









1. What attitude to the measure does the woman have?

A. Neutral

B. Supportive

C. Critical

2. Where are the speakers most probably?

A. At the airport

B. In a hospital

C. On a train

3. Why can’t the woman use her library card?

A. She has to pay fines first.

B. The system is being repaired.

C. She has forgotten the password.

4. How does Bill help the woman?

A. Pass the newspaper to her.

B. Tell her about the weather.

C. Read the newspaper to her.

5. When will the party be held?

A. At 7:00 next Sunday night.

B. At 8:00 next Saturday night.

C. At 7:00 next Saturday night.





6. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Customer and waiter

B. Employee and employer

C. Manager and customer

7. What will happen if the service takes longer than 15 minutes?

A. The price will be lowered.

B. The food will be free of charge.

C. The man’s salary will be kept back.

8. What does the woman want to watch?

A. How the man is punished.

B. How the man delivers the food.

C. How the man explains to the managers.


9. What can we infer from the conversation?

A. The woman has been in debt.

B. The purchase has been cancelled.

C. The man needs to pay the money back.

10. What is the man doing?

A. Checking out.

B. Applying for a card.

C. Withdrawing his money.


11. What makes the man unable to give the woman a ticket?

A. All the tickets have been sold out.

B. The printer breaks down suddenly.

C. The woman can’t tell the name of the movie.

12. What kind of movie does the woman want to see?

A. A comedy movie.

B. A science-fiction movie.

C. A romance movie.

13. Who will the woman see the movie with?

A. A guy.

B. Her husband.

C. Several friends. 听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。

14. What is the woman doing?

A. Booking a hotel room.

B. Confirming a reservation.

C. Changing a hotel room.

15. How much will the woman pay?

A. 80 euros.

B. 160 euros.

C. 240 euros.

16. Which is the best description about the room?

A. It is on the 14th floor with bath.

B. It is a double one with a good view.

C. It is a single one with a view over the lake.


17. Who is the speaker speaking to most probably?

A. Kids.

B. Parents.

C. Math teachers.

18. What is the speaker mainly talking about?

A. How to make math easy for kids.

B. How to get on well with parents.

C. How to make students get high marks.

19. How many problems should be given to help kids understand?

A. At most 2.

B. At least 10.

C. About 8.

20. What does the woman suggest?

A. Giving kids enough practice.

B. Asking kids to review the text

C. Avoiding the complex problems.





It was Thanksgiving morning. I was busy preparing the traditional

Thanksgiving turkey when the doorbell rang. I opened the front door and saw two small children in rags huddling together on the top step.

“Any old papers, lady?”asked one of them.

I was busy. I wanted to say “no” until I looked down at their feet. They were wearing thin little sandals(凉鞋), wet with heavy snow.

“Come in and I'll make you a cup of hot cocoa.”

They walked over and sat down at the table. Their wet sandals left marks upon the floor. I served them cocoa and bread to fight against the cold outside. Then I went back to the kitchen and started cooking.

The silence in the front room struck me. I looked in. The girl held the empty cup in her hands, looking at it. The boy asked in a flat voice, “Lady, are you rich?”

“Am I rich? Pity, no!”

I looked at my worn-out slipcovers(椅套). The girl put her cup back in its saucer(茶碟)carefully and said, “Your cups match your saucers.” They left after that, holding their papers against the wind. They had reminded me that I had so much for which to be grateful.

Plain blue china cups and saucers were only worth five pence. But they matched.

I tasted the potatoes and stirred(搅动)the meat soup. Potatoes and brown meat soup, a roof over our heads, my man with a regular job, these matched, too.

I moved the chairs back from the fire and cleaned the living room. The muddy marks of little sandals were still wet upon my floor. Let them be for a while, I thought, just in case I should begin to forget how rich I am.

21.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A.Lady, are you rich?

B.A story of Thanksgiving Day

C.Don't forget how rich you are

D.Does cups and saucers match well?

22.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A.The girl thought the writer was rich just because she wanted to make the

writer happy.

B.The writer had thought she wasn't rich because her supplies were not expensive.

C.If cups and saucers match well, they are a best pair even though cheap.

D.After hearing what they said, the writer seemed to understand what a rich life was.

23.The writer left the muddy marks of little sandals on the floor for a while to________.

A.show that she was a kind-hearted lady

B.remind her that she shouldn't forget how rich she was

C.leave room for readers to think about what being rich is

D.prove that she had understood what meant being rich

24.It can be inferred from the text that whether you are rich depends on________.

A.how much money you have made

B.what attitude you have had towards life

C.the way you help others

D.your social relationship


It's time for your family to relax and have fun! The following family adventures have links for you to get more information.

Take the Rides of Your Life

Visit Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio, to seek thrills

"Even though it's located off the beaten track, experts

regularly praise Cedar Point as the best overall theme park

of the country," says U.S.News & World Report.The park

calls itself the roller coaster capital of the world, and with 16 to choose from, it's hard to argue.It's open daily from May 10 through Labor Day; weekends only from Labor Day through November 2.

Tickets start at $ 48.99 per person if purchased online.


Wander Free on a Dude farm

Dust off your cowboy boots and ready your cowboy hats for a visit to this Rocky Mountains paradise.Located in Augusta, Montana, "The farm

has everything an aspiring cowboy or girl could long for,"

says Sunset magazine, including hiking trails, fishing trips,

campfires with sing-alongs, and, of course, horseback rides.The large farm operates from June through September; kids-only and adults-only

programs are available.

Total cost starts at $ 1,360 per adult, $ 1,276 per teen, and $ 1,168 per child.http://www.triplejranch.com.

Dig for Dinosaurs

Most kids (and adults) love dinosaurs, and to make

their wildest dreams come true, head to Fruita,

Colorado.The Museum of Western Colorado offers Dino Digs

for children ages five and older.You can choose from one-, three-, and five-day expeditions."Imagine how your child will feel when she helps unearth the fossilized(化石) bones of ancient species," says Outside magazine.It lasts from May to October.

Digs start at $ 125 per person.


Surf Sand Dunes

Swap your snowboard for a sand-board, and head to Sand

Master Park in Florence, Oregon.Real Simple recommends

learning the basics at this private dune park, which offers

board rentals and lessons - often taught by world-champion

sand boarders.Then you can hit the "slopes" to test your skills.From March to June, and September to November.

Rentals for a sand-board start at $ 10 per day; lessons start at $ 45 an hour per person.


25. What is special about Cedar Point?

A. You can visit Cedar Point on weekends.

B. It has 16 roller coasters for you to choose from.

C. You can help un earth the fossilized bones of dinosaurs.

D. It offers lessons taught by world-champion sand boarders.

26. If you have a 3-day holid ay in April, which of the following may interest you most?

A. Take the Rides of Your Life

B. Wander Free on a Dude farm

C. Dig for Dinosaurs

D. Surf Sand Dunes

27. Where will you probably find this passage?

A. A science fiction.

B. An adventure storybook.

C. A travel magazine.

D. A theme park advertisement.


Traditionally, across the world, boys and girls attend a mixed school, where they study together. But boys' schools are the perfect place to teach young men to express their emotions and involve them in activities such as art, dance and music.

Boys at single-sex schools were said to be more likely to get involved in cultural and artistic activities that helped develop their emotional expressiveness, rather than feeling they had to correspond to(和…相符) the "boy code" of hiding their emotions to be a "real man".

The findings of the study go against received wisdom that boys do better when taught alongside girls.

Tony Little, head master of Eton, warned that boys were being failed by the British education system because it had become too focused on girls. He criticized teachers for failing to recognize that boys are actually more emotional than


The research argued that boys often perform badly in mixed schools because they become discouraged when girls do better earlier in speaking and reading skills.

But in single-sex schools teachers can tailor lessons to boys' learning style, letting them move around the classroom and getting them to compete in teams to prevent boredom, wrote the study's author, Abigail James, of the University of Virginia.

Teachers could encourage boys to enjoy reading and writing with "boy-focused" approaches such as themes and characters that appeal to them. Because boys generally have more acute vision, learn best through touch, and are physically more active, they need to be given "hands-on" lessons where they are allowed to walk around. "Boys in mixed schools view classical music as feminine(女性的)and prefer the modern genre (类型) in which violence and sexism are major themes," James wrote.

Single-sex education also made it less likely that boys would feel that they had to be "masterful and in charge" in relationships. "In mixed schools, boys feel forced to act like men before they understand themselves well enough to know what that means," the study reported.

28. The author believes that a single-sex school would __________.

A. force boys to hide their emotions to be "real men"

B. help boys to be more competitive in schools.

C. encourage boys to express their emotions more freely

D. naturally strengthen boys’ traditional image of a man

29. It is commonly believed that in a mixed school boys __________.

A. behave more responsibly.

B. grow up more healthily.

C. perform relatively better.

D. receive a better education.

30. According to Abigail James, one of the advantages of single-sex schools is


A. teaching can be tailored to suit the characteristics of boys

B. boys can focus on their lessons without being distracted

C. boys can choose to learn whatever they are interested in

D. teaching can be designed to promote boys' team spirit

the underlined word “acute” in paragraph 8” mean?

A. lovely

B. sharp

C. serious

D. dull


People are being tricked into Facebook with the promise of a fun, free service without realizing they’re paying for it by giving up loads of personal


Most Facebook users don’t realize this is happening. Even if they know what the company is up to, they still have no idea what they’re paying for Facebook

because people don’t really know what their personal data is worth.

The biggest problem, however, is that the company keeps changing the rules early on you keep everything private. That was the great thing about Facebook.

You could create your own little private network. Last year. The company changed

its privacy rules so that many things; your city, your photo, your friends’ names

were set, by default (默认)to be shared with everyone on the Internet.

According to Facebook’s vice-president Elliot Schrage, the company is simply making changes to improve its service, and if people don’t share information.

They have a “less satisfying experience.

Some critics think this is more about Facebook looking to make more money.

In original business model, which involved selling ads and putting them. At the

side of the pages totally, who wants to look at ads when they’re online connecting

with their friends?

The privacy issue has already landed Facebook in hot water in Washington.

In April. Senator Charles Schumer called on Facebook to change its privacy policy.

He also urged the Federal Trade Commission to set guidelines for social networking

sites. “I think the senator rightly communicated that we had not been clear about

what the new products were and how people could choose to use them or not to use them,” Schrage admits.

I suspect that whatever Facebook has done so far to invade our privacy, it’s only the beginning,which is why I’m considering cancelling my account. Facebook is a handy site, but I’m upset by the idea that my information is in the hands of people I don’t know. That’s too high a price to pay.

32. What do we learn about Facebook from the first paragraph?

A. It is a website that sends messages to users who want to get married.

B. It earns money by putting on advertisements.

C. It makes money by selling its users’ personal data.

D. It provides loads of information to its users.

33. What does the author say about most Facebook users?

A. They are unwilling to give up their personal information.

B. They don’t know their personal data enriches Facebook.

C. They don’t identify themselves when using the website.

D. They care very little about their personal information.

34. Why does Facebook make changes to its rules according to Elliot Schrage?

A. To provide better service to its users.

B. To obey the Feder al guidelines.

C. To improve its users’ connection

D. To expand its business.

35. Why does the auth or plan to cancel his Facebook account?

A. He is dissatisfied with its present service.

B. He finds many of its users untrustworthy.

C. He doesn’t want his personal data badly used.

D. He is upset by its frequent rule changes.



Home on the Way

People need homes: children assume their parents' place as home; boarders call school "home" on weekdays; married couples work together to build new homes; and travelers … have no place to call "home", at least for a few nights.

_____36_____? Don’t they have the right to a home? Of course they do.

Some regular travelers take their own belongings: like bed sheets, pillowcases and family photos to make them feel like home no matter where they are; some stay for long periods in the same hotel and as a result become very familiar with service and attendants; _____37 ____. Furthermore, driving a camping car during one’s travels and sleeping in the vehicle at night is just like home -- only mobile!

And how about keeping relationships while in transit? _____38_____ ; some send letters and postcards, or even photos; others may just call and say hi, just to let their friends know that they're still alive and well. People find ways to keep in touch. Making friends on the way helps travelers feel more or less at home. _____39_____.

Nowadays, fewer people are working in their local towns, so how do they develop a sense of belonging? Whenever we step out of our local boundaries, there is always another "home" waiting to be found. _____40_____, we can make the place we st ay "home".

A. Hostels provide a clean safe place to stay while you are travelling the world

B. others may simply put some flowers by the hotel window to make things more homely

C. Backpackers in youth hostels may become very good friends, even closer than siblings(手足)

D. So how about people who have to travel for extended periods of time

E. No matter where you go to in the world, hotels are there, too

F. Some keep contact with their friends via internet

G. Wherever we are, with just a little bit of effort and imagination





I know I should have told the headmaster at the time. That was my real 41 .

He had gone out of the study for some 42 , leaving me alone. In his absence

I looked to see 43 was on his desk. In the 44 was a small piece of paper on which were written the 45 “English Writing Prize 1949. History Is a Series of Biographies (人物传记).”

A(n) 46 boy would have avoided looking at the title as soon as he saw the 47 . I did not. The subject of the English Writing Prize was kept a 48 until the start of the exam so I could not 49 reading it .

When the headmaster 50 , I was looking out of the window .

I should have told him what had 51 then. It would have been so 52 to say : “I’m sorry but I 53 the title for the English Writing Prize on your desk. You’ll have to 54 it.”

The chance passed and I did not 55 it. I sat the exam the next day and

I won. I didn’t 56 to cheat, but it was still cheating anyhow.

That was thirty-eight years 57 when I was fifteen. I have never told anyone about it before, 58 have I tried to explain to myself why not .

The obvious explanation is that I could not admit I had seen the title 59 admitting that I had been looking at the things on his desk. 60 there must have been more behind it. Whatever it was, it has become a good example of how

a little mistake can trap you in a more serious moral corner (道德困境). 41.A.plan B.fault C.grade D.luck

42.A.reason B.course C.example D.vacation

43.A.this B.which C.that D.what

44.A.drawer B.corner C.middle D.box

45.A.names B.words C.ideas D.messages

46.A.honest B.handsome C.friendly D.active

47.A.desk B.paper C.book D.answer

48.A.question B.key C.note D .secret

49.A.help B.consider C.practise D.forget 50.A.disappeared B.stayed C.returned D.went

51.A.existed B.remained C.happened D.continued

52.A.tiring B.easy C.important D.difficult

53.A.saw B.gave C.set D.made

54.A.repeat B.defend C.correct D.change

55.A.take B.have C.lose D.find

56.A.remember B.learn C.mean D.pretend

57.A.past B.ago C.then D.before

58.A.either B.never C.nor D.so

59.A.by B.besides C.through D.without

60.A.But B.Though C.Otherwise D.Therefore





The Internet is an amazing information resource. Students, teachers, and

information for stories. Doctors use it to learn more about unfamiliar diseases

far away or in different parts of a city. People all over the world use it to

are also certain fears and concerns. One concern relates to a lack of control

to check the accuracy or appropriateness of the content of programs, and with

and at what times of the day. With the Internet, parents can not check a published


71. He told me not to buy it, but I bought it ____________(无论如何).

72. I would be _____________ (感激的)if you would keep it a secret.

73. I became a teacher because I ____________ (更喜欢) books and people to politics.

74. He finished his conversation and stood up, looking ____________ (直接;挺

直)at me.

75. ____________(埋头于) in the attractive story, he didn’t notice his teacher

staring at him.

76. Houses ____________ (属于)to the government are always well protected.

77. He gave the children some chocolate to _____________(奖励) them for behaving well.

78. You can choose to forgive someone who has hurt you even if they do not

______________ (应受;值得)or ask for forgiveness.

79. Are you ______________(熟悉) with this type of machine?

80. He's realistic enough to know he's not going to ______________(成功) overnight.









Dear Jin Jing,

Your problem is common one among middle school students.Maybe the following

advices can help you.First in all, believe in yourself.Your greatest problem is that you lack self-confidence.The first thing you must do it is to smile at your classmates.One smile speaks loud about your wish to make friends than any word.Your smile will show that you are friendly to him.Next, trying talking with a student who is as shy as you or who share the same interest as you.You can discuss your studies with a classmate and you can also talk about your hobbies.Unless anyone is in trouble, you should be ready to help him or her.Once you have confidence, you can make as many friends as possibly.

Y ours,

Li ly










The student union is to organize a social


____________________________________________________________________________ ______

____________________________________________________________________________ ______

____________________________________________________________________________ ______

____________________________________________________________________________ ______

____________________________________________________________________________ ______

____________________________________________________________________________ ______

____________________________________________________________________________ ______

____________________________________________________________________________ ______

____________________________________________________________________________ ______

____________________________________________________________________________ ______

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____________________________________________________________________________ ______



听力:1-5 BAAAC 6-10 ABACA 11-15 CACAC 16-20 BBACA



36-40 BADCB 41-45 ABDAC 46-50 CBADA 51-55 CBCDA


61. an 62. to find 63. latest 64.living 65. other/different

66. However 67.associated 68. what 69. be broadcast(ed) 70.for 单词拼写:

71. anyhow 72. grateful 73. preferred 74. straight 75. Buried

76. belonging 77. reward 78. deserve 79. familiar 80. succeed


Your problem is (a)common one among middle school students.Maybe the following advices (advice) can help you.First in (of) all, believe in yourself.Your greatest problem is that you lack self-confidence.The first thing you must do it (去掉it)is to smile at your classmates.One smile speaks loud (louder)about your wish to make friends than any word.Your smile will show that you are friendly to him (them).Next, trying (try)talking with a student who is as shy as you or who share (shares)the same interest as you.You can discuss your studies with a classmate and you can also talk about your hobbies.Unless(If) anyone is in trouble, you should be ready to help him or her.Once you have confidence, you can make as many friends as possibly.(possible)


第一章建筑工程质量管理概述 【重点提示】 专业实务 1.质量与建筑工程质量 1)掌握工程质量形成过程与影响因素 2)熟悉建筑工程质量及其特性 3)了解质量的定义 2.质量管理体系标准 1)了解质量管理的八项原则 2)了解质量管理体系文件构成 3)了解质量管理体系建立和运行方法 3.建筑工程质量控制 1)掌握建筑工程质量控制的概念 2)熟悉建筑工程质量控制基本原理 3)了解工程质量控制的基本原则 4.施工项目质量控制 1)了解施工项目质量控制的过程 2)掌握施工项目质量控制的三个阶段 ①事前质量控制 ②事中质量控制 ③事后质量控制 3)掌握施工项目质量控制的方法 4)了解施工质量控制目标的主要内容 5.工程施工质量控制的统计分析 1)熟悉排列图、因果分析图、直方图和控制图的用途和观察分析方法 2)了解数据和数理统计的概念 6.质量员岗位职责 1)掌握质量员岗位职责的内容 2)掌握质量员职业道德的内容 3)掌握质量员的工作内容及工作程序 4)了解质量员的素质要求 【精编习题】 一.判断题 1.一般产品共有的质量特性包括性能、寿命、可靠性、安全性、经济性以及与环

境的协调性。(×) 2.建筑工程质量的适用性即功能,是指工程满足使用目的的各种性能。(√)3.建筑工程质量形成过程中,质量保修是关键。(×) 4.机械设备是保证建筑工程质量的基础和必要的物质条件,是现代企业的象征。(√) 5.质量管理的八项原则是质量管理的最基本最通用的一般规律,适用于所有类型的产品和组织,是质量管理的理论基础。(√) 6.质量记录是阐明所取得的结果或提供说完成活动的证据文件。(√) 7.工程质量控制按其实施主体的不同,分为自控主体和监控主体。其中,自控主体是指对他人质量能力和效果的监控者。(×) 8.勘察设计单位属于自控主体。(√) 9.施工项目的质量管理是从工序质量到分项工程质量、分部工程质量、单位工程质量的系统控制过程,也是一个从投入原材料的质量控制开始,直到完成工程质量检验为止的全过程的系统过程。(√) 10.全场性施工准备是以一个建筑物或构筑物为对象而进行的施工准备。(×)11.事中质量控制的策略是:全面控制施工过程,重点控制工序质量。(√)12.分层法是用来分析两个质量特性之间是否存在相关关系。(×) 13.排列图左侧的纵坐标表示累计频率,右侧纵坐标表示频数。(×) 14.正常直方图呈正态分布,其形状特征是中间高、两边低、成对称。(√)15.建筑工程的耐久性也就是工程竣工后的合理使用寿命周期。(√) 二.单项选择题 1.建设工程质量的特性主要表现在(D )方面。 A.3个B.4个 C.5个D.6个 2.建筑工程质量特性中,(B )是指工程建成后在使用过程中保证结构安全、保证人身和环境免受危害的程度。 A.可靠性B.安全性 C.经济性D.耐久性 3.(C )是指工程在规定的时间和规定的条件下完成规定功能的能力。 A.耐久性B.安全性 C.可靠性D.经济性 4.(C )是建筑工程质量的形成过程中的保证。 A.设计质量B.工程验收


2021年质量员(设备安装)专业技能知识考试练习题库及答案(四) 1、【背景资料】某工程生活给水管道施工过程中,国家颁布的《建筑给水排水及采暖工程施工质量验收规范》已过了实施日期。施工图纸上标注的是旧的施工验收规范(《采暖与卫生工程施工及验收规范》)。施工单位的技术人员按照图纸要求,布置了生活给水管道的冲洗,并根据施工验收规范的要求,填写了“出水口水质与进水口基本一致,”的记录,但现场监理不予签字认可。 请根据背景资料完成以下判断题: 1.1监理的做法是无理的。(B) A、正确 B、错误 1.2规范中的强制性条文必须执行。(A) A、正确 B、错误 1.3施工记录中“冲洗试验合格”的结论可信。(B) A、正确 B、错误 1.4没有水质化验结果很难表明符合饮用水卫生标准。(A) A、正确 B、错误 1.5水质化验报告应由(D)出具。 A、建设单位 B、建立单位 C、施工单位 D、具有相应资质的检测单位 2、【背景资料】A公司在冬季承接了一室外压缩空气管网系统的安装,

系统工作压力为2.5MPa。由于工期较紧,A公司将系统中部分规格的直管分包给B公司。A公司和B公司均具备与承包管道系统相符的压力管道施工许可证,管道及管件均由业主提供。管道系统施工完后,B公司通过A公司后开始试压,A公司质量员没有到试压现场监督,在试压阶段发现B公司施工的个别焊接接头发生泄漏,经检查是由于焊接接头裂纹引起。在进一步检查时发现,B公司的试压方案是经A 公司批准的,所有管道、管件均符合质量要求。试验当天的气温是0-8℃,B公司有两名焊工合格证已过期。 请根据背景资料完成以下单选题: 2.1管道系统焊接接头泄漏的质量问题由(C)组织调查。 A、建设单位 B、监理单位 C、A单位项目质量负责人 D、B单位项目质量负责人 2.2公司两名焊工合格证过期,焊接接头可能未严格按焊接工艺要求操作,是产生质量问题的主要原因之一。(A) A、正确 B、错误 2.3关于两个焊工后续处理的说法:两名焊工可继续上岗操作,但需检查施焊记录,该两名焊工到期后焊接的焊缝均要重新检查、检测,必要时应重焊。(B) A、正确 B、不正确 2.4处理方案应经批准,并发给(D)实施。 A、建设单位 B、监理单位 C、质检机构 D、质量问题负责人 2.5质量问题处理结束后应做出处理结论。(A)


2014 年福建省普通高职(专科)专升本招生统一考试 大学英语试卷 (考试时间120 分钟,满分150 分) 考生答题注意事项: 1、答题前,考生务必在试题卷、答题卡规定的地方填写自己的准考证号、姓名(答题卡 背面只需填写姓名)。考生要认真核对答题卡粘贴的条形码的“准考证号、姓名”与考生本人准考证号、姓名是否一致。 2、本试卷分为两部分,第一部分为选择理,第二部分为非选择题。选择题每小题选 出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案标号。非选择题用0.5毫米黑色签字笔并严格按照题号顺序在答题卡上书写作答,在试题卷上作答无效。 3、考试结束后,考生必须将试题卷和答题卡一并交回。 4、合理安排答题空间,超出答题区域无效。 第一部分选择题 I . Vocabulary and Structure (45 points,1.5 for each) Directions:In this section, there are 30 incomplete sentences or dialogues. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence or the dialogue. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET. 1. —Could you help me? —__________ A. Good idea B. No problem C. Not at all D. It doesn’t matter 2. He was__________sad that tears came to his eyes suddenly. A. very B. so C. too D. much 3. __________I have a look at your ID card? We have to check your information. A. May B. Must C. Need D. Should 4. Mr. Black is looking forward to__________from his son working abroad. A. hear B. heard C. hears D. hearing 5. There are a lot of parks in my town. Most of__________are beautiful. A. it B. they C. them D. us 6. The poor old man has little money. He can not__________a warm sweater. A. effort B. effect C. afford D. affect 7. Would you like__________cup of tea? A. other B. the other C. another D. others 8. —Thank you very much for helping me with my English.—__________. A. Don’t mind B. That’s all C. Don’t mention it D. That’s right 9. I will tell you as soon as she __________. A. will come back B. came back C. come back D. comes back 10. The American twin sisters are new students in our school. __________of them can speak Chinese very well. A. Neither B. None C. No one D. All 11. There must be__________wrong with my TV set. It doesn’t work. A. nothing B. everything C. anything D. something 12. Having lived here for nearly one year, I have__________the customs in the area now. A. used to B. got used to C. got use to D. been use to


1 2017年吉林市中考英语试题与答案 (试卷满分120分,考试时间120分钟) 一、听力(共20分) I .情景反应 根据你所听到的句子,选择恰当的应答语。(5分) 1. A. Good afternoon, Mr. Li. B.Good evening, Mr. Li. C.Good morning, Mr. Li. 2. A. It's fast. B.lt's 9 0' clock. C.It's your watch. 3. A.I have a cold. B.I'm laura. C.I can dance. 4. A. He is tall. B.He is cute. C.He is 11 years old. 5. A. Twice a week. B.For two weeks. C.In two weeks. Ⅱ.对话问答 根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案。(5分) 6. A. Country music. B.Pop music. C.Rock music. 7. A. Wilndy. B.Snowy. C.Sunny. 8. A. His son. B.His daughter. C.His cousin. 9. A. Next to the park. B.Across from the park. C.In front o f the park. 10.A.On foot. B.By car. C.By bus. Ⅲ.图片理解 看图听描述,选择与你所听到的描述内容相符合的选项。(下列图中有一幅图片与描述内容无关)(5分) __11__ __12__ __13__ __14__ __15__ Ⅳ.短文理解 根据你所听到的短文内容,选择正确答案。(5分) 16. When will Mike leave school?


2018年建筑工程质量管理概述 【重点提示】 专业实务 1.质量与建筑工程质量 1)掌握工程质量形成过程与影响因素 2)熟悉建筑工程质量及其特性 3)了解质量的定义 2.质量管理体系标准 1)了解质量管理的八项原则 2)了解质量管理体系文件的构成 3)了解质量管理体系建立和运行方法 3.建筑工程质量控制 1)掌握建筑工程质量控制的概念 2)熟悉建筑工程质量控制的基本原理 3)了解工程质量控制的基本原则 4.施工项目质量控制 1)了解施工项目质量控制的过程 2)掌握施工项目质量控制的三个阶段 ①事前质量控制 ②事中质量控制 ③事后质量控制 3)掌握施工项目质量控制的方法 4)了解施工质量控制目标的主要内容 5.工程施工质量控制的统计分析 1)熟悉排列图、因果分析图、直方图和控制图的用途和观察分析方法 2)了解数据和数理统计的概念 6.质量员岗位职责 1)掌握质量员岗位职责的内容 2)掌握质量员职业道德的内容 3)掌握质量员的工作内容及工作程序 4)了解质量员的素质要求 【精编习题】 一.判断题 1.一般产品共有的质量特性包括性能、寿命、可靠性、安全性、经济性以及与环

境的协调性。(×) 2.建筑工程质量的适用性即功能,是指工程满足使用目的的各种性能。(√)3.建筑工程质量形成过程中,质量保修是关键。(×) 4.机械设备是保证建筑工程质量的基础和必要的物质条件,是现代企业的象征。(√) 5.质量管理的八项原则是质量管理的最基本最通用的一般规律,适用于所有类型的产品和组织,是质量管理的理论基础。(√) 6.质量记录是阐明所取得的结果或提供说完成活动的证据文件。(√) 7.工程质量控制按其实施主体的不同,分为自控主体和监控主体。其中,自控主体是指对他人质量能力和效果的监控者。(×) 8.勘察设计单位属于自控主体。(√) 9.施工项目的质量管理是从工序质量到分项工程质量、分部工程质量、单位工程质量的系统控制过程,也是一个从投入原材料的质量控制开始,直到完成工程质量检验为止的全过程的系统过程。(√) 10.全场性施工准备是以一个建筑物或构筑物为对象而进行的施工准备。(×)11.事中质量控制的策略是:全面控制施工过程,重点控制工序质量。(√)12.分层法是用来分析两个质量特性之间是否存在相关关系。(×) 13.排列图左侧的纵坐标表示累计频率,右侧纵坐标表示频数。(×) 14.正常直方图呈正态分布,其形状特征是中间高、两边低、成对称。(√)15.建筑工程的耐久性也就是工程竣工后的合理使用寿命周期。(√) 二.单项选择题 1.建设工程质量的特性主要表现在(D )方面。 A.3个B.4个 C.5个D.6个 2.建筑工程质量特性中,(B )是指工程建成后在使用过程中保证结构安全、保证人身和环境免受危害的程度。 A.可靠性B.安全性 C.经济性D.耐久性 3.(C )是指工程在规定的时间和规定的条件下完成规定功能的能力。 A.耐久性B.安全性 C.可靠性D.经济性 4.(C )是建筑工程质量的形成过程中的保证。 A.设计质量B.工程验收


《大学英语》复习题(专升本) 一、单项填空 1. ---Have you heard the latest news? ---No, What ________? A. is it B. is there C. are they D. are those 2. Some pre-school children go to a day care center, __________ they learn simple games and songs. A. then B. there C. while D. where 3. Does this meal cost $50? I __________ something far better than this! A. prefer B. expect C. suggest D. suppose 4. ---Can you read the sign, sir? No smoking allowed in the lift! ---__________________. A. Never mind B. Don’t mention it C. Sure, I don’t smoke D. Pardon me 5.---The last one __________________ pays the meal. ---Agreed! A.arrived B.arrives C.to arrive D.arriving 6.---How’s your tour ar ound the North Lake? Is it beautiful? ---It ________ be, but it is now heavily polluted. A.will B.would C.should D.must 7.We all know that, __________, the situation will get worse. A.not if dealt carefully with B.if not carefully dealt with C.if dealt not carefully with D.not if carefully dealt with 8.I smell something __________ in the kitchen. Can I call you back in a minute? A.burning B.burnt C.being burnt D.to be burnt 9.Between the two generations, it is often not their age, _________ their education that causes misunderstanding. A.like B.as C.or D.but 10.The manager suggested an earlier date ____________ the meeting. A.on B.for C.about D.with 二、完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的


吉林省中考英语模拟试题及答案 一、听力部分(略) 二、基础知识 乜根据句意和首字母填空。 1 Look at the s on the wall. It says No parking! So you mustn't smoke here. 2 The new car might b to Tom. I heard his father bought it for him yesterday. 3 I am going to buy my mother a gift b her birthday is two weeks from now. 4 His family is even r now because his father makes more money than before. 5 Can you give me some a on how to learn English well ? It's difficult for me to study it. VD 根据句意,从方框内选岀适当的词完成下列各句。 (注意词形变化) popular twelve write say you 1 Look at my computer. It is as big as . 2 Mr Cooper didn't finish the book until last Sunday. 3 When they met again, they were too excited a word. in your school? floor. The air is quite fresh there. ( )1 Ted, take some to school, it's so hot and you may feel thirsty. A bread B bananas C oranges D juice ( )2 Which would you like, tea, milk or coffee? --- is OK. I really don't mind. A Both B Either ( )3 I like the party so much, but I ---- What a pity! A mustn't B have to ( )4 If you are quiet and often tired, you should eat ( )5 The boy showed English when he began to learn it, so he liked to A interested, say B interest in, say C interest in, speak D interested in, speak ( )6 I hope you don't mind my pointing out your mistakes. A .Of course B. Not at all. C .You're welcome. D. Yes, I don't. ( )7 Carmen likes musicians different kinds of music. A which play B who plays C which plays D who play ( )8 Although he loves junk food, he tries to only once a month. A / , eat it B but, eat them C / , eat them D but, eat it ( )9 ------- Oh, Mrs. King, your dress looks nice. Is it new? 4 Which subject is 5 I live on W 选择填空 C Any D None go home, It's too late. C may D can't A tofu B bean sprouts C yin foods D yang foods it.


2015年土建质量员题库及答案 一、单选题: 1、质量监督是指根据国家法律、法规规定,对产品、工程、服务质量和企业保证质量所具备的条件进行( A )的活动。 A、监督检查 B、执法监督 C、巡回检查 D、监督抽查 2、质量监督是指根据国家法律、法规规定,对( C )质量所具备的条件进行监督检查的活动。 A、商品、工程、服务质量和企业保证质量 B、产品、服务、工程质量和企业保证质量 C、产品、工程、服务质量和企业保证质量 D、工业产品、工程、服务和企业保证质量 3、( B )是政府实施国民经济的职能之一,是宏观管理监控系统中的重要组成部分。 A、执法监督 B、质量监督 C、质量检查 D、监督检查 4、对质量监督活动的计划、组织、指挥、调节和监督的总称是( D )。 A、质量监督 B、监督检查 C、质量管理 D、质量监督管理 5、我国质量监督管理机构目前是多系统组成的管理,主要由( D )和各专业监督系统组成。 A、质量监督系统 B、监督管理系统 C、监督管理系统 D、技术监督系统 6、( A )是衡量工程质量的尺度。 A、技术标准 B、技术规程 C、技术规范 D、规范标准 7、标准按属性分类法,分为技术标准、( B )三大类。 A、规范标准和推荐性标准 B、管理标准和工作标准 C、强制性标准和工作标准 D、规范标准和管理标准 8、国家标准的代号由( C )构成。 A、大写英语字母 B、小写汉语拼音字母 C、大写汉语拼音字母 D、小写英语字母 9、政府建设工程质量监督的主要依据是( A )。 A、法律、法规和工程建设强制性准 B、法律、规定和工程建设强制性标准 C、国家标准、地方标准、企业标准 D、设计图纸、施工方案、质量措施 10、建设工程监督档案是指在建设工程质量监督实施过程中形成的( C )。 A、文字、图表和照片 B、文件、表式和成象资料 C、文字、表式和成象资料 D、原始记录、文字、照片 11、建设工程质量监督机构应在建设工程合格后( B )个工作日出具质量监督报告。 A、5 B、7 C、10 D、15 12、工程质量监督机构在履行监督检查职时,有权要求被检查单位提供( B )。 A、有关施工图纸 B、有关工程质量的文件和资料 C、有关财务资料 D、有关计算机管理文件 13、质量监督人员在检查中发现工程质量存在问题时,有权( A )责令限期改正。 A、签发整改通知 B、罚款 C、局部停工 D、进行检测 14、建筑结构包括建筑工程的( C )。 A、地基和基础 B、结构工程 C、基础和主体结构 D、主体结构 15、大型建筑工程或者结构复杂的建筑工程,可以由两个以上的承包单位联合共同承包。共同承包的各方对承包合同的履行承担(D)。 A、违约责任 B、有限责任 C、无限责任D、连带责任 16、现场监督抽查方法可以采用检测仪器对工程结构进行( A )。


2020年质量员(装饰装修)专业技能练习题库及答 案(共五套) 2020年质量员(装饰装修)专业技能练习题库及答案(一) 重点掌握类 一、单选题(共81题) 通用知识 1、用于地下结构或经常受水侵蚀的砌体部位。 A、水泥砂浆; B、混合砂浆; C、石灰砂浆; D、粘土砂浆。 2、(B)强度较高,且耐久性、流动性和保水性均较好,便于施工,容易保证施工质量,但不能用于地下结构或经常受水侵蚀的砌体部位。 A、水泥砂浆; B、混合砂浆; C、石灰砂浆; D、粘土砂浆。 3、涂料按照(C)的不同可分为无机涂料、有机涂料等及复合材料。 A、施工工艺; B、构造方式; C、主要成膜物质; D、用途 A、工程部位; B、施工工艺; C、施工流程; D、使用材料和装饰效果。 4、成品保护:木门窗安装后应采用铁皮或细木工板做护套进行保护,其高度应大于(B)。

A、0.5米; B、1米; C、1.5米; D、2米。 5、室内墙面、柱面和门洞口的阳角护角做法应符合设计要求,如设计无要求,一般采用1:2水泥砂浆做暗护角,其高度不应低于(D),每侧宽度不应小于50毫米。 A、0.5米; B、1米; C、1.5米; D、2米。 6、室内墙面、柱面和门洞口的阳角护角做法应符合设计要求,如设计无要求,一般采用1:2水泥砂浆做暗护角,其高度不应低于2m,每侧宽度不应小于(A)。 A、50mm; B、100mm; C、150mm; D、200mm。 7、铝合金门窗安装正确的施工方法是(C)。 A、边安装边砌墙体; B、先安装后砌墙体; C、先预留洞口再安装; D、边安装边砌墙体或先安装后砌墙体。 8、铝合金门窗框四周的塞砂浆达到一定的强度后(A),才能轻轻取下框旁的木楔,继续补灰,然后才能抹面层,压平抹光。 A、24 小时; B、24分钟; C、12小时; D、48小时。 9、玻璃之间的对接:对接缝应(B),玻璃边需倒角。两块相接的玻璃定位并固定后,用玻璃胶注入缝隙中,注满之后用塑料片在玻璃的两面刮平玻璃胶,用净布擦去胶迹。 A、密实不留缝; B、留2~3mm的距离; C、留5mm的距离; D、留10mm的距离。


1(2分)、 2 Reading ____ the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours. A、 rectifies B、 prolongs C、 minimizes D、 furnishes 参考答案:D 2(2分)、 2 I fell and hurt myself while I ________ basketball yesterday. A、 was playing B、 am playing C、 play D、 played 参考答案:A 3(2分)、 2 We’ve missed the last bus. I’m afraid we have no ________ but to take a taxi. A、 way B、 choice C、 possibility D、 selection 参考答案:B 4(2分)、 Measles(麻疹) ________ a long time to get over. A、 spend B、

C、 take D、 takes 参考答案:D 5(2分)、 2 He asked the waiter ________ the bill. A、 on B、 of C、 for D、 after 参考答案:C 6(2分)、 When you go to the doctor he asks you to describe your ____ so that he can make a diagnosis (诊断). A、 indications B、 signs C、 symbols D、 symptoms 参考答案:D 7(2分)、 2 I forgot to return the book to you yesterday. So I _____________today. A、 might do it B、 must do it C、 had to do it D、 must have to do it 参考答案:B 8(2分)、


吉林省2019年初中毕业生学业水平考试 英语试题 英语试题共8页,包括五道大题。全卷满分120分,考试时间为120分钟。其中听力部分满分20分,考试时间为20分钟。考试结束后,将本试题和答题卡一并交回。 注意事项: 1.答题前,请您将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上,并将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。 2.答题时,请您按照考试要求在答题卡上的指定区域内作答,在草稿纸、试题上答题无效。 一、听力(共20分) Ⅰ.情景反应根据你所听到的句子,选择恰当的应答语。(5分) 1. A.Good morning! B.Good afternoon! C.Good evening! 2. A.That's too bad. B.Thanks a lot. C.Goodbye. 3. A.It's old. B.It's nice. C.It's blue. 4. A.This way,please. B.Sorry to hear that. C.OK,here you are. 5. A.It's five dollars. B.It's five minutes. C.It's five kilometers. Ⅱ.对话问答根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案。(5分) 6.A The chess club. B.The English club. C.The music club 7.A.A cup of tea. B.A glass of milk. C.A bottle of water. 8. A.Behind the door. B.By the window. C.Beside the desk. 9. A.It's 6:15. B. It's 7:30. C.It's 8:45. 10. A.Because she has a cold. B.Because she is happy. C.Because she is fine. Ⅲ.图片理解看图听描述,选择与你所听到的描述内容相符合的选项(下列图中有一幅图片与描述内容无关)。(5分)


质量员试题500道 单选题: 1.基础部分必须断开的是(C)。 A.伸缩缝B.温度缝C.沉降缝D.施工缝 2.混凝土试件标准养护的条件是(A)。 A.温度20±2℃,相对湿度95% B.温度20±2℃,相对湿度90% C.温度20±3℃,相对湿度95% D.温度20±3℃,相对湿度90% 3.有抗震要求的带肋钢筋,其最大力总伸长率不应小于(C)%。 A.7 B.8 C.9 D.10 4.均布载荷作用下,连续梁弯矩分部特点是(A)。 A.跨中正弯矩,支座负弯矩 B.跨中正弯矩,支座零弯矩 C.跨中负弯矩,支座正弯矩 D.跨中负弯矩,支座零弯矩 5.下列钢材化学成分中,属于碳素钢中的有害元素有(D)。 A.碳B.硅C.锰D.磷 6.不能测量水平距离的仪器是(D)。 A.水准仪B.经纬仪C.全站仪D.垂准仪 7.砌体基础必须采用(C)砂浆砌筑。 A.防水B.水泥混合C.水泥D.石灰 8.工程竣工验收合格之日起最多(B)日内,建设单位应向当地建设行政主管部门备案。 A.7 B.15 C.30 D.90 9.正常使用条件下,节能保温工程的最低保修期限为( D)年。 A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 10.施工组织总设计应由总承包单位(B)审批。 A.负责人B.技术负责人C.项目负责人D.项目技术负责人 11.基坑验槽中遇持力层明显不均匀时,应在基坑底普遍进行(C)。 A.观察 B.钎探 C.轻型动力触探 D.静载试验 12.关于钢筋混凝土结构楼板.次梁与主梁上层钢筋交叉处钢筋安装的通常顺序正确的是 (B)。 A.板的钢筋在下.次梁钢筋居中.主梁钢筋在上

B.板的钢筋在上.次梁钢筋居中.主梁钢筋在下 C.板的钢筋居中.次梁钢筋在下.主梁钢筋在上 D.板的钢筋在下.次梁钢筋在上.主梁钢筋居中 13.混凝土搅拌通常的投料顺序是( C)。 A.石子—水泥—砂子—水 B.水泥—石子—砂子—水 C.砂子—石子—水泥—水 D.水泥—砂子—石子—水 14.对已浇筑完毕的混凝土采用自然养护,应在混凝土(B )开始。 A.初凝前 B.终凝前 C.初凝后 D.强度达到1.2N 15.下列地面面层中,属于整体面层的是(B)。 A.水磨石面层B.花岗岩面层 C.大理石面层D.实木地板面层 16.一般环境中,要提高混凝土结构的设计使用年限,对混凝土强度等级和水胶比的要求是(B)。 A. 提高强度等级,提高水胶比B.提高强度等级,降低水胶比 C.降低强度等级,提高水胶比D.降低强度等级,降低水胶比 17.由湿胀引起的木材变形情况是(C)。 A. 翘曲 B.开裂 C.鼓凸 D.接榫松动 18.对施工控制网为轴线形式的建筑场地,最方便的平面位置放线测量方法是 (A)。 A. 直角坐标法 B.极坐标法 C.角度前方交会法 D.距离交会法 19.代号为P·O 的通用硅酸盐水泥是( B)。 A.硅酸盐水泥 B.普通硅酸盐水泥 C.粉煤灰硅酸盐水泥 D.复合硅酸盐水泥 20.在工程应用中,钢筋的塑性指标通常用(B )表示。 A.抗拉强度 B.屈服强度 C.强屈比 D.伸长率 21.在进行土方平衡调配时,需要重点考虑的性能参数是( D)。


2017年专升本大学英语模拟试题(二) I.Vocabulary and Structure Directions: There are 45 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. Their idea is ______ to all of us and you do not need to tell us more about it. A. apparent B. appearing C. approaching D. apart 2. Please do not ______ when somebody else is talking. A. intend B. interpret C. interrupt D. invest 3 It has been about 7 years since they __________. A. got married B. got marry C. get marry D. have married 4 Everyone, as a citizen, _______do his best for the economic development of his own country. A. would B. might C. should D. had to 5 _______ breaks the law must be punished. A. Who B. However he C. Whoever D. No matter who 6 This is the air conditioner ________ we have had so much trouble. A. at which B. of which C. to which D. with which 7. _______ we know, there are 107 elements found in nature. A. As long as B. Just as C. So far as D. For all 8. There ______ not only the earth but also eight other planes in the solar system A. are B. were C. is D. was 9 Not until the mid-nineteenth century _______ achieve recognition A. had EL Greco’s work C. did EL Greco’s work B. EL Greco’s work D. EL Greco’s work did 10. He is one of the best players in the game, ________? A. is he B. doesn’t he C. does he D. isn’t he 11. When you go to a foreign country, you must _________yourself to the manners and customs there. A. admire B. adopt C. adapt D. admit 12. We regret _______ you that you are to be dismissed next week. A. to have informed C. to inform B. informing D. having informed 13. There were one thousand _______ at the national entrance examinations last year. A. applicants B. participants C. assistants D. candidates 14 Plenty of hard work _______ the process. A. accompany B. is accompanied C. accompanies D. are accompanied 15 They talked in whispers, but stil l I couldn’t help but _______ their conversation. A. overhear B. to overhear C. overhearing D. overheard 16 The students expected there ________ more reviewing classes before the final test. A. is B. being C. have D. to be 17. Since it rained yesterday and the ground is still ______ today, you can not sit on the ground. A. damp B. moist C. rainy D. humid 18 But for the heavy rain, we _______.


2015年吉林省中考英语试卷 一、听力(共20分) Ⅰ. 情景反应。根据你所听到的句子,选择恰当的应答语。 1. A. Nice to meet you, too. B. Sorry, I can’t. C. That’s a good idea. 2. A. It’s mine. B. It is $15. C. It’s red. 3. A. Every day. B. For six days. C. At 8:30. 4. A. In the morning. B. Sounds great. C. At the school gate. 5. A. Yes, you can. B. It’s on Monday. C. Sure, I’d love to. Ⅱ. 对话问答。根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案。 6. A. Mr. Green. B. Music. C. On Wednesday. 7. A. In a restaurant. B. On the street. C. In the post office. 8. A. The sports club. B. The chess club. C. The art club.

9. A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didn’t. C. We don’t know. 10. A. Lie down and rest. B. See a dentist. C. Drink some hot tea with honey. Ⅲ. 图片理解。看图听描述,选择与你所听到的描述内容相符合的选项。(下列图中有一幅图片与描述内容无关) A B C D E F 11. ______ 12. ______ 13. ______ 14. ______ 15. ______ Ⅳ. 短文理解。根据你所听到的短文内容,选择正确答案。 16. Where did Sandy and her brother go last Friday? A. They went to the town. B. They went to the city. C. They went to the countryside. 17. What time did they arrive? A. At 3:30 in the afternoon. B. At 6:00 in the afternoon. C. At 7:00 in the morning.
