

中西方重大节日汇总中英文f e s t i v a l s

TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

农历节日春节(t h e S p r i n g F e s t i v a l)农历正月初一元宵节(Lantern Festival)农历正月十五

端午节(the Dragon-Boat Festival) 农历五月初五

乞巧节(中国情人节)(Double-Seventh Day)农历七月初七

中秋节(the Mid-Autumn Festival)农历八月十五

重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival)农历九月初九

腊八节(the Laba Rice Porridge Festival)农历腊月初八

除夕(New Year's Eve)农历十二月三十日


1月1日元旦(New Year's Day)

2月14日情人节( Day)

3月8日国际妇女节(International Women's Day)

4月1日愚人节(April Fools' Day)

4月5日清明节(Tomb-Sweeping Day) 或者Qing Ming Festival

5月1日国际劳动节(International Labor Day)

5月4日中国青年节(Chinese Youth Day)

5月31日世界无烟日(World No-Smoking Day)

6月1日国际儿童节(International Children's Day) 7月1日中国共产党诞生日(the Party's Birthday)

8月1日(the Army’s Day)

9月10日中国教师节(Teacher's Day)

10月1日中华人民共和国国庆节(National Day)


12月25日圣诞节(Christmas Day)

5月第二个星期日母亲节(Mother's Day)

6月第三个星期日父亲节(Father's Day)

10月的第二个星斯一加拿大感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)

11月最后一个星期四美国感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)

初二 专题复习 西方节日 western Festivals

Western Festivals & Holidays 【Festivals≠Holidays】 There are big differences between festivals and holidays that you must know. 1. Festivals are international, celebrated in all western countries; while holidays are national celebrated in individual countries. 2. Festivals are based on major religious events, while holidays are decided by the government in an individual country. Can you tell me whether the followings are festivals or holidays? Christmas () Thanksgiving () April Fool’s Day() Valentine’s Day() 【Western festivals 】 In the west, there are only three major festivals. Halloween 、Christmas、Easter Halloween is the oldest.The other two are both Christian festivals. They celebrate the birth and death of Jesus Christ.


西方传统节日有哪些 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 更新学习 1月1日新年 这个节日我们通常是作为中国的元旦来过。 2月14日情人节 情人节:在西方一些国家中,有一个极富有浪漫色彩、最受情侣们欢迎的节日,这就是每年2月14日举行的情人节。对那些心有所属,平日又羞于启齿的痴情男女来说,情人节是倾心吐露心底秘密的佳期。在情人节的前一天夜里,姑娘们便采来月桂树的叶子,贴在枕头上,希望在梦中见到意中的情人。 希腊神话中,太阳神阿波罗在自己挚爱的姑娘达芙妮变成月桂树后,便用

月桂树的枝叶编成桂冠,戴在自己头上。阿波罗是希腊众神中最英俊潇洒的一个。也许,姑娘们希望自己心目中的“白马王子”,也能和他一样吧!与此同时,小伙子们则把瓦伦丁情人卡剪成各种精美的工艺品,如剪成心形、花形,更多的是希腊神话中小爱神厄洛斯弯弓搭箭的形象。神话中说,厄洛斯百发百中,他射中了谁,谁就会坠入爱河。就是因为他把煽动情欲之箭射给了阿波罗,又把毁灭爱情之箭射给了达芙妮,才造成了希腊神话中那一段著名的爱情悲剧。小伙子们当然希望爱神能把他的爱情之箭,分毫不差地射在姑娘们枕头上的月桂叶上,从此心心相印,成为花好月圆时的一对情侣。 复活节 复活节的下一个星期一:复活节星期一 复活节:在欧美各国,复活节是仅次于圣诞节的重大节日。按《圣经·马太福音》的说法,耶稣基督在十字架上受

刑死后三天复活,因而设立此节。根据西方教会的传统,在春分节当日见到满月或过了春分见到第一个满月之后,遇到的第一个星期日即为复活节。东方教会则规定,如果满月恰好出现在这第一个星期日,则复活节再推迟一周。因此,节期大致在3月22日至4月25日之间。 典型的复活节礼物跟春天和再生有关系:鸡蛋、小鸡、小兔子、鲜花,特别是百合花是这一季节的象征。复活节前夕,孩子们为朋友和家人给鸡蛋着色打扮一番。这些蛋有的煮得很老,有的只是空空的蛋壳。复活节那天早上,孩子们会发现床前的复活节篮子里装满了巧克力彩蛋、复活节小兔子、有绒毛的小鸡及娃娃玩具等。据说复活节兔子会将彩蛋藏在室内或是草地里让孩子们去寻找。一年一度的美国白宫滚彩蛋活动经常被电视台实况转播。复活节也是向你所关怀的人送鲜花、盆景、胸花等的节日。许多去做礼拜的人这天也向教堂献上花束。成人们则往往互赠贺卡或小


西方传统节日英文介绍,中英对照节日简介 了解西方文化的时候,无论是通过网络或者书籍,我们都习惯看中文译本。其实一门语言一旦被翻译,很多意思都会产生偏差,真正想了解一个东西,最好是通过原文来理解。西方节日在中国传播发展,关于西方节日的介绍大家有没有了解呢?下面,一起来看看中英文对照版本的西方节日介绍,是不是跟你所知道的一样呢? 1、复活节Easter Easter is a time of springtime festivals. In Christian countries Easter is celebrated as the religious holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the son of God. But the celebrations of Easter have many customs and legends that are pagan in origin and have nothing to do with Christianity. Traditions associated with the festival survive in the Easter rabbit, a symbol of fertility, and in colored Easter eggs, originally painted with bright colors to represent the sunlight of spring, and used in Easter-egg rolling contests or given as gifts. 复活节是春季的节日。在信基督教的国家里,复活节是为纪念基督耶稣的复活而举行的宗教节日。但是复活节有许多习俗和传说的由来都是非宗教的,它们与基督教没有任何关系。与节日密切联系的一些传统有象复活节的野兔,它是作为繁殖生长的象征;还有复活节的彩蛋。最先是被绘以鲜亮的颜色来代表春天的阳光。这些彩蛋还可以用来玩滚彩蛋游戏比赛,或作为小礼物送人。 2、感恩节Thanksgiving The first American Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621, to commemorate the harvest reaped by the Plymouth Colony after a harsh winter. In that year Governor William Bradford proclaimed a day of thanksgiving. The colonists celebrated it as a traditional English harvest feast, to which they invited the local Wampanoag Indians. Days of thanksgiving were celebrated throughout the colonies after fall harvests. All thirteen colonies did not, however, celebrate Thanksgiving at the same time until October 1777. George Washington was the first president to declare the holiday, in 1789. 第一个美国人庆贺的感恩节在1621年,为了纪念普利茅斯殖民地的人民在经过一个歉收荒芜的冬季后迎来丰收。在那一年,州长William Bradford宣布那天作为感恩节。殖民者把它当成传统的英国丰收节日来庆贺,在当天,他们还邀请当地的印地安的万泊诺亚格人。感恩的节日延续了整个秋季的收获季节,但其他的十三个殖民地没有庆贺这个节日,直到1777年10月。乔治-华盛顿在1789年宣布把它定为节日,他也是第一位宣布感恩节的总统。 3、情人节Valentine's Day The history of Valentine's Day -- and its patron saint -- is shrouded in mystery. But we do know that February has long been a month of romance. St. Valentine's Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. So, who was Saint Valentine and how did he become associated with this ancient


第 1 页Western Festivals & Holidays 【Festivals≠Holidays】 There are big differences between festivals and holidays that you must know. 1. Festivals are international, celebrated in all western countries; while holidays are national celebrated in individual countries. 2. Festivals are based on major religious events, while holidays are decided by the government in an individual country. Can you tell me whether the followings are festivals or holidays? Christmas () Thanksgiving () April Fool's Day () Valentine's Day () 【Western festivals 】 In the west, there are only three major festivals. Halloween 、Christmas、Easter Halloween is the oldest.The other two are both Christian festivals. They celebrate the birth and death of Jesus Christ.


一、背景: 节日是指一年中被赋予特殊社会文化意义并穿插于日常之间的日子,是人们丰富多彩生活的集中展现。有这样一句名言: “每个民族的每个节日, 正是反映这个民族文化最真实的一面”。每个民族的传统节日都包含着一个民族历史形成和沉淀下来的性格、心理、信仰、道德情操、审美情趣,以及诸多民族文化深层结构内涵的价值取向,是民族精神在特定的社会土壤上长期孕育的结果和重要载体,是一个民族生存形态最突出、最具特色的展示。 二、中西方传统节日的起源与形成差异 由于中国长期处于封建统治的自给自足的农业社会和自然经济之中,所以其传统节日当然不可避免地保持其农业色彩。中国的主要传统节日,都跟中国作为农业社会所厉行的历法和中国历法中所规定的节气密切相关,具有浓厚的农业色彩。 在西方国家,宗教是文化和社会的中心。人们的思想可以通过宗教来反应。与此同时,宗教通过人类对上帝或精神的信仰控制着他们。自从欧洲大陆被基督教文明浸染后,西方几乎所有影响最大的传统节日都与基督教有关,可以毫不夸张地说,宗教存在于各行各业。 通过对比,我们看到:中国的节日主要与节气有关,祈求自身吉祥幸福,这充分体现了天人合一的中国传统哲学思想。比如我们过春节时有守岁除“夕”的习俗,这就是把自然人格化,追求人的精神消融于自然界之中,人与自然共呼吸的和谐状态。西方的节日主要源于宗教及相关事件,缅怀上帝、求其保佑,以基督教的精神教育感化着民众。比如过圣诞节时人们会感谢上帝,祈祷一切美好的梦想会变成现实。孩子们更为高兴,因为他们会收到圣诞老人送来的礼物。 三、中西方传统节日的习俗的差异 节日习俗则是在节日里出现的风俗习惯和庆祝方式。每个节日都有自己的一些独特的庆祝活动,这一点中西方都相同。但中西方的节日风俗却有着很大的不同, 中国的传统节日习俗主要以吃喝饮食为主题,并且以家庭为单位。中国的传统节日都以具有文化意蕴的饮食风俗:如清明节的冷食与雄黄酒、中秋节的月饼、重阳节的重阳糕与菊花酒、端午节的粽子等等。 西方人对生命的追求是以健康快乐为目的,除必须的饮食营养外,更主要的是通过宗教和娱乐活动来实现,认为人生来有原罪,必须通过信仰上帝,参加宗教仪式和不断忏悔等才能赎罪,从而得到行令净化和快乐,因此西方的节日习俗不仅有浓厚的宗教色彩,而且注重宗教仪式后的一种身心季解脱式的愉悦和快乐。 综上所述,我们可以发现,中西民族在这种节日活动中表现出来的文化差异:中国讲究饮食,体现了“民以食为天”的文化传统;西方则偏好交往,具有游牧文化的遗风和商业文明的特色。 四、中西方传统节日的文化价值的差异 在中国,人们尊重集体并把个人投入集体当中,他们重视集体而不是个人。因为是继承了儒家的集体主义,因此这些节日表现出对整体情况的考虑。而西方人却截然不同,他们尊敬人与自然,强调个人价值,并且追求自由主义和个人主义。从另一方面来说,中国的节日体现着中国人的美德和风尚,尊老爱幼,互叙亲情,这些是我们民族的优良传统,应该继续发扬,所以国人一直坚守着这些中国节的好习俗、好风气。西方的传统节日体现了社会发展的需要、社会前进的必然,体现了人类社会的群体性、众人共同参与性,适应了现代社会人们渴望互相交流、群体参与、共同发泄情绪的愿望。 五、结语 通过上述的分析比较可以看到,中西传统节日文化存在着其起源及习俗等方面的差异性。而在两种文化的交流中,它们彼此渗透彼此交融。中国作为一个文明古国,拥有着多彩的传统文化。然而在当今全球化的时代背景下,只有不断增强综合国力,包括增强文化竞争力,保持传统节日的生命力,才能融入国际社会,又稳住阵脚,从而立于不败之地。


中国传统节日与西方节日的研究报告 随着时代的发展,改革开放的不断深入,中国与西方国家的交流与合作日趋频繁,在全球化浪潮的影响下,中国文化也面临着全球化的挑战。中国传统节日渐渐变成一个比较敏感的话题,如何继承和发扬中国传统文化,如何保护传统文化成为一个备受关注的课题。然而,在全球化浪潮的冲击下,西方文化对当代中国青年的影响越来越大,得到了年轻人的喜爱和推崇。相对的,传统文化却日趋形式化,逐渐被年轻人遗忘。可见,中国传统文化正面临西方文化的冲击。因此,我们通过问卷的形式对大学生进行了关于传统节日和西方节日的看法的社会调查。共获得有效问卷120份。经过对问卷的整理与统计,我们得出了以下结论: 在接受问卷调查的大学生中,在关于“更喜欢中国传统节日还是西方节日”中,有84位同学选择了更喜欢中国传统节日,36位同学选择了西方节日。也就是说,有70%的同学还是更喜欢我们自己的节日,30%的同学喜欢外来节日。 在“你最期待什么节日的到来”中,有112位同学都选择了春节,另外8名同学中,有四位选择了国庆节,还有两位选择了圣诞节,剩下两位分别选择了情人节和七夕节。也就是说,只有3位同学选择了西方节日,占总数的%。 在“你对中国传统节日了解多少”, 8%的同学选择了全部了解,76%的同学选择了大多数,14%的同学选择了了解

少部分。 在“你对西方节日了解多少”中,4%的同学选择了全部,7%的同学选择了了解大部分,89%的同学选择了少部分。 在“你更喜欢西方节日的原因”中,因为这道题是多选题,其中“商家的宣传和促销的吸引”、“庆祝形式新颖好玩”,、“身边的朋友家人都喜欢过”、“西方节日可以成为玩乐的接口”这几个原因是同学选择的最多的。 在“你更喜欢东方方节日的原因”中,更多的大学生选择了“作为中国独有的节日,我们应当支持”,“家里的长辈喜欢”和“能与亲人和朋友团聚”这些理由。 在“你认为什么原因导致了传统节日地位的下降”中,选择“形式老套,没有创意”、“社会关注不够”和“政府引导不够”的同学最多。在“你怎样认识中国人过西方节日”中,选择“中国人生活质量提高,追求独立自主的精神生活”、“顺应时尚的潮流,以防自己落后”以及“全球化浪潮下的政府积极引导”的同学最多。 在此,我们可以简单的做出一个结论,大多数大学生对于传统节日还是持支持意见,70%的学生还是更偏向于传统节日,认为传统节日文化更值得我们的重视,其中,%的同学更期待过春节,可见中国大学生更倾向传统节日。由此传统文化的博大精深可见一斑。 但不可否认的是,在全球化浪潮的影响下,西方文化节


Improper expressions: 1.Spring Festival 2.For there is a long time …, we have to… 3.This phenomenon results in the doubt that whether Christmas will replace… 4.traditional festivals should be paid more attention than foreign festivals. 5.We exchange…, which results in more and more people get interested in foreign festivals. 6.The question that whether Christmas will replace the Spring Festival leads to a heated discussion in society. 7.There are many people in the western countries celebrate the Spring Festival. Proper and good expressions: 1.With the tendency towards globalization 2.the Spring Festival should be passed on from generation to generation 3.It seems that some traditional festivals like the Spring Festival are gradually overshadowed By Christmas. 4.Globalization has encouraged the popularity of Christmas in Chinese. 5.The Spring Festival is an apparent symbol of Chinese culture which is engraved in every Chinese’s mind. 6.cultural heritage 7.Learning their culture is a must…. We learn English in order to make more people learn Chinese. 8.festival celebrating has been globalized 9.Some people suspect that the obsession with Christmas will lead us to neglect another traditional festival--- the Spring Festival. 10.Observing Christmas doesn’t mean abandoning the Spring Festival. 11.the Spring Festival is more than a festival 12.an exotic festival 13.Chinese are celebrating some western festivals, and vice versa. 14.some most celebrated festivals in our country are the essence of our long history and rich culture. 15.Currently, the word “Christmas” has evolved into a symbol of happiness and gifts. 16.people tend to have an increasing liking for observing western festivals 17.in the circumstances of globalization Modal In the course of globalization, western culture has flooded into China at an almost non-stop rate. Along with it come western festivals, the most influential of which is Christmas. As a result of this “culture invasion”, more and more Chinese people, particularly the youth, are abandoning traditional Chinese festivals. There is even a prediction that the Spring Festival will ultimately be replaced by Christmas. However, personally I’m not in favor of this statement, as the Spring Festival is a kind of cultural heritage serving as a spiritual legacy for all of us to cling to, regardless of any hindrance. First of all, observing Christmas does not mean that the Spring Festival can be neglected. The Spring Festival has its roots in Chinese history, from which it requires its identity and meaning irreplaceable by Christmas. As Christmas stemmed from Western civilization, it can’t easily fit in


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 英语介绍西方节日 篇一:主要的西方节日(英文介绍) 篇二:英语介绍外国节日 英国的节日: 元旦新年newYearsday--1月1日 情人节Valentine’sDay--2月14日 圣戴维日stDavid’sDay--3月1日 圣帕特里克日stpatrick’sDay--3月17日 圣星期六holysaturday--是easter的前一天 复活节easterday--(:英语介绍西方节日)在3月21日到4月25日之间。 复活节次日eastermonday--是easter的第二天。 耶稣受难日goodFriday--复活节前的星期五,教堂举行仪式纪念耶稣受难。在英国这一天是公假,人们吃传统的热十字糕(hotcrossbuns)。 耶稣升天节AscensionDay--是easter第40天之后的星期四,也称为holyThursday。

圣灵降临日pentecost--是easter后的第7个星期天,也称为whitesunday。 圣母玛丽亚日LadysDay--每年3月25日,又称AnnunciationDay(天时报细节)。 愚人节AprilFool’sDay,AllFools’Day--4月1日 女王诞辰日Queensbirthday--每年4月21日,该节是庆祝女王诞辰。 莎士比亚纪念日shakespearesDay--每年4月23日,该节是庆祝莎士比亚的生日。也称圣乔治日stgeorge’sDay。 五月节mayDay--每年5月1日,该节是迎接春天的祭奠。 五朔节beltane--5月1日 英联邦纪念日commonwealthDay--每年5月1日,该节日出自于庆祝维多利亚女王的生日。 女王法定诞辰日Queensofficialbirthday--英国在6月10日或前一个星期六放假,以取代4月21日女王的生日。 薄煎饼日pancakeDay--基督教会在基督受难日前40天的“封斋期”开始前的最后一天。 “母亲节”mothersday--5月第二个星期日 银行节--Thebankissaved--5月的第一个星期一及最后一个星期一,8月的最后一个星期 阅兵日--Reviewtroopseveryday--6月份的第二个星期六

西方的主要节日 Festivals in the West 大学英语作文

西方的主要节日Festivals in the West 大学英语作文 Christmas comes on December 25th. It’s the most important festival of the year in the western world. At Christmas time, schools, shops and offices close for holiday period, so people can spend time at home with their families. Nowadays, Christmas is celebrated by westerners and Americans by sending gifts and Christmas cards, preparing delicious food, and decorating homes with colorful lights and Christmas trees. 圣诞节在十二月二十五日。这是西方国家一年中最重要的节日。在圣诞节的时候,学校,商店和办公室都不开门因为是节日期间,人们可以在家里陪伴家人。如今是西方人和美国人通过送礼物和圣诞卡,准备美味的食物,用彩灯和圣诞树装饰家居来庆祝圣诞节。 Saint Valentine’s Day falls on February 14th. It’s the best time for the lovers. Now it’s the most romantic holiday both in the United States and the European countries. On that day, lovers always exchange their gifts with each other, such as chocolates, roses or rings. 情人节是在二月十四日。是情侣们的最好时光。现在,在美国和欧洲国家都是最浪漫的节日。在这一天,情侣们总是彼此互相交换礼物,如巧克力,玫瑰花或戒指。 Easter always comes on the first or second weekend in April. This is a religious holiday, and it also celebrates the coming spring. On Easter Sunday, many people go to church, and they wear their best clothes. Children are happy on this day as well, because they can play with Easter eggs. 复活节是在四月的第一或第二个周末。这是一个宗教节日,也是庆祝春天的到来。在复活节的星期日,许多人穿上最好的衣服去教堂。孩子们在这一天也是快乐的,因为他们可以玩复活节彩蛋。 Halloween is on October 31st, and it’s the holiday for the children. On that day, they always make pumpkin lanterns and wear masks. They go from house to house and ask" Trick or Treat", so as to receive something to eat. If they don’t get a treat, they will do some naughty things. 十月三十一日是万圣节,这是孩子们的节日。在那一天,他们总是做南瓜灯笼、戴面具。


关于传统节日与外国节日 传统节日积淀了各个国家悠久的历史文化,是民族文化的摇篮,我们不能一心过着洋节,而忘记中国的传统节日;也不能只过传统节日,而在国际化的道路上越行越远,所以我们要中西结合,接受不同的文化。 而随着生活越来越现代化,很多人丢失了最纯真、最朴素、简单而又高雅的东西——传统。 传统是什么?是世代相传、从历史沿传下来的思想、文化、道德、风俗、艺术、制度以及行为方式等,对人们的社会行为有无形的影响和控制作用,传统是历史发展继承性的表现,也是国家在发展的体现。 我们不能丢失传统,不能遗忘传统,不能改变传统,不能破坏传统,所以传统节日会带给我们最纯真的东西。 比如,端午节的时候,看到湖上锣鼓喧天,热闹非凡,你难道不会为一只只驶过的龙舟呐喊助威吗?大年三十的时候,看到大街上满树的鞭炮,你难道不会情不自禁的点燃手里的鞭炮吗?正月十五的时候,看到街上一个接一个的红灯笼,你难道不会去看花灯吗?情不自禁的放松自己,这就是传统的魅力,也是过传统节日的意义所在,让自己融入生活、返璞归真。 六年级:徐晨晓随着生活的节奏越来越快,人们脸上浮现的笑容也越来越少,在这种压力很大生活下,你是否需要一个节日,来真正放松自己、体会生活、感受亲情、品尝幸福?也许圣诞节会使你感到幸



中国传统节日 (中英文对照简介) 目录 The Spring Festival(春节) Lantern Festival(元宵节)Qingming Festival(清明节)Dragon Boat Festival(端午节)Double Seventh Festival(七夕)Mid-Autumn Festival(中秋节)Double Ninth Festival(重阳节)Winter Solstice Festival(冬至)

The Spring Festival(春节) The first day of the first lunar month is the New Year in the Chinese lunar calendar. Among the traditional Chinese festivals, this is the most important and the most bustling. Since it occurs at the end of winter and the beginning of spring, people also call it the Spring Festival. Chinese have many traditional customs relating to the Spring Festival. Since the 23rd day of the 12th lunar montha, people start to prepare for the event. Every family will undertake thorough cleaning, do their Spring Festival shopping, create paper-cuts for window decoration, put up New Year picturesb, write Spring Festival coupletsc, make New Year cakesd, and also prepare all kinds of food to bid farewell to the old and usher in the new. New Year's Eve is the time for a happy reunion of all family members, when they sit around the table to have a sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner, talking and laughing, until daybreak, which is called "staying up to see the year out". When the bell tolls midnight on New Year's Eve, people eat dumplings. In ancient times, midnight was called zishi (a period of the day from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m.). Dumplings (jiaozi) are eaten because it sounds the same as "change of the year and the day" in Chinese. From the first day of the lunar year, people pay New Year calls on relatives and friends, which is an important custom for the Spring Festival. Setting off firecrackers is the favorite activity of children in the Spring Festival. According to legend, this could drive off evil spirits. The continuous sound of firecrackers can be heard everywhere, adding to the atmosphere of rejoicing and festivity. Many places hold temple fairs. The wonderful dragon lantern dance and the lion dance performances, along with various handicraft articles and local snacks attract thousands of people. With the development of the times, some changes have taken place in


中国传统节日及西方节日英文版 国家或国际节日 元旦New Year' s Day (January 1) 国际劳动妇女节International Working women' s Day / Women's Day (Mar 8) 国际劳动节International Labor Day / May. Day (May 1) 中国青年节Chinese Youth Day (May 4) 国际儿童节International Children's Day / Children's Day (June 1) 中国共产党诞生纪念日( 党的生日)Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Communist Party / the Party' s Birthday (July 1) 建军节Army Day (August 1) 教师节Teachers’ Day (September 1) 国庆节National Dey (October 1) 中国传统节日 春节the Spring Festival (New Year’s Day of the Chinese lunar calendar)农历正月初一 元宵节(灯节) the Lantern Festival 农历正月十五 清明节the Qing Ming Festival 四月五日前后 端午节the Dragon-Boat Festival 农历五月初五 中秋节the Mid-Autumn Festival / (the Moon Festival)农历八月十五 重阳节the Double Ninth Festival 农历九月初九 植树节(3月12日) Tree Planting Day 除夕New Year's Eve 农历十二月三十日

庆祝西方节日 The Celebration of Western Festivals_英语作文

庆祝西方节日The Celebration of Western Festivals In recent years, western festivals have increasingly aroused a greatattention among Chinese people, especially the young.Concerning the phenomenon of Chinese people’s interest incelebrating the western festivals, different people have divergent views. 近年来,在中国人中西方节日激起了越来越大的关注,尤其是年轻人。关于中国人喜欢庆祝西方节日这一现象,不同的人有不同的看法。For one thing, some people hold that thecelebration of western festivals has added more fresh and joys to our lives. Forexample, on Valentine’s Day, many young people will give their gifts to eachother to extend their love and strengthen their relationship or express theiradmiration. From this aspect, the celebration of western festivals provides achance for us to communicate with others and develop our relationships. Inaddition, the celebration of western festivals has also added some fresh bloodto our traditional Chinese cultures. 一方面,有些人认为庆祝西方节日给我们的生活增添了更多的新鲜和快乐。例如,在情人节当天,很多年轻人会通过互赠礼物来表达自己的爱,加强他们的关系或表达自己的爱慕之情。从这一方面来看,庆


中国传统节日与西方节日的不同 不同宗教,不同民族,不同文化会产生了不同的节日,人们庆祝节日的方式也因地而异,但人们关于节日都有着同样的感情。他们要么借此为幸福和健康祈祷,要么借此来实现他们的美好心愿,表达他们对生活的热爱。这些节日表达了他们对传统的怀恋之情,同时也传达他们追求梦想的远大抱负。实际上,节日是人类文化具体的一方面。这些节日的庆祝仪式大都与我们的生活密切相关,如我们的家庭,宗教信仰,种族起源,政治,经济等,作为一种文化现象,节日是人类社会发展过程中某个特定阶段的产物,它体现了人们对这个世界的关注和意识。蕴涵在节日文化中的民族精神体现在这些节日的共同性与差异性之上。 一、中国传统节日与西方节日的起源 1、中国传统节日的起源 中国是一个有着古老东方文明的国家。其悠久的历史和优良传统为传统节日的成长提供了肥沃的土壤。作为一个农业国,中华文化深深根植于农业。因此,农业活动使得节日更具有地方性色彩。春节与一些农业活动,如种植、收获,有着密切的联系。作为中国最重要的节日,春节的起源可以追溯到几千年来不断进化的一系列丰富多彩的传说和传统。 2、西方传统节日的起源 在西方国家,宗教是文化和社会的中心。人们的思想可以通过宗教来反应。与此同时,宗教通过人类对上帝或精神的信仰控制着他们。可以毫不夸张地说,宗教存在于各行各业。因此,节日与基督教有着密切的联系,除了圣诞节,复活节也与宗教有关。 二、庆祝中国传统节日、西方节日的方式 1、庆祝中国节日的方式 春节对每一个中国人以及海外华人来说都是最重要的节日。它的庆祝活动丰富而且隆重。节日活动丰富多彩。林语堂,著名的华人学者,曾经对春节做了一个很好的描述道,古老的中国农历新年,对中国人民来说是一年中最大的节日,相比之下,其他节日似乎黯淡许多。这五天,整个民


中西方节日英文介绍 世界重要传统节日一览表 元旦(1月1日)---------------------------NEW YEAR'S DAY 元宵节(阴历1月15日)--------------------LANTERN FESTIV AL 狂欢节(巴西,二月中下旬)--------------CARNIV AL 愚人节(4月1日)-------------------------FOOL'S DAY 复活节(春分月圆后第一个星期日)---------EASTER 国际劳动节(5月1日)-----------------INTERNA TIONAL LABOUR DAY 母亲节(5月的第二个星期日)--------------MOTHER'S DAY 银行休假日(英国, 5月31日)--------------BANK HOLIDAY 国际儿童节(6月1日)-------------INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S DAY 父亲节(6月的第三个星期日)--------------FATHER'S DAY 端午节(阴历5月5日)---------------------DRAGON BOA T FESTIVAL 中秋节(阴历8月15日)--------------------MOON FESTIV AL 教师节(中国,9月10日)------------------TEACHER'S DAY 万圣节(11月1日)------------------------HALLOWMAS 感恩节(美国,11月最后一个星期4)--------THANKSGIVING 圣诞除夕(12月24日)---------------------CHRISTMAS EVE 圣诞节(12月25日)-----------------------CHRISTMAS DAD 新年除夕(12月31日)------------NEW YEAR'S EVE(a bank holiday in many countries) 春节(阴历一月一日)-------SPRING FESTIV AL (CHINESE NEW YEAR) thanksgiving day is the common festival of Canada and America. It is the fourth Thursday of December in American, and canadians celebrate it on the second monday of Octorber, the same day as American's columbus day. On thanksgiving day , families are get together and have a big dinner. Turkey is the main food, people often stuffed it with mixed food and other condiments. The next day is the so-called “black friday”, on that day many markets are on sales, it becomes a new custom for people all go out to do the family shopping. Halloween is another big festival that is popular in North Amercan, Britain ,Australia and newzealand. It’s the eve of All Hallow’s Day,like christmas eve. In that evening, children will wear fancy dresses and masks garthering candies from house to house. Spring Festival 春节 Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It is on the first day of the first lunar month(阴历正月). On the eve of the festival, people will paste spring poems(贴春联)with lucky words. They prepare delicious food, dumpling is a must. They also clean their house, but there is no sweeping on spring festival for people think it will sweep away good luck. People often come back home to enjoy family reunion, the whole family will get together for the big dinner. They also exchange greeting with other friends and relatives. Lantern Festival 元宵节 It comes on the 15th of the first lunar month and it marks the end of the Spring Festival. On this day, people often eat sweet dumplings(元宵)for good luck. They will visit the display of lanterns(灯展)or go for temple fair(庙会) Qingming 清明节 Qingming It is also called Tomb-Sweeping Day. It falls on April 4th or 5th . That is a special day for the living to show love and respect to their dead friends or relatives. People often go to sweep the tomb and put the meat, wine in front of the tomb. One interesting thing is that people burn the paper money for the dead. Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 This day is on the fifth of the fifth lunar month, People often get together to watch the wonderful “Dragon Boat Race”(龙舟大赛),Rice dumpling is a must on Dragon Boat Festival. Mid-autumn Day 中秋节 It comes on the 15th of the eighth lunar month. People often gaze at the “Lady in the moon”(嫦娥) and eat moon cakes. The Mid-autumn festival is one of the two most important occasions in Chinese calendar (the other being the Spring Festival or the Chinese New Year) and it is an official holiday. It is a time for families to be together, so people far from home will gaze longingly at the moon and think about their families. Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as Chinese Moon Festival, takes place at the 15th day of the eighth Chinese lunar month. The reason for celebrating the festival during that time is that it is the time when the moon is at its fullest and brightest.
