



“I love you,China.”Since the day I was born,I began to have a proud name—Chinese.Since the day I began to talk,the most beautiful sentence I’ve ever learnt has been “I love you,China!”I love you,China,and I’m so proud of being a Chinese.I’m proud that I’ve got the beautiful yellow skin,black eyes and black hair.I’m also proud that I speak the most beautiful language in the world—Chinese.I love you,China,for I can feel the deep love you give me every day,every https://www.360docs.net/doc/2416641546.html,st year,I got an opportunity to visit the United States of America.During my staying there,my father’s boss once invited my family to dinner.While at ,he looked at me and asked:“Little boy,how long have you been in America?”“About a month,”I answered,“How lucky you are!”he said,“If you were living in China,how could you learn such perfect English?”I smiled and told him proudly that all the students in China are able to learn English at school.I saw his surprised eyes and said to myself,“I’m proud of you,China ”

I love my motherland

There is a beatiful country standing in the east of the world .She has red soil ,big mountains,long rivers and hardworking

people ,she is just like a diamond ,shinning all the time ,and she is my dearest country -------China !I love my motherland !Because China has 56 ethnic groups,known to all!!Each race has its own culture and customs.Some people are kindhearted,some people are generous,some people are humourous...anyway ,I can't display evry race of my country ,but what I want to tell you is that the Chinese people are

great.Because of them ,our motherland is developing day by day .Our country is ing much stronger tham before .

My country has so many great places of interest ,which is known not only to every citizen ,but also to the world .China is a famous and fantastic

country !Yes,that's ture !We have the Great Wall ,the world's second longest river ,the oldest history and culture China is how extraordinary!I love my country,because the Chinese people brave and industrious.Founding of the PRC in 1949,and since then our country has e more and more powerful.Now I have to say loudly to the world,my country What a remarkable!my country is the real charm,I love the motherland!I love China!So now I can speak to the world loudly My country is really great !My country is really beautiful !我爱我的祖国



创新英语演讲稿 篇一:Innovation创新-英语演讲稿 What we cannot afford to lose We cannot lose innovation There is a wonderful word which expresses the most original motions and desires among human-beings. With solving any kind of imperfections, our world has moved ahead. This is the word “innovation” that we cannot afford to lose. We chicaned every detail of the innovation. Thousands years before, we created fire when we took a stone to knock another one. Since Han Dynasty, four great inventions had been created and it is one of the greatest signs that China become to the ancient civilized country. And nowadays, thousands of software, products, architectures and public facilities have upgraded more than that about 100 years ago. So how did these happen What will you do if you are not satisfied with your tools anymore What will you do if old mode cannot afford to develop in a company There is no doubt that we should innovate no matter where we are and what we do. Not because of the design itself, but actually


我爱我的祖国演讲稿 我爱我的祖国演讲稿 【篇一】 尊敬的各位老师,友爱的同学们:大伙儿好 假如你咨询我,我的祖国在何方,我会自豪的告诉你,世界的东方有一条巨龙,那条巨龙就是我的祖国;假如你咨询我,我的祖国在地图的何方,我会骄傲的告诉你,世界的地图上有一只雄鸡,那只雄鸡就是我的祖国。我的祖国地大物博,美丽富饶;我的祖国气壮山河,日新月异;我的祖国国富民强,气象万千„„我为它而骄傲,为它而自豪,为它感到无限荣耀,它就是享誉世界的文明古国中国。 我爱我的祖国。她如一座美丽宽敞的大花园,而我是其中的一朵小花儿,无忧无虑的生长着,她如一位慈爱的母亲,培育、呵护着我,让我健壮成长。 我爱我的祖国,爱他悠久的历史和坚强不屈。我们铭记着中华母亲的功德,更不忘她承受的千灾百难。我们永久不能不记得,八国联军侵略中国,占据我们的土地,破坏我们的文物,祖国母亲饱受煎熬,饱受痛苦,尽管如此,我们的祖国母亲也熬过来了她坚持下来了一九四九年十月一日,在毛主席英明的领导下,新中国成立了是七月的星火,南湖的航船,让东方雄狮从噩梦中奋起,中华啊展开了崭新的画卷。 我爱我的祖国。记得二零零八年八月八日,第二十九届奥林匹克运动会首次在中国北京的鸟巢进行凉爽,那时,我们看到了中国的雄伟、美丽、壮观,看到了一个自强不息的中国。中国的运动健儿在自己的努力拼搏,努力奋斗下,夺得一枚又一枚金牌,这是中国人民的骄傲我多么自豪,我是中国人 我爱我的祖国,爱它的一年四季,爱它的大好河山。春天,他用水彩描绘出如梦如幻的江南美景;夏天,它用油彩刻画了夏山如碧的南海风光;秋天,它用水粉描摹了丰收在望的华北田野;冬天,它用国画描述出白雪皑皑的北国风光。 我爱我的祖国。每当星期一来到学校,看到冉冉升起的五星红旗,听到响亮的《义勇军进行曲》,我心中那份爱国之心不由自主的流了出来。胸前鲜艳的红领巾,是多少英雄和战士们的血渲染的呀我们这些祖国的花朵怎能不记得祖国母亲受过的屈辱直至现在,二零一二年,日本帝国主义国家还要强行购买我国的岛屿钓鱼岛,这引起了我国人民的愤愤不平,日本人太可恶了,我国是绝对可不能把钓鱼岛卖给日本帝国主义国家的。而关于我们小学生来讲,最重要的,对国家最有关心的,就是好好学习,天天向上,把祖国建设得更加美好 啊祖国,我爱你的灿烂文化,爱你的日益繁荣富强,但我更爱你辉煌的改日祖国,是你给了我幸福的雨露、给了我金色的童年、给了我明媚的阳光、给了我美好的理想、给了我无比的自信,激励我迈开大步向前冲。我要感谢你,你令我骄傲,令我自豪,我爱你我的祖国母亲


关于梦想英语演讲稿5篇 关于梦想的英语演讲稿有哪些呢为大家整理了相关的英语演讲稿5篇,欢迎大家阅读。 关于梦想英语演讲稿篇1 Good morning, it's my honor to stand here and give you this speech about dreams. There I want to start my speech with two short stories. The first story happened when I was in primary school, I wrote in my composition that my dream was to be a teacher when I grew up. Meanwhile, what my classmates wrote about their dreams was that he or she wanted to be a doctor, a scientist or an astronaut. The second story happened at my first year in university. At the careers planning class, when the teacher asked about our dreams, one of my classmates stood up and said, “I want to be a farmer, because I grow up in a farmer's family and I love to be engaged in agriculture.” When he sat down, everyone clapped. These two stories happened during my growth process, from which I got my understanding of dreams. When I was a child I believed that a dream must be a big dream, but when I grow up I find this big dream is so far away from me, I know little about it, and I have done nothing


关于友谊的英语演讲稿带翻译 篇一:关于友谊的英语演讲稿 There is a saying goes,“life without a friend is a life without a sun”,that isTo say,Friendship is indispensable to people's life. 有句谚语说,“人生没有了朋友就犹如失去了阳光”,这也就是说,友谊对人的生活是不可缺少的。 Friendship is to our life what salt is to dasher. When you are happy, friendship is just like adding flowers on the brocade; when you are sad, friendship is a dose of consolation; if you are in trouble, friends will surround you and remove the barriers for you; if you have a hard nut to crack, you can turn to friends for help. 友谊是我们的生活中的调味品。当你快乐的时候,友谊就像是盛开的鲜花,展现在你面前,当你可悲时,友谊是一剂安慰;如果您遇到了麻烦,朋友们将会出现并帮你解除困难,如果你有一个难办的事,您可以找朋友获得帮助。Every one need friends, and if you fail to make friends, you should examine yourself and see if there is something wrong with your personality. Maybe you have social faults such snobbishness, talkativeness and using slang etc. All of that will drive your new


关于创新的英语演讲稿 关于创新的英语演讲稿篇1 What we cannot afford to lose We cannot lose innovation There is a wonderful word which expresses the most original motions and desires among human-beings. With solving any kind of imperfections, our world has moved ahead. This is the word innovation that we cannot afford to lose. We chicaned every detail of the innovation. Thousands years before, we created fire when we took a stone to knock another one. Since Han Dynasty, four great inventions had been created and it is one of the greatest signs that China become to the ancient civilized country. And nowadays, thousands of software, products, architectures and public facilities have upgraded more than that about 100 years ago. So how did these happen? What will you do if you are not satisfied with your tools anymore? What will you do if old mode cannot afford to develop in a company? There is no doubt that we should innovate no matter where we are and what we do. Not because of the design itself, but actually for its intended purpose.


我爱我的祖国演讲稿(精选多篇) 祖国在我心中 亲爱的老师、同学们: 你们好! 拿破仑说过:人类最高的道德是什么?那就是爱国心。对,谁能不爱自己的祖国呢?我们都是炎黄子孙,都是龙的传人。我们的幸福来自祖国,只有国家富裕强大,才能使我们幸福的生活之花永放光华。中国的历史告诉我们,没有祖国,就没有家,国家不强盛,就要挨打。我们最亲的是父母,最爱的是中华。仰望长空,历史的星光依然闪烁!我们的中国古老而伟大,我们的中国壮丽而永生!蔡伦纸上书写着她的智慧,指南针上旋转着她的方向,刀光剑影下

她一次次回归和平,重获新生。为了祖国的成长,为了民族的解放,无数仁人志士前仆后继,呕心沥血,燃尽了自己的生命和青春!即使在那封建主义的绞杀下,即使在那帝国主义的炮火中,中国人依然用自己的脊梁挺起了中华古老的长城。闻一多拍案而起,横眉冷对暗杀者的手枪,吉鸿昌高挂写有“我是中国人”标语的木牌,走在一片蓝眼睛、黄头发的洋人之中。张学良,杨虎城将军为了挽救民族危亡,毅然发动了西安事变??正是这千千万万的赤子,才撑起了我们民族的脊梁,谱写了无愧于时代的《义勇军进行曲》,才使今天的国歌响彻世界,那么雄壮嘹亮! 六十二年前的十月一日,我们的祖国振翅一飞,再度冲上云霄,向全世界发出了最为豪壮的声音:中国人民站起来了!巨人 的呐喊,震荡环宇,让群山响应,大海回波!看吧:工农业生产蒸蒸日上,人民生活普遍改善,科学技术突飞猛进,

改革开放蓬勃发展。无数事实证明:在中国共产党的领导下,中国人民不但能够摧毁一个旧世界,而且有能力建设一个新中国。我们看到了穿透罗布泊上空,那让帝国主义心惊胆寒的蘑菇云,看到了气势恢弘的的三峡大坝,看到了奥运健儿胸前金光闪闪的奖牌。悠悠五千年,泱泱大中华。伟大的中华民族这一东方巨龙,载着改革开放的旗帜,载着中华民族的憧憬,正以惊人的速度向前迅猛飞奔! 而我们,新一代的小学生,必须要确立一个远大的志向,立志为自己的未来而努力奋斗,把祖国建设成为物质文明,政治文明,精神文明的国家。因此,我们要珍惜每一秒,抓紧锻炼身体培养高尚道德,掌握丰富知识,把自己的学习、成长同祖国的繁荣富强紧密联系在一起,为祖国建设振兴中华时刻做好准备。让我们爆发全部的激情,贡献所有的潜能,为祖国母亲的繁荣富强共同奋斗吧!


关于梦想的英文演讲稿(篇1) Wide sea diving, the days of the birds to fly. Everyone carries a dream of their own. However, what is the dream? What is dream? Dream is looking forward to, and the dream is strong - is fleeting dream you insist on the ideal as their courage and perseverance, are you responsible for their own highest level. But ask yourself, how many of us to accomplish his original dream in mind? Our dream is a simple belief, is a future and life of their own responsibility. Perhaps, is the Youth grand ambitions; perhaps, is the adolescent confusion and impulsive; maybe just a plain desire, desire applause, eager for success. Countless "may," innumerable "hope" because of our youthful full of miracles, large and small dreams in our hearts, in every corner of life filled with fragrance. Only the ideal but no effort is useless. If you want to be a teacher, you should to study hard. If you want to be a player, you should do more exercises. If you want to become a businessman, he should learn to get along with people. For example, my wish is to be a famous writer grew up, because I really love writing, so from now on, I should read more, more accumulate knowledge, and strive to improve writing level. No pains, no gains, because my efforts, so my article was punished in many newspapers , and in many composition contest, I see the success I'm happy, so, struggle is the bridge to the ideal. Yes, my dream. to give my famliy a warm, give my friend happy. Yes, my dream. The podium from the first station began his love this place, started from the first published an article looking forward to the world of words, decided to stay here from the beginning, stick to bottom of my heart desire. Years in our faces no matter how many additional traces, no matter how much things to us across the chest wounds, as long as we have the right to breathe, to have a passion for remodeling dreams! Oxygen to survive as long as we have to have the courage to create a passion! Choose to continue, select the value, select the achievements of the passion of life, the brave hearts of the initial dream of success! 海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞。每个人都怀揣着一个属于自己的梦想。 然而,什么是梦?什么又是梦想?梦是期待,而梦想是坚强--是你把飘渺的梦坚持作为自己理想的勇气和执著,是你对自己负责的最高境界。但扪心自问,我们有多少人能够成就自己心中最初的梦想? 我们的梦想,是一个简单的信念,是一份对自己未来与生命的责任。也许,是二十岁的豪情壮志;也许,是青春期的迷茫与冲动;也许只是一份平淡的渴望,渴望掌声,渴望成功。无数的“可能”,无数的“希望”,因为我们的青春岁月充满奇迹,我们心中大大小小的梦,在生活的每一个角落里芬芳弥漫。 是的,我的梦想。一份从一而终的守望--给我的学生希望,给我的读者温暖,给我的爱人幸福。是的,我的梦想。从第一次站上讲台开始迷恋这个地方,从第一次发表文章开始憧憬文字世界,从决定留在这里开始,坚守心底的渴望。 无论岁月在我们脸上增添了多少痕迹,无论世事在我们胸口划过多少到伤痕,只要我们还有呼吸的权利,就拥有重塑梦想的激情!只要我们还有生存的氧气,就拥有缔造激情的勇气!


关于友谊的英语演讲稿 what is friendship? it is to relate with somebody without need for money or objective. it is to need emotion and over wealth is friendship , no matter what their background , age , *** or personality. friendship can be pure. we hear , nowdays, however, how one can be cheated by friends. many people get along with someone because they have a lot of money. it is doultful that is real friendship. having friends, one can be find happiness. if you are in trouble your friends will help you through or at least comfort you. when you are happy , they share it with you. they are also there for you to chat with at any time. it is a wonderful feeling, as the proverb says” to love each other is easy but to make frieds is hard”, so, it is crut ial that we should get along with our friends. in my opinon ,it is a shame to deceive your friends . the world would be more beautiful if it was full of filled with friendship


有关创新的英语演讲稿范文篇1 创新,一个我们耳熟能详的词。尤其是这样一个飞速发展的时代,这个词时时撞击我们的耳膜。但是,创新,其丰富的内涵,却是许多人尽其一生孜孜以求,也未必可以充分了解的。 朋友,你认识创新吗? 创新其实是一个梦想。 中国古代曾有一个人,背负纸做的翅膀,义无反顾地纵身跳下高高的山崖,希冀像鸟儿一样飞翔在晴空。在粉身碎骨跳下的一瞬间,他是否隐约看到了碧空中可以自由翱翔的飞机? 英国有一位作家,在他一生的作品中,尽情幻想,将热气球、潜水艇、电报提前了几十、甚至几百年带入我们的生活。在凡尔纳下笔的一刹那,他是否已经预先看到了遥远的未来? 梦想标示着丰富的想象力,想象力为创新提供源泉。创新从梦想中蜕变,以梦想为根,受梦想浇灌。像永不失天真的爱因斯坦吹出的肥皂泡,在空冥的大地上,不断破灭又不断上升。

创新需要怀疑与批判。 怀疑是创新的萌芽,批判是创新的成长。在怀疑中发现错误,在批判中改正错误,创新才能完成。然而怀疑的精神、批判的勇气,人们为之付出了太多太多。 1543年的春天,人们震惊了,一个人,他居然宣称地球是围绕太阳转的。上帝啊!让这个人不得好死。人们肆意地嘲笑,诅咒。 终于,诅咒灵验了,六十七年后的一天,在美丽的罗马鲜花广场,那个虔诚地捍卫并发展了太阳中心学说的布鲁诺被高高地绑在十字架上。一个火把投向他,烧焦的肉体发出一阵阵异味。死亡的气息在游荡。突然,一个声音从那扭曲的身躯中迸发出来:“火并不能把我征服,未来的世界会了解我,知道我的价值。” 是的,火并没有征服他,那愤怒的火焰,那毁灭的火焰,只能把挂在伪真理脸上的面具烧焦。弥漫在鲜花广场的灰烬不愿散去,它要告诉我们:创新,踏着用生命证明了的怀疑与批判,终究会打破传统的桎梏,得到永生。 创新要求深刻。


关于梦想的英语演讲稿 人都会有梦想,重要的是敢于追求梦想,那么你想知道梦想主题发言用英语要怎么说吗?以下是小编为你整理推荐梦想主题英语演讲,希望你喜欢。 关于梦想的英语演讲稿【1】 Goodmorning,it’smyhonortostandhereandgiveyouthisspeechabo utdreams.ThereIwanttostartmyspeechwithtwoshortstories. ThefirststoryhappenedwhenIwasinprimaryschool,Iwroteinmyco mpositionthatmydreamwastobeateacherwhenIgrewup.Meanwhil e,whatmyclassmateswroteabouttheirdreamswasthatheorshewant edtobeadoctor,ascientistoranastronaut. Thesecondstoryhappenedatmyfirstyearinuniversity.Atthecareers planningclass,whentheteacheraskedaboutourdreams,oneofmycla ssmatesstoodupandsaid,“Iwanttobeafarmer,becauseIgrowupinafa rmer’sfamilyandIlovetobeengagedinagriculture.”Whenhesatdow n,everyoneclapped. Thesetwostorieshappenedduringmygrowthprocess,fromwhichIg


关于朋友主题的英语演讲稿 生命里或许可以没有感动、没有胜利没有其他的东西,但不 能没有的是朋友。下面是WTT小雅为大家整理了关于朋友主题的 英语演讲稿3篇,希望能够帮到你。 关于朋友主题的英语演讲稿篇1 Good afternoon, everyone! My name is Li Yuxi. I’m from Class 1, Grade 7. Today I’ll tell you something about my friend Andy. Andy was a little boy. On his first day at school, he learned three words. I, you, and she. The teacher taught him how to make sentences with these words. The teacher said ,:“I, I am your teacher. she(pointing to a girl),she is your classmate. You, you are my student.”; after supper, h is dad asked, :“what have you learned at school?”; Andy said at once: “I, I am your teacher .she (pointing to his mom), she is your classmate. you, you are my student. ”;his dad got very angry and said, :“I, I am your dad. She(pointing to his mom), she is your mom. you, you are my son.”; the next morning, the teacher asked Andy to make sentences with the three words. “OK”;


我爱我的祖国演讲稿500字 我爱我的祖国。她如一座美丽宽阔的大花园,而我是其中的一朵小花儿,无忧无虑的生长着,她如一位慈祥的母亲,哺育、呵护着我,让我茁壮成长。我爱我的祖国演讲稿500字怎么写呢?下面是整理的我爱我的祖国演讲稿500字资料,欢迎阅读。 篇1:我爱我的祖国演讲稿500字 敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们; 大家好! 我今天所要演讲的题目是《我爱我的祖国—献给祖国》。 在遥远的东方,有一个非常美丽的国度,那有一片广阔的土地,她神奇又辽阔。巍峨的泰山,是她的脊梁。在地图上她是一只昂首挺胸的雄鸡,她美丽而又繁荣。她就是我们的祖国—中国。 千百年来,我们的祖国以前被不平等条约任人宰割。而今天的中国,和以前不一样了,现在的祖国,有光辉灿烂的历史文化和那发达的科技。 圆明园的断桥残壁,仿佛在哭诉他们的不幸。诉说着当年的繁华,又仿佛在控诉英法联军犯下的滔天罪行。圆明园让我们记住了过去的耻辱,记住了民族的仇恨,更加的将祖国发扬广大。 让我们大家对以前软弱的中国说再见,不让历史再重演。 今天我们作为一个中国人,能不自豪吗?我们要努力学习来报答我们伟大的祖国。我们要为发展而奋斗,她将飞得更高,飞得更远。期待它将是最灿烂的一颗东方明珠。要向前辈们一样团结。正所谓"

只要能培一朵花,就不妨做一做会朽的腐草!" 谢谢大家,我的演讲到此结束。 篇2:我爱我的祖国演讲稿500字 敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家好, 我今天要演讲的主题是:我爱我的祖国。 在祖国繁荣昌盛的今天,你们可曾想过,那些为祖国在幕后作贡献的人们,他们无怨无悔,没有抱怨过一句话,他们默默无闻,但尽心尽力。我在这里就要介绍钱学森,他大家都知道吧!但是他爱国的热情还是值得一提,他1920xx年出生在上海,1934年,在交通大学机械系毕业,以优异的成绩考取了赴美国的公费留学。他在美国废寝忘食的学习,终于获得了巨大的成就。中国成立后,钱学森毅然回国,美国政府为了留下钱学森,让他为美国效力,无理的将他监视和软禁了5年,但他回国的决心依然没有改变。 在一个偶然的机遇里,钱学森将回国的想法寄给了比利时的一位亲戚,托她交给中国政府,终于他在1955年的时候回到了祖国,最终为祖国做出了巨大的贡献。的确是钱学森这位伟大的科学家给中国的航天事业翻开了新的篇章,他不仅是科学家,也是爱国者,在美国有那么好的条件,但他并没有心动,还是向往着生他育他的祖国。没错,是祖国哺育了我们,在我们年幼无知时,牙牙学语时是祖国妈妈细心教导我们,当我们犯了错误是,是祖国妈妈指引我们悬崖勒马,在我们垂头丧气时还是祖国妈妈安慰我们,抚平内心的创伤。有人说:"祖国用她那江河的乳汁喂养了我们。"有人说:"祖国用她那宽广的


关于我的梦想主题英语演讲稿 梦想,是对未来的一种期望,指在现实想未来的事或是可以 达到但必须努力才可以达到的境况。每个人都有不同的梦想,梦 想是我们对美好生活的向往。下面是小雅WTT为大家整理了关于 我的梦想主题英语演讲稿3篇,欢迎大家阅读。 关于我的梦想主题英语演讲稿篇1 Students, guests , teachers and Honorable Judges Good morning ! my great pleasure to share my dream with you today. my dream is to bee a teacher.... As the whole world has its boundaries, limits and freedom coexist in our life. I don"t expect plete freedom, which is impossible. I simply have a dream that supports my life. I dream that one day, I could escape from the deep sea of thick schoolbooks and lead my own life. With my favorite fictions, I lie freely on the green grass, smelling the spring, listening to the wind singing, breathing the fresh and cool air and dissolve my soul in nature at last. Simple and short enjoyment can bring me great satisfaction.


英语演讲稿1分钟友谊 英语演讲稿1分钟 my favourite colour is green,we can see the colour everywhere:tree leaves are green,grass is green and so is also a healthy colour,during our lives,we seeing this colour more often is good for our eyes,and why we don't called those natural food like "red food","blue food" or "purple food"? so you can understand how impotant it means life,hope youth and 's my favourite colour:green,i hope more and more people will like green like for listing! Friendship Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. I `m very glad to stand here and make a brief speech for you. Before my speech, I’d like to introduce myself to you. I’m Leon. And my Chinese name is SaiLiujin. I come from Pharmacy English ,Class3. It seems that I am the only freshman in all competitors. I’m usually a lucky dog. As far as I am concerned, I usually read some interesting books to kill my spare time. Listening to pieces of music and doing some exercise are also good


关于创新的英语演讲稿带翻译 What we cannot afford to lose We cannot lose innovation There is a wonderful word which expresses the most original motions and desires among human-beings. With solving any kind of imperfections, our world has moved ahead. This is the word “innovation” that we cannot afford to lose. We chicaned every detail of the innovation. Thousands years before, we created fire when we took a stone to knock another one. Since Han Dynasty, four great inventions had been created and it is one of the greatest signs that China become to the ancient civilized country. And nowadays, thousands of software, products, architectures and public facilities have upgraded more than that about 100 years ago. So how did these happen? What will you do if you are not satisfied with your tools anymore? What will you do if old mode cannot afford to develop in a company? There is no doubt that we should innovate no matter where we are and what we do. Not because of the design itself, but actually for its intended purpose. If there was no Apple, everyone could not imagine how to contact others easily and enjoy a better Internet surfing. If there was no Microsoft, perhaps we still worked in a dim office and duplicate some troublesome documents. If there was no Newton, and no theory of gravity, maybe I will win the Nobel Prize like Newton rather than just standing here. I have heard that three apple changed the world. The first one


篇一:关于梦想的英语演讲 good morning,boys and girls! i’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech! to begin with ,i want to pop a question .does everybody dream a good dream last night? actually ,today i want to talk about dream with you. of course, what i want to talk is not a dream you have last night,but a dream about life. every one has dreams about life, different dreams at different life stage,and we need dreams to support us. dreams are like the stars we never reach in the sky,but like most mariners,we can chart our course by them. with the dream,we have a direction,with a direction, we were no longer confused.with the dream, there is hope,with hope, we have the strength to fight. life is tough,and there are always ups and downs, maybe we fail in the way to our aims,and we may feel depressed ,whenever at this time, the dream in our heart can always confort us, encourage us ,and support us to move ahead . so bear in mind your dream and never give up your dream easily. look into the great people’s experiences, you may find the truth that good dream makes a good one, because there is nothing like a dream to create the future and build up our body . 你会发现真理,好梦是好的,因为没有什么比梦想更能创造未来,建立我们的身体。最后,我想建议。有一个梦想,追求它。要明智地使用你的时间,做你应该做什么来让你的梦想成真。虽然这是一个很辛苦的工作来顶你的梦想山,但俗话说,“山的高度,但男人使峰值”。只要我们坚持,我们将最终实现它。 dreams…are sent by zeus. 梦想,是来自宙斯的礼物。(荷马) if you can dream it, you can do it. 有梦者事竟成。(沃特) 你的生活深度取决于你对年幼者的呵护,对年长者的同情,对奋斗者的怜悯体恤,对弱 (乔治·华盛顿)者及强者的包容。因为生命中总有一天你会发现其中每一个角色你都扮演过。 as wishes may inspire dreams, so dreams may inspire wishes. 正如心愿能够激发梦想,梦想也能够激发心愿。 how to get happiness 如何获得快乐 there is no doubt that happiness is the most precious thing in the world. without it, life will be empty and meaningless. if you wish to know how to get happiness, you must pay attention to the following two points. first, health is the secret of happiness (the key to happiness). only a strong man can enjoy the pleasure of life. secondly, happiness consists in contentment. a man who is dissatisfied with his present condition is always in distress. 无疑的快乐是世界上最宝贵的东西。没有它,人生将是空虚的而且毫无意义的。如果你希望知道如何获得快乐,你须注意下面两点。 健康是快乐的要诀。唯有身体强壮的人才能享受人生的乐趣。 快乐在于知足。一个不满于现状的人终是处在痛苦之中。 the value of time 爱惜时光 an english proverb says that time is money. i consider it (this) wrong. why? because we all know that we can earn money be work but can not in any way get back time (in anyway). for this reason, we may (can) say that time is more valuable than money. many people do not know the value of time. it (this) is indeed a great pity.
