


第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2

分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选




In some parts of Germany, they do bleigiessen,or lead(铅)pouring. Pour a dollop (团)of molten lead in cold water and whatever shape forms may be telling about the year to come. A heart shape, naturally, means love will come your way. A crown predicts wealth and fortune. A star indicates happiness. But if you see a cross in the lead? You're as good as dead!

Latin America

If you're in Latin America, make sure you have some colorful underpants to ring in the new year. End — of — the — year partiers put on colorful underwear to ensure certain types of outcomes for the following year. Red for love and yellow for success. Naples, Italy

Neapolitans like throwing things out of windows, at least on New Year's Eve. Furniture, kitchen machines, grandma. Well, maybe not the last one. Let's hope not, anyway. This tradition is meant to symbolize an out — with — the — old gesture and getting a brand new beginning for the new year. These days people are a bit more mindful about what they toss down to the street below.


In 1909, winegrowers in the Alicante region of Spain had a brilliant idea: start and promote an annual tradition that would involve people having to buy and eat more grapes. One must cat 12 grapes on New Year's Eve to encourage prosperity for the coining year. Now, it's u popular custom in Iberia. But the problem is that one has to cat a grape for each bell strike at midnight.

1. What does a cross shape mean?

A. Love.

B. Wealth.

C. Happiness.

D. Misfortune.

2. What's new about Neapolitans' tradition? A.

They hate using furniture.

B.They throw their grandma out of windows.

C.They are more careful about what to throw.

D.They like making gestures in front of the window.

3. Which country has the tradition of eating grapes?

A. Germany.

B. Brazil.

C. Italy.

D. Spain.

3.D 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“In 1909, winegrowers in the Alicante region of Spain had a brilliant idea: start and promote an annual tradition that would involve people having to buy and eat more grapes.”可知,1909 年,西班牙阿利坎特地区的葡

萄种植者们想出了一个绝妙的主意:开始并推广一项每年一度的传统,要求人们购买和食用更多的葡萄,故 D 项正确。


Remember Vitainwater’s “free of rolling screen for a year” challenge that dared

people to be free from smart phones for a whole year will win $ 100,000? Well,

Elana Mugdan, a New York woman, has been into it for eight months, and just four months away from claiming grand prize.

Vitaminwater made news headlines last December when it announced its unique challenge. Thousands of people applied to be chosen as the perfect candidate to spend a year without touching their smart phones, but in the end, the only person who got to try and survive for an entire year without a handheld smart phone was Elana Mugdan, a 29-year-old fiction writer from Queens, New York. Eight months into the challenge, she claims it has been a free and eye-opening experience that shows her just how dependent she becomes on her smart phone. Even though there are times when she misses her handheld smart phone, she plans to go on living without it even after the challenge ends, because she really doesn’t want to go back to days when she abused it, wasted time, stayed up all hours of the night on it, and was

obsessed with social media.

But not having access to her smart phone really made certain situations a lot harder than she could have imagined them before. “Many people did me a favor. However, once, I almost got stranded (滞留) in the SeaTac airport b ecause the phone number I’d written down was wrong, and I had no way of referring to the right one, no way of calling a cab, and no one in the state who could help me,” the young writer


Another time, her car’s “check engine” light turned on while she was driving in an unfamiliar area at night. She couldn’t use her phone’s GPS location feature, r even

check what the light meant on Google or find a nearby car repair shop. Still, she learned to overcome these situations. And now she claims the last eight months of phone-free life have been one of the best adventures of her life and that she’ll keep it for another four months.

4. What’s the challenge “free of rolling screen for a year”? A.

People free from smart phones can live a richer life.

B.People living a telephone-free life can be awarded every year.

C.People living without computers for a year will win grand prize.

D.People spending a year free from smart phones will get a reward.

5. Which phrase can replace the underlined part “obsessed with” in paragraph 2?

A. satisfied with

B. accustomed to

C. addicted to

D. popular with

6. What does Elana Mugdan mainly want to express in paragraph 3? A.

It’s fantastic to have someone to help her all the way.

B.It’s unimaginable to lose her phone number on the way.

C.It’s unnecessary to refer to information with a smart phone.

D.It’s difficult to get out of the trouble without a smart phone.

7. What can we learn about Elana Mudgan?

A.She couldn’t live without a smart phone.

B.She finds no one can help her in the adventure.

C.She has not won the grand $ 100,000 prize yet.

D.She used to use her smart phone to write fiction.

文章大意:本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了一个名叫 Elana Mugdan 的纽约人参加特殊挑

战的故事。她如果在一年之内不用智能手机就可以获得 10 万美元的大奖。她现在已经挺过了


4.D 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句Remember Vitainwater’s “free of rol ling screen for a year” challenge that dared people to be free from smart phones for a whole year

will win $ 100,000?“还记得 Vitainwater 的“一年不滚动屏幕”挑战吗?这个挑战挑战的是


以获得 10 万美元的大奖。故选 D。

5.C 词义猜测题。上文提到Elana Mugdan 在参加比赛之前常常滥用手机,浪费时间,整夜

不睡,故推知 Elana Mugdan 曾对社会媒体着迷。obsessed with 意为“沉迷于”。故选 C。

6.D 推理判断题。在第三段中,Elana Mugdan 因为写错了电话号码,又没有智能手机跟外

界取得联系,所以滞留在 SeaTac 机场。由此可知,她主要是想表达没有手机让她很难摆脱困

难。故选 D。

7.C 推理判断题。根据第一段第二句 Well, Elana Mugdan, a New York woman, has been

into it for eight months, and just four months away from claiming grand prize.“嗯,一

个纽约女人,Elana Mugdan 已经进入了 8 个月,只有四个月的时间来获得大奖。”和最后一段

最后一句 And now she claims the last eight months of phone-free life have been one

of the best adventures of her life and that she’ll keep it for another four months.“现

在她声称,过去8 个月的无手机生活一直是她一生中最具活力的冒险之一,她将继续维持4 个

月。”可知,Elana Mugdan 已经坚持了八个月不用手机,再坚持四个月就可以把大奖收入囊

中,所以到目前为止她还没得到这个大奖。故选 C。食用更多的葡萄,故 D 项正确。


Most new runners assume that the best way to improve is simply to run greater and greater distan ces. While it’s true that going farther and faster will improve your running skills, most coaches and trainers will advise some level of strength training as well. Focusing on your core is a common suggestion. A recent study seems to back this up. I n the Journal of Biomechanics, researchers investigated a symptom that has long confused runners from beginners to experienced ones. A good number of runners, 14 percent to be exact, experience gradual lower back pain. The results of the new study seem to suggest that weak deep core muscles might be to blame. When these muscles aren’t strong enough, the study found, muscles on other areas

of the body kick in to keep the runner up-right, eventually leading to back pain.

To understand the role that these muscles play, the researchers had eight volunteers with minimal running experience run along an indoor track. High-speed cameras and 3D motion detectors analyzed which muscles moved, and how much. Once they created a working computer model for each runner, the scientists imitated what would happen if certain deep muscles were weaker, or shut off completely. As it turns out, when a person can’t use their deep core muscles very well, their bodies still want (and need) to maintain a good running form, and uses surface muscles to do so.

What’s wrong with that? A muscle is a muscle, right? Not exactly. While the surface muscles are often targeted in workouts - they give you a six-pack (六块腹肌), after all - they are pretty useless when it comes to supporting your spine (脊柱). The deeper core muscles, which essentially lie beneath and can ’ t be seen from the

outside, do all the heavy spinal lifting.

It’s important to note that even when you’ve made these muscles super strong, you won’t likely notice visible results. But they wil l probably help you run better and definitely help prevent potential back pain. Perhaps throwing a nice long plank (平板支撑) may work.

8. Why do most new runners want to run farther and faster? A.

Because they think it can improve running skills.

B.Because some coaches and trainers advise them to do so.

C.Because a recent study proves it to be helpful.

D.Because it’s a kind of useful strength training.

9. What does the new study show us when people do the running? A.

14 percent of the runners have weak muscles.

B.The muscles on other areas lead to back pain.

C.Strong deep core muscles can prevent back pain.

D.The beginning runners usually have weak core muscles.

10. What happens when people do the running? A.

A working computer model can be created.

B.Certain deep muscles become weaker.

C.They use both deep and surface muscles.

D.Deep core muscles probably function first.

11. What can we infer from the text?

A.Doing a long plank can benefit the runners.

B.The spine is supported by the deep muscles.

C.Training the six-pack is useless.

D.Super strong muscles can’t be seen.


8.A 细节理解题。根据第一段中“Most new runners assume that the best way to improve is simply to run greater and greater distances. While it’s true that going farther and faster will improve your running skills,…”可知,大多数新跑步者认为,要提高跑步技能,

最好方法是跑步速度更快、距离更远。故选 A 项。

9.C 推理判断题。14%的跑步者会经历背部疼痛。第一段中关于一项新研究的介绍中分析了原因,“The results of the new study seem to suggest that weak deep core muscles might be to blame. When these muscles aren’t strong enough, the study found, muscles on other areas of the body kick in to keep the runner up-right, eventually leading to back pain. (这项新研究的结果似乎表明,脆弱的深层核心肌肉可能是罪魁祸首。研究发现,当这些肌肉不够强壮时,身体其他部位的肌肉会起作用,跑步者保持向上的姿势,最终导致背部疼痛)”可以推断,这项新的研究表明,跑步者背部疼痛是因为深层核心肌肉太弱。如果深层核心肌肉强壮,就能够预防跑步时背部疼痛。故选 C 项。

10.D 推理判断题。根据第三段中关于跑步时表层肌肉和深层核心肌肉所起作用的研究的描述,“While the surface muscles are often targeted in workouts… they are pretty useless when it comes to supporting your spine (脊柱). The deeper core muscles, …do all

the heavy spinal lifting. ( 虽然在锻炼中人们看到的是表层肌肉,但是当涉及到支撑你的脊

柱时,表层肌肉是无用的。更深层的核心肌肉负责所有的繁重的脊椎挺立的任务。)”,因此可以推断,跑步时先起到作用的可能是深层核心肌肉。故选 D 项。

11.A 推理判断题。根据第四段中“But they will probably help you run better and

definitely help prevent potential back pain. Perhaps throwing a nice long plank (平板支撑) may work. ”可知,作者认为做平板支撑对跑步者有好处,可以提高深层的核心肌肉力量,能够帮助你跑得更好,有助于预防背部疼痛。由此判断出平板支撑使跑步者受益。故选

A 项。


Over a million children have developed some form of intellectual(智力)disability over the past two decades after being exposed to chemicals including flame retardants, pesticides, lead, and mercury, a study has revealed.

The study focused on the four chemicals, which can be crossed from a mother to her unborn baby through the placenta(胎盘)and cause neurodevelopmental damage. The researchers looked at data from past studies, including blood samples taken from

women of childbearing age and 5-year-olds.

Over the period, flame retardants, resulted in 738,860 cases of intellectual disability and an estimated 162 million lost IQ (智商)points, followed by lead at 330,684 cases, pesticides at 111,830, and mercury at 8,860. In recent years, pesticides and flame retardants have overtaken lead and mercury as the chemicals responsible

for the biggest loss of IQ among children.

The researchers believe this is due to regulations cutting down the use of these chemicals. For instance, lead has been banned from gasoline, paint and drinking water systems in the U.S. and plants are not allowed to pump out mercury.

The researchers acknowledged limitations to their study, including that the exposure-response relationships might not relate to all populations. Positively, they

found a huge drop in the estimated loss of IQ points among children.

Lead researcher Abigail Gaylord, commented: "Our findings suggest that our efforts to reduce exposure to heavy metals are paying off, but that harmful exposures in general continue to represent a terrible risk to people's physical, mental, and economic health. "Unfortunately, the minimal policies in place to remove pesticides and flame retardants are clearly not enough," she said.

She also added. Frequently opening windows to let persistent chemicals found in furniture electronics, and carpeting escape, and eating certified organic produce can educe exposure to these harmful things"

12. Which contributes most to the loss of children's IQ?

A. Flame retardants.

B. Pesticide.

C. Lead.

D. Mercury.

13. Where does the passage probably come from?

A. A school report.

B. A science fiction.

C. A scientific research.

D. A chemistry book.

14. What is the drawback of the research mentioned? A.

It has received bad response from all populations.

B.It has no previous information to refer to.

C.It covers only part of the population.

D.It is not supported by government policies.

15. What's the best title for this passage? A.

Four chemicals harming children.

B.Regulations cutting down the use of heavy metals.

C.Environment risking people's physical and mental health.

D.Children IQ lowered by exposure to harmful chemicals.


12.A 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Over the period, flame retardants, resulted in

738,860 cases of intellectual disability and an estimated 162 million lost IQ (智商)points, followed by lead at 330,684 cases, pesticides at 111,830, and mercury at 8,860.”

可知,在此期间,阻燃剂导致 738860 例智力障碍,约 1.62 亿智商下降,其次是铅 330684

例,农药 111830 例,汞 8860 例,由此可知,阻燃剂是导致儿童智商下降最多的化学物质,

故 A 项正确。

13.C 推理判断题。通读全文特别是根据第一段内容可知,本文主要介绍的是研究发现接触阻


能出自于科学研究,故 C 项正确。

14.C 细节理解题。根据第五段中的“The researchers acknowledged limitations to their

study, including that the exposure-response relationships might not relate to all


并不适用于所有人群,由此可知,这项研究的缺点是它只涵盖了部分人群,故 C 项正确。

15.D 主旨大意题。通读全文,特别是根据第一段内容可知,一项研究显示,在过去 20 年里,

超过 100 万儿童在接触了阻燃剂、杀虫剂、铅和汞等化学物质后出现了某种形式的智力障碍,


降,即:接触有害化学物质会导致儿童的智商下降,故 D 项正确。

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余


School bus drivers transport kids to and from school. 16. Along with their

transportation duties, bus drivers commonly assume other roles in the school district.

The most obvious responsibility of a school bus driver is to transport students to and from school or activities in a timely and safe manner. This includes showing up to each home or stopping at the scheduled time and informing parents of any changes in pick-up or drop-off times. The driver also has to drive safely in all types of weather.


School bus drivers not only have to drive safely and watch the road, but they also normally have responsibility for the conduct of students on their buses. 18. Monitoring student behavior and stopping any horseplay are immediate duties. In some cases, students are assigned (分配) seats in the front of the bus if they have

regular behavioral problems.

19. This includes regular checks on brakes, tires, turning signals and mechanical ( 机械的) equipment. School districts often have regular daily checklists whereby drivers must confirm that they have checked on various safety items. If problems are detected with any of these components, the bus is normally taken in for repair work and the driver uses an alternative bus until his normal one is ready to go again.

Each day, school bus drivers have to log (记录) a variety of activities. 20. They also log the miles they drive on their routes. Additionally, drivers make notes when fuel is filled and the amount. These daily logs help ensure accuracy in routes. A. It’s extremely important.

B.They are usually tasked with clean-up duty.

C.It’s really hard to control kids’ on-bus behavior.

D.They report the number of riders on their buses.

E.They also take school sports teams and other groups on trips.

F.Regular drivers are responsible for monitoring the safety of their buses.

G.Buses have large mirrors over the front window that give drivers the ability to see

the entire bus.


16.E 根据上文的 School bus drivers transport kids to and from school.(校车司机接送孩子们上下学)以及下文的 Along with their transportation duties, bus drivers commonly assume other roles in the school district.(校车司机在履行交通职责的同时,通常还会在学区内承担其他角色。)可知,此空在讲校车司机的职责。故E项(They also take school sports teams and other groups on trips.)他们还带着学校运动队和其他团体去旅行。也是校车司

机的职责。故 E 项符合语境。故选 E。

17.A 根据上文的 The most obvious responsibility of a school bus driver is to transport students to and from school or activities in a timely and safe manner. This includes showing up to each home or stopping at the scheduled time and informing parents of any changes in pick-up or drop-off times. The driver also has to drive safely in all

types of weather.(校车司机最明显的职责就是及时安全地接送学生上下学或活动。这包括出


下安全驾驶。)故本段主要讲司机的安全驾驶非常重要。故 A 项(It’s extremely important)这非常重要,承接上文,符合语境。故选 A。

18.G 根据下文的 Monitoring student behavior and stopping any horseplay are

immediate duties.(监控学生行为和停止任何打闹是当务之急。)根据上下文以及常识可知,

校车司机监控车上学生的行为靠的就是车的内后视镜。故 G 项(Buses have large mirrors over the front window that give drivers the ability to see the entire bus.)公交车的前窗上有大镜子,司机可以看到整辆公交车。承上启下,符合语境。故选 G。

19.F 根据本段可知,此处是让选出主旨句以及根据下文 This includes regular checks on brakes, tires, turning signals and mechanical ( 机械的 ) equipment. School districts often have regular daily checklists whereby drivers must confirm that they have

checked on various safety items.(这包括对刹车、轮胎、转向灯和机械设备进行定期检查。学区通常有定期的每日检查表,司机必须确认他们已经检查了各种安全物品。)由此可知,这

些都是校车司机负责车辆安全的具体表现。故F 项(Regular drivers are responsible for monitoring the safety of their buses)正规司机有责任监督其校车的安全。能够概括本段

中心,可作为主旨句。故选 F。

20.D 本段讲的是校车司机的另一项职责:记录各项活动的数据。故D 项(They report the number of riders on their buses.)报告坐车人数应是其中的一项工作。符合语境。故选 D。第二部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45 分)第一节完形填空(共20 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的


The first time I went hunting wild geese with my father, I couldn't catch them no matter how hard I tried. Every time I tried to approach them, 21 the wild geese started flying away before I could get close. It 22 me a lot and I turned to my

father for help.

Hearing my trouble, my father 23 at a wild goose standing at the highest point and said, “That wild goose is a sentry (哨兵),which we call the wild goose

24. It will give an alarm to the other wild geese as long as it finds something


“That's26 it is so hard for you to catch them. Listen, boy! Go and 27

the slave on purpose now, and then hide there motionless."

Not quite understanding why, I 28 to have a try.

I picked up a piece of stone from the ground and threw it at the slave. As 29 , it gave an alarm to its companions 30 . The wild geese resting there fled in all 31 , but they flew back soon when they found nothing happened.

I followed my father's instructions to repeat this 32 for a few times.

33 , a few wild geese thinking they were fooled started 34 the slave. Repeatedly, almost all the wild geese thought the slave gave false 35 and began to attack the slave. The poor slave was pecked (啄)all over with cuts and


"You can approach the geese now," 36 my father.

So I got close to the wild geese again. The slave saw me, but it took no 37 this time. Maybe it was just 38 caring.

39 , I raised my gun and got a good harvest.

The tragedy often occurs in this 40 : the loyal are misunderstood while the

misunderstood cannot stick out.

21. A. somehow B. anyway C. somewhat D. anyhow

22. A. surprised B. touched C. annoyed D. entertained

23. A. aimed B. laughed C. stared D. pointed

24. A. father B. soldier C. slave D. leader

25. A. unlucky B. unusual C. informal D. incorrect

26. A. when B. how C. why D. where

27. A. start B. beg C. kill D. watch

28. A. refused B. offered C. pretended D. decided

29. A. suggested B. expected C. reported D. whispered

30. A. suddenly B. immediately C. carefully D. angrily

31. A. directions B. forms C. methods D. shapes

32. A. trick B. word C. plan D. idea

33. A. Actually B. Finally C. Obviously D. Especially

34. A. blaming B. teasing C. hating D. attacking

35. A. meaning B. shouting C. warning D. feeling

36. A. answered B. explained C. repeated D. reminded

37. A. courage B. notes C. action D. pictures

38. A. busy with B. tired of C. angry at D. used to

39. A. Hopeless B. Careless C. Heartless D. Speechless

B. order

C. time

D. situation

40. A. way


21. A22. C23. D24. C25. B 26. C27. A28. D29. B30. B

31. A32. A33. B34. D35. C 36. D37. C38. B39. D40. A



21.A 考查副词词义辨析。句意:每次我试图接近它们时,不知怎的,我还没来得及靠近,大

雁就开始飞走了。A. somehow 不知何故;B. anyway 无论如何;C. somewhat 稍微;D.

anyhow 不管怎样。空前一句说无论我多么努力,都猎不到大雁,因此不知什么原因,我还

没来得及靠近,它们就飞走了,故 A 项正确。

22.C 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这让我很恼火,我只好向父亲求助。A. surprised 使惊讶;B.

touched 使感动;C. annoyed 惹恼;D. entertained 款待。空前一句说我还没来得及靠近,

大雁就开始飞走了,这自然是让我大为恼火,故 C 项正确。

23.D 考查动词短语辨析。句意:听到我遇到的麻烦,父亲指着站在最高点的一只大雁说:“那

只大雁是哨兵,我们称它为雁奴”。A. aimed at 瞄准;B. laughed at 嘲笑;C. stared at 紧

盯;D. pointed at 指向。根据空后的“standing at the highest point”可知,这只大雁是

站在最高点的,因此父亲是指着它对我说的,故 D 项正确。

24.C 考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. father 父亲;B. soldier 士兵;C. slave 奴隶;D. leader

领导人。根据下文中的“the slave”可知此处指“雁奴”,故 C 项正确。

25.B 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:只要发现不正常的情况,它就会给其他的大雁发出警报。

A. unlucky 不走运的;

B. unusual 不同寻常的;

C. informal 非正式的;

D. incorrect 不正确

的。根据空前的“It will give an alarm to the other wild geese”可知,只要发现不正常的

情况,它就会给其他的大雁发出警报,故 B 项正确。

26.C 考查表语从句。句意:这就是你很难猎到它们的原因。分析句子结构可知此处为表语从

句,从句中不缺主宾表,缺少原因状语,that’s why...表示“这就是……的原因”,故 C 项正


27.A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:现在去故意让那个雁奴发出警报,然后一动不动地躲在那里。

A.start 开始;

B. beg 乞求;

C. kill 杀死;

D. watch 看。根据下文中的“I picked up a piece

of stone from the ground and threw it at the slave.”可知,我从地上捡起一块石头扔向雁


A 项正确。

28.D 考查动词词义辨析。句意:尽管不太明白为什么,但我还是决定试试。A. refused 拒绝;

B.offered 主动提出;

C. pretended 假装;

D. decided 决定。根据空后的“I picked up a piece of stone from the ground and threw it at the slave.”可知,我从地上捡起一块石头扔向雁

奴,这说明我决定按照父亲说的试一下,故 D 项正确。

29.B 考查动词词义辨析。句意:不出所料,它立即向同伴发出警报。A. suggested 表明;B. expected 预料;C. reported 报告;D. whispered 低声说。根据上文中的“That's ____6____it is so hard for you to catch them. Listen, boy! Go and ___7___ the slave on purpose now, and then hide there motionless.”可知,父亲说我猎不到大雁是因为雁奴在放哨,所以让我故意去诱使那个雁奴发出警报,因此此处是说不出所料,它果然立即向同伴发出警报,故B 项正确。

30.B 考查副词词义辨析。句意同上。A. suddenly 突然;B. immediately 立即;C. carefully 小心地;D. angrily 生气地。根据上文中的“That wild goose is a sentry”可知,雁奴是哨兵,负责为同伴放哨,一有动静,它自然是立即向同伴发出警报,故 B 项正确。

31. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:停在那里的大雁四散逃窜,但当发现什么事也没有后它们很快就飞回来了。A. directions 方向;B. forms 形式;C. methods 方法;D. shapes 形状。根据常识可知,接到警报的大雁应该是从四面八方飞起来,in all directions 表示“四面八方”,故

A 项正确。

32.A 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我按照父亲的指示重复了几次这个把戏。A. trick 把戏、诡计;B. word 诺言;C. plan 计划;D. idea 想法。根据上文中的“Go and ___7___ the slave

on purpose now”可知,父亲让我故意去诱使那个雁奴发出警报,因此这是诱使雁奴发出假警报的把戏,故 A 项正确。

33.A 考查副词词义辨析。句意:最后,几只以为被愚弄的大雁开始攻击雁奴。A. Actually 实际上;B. Finally 最终;C. Obviously 明显地;D. Especially 尤其。空前一句说我按照父亲的指示重复了几次这个把戏,此处是说我重复几次这个把戏带来的“最终”结果,故 B 项正确。

34.B 考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. blaming 责备;B. teasing 取笑;C. hating 给……戴帽子;D. attacking 攻击。根据空后的“began to attack the slave”可知,几只以为被愚弄的大雁开始攻击雁奴,故 D 项正确。


35.C 考查名词词义辨析。句意:几乎所有的大雁都以为雁奴发出了假警报,它们都开始攻击雁奴。A. meaning 意思;B. shouting 呼喊;C. warning 预警、警报;D. feeling 感觉。根据上文中的“It will give an alarm to the other wild geese”可知,几乎所有的大雁都以为雁奴发出了假警报,故 C 项正确。

36.D 考查动词词义辨析。句意:“现在你可以靠近大雁了”,父亲提醒我说。A. answered 回答;B. explained 解释;C. repeated 重复;D. reminded 提醒。根据上文内容及空前的“"You can approach the geese now,"”可知,反复使用这个把戏后,我们得到了想要的结果——大雁都以为雁奴在发假警报并开始攻击它,然后父亲提醒我现在可以靠近大雁了,故D 项正确。

37.C 考查名词词义辨析。句意:雁奴看见了我,但这一次它没有采取任何行动。A. courage 勇气;B. notes 笔记;C. action 行动;D. pictures 图画。根据上文内容可知,之前每次一发现有什么不对的情况,雁奴都会发出警告,空前的转折连词“but”表明这次它没有采取行动(发出警报),故 C 项正确。

38.B 考查短语辨析。句意:也许它只是厌倦了关心(为了同伴的安全而保持警惕)。A. be busy with 忙于;B. be tired of 厌烦;C. be angry at 为……生气;D. be used to 习惯于。空前一句说这一次雁奴没有采取任何行动,此处解释原因——也许它厌倦了关心(为了同伴的安全而保持警惕),故 B 项正确。

39.D 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我惊愕得说不出话来,举起枪,收获颇丰。A. Hopeless 绝望的;B. Careless 粗心的;C. Heartless 狠心的;D. Speechless 说不出话的。根据上文可知,根据上文的讲述可知,之前每次一发现有什么不对的情况,雁奴都会发出警告,但这一次它没有采取任何行动,这种强烈的反差让我惊愕得说不出话来,故 D 项正确。

40.A 考查名词词义辨析。句意:悲剧往往是这样发生的:忠诚的人被误解,而被误解的人也不再坚持。A. way 方式、方法;B. order 顺序;C. time 次数、时间;D. situation 情况。根据空后的“the loyal are misunderstood while the misunderstood cannot stick out.”可知,此处指“以这种方式、这样”,故 A 项正确。

第二节阅读下面材料,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

“Nothing entertains us better than reading a book.” Bing Xin expressed this 41. (believe) in 1987. “Entertainment news has increased, which is fine, but I 42. (firm) believe the most pleasant thing about life is to rea d books,” she told Cao Zhengwen, editor of the Xinming Evening News.

Cao’s interview with Bing Xin 43. (take) place about two years after the book Amusing Ourselves to Death was published. It criticized televisions for 44. (weaken) rational thinking that was typical of books.

To encourage more people to read, Cao launched 45. “Joy of Reading” section in the Xirmin Evening News in 1986. During the 22 years 46. it survived and thrived (繁荣), he interviewed quite a few cultural figures and invited them 47. (write) for the
