


女大客户经理个人英文简历写作 Personal Information

Name: Lee **

Sex: Female

Date of birth: November 1978

Phone: (86) 136 ******

Work experience

So far xx/05--

Consumer Communication Co., Ltd. Shenzhen **

--- Aount Manager responsible for large customers: ZTE, SIM, Huitong, IVT, UNISMOBILE

Description of work experience:

1. Is responsible for OEM, ODM business development and corporate strategy for major clients, market, business management.

2. Responsible for the contract negotiations, drafting of amendments to contracts, business negotiations and market forecast.

3. Assist in the development of OEM, ODM sector annual goals, work plan for implementation.

4. Directly with customer projects and organizations charged with production and shipping operations, and internal departments to collaborate and co-ordination, responsible for clients to maximize the pany's human and material resources to plete the customer orders and the provisions of the performance.

5. In charge of customer operations for export orders, export work.

6. Responsible for the pany's own-brand business development of overseas orders, exports and foreign sales, the consolidation of overseas markets.

7. CEBIT exhibition to participate in munication, as exhibitors, and actively expand overseas market operators.

8. Submitted to analysis of market in ___igence.


希普里欧Industrial Co., Ltd.

--- Business sector managers responsible for their own mobile phones, customers and suppliers outside the management of the Association

Description of work experience:

1. Is responsible for market research and development programs, business management and business management departments of the internal day-to-day work.

2. To assist organizations to develop the leadership of the pany's annual business plan, the implementation of control plans.

3. The direct leadership of the tripartite cooperation projects and organizations in the planning and operation.

4. In charge of overseas business of the whole operation, development, export and foreign sales, the consolidation of overseas markets.

5. Placing the work of Human reserve.

6. Submitted to analysis of market in ___igence.

7. Product line project management.

8. President of the Coordination Office of things.

xx/04 - xx/07

Communication Co., Ltd. Qingdao Haier CCT


Description of work experience:

- Responsible for the implementation of export contracts, conduct business negotiations and market forecasts;

- Responsible for cleaning up inventory and to open up overseas markets;

- In the production sector in aordance with market requirements and customer feedback together to improve product yields and improve the work;

- Production and the production of progress with the plans and amendments to schedules;

xx/07 - xx/04

Jing City Technology Group (GBM)

Business Development Commissioner

Description of work experience:

- Responsible for the contract negotiations, drafting of amendments to contracts, business negotiations and market forecasts;

- In sales and marketing departments into a new product markets;

- The production of manufactured products needed for equipment purchase list and in the test and aeptance verification engineers;

- Assist in the quality of projects pleted and the necessary production quality control, quality management documents;

- To assist departments and related materials supplier negotiations, and the engineering department to provide the cost of products analysis;

- Production and the production of progress with the plans and amendments to schedules;

Education and training as well as overseas assignment

1997.9 - xx.6 period of Shijiazhuang University of Economics (University of the State directly under the Ministry of Land and Resources) to learn

Major: business management; Minor: Financial Management

Bachelor of Science Degree in Management

xx.09 - xx.12 during the Second Foreign Language University in Bei ___g training center for learning German

Majoring in: German

xx.01 - xx.06 lin during the Shanghai Science and Technology Center for a long time to learn

Quality Management System (ISO 9001: 2000) auditor training courses

xx.03 - xx.04 in Germany, France as the CEBIT exhibitors to participate in EXPO M.


English: fluent (listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation), National Certificate 6

German: General

Spanish: Getting Started


Test A-level Mandarin xx/06


英文简历常用词汇——个人资料 name 姓名in. 英寸 pen name 笔名ft. 英尺 alias 别名street 街 Mr. 先生road 路 Miss 小姐district 区 Ms 小姐或太太house number 门牌 Mrs. 太太lane 胡同,巷age 年龄height 身高 Blood type 血型weight 体重address 地址born 生于permanent address 永久住址birthday 生日province 省Birth date 出生日期city 市birthplace 出生地点county 县home phone 住宅电话prefecture 专区office phone 办公电话autonomous region 自治区business phone 办公电话nationality 民族;国籍current address 目前住址citizenship 国籍date of birth 出生日期native place 籍贯postal code 邮政编码duel citizenship 双重国籍marital status 婚姻状况family status 家庭状况married 已婚 single 未婚divorced 离异separated 分居number of children 子女人数health condition 健康状况health 健康状况excellent (身体)极佳short-sighted 近视 far-sighted 远视ID card 身份证 date of availability 可到职时间membership 会员、资格president 会长vice-president 副会长director 理事standing director 常务理事society 学会association 协会secretary-general 秘书长research society 研究会 英文简历常用词汇——教育程度 education 学历educational history 学历educational background 教育程度curriculum 课程major 主修minor 副修educational highlights 课程重点部分c urriculum included 课程包括specialized courses 专门课程courses taken 所学课程special training 特别训练social practice 社会实践part-time jobs 业余工作summer jobs 暑期工作


个人英语简历范文 以下是关于个人英语简历范文,希望内容对您有帮助,感谢您得阅读。 简历要使用语言力求平实、客观、精炼,篇幅视工作所限为1-2页,工作年限5年以下,通常以1页为宜;工作年限在5年以上,通常为2页。注意提供能够证明工作业绩的量化数据,同时提供能够提高职业含金量的成功经历。独有经历一定要保留,如著名公司从业、参与著名培训会议论坛、与著名人物接触的经历,将最闪光的拎出即可。 个人英语简历范文篇一女 30岁广东人 学历:本科 工作年限: 3-5年 期望薪资:面议 工作地点:广州 - 不限 求职意向:英语翻译 | 行政专员/助理 | 国际贸易专员/经理 | 教师 | 助教 工作经验(工作了4年11个月,做了3份工作) 珠海斗门城东中学 工作时间:2010年10月至 2010年12月[2个月] 职位名称:英语老师 ·

工作内容:英语教学工作:听课,备课,上课,批改作业,课外辅导学生 班主任工作:1,熟悉,了解学生的基本情况,关心学生;2,对整个班级的管理,3,召开主题班会,4,对特殊情况的学生进行个别教育,5,开展培养学生能力,开拓学生思维,开发智力的第二课堂活动,6,开展家访,电访活动,积极与学生家长沟通,教育学生;7,严抓纪律,作业,值日,仪表四项工作 广州朗迪教育培训机构 工作时间:2011年9月至 2014年9月[3年] 职位名称:英语老师 工作内容:制定教学计划,教授学生洪恩英语课程,及时,有效地与其他教师和学生进行交流,沟通,不断反思教学过程中出现的问题,在教学中提升自我。 恒威小学 工作时间:2014年9月至 2016年6月[1年9个月] 职位名称:英语教师 工作内容:英语教学工作:听课,备课,上课,批改作业,课外辅导学生 教育经历 2011年6月毕业肇庆学院英语 ·


物流经理英文简历模版 Revised as of 23 November 2020

物流经理英文简历模版 Logistics Manager Strength Logistics expert in planning, purchasing and distribution. My special knowledge in logistics field covers logistics planning,logistics system development,warehousing, transportation, etc. Supplying chain management, investment project handling, ISO9000 certification, import and export business. based on long-term management experience, be able to lead a project team to settle any difficulties with efficient communication and sincere cooperation. Personal Name: Stella Li Gender:Female Date of Birth:August 23th,1970 Martial Status:Married Email Tel:(010)67 Mobile Phone: Experience 07/1999 - 12/2000 XXXX China Logistics Manager Monitoring and improving national supply chain performance through designing, implementing and analyzing KPI (from totally new design to implementation throughout the company, including inventory turnover, backorder ratio, supply availability, sales forecast reliability, warehouse utilization and other related measurements.


银行客户经理自荐书三篇 银行客户经理自荐书一篇 您好! 感谢你在百忙之中抽空审阅我的自荐信,期望您给我一个自我展示和实现价值的平台,以下是我的自我介绍。 本人XX年从事互联网行业,先后做过设计部经理,推广部经理,产品经理。善于辨证的分析和思考问题,具有较强的组织协调能力;具有市场分析决策、接受新事物能力较强;先后曾带领过团队策划并实施中彩网首页、论坛、彩民之家等页面的改版。312健康网托玛琳、水益生、高血压治疗仪等产品的策划制作与推广。 工作四年,奠定了我扎实的专业知识和丰富的互联网经验。使我成为一个互联网内的一个复合型人才。在专业上:精通美工,搜索引擎优化(seo),熟悉(asp,php),可以独立完成中,小型网站的设计、开发与推广。对门户网站、电子商务网站、招生加盟类网站都有独特的见解。在团队建设,协调处理突发事件,工作质量进行监督检验上也积累了丰富的工作经验。

最后感谢您在百忙之中抽暇审批这份材料。祝贵公司蓬勃发展,事业蒸蒸日上! 银行客户经理自荐书二篇 尊敬的贵公司领导: 您好!很高兴我的简历此时在您手中,有可能这一刻成为我人生的一个转折点,以下是我的个人说明: 我叫谭友,来自牡丹之乡山东菏泽,想应聘贵行的客户经理一职。 我曾从事过销售工作,没有做过银行销售,我很喜欢销售这个职业,因为我有坚强的意志,意志对于销售本身来说有很重要的作用,是一种无形的力量,是一旦确定目标,无论发生什么情况,非实现不可动力。 我认为这种坚强意志在银行的工作中同样也是中必不可缺,任务越是艰巨,意志的力量越大,对这一点我深有体会。 工作一年后,深感自己理论知识的不足,故此参加了广东省自学考试,金融专业,由此提高我的工作技能与公司工作的需要。


应聘外企,教你制作高水准的英文简历 发布时间: 2006-11-26 02:09 作者: webmaster 来源: 本站原创 字体: 小中大 | 上一篇下一篇 | 打印 坐上英文简历快艇,把你送进500强彼岸应聘外企,一份高水准的简历必不可少,英文简历的构成: 一、说明信(Cover letter) 一封介绍性的信笺,介绍你自己以及你应征的目的,并有机会在其中概述你的技能和你能为公司做出的贡献,大多数公司除了要履历之外还要求附上一封说明信。(Anintroductory letter which introduces yourself, states your intent, and gives you an opportunity to summarize your skills and sell what you can offer to a company. Most companies require a cover letter in addition to a resume.)主要包括三部分:开场白(Anfang)、自我介绍(Selbstvorstellung)和结束语(Schluss)。 二、简历(Resume) 一个正规的个人鉴定,描绘出专业目标、工作经历和教育背景以及与某专业相关的其他的活动,或参加的专业组织,等等。这是一种向一个可能成为你老板的人推销你技能和专业技巧的手段。(A formal document which identifies a person, outlines professional goals, describes work history and educational background, andidentifies other activities, member ships in professional associations,etc., which are relevant to a career. It is a tool by which you market or sell your skills and expertise to a potential employer.) 英文简历与中文简历内容相似,主要包括: (一)求职目标(Goals): 一份描述你专业抱负或是职业目标的陈述报告。(A statement which expresses your professional ambitions and/or career objectives.)包括:目标(objective)、工作目标(job objective)、职业目标(careerobjective)、谋求职位(positionsought)、希望职位(position wanted)、申请职位(position applied for)等。 例: 1.Executive and Managerial 管理部分: Executive Marketing Director 市场行政总监 Vice-President 副总裁 Assistant Vice-President 副总裁助理 Controller(General) 管理员 Vice-President of Administration 行政副总裁 manager 经理 Production Manager 生产经理 Operations Manager 操作经理 Chief Executive Officer(CEO) 首席执行官 President 总统 Chief Operations Officer(COO) 首席运营官 Branch Manager 部门经理 Controller(International) 国际监管 Director of Operations 运营总监 Claims Examiner 主考官 General Manager 总经理 Property Manager 房地产经理 Field Assurance Coordinator 土地担保协调员 District Manager 市区经理 Regional Manager 区域经理 Hospital Administrator 医院管理 HMO Administrator 医疗保险管理 Import/Export Manager 进出口经理 Insurance Claims Controller 保险认领管理员 Program Manager 程序管理经理 Insurance Coordinator 保险协调员 Project Manager 项目经理 Product Manager 产品经理


外企个人英文简历范文 name email professionalexperience XX-presentattorney emerson,lake&palmer,p.c.,atlanta,ga trialattorneyinmedium- sized,generalpracticelawfirmwithextensivecorporatedealings. areasofconcentrationhaveincludedenvironmental,publicutility ,generalbusinessandappellatelitigation. XX-XXassistantdistrictattorney athensdistrictattorney#39;soffice,athens,ga seniortrialattorneyresponsibleforprosecutingmajorfelonyc asesinthesuperiorcourt.supervisedcriminalinstigationsandtra inedassistantdistrictsttorneys.prosecutedoverthirtymajorfel onyjurycasesincludingmurder,rape,andchildabuse.briefedandar guedoverfortycasesbeforethesupremejudicialcourtandtheappeal scourt. XX-XXlawclerk/assistanttowncouncil townofmarietta,marietta,ga generalmunicipalandappellatelitigation. education georglainstititeoftechnology,atlanta,ga j.d.,XX,cumlaude.

物流管理英文简历 Logistics Manager

RESUME Strength ·Logistics expert in planning, purchasing and distribution. ·My special knowledge in logistics field covers logistics planning, logistics system development, warehousing, transportation, etc. ·Supplying chain management, investment project handling, ISO9000 certification, import and export business. ·based on long-term management experience, be able to lead a project team to settle any difficulties with efficient communication and sincere cooperation. Personal Name:Gender:Female Date of Birth: Martial Status:Married Email Address: ×××× Tel:Mobile Phone: Experience 07/×××× - 12/××××XXXX China Logistics Manager ·Monitoring and improving national supply chain performance through designing, implementing and analyzing KPI (from totally new design to implementation throughout the company, including inventory turnover, backorder ratio, supply availability, sales forecast reliability, warehouse utilization and other related measurements. ·Taking a lead in countrywide inventory optimization project. ·Taking a lead in T&A products purchase, inventory, and distribution planning and logistics operations implementation. ·Cooperating with The Third Party Logistics Service provider to continuously improve the warehousing and transport efficiency. 01/××××- 07/××××XX Shanghai Manager of Logistics ·Established purchase, production and sales logistics processes based IT system. ·In charge of daily logistics operation. ·In charge of forwarders management and bonded warehousing management. ·Struggled in optimize the inventory on the supply chain. ·Cooperated with production dept. to made MRS and BOM. 08/×××× - 01/××××XXX Co. Beijing Logistics Supervisor ·In charge of import contracts and orders management. ·In charge of bonded warehousing management.


个人英文简历中英文对照 专业外语Specialized English 大学物理College Physics 马克思主义哲学原理(认识论) Principle of Marxist Philosophy(Epistem ology) 邓小平理论Deng Xiaoping Theory 毛泽东思想研究Study on Mao Zedong Thought 毛泽东政治思想研究Research on Mao ZeDong Political Thought2 毛泽东哲学思想研究Research of Mao Zedong's Philosophy Thought 体育Physical Education 思想品德修养Cultivation of Ideological Morality 形势政策教育 Teaching of Situation and Policy 军事理论Military Theory 政治经济学Political Economics 高等数学含现性代数Advanced Mathematics (Including Linear Algebr a) 概率论与数理统计Probability and Mathematical Statistics 运算机应用基础Basics of Computer Applications 数据库概论Introduction to Database 大学英语College English 大学语文(文科) The University Language and Literature (Liberal art s) 大学语文(理科) The University Language and Literature (Science) 工商治理 西方经济学概论Introduction to Western Economics 治理心理学 Psychology of Management 治理学原理Principles of Management Science 统计学原理Principles of Statistics 会计学原理Principles of Accounting 治理信息系统Management Information Systems 信息检索Information Retrieval 经济法学 Economic law 企业战略Enterprise Strategy 财政学Public Finance 货币银行学Monetary Economics and Banking 国际金融International Finance 国际贸易International Trade 生产治理Productive

2021年英文简历 通信公司大客户经理

英文简历通信公司大客户经理 英文简历:通信公司大客户经理 Contact Information Name: Sophia Lee Mobile:(86) 1361234567 Work Experience xx/05 – now Shenzhen Sang Fei Consumer munications Co., Ltd. Key Aount manager --- Take charge the clients:ZTE、SIM、HT、IVT、 UNISMOBILE Job duties:

1.In charge of OEM/ODM business development and marketing promotion, with responsibility for strategical customer’s cooperation, inside execution and department internal management roundly. 2. Responsible for Contract negotiations, modification for final approval. In-charge the business progress report, project management and coordination. https://www.360docs.net/doc/243147914.html,anization and establishment OEM/ODM Group annually target and achievement of the object, control the plan and implementation process. 4.Lead directly and organization project scheme and operation, give fully and effectively cooperation to each department. Be responsible for the customers seriously and do utmost exerted all the strength to make the manpower, material resources meet the target. 5.Be responsible of handle the request from customer overseas business.


英文简历的基本构成及相 应的写法 例:

〔.Executive and Man agerial 管理部分: Executive Marketi ng Director 市场行政总监Vice-Preside nt 副总裁Assista nt Vice-Preside nt 副总裁助理Co ntroller(Ge neral) 管理员 Vice-Preside nt of Admi ni stratio n 行政畐寸总裁man ager 经理 Producti on Man ager 生产经理Operati ons Man ager 操作经理Chief Executive Officer(CEO) 首席执行官Preside nt 总统 Chief Operations Officer(COO) 首席运营官Branch Manager 部门经理Con troller(I ntern ati on al) 国际监管Director of Operati ons 运营总 监 Claims Examiner 主考官General Manager 总经理 Property Manager 房地产经理Field Assuranee Coordinator 土地担保协调员 District Man ager 市区经理Regio nal Ma nager 区域经理 Hospital Admi nistrator 医院管理HMO Admi ni strator 医疗保险管理 Import/Export Man ager 进出口经理In sura nee Claims Con troller 保险认领管理员 Program Man ager 程序管理经理In sura nee Coordi nator 保险协调员 Project Ma nager 项目经理Product Man ager 产品经理 Inventory Control Manager 库存管理经理Warehouse Manager 仓库经理 Man ager(No n-Profit and Charities) 非盈利性慈善机构管理 Manu facturi ng Man ager 制造业经理Ven di ng Ma nager 售买经理 Telecom muni catio ns Man ager 电信业经理Tran sportati on Man ager 运输经理


物流专业英文简历突出实习经历个人求职自荐信自我简介自我鉴定个人简历 Modified by JEEP on December 26th, 2020.

2004-008 Logistics management Business School East China University of Science and Technology INTERN-SHIP department of Estee Lauder Intern Five different position internship: receipt, shipment, import and export, sorting, labeling Orbicular studied the department's operation Process Assist the director of warehouse to calculate the largest single-goods inventories of more than 1,000 pcs NOW Student Super Market The First Manager Established the system of Super Market operation Responsibility for normal operation, lead a team with 43 part time job student After 4 months management,improved the profit from 40RMB/day to 550RMB/day,Add the types of merchandise from 600PCS to 2000PCS Management two super markets in different region Work-Study Centre First Logistic Department Director Lead 44 staffs, established a efficient deliver team, serving for five store Developed logistic system with IT department, transform paper recording to IT system ACTIVITES Business Association Deputy Chairman The largest association in our campus Organized more than 30 activities in 2 years, effecting more than 30000 people in total Maintain the honor of five-star association (3/74 in campus) for three years During my term, get the “Shanghai star association” title (Select 10 in Shanghai) 2005. Student Union(Campus level)The director of PR department Support more than 10,000 RMB Sponsor to various activities Improved more 20 member in my department to the leader of different student organization, such as the chairman of student union Special Olympic Games Volunteer Reception of special Olympic game Canada team,supply translation service “excellent special Olympic volunteer” (8 in the whole Xuhui District )Awards AWARDS Excellent leader of the communist youth league Proportion: % Excellent member of the communist youth league (2005~2006 twice)Proportion: 5 % Social work in ECUST -- 1st class Proportio: 1% LANGUAGE AND COMPUTER SKILL Intermediate interpretation writing certificate, Fluently oral speaking Be proficient in Microsoft-Office.


公共基础课 专业外语Specialized English 大学物理College Physics 马克思主义哲学原理(认识论) Principle of Marxist Philosophy(Epistemology) 邓小平理论Deng Xiaoping Theory 毛泽东思想研究Study on Mao Zedong Thought 毛泽东政治思想研究Research on Mao ZeDong Political Thought2 毛泽东哲学思想研究Research of Mao Zedong's Philosophy Thought 体育Physical Education 思想品德修养Cultivation of Ideological Morality 形势政策教育Teaching of Situation and Policy 军事理论Military Theory 政治经济学Political Economics 高等数学含现性代数Advanced Mathematics (Including Linear Algebra) 概率论与数理统计Probability and Mathematical Statistics 计算机应用基础Basics of Computer Applications 数据库概论Introduction to Database 大学英语College English 大学语文(文科) The University Language and Literature (Liberal arts) 大学语文(理科) The University Language and Literature (Science) 工商管理 西方经济学概论Introduction to Western Economics 管理心理学Psychology of Management 管理学原理Principles of Management Science 统计学原理Principles of Statistics 会计学原理Principles of Accounting 管理信息系统Management Information Systems 信息检索Information Retrieval 经济法学Economic law 企业战略Enterprise Strategy 财政学Public Finance 货币银行学Monetary Economics and Banking 国际金融International Finance 国际贸易International Trade 生产管理Productive Management 市场营销学Marketing 财务管理Financial Management 管理思想史History of Management Thought 工业经济管理Industrial Economy Management 管理会计Managerial Accounting 运筹学Operations Research 税收学Taxation 计划项目评估Evaluation of Planning items


individual in resume Personal Information Chinese name:Sex: Mobile Phone:Raohua Female Date of birth: Residence: Q Q: July 12, 1992 chengdu city chenghua District Degree:junior college Project experience: 1 years Job intension The nature of the work:full-time Hope industry:computer software 目标职位:working place:Java Software Engineer Chengdu Educational background 2011/09 – 2013/06 Chengdu Jinjiang Beida Jade Bird Java development Personal skills Familiar with the Java programming language Familiar with Struts, Hibernate, Spring framework technology Familiar with JSP, JavaSctipt, Html, Css, XML, Ajax, JDBC, Servlet, JavaBeans, technology Familiar with T-SQL, PL/SQL database programming language Familiar with Oracle, SQL Server database Familiar with Eclipse, MyEclipse, Dreamweaver, Balsamiq, Mockups, PowerDesigner, Visio software Familiar with the Tomcat application server To understand the C# programming language Understanding Android, Php development Understand the Apache Web server Understanding of MySql database To understand the simple factory, singleton, strategy, template, proxy design pattern The multithreading, network Socket, JQuery, Ext, object-oriented Js Technology Understand TCP/IP, Http network protocol Project experience Project period:2013 /1 -- 2013 /4 :the Jinjiang question bank management system Software environment:Windows 7 Development tools:Project roles:Project construction:Project technology:MyEclips8.5 / Tomcat6.0 / Oracle10g Group leader B/S Ext+Ajax+Html、Js+Div+Css、Jstl+El、Struts+Spring+Hibernate、Xml、JavaBeans


英文职位名称大全~~~ 2012-09-22 19:58:37 公司高层职位的英文缩写: CEO :Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官 CFO :Chief Financial Officer 首席财务官 COO :Chief Operated Officer 首席运营官 CTO :Chief Technology Officer 首席技术官 CIO :Chief Information Officer 首席信息官 CRO :Chief Risk Officer 首席风险官 ========================================================== 艺术总监【CAO】chief Artistic officer 首席品牌官【CBO】chief brand officer 首席文化官【CCO】Chief Cultural Officer 开发总监【CDO】chief Development officer 首席执行官【CEO】Chief Executive officer 首席财务官【CFO】Chief finance officer 人事总监【CHO】Chief Human resource officer 首席信息官【CIO】chief information officer 首席知识官【CKO】chief knowledge officer 首席市场官【CMO】chief Marketing officer 首席谈判官【CNO】chief Negotiation officer 首席营运官【COO】chief Operation officer 公关总监【CPO】chief Public relation officer 质量总监【CQO】chief Quality officer 销售总监【CSO】chief Sales officer 首席技术官【CTO】chief Technology officer 评估总监【CVO】chief Valuation officer =============================================================== GM:General Manager 总经理 VP:Vice President 副总裁FVP(First Vice President)第一副总裁 AVP:Assistant Vice President 副总裁助理 HRD:Human Resource Director 人力资源总监 OD:Operations Director 运营总监 MD:Marketing Director 市场总监 OM:Operations Manager 运作经理 PM:Production Manager生产经理、Product Manager产品经理、Project Manager项目经理) 注:这里面变化比较多,要结合谈话时的背景来判断究竟是指哪种身份) BM(Branch Manager)部门经理 DM(District Manager)区域经理 RM(Regional Manager)区域经理 ======================================= 广告公司职位英文对照:


物流专业英语简历 Name: xxx Gender: Female Date of Birth: 1988-10-1 marital status: unmarried Nationality: Chinese Folk: Han Height: 162CM political landscape: members Education: graduated from college Time: July 2009 Residence: place of residence is Suzhou Anhui: Anqing, Anhui Occupational Overview / job interest Are engaged in the industry: real estate development, construction and engineering services (design intermediary supervision of property) is now engaged in Occupation: Property Management Level posts are: intern work experience: graduates Current salary: a monthly salary of 1200 yuan of overseas work experience: No Expectations of the nature of work: full-time work in the region look forward to: Anqing, Anhui Expect to engage in the industry: real estate development, construction and engineering services (design of an intermediary property Supervision) Expect to engage in Occupation: real estate / property type Salary expectations: a monthly salary of 1000 yuan到岗time: 1 week Other requirements: I hope that more training opportunities! ! ! Self-evaluation / career goals Self-evaluation: I learn that the property management professional, 7-10 months in 2008 in Foshan in Guangdong Province Garden City Property Management Co., Ltd. Peninsula Garden Management Office to engage in property management, property management has grasped the basic process. Career goals: through corporate training, individual efforts to learn their expertise into the good practice, after a number of years to become a very professional management experts. Their higher level! ! ! Educational background School Name: Anqing V ocational and Technical College (2006年9 months - July 2009)
