



there are so many movies i’ve loved that the entire list would be nearly book-length. it’s tough to pick just a few, but i’ll give it a try.

before i start any kind of numbered list, i have to include one film that ... we ll, it’d be unfair to call it (them, really) my favorite film(s), as they float in the stratosphere above anything like a numerical favorites list. it isn’t fair to list it with others. while i’ll still refer to #1 on the list below as my favorite as follow.

movie:d’amélie poulain, directed by :jean-pierre jeunet.

jean-pierre jeunet has created montages of insignificance and triviality only to bring out in an euphemistic way the biggest support one can get in life; single character,including amelie herself,has some kind of peculiarity in their characteristics(which often resemble the eccentricity of dickensian characters)but the one thing binds them together is their agony of being lonely,unnoticed and search for

companionship and is like the angel who repairs the missing links in their lives and finds a root of her “all’s well that ends well” motto of fairy-tales has been adopted very skilfully in this movie and it rather wakes up the fairy godmother in each of us.

for 20 years jean-pierre jeunet collected small astonishing and intriguing moments in his life, taking notes in his diary, not knowing that he was up to co-write and direct one of the most successful film in french film history. jean-pierre jeunet fell in love with the story and the film he titled le fabuleux destin d’amélie poulain. but it’s popularity was even a surprise to jean-pierre jeunet himself as he once stated: i guess i have to produce a film like alien resurrection (usa 1997) to make a movie like le fabuleux destin d’amélie poulain’, obviously not aware of the films potential. unfortunately the film didn’t win an academy award for the best foreign film in 2001 which still puzzles film fans all over the world.

i consider jean-pierre jeunet’s film as a masterpiece. in my opinion, it is an outstanding film in film history for its cinematography, the music, the

story, but above all the overall atmosphere. going to the cinema is like meditating. we sit for over one-hour and comfortable chair - our breath slows down and as the lights are switched off, we enter a dream world. we seek to escape our normal world just for a short period of time, to experience something totally different and yet, we want to find ourselves in this world. thanks to jean-pierre jeunet i had a wonderful dream, i will never forget.

jean-pierre jeunet and his camera man, bruno delbonnel, wanted to make the film look like the spanish painter did his artwork. to establish a dreamlike atmosphere they used mostly red and green, sometimes adding a little blue spot in the picture to set the contrast. audrey tautou (amélie poulain), mostly wears either red or green dresses, as well as the housekeeper (yolande moreau as madelaine wallace, concierge), and amélie’s mother (lorella cravotta as amandine poulin) in the beginning of the film. when amélie poulain sits down to watch the tragedy of her life on her tv, there is an outstanding of a blue lamp in the background. sometimes the use of color gets very obvious. amélie’s

apartment for example is almost completely red, the underground station and the train station are kept in green and the green grocery store stands out from the grey buildings. honestly, i haven’t noticed the extreme use of color the first time i watched the movie.

i just wondered how jeunet succeeded in establishing such a fabulous atmosphere.

the atmosphere is also supported by the magnificent music by yann tiersen who has composed 19 songs in 15 days for this movie. the principal motive appears in many variations somehow being joyful, yet at the same time sad - slow and sometimes fast and activating. the music supports every moment in the film and becomes the sound of a fabulous world.

camera movement certainly contributes its part to the atmosphere. balanced and unbalanced pictures contribute to the message of each shot. right in the beginning when amélie’s mother is introduced, the picture is balanced symbolizing her pursuit for correctness and cleanliness. the same can be about the first shots of amélie’s father. when talking about his dislikes, the shots are unbalanced. but more impressing

are some camera movements. for example there is an astonishing high angle shot of amélie flipping stones on le canal in paris. the camera shows her leaning on a fence, flying above her head then craning to a low angle shot to show her flipping stones in the direction of the camera. another one worth mentioning might be the chase of the repairs person. nino is shown falling up the steps chasing the repairs person for the photo machines. the camera turns to show the man getting in the car driving off. still in a low angle nino starts his moped, trying to follow the worker, almost hitting a car. amélie is entering the picture running after nino. the camera follows her, then turning almost 180° around her to show her hold nino’s red bag that he lost. when amélie sits in front of the station, we see her in a long shot, the camera dollies in to fly over her head to an over-the-shoulder shot. some of these camera movements are really awesome, not only from a technical point of view, but moreover from an aesthetic standpoint. they support the dreamlike atmosphere, adding interesting aspects to ordinary actions.



this movie is delightful from start to finish. although some of the coincidences and chance meetings are highly improbable (both going to nyc? both watching the same tv set at the same time?), they cannot spoil what is a genuinely touching and moving experience. instead of a the usual scenario where two people try desperately to find love, the two leads, li chiao (maggie cheung) and li xiao jun (leon lai), try desperately to avoid it. both mainlanders, she has come to hong kong to make her fortune; he has come to earn enough money to marry his long-time fiancée back on the mainland. through a brief meeting in a mcdonalds where li chiao works one of her several part-time jobs, and xiao jun has come to experience the unknown-in-his-hometown food, they become friends. they discover a shared love for the songs of taiwanese singer teresa tang, which become the soundtrack to their relationship. both are lonely, and gradually they form a genuine friendship, then a not-so-casual intimate relationship. their struggle to remain true to their original goal in coming to hong kong leads to

an emotional crisis for both them and their partners. the struggle takes place over a ten year period, during which they separate only to keep bumping into one another and reopening old wounds. the resolution of this struggle is sweet indeed.

the lead actors are both exceptional, particularly leon lai, who always seemed to be playing a variation on himself until this film. he is completely believable as the na-iv-e and trusting xiao jun, and maggie cheung is, as ever, radiant and affecting. the songs of teresa tang are used to great effect, one of which gives the film it’s title (tian mi mi, the title of the chinese version, roughly translates as sweet like honey).

loses a point for the number of coincidences, but otherwise unreservedly recommended.

i have just finished watching it. the emotions came out from deep down in my heart, and i couldn’t control myself to stop crying. this is the film of love, reality and dream. it has nothing to do politically with hongkong before or after 1997. it shows the story of two young people who think they are young enough to not choose and avoid love as the dream of life, instead,

they pretend to make their ‘materialised dreams’ come true. however, after their dreams do come true, they are not satisfied. when they turn over their faces, and realise that having each other is the dream. this is a soft and gentle film that in some way affect your heart deep down inside. the struggle the characters experienced are somehow showing the contradictions that all the immigrants would encounter. those two ‘immigrants’ from mainland of china into hongkong have the reluctance of choosing between ‘dream’ or ‘love’, just like all the foreigners live in a country would have confused with and took the wrong decision. it is difficult to settle into one culture, when meet the people from your hometown, you feel like as if they are closer to you than your family.

from the fantastic performance from both two actors, the whole structure of the film is satisfying, and the pace of unwrapping the storyline is as exciting and surprising as the christmas presents. the love in the film is somehow very ‘pure’ and ‘si-mp-le’ from the determination and patience that took them years to find each other.

finally, there is only one thing to say: among the sea of people, ‘yuan’--the invisible and chosen force that connect you with the others in a particular way is unchangeable and if you believe it, you will never be able to miss ‘the one’ for you, no matter what happens, and where you will b.

just ask yourself-- billions of people in the world, why do i meet you not someone else?

有关电影的英语演讲稿 [篇2]


i don’t know what to say minutes,to the biggest battle of our professional comes down to we heal as a team

or we are going to crumble. inch by inch play by play ,till we’re finished.

we are in hell right now, gentlemen ,believe me. and we can stay here

and get the sh-it kicked out of us or we can fight our way back into the can climb out of inch, at a i can’t do it for ‘m too look around and i see these young faces and i think

i mean,i made every wrong choice a middle age man

could make.

i uh....i pissed away all my it or chased off anyone who has ever loved lately,i can’t even stand the face i see in the know when you get old in life,things get taken from you.

that’s, that’s part of ,you only learn that when you start losing find out that life is just a game of is football.

because in either game,life or football,the margin for error is so small.

i mean,one half step too late or to early,you don’t quite make half second too slow or too you don’t quite catch inches we need are everywhere around are in ever break of the minute, every second..on this team, we fight for that this team, we tear ourselves, and everyone around usto pieces for that claw with our finger nails for that we know,when we add up all those inches that’s going to make the ****ing difference between winning and losing between living and dying.

i’ll tell you this in any fight it is the guy who is willing to die

who is going to win that inch. and i know if i am

going to have any life anymore. it is because, i am still willing to fight, and die for that that is what living is. the six inches in front of your face.

now i can’t make you do it. you gotta look at the guy next to you. look into his eyes. now i think you are going to see a guy who will go that inch with are going to see a guy who will sacrifice himself for this team because he knows when it comes down to it,you are gonna do the same thing for him.

that’s a team, gentlemen and either we heal now, as a team, or we will die as individuals. that’s football guys. that’s all it is. now, what you gonna do?


mr. simms doesn’t want it . he doesn’t need to be labeled still worthy of being a baird man . what the hell is that? what is your motto here? boys, inform on your classmates, save your hide .anything short of that, we’re gonna burn you at the stake.

well, gentlemen, when the sh-it hits the fan, some guys run and some guys stay .

here’s charlie facing the fire, and there’s

george hiding in big daddy’s pocket.

and what are you doing? you’re gonna reward george and destroy charlie .

no, i’m just getting warmed up. i don’t know who went to this place. william howard taft, william jennings bryant, william tell, whoever. their spirit is dead, if they ever had one .it’s gone. you’re building a rat ship here, a vessel for seagoing snitches. and if you think you’re preparing these minnows for manhood, you better think again, because i say you are killing the very spirit this institution proclaims it instills . what a shame ! what kind of a show are you guys putting on here today?

i mean, the only class in this act is sitting next to me. i’m here to tell you this boy’s soul is intact. it’s non- negotiable. you know how i know? someone here, and i’m not gonna say who, offered to buy it only charlie here wasn’t selling

out of or der . i show you out of order . you don’t know what out of order is, mr. trask .i’d show you, but i’m too old , i’m too tired, too ****ing blind. if i were the man i was five years ago, i’d take a

flamethrower to this place! out of order? who the hell you think you’re talking to? i’ve been around, you know? there was a time i could see and i have seen boys like these, younger than these , their arms torn out, their legs ripped off. but there is nothing like the sight of an amputated spirit . there is no prosthetic for that. you think you’re merely sending this splendid foot soldier back home to oregon with his tail between his legs ,

but i say you are executing his soul! and why? because he’s not a baird man. baird men. you hurt this boy, you’re gonna b e baird bums, the lot of you . and, harry, jimmy, trent, wherever you are out there . **** you too!

i’m not finished. as i came in here, i heard those words: “cradle of leadership.

well, when the bough breaks . the cradle will fall, and it has fallen here. it has fallen . makers of men, creators of leaders . be careful what kind of leaders you’re producing here. i don’t know if charlie’s silence here today is right or wrong, i’m not a judge or jury . but i can tell you this: he won’t sell anybody

out to buy his future! and that, my friends, is called integrity. that’s called courage. now that’s the stuff leaders should be made of. now i have come to the crossroads in my life.

i always knew what the right path was. without exception, i knew, but i never took it. you know why? it was too damn hard. now here’s charlie. he’s come to the crossroads. he has chosen a path. it’s the right path. it’s a path made of principle that leads to character . let him continue on his journey. you hold this boy’s future in your hands, committee . it’s a valuable future, believe me. don’t destroy it. protect it. embrace it. it’s gonna make you proud one day, i promise you.


who are you carrying all those bricks for? god?is that it? god? l tell you...let me give you a little inside information about god. god likes to watch. he’s a prankster. think about it. he gives man...instincts. he gives you this extraordinary gift,and then what does he do? l swear, for his own amusement...his own private cosmic......gag reel......he sets the rules in

opposition. it’s the goof of all time. look, but don’t touch.

touch, but don’t taste. taste, but don’t swallow. and while you’re jumping from one foot to the next, what is he doing?he’s laughing his sick ****ing ass off! he’s a tightass! he’s a sadist! he’s an absentee landlord!

worship that? never!

better to reign in hell than serve in heaven, is that it? why not??l’m here on the ground with my nose in it since the whole thing began! l’ve nurtured every sensation man has been inspired to have! i cared about what he wanted and l never judged him! why? because l never rejected him,in spite of all his imperfections! l’m a fan of man! l’m a be the last ,in their right mind,kevin,could possibly deny...the 20th century was entirely mine,all of it,kevin,all of ’m peaking ,kevin,it’s my time ’s our time.


i was warned not to come here. i was warned. they wa rned me, “don’t stand behind that coffin.” but why should i heed such a warning when a heartbeat is silent

and a child lies dead? “don’t stand behind” this coffin. that boy was as pure and as innocent as the driven snow. but i must stand here, because i have not given you what you should have. until we can walk abroad and recreate ourselves, until we can stroll along the streets like boulevards, congregate in parks free from fear, our families mingling, our children laughing, our hearts joined until that day we have no city. you can label me a failure until that day.

the first and perhaps only great mayor was greek. he was pericles of athens, and he lived some 2500 years ago, and he said, “all things good of this earth flow into the city because of the city’s greatness.” well, we were great once. can we not be great again? now, i put that question to james bone, and there’s only silence. yet, could not something pass from this sweet youth to me? could he not empower me to find in myself the strength to have the knowledge to summon up the courage to accomplish this seemingly insurmountable task of ma-ki-ng a city livable? just livable.

there was a palace that was a city. it was a palace! it was a palace and it can be a palace again! a palace

in which there is no king or queen or dukes or earls or princes, but subjects all -- subjects beholden to each other, to make a better place to live. is that too much to ask? are we asking too much for this? is it beyond our reach?! because if it is, then we are nothing but sheep being herded to the final slaughterhouse! i will not go down that way!! i choose to fight back!!!

i choose to rise, not fall! i choose to live, not die!! and i know, i know that what’s within me is also within you!

that’s why i ask you now to join me. join me, rise up with me; rise up on the wings of this slain angel. we’ll rebuild on the soul of this little warrior. we will pick up his standard and raise it high! carry it forward until this city -- your city -- our city -- his city -- is a palace of god! is a palace of god!

i am with you, little james.

i am you.


now i ain’t sayin’ that my way would have been my mother been alive when i was a kid, ‘cause that’s all you hear in the didn’t have a chance no w as

already a mean little bastard while my mother was alive, and i know i learned about women from honor,with all due respect,past and present,and without further to me assure this court thati am through walkin’ on the wild ‘s all i’ve been tryin’ to tel l have been sick with the social ills known in the ghetto ,but my time in the sterling correctional facilities

of green haven and sing sing has not been in vain i’ve been cured!born again, like the know you heard this rap before .your honor, i mean is the truth i changed and it didn’t take no 30 years like your honor thought, but only ‘s right, sir. five look at me. completely rehabilitatedreinvigorated, reassimilated,and finally gonna be relocatedand i want to thanka lot of people for look over there and i seethat man there, mr want to thank you, sir,for ma-ki-ng the tapes in an illegal fashion.

i would like to thank the court of appealsfor reversing you, your i want to thank almighty god, without whom no case gets must have forgot. how could i forget!my dear, close friend and lawyer,david kleinfeld,who never never never gave up on me through

everything, thick and don’t you just stand up?davey kleinf?

有关电影的英语演讲稿 [篇3]

hello everybody,

today ,my presentation is about film review.

the graduate is an attractive and affecting has a very important place in the america film history,because it reflected the people’s life at that time, also a ground-breaking film,had taken a new film type in american film market.

mike nichols,is the the director. he is a famous and fruitful director in america,has many movie works ,helped him receive a lot of honors and awards,including the graduate ,which helped him get the oscar awards,the best director .

the graduate is a comedy film,theme is about love,premiered in that,the film got many awards,such as:best director,best picture,best actor,best actress,and so on.

the main stars including dustin hoffman,anne bancroft,katharine ross and hoffman plays a graduate ,named benjamin,who is worried about his

future,his eyes are bancroft,plays mrs. robinson ,a middle-aged woman,although has a rich husband,she dose’t like her ross plays elaine,she is mrs. robinson is a graduate,his father held a party for him and give a beautiful red car as graduate he had no interested the party,mrs. robinson seduced first,he ,after several days,he had se-x with her in a local is going well until mrs. robinson insisted that ben must leave from her daughter he didn’t follow what she said and finally fell in love with found the truth and elaine decide to leave time,he was not confused again,finally,he and elaine ran away from elaine’s wedding.

i like the film ,because nobody is perfect, and people do improper things at the improper time. the point is whether you are willing to amend it or not. ben should be a good his affair with mrs. robinson,found by others, he was brave enough to face it, courageous enough to purse his true love . from the movie ,we can see ben’s transformation from a confused graduate to a mature man; from the fall to the persistence for true love ; well, this is our graduate,


关于电影的英文演讲稿 篇一:关于电影的英语演讲稿 篇一:英语演讲稿(北京国际电影节) hello, everyone. today, my topic is beijing international film festival. beijing international film festival attracts hundreds of domestic and international super stars to walk the red carpet, such as fan bingbing and feng xiaogang, liu yifei, james cameron and his wife, the director of titanic, liu dehua and ling zhiling, zhang ziyi. next part, i will introduce some winners of beijing international film festival. the best film is back to 1942. now you can watch the trailer. back to 1942 is directed by feng xiaogang. zhang guoli, xu fan and chen daoming play main roles in the film. it is a disaster film that during 1942, china was fighting anti-japanese war. at that time, a sudden drought in henan province force tens of millions of people to leave their home and look for food to survive. this film tries to tell


关于介绍自己的英语演 讲稿 Pleasure Group Office【T985AB-B866SYT-B182C-BS682T-STT18】

good morning teachers and classmates. 早上好,老师同学们。 im glad to be here for self-introdution. 我很高兴能在这里做自我介绍。 my name is *** and you can also call me ****. 我叫***,你们也能叫我***. 我来自八年级***班。 i am a local person who is 14 years old,and im of the opinion that my hometown is a beautiful city. 我是一个14岁的本地女孩,我认为我的家乡是一个美丽的城市。 i have a family of four, my mother ,father ,younger brother and me. 我有一个4口人的家庭,家里有 我妈,我爸,我弟和我。 we are getting along with each other. 我们一家人相处得很好。 作为一名来自典型中国家庭的中国女孩,我怕知道我身上寄托了父母对我成功的很大希望。 所以,我觉得我有责任让他们梦想成真。 its tired for anyone to be successful. 对每个人来说,成功的路都是辛苦的。 however, i have the confidence because i have such ability! 尽管这 样,我依旧有信心,因为我有能力。 i am kind-hearted, patient, outgoing and creative. 我很善良,有耐心,开朗,还很有创造力。 i am a hard working student especially do the things i am interested in. 尤其在做我喜欢的事情时,我会很努力。 i will try my best to resolve any problem no matter how difficult it is. 无论有多困难,我都会尽力去解决问题。 no pain, no gainsis golden words in my life book. “没有付出就没有得到”是我的人生金句。 i love music, because music can make me feel relaxed. 我爱音乐,因为音乐能让我放松。 and im also a piano player. 我还是一名钢琴演奏者。 i practice my skill for 8 hours every week in my spare time. 每周在我 休息时间里,我会话8小时练习我的钢琴技巧。 by doing this, i can refresh my mind. 这么做能让我精神变得很清醒。 that’s all. thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity!就 这些,感谢您给我这么珍贵的机会。篇二:自我介绍英文演讲稿 大学自我介绍英语演讲稿 hello,everyone! unlike many other girls,i’m quite good at ,skating,basketball,volleyball,badminton,table tennis and etc. are my spite of my height,i have a good jumping to this,i’m the captain of the female basketball team and the principal member of the female volleyball team in our addition,i’m fond of playing ’ve got a silver medal when i


how to improve our english good morning, ladies and gentlemen,! it’s really my great pleasure to be here. just now, off the stage, i was wondering if i could present well here, but now in the spotlight, i am not that nervous, and all i want to show you is my personality and confidence. at first, i will introduce myself. i am from class 4, grade 9. my name’s…. i like …my favorite subject is english. next i’d like to talk about “how to improve our english”. to be honest, i’ m really happy to stand here and say something about learning english, even if i’ m only a beginner of english. as everybody knows, english is an international language. what’s more, china has entered the wto. therefore it’s necessary for us to learn it. but you may ask how i can improve my english? well, i have some useful suggestions that i’d like to share(分享) with you. firstly, make sure that you pay enough attention to your pronunciation and intonation. otherwise, you might make yourself a laughing stock. for example,“can i use your bike?” if you say, “can i use your back?”“pass me the case, please.” you say, “pass me the kiss, please.” here you mispronounced the two words “bike”and “case”.that will certainly cause misunderstanding. besides, tones of different voice can also mean difference. for instance,“london bridge is falling down, falling down, my fair lady!” it means you are excited ! now listen again: “london bridge is falling down, falling down, my fair lady!” it shows you are so sad, right? secondly, practice makes perfect. don’t be afraid to make mistakes when you practice speaking english. on the one hand, you will learn from them, on the other hand, no one can avoid (避免)making mistakes, so don’t be shy, try to be brave and speak up ! spare time, you can watch some english movies. maybe you find it difficult to understand the voices, but it doesn’t matter. keep doing that, you”ll be able to follow later on . finally, in order to improve our english, we need to be patient . anyway, learning english takes time, so you must have a strong will and enough patience. remember: rome was not built in a day ! that’s all .thank you for your time. 如何提高我们的英语水平 大家好!今天我演讲的题目是:如何提高我们的英文。说真的,我非常高兴在这里说一 说关于学英语的事情,尽管我只是英语的初学者。 大家都知道,英语是一门国际性的语言,尤其是中国已加入了wto,学英语对我们来说 是格外必要的。但是你可能会问:“如何才能提高我们的英语呢?”那好,接下来我便给大家 说一说提高英语的捷径。 首先,你应确信你已在发音技巧和语音方面下了很多功夫。否则,你将会闹出很多笑话。 例如“我可以借一下你的自行车吗?”而你说成“我可以借一下你的后背吗?”“请递给我那 个箱子”而由于你的错误发音,竟说成“请给我一个吻吧。”很显然,在这两个句子中你读错


英语演讲稿电影 篇一:关于电影的英语演讲稿 篇一:英语演讲稿(北京国际电影节) hello, everyone. today, my topic is beijing international film festival. beijing international film festival attracts hundreds of domestic and international super stars to walk the red carpet, such as fan bingbing and feng xiaogang, liu yifei, james cameron and his wife, the director of titanic, liu dehua and ling zhiling, zhang ziyi. next part, i will introduce some winners of beijing international film festival. the best film is back to 1942. now you can watch the trailer. back to 1942 is directed by feng xiaogang. zhang guoli, xu fan and chen daoming play main roles in the film. it is a disaster film that during 1942, china was fighting anti-japanese war. at that time, a sudden drought in henan province force tens of millions of people to leave their home and look for food to survive. this film tries to tell the history from four different viewing angles. they are government, international reporter, priest and


关于动漫的英语演讲稿 篇一:英文动漫演讲 Hello ,everyone;My name is xieyongsheng! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. With the development of the times, animation has been a hot topic , the fans are mostly teenager. Nowadays many people ,including adults like it . it's no longer children's patents. 随着时代的发展,“动漫”已经成为一热点话题,动漫迷多以青少年为主。现今许多人包括成年人都爱上了“动漫”。“动漫”不再是孩子的专利。 Because of chinese Immature business environment, animators always thought that animation is just for kids , and parents involved in the animation was a bit "emotional" aspects of the particularly sensitive , so animation Infant tendency to serious. Moreover, Chinese computer graphics, film and television skills to be improved, and the works of imitation and not biased in favor of the original. 中国动漫因不成熟的市场环境,动画制作者总认为动漫是给小孩子看的,而家长对动漫中稍涉及“情感”方面的问题特别敏感,所以动漫低幼倾向严重。不仅如此,中国的电


三分钟英文自我介绍演讲稿 自我介绍表现形式 鉴于需要进行自我介绍的时机多有不同,因而进行自我介绍时的表达方法便有所不同。自我介绍的内容是指自我介绍时所表述的主体部分,即在自我介绍时表述的具体形式。 确定自我介绍的具体内容,应兼顾实际需要、所处场景,并应具有鲜明的针对性,切不可“千人一面”,一概而论。 依照自我介绍时表述的内容的不同,自我介绍可以分为下述五种具体形式: (1)应酬式 应酬式的自我介绍,适用于某些公共场合和一般性的社交场合,如旅行途中、宴会厅里、舞场之上、通电话时。它的对象,主要是进行一般接触的交往对象。对介绍者而言,对方属于泛泛之交,或者早已熟悉,进行自我介绍只不过是为了确认身份而已,故此种自我介绍内容要少而精。 应酬式的自我介绍内容最为简洁,往往只包括姓名一项即可。例如: “您好!我的名字叫张路”。 “我是雍纹岩”。 (2)工作式

工作式的自我介绍,主要适用于工作之中。它是以工作为自我介绍的中心;因工作而交际,因工作而交友。有时,它也叫公务式的自我介绍。 工作式的自我介绍的内容,应当包括本人姓名、供职的单位及其部门、担负的职务或从事的具体工作等三项。他们叫作工作式自我介绍内容的三要素,通常缺一不可。其中,第一项姓名,应当一口报出,不可有姓无名,或有名无姓。第二项供职的单位及其部门,有可能全部报出,具体工作部门有时也可以暂不报出。第三项担负的职务或从事的具体工作,有职务报出职务,职务较低或者无职务,则可报出所从事的具体工作。例如:“你好!我叫张奕希,是大连市政府外办的交际处处长”。 “我名叫付冬梅,在人民大学国际政治系教外交学”。 (3)交流式 交流式的自我介绍,主要适用于在社交活动中,它是一种刻意寻求与交往对象进一步交流与沟通,希望对方认识自己、了解自己、与自己建立联系的自我介绍。有时,它也叫社交式自我介绍或沟通式自我介绍。 交流式自我介绍的内容,大体应当包括介绍者的姓名、工作、籍贯、学历、兴趣以及与交往对象的某些熟人的关系等等。但它们非定要面面俱到,而应依照具体情况而定。例如:“我叫邢冬松,在北京吉普有限公司工作。我是清华大学汽车工程系90级的,我想咱们是校友,对吗?”


3分钟演讲稿英语3篇 在各学高校英语演讲中,甚至是各级别的英语演讲比赛中,常常感觉学生的演讲稿缺乏实质性的劝说力和感染力。下面整理了3分钟演讲稿英语3篇,供你参考。 3分钟演讲稿英语篇1 Can Money Buy Happiness? Can money buy happiness? Different people have different opinions. Some think yes, while others hold the opposite. It is true that with enough money one can buy all the things one wants, and live a life of comfort and security. However, it is equally true that lack of money causes great distress. It is a common view that "money is the root of all evil." The pursuit of money drives many people to cheat and steal. In some places there is nothing that cannot be bought with money, resulting in corrupt societies where everybody is miserable. So, money does not necessarily mean happiness. It all depends on how it is used. If we make honest and sensible use of money, it can be a stepping-stone to happiness l Although money cannot buy happiness, it can make happiness possible if it is employed sensibly. 金钱能买来幸福吗? 金钱能买来幸福吗?不同的人有不同的回答。有的人认为能,有的人则持相反的意见。 诚然一个人如果有足够的钱可以买到他想要的所有物品,过上舒


英语演讲稿介绍电影 save the victims on their own way. However, the strength of a person is always small. Maybe they can save some people, they can’t save all people. As for the victims, they can’t protect their property, dignity and even life. However, when no one can help them, they show to us their great wisdom and courage, solve the problems, and then get themselves out of the crisis again and again. Next winner is Cate Shortland. She got Best Director with the film LORE. Cate Shortland was born in Australia in 1968. Since directing the film called Bad Cop, Bad Cop, she has directed many outstanding films, including Somersault in 2004 and The Silence in 2006. In addition, Best Actor is Terence Stamp because of his wonderful performance in the film Song for Marion. Chinese actress Yan Bingyan gets Best Actress with the film Wanjianchuanxin. Sorry I don’t know how to translate. That is all I want to say. Thanks for listening. 英语演讲稿介绍电影【二】Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Can you imagine a day that you wake up and find all the movie



goodmorningteachersandclassmates. 早上好,老师同学们。 imgladtobehereforself-introdution. 我很高兴能在这里做自我介绍。 mynameis***andyoucanalsocallme****. 我叫***,你们也能叫我***. 我来自八年级***班。 iamalocalpersonwhois14yearsold,andimoftheopinionthatmyhometownisabea utifulcity. 我是一个14岁的本地女孩,我认为我的家乡是一个美丽的城市。ihaveafamilyoffour,mymother,father,youngerbrotherandme.我有一个4口人的家庭,家里有我妈,我爸,我弟和我。wearegettingalongwitheachother. 我们一家人相处得很好。 作为一名来自典型中国家庭的中国女孩,我怕知道我身上寄托了父母对我成功的很大希望。 所以,我觉得我有责任让他们梦想成真。 itstiredforanyonetobesuccessful. 对每个人来说,成功的路都是辛苦的。 however,ihavetheconfidencebecauseihavesuchability!尽管这样,我依旧有信心,因为我有能力。 iamkind-hearted,patient,outgoingandcreative. 我很善良,有耐心,开朗,还很有创造力。 iamahardworkingstudentespeciallydothethingsiaminterestedin.尤其在做我喜欢的事情时,我会很努力。 iwilltrymybesttoresolveanyproblemnomatterhowdifficultitis.无论有多困难,我都会尽力去解决问题。 nopain,nogainsisgoldenwordsinmylifebook. “没有付出就没有得到”是我的人生金句。 ilovemusic,becausemusiccanmakemefeelrelaxed. 我爱音乐,因为音乐能让我放松。 andimalsoapianoplayer. 我还是一名钢琴演奏者。 ipracticemyskillfor8hourseveryweekinmysparetime.每周在我休息时间里,我会话8小时练习我的钢琴技巧。bydoingthis,icanrefreshmymind. 这么做能让我精神变得很清醒。 that’!就这些,感谢您给我这么珍贵的机会。篇二:自我介绍英文演讲稿大学自我介绍英语演讲稿 hello,everyone!


关于电影的英语演讲稿 篇一:关于电影的英语演讲稿 篇一:英语演讲稿(北京国际电影节) hello, everyone. today, my topic is beijing international film festival. beijing international film festival attracts hundreds of domestic and international super stars to walk the red carpet, such as fan bingbing and feng xiaogang, liu yifei, james cameron and his wife, the director of titanic, liu dehua and ling zhiling, zhang ziyi. next part, i will introduce some winners of beijing international film festival. the best film is back to 1942. now you can watch the trailer. back to 1942 is directed by feng xiaogang. zhang guoli, xu fan and chen daoming play main roles in the film. it is a disaster film that during 1942, china was fighting anti-japanese war. at that time, a sudden drought in henan province force tens of millions of people to leave their home and look for food to survive. this film tries to tell the history from four different viewing angles. they are government, international reporter, priest and


英文自我介绍演讲稿大全 My name is ________. I am graduatefrom ________ seniorhigh school and major in ________. There are ________ people in my family. My father works in a puter pany. And my mother is a housewife. I am the youngest one in my family. In my spare time, I like to read novels. I think reading could enlargemy knowledge. As for novels, I could imagine whatever I like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master. In addition to reading, I also like to play PC games. A lot of grownups think playing PC games hinders the students from learning. But I think PC games could motivate me to learn something such as English or Japanese.My favorite course is English because I think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds. I wish my English could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent English in the future. I am ________. I was born in ________. I graduate from ________senior high school and major in English. I started learning English since I was 12 years old. My parents have a

英语演讲稿 北京国际电影节

Hello, everyone. Today, my topic is Beijing International Film F e s t i v a l. First of all, I will introduce something about it. Beijing International Film Festival was founded in 2011, and it is sponsored by the State Administration of Radio Film and Television. This festival is aimed at Integrating domestic and international film resources, building a large platform for displaying, communication and trading and making Beijing a new film center of the world. So we can use four words to conclude the characteristics of this film festival, they are international, professional, advanced and creative. As we all know, Beijing is always the center of China in all ages, no matter in political or economic sense. What’s more, along with rapid development in almost all aspects, Beijing definitely has enough strength and experience to hold this kind of activity. By Beijing international film festival, we can show our Chinese traditional culture to people in the world, strength international communication and cooperation. Also, we can promote the development of our Chinese film. Most importantly, this activity will provide a feast for the eyes, because people will enjoy hundreds of outstanding films. On the evening of April 16, the opening ceremony of Beijing International Film Festival had been held in the Temple of Heaven. The director of the opening ceremony integrate Chinese long history since


good morning teachers and classmates. 早上好,老师同学们。 im glad to be here for self-introdution. 我很高兴能在这里做自我介绍。 my name is *** and you can also call me ****. 我叫***,你们也能叫我***. 我来自八年级***班。 i am a local person who is 14 years old,and im of the opinion that my hometown is a beautiful city. 我是一个14岁的本地女孩,我认为我的家乡是一个美丽的城市。 i have a family of four, my mother ,father ,younger brother and me. 我有一个4口人的家庭,家里有我妈,我爸, 我弟和我。 we are getting along with each other. 我们一家人相处得很好。 作为一名来自典型中国家庭的中国女孩,我怕知道我身上寄托了父母对我成功的很大希 望。 所以,我觉得我有责任让他们梦想成真。 its tired for anyone to be successful. 对每个人来说,成功的路都是辛苦的。 however, i have the confidence because i have such ability! 尽管这样,我依旧 有信心,因为我有能力。 i am kind-hearted, patient, outgoing and creative. 我很善良,有耐心,开朗,还很有创造力。 i am a hard working student especially do the things i am interested in. 尤其 在做我喜欢的事情时,我会很努力。 i will try my best to resolve any problem no matter how difficult it is. 无论 有多困难,我都会尽力去解决问题。 no pain, no gainsis golden words in my life book. “没有付出就没有得到”是我的人生金句。 i love music, because music can make me feel relaxed. 我爱音乐,因为音乐能让我放松。 and im also a piano player. 我还是一名钢琴演奏者。 i practice my skill for 8 hours every week in my spare time. 每周在我休息时间 里,我会话8小时练习我的钢琴技巧。 by doing this, i can refresh my mind. 这么做能让我精神变得很清醒。 that’s all. thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity!就这些,感 谢您给我这么珍贵的机会。篇二:自我介绍英文演讲稿 大学自我介绍英语演讲稿 hello,everyone! unlike many other girls,i’m quite good at sports.swimming,skating,basketball,volleyball,badminton,table tennis and etc. are my preferences.in spite of my height,i have a good jumping capacity.due to this,i’ m the captain of the female basketball team and the principal member of the female volleyball team in our school.in addition,i’m fond of playing chess.i’ve got a silver

【最新推荐】电影英语演讲稿-范文word版 (5页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 电影英语演讲稿 篇一:英语演讲稿(北京国际电影节) Hello, everyone. Today, my topic is Beijing International Film Festival. First of all, I will introduce something about it. Beijing International Film Festival was founded in 201X, and it is sponsored by the State Administration of Radio Film and Television. This festival is aimed at Integrating domestic and international film resources, building a large platform for displaying, communication and trading and making Beijing a new film center of the world. So we can use four words to conclude the characteristics of this film festival, they are international, professional, advanced and creative. As we all know, Beijing is always the center of China in all ages, no matter in political or economic sense. What’s more, along with rapid development in almost all aspects, Beijing definitely has enough strength and experience to hold this kind of activity. By Beijing international film festival, we can show our Chinese traditional culture to people in the world, strength international communication and cooperation. Also, we can promote the development of our Chinese film. Most importantly, this activity will provide a feast for the eyes, because people will enjoy hundreds of outstanding films. On the evening of April 16, the opening ceremony of Beijing International Film Festival had been held in the Temple of Heaven. The director of the opening ceremony integrate Chinese long history since ancient times and light and shadow that modern technology make. There are a lot of singers and dancers showing an exquisite beyond compare evening. It is worth mentioning that famous pianist Langlang also joined this ceremony.


小学生英语自我介绍演讲稿带翻译5篇 一个英语的自我介绍是我们小学生一直都烦恼的,这个自我 介绍要怎么去准备呢?WTT小雅为大家整理了关于小学生的英语自 我介绍演讲稿(带翻译)5篇,欢迎大家阅读。 小学生英语自我介绍演讲稿(带翻译)篇1 Hello every one. my name is XX. I am 10 years old. I study in primary school. There are three people in my home ,my parents and me . My father is a handsome man and my mather is very beautiful.They are very excellent .They love me and I love them too. I like reading and playing balls. I often play basketball with my good friends after school. I like to make friends and I hope we can be friends . thanks 大家好,我叫XX ,今年10岁,在上小学.我家有3个人,我父母和我.我爸爸是一个很英俊的男人,我妈妈也很漂亮.他们非常优秀.他们很爱我,我也爱他们.我喜欢阅读和打球,放学后,我经常和朋 友们一起在打篮球. 我洗交朋友,希望大家能和我做朋友.谢谢! 小学生英语自我介绍演讲稿(带翻译)篇2

Hello, everyone! My name is JooZone. I am x years old. I am from China.I can speak Chinese and a little English. My favorite subject is English, because I think it is very interesting. I like going to the movies, playing sports and reading books. I like summer best, because it is very relaxing and we have a long hollday. I love my life. I think I am a happy girl. Do you want to make friends with me? 大家好!我是xxx。我x岁。我来自中国。我会说中文和一点 英文。我最喜欢的科目是英语,因为我认为它非常有趣。我喜欢 看电影,做运动和看书。我最喜欢夏天,因为他非常轻松并且我 们有一个长的假期。我爱我的生活。我认为我是一个快乐的女 孩。你想和我做好朋友么? 小学生英语自我介绍演讲稿(带翻译)篇3 Hi! My Chinese name is Ma Fangyu. My English name is Jane. I’m a ha ppy girl. I live in Nanzhuang Cun. My birthday is in December. My favorite colour is purple. My favorite pet is lovely dog. I have two big black eyes. I like English very much. Every day I go to school on foot. I like my school. There are 25 students in my class. I love my school. This is me.
