是一种深刻的公共智识危机,它不仅限制了国人的阅读乐趣,而且加剧了知识鸿沟,它让专业研究者越来越远离公共的知识需求市场,并且多少还有一些带着孤傲的自鸣得意;另一方面,“无良书商”攒集着各种不可靠的鸡汤知识读本,获取丰厚的利润。 A. 要消除知识鸿沟必须充分重视公共文化的培育。 B. 当前图书市场出版物品种单一限制了国人的阅读乐趣。 C. 专业研究者应担负为公众提供适合的公共阅读产品的责任。 D. “无良书商”追求丰厚的利润使公众的阅读成为奢侈消费。 二、文言文阅读(19分) 阅读下面的文言文,完成6~9题。 奇零草①序 [清]姜宸英 予得此于定海,命谢子大周抄别本以归。凡五七言近体若干首,今久失之矣,聊忆其大概,为之序以藏之。


海淀区高三年级第二学期期末练习 英语 参考答案及评分标准2017.05 第一部分:听力理解(共三节,30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分) 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. C 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分) 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. B11. B 12. C 13. A 14. A 15. C 第三节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分) ★每小题超过一个词不计分;★拼写错误不计分;★16、18、19题首字母不大写扣0.5分。 16. Medicine 17. 627-549 18. Theatre/Theater 19. Half 20. red 第二部分:知识运用(共两节,45分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分) 21. C 22. A23. A24. C25. B26. B 27. A 28. D 29. D 30. C 31. B 32. B33. D 34. C 35. A 第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分) 36. C 37. D 38. B 39. D 40. A41. D42. A 43. B 44. C 45. C 46. B 47. C 48. A 49. D50. B 51. A52. C53. B54. D 55. A 第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分) 56. C 57. D 58. D 59. A60. D 61. B 62. A 63. B 64. D 65. A 66. C 67. A 68. C 69. C70. B 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,共10分) 71. G 72. A73. B 74. C75. D 第四部分:书面表达(共两节,35分) One possible version: Dear Jim, How is it going? Thank you for your support on my upcoming attendance in the CCTV program The Reader.


浦东新区2016学年度第二学期教学质量检测 高三英语试卷 2017.4 II. Grammar and Vocabulary (20%) Section A Over the past sixteen years of my life, I have grown to be a very independent person. This can be both good and bad in the sense that I am able to do things (21)________ my own, yet at times struggle with taking advice from others. Sometimes, hearing what other people have to say can be one of the hardest things to do. However, getting advice from (22)________ cares about you can impact your life in great ways. Because of this, I began realizing that my mom’s guidance throughout my life has never steered me wrong. This is why I believe you (23)________ always listen to your mother. This belief has not been easy (24)________ (realize). It has taken endless amounts of time in which I decided to go against what my mom had to say, and later discovered that she was right. I think we can all agree that (25)________ (admit) your mom was right is always a hard thing to do. But what else are you supposed to say (26)________ you are standing outside in the freezing cold, shaking because you did not wear that extra jacket you (27)________ (tell) to wear? When I was twelve years old, I had the experience of a lifetime. However, I would have missed out if it hadn’t been for my mom. She had been planning a trip to Turkey for work, (28)________ (offer) to bring my sister and me along with her. When I first heard about this opportunity, I was terrified. Never had I been out of the country before. I thought to (29)________, ―Is she crazy?‖ My mom then began to say, ―(30)________ is known to all, one needs to step out of his c omfort zone and try something new in order to encounter larger-than-life ideas.‖ After going back and forth with my own thoughts, I decided to go on the trip. And boy, she was right. Going to Turkey will forever be one of my greatest memories and I am thankful I got to visit that amazing country. Section B The New York Times has changed a lot in the past 10 years, embracing digital subscriptions and growing into online video and specialty areas like cooking. It has not been enough to prepare the company for the future, according to the paper’s own 2020 report __31__ on Tuesday. ―While the past two years have been a time of significant innovation, the pace must speed up,‖ the authors wrote in the opening of the report. ―Too often, digital progress has been accomplished through workarounds; now we must tear apart the barriers. We must __32__ between mission and tradition: what we do because it’s essential to our values and what we do because we’ve always done it.‖ The report indicates how far the paper has come in __33__ itself to the digital age while also pointing out what needs to be done. The areas that need __34__ are focused on the newsroom, particularly in the tools and internal structures that journalists must deal with to produce their work. Many of the report’s recommendations are __35__ to anyone who closely follows the Times or newspapers in general: A (n) __36__ away from print’s outsized importance on the newsroom’s operations,


江苏省苏锡常镇2017届高三第二次模拟考试 物理 注意事项:1、本试卷满分120分,考试时间100分钟。 2、答题前,考生务必将自己的学校、班级、姓名写在密封线内。 一、单项选择题:本题共5小题,每小题3分,共计15分。每小题只有一个选项符合题意。 1、某一平行板电容器,其一个极板带+5.4×10-3C电荷量,另一极板带-5.4×10-3C 电荷量,电容 器两极,板间电压为450V,则该电容器的电容值为() A、2.4×10-5 F B、1.2×10-5 F C、8.3×104 F D、4.2×104 F 2、某同学玩飞镖游戏,先后将两只飞镖a、b由同一位置水平投出,已知飞镖投出的初速度v a>v b, 不计空气阻力,则两支飞镖捅在竖直靶上的状态(侧视图)可能是() 3、某人骑自行车沿平直坡道向下滑行,其车把上挂有一只水壶,若滑行过程中悬 绳始终竖直,如图所示,不计空气阻力,则下列说法中错误的是() A、自行车一定做匀速运动 B、壶内水面一定水平 C、水壶及水整体的童心一定在悬绳正下方 D、壶身中轴一定与坡道垂直 4、钳形电流测量仪的结构如图所示,其铁芯在捏紧扳于时会张开,可 以在不切断被测载流导线的情况下,通过内置线圈中的电流值I和匝 数n获知载流导线中的电流大小I0,则下列有关该钳形电流测量仪的 说法中,正确的是() A、该测量仪可测量直流电的电流 I B、载流导线中电流大小I0= n C、若钳形部分铁芯没有完全闭合,测量出的电流将小于实际电流 D、若将载流导线在铁芯上多绕几匪,钳形电流测量仪的示数将变小 5、以一定的初速度从地面竖直向上抛出一小球,小球上升到最高点之后,又落回到抛出点,假 设小球所受空气阻力与速度大小成正比,则小球在运动过程中的机械能E 随离地高度h变化关系中可能正确的是()


宝山区2016学年第二学期期中 高三年级英语学科教学质量监测试卷 I. Listening Comprehension Section A 1. A. At a train station. B. At a travel agency. C. At a bus station. D. At an airport. 2. A. Receptionist and guest. B. Teacher and student. C. Boss and secretary. D. Husband and wife. 3. A. $5 B. $10 C. $15 D. $50 4. A. Confused. B. Annoyed. C. Embarrassed. D. Bored. 5. A. Planning to phone a friend. B. Camping in the countryside. C. Touring in a wonderful city. D. Discussing a weekend plan. 6. A. The woman will soon be a superstar. B. Camping in the countryside. C. The woman should find a new partner. D. The woman should not give up. 7. A. To a dress-up party. B. To the tailor’s. C. To the theater. D. To a shopping mall. 8. A. Youngsters don’t really know what fashion is. B. Styles change more quickly than necessary. C. People should care more about their appearance. D. It’s not sensible to go after designer clothing. 9. A. He will have an agent serve the woman. B. The woman should buy an apartment. C. He will talk to the woman in a moment. D. The woman should pay the rent first. 10. A. Keep working at the restaurant. B. Wash dishes for her in the kitchen. C. Stop delivering flowers every day. D. Leave the present job to work for her. 11. A. The location. B. The scenery. C. The seafood. D. The culture. 12. A. Attract whales to the closershore. B. Tell people where to see whales. C. Warn people to stay away from shore. D. Go around to gather enough visitors. 13. A. It is held every other year in summer. B. It helps Whale Crier to show his talents. C. It guarantees every to find something to enjoy. D. It is one of the best eco-art festivals in South Africa. 14. A. Weak bones. B. Loose teeth C. Skin problems. D. Heart diseases. 15. A. Having food rich in vitamin. B. Walking midday in the sun with no suncream. C. Taking vitamin D pills every day. D. Wearing darker coloured clothes and sunhats. 16. A. To analyze the common causes of lack of vitamin D. B. To encourage people to be exposed to the sun for vitamin D. C. To emphasize the importance of vitamin D in one’s hea lth D. To introduce some different ways to gain vitamin D. 17. A. She wants to find a topic for her research. B. She tries to help the man with his paper. C. She hopes to learn how to write a paper. D. She plans to work on a similar topic. 18. A. In 1813. B. In 1826. C. In 1839. D. In 1856.


2016~2017学年度苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调研(一) 语文Ⅰ 2017.3.14 一、语言文字运用(15分) 1.下列句子中加点的成语使用正确的一项是(3分) A.他最大的毛病就是缺乏知难而上的勇气,一碰到困难便裹足不前,退避三舍 ....。 B.治学严谨的他写这本书决非率尔操觚 ....者可比,因此科学性的错误是不会有的。 C.他就是这个样子,每次说话都要把一件小事渲染成大事,危言危行 ....,令人厌烦。 D.新近加盟这家明星企业的他,才华出众,待人谦恭得体,处处让人刮目相看 ....。 2.在下列各句中,所引诗文名句不符合 ...语境的一项是(3分) A.“千呼万唤始出来,犹抱琵琶半遮面”,云雾缭绕的南迦巴瓦峰,她神秘冷艳,不管游客如何翘首以待,也不轻易示人以真容。 B.“冯唐易老,李广难封”,历史上这样的例子实在太多了,你应该抓住现在的青春年华,奋发向上,否则终将一事无成。 C.可以看到,罔顾历史发展规律,维护极少数皇权阶层利益的人,终归被历史唾弃,正所谓“尔曹身与名俱灭,不废江河万古流”。 D.“千淘万漉虽辛苦,吹尽狂沙始到金”,古今中外凡有建树的作家无不在炼字、炼句、炼意上呕心沥血,惨淡经营,尔后修成正果。 3.下列对联涉及的传统节日按一年中的时间先后排列正确的一项是(3分) ①何处题诗酬锦句,有人送酒对黄花。 ②叶脱疏桐秋正半,花开丛桂树齐香。 ③禁火今年逢春早,飞花镇日为人忙。 ④玉宇无尘一轮月,银花有焰万点灯。 A.②④①③B.④③②①C.①②③④D.③④①② 4.下列诗句中,没有使用比喻手法的一项是(3分) A.一树寒梅白玉条,迥临村路傍溪桥。 B.碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦。 C.恸哭六军俱缟素,冲冠一怒为红颜。 D.湖光秋月两相和,潭面无风镜未磨。 5.在下面一段文字横线处填入语句,衔接最恰当的一项是(3分) 最后的建议,▲,▲,▲,▲,▲,让它们在文学的领土上争得各自的地盘。 ①充满活力的批评必须富有攻击性 ②适度的流派之争都应当被恢复起来 ③批评应该有助于催生价值观与趣味的分化 ④具备维护个人观点的强劲自卫能力


2017年黑龙江省大庆市高考英语二模试卷 第一部分听力 1.What does the woman mean? A.The weather is good for a picnic. B.She'll go out for a picnic. C.She doesn't want to go picnicking because of the bad weather. 2.Why doesn't the woman answer the question? A.It is not her affair.B.She doesn't know C.She doesn't like Rita.3.What does the woman mean? A.The man worked hard. B.The man ought to have worked hard. C.The man will never succeed. 4.What does the man mean? A.The woman will overwork if she has another part﹣time job. B.The woman should have a part﹣time job. C.The woman shouldn't sleep when she takes a part﹣time job. 5.What will the man do with this old house? A.Make it an inn.B.Sell it.C.Rent it out. 6.听第6段材料,回答6至8题. 6.What are the two speakers talking about? A.Language teaching.B.Radio programs.C.Foreign languages. 7.What other languages besides English do they teach over the radio?A.German,Spanish and French. B.Portuguese,Swedish and French. C.Japanese,French and German. 8.What conclusion can you draw from the dialogue? A.Everyone has a radio in China to learn English. B.Many people are learning Japanese and Swedish over the radio.


虹口区2016学年度第二学期期中教案质量监控测试 高三英语试卷 第 I 卷 (共100分) I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. Go to the office B. Keep calling C.Try online booking D. See a doctor 2. A. A reporter B. An athlete C. A fisherman D. An organizer 3. A. At a post office B. At a fast-food restaurant C. At a booking office D. At a check-in desk 4. A. He already has plans. B. The woman should decide where to eat. C. He will make a reservation. D. The woman can ask her brother for advice. 5. A. He got wet in the rain. B. The shower was out of order. C. He didn’t hear the phone ringing. D. He got out of the shower to answer the phone. 6. A. Reasonable B. Bright C. Serious D. Ridiculous 7. A. Send leaflets B. Go sightseeing C. Do some gardening D. Visit a lawyer 8. A. Her doorbell doesn’t need repair. B. She didn’t expect him to come so early C. The man has just arrived on time. D. It is not the right time for her. 9. A. She won’t go to the beach if it rains. B. She would like the man to go to the beach. C. It will clear up tomorrow. D. It was pouring when she was at the beach. 10. A. What to take up as a hobby. B. How to keep fit. C. How to handle pressure. D. What to play with. Section B Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passagesandone longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages andthe conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11. A. Greet guests and talk to hotel staff. B. Have breakfast and examine room service. C. Prepare for the meeting and write new reports. and check emails. D. Review the previous night’s reports 12. A. Saying hello to every guest. B. Considering different bath requirements. C. Dining with a different staff member. D. Holding various operational meetings. 13. A. A day’s life of a hotel manager. B. The daily routine at a hotel. C. Hotel service and improvement. D. Meetings attended by a hotel manager. Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage. 14. A. Educating children. B. Saving rare animals. C. Recreating an environment. D. Making a profit. 15. A. Because animals make visitors stressful. B. Because animals must live their lives in cages. C. Because animals can feel bored and sad. D. Because animals are in danger of extinction. 16. A. They are still useful and necessary. B. They have more disadvantages than advantages. C. They are a perfect environment for animals. D. They are recreative places for animals. Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation. 17. A. Tuesday. B. Wednesday. C. Thursday. D. Friday. 18. A. Either is acceptable. B. The guest doesn’t mind it. C. The guest does mind it. D. It’s up to the hotel waitress. 19. A. 400 dollars B. 600 dollars C. 800 dollars D. 1200 dollars


2017-2018学年度苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调研(二) 数 学 Ⅰ 试 题 2018.5 注 意 事 项 考生在答题前请认真阅读本注意事项及各题答题要求 1.本试卷共4页,包括填空题(第1题~第14题)、解答题(第15题~第20题)两部 分.本试卷满分160分,考试时间120分钟. 2.答题前,请您务必将自己的姓名、考试号用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在答题卡的 指定位置. 3.答题时,必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在答题卡的指定位置,在其它位置作答 一律无效. 4.如有作图需要,可用2B 铅笔作答,并请加黑加粗,描写清楚. 5. 请保持答题卡卡面清洁,不要折叠、破损.一律不准使用胶带纸、修正液、可擦洗的圆 珠笔. 方差公式:22 2212[()()()]n s x x x x x x n =-+-+ +- ,其中12()n x x x x n =+++ . 一、填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共70分.不需要写出解答过程,请把答案直接填在答题卡相应位置上........ . 1.若复数z 满足(1i)2z +=(i 是虚数单位),则z 的虚部为 ▲ . 2.设集合{2,4}A =,2{,2}B a =(其中a < 0),若A B =,则实数a = ▲ . 3.在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,点(2,4)P -到抛物线28y x =-的准线的距离为 ▲ . 4.一次考试后,从高三(1)班抽取5人进行成绩统计,其茎叶 图如右图所示,则这五人成绩的方差为 ▲ . 5.右图是一个算法流程图,若输入值x ∈[0,2],则输出值S 的取值范围是 ▲ . 6.欧阳修在《卖油翁》中写到:“(翁)乃取一葫芦置于地,以钱覆其口,徐以杓酌油沥之,自钱孔入,而钱不湿”,可见卖油翁的技艺之高超,若铜钱直径4厘米,中间有边长为1厘米的正方形小孔,随机向铜钱上滴一滴油(油滴大小忽略不计),则油恰好落入孔中的概率是 ▲ . (第6题图)
