
崔永元: Hello, Hello Uncle ... Please sit down sit down Uncle
Zhao Benshan: ok
SONG Dan-dan: ok!咳
崔永元: a little a little bit nervous. Uncle,aunt, this is the first TV studio to you!
Zhao Benshan: yes,the first time.
SONG Dan-dan: en,it is.
崔永元: When I first came to the studio, ah, there will be a little bit nervous. You see there are so many cameras, so many viewers, we talked for a while will be able to relax. Let's make a introduction first.
Zhao Benshan: how to introduce?
崔永元: According to your habits at home.
SONG Dan-dan: I would like to say that first.
崔永元: ok!
SONG Dan-dan: My name is Bai Yun.
Zhao Benshan: My name is hei tu.
SONG Dan-dan: I am 71
Zhao Benshan: I am 75
SONG Dan-dan: my birthpet is chicken
Zhao Benshan: mine is tiger
SONG Dan-dan: This is my husband
Zhao Benshan: This is my mother
(Music band)
Zhao Benshan: my wife,
SONG Dan-dan: mistake in generation!
崔永元: Please sit down sit down. relax,I tell you that the talk show has a topic.when we come to the topic,you will not be nervious.
Zhao Benshan: right!
崔永元: Today's topic is "yesterday, today and tomorrow." let's change the rules, this time you say first ,uncle.
Zhao Benshan: Yesterday, at home;Today, here; tomorrow, go back, thank you!
(Band music)
Zhao Benshan: quite simply
崔永元: No, i would like you talk about the past.
SONG Dan-dan: the day before yesterday, we got informed of this show, thank you.
崔永元: Uncle\aunty, we are going to recall the past, and then comment on what is now, look into the future.
Zhao Benshan: ah ~ ~ ~ That was the past, present and future!
zhaobenshan:ahh, it was past,present and future
崔永元: I also made a mistake ~ ~ ~ uncle,aunty,i ask you a question first,have you ever see this program before?
zhaobenshan:yes!you are the host of <>
songdandan:your name is yongyuan cui,right?
songdandan:the people in our village all like you
songdandan:they all speak highly of you,praising your performance in the program
cui:thank you !
songdandan:but the appearance is not good
zhaobenshan:how can you say like that!
songdandan:just tell the truth
zhaobenshan:sorry,she didn't mean that. there is a characteristic in your show.you smile like crying.
cuiyongyuan:you all in your village praise someone in this way?ok,let"s talk about you two.when you fell in love,who pursue who?
zhaiobenshan:obviously i'm handsome at that time,she pursued me.
songdandan:don't cheat.tell it like it is!when i was young,i'm rather graceful.
cuiyongyuan:actually,aunty really has a high spirit.
songdandan:nonono!my hair has turned white now and wrinkle has also increased.two lily incisors offed last year.
cui:aunty,how did uncle pursue you?
songdandan:he approached me voluntaryly,and talked with me freely. he also conveyed his love by stealing a look.
cui:Eyes at

zhao:Don't blather!
cui:uncle,when you got marrried,what betrothal gifts did you buy for aunty?
songdandan:he is so poor that there is nothing he can buy.
zhaobenshan:no!There's a household electrical appliances
zhao:heihei,don't study from us.there has also been a love crisis between us.
崔永元: 怎么回事儿?
赵本山: 改革开放富起来之后,我们俩盖起了二层小楼。这楼盖完了屋多了突然跟我提出来要分居,说搁一个屋谁耽误她学外语,完事呢说这个感情这个东西是距离产生美。结果我这一上楼,距离拉开了,美没了!天天吃饭啥的也不正经叫我了,打电话,还说外语:“Hello哇,饭已OK了,下来咪西吧!”
song:tell it like it is!why did i get separated from you?
zhao:you are petty!
song:You always don't see me,and wait in front of the television to see niping.
赵本山: 说那啥用啊,那赵忠祥一出来你眼睛不也直吗?
songdandan:Zhao zhongxiang is my idols
zhao:niping is my dream lover
song:over!over!why do you talk about this before so many people?
赵本山: 错了,行不?都录象呢
song:you have been old!
赵本山: 不你提起来的么!
song:you have no culture
崔永元: 二老都这么多年了,风风雨雨这么多年了,为了看个电视,我觉得不值得。
赵本山: 可不是咋的,后来更虢了,这家伙把我们家的男女老少东西两院议员全找来了开会,要弹劾我。
崔永元: 事儿还闹大了!
赵本山: 恩,后来经过全家人的举手表决,大家一致认为我——
崔永元: 您是对的!
赵本山: 给人赔礼道歉。
崔永元: 赔礼道歉这段呀,一定要让大妈讲。您肯定记着那天是怎么回事儿,
song:one day,when i opened the door,he steared at me straightly and insited on reciting a poem
to me
赵本山: 别说了~~
song:ahh,baiyun i apologise to https://www.360docs.net/doc/2412734400.html,e to your home ,please look at me,how pitiful i am.how can i repeat the story happened yesterday!does the old ticket in my hand has an access to your ship?
崔永元: 大叔啊,后来怎么样了?
赵本山: 涛声依旧了~~~
崔永元: 你看啊,咱们今天呢先说受苦,说着说着又说打架,我觉得是这个话题呀,起的太沉重。下面咱们换个话题,畅想一下美好的明天!
song: i have dreamed about the future,i want to write a book
赵本山: 哎呀,打住。拉倒吧,看书都看不下来写啥书啊
崔永元: 大叔啊,下载出书热,写一本也行
zhao:you are bragging!
崔永元: 越说越不对劲了。大妈您慢慢的构

zhao赵本山: 我觉着我们俩现在生活好了,越来越老了,余下的时间也越来越少了。过去论天过,现在就应该论秒了,下一步我准备领她出去旅旅游,走一走比较大的城市,去趟铁岭,度度蜜月
song:before travelling,i want to fit on two Porcelain incisors.
崔永元: 高级的
song:yes.then, get a face lift

赵本山: 我拍个黄瓜。
崔永元: 您要是弄个拉皮儿,拍个黄瓜,我就只能烫壶酒了。说着说着下酒菜都出来了。其实我听得出来,大叔大妈呀,是想永远年轻,那就让我们一起,祝大叔大妈永远年轻,生活幸福!
崔永元: 在我们这次节目结束的时候,按照惯例,我们要请每一位佳宾,每个人用一句话,再总结一下自己的内心感受。大妈先来?
song:only one sentence?
崔永元: 一句话。
song:from heart?
崔永元: 对,发自肺腑的
song:i want to see zhao zhongxiang.
赵本山: 拉倒吧!干啥完应!
song:it is really from my heart
赵本山: 这么丢人呢!没正事儿呢!让你说一句话你说这干啥完应,丢不丢人!不说点关键的!
崔永元: 大叔要么您说,一句话。
赵本山: 我也剩一句啦?
崔永元: 啊,一句话,对。
赵本山: 来钱儿的火车票谁给报了。
崔永元: 感谢现场和电视机前的观众朋友们,咱们下周实话实说,再见!
