HND-Economics The-World-Economy世界经济学报告

HND-Economics The-World-Economy世界经济学报告
HND-Economics The-World-Economy世界经济学报告

Economics 2: The World



Introduction----------------------------------------------------------------3 Section 1: International Trade

Three gains from trading internationally---------------------------------------3 Free Trade--------------------------------------------------------------------------3 Absolute and Comparative Advantage-----------------------------------------3 Protectionism----------------------------------------------------------------------4 Barriers to trade-------------------------------------------------------------------4 WTO and EU----------------------------------------------------------------------5 Section 2: International Finance

Balance of Payments and General trends in UK Trade----------------------6 Relationship between the exchange rate and the balance of payments—14 Single Currency------------------------------------------------------------------15 Effects on individuals and business of the Euro-----------------------------15 Section 3: Less Developed Countries (LDCs)

Characteristics of a LDC--------------------------------------------------------16 Current issues that face LDCs--------------------------------------------------16 The impacts of multinationals on LDCs and NICs--------------------------16 Conclusion-----------------------------------------------------------------16 References------------------------------------------------------------------17


As a member of the government of nation on the periphery of Europe, it is my obligation to illustrate the benefits of joining the EU to the Premier. In this report, I will analyze 15elements in next three parts to make a clear explanation of benefits of joining the EU.

Section 1: International Trade

Three gains from trading internationally:

To begin with, the international trade could increase world out-put. The tendency of globalization brings the firms more opportunities to gain the labor, resources, contracts and new technology. The supply and demand will be improved with the improvement of company’s productivity.

Once the supply has been improved, the goods and services were produced at lower cost and there are more and more competitions, the price of the product might fall which means consumers could get more choices and cheaper goods.

In addition, the most important gaining of international trade is it can generate economic growth. Free trade could increase sales, profit margins, and market shares and the both demand and supply level has updated. Meanwhile, the producer needs more resources, labor and capital to produce more to satisfy the global market. It direct result in improving the material market, finance market, and may decline the unemployment rate.

Free trade

Free trade is a concept that there is no barrier to goods and services exchanged between countries. Since different countries have different terrain, weather, resources and technology, the international trade would bring the goods which are more valuable than the local people produce it by themselves.

A good example for free trade is in Nov.18, 2004, Chinese President and Chilean President declared the start of the FTA negotiations. According to the agreement, the two countries would start tariff reduction of goods trade from July 1, 2006. Tariff of products accounting for 97% of the total of the two countries would be zero in ten years. China and Chile would carry out free trade in education, science & technology, environment protection, labor, social security, IPR, investment and promotion, mineral and industry. This agreement has promoted the free trade between China and Chile successfully.

Absolute and comparative advantage

Absolute advantage refers to the ability of a particular person or a country to produce a particular good with fewer resources than another person or country. Absolute advantage is said to occur when one country can produce a good or service to pre-determined quality more cheaply than anther country. It stands contrasted with the concept of comparative advantage which refers to the ability to produce a particular

good at a lower opportunity cost. Opportunity cost is defined as the cost of choosing a good or service measured in terms of the next best alternative given up. A country has a comparative advantage in producing a good if the opportunity cost of producing that good in term of other goods is lower in that country than it is in other countries. Example: Korea and Japan have following production possibilities for two commodities, mobile phones and computers; assume that all the resources owned by

the advantage it has is much greater for mobiles. Using the same resources as Korea it can make twice as many mobile phones.

For Japan the ‘cost’ of 1 Mobile phone is 10 bales of Computers, i.e. 20000/2000

For Korea it is 15, i.e. 15000/1000

But if we look at the case of computers we will find that here for Japan the cost of a bale of computers is one-tenth of a Mobile phone while for Korea it is one fifteenth. In terms of the output of Mobile phone foregone (opportunity cost), computer is cheaper in Korea than Japan. Korea has a Comparative advantage in computer while Japan has comparative advantage in mobile phone.


Protectionism is the economic policy of restraining trade between nations, through methods such as high tariffs on imported goods, restrictive quotas, a variety of restrictive government regulations designed to discourage imports and anti-dumping laws in an attempt to protect domestic industries in a particular nation from foreign take-over or competition.

Here are two examples of protectionism:

1: Britain imports bananas from its ex-colonies in South America while USA owns huge banana plantations in South America. In 1999 Britain refused to import bananas from South America, so the US government slapped tariffs on some British-made goods. The most serious one was a punitive tariff of 100% on Scottish wool products in order to limit the import from Britain.

2: Another example of protectionism is in January, 2009, American government settled a policy that only the American steel can be used in America. The American government tended to use this policy to reduce the loss in financial crisis and it helps the steel workers to keep their jobs. In this example, protectionism protects the domestic lower-skilled labor and domestic industries.

Barriers to trade

To protect a country’s own industries, the country which in adverse side need to find some ways to be barriers to limit the import products, usually, the two methods are—tariff and non tariffs.

Tariff is taxes or customs duties placed on foreign products to artificially raise their

prices and this hopefully, suppresses domestic demand for them. This tax may be ad value, that is, a percentage of the price of the goods or specific, that is, a tax per unit of weight or physical quantity.

For example, in January 12, 2009 the Russian government raised the expropriation tariff (up to 30 percent) for the cars import in the next nine months. The import car’s price will be increased to be WP (price for the whole world) adds the tariff, since the price is increasing, the sales of the import cars must fall down. The customers might choose the Russian car instead of import cars since it is cheaper.

Non-tariff barriers traditionally have been actions such Quotas, embargoes, exchange control and import deposits. Probably the best known of these is the quota. This is a physical limitation on the quantity of import. Quota is a physical limitation on the quantity of imports which had been acknowledged by local laws. Usually the importers need to apply to pay for a license to sell goods.

For instance, Russia uses another method to limit foreign car import since 2008—to limit the quantity of import; only a few companies which have the import license could import cars and have a selling upper limit. Russia uses these methods to restrict the import quantity, and during the government limited foreign goods import, it can promote the domestic industries.

WTO and EU

In 1948, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was established by the developed countries. In 1 Jan 1995, the GATT was supplanted by a new institution, the World Trade Organization (WTO) and aims to improve trade and investment flows around the world. It is an international body seeking to promote free trade by opening markets through the elimination of import tariffs. The organization administers trade agreements, monitors international trade policy and acts as a forum for trade negotiations. The four main goals of WTO are: freeing global trade through universally lowered tariffs, imposing the same rules on all members in order to homogenize the trade process, spurring competition through lowered subsidies, and ensuring the same trade concessions for all member nations. The WTO also provides technical assistance and training for developing countries. WTO aims for equal representation among members by granting each member country "most-favored nation" status; when a member country bestows a trade privilege on another nation, the privilege must be extended to all other member countries. Another tenet is "national treatment," which behooves countries to treat foreign imports equally with those produced domestically.

The best example for joining the WTO is the join of China in 2007, after that, China achieves lots of benefits from the decrease of tariff, limitations and the simplification of trading procedures.

EU stands for European Union and is an economic union, which aims to abolish tariffs and quotas among members, common tariff and quota system, restrictions on factor movements and harmonization and unification of economic policies and institutions. It draws out regulations, monitors member states, solves disputes and

problems among member states and negotiates with other countries or international organizations on the behalf of EU members. The European Union aims to promote and smooth free trade among internal European Union and initiatives for simplifying national and community rules include simpler legislation for the internal market (SLIM) and European Business Test Panel. For example, in Oct 16, 2009, EU and Korean government signed a free trade agreement of 100 billion US dollars after two years’ negotiation and EU will cancel the tariffs on imports of textile and cars from Korea in the next three years. This will promote the free trade of EU and have positive impact on the economy.

Section 2: International Finance

Balance of Payments and General trends in UK Trade

Balance of payment is the name given to the record of transactions between the residents of the country and the rest of the world over a period of time. It is a key economic statistics and UK’s Balance of Payments is comprises by the current account, the capital account, the financial account which deals with flow of direct portfolio and investments and reserve assets and the International Investment Position which shows the Stock of External Financial Assets and Liabilities. The chart below shows the composition if Balance of Payments in 2008:

a) The current account can be divided into four categories: trade in goods, trade in service, income and current transfers. Positive net income from abroad corresponds to a current account surplus; negative net income from abroad corresponds to a current account deficit.

Here are the trade figures of recent years:

Here are the Current Account Balance Chart and the Chart of trade in Goods and services of UK in last 20 years.

The current balance has usually been in deficit over the last 30 years.The UK has recorded a current account deficit in every year since 1984. Prior to 1984, the current account recorded a surplus in 1980 to 1983. From 1984 to 1989, the current account deficit increased steadily to reach a high of 25.5 billion pounds in 1989, equivalent to -4.9 per cent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). From 1990 until 1997, the current account deficit declined to a low of 1.0 billion pounds in 1997. Between 1998 and 2006, the current account deficit widened sharply, peaking at 43.8 billion pounds in 2006. This was the highest recorded in cash terms but only equated to -3.3 per cent of GDP. In the past two years, there has been a reduction in the current account deficit –in 2008 it currently stands at 25.1 billion, equivalent to -1.7 per cent of GDP.

It is obvious that UK had a large deficit in trade of goods in the last 30 years and the deficit becomes lager and increases greatly from 1998 to 2008 while the surplus of trade in service grows smoothly but not as markedly as the goods deficit. The trade in goods account recorded net surpluses in the years 1980 to 1982, largely as a result of growth in exports of North Sea oil. Since then however, the trade in goods account has remained in deficit. The deficit grew significantly in the late 1980s to reach a peak of 24.7 billion in 1989, before narrowing in the 1990s to levels of around 10 billion to 14 billion. In 1998 the deficit jumped by over 9 billion, and it has continued to rise since, reaching a cash record of 92.9 billion in 2008.

There are two different of Income—Direct Investment Income and Portfolio Investment Income. The Direct Investment Income means the profits earned by UK companies from overseas branches and associated company. And the Portfolio Investment Income is the interest on bonds and dividends, held abroad by UK companies and residents.

Here are charts of income over the 10 years:

The income section has shown positive growth from 2006 to 2008 and is very much in surplus recently.

As for the current transfer, it also has two different parts:

The taxes, payments and receipts to the EU, Social Security Payments abroad, and military expenditure abroad is the Central Government Transfer. And for Other Sector Transfers, it includes receipts from the EU Social Fund, taxes on income and wealth paid by UK workers and businesses to foreign governments, insurance premiums and claims.

There is the Chart of Current transfer in last 10 years

The transfers account has shown a deficit in every year since 1960. The deficit increased steadily to reach 4.8 billion in 1990. In 1991, the deficit reduced to 1.0 billion, reflecting 2.1 billion receipts from other countries towards the UK’s cost of the first Gulf conflict. The deficit has since increased, to reach a record 13.6 billion in 2008.

b) Compared with Current Accounts, the composition of the Capital and Financial Account is more complicate.

Capital Account has two categories:

Capital transfer: It is investment grants by the government and debts which the government has agreed with the creditor do not need to be met.

Acquisition and disposal of non produced/nonfinancial assets: Purchase or sales of property by foreign embassy or patents, copyrights, trademarks, franchises and leases.

The capital account has shown strong steady surplus growth especially from the year of 2006 to 2008.

The financial account has four categories and here are the charts of the four categories over the last ten years:

According to these graphs, investment increased dramatically from the mid-1990s, reflecting the increased globalization of the world economy. Between 2000 and 2007, other investment dominated cross-border investment, primarily banking activity. In 2008 however, other investment, has recorded net disinvestment as the global financial crisis deepened leading to a reduction in loans internationally and a repatriation of deposits. In recent years, including the latest, the UK has needed to borrow from abroad to finance a continuing current account deficit, which has resulted in inward investment (UK liabilities) exceeding outward investment (UK assets).

c) The international investment position is the balance sheet of the stock of external assets and liabilities. Between 1966 and 1994 the UK’s assets tend ed to exceed its

liabilities, by up to a record 86.4 billion pounds in 1986. But from 1995 to 2007, the UK recorded a net liability position in every year, reaching a record 352.6 billion pounds in 2006. In 2008, the UK returned to a net asset position of 92.9 billion pounds mainly due to exchange rate effects.

The chart below indicates UK’s international investment position:

Relationship between the exchange rate and the balance of payments

The exchange rate is the price of a currency in terms of other currencies. Its effect on balance of payments will depend upon its relationship with other currencies and how its value will change. As the currency weakens (devalues) the exports will become cheaper abroad but the country has to pay more for imports but the goods and services would become internationally cheaper and lead to more goods a services being purchased. If demand remains the same then the value of goods and services to the country will reduce and the current account balance may deteriorate. If the exchange rate rises then the country’s goods and services might suffer and demand from abroad could fall. If the demand remains the same however then the value of exports will rise and the current account balance should improve.

For instance, when the UK market needs to import American goods (such as corns) the exchange market in UK would be the demand of U.S dollars is larger than the supply of UK pounds. If the American markets needs import more British goods, they need to exchange more pounds in the currency market, so the both of demand of US Dollar and supply of UK Pounds is increasing, meanwhile, the exchange rate of £/$is increasing. UK pound is more valuable means the goods of UK are usually more expensive and American people need to spend more US dollars compared to the

same amount of pounds. That is why the currency exchange rate is so important for the balance of payments. For example, if the exchange rate of £/$is increasing, the American business man might not choose UK goods, because of the high price. Single Currency

European single currency Euro came to exist since 1999. There are 12 member states of EU who use Euro while UK is still not one of the members since there are both advantages and disadvantages to join it.


At firstly, the single currency reduces the exchange rate uncertainty because people don't have to convert money from one currency to another when purchase goods. Meanwhile, using the single currency will increase foreign investment such as direct inward investment since the reduction of uncertainty. Then it may produce a great transparency. Whether people buy or sell goods, consumers can compare price in a single currency. It will help to decrease the scope for price discriminations and create pressure to lower the price. Moreover, it could maintain interest rate lower and the commitment to low inflation should allow economies to operate with lower cost. Disadvantages:

A country may lose the independent monetary policy if it joins the single currency. The single currency forces a country to forgo an independent monetary policy. After the single currency has been used, the country's monetary policy will determined by the supranational central bank and not by the domestic central bank. This is why the theory of optimal currency areas emphasizes the importance of flexible prices, labor mobility and fiscal transfers. Flexible prices and labor mobility become more important when a currency union exists; governments have an incentive to make markets work more efficiently.

Besides, there are also political costs to the country. If the government loses control over monetary policy to the supranational central bank, politicians are limited to using fiscal policy to influence economy.

Effects on individuals and business of the Euro

As for the individuals,they can get lower prices and higher quality goods and services when they have more choices due to increased competition among companies through the Euro zones; they can measure the good price through Europe and choose the best one. In addition, single currency reduces the transaction costs of traveling in Europe. Individuals could travel more frequently than past since it is more convenient and cheaper. People do not need to concern the exchange rate and commission fee when visiting the other countries in Europe.

As for the business, people could avoid the exchange rate risk and traders do not need to waste time and cost on purchasing foreign currencies. Moreover, the business market could be expanded there are more opportunities.

Section 3: Less Developed Countries (LDCs) Characteristics of a LDC

Less Developed Countries (LDCs) mainly exist in Asia and Africa. Most LDCs’subsistence is agriculture. The land of LDCs is very ineffectively used and is very low in productivity, there are normally no modern techniques or equipment available, and the land is always threatened by floods or droughts. The birth rates in LDCs are very high but there is very heavy infant mortality since the health care system is poor.

A good example for LDC is Angola. A 2007 survey concluded that low and deficient niacin status was common in Angola. Many regions in this country have high incidence rates of tuberculosis and high HIV prevalence rates. Angola has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the world and one of the world's lowest life expectancies.

Current issues that face LDCs

The World Bank offers aid programs to Angola to support the health care system of Angola to reduce the infections of HIV but the aid programs they get from the World Bank of IMF carry conditions which they feel are difficult to comply with, and are expensive.

Besides, the indebtedness of Angola keeps increasing year on year. This makes Angola almost impossible to borrow more.They borrow a huge amount of money to develop their economy, purchase foreign goods and service. However, the high interest or other factors make debts become a great stress on LDCs. They are in the trip of debts, which prevent the development of their economy.

The impacts of multinationals on LDCs and NICs

Now days, there are more and more multi-national firms which have branches in various countries since it can reduce the labor, material, transport cost. Companies from newly industrialized countries tend to be MNCs. A good example for multinationals on NICs and LDCs is Great Wall Computer Corporation from China. This company invests 120 million dollars to build a new factory in Algeria to expand its market and increase 34 percent of its foreign sale income. The company offers more jobs to the people in Algeria thus increase the employment and income of Algerian. The company also brings new technology to this less developed country. However, the company transfers most of profits back to China and uses their financial strength to impose their will in host counties either.


After analyzing these 15 elements, you may have a clear acknowledge of the international trade, finance and LDCs and as for the economic environment of the whole area, it can be benefit to join the EU. It will enhance o ur country’s economic growth by attracting more free capital, using single currency and enlarge the market.


Web research:,/downloads/theme_economy/PB09.pdfRelated Web sites,,/wiki/Protectionism,/eurocash.asp,/

Book resource:

The Economics 2: The World Economy: Higher National Diploma. Scottish Qualifications Authority

United Kingdom Balance of Payments the Pink Book 2009: Office for National Statistics


Economics 2: The World Economy

Content Introduction----------------------------------------------------------------3 Section 1: International Trade Three gains from trading internationally---------------------------------------3 Free Trade--------------------------------------------------------------------------3 Absolute and Comparative Advantage-----------------------------------------3 Protectionism----------------------------------------------------------------------4 Barriers to trade-------------------------------------------------------------------4 WTO and EU----------------------------------------------------------------------5 Section 2: International Finance Balance of Payments and General trends in UK Trade----------------------6


当前世界经济形势分析 2009 年12 月2 日联合国发布了《2010 年世界经济形势与展望》报告第一章。报告 的作者之一洪平凡博士在接受专访时表 示,自去年3 月以来,实体经济和世界金融 市场都显露出反弹的趋势,因此世界经济 正在逐步走出金融危机,但展望今年,整个 世界经济的复苏仍然面临不少困难。在世 界经济复苏得到巩固和加强的情况下,各 个国家的经济政策能够发生一些相应的转 变,那也就表明我们能够平稳的撤出一些 激励的政策了。 一、2009 年的经济形势与特点 如果要分析当前世界经济形势,还要 先分析一下2009 年的经济形势与特点。在 力度空前的经济刺激措施作用下,2009 年 世界经济从急跌到企稳回升,开始由衰退 走向复苏。其中,以中印为首的亚洲地区的 步伐明显加快了,中美发达经济体成为推 动世界经济复苏的主要动力。整个2009 年 是世界经济从“二战”以来所遇到的最困难 的一年,同前年相对比,世界经济的萎缩率 超过2%,为防止今后世界经济再出现危机 前失衡的状况,我们今后将面临更大的政 策挑战是怎样加强国际和国内的宏观经济 政策调控,来改变世界各国的一些经济结 构,从而促使经济能够更加平稳地增长。 二、影响未来经济发展的不确定因素 目前,世界经济在政策刺激等短期因 素的作用下开始走出衰退,缓慢复苏,但经 济复苏路径和复苏前景仍面临着宽松政策 调整、通胀预期、大宗商品价格上涨、贸易 保护主义、失业率上升、美元贬值预期加深 等不确定因素。 (一)政府干预政策的退出可能性及其 影响 2008 年9 月以来,各主要经济体纷纷 出台巨额经济刺激方案,大幅降息至历史 最低水平,美国、英国、日本等国家还实施 了定量宽松的货币政策。这些大规模救助 政策对推动全球经济复苏、稳定金融市场 起到了重要作用。2010 年,经济刺激政策对

中国人民大学802经济学综合“精选考题训练”名师精讲(政治经济学 第七章 资本国际化与经济全球化)

第七章资本国际化与经济全球化 论述经济全球化的定义、引起经济全球化的原因和经济全球化的表现。[南京大学2002、武汉大学2003年考研真题] 答:(1)经济全球化的定义 经济全球化是资本、技术、信息等各类生产要素在全球范围内进行流动和配置,各国经济相互联系,相互依赖的一体化过程。经济全球化具体表现为:贸易自由化程度提高,金融国家化趋势增强,全球生产经营网络形成,区域经济集团化向纵深发展,世界各国在有关全人类共同关心的资源,环境问题等方面的合作与联系日益加强等。 (2)经济全球化形成的原因

经济全球化是与资本主义生产方式在全球的扩张相伴随的。如今,经济全球化已经成为一个世界性潮流。具体来讲,引起经济全球化的原因主要有以下四点: ①科学技术的进步。科学技术,特别是信息技术的出现,为经济全球化提供了坚实的技术基础。经济全球化的进程早在资本主义生产方式产生起就已经开始,但经济全球化的形成则是以20世纪70年代以来的信息技术革命为基础。这次科技革命以最便捷的方式沟通了各国、各地区、各企业、各团体以及个人之间的联系,并且打破了种种地域乃至国家的限制,把整个世界空前地联系在一起,推动了全球化的迅速发展。 ②跨国公司的发展。跨国公司为经济全球化提供了适宜的企业组织形式。20世纪90年代中期以来,随着跨国公司投资的增长、规模的扩大,它们在全球经济活动中所占的地位、所发挥的作用也日益明显。跨国公司在全球范围内利用各地的优势组织生产,大大地促进了各种生产要素、特别是商品和资本在全球的流通,反过来又进一步促进了生产在国际间的水平分工和垂直分工,相应地带动了资本、技术、商品、人力、服务等在全球范围的流动。 ③市场经济体制成为各国的选择。20世纪90年代以来,传统的计划经济国家纷纷放弃计划经济,转而向市场经济过渡,发达资本主义国家则为了摆脱经济滞胀而减弱了国家对经济的控制,更加强调市场机制的自发调节作用。在国际社会,随着世界贸易组织的成立,民族国家对本国市场的控制大大放松,贸易自由化和投资自由化成为一种潮流,同时世界各国均把扩大对外开放、积极参与国际竞争、充分利用别国的资本、技术及其他资源以实现本国经济的迅速发展作为基本国策。 ④经济自由化的导向政策,推动了经济全球化的发展。经济自由化包括贸易自由化、金融自由化、投资自由化等各个方面,它是资本主义国家发展经济所奉行的一种指导思想和方针政策,重点强调放松管制、对外开放本国市场。经济自由化有利于生成要素在国际无障碍地自由流动,因而是经济全球化进程的一个重要推动力。从19世纪至今的100多年间,经济自


《当代世界经济与政治》2013年1月考试考前练习题 一、辨析题 1.国际经济协调是国家宏观经济调控的国际化。没有国际经济协调,世界经济就无法正常运行。 解答:正确。 国际经济协调是国家宏观经济调控的国际化。没有国际经济协调,世界经济就无法正常运行,对此可以从以下两个方面加以理解。 (1)国际经济协调发展的历史必然性 国际经济协调反映了经济全球化的内在本质要求,它既是经济全球化的产物,同时本身构成了经济全球化的重要内容之一。经济全球化把各国、各地区经济联成一个整体。然而,经济全球化进程却受到民族国家壁垒的限制。民族国家依然是国际关系最核心的行为主体,每个国家都有自己的疆界,都有自己的经济结构和经济政策。不同的国家经济发展水平不同,追求的经济目标也有所不同,需要在世界经济中运用国家权力来保护和扩展各自的利益,因此,彼此间的差异和矛盾不可避免。这就需要某种形式的协调来消除经济全球化客观趋势和民族国家壁垒之间的矛盾,它既可以由全球性、地区性或专业性国际经济组织等多边机构出面进行,也可以由各国政府直接派代表协商进行,如两国或数国之间不定期的贸易谈判、两国或数国之间定期的会晤协商制度等。通过这些渠道和方式,各国政府调整各自的财政政策、货币政策、关税政策和外贸政策,达到合作和协调的目的。 (2)国际经济协调的局限性 经济全球化虽然导致国际经济协调产生的必然性,但没有保证协调结果的平等性。随着经济全球化的深入,世界各国和地区之间的经济联系和相互依存不断加深,国际经济协调在世界经济运行中扮演的角色更加重要,协调机制趋于完善,形式趋于多样化。而国际经济协调越发达、越有效,就越能促进各国相互依存关系的进一步发展。但是,国际经济协调并不是万能的,如果涉及国家间根本利益的对立,任何国家都不会做出妥协或让步,还有可能引发冲突。现存的各个经济集团之间多少具有一些排他性,这也在一定程度上给全球范围内的协调带来困难。而且,国际经济协调仍然是在不同的主权国家之间进行的,其基础仍然是国家实力,主权国家仍然是从各自的利益出发来参与协调的,最终还是要服从国家利益的需要。一些国际经济组织,长期由少数发达资本主义国家占据支配地位,它们的活动和规则往往更多反映西方大国意志,中小发展中国家的利益长期不能得到充分保障,从短期或局部看,还有可能受到损害,引起南北矛盾激化,更加突出国际经济协调的局限性。 2.在国际政治多极化和世界经济全球化的大趋势下,发展中国家面临着独立、发展和国际地位前所未有的挑战。 解答:正确。 在经济全球化的发展进程中,科技革命改变着国家主权行使的范围和空间。发展中国家落后的科技发展水平无力控制跨国信息流动的内容和方式,限制了其行使主权的范围和空间,难以捍卫其“信息边疆”。更为严重的是,在科技方面处于遥遥领先地位的发达国家,可以通过信息网络对发展中国家进行政治宣传、思想渗透和文化侵略,传播西方的价值观念;对那些它们不“满意”的发展中国家发动心理战,挑起这些国家的反政府情绪,影响该国政府的决策和促使政府倒台。 经济全球化改变了过去那种国家在内政、外交、军事上享有的至高无上的主权的观念,各国经济的相互依存,制约着国家的经济自主权。对发展中国家来讲,特别是那些处在对发达国家单方面依附状态中的发展中国家,国家主权受到牵制和制约的程度更甚。在区域集团


An investigative report on Welfare Policy in the U.K. Market Outcome 3 Candidate Name: WANGGAI Grade and Class: 11 Financial services class 6

Catalog ●Introduce ●Section 1 ●Section 2 ●Research

Introduce:This report is market failure and government's role and the social welfare policy survey report, report the information from the website as well as books, in a report last may elucidate. 1、Market failure:Market malfunction is due to intrinsic functional defects and external conditions caused by the defect of market mechanism in the allocation of resources in certain areas of operation. Because the market monopoly and price distortion or for the public goods character because of the asymmetric information and the external reasons, causes the resources disposition of invalid or small effect, which can realize resource to configure zero opportunity cost of resource allocation state. Usually used for invalid rate of special major, or non market mechanism is more efficient and the ability to create wealth is better when the private choice. On the other hand, the market failure is usually used to describe the market forces can not meet the status of public interest. Market failure establishes the basis for government intervention. The roles of government in attempting to correct these failures: merit goods, public goods, externalities and imperfect competition。Specific policy measures used by the government of the UK, such as competition, health care, transport etc. The market mechanism may fail to provide the optimal mix of output. The optimal mix of output is the most desirable combination of output attainable with existing resources, technology and social values. Government intervention in economic activities, but complementary, grant of. The government in market economy economic role, is to remedy market flaw or insufficient needs a decision. The role of government can be divided into regulation of human character, commonweal character, control characters, the arbitrator roles and role of night watchman. 2、Public goods:The market mechanism works efficiently only if the benefits of consuming the good or service are available only to individuals who purchase it.


当前世界经济形势特点分析2010年,世界经济在经济刺激计划和宽松货币政策的支撑下,复苏势头较为强劲。2011年,尽管国际经济环境短期向好,但是各国经济刺激计划基本结束,世界经济、贸易和工业生产难以保持2010年的反弹性增长,增速可能明显放缓;就业、赤字、债务、产能过剩、通胀、资本流动等引发的不确定性风险可能继续释放,主要经济体宏观经济政策可能进一步分化。 世界经济进一步深化调整,主要经济体宏观政策明显分化 (一)发达经济体复苏步调不一,宏观经济政策出现分化。美国经济复苏态势好于预期,但工业生产尚未恢复到危机前水平,产能利用率依然处于较低水平,私人消费对经济的支撑作用有限,失业率居高不下。2010年11月,美联储推出新一轮量化宽松政策。综合考虑就业、通胀和经济增长三大政策目标,2011年美联储在新一轮量化宽松政策结束后,短期内货币政策转向的可能性不大。 欧元区经济受主权债务危机拖累,复苏力度弱于美国和日本。为了应对希腊、爱尔兰等国家出现的主权债务危机,欧央行和国际货币基金组织先后出台了附带条件的金融救助计划。在欧央行难以收紧货币政策的情况下,主权债务风险较大的希腊、爱尔兰、西班牙、葡萄牙、比利时、意大利、英国和法国等国家被迫紧缩财政赤字。 日本经济回升较快,但继续面临通货紧缩压力。日本长期受通货紧缩困扰,公共债务水平很高,内需对经济支撑作用有限,受外部市场影响很大。日本宏观经济政策调整时点上不太可能早于美国和欧元区。 (二)新兴市场国家经济减速,通胀压力普遍较大。2010年上半年,新兴市场国家印度和巴西保持了强劲增长,通货膨胀压力增大;下半年工业生产明显减速,增速放缓。2010年印度已经连续6次加息,今年1月份再次加息。巴西2010年4月以来3次加息,将政策利率由8.75%上调到10.75%;但是,巴西通货膨胀12月又创出年内新高,今年1月份也再次加息。 全球流动性泛滥增加了世界经济的不确定性 美国和日本央行继续实行量化宽松的货币政策,欧元区维持低利率政策,全球货币供应量持续超出实体经济的需求,导致流动性泛滥,美元指数再创历史新低,推升国际大宗商品和资产价格上升,使得股市虚假复苏和波动,风险更多向新兴市场国家转移。 市场不确定性风险增加,全球股市出现分化。受美元贬值、市场信心转好及新一轮刺激经济政策出台等因素影响,2010年美国股票市场呈震荡上扬趋势,道琼斯工业指数、标准普尔500指数、纳斯达克指数均上涨10%以上,欧洲德国和英国股指与美国类似;但是,受主权债务风险困扰,希腊、西班牙、意大利、爱尔兰、葡萄牙等国股指多表现下行趋势。同期,秘鲁、阿根廷、泰国和印尼股票市场指数上涨超过40%,俄罗斯和韩国也超过20%,印度超过15%。其它主要经济体日本、法国股指略有收缩,巴西略有扩张。 世界经济不平衡复苏,主要经济体宏观经济政策取向明显分化。主要发达经济体增长缓慢,失业率居高不下,市场缺乏信心,短期内仍然需要宽松财政货币政策的支撑,而美国等发达经济体量化宽松的货币政策对国内经济刺激作用有限,新增货币供应主要流向新兴市场国家。主要发展中经济体经济尽管增速放缓,但由于通货膨胀压力增大,很多国家需要紧缩货币政策。同时,全球流动性向增长较快的发展中国家集聚,增加了这些国家管理通胀的难度,不仅加大本币升值压力,而且增加了资产泡沫。 世界经济再平衡难度增大,全球治理模式的变革是一个长期的过程缓解世界经济失衡需要主要经济体的消费、储蓄和投资结构进行实质性调整,核心是美欧等发达国家超前消费和透支消费行为的调整。2008年全球金融危机的爆发,可以看作是对世界经济不平衡的一次强制调整。但是,随经济复苏世界经济再平衡难度加大。


《当代世界经济与政治》试题库 第一章当代世界经济 一、单项选择 1、世界贸易组织成立于()C、1995年 2、亚太经合组织的性质是()D、地区经济论坛 二、不定项选择题 1、知识经济的特点主要有()A、智力型经济B、信息化经济C、创新型经济 2、当前各国综合国力竞争的重点在A 、争夺人才B、发展核武器C 、维护经济安全 D、加大科技和教育投入 E、进行经济结构和经济政策的调整,提高国际竞争力 3、中国加入世界贸易组织的基本原则是() A、强调权利与义务的平衡 B、以发展中国家身份加入 C、没有中国加入的世界贸易组织是不完整 三、论述题 1、试述经济全球化对国际关系的影响 经济全球化作为世界经济发展的客观趋势,是不以人的意识为转移的,任何国家也回避不了。不仅是各国经济,而且各国的政治和国际关系都受到这一发展趋势的影响。 (1)在经济全球化时代,国际关系的内容更加丰富,国际行为主体更加多元化。传统的国际关系主要是国家间关系,政治和军事是核心内容。而当今国际关系包括经济、文化、环境、科技等各方面的内容,非国家行为主体越来越多地介入国际关系,对世界政治和各国政治都产生了影响。(2)经济全球化使各国相互依存不断加深,有助于制止战争,推动国际合作。(3)发展中国家利用经济全球化提供的机遇,可以加快发展,增强在国际事务中的影响力。(4)经济全球化使传统的主权观念受到冲击。由于发达资本主义国家在世界经济中占有优势,从经济全球化中得到的利益最大,因此更多地强调主权过时的观点,甚至直接干涉发展中国家的内政。发达国家与发展中国家在主权问题上的斗争更加复杂、尖锐。(5)经济全球化使世界经济动荡加剧、以西方文化为主的强势文化渗透加强,对发展中国家的国内稳定带来新的安全挑战。 能否在经济全球化时代成为获益者,取决于各国自身的实力和把握机遇、战胜挑战的能力。 根据联合国《1997年世界投资报告》资料整理 请回答: (1)指出材料1反映的90年代世界经济发展的特点。 (2)结合材料3评析材料费的观点。 (3)结合材料1。分析材料4所提观点的实质及其主要原因。 (4)结合材料5和材料1、3,阐明发展中国家为什么“必须成为这个过程的一部分。” 答案要点: (1)90年代以来国际直接投资迅速增长,这是世界经济全球化的重要表现。西方五国是国际直接投资的主体,美国拥有明显优势。 (2)在全球化的过程中,民族国家的作用不管发生多大变化,它仍然是世界经济的主体。从材料3也可看出,发达国家一方面宣扬贸易自由化,另一方面又搞贸易保护主义,说明国家维护本国利益的作用并未消失。 材料2认为经济全球化使民族国家的作用逐渐消失,实际上否定了国家在世界经济中的主体地位,其实质是宣扬“主权过时论”,目的在于维护西方发达国家的利益。 (3)实质是企图将全球化变为美国化。主要原因是由于美国在全球化进程中处于主导地位,拥有经济等方面的优势,并有独霸世界的战略企图。 (4)经济全球化是当今世界的重要发展趋势,发展中国家是其不可缺少的组成部分。但现有的世界经济规则是由西方发达国家制定的,使发展中国家处于不利地位。为改变这种状况,发展中国家应积极参与制订规则,并加快自身的发展。 2、以下是关于冷战后美国全球战略的材料 材料1美国的领导作用从来没有像现在这样重要——在世界各种新危机的险境中导航并利用其产生的 材料2 问:本世纪末发生的战争和大屠杀增加了。是不是美国这个惟一的超级大国不能或者说不愿意对此加以控制呢? 答:美国想控制,但是它却控制不了。甚至在军事技术和经济上所占有的令人难以置信的优势都不足以使它能够控制形势。美国必须认清,自己对稳定世界局势所起作用的局限性。迄今,它对此没有做出哪怕是最小的贡献。就连北约的干涉也没有对世界起稳定作用,而恰恰相反。……即使美国人能够重新


2010-2011年第二学期《当代世界经济与政治》科目考 查卷 专业:应用化学班级:任课教师:曹晓飞 姓名:学号:成绩: 《当代世界经济与政治》研讨式教学之我见 【摘要】针对一种研讨式教学方法对《当代世界经济与政治》课程中进行了教学探讨。本文介绍了专题式研讨式教学的概念及特点,分析《当代世界经济与政治》课程的主要特色,随后对该课程进行了专题研讨式教学设计,最后分析了该门课程专题研讨式教学效果。 【关键词】《当代世界经济与政治》专题研讨式教学教学设计 一、何谓研讨式教学? 研讨式教学方式是指在教师的引导下,充分发挥学生的主体作用,通过学生对专题的研究与讨论,进行知识构建,体验学科研究方法的一种学习方式,它由专题研究和专题讨论两个重要环节组成。 (1)、专题研究是指学生在教师的指导下,以小组为单位,通过网络等途径搜集和整理与教学(或研究)问题相关的资料,在对资料进行分析、综合、比较、归纳、概括的基础上形成对研究对象的初步认识; (2)、专题讨论是全班学生在教师的引导下,对专题研究阶段的成果进行交流和进一步的探讨,从而在对知识整合的基础上,完成对知识的构建,并理解、掌握学习的方法。

简单来说,“专题研讨式”教学,就是以专题为内容,以研讨为形式的一种教学。该教学以培养学生分析(研究)问题、解决问题的能力为目的。 二、《当代世界经济与政治》为什么要采用研讨式教学? 《当代世界经济与政治》是高等学校公共政治理论课之一,也是思想政治教育专业的专业必修课。该课程是对大学生进行系统的马克思主义世界观、人生观、价值观教育的主阵地,在中国特色社会主义高等教育体系中占有十分重要的地位。但是,长期以来教育教学方法改革滞后,严重制约了该课程功能的发挥。因此,如何适应新形势要求,改革教育教学方法,提高《当代世界经济与政治》课程教学的针对性和实效性,是当前高校思想政治理论课工作面临的一项重大而紧迫的战略任务。而研讨式教学方式正可以从多个方面为为这门课程服务。 三、《当代世界经济与政治》课程专题研讨式教学设计 (一)、分析《当代世界经济与政治》课程的主要特色 经过一学期来对《当代世界经济与政治》这门课程的认真学习,我总结出它所涵盖的三大特点: 1、理论性强。《当代世界经济与政治》是以当今不断发展变化着的国际社会为研究对象,系统研究国际社会生活的基本内容及其发展变化的规律,是一门理论性很强的学科。但是,学生起初拿到这本书的时候,并不是很了解《当代世界经济与政治》这本书的概念,不明白自己学这本书的意义何在,更甚至有学生会把它与国际形势报告或国际时事政治相混淆,从而降低其理论价值。在教学中如果注重运用马克思主义关于国际政治的基本原理去分析和回答当前国际社会面临的主要问题,注重从理论上分析和思考,并注意吸收国外的国际问题学说和观点中科学的


一、美、欧、日经济现状及发展趋势 因此,美国已经持续了10年的经济增长和“一高两低”的经济状况不会无限期延续下去,经济周期的变形不等于经济周期的消失。实际上,从2000年下半年起,美国GDP增长的速度就放慢,2001年第一季度虽然仍有1.3%的增长,第二季度却急剧下滑,第三季度急剧滑落至-1.1%,这是自1993年第一季度以来美国经济首次出现萎缩,也是1991年第一季度以来最大的下滑降幅。 尽管目前美国经济面临着诸多矛盾和缺陷,但由于美国占据着多项高科技,特别是信息、网络技术的制高点,再加上20世纪90年代以来宏观政策调控更趋成熟,美国又具有优于其他国家的资源优势、市场优势、金融优势、地缘经济优势,以及灵活的企业机制和较强的对外转移危机的能力等,预计美国经济将于2002年后复苏。 2.日本经济现状及发展趋势 二战后,日本经济经历了恢复时期和20年的高速增长,到20世纪80年代中期,日本制造业的总体竞争力一度超过美国,日本的国民生产总值由20世纪50年代初约相当于美国的6%上升为90年代初的66%,日本成为仅次于美国的世界第二经济大国。 然而正是在20世纪80年代末90年代初日本经济达到高峰的同时,其经济泡沫也达到了顶点。泡沫经济的崩溃使得在此之前大量贷出资金的日本银行陷入巨额坏账的泥潭而不能自拔,并使日本经济在90年代以低于美国经济增长率2个百分点的劣势陷入经济停滞,这是日本战后以来最严重的经济衰退。 日本经济目前的困境是由多方面原因造成的,既有国际环境趋紧、出口下滑的直接原因,也有10年来扩大内需政策未见成效、各种矛盾累积的政策后果。 关于日本经济的增长前景,经济合作与发展组织(OECD)发表的报告称,由于存在着“惜贷”与扩大投资、消费的矛盾,巨额财政赤字与扩张财政政策的矛盾,结构调整与失业率增高的矛盾,官僚垄断与提高效率的矛盾等四大矛盾,日本经济真正摆脱困境尚需时日。 但应当看到,由于日本拥有雄厚的制造业基础,其GDP居世界第二位,人均GDP居西方七国之首,是世界最大的贸易顺差国、外汇储备国和债权国,未来日本经济尽管不大可能再现以往的高速增长,但其在世界经济中的地位仍举足轻重。 3.欧盟经济现状及发展趋势 欧盟经济增长的基本面是稳定的。目前,欧盟经济从总体上看状态良好,除对外贸易下降外,投资、消费以及通货膨胀率、就业率和财政金融等各项经济指标基本保持在正常水平。2001年欧元区的经济增长速度达到2.4%,在世界三大主要经济体中,其增速是最高的。 欧盟各国的结构性调整为经济增长提供了稳定框架。近年来欧盟在税收、福利、医疗、就业等方面纷纷开始改革。2000年普遍进行的税收改革,给经济增长助了一臂之力。同时,欧盟国家的养老金制度改革也在加紧进行。据欧盟一个研究机构预测,仅减税一项就将使欧盟从2001年起每年拉动0.5个百分点的经济增长。 欧元的经济货币联盟效应发挥了积极作用。2001年以来,欧元对美元汇率基本上稳定,欧元经济货币联盟所起的稳定作用不能低估。欧元的启动消除了欧元区内的汇率风险,增加了价格透明度,有利于投资和金融市场一体化,从而对欧盟成员国的经济协调发展起到保护和促进作用。 受世界经济增长下降影响,欧盟经济增长放缓。受美国经济急剧减速和世界经济增长降温的影响,2001年欧盟各国的经济增长势头都有不同程度的减弱。欧盟经济尽管保持增长,但增长放缓,并一再低于市场预期。 2002年1月1日,欧元正式上市流通,欧盟经济一体化进程加快。尤其是近年来欧盟加紧了内部建设,推行机构改革,统一税率,扩大欧元区,强化成员间的合作,因此,从发展的角度看,一个实现了统一市场、统一货币的欧盟经济,将逐步形成挑战美国经济“一超”地位的强极,并将成为世界经济增长的有力支撑。 据欧盟委员会公布的最新预测,随着减税措施的采取,企业的增长潜力得到发挥,劳动力价格相应下降,加之欧盟经济不存在固定资本投资和库存过剩的问题,也没有受经济周期性因素的影响,预计2002年欧盟经济增长率将达2.9%。 二、发展中国家经济现状及发展趋势 1.东南亚地区经济普遍放缓 东南亚国家和地区的经济大多具有出口导向型特征,且出口市场主要集中在美国和日本。自2000年下半年以来,美国经济增速骤降,股市暴跌,特别是高技术股的暴跌,使企业商业投资赢利预期降低,这不但影响了企业的设备投资,还影响了个人消费。美国内需不振,进口需求减少,导致东南亚国家和地区出口下降较多。刚刚摆脱金融危机的东南亚经济又面临着新的考验。 2.拉美经济面临严峻形势 新世纪伊始,拉美地区经济即遇到严重困难:外贸出口萎缩,生产下降,失业率攀升,经济增速放缓。 拉美地区经济下滑的主要原因有以下几个方面:首先,受世界经济增长放缓的连带影响。据国际货币基金组织预测,鉴于美国和西欧经济增速明显放慢,日本经济仍处于停滞状态,大大减少了对拉美国家的出口产品需求,从而导致拉


《当代世界经济与政治》教案 By丘钟声 《当代世界经济与政治》是教育部人才培养模式和开放教育试点项目行政管理专业的选修课,为搞好本课程的教学与管理工作,确保本课程的教学质量,实现开放教育本科的培养目标,特制订出《当代世界经济与政治》课程教学实施方案。 一.课程性质与教学目的 (一)、课程的学科性质、学科特点与任务 《当代世界经济与政治》是中央广播电视大学开放教育本科行政管理专业的一门选修课程。 (二)、教学目的 通过《当代世界经济与政治》课程的学习,达到认识和把握当前世界经济、政治和国际关系发展基本趋势和特点的目的,学会分析国际问题的科学方法。 二.课程主要内容与教学要求 (一)教学主要内容本书 从世界总体的视角,介绍和分析了第二次世界大战后世界经济、政治演变的进程,当今世界经济、政治发展的特点、趋势和存在的问题,以及当今时代主题与建立国际政治经济新秩序问题;从世界主要力量的视角,介绍和分析了美国、欧盟、日本、俄罗斯、发展中国家和中国的经济、政治和对外战略,以及国际组织在世界经济、政治和国际关系中的地位和作用。中国是在与世界的互动中建设有中国特色社会主义的,尤其是随着经济全球化的发展,各国相互依赖关系加深,一国国内政策的制定越来越同世界问题相联系,本书适应这一需要,为读者了解世界打开了一扇窗口。 按照教学大纲和教材的体系结构,本课程的主要内容分为十个章节。前三章对世界经济、世界政治和时代主题与建立国际新秩序问题进行了宏观的概括和综合的分析。后面七章从世界各主要国家力量和国际组织的视角对当代世界经济与政治进行研究。 (二)各章节教学要求 第一章当代世界经济的发展变化与基本趋势 了解第二次世界大战后世界经济的演变 理解当今世界经济全球化的发展趋势及全球一体化与区域集团话趋势的并行发展 掌握“新经济”产生的深远影响 明确当今世界面临的主要矛盾和问题 第二章当代世界政治的发展变化与基本趋势 了解战后世界政治格局的建立及其演变阶段 理解世界政治多极化趋势在曲折中发展 掌握大国关系深刻调整的原因、特点和意义 明确冷战后经济因素对世界政治影响增大的原因和表现

《当代世界经济与政治 》课程教学大纲

《当代世界经济与政治》课程教学大纲 一、课程简介 (一)课程代码 B11090021 (二)课程名称(含英文名称) 《当代世界经济与政治》 Contemporary World Economy and Politics (三)修读对象:全校本科生 (四)总学时与学分:18学时 1学分 (五)考核方式:考试 (六)相关课程: 《马克思主义基本原理概论》、《中国近现代史纲要》、《毛泽东思想与中国特色社会主义理论》、《思想道德与法律基础》 (七)内容提要(不超过200字) 通过介绍第二次世界大战结束以来世界经济、政治和国际关系的发展演变、当前国际局势的主要特点和发展趋势、我国对外关系的发展和外交政策的目标、原则以及对于建立国际新秩序的基本主张等,使学生了解战后世界经济与政治发展变化的基本概况,培养学生的国际化视野 二、教学目的和教学方法 教学目的 使学生了解和掌握当今世界经济与政治和国际关系的发展演变及趋势和面临的主要问题;了解和认识主要国际力量在世界经济、政治中的地位、作用以及它们的对外战略;了解和认识苏联东欧国家兴衰存亡的经验教训;全面认识我国的外交战略、方针,我国对外政策的目标和基本原则,我国的国际地位和作用,树立为国家富强和民族振兴、为人类的共同繁荣与进步而奋斗的信念。 教学方法 以课堂讲授为主,在教学中有较多的课堂提问。适当布置课外阅读和作业,使课堂学习与自学结合起来 三、理论与实践教学学时分配 理论教学:18学时 四、选用教材和主要教学参考书 选用教材: 冯特君.当代世界经济与政治(第三版)[M].经济管理出版社,2006. 主要教学参考书: 1.李景治.当代世界经济与政治[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2002. 2.程毅等主编.国际经济与政治概论[M] .北京:高等教育出版社2000. 3.俞正梁.全球化时代的国际关系[M].上海:复旦大学出版社,2001.


自冷战结束以来的台海局势 提纲: 一、台海现局势分析 (1)大陆对台政策 (2)台湾政局 (3)国际环境 二、影响台海局势的内外因素 (1)台湾当局的策略 (2)美国因素 (3)日本与日美同盟 三、台海局势发展与两岸关系展望 (1) 未上课时我就很喜爱这门课,原因有二:一、我喜欢探求那些隐藏在表象之下的本质,因而那些藏在时政之下的博弈和利益冲突,以及在那些经济现象下的成因和推动力都吸引我去探求,同时我对军事的爱好也促使我需要更多地了解主导军事行为的经济和政治;二、懂得经济知识和与其紧密相关的政治是极为必要的,不管我未来从事哪方面的工作,经济政治都会与我紧密相关,并极大地影响我的生活,我有这样的觉悟。所以我是带着求知来上这门课的,虽然课时很少,但还是获益颇多。 先是每晚课开始时老师给我们总结罗列一周发生的国际大事,并同我们一起讨论这些事件,给我们分析这些事件,并点出这些事件中流露出来的信息。老师这是在引导我们该如何阅读时事,启发我们如何从这些事件中获取信息。 再就是老师与我们分享搜罗来的一些视频,视频都是一些事件的记录及媒体或专家关于热点事件的评论,内容都非常丰富且精彩,既让我们深入了解了许多时事,也很好的缓解了4节课的疲劳,在放松之余又汲取了很多知识。同时,老师也是在培养我们关注时事的习惯。 还有在课堂余下的时间中,老师都会给我们讲一些学科知识以外的东西,还推荐了很多有益的书籍。譬如老师曾给我们介绍了记忆法,谈到了简历并以此来警醒我们要抓紧不多的时间学习,通过双手相握告诉我们要学会改变习惯,讲了一个大学生用家里囤积的豆子致富的例子。这些都给了我很大的启示,让我意识到要改变自己的习惯、看待事物的方法、经济生活的方式。在我看来,老师对于我们生活上的引导是会让我获益终生的,其意义远大于教授的学科知识。 老师的授课方式很特别,几乎没有教授课本上的内容,只是最后花了一点时间简单带过。虽然这样无法让我们从课堂上获得很多经济政治方面的基础知识,但老师对时事的讲解让我们更能清晰的体会经济政治的实用意义,让我们更直观地了解实际生活中的经济和政治。事实上对于短短的16节课并不能教授多少书本上的知识,而通过时事这样实例化的讲解对于我们的启蒙意义更大,比起枯燥的书本教学更易于接受,如此的授课方式才是最有效的。我觉得让同学们更快的了解对这门学科并对它产生兴趣,才是这16节课来最重要的,让同学们今后能够主动去学习经济政治方面的知识,远要好过讲授那么一点点的枯燥的课本知识而让同学们对这学科感到厌烦。这样才让这16节课发挥了最大的意义,对我更是意义非凡。 这些公共必修课会让大多数同学们感到无意义,但经济政治于我却是非常重要的,并对


Outcome 2 1. 书178,179二个图 Households buy commodities from firms, using the income individuals receive for their labour and capital supplied to firms The firms use the income received from the sale of commodities to pay for the labour and to invest in new premises,plant and equipment. 2. Injections: Investments:Loan from banks, building societies, insurance companies etc. Money saved by household can be re-injected back into the inner flow as investment by business sector (firms) after they borrow the money out of financial institutions. Government Spending:Roads, hospitals,,ing the fund largely collected through taxation, the government can be the biggest buyer spending money on the products and services provided by firms If government wishes to expend the flow of income in circulation, it may choose to increase the amount of its spending and probably adopt a tax-cutting. Exports:These are goods and services that are sold abroad. The payment for them will return to the firms in this country. For example, if someone buys textiles of China, then the proceeds of the sale belong to our country. This increases the circular flow and creates more economic activity in the economy for our country. Withdraws: Savings:Amount of income that consumers choose not to spend but retain for the future uses (normally deposit in financial institutions, e.g. banks and building society). Ability or desire to save out of income is measured by …marginal propensity to save (MPS)?. Level of income is the biggest factor affects level of savings, i.e. the higher the income is, the greater savings (withdrawal) out of circular. Taxation:Through forms as personal income tax, V AT, corporate income tax, the disposable money circulated in the economy is drawn out by the government as its revenue. This can be in the form of direct tax on our income or indirect tax on purchases, for example V AT. Imports:Part of the consumption of both households and firms are on foreign products or products contain imported components. So that portion of expenditure will eventually go into foreigners? pockets therefore reduce the total income circulated


2、当今世界政治两极格局的主要特点是什么?P11 (1)政治上两大力量(两种不同社会制度的国家)势不两立 (2)军事上两大集团强烈对抗 (3)两种类型的经济并行发展,交往较少 (4)两大阵营内部基本是一元结构、一个中心 (5)两极格局长期相对稳定 3、当今世界政治发展的基本特点是什么?P13 (一)求和平、谋发展、促合作已经成为不可阻挡的时代潮流 (1)国际力量对比朝着有利于维护世界和平的方向发展 (2)促进发展已经成为各国人民的共同心愿和各国政府的首要任务 (3)全球和区域合作方兴未艾 (二)世界多极化深入发展 (1)霸权主义与强权政治受到多方面挑战 (2)新兴市场国家和发展中国家整体实力增强 (3)世界各种力量出现新的分化组合 (4)多极化是新“合力”驱动的结果 (三)倡导和构建新型大国关系 (四)全球合作向多层次全方位拓展 (五)当今世界在深刻复杂变化中变革、调整 (1)世界政治的两极格局已经瓦解,出现了多极化的发展趋势,但新的格局尚未形成,仍然处在变革与调整之中 (2)国际机制和秩序正处在大变革、大调整之中 (3)大国关系处在深刻的调整中 4、当今世界政治面临哪些主要问题?P24 (一)霸权主义、强权政治和新干涉主义有所上升 (1)新干涉主义盛行 (2)“遏制”中国的战略冷战思维依然存在 (3)美国的对外战略更具进攻性 (二)局部动荡频繁发生 (三)传统安全威胁和非传统安全威胁相互交织 (四)影响和平与发展的不确定因素在增加 5、怎样理解当前世界政治格局多极化趋势?P20 (1)世界多极化趋势不可逆转。多极化正朝着牵制、反对霸权主义和强权政治的方向发展 (2)多极化是世界政治格局发展的趋势而非定势 (3)多极化趋势错综复杂,发展进程不会一帆风顺 (4)当前的世界政治格局也可以概括为“一超多强,多边竞争”
