


1. (再次播放1a 录音, 让学生跟读, 注意新单词的读音。)

T:Please listen again and follow the tape. Pay attention to

the pronunciation of the new words.

2. (把全班分成 4 个小组,教师提问。采用竞争机制, 看哪个小组回答问题最多, 则该小组为优胜小组,从而让学生对节日的日期、食物及相关活动有更深记忆。完成1b。)

T:I will divide you into four groups and ask you some questions about the festivals. Try to answer the questions. The group which answers the most questions will be the winner.

T:When is the Spring Festival?

G1:It 's in January or February/on lunar January 1st.

T:What food do Chinese people eat on the Spring Festival?


T:How do people celebrate it?

G3:Perform lion and dragon dances.

T: …

G4: …

(小组里的学生每答对一个问题, 教师在下面表里为该组记上 1 分。)


1 2 3 4


3. (让学生根据小黑板上Step 2 的表格内容, 复述每个节日。)

T:Now, please tell me how people celebrate those festivals according to the form on the blackboard.

S1:The Spring Festival is in January or February. People eat dumplings and perform lion and dragon dances.

S2:Christmas is on December 25th. People give each other presents.

S3:Thanksgiving is on the fourth Thursday in November. Families get together for a big dinner. People eat turkey and pumpkin pie.

S4:The Lantern Festival is on lunar January 15th. People eat sweet dumplings. People watch lantern shows and guess riddles on lanterns.

4. (小组讨论。让学生四人一组讨论1b 中的问题,然后各组派代表汇报。)

T:Now, let 's discuss the questions of 1b in groups of 4. 3 minutes later, we ' ll ask the representative to report his idea. Begin, please.

5. (让学生说出以上节日还有什么其他的庆祝方式, 拓展学生思维水平。)

T:We eat dumplings and perform lion and dragon dances to celebrate the Spring Festival. We can eat other things on this day. And we can also celebrate in other ways. For example, we eat red eggs, rice and noodles. And we wear new clothes. Please tell me some other ways to celebrate the Spring Festival.

S5:We eat oranges.

S6:We eat rice cakes.

S7:We visit friends.

T:How about some other festivals?

S8:Sing Christmas songs at Christmas.

S9:Send cards.

Step 4 Practice 第四步练习(时间:8分钟)

练习并完成2。掌握not…until, believe, full, moon ;理解midnight, Easter, fool, Mid-autumn, mooncake 。

1. (播放 2 录音, 让学生将所听到的内容填到空格上。)

T:Please open your books to page 94, listen and fill in the blanks in 2.

2. (核对答案, 再次播放录音, 并让学生跟读。)

T:Please check the answers, then listen to the tape again and follow it.

3. (让学生补充教学1a 时用到的表格。)

T:Please continue to complete the table with new contents.

4. (检查学生是否能记住所学到的节日名称。采取游戏机制, 将全班分成 4 小组, 每组的第一个学生只说一个节日名称, 之后的学生必须重复前面的节日名称, 并且再说一个新节日的名称, 依次类推。哪一组在最短时间内说全10 个节日,该组则为优胜组。)

T:Please say the names of festivals. Work in four groups. The first student says a name. The following student must repeat the names that have been said, and add a new one. The group using the shortest time to say ten names will be the winner.

Group 1 :

S1:Spring Festival.

S2:Spring Festival, Christmas.

S3: Spring Festival, Christmas, ?…

5. (检查学生是否能记住节日的准确日期。教师说日期, 让学生说出节日名称;或教师说出节日名称, 学生说出日期。)

T: When is Teachers ' Day?

Ss: On September 10th.

T: What festival is it on April 1st?

Ss: April Fool 's Day.

Step 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动(时间: 9 分钟)通过活动,让学生加深对本节课所学习的各种节日的记忆和理解。

1. (找朋友。教师在课前准备好若干小纸条。纸条内容分为四类。第一类注明节日名称,第二类注明节日的日期包括农历和公历,第三类注明节日里的主要食物,第四类注明节日里的主要活动。)活动步骤: 1. 教师将准备好的小纸条分别放在四个小纸盒里,并在盒外标上名称、日期、食物、活动,将小纸盒放在讲台上。

2. 教师把学生分为四个小组,根据所准备的节日数目,让第一小组以最快的速度抽取纸条,每人读出节日名称,然后按节日时间顺序排好队。(一共有几个节日,就选几名同学参加,以下同。)

3. 第二小组的同学为该节日搭配日期。

4. 第三小组的同学为该节日搭配食物。

5. 第四小组的同学为该节日搭配活动。



2. (让学生实行一个采访活动, 调查每名学生最喜欢的节日。)

T:Please make a survey about your favorite festival and complete the table.

Name Favorite festival Why

S1:What' s your favorite festival?



S2:I like presents. And I can send cards to my friends.

3. (家庭作业。)


T:Collect information about interesting festivals in our

local area.

Section B

Section B needs 1~2 periods. Section B 需用1~2 课时。

The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a 和2a。
