














The Mountain Cha Y a

Have you ever heard about the Mountain Cha Y a ? Maybe you have never heard it before ,but you must have watched the part “the king of monkeys fighting with the king “of bears” in the TV series ,journey to the west. In that part ,the king of bears lives in “Hei Feng” cave which is actually the “Wan reng” cave in the Mountain Cha Ya .

The mountain Cha Y a is located in the Suiping couty of Zhumadian city in Henan province .It is only a few hours commute from my hometown . The mountain is famous for its strange rocks , among which the most famous one is “the first rock monkey” in our nation.. “the first rock monkey ” has different looks from different dimensions . It is rock monkey from right ahead ,a couple of monkeys admiring the moon at the foot of the mountain Cha Y a , the rocks for lovers from the other side and the dolphin which is just coming out of the water from the end.

The mountain Cha Y a is basically consist of six parts : the cave peach blossom , the big goddess of the mountain Cha Y a , the temple of “Baogong”, the palace of “wu long”, the “Wanreng” cave and the geographic museum of the mountain Cha Y a.

First , I will introduce the cave peach blossom to you guys .The name “peach blossom” dates from a legend . It is said that a fairy rescued Liuxiu from being caught by Wangmang in the end of dong han dynasty. And for gratitude, Liuxiu built the statues of fairies .

And the statue of the big goddess of the mountain is also concerns with an old legend . Long long ago , there was a badly flood .To save the people ,the goddess throw down a lot of rocks which then turned into a mountain .And the mountain is of course the mountain Cha Y a. It prevented the flood and the people was saved. Then the statue of the goddess was built for memorial.

The temple “Baogong” was built in Song dynasty in honor of a famous officer, Baozheng, for his deeds which saved a girl from being incorrectly sentenced guilty.

And the cave “Wulong”dates to Tang dynasty. It was damaged by the bombs of Japanese army in 1945. And it was then rebuilt from its original looks in 1989. The cave “Wulong” shows the traditional culture of “long” in China . In old China ,people celebrate the “long ” and pray for rains ,happiness and safety.

As it has been referred at the beginning ,the “Wanreng” cave is also called “heifeng” cave. And it became famous for the TV series ,the journey to the West.

The last part ,the museum of the mountain Cha Y a, is mainly about the introduction and the geographic forming reasons of the mountain.

It is really worth a visit. Welcome to the mountain Cha Y a.


2020届河南省洛阳市高三二练英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、阅读选择 Are you driven to create change in bettering kids’ futures? Here are a few options. Education Going after a career in education is sometimes overlooked. Yet teaching is an important path to creating change. You will educate the young minds responsible for the future. In addition to presenting basic school subjects, you can teach them to be leaders. You can motivate them to want to make a difference themselves. A caree r in education doesn’t have to mean leaching in a classroom. You can help them to learn in a way that works for them and be a friend to them as well. Social work As a social worker, you can directly change the lives of children in need as well advocate for services for drug abusers, family-violence survivors, mental-health patients, and more. You will provide them with the necessary resources to succeed and advise them through trauma (精神创伤), unemployment, education difficulties, addiction and poverty. Many social workers are associated with governmental agencies, but there are also jobs in schools, nonprofit organizations and hospitals. Child psychology Studying child psychology may lead to a career option. Psychologists can provide support for children with mental-health problems and give them a place to be open about their feelings. You may wish to become a school psychologist and guide children (and their parents) through the education system while dealing with mental illness or trauma. As a psychologist, you will help your patients find the source of trauma or stress and discover ways of reducing or removing the problem. You may even conduct your own research on new treatment methods. 1.Which educational concept does the author support? A.Working with stud ents’ group leaders. B.Teaching children according to their interests. C.Keeping teaching children in the classroom. D.Encouraging students to make a change themselves. 2.Who will social workers help most probably?


峨眉山和乐山大佛英文导游词 乐山大佛,又名凌云大佛,位于四川省乐山市南岷江东岸凌 云寺侧,濒大渡河、青衣江和岷江三江汇流处。大佛为弥勒佛坐像,通高71米,是中国最大的一尊摩崖石刻造像。下面是WTT为 大家带来的关于“峨眉山和乐山大佛英文导游词”,欢迎阅读! 峨眉山和乐山大佛英文导游词 Emei Mountain lies seven kilometers southwest of Emeishan City and is one of the four mountain ranges in China that Buddhists consider sacred. It was included in the UNESCO world heritage list in 1996. The mountain stretches more than 200 kilometers from south to north. Its main peak, Wanfo Top, is 3,099 meters above sea level. Since ancient times Emei Mountain has been described as “Beauty Under Heaven”. Temples were built as early as the Eastern Han Dynasty (25--220) and Buddhism was introduced to the mountain during the Jin Dynasty. In the Ming and Qing dynasties there were more than 150 temples. A legend claims that the mountain was where Samantabhadra gave lectures on Buddhism and most temples house a statue of Samantabhadra. The main scenic spots on the mountain include the Baoguo Temple, Wannian Temple,


嵖岈山风景区导游词 各位游客朋友们,大家好!欢迎您来到素有“中州盆景”之称的嵖岈山风景名胜区,我是你们本次嵖岈之行的导游,大家可以叫我**。 我们现在所处的位置是嵖岈山的主山门,也叫南山门,我们右边是采用嵖岈山花岗岩原石立起来的景区主碑,正面由中国书法协会主席张海题写的“嵖岈山风景区”几个大字,东面是原中国书法协会主席启功题的嵖岈山山名,西面是嵖岈山国家地质公园主碑,背面是天津港海加利有限公司的公司标志及董事长宋富锦先生题写的“嵖岈情、故乡恋”碑志,她不仅向大家介绍了河南嵖岈山旅游实业发展有限公司的发展历程,同时也表达了董事长投资家乡建设家乡的心愿。 左侧的通道上是景区用从民间收集到的磨盘,摆了两幅象棋的和棋,它寓意着和谐社会、和谐发展,同时也祝大家合家幸福、和和美美。接着向前走,看到的是两座石拱桥和充满童趣的补丁桥,石拱桥均采用当地的石材建成,补丁桥采用民间石磙和磨盘铺就。石拱桥代表着中原光辉灿烂的古代文明,补丁桥代表着诗情画意的嵖岈山。我们踏上石拱桥,可以感受嵖岈山的厚重与沧桑,同时也可以嬉戏于补丁桥上,重温孩童时的乐趣。 过桥便是嵖岈山主山门广场,山门前是唐代大书法家颜真卿题写的“嵖岈山”名和乾隆皇帝游历嵖岈山时留下的墨宝“天下奇山”。 为了让您对嵖岈山有一个更深的认识,请随我到嵖岈山国家地质博物馆去了解一下,嵖岈山在地质上是怎样形成和演变而来的。 嵖岈山国家地质博物馆,占地1200平方米,分为地学科普展厅、地质多媒体展厅和《西游记》砖雕艺术馆三部分,整体上是一个不规则的环形,更有利于游客的参观和学习。展馆内采用:声、光、电、图文及实物标本等多种手段,全面详细的向游客介绍了嵖岈山的地质形成及演化过程。 而《西游记》砖雕艺术馆是由徽雕第六代传承人张存世携带30多位弟子,历时3年多创作而成。砖雕全长100米,共20版。作者采用黄河泥做坯,通过镂空雕、阴刻、线刻、等多种雕刻手法雕刻了3600多个妖魔鬼怪、1800个人物、100回、99个场景、81难、71个国度,全面系统的描述了《西游记》的每一个故事情节。此幅砖雕于1989年完工,同年在北京军事博物馆展出时轰动海内外,美国福特兄弟看完砖雕出价2000万美金购买未果。1990年在香港展出时日本福田家族同样出资2000万美金购买未果。作者张存世一生酷爱《西游记》,听说嵖岈山是唐僧讲经说法之地,又是吴承恩创作《西游记》的西游文化之源,后来又听说景区致力于西游文化开发,后经公司董事长宋富锦先生多次沟通,张老师以半赠与的形式以近1000万元人民币,使《西游记》砖雕国宝落户嵖岈山。 现在请大家看湖对面的这座独立山峰,拔地 而起,高约百丈,雄伟挺拔。它的名字叫“蜜腊 峰”,相传过去这里满山遍野都是野花,花儿招 来了很多野蜂在此采花酿蜜。酿的蜜多,又因山 势陡峭,无人可收取,都凝固在山上的石缝里, 每到夏季,经太阳光的强烈照射,蜂蜜被晒化后 都流了出来,整个山的外表就好像涂了一层厚厚 的蜜腊,所以人们把这座山取名为“蜜腊山”据 说山下的湖中“秀蜜湖”里面的湖水由于过去受 蜜腊山常年冲刷下来的峰蜜的影响,湖水到现在还是甜的,又因此湖非常秀丽,故得名秀蜜湖。


Located in the West of Henan Province, Luoyang got its name due to its location in the adret of the ancient Luoshui River. It is a historic city with more than three thousand years history. It was the capital city for nine dynasties, including the East Zhou, East Han, Caowei, West Jin, North Wei, Sui, Wuzhou, Late Liang, Late Tang, so it is named as the "Ancient Capital of the Nine Dynasties", ranking top one among the seven ancient capitals in China. The Heluo area with Luoyang as the center is the important origin of the Huaxia Civilization. The most prosperous period of Luoyang was in t LuoYang City Instruction Luoyang is located in the western part of Henan province, stretching across the middle reaches of the Yellow River. It has jurisdiction over 1 city, 8 counties and 6 districts with a total area of 15,208 square kilometers including 544 square kilometers of urban area. Its population totals 6.24 million of which over 1.40 million living in urban areas. As a city famous for its splendid history and profound culture, Luoyang has become a shining gem in central part of China for its abundant and characteristic modern civilization.----Luoyang has been known as "an ancient capital of nine dynasties ". It is among the first cities to be declared by the State Council as the ancient capitals and famous historical and cultural cities. Starting from the first dynasty of China---Xia, it served as capital for 13 dynasties---Shang, Western Zhou, Eastern Zhou, Eastern Han, Cao Wei, Western Jin, Northern Wei, Sui, Tang, etc. It served as a capital for 1,529 years, and thus of the 7 great ancient capitals in China, it was the first one to have served as the capital for the most numerous dynasties and for the longest time. Luoyang is one of the important birthplaces of the Chinese civilization. Culture in the Yellow River and the Luo River symbolized by the Pattern of the Yellow River and the Writing of Luoyang is regarded as a key origin of the ancient Chinese civilization. It was here that Taoism initiated, Confucianism originated. Buddhism first introduced and Li School--a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties born. Many Chinese descendants found their roots here and cherished a deep love for the homeland.----Luoyang is one of the top tourist cities in China with its numerous cultural relics dotted everywhere, picturesque landscape and national flower-Tree Peony. The city has inherited from history such cultural heritages as ruins of the old capital, temples and stone caves, and tombs and steles. It has 10 national sites, 75 provincial sites, and over 571 municipal sites to be protected as cultural relics with nearly 400,000 items of relics having been unearthed and kept in museums. The rare ruins of the capitals from the Xia, Shang, Zhou, Han and Wei, Sui and Tang dynasties are named "Assembly of Five Capitals ". Longmen Grottoes is one of the three great banks of Chinese stone sculptures that is a World Cultural Heritage. The White Horse Temple is the first officially built monastery in China after the introduction of Buddhism. In the Mangshan Mountain there remains the largest group of ancient tombs in China featured by royal tombs, which took form since the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.To the north of Luoyang is the Mother River of the Chinese nation---the Yellow River that together with a tourist resorts around the Xiaolangdi Reservoir and Wanshanhu tourist area in Xin'an. To the south are spots of interests such as the Songshan Mountain which is the central one of

最新河南省洛阳市高二上学期期末考试 英语 Word版

洛阳市2019——2020学年第一学期期末考试 高二英语试卷 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7. 5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Why can’t the woman use the man’s car? A. Because it’s under repair. B. Because he’s using it. C. Because Aunt Jane is using it. In the woman’s drawer. The man’s colleague. 2. What’s the weather like now? A. Sunny. B. Rainy. C. Windy. 3. What does the man want to know about? A. The woman. B. The club. C. A newspaper. 4. Where is the man’s wallet now? A. In his room. B. In the woman’s car. C.In the woman's drawer. 5.What are the speakers talking about? A. The man’s roommate. B. The man’s problem. C.The man's cpollegue. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,共22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选


组长:杜宇飞组员:马天默,梁倩敏 峨眉山 Sunrise 日出 Clouds sea 云海 Buddhist lights 佛光 Sacred lamps 圣灯 enjoyable natural scenery 赏心悦目的自然风光 extensive Buddhist culture 佛教文化精深 abundant range of species 物种丰富 unique landform 地形独特 Kingdom of Plants 植物王国 Geological Museum 地理博物馆 Animals' Paradise 动物天堂 Buddhist Celestial Mountain 佛教仙山 Massive statue of Samantabhadra at the summit of Mount Emei 峨眉山顶的普贤大佛Baoguosi, a Buddhist temple 报国寺,佛寺 Wanfo Top 万佛顶 Wannian Temple 万年寺 Fuhu temple 伏虎寺 Qingyin Pavilion 清音阁 Xianfeng Temple 仙峰寺 Jiulao Cave 九老洞 Golden Summit 金顶 be included in the UNESCO world heritage list 联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录 UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Beauty Under Heaven 秀甲天下 Buddhism 佛教 Samantabhadra 普贤菩萨 Natural museum 自然博物馆 3,000 specimens of plants and 2,000 types of animal The reign of Ming Emperor Wanli 万历统治时期 bronze青铜 Sunny Clouds over Loufeng Peak罗峰晴云 Evening Bells at Shenji Monastery圣积晚种 Clear Sound under Twin Bridges双桥清音 Morning Rain at Hongchun洪椿晓雨 Elephant Pond in Moonlight象池月夜 Autumn Breeze over Baishui Monastery白水秋风 Nine Sages’ Residence九老仙府 Overhanging Greenery at Linyan Rock灵岩叠翠 Snow World at Daping Monastery大坪霁雪 Sunrise, Cloud Sea, Buddha's Halo, and Holy Lamps日出、云海、佛光、圣灯Golden Summit 金顶 The mountain stretches out for 23km from south to north 山体从南到北长达23公里


嵖岈山导游词 各位游客,嵖岈山风景区就要到了,我把景区的概况给大家讲解一下,嵖岈山风景区地处驻马店市遂平县境内,距市区25公里,总面积150平方公里,平均海拔600米。是河南省第一批公布的省级风景名胜区,现为国家地质公园,国家森林公园,国家5A级旅游景区。又名嵖峨山,玲珑山,山势嵯峨,怪石林立。主要景点有:蜜蜡山、六峰山,秀蜜湖、琵琶湖、百花湖、天磨湖等,构成了一幅奇特秀丽的风光画卷。景区内奇石遍布、浑然天成,素有“中华盆景”“奇石王国”的美誉,其中闻名中外的天 下第一石猴、飞来石、定海神针等更是引得无数游客叹为观止,流连忘返。 现在我们已经进入了嵖岈山景区,整个景区又分作蜜腊山、南山、北山、六峰山四部分。景点的精华主要集中在南山部分,也是我们今天要游览的部分。 好了,我们大家注意朝前看,我们首先看到山顶最高的那块石头,那是“猴子望月”的景观;从“石猴”沿山坡向左斜下来,中间突出的则是“睡唐僧”,再从“石猴”沿四十五度向右斜下来到山脚,我们就看到了“醉八戒”。大家看他肥头大耳,张嘴垂舌,挺着肚子醉倒在山坡上,这憨态可掬的情景真是惟妙惟肖,令人流连忘返。 接下来我们看到的这座很高很陡的山峰就是“蜜蜡峰”。为什么取这样一个名字呢?相传过去这里漫山遍野都是野花,于是就招来许多蜜蜂在此采花酿蜜。由于酿的蜜多有无人收取,因此这些蜜就都凝固在山上的石缝里了。每到夏季,山体经过阳光的强烈照射,蜂蜜就会被晒化,从石缝里流出来,整个山的外表就好像涂了一层厚厚的蜜蜡,所以人们便把这座山取名为“蜜蜡山”。山下的秀蜜湖中的湖水由于过去常年受蜜蜡山冲刷下来的蜂蜜的影响,湖水到现在还是甜的。不信大家等会可以亲自品尝一下。 大家随我进入景区的二道门,请大家停下来抬头向左上方看一下,在这个陡峭的石壁上横悬着一棵大树。这是一棵榆树。它和我们河南农村很多地方食用栓钱儿的那种榆树同一个科目,但品种不一样,这种树的叶子很厚,耐旱性强。据省林业局专家鉴定,它在那里已经生长了600多年。它为什么能够在这种环境下生存呢?专家们指出,这种树的根部有一种特殊功能,它的根可以分泌出一种液体,这种液体可以溶解岩石中的微量元素,它就全靠吸收这很少的微量元素来维持自己的生命。 现在我们就来到了景区的中心景观石猴园。步入石猴园,犹如进入了一个猴子的温馨家园,三只猴子其乐融融,为我们勾勒出了一幅和谐的家庭场景。朋友们请看,在石猴园北侧有一条很深的峡谷,这就是嵖岈山南山北山的分界线。我们眼前的这尊石猴,是全世界迄今所发现的最大最逼真的石猴。它是在地壳构造运动中形成的。由于石猴头部及身体部分沿南北方向节理裂隙分割,使得从不同角度欣赏,可以看到不同的景致。在北山蓬莱三洞观看猴石的时候,彷佛看到一对拥抱在一起的年轻恋人;而在秀蜜湖地带,则又可以看到大猴背小猴的奇特景观,意为“辈辈封侯”真可谓一石三景。 游客朋友,现在我们来到了八卦亭。八卦亭是整个景区最好的观景台。我们回头往后看:在蜜腊山中间那座山头左侧有一个青蛙石,取名“青蛙望天”。青蛙紧贴着那块独立的石头是一个无头乌龟石;青蛙石下面还有娲牛石,蜗牛石旁边有一个个蟒蛇石,蟒蛇石的尾部左侧有一只大乌龟,右侧有一只小乌龟;蜜腊山东坡有鳄鱼石;西坡还有大象石。整个蜜腊山几乎可以说是天然野生动物园国。


Luoyang Travel Guide Located in the west of Henan Province in central China, Luoyang occupies quite an important geographic location. It is in the middle reaches of the Y ellow River and is encircled by mountains and plains. To its east and west are the Hu Lao Pass and Han Gu Pass which were essential domestic transportation junctions in ancient times. To its north, Mengjin County was an important ferry crossing of the Y ellow River. Thus, Luoyang was selected as the capital city by 13 dynasties starting from the Xia Dynasty (21st-16th century BC) in the 21st century BC. In the period following the Han Dynasty (206BC-220), and particularly during the Sui (581-618) and Tand (618-907) dynasties, the city experienced a period of growth and prosperity and ranked as one of the international metropolitans of the time. Its long history endows Luoyang with a profound sense of culture. The city is the cradle of Chinese civilization where many Chinese legends happened, such as Nvwa Patching the Sky, Dayu Controlling Flood and the Chinese ancestor Huangdi Establishing the Nation. The city is also famed as the 'Poets Capital' as poets and literates of ancient China often gathered there and left grand works, including 'Book of Wisdom' ('Daode Jing'), 'Han History' ('Han Shu') and 'Administrative Theory of Admonishing Official' ('Zi Zhi Tong Jian'). Religious culture once thrived here. Taoism originated there and the first Buddhist temple set up by the government was located there. Luoyang is also the hometown of many of the scientific inventions of ancient China, such as the seismograph, armillary sphere, paper making, printing and the compass. Luoyang has rich historical and cultural sites. The Longmen Grottoes are one of China's three most precious treasure houses of stone sculptures and inscriptions. The White Horse Temple is the first Buddhist temple and is honored as the 'Cradle of Buddhism in China'. Mt. Mangshan is where ancient tombs of emperors, nobles and literates in the past dynasties collected. The Luoyang Ancient Tombs Museum is the world's first example of the kind and presents thousands of treasures discovered in the tombs. Shaolin Temple is the place of origin for Chinese Zen Buddhism and the cradle of Chinese Martial Art. Landscapes in Luoyang hold the same attraction as the cultural sites. White Cloud Mountain, Funiu Mountain, Long Yu Wan National Forest Park, Ji Guan Limestone Cave and the Y ellow River Xiaolangdi Scenic Area are all worth a visit. Additionally, Luoyang is particularly well known for its peonies. Every year in April, the flowers blossom and attract tourists from all over the world. Dining in Luoyang is quite an enjoyable experience. V arious kinds of local dishes, including Water Feast, Y an Cai and others which use the famous Y ellow River carps as an ingredient, together with the uniquely flavored soups, will greatly satisfy your taste buds. Luoyang's local specialties such as Palace Lanterns, bronze vessels and Tri-colored glazed potteries will no doubt delight your eyes and offer you ideal souvenirs. Being a modern city as well, Luoyang has hotels of all standards which provide you quite a broad choice for your stay. Most of the hotels have reasonable room prices and perfect services. Transportation is well developed in Luoyang. Beijiao Airport has many domestic flights extending to many large cities in other provinces. It's also very easy to get to Luoyang by train because one of China's most important railway lines Long Hai Railway traverses the city and connects most cities in east, west and central China. The convenient city buses and taxies can carry you around the city. Near the railway station, special tourist buses can take you to the tourist spots in the suburban areas of the city. Luoyang, a charming city filled with the fragrance of peonies and the primitive atmosphere of ancient civilization, is waiting and welcoming guests from all over the world. Putting the city into the list of your exploration in China, you will get far more than what you expect. The Longmen Grottos The Longmen Grottos are on the Y ihe River bank, some 12 kilometers from ancient Luoyang city, about 30 minutes' drive. It is one of the three most important Buddhist sculptures and carvings in China. The


河南最受欢迎的旅游景点介绍 1、嵖岈山风景区 嵖岈山风景区地处河南省遂平县境内,嵖岈山系伏牛山东缘余脉,又名玲珑山、石猴 仙山,山势嵯峨,怪石林立。南山、北山、花果山、六峰山砥足而立,秀蜜湖、琵琶湖、 百花湖、天磨湖点缀其间,构成了一幅奇特秀丽的风光画卷。嵖岈山景区人文史迹星罗棋布,自然景观美不胜举,有九大景观、九大名峰、九大名洞、九大名棚、九大奇石,各类 景点100多处,著名景点30多处,具有“奇、险、奥、幽”四大特点,素有“中原盆景”、“华夏图腾林”、“地质公园”、“西游记全书之美誉。 2、重渡沟景区 重渡沟自然风景区位于栾川县潭头镇西南10公里的熊耳山,区内竹茂林密,野生动 植物繁多,800亩竹林密密层层,可与蜀南竹海相比美。整个景区分南沟和西沟两大区, 南沟飞瀑流泉,突出“水”;西沟秀竹茂林,突出“幽”。重渡沟自然风景区因东汉光武 帝刘秀二渡伊水至此,摆脱王莽追杀并成就帝业而得御赐之名。神密的历史传说加上重渡 沟的景区三绝,是重渡沟由鲜为人知名不见经传而一举唱红北国,成为河南省目前最具活 力的热点景区。 3、开封龙亭 龙亭公园位于开封市中山路北端,龙亭公园占地面积1038亩,其中水域面积包括杨、潘二湖710亩。按清万寿宫布局而建的古建筑群体,自南向北由午门景区南大门、玉带桥、嵩呼、朝门、东西朝房、照壁、龙亭大殿、宋代蜡像馆、东西垂花门和东西跨院、北宋东 京城和皇城模型、北宋皇城拱宸门遗址、《五岳真形碑》方亭、北门、东便门等组成。另 有植物造型园、盆景园、梅园、园林景观等等。龙亭景区三面环水,加上每年一次的菊花 盛会主会场设在这里,龙亭成了开封的象征。 4、豫西大峡谷 豫西大峡谷风景区位于豫、秦、晋三省结合部的三门峡市卢氏县官道口镇境内。峡谷 呈东西走向,象一条由西向东延展的飘带,由大大小小99级瀑布及300多个潭池组成。 每当汛期来临,潭上飞珠溅玉,雾气腾腾,声响如雷,气势磅礴;风和日丽时节,瀑布则 如白练悬空皎美绝伦。 5、康百万庄园 康百万庄园又名河洛康家,位河南省巩义市原巩县康店镇,始建于明末清初,是全国 重点文物保护单位,国家AAAA级旅游景区,是十七、十八世纪华北封建堡垒式建筑的代表。康百万是明清以来对“中原活财神”康应魁家族的统称,康氏家族前后十二代人在这


洛阳市2016届高三12月统一考试 英语试题 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. When is Cold Feet and The Lost Soul shown? A.Today B.On Thursday C.On Saturday. 2. Where does the man want to go? A.To a bookstore B.To a chemist’s C.To a shoemaker’s. 3. How Old was the man when he went to Indonesia? A. 18 B. 19 C. 20. 4. What does the woman advise the rnan to do? A .Drink less. B.See a doctor C.Stop smoking. 5. What is the man? A .A teacher B.A customer C.A waiter. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6-8题。 6. What do you think the woman is? A. a landlady B.A worker C.A housewife 7. Where does the woman live now? A. Out side the city B. In the city C. Near the school 8.What does the woman want to do? A. Find an apartment B. Decorate her room C.Buy a new house 听第7段材料,回答第9-10题。 9. When does the woman want to have breakfast? A. At 7:00 B. At 8:30 C. At 10:00 10. What kind of juice would the woman likd? A. Pineapple B.Orange C.Grape 听第8段材料,回答第11-13题。 11.Where is the man? A. In America B. In Japan C. In Canada 12.What does the man need to do first? A. Go to the tower B. Ride a train C. Buy a ticket 13. How often does the train come? A. Every eight minutes B. Every seven minutes C. Every six minutes
