


Keys to Unit Four

Somerset Maugham: Mr. Know-All

1) Opinions of Understanding:

(1) Which of the following is a round character?

A. The narrator “I”.

B. Mr. Kelada.

C. Mr. Ramsay.

D. Mrs. Ramsay.

(2) Which of the following is a most typical flat character?

A. The narrator “I”.

B. Mr. Kelada.

C. Mr. Ramsay.

D. Mrs. Ramsay.

(3) The narrator decided that he might have an unpleasant company even before seeing Mr. Kelada because _______.

A. he had to share a cabin with the latter

B. he had known the latter to be a loud and noisy person

C. the latter had a foreign name

D. the latter had a bad reputation

(4) From the story we can deduce that Mrs. Ramsay’s pearl necklace was probably ________.

A. a worthless imitation

B. an expensive purchase that she borrowed money to pay for

C. a gift from her husband

D. a gift from a lover of hers that her husband knew nothing about

(5) By the end of the short story, the narrator said, “At that moment I did not entirely dislike Mr. Kelada.” The words may suggest that _______.

A. he actually enjoyed the company of Mr. Kelada

B. he found that Mr. Kelada was entirely different from what he had expected him to be

C. he liked Mr. Kelada just for a moment

D. he had changed his earlier attitude towards Mr. Kelada

2) Questions for Discussion:

(Suggested answers for reference)

(1)What are the undesirable qualities of Mr. Kelada according to the narrator? Find them out in

the text and list them. Are they good proof that Mr. Kelada is an unpleasant person?

1)…my fellow passenger’s name was (not) Smith or Brown. (not Anglo-Saxon sounding) (line 9).

2) When I went on board I found Mr. Kelada’s luggage ..and toilet things (showing bad taste) (lines 11-16)

3) Mr. Kelada was short and of a sturdy build, cleanshaven and dark skinned, with a fleshy, hooked nose and very large lustrous and liquid eyes. His long black hair was sleek and curly. (His physical features indicate that he is not a white European.) (lines 32-34)

4) He spoke with a fluency in which there was nothing English and his gestures were exuberant. (lines 34-35)

5) Mr. Kelada was chatty. (line 57)

6) Mr. Kelada was familiar. …(observing) no such formality. (lines 64-68)

7) “The three on the four,” said Mr. Kelada (participating in other person’s card game, being rather nosy) (lines 71-81)

8) I not only shared a cabin with him and ate three meals a day at the same table, but I could not walk round the deck without his joining me. (caring little about other people’s privacy) (lines 85-86)

9) He was a good mixer, and in three days knew everyone on board. He ran everything. (line 90-91)

10) He was certainly the best hated man in the ship. We called him Mr. Know-All. (line 94)

11) He was … argumentative. He knew everything better than anybody else. (lines 96-97)

But the above list only proves that Mr. Kelada was a person of different culture and behaved differently. Nurtured by his more Oriental culture, he behaved in a way that was nothing wrong in itself, but was disliked by the narrator of the story, who held a prejudice against non-Western culture.

(2) Underline the descriptions of Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay, and discuss the contrast between the couple.

Mr. Ramsay:

1) He was as dogmatic as Mr. Kelada and resented bitterly the Levantine’s cocksureness. (lines 103-104)

2) He was a great heavy fellow from the Middle West, with loose fat under a tight skin, and he bulged out of his ready-made clothes. (lines 106-108)

3) He was argumentative (lines 122-124) and insensitive (lines 155-170)

Mrs. Ramsay:

1) Mrs. Ramsay was a very pretty little thing, with pleasant manners and a sense of humor. (lines 110-111)

2) She was dressed always very simply; but she knew how to wear her clothes. She achieved an effect of quiet distinction. (lines 111-113)

3) You could not look at her without being struck by her modesty. It shone in her like a flower on a coat. (lines 115-116)

(The husband and the wife are very different almost in every way. One is loud, fatty,

aggressive and the other is quite, pretty and modest. The contrast gives the reader an impression that the man is unworthy of the lady and may indicate at possible lack of harmony in the marriage.)

(3) We have been given enough hints about the true value of the necklace and the possible story behind it. Can you find them?

1) “They’ll never be able to get a cultured pearl that an expert like me can’t tell with half an eye.” He pointed to a chain that Mrs. Ramsay wore. “You take my word for it, Mrs. Ramsay, that chain you’re wearing will never be worth a cent less than it is now.” (lines 134-137)

2) Mrs. Ramsay in her modest way flushed a little and slipped the chain inside her dress. (line 136)

3) “Oh, in the trade somewhere round fifteen thousand dollars. But if it was bought on Fifth Avenue, I shouldn’t be surprised to hear that anything up to thirty thousand was paid for it.” (lines 145-147)

4) “Oh, Elmer, you can’t bet on a certainty,” said Mrs. Ramsay. (line 155)

5) “But how can it be proved?” she continued. “It’s only my word against Mr. Kelada’s.”(line 159-160)

6) Mrs. Ramsay hesitated a moment. She put her hands to the clasp. (line 164)

7) “I can’t undo it,” she said. “Mr. Kelada will just have to take my word for it.” (line 165)

8) The Levantine took a magnifying glass from his pocket and closely examined it. A smile of triumph spread over his smooth and swarthy face. (lines 170-172)

9) … Mrs. Ramsay’s face. It was so white that she looked as though she were about to faint. She was staring at him with wide and terrified eyes. They held a desperate appeal. (lines 173-175)

(4) Why did Mr. Kelada choose not to tell the truth of the value of the pearl necklace?

(Obviously he wanted to help the helpless lady by not revealing the true value of the necklace. Otherwise she would have to face an awful and embarrassing explanation. He might have regarded Mr. Ramsay as being unworthy for the lady and acted out of disdain.)

(5) Why did the narrator say by the end of the story “I did not entirely dislike Mr. Kelada”?

(He seemed to be aware of his own prejudice after he had seen the positive quality of the Levantine: wisdom, self-sacrifice, and sensitiveness to other’s misfortunes.)

3) Explanation and Interpretation:

(Explain the implied meaning of the following sentences, and point out their significance in the context of the story.)

(1) I was prepared to dislike Max Kelada even before I knew him.

(This indicates that the narrator, the English gentleman, had a deep-rooted racial and cultural bias against non-English. It is not the person, but what his name represents that he disliked.)

(2) But when I was told the name of my companion my heart sank…. I should have looked upon it with less dismay if my fellow passenger’s name had been Smith or Brown.

(“Smith”and “Brown”are typical English surnames. The name “Max Kelada”indicates a man from a different, most likely “inferior” culture in the opinion of the narrator.)

(3) The Consular Service is ill paid, and she was dressed always very simply.

(This foreshadows the fact that the pearl necklace was far too expensive for her purse.)

(4) Mrs. Ramsay in her modest way flushed a little and slipped the chain inside her dress.

(She quickly hid the chain inside, an act that reveals her fear of its true value being noticed by somebody.)

(5) “If I had a pretty little wife I shouldn’t let her spend a year in New York while I stayed at Kobe,” said he.

(Mr. Kelada hinted that the husband’s leaving her alone in New York was unwise and had led to some consequences. She had now a wealthy suitor. )

4) Suggested Homework:

Let us suppose that in the afternoon on the same day when Mr. Kelada got back the 100 dollars, he met Mrs. Ramsay somewhere on the deck, and there were no other people around. They had a short conversation about what had happened previously. Using your imagination, write out the short dialogue between the two. The conversation may begin like this:

(-- Good morning, Mrs. Ramsay. It’s a surprise to see you alone here.

-- Good morning, Mr. Kelada. I don’t feel well, so I come out for a bit of fresh air.

-- It’s always a pleasure to see a charming lady like you.

-- Thank you for saying so. I’m extremely sorry for what happened yesterday, and I’m grateful for what you did, for me.)

-- Lying about the necklace?

-- Lying for my sake. You are generous and have a good heart.

-- Anyway, I got the 100 dollars back. You delivered it yourself?

-- Yes, I did. You did me a great service, and there is no way that you should be paying that money.

-- I have been the laughingstock of everybody on board.

-- You have my respect. I was real terrified yesterday, and fortunately you came to the rescue.

-- It is a wonderful gift, that necklace, from a true admirer, I guess?

-- You embarrass me, Mr. Kelada, but you seem to notice everything.

-- It’s a good match to a pretty lady like you.

-- Don’t laugh at me, I beg. I don’t think I’ll be wearing it anymore. Thank you again, and I think I’ll be going back to the cabin.


Text comprehension I. B II. 1. T; 2. F; 3. T; 4. T; 5. T. III. 1. “snail mail”. 2. “an essential stepping stone on the road to success”. 3. “the profound relationship between language and culture that lies at the heart of society”. 4. “the means to shape our views of the world”. 5. “to negotiate the boundaries between languages and to compromise in translation”. 6. “to use linguistic skills, to think differently, to enter into another culture’s mentality and to shape language accordingly”. IV. 1. with convenient ways to reach any part of the world. 2. It seems that everyone is able to always get in touch with anyone else if he or she can afford to. 3. is the most important to society. 4. a fundamental skill in today’s world, where different c ultures interact. 5. are finding ways to interrelate different cultures. Structural analysis of the text 1. The last sentence of the 3rd paragraph: “Most fundamental is the profound relationship between language and culture that lies at the heart of society and one that we overlook at our peril.” 2. Paragraph 4: The lack of an exact counterpart of the English word “homesickness” in other languages such as Italian, Portuguese, and German. Paragraph 5: The problem of untranslatability which the early Bible translators encountered. Paragraph 6: English and Welsh speakers make adjustments regarding the color spectrum in the grey / green / blue / brown range; The word “democracy” means completely different things in different contexts; the flat breads of Central Asia are a long way away from Mother’s Pride white sliced toasties, yet the word “bread” has to serve for both. Part One. Vocabulary Analysis I. Phrase practice 1. provided =as long as 假如,倘若 need never be out of touch =can never fail to be reached 从不会失去联系 2. regardless of =no matter 不管,不顾


部编三年级语文上册课内阅读理解练习及答案 一、阅读古诗,回答问题。 (一)山行 远上寒山石径斜, 白云生处有人家。 停车坐爱枫林晚, 霜叶红于二月花。 1.本诗的作者是代诗人。 2.理解下面词语的意思。 寒山:生:坐:红于: 3.古诗后两句的意思是: 4.这首诗描写的是什么时节的景象?() A.初秋。 B.深秋。 (二)望洞庭 湖光秋月两相和, 潭面无风镜未磨。 遥望洞庭山水翠, 白银盘里一青螺。 1.这首诗的作者是代诗人。 2.理解下面词语的意思。 和:白银盘:青螺: 3.“潭面无风镜未磨”指的是湖面,像。古代铜做的镜子,需要,才能保持光亮。 4.古诗后两句的意思是: 二、阅读《大青树下的小学》片段,回答问题。 上课了,不同民族的小学生,在同一间教室里学习。大家一起朗读课文,那声音真好听!这时候,窗外十分安静,树枝不()了,鸟儿不()了,蝴蝶()在花朵上,好像都在听同学们读课文。最有趣的是,跑来了两只猴子。这些山林里的朋友,是那样好奇地听着。下课了,大家在大青树下跳孔雀舞、摔跤、做游戏,招引来许多小鸟,连松鼠、山狸也赶来看热闹。 1.我能在文中的括号里填上表示动作的词。

2.读了这段课文,小问号想知道明明是写同学们课上课下的情景, 为什么还要写小动物呢? 我来回答:这样写的原因有三个方面,一是这些小动物的出现更加突出了,为学校增添了的气氛;二是突出了孩子们读书读得,读得,读得;三是突出了下课后孩子们引得小动物们心生羡慕,前来看热闹。 3.我能写出这段课文提到的那些小动物。 4.我很喜欢这个小学,因为: 三、阅读《灰雀》片段,回答问题。 有一年冬天,列宁在郊外养病。他每天到公园散步。公园里有一棵高大的白桦树,树上有三只灰雀:两只胸脯是粉红的,一只胸脯是深红的。它们在树枝间来回跳动,婉转地歌唱,非常惹人喜爱。列宁每次走到白桦树下,都要停下来,仰望这三只欢快的灰雀,还经常给它们带来面包渣和谷粒。 1.写出下列词语的反义词。 矮小——()讨厌——()俯视——()忧伤——() 2.白桦树上有三只灰雀,两只胸脯是的,一只胸脯是的,它们在树枝间,婉转地歌唱,非常。 3.从哪里可以看出列宁喜欢这三只灰雀呢?用横线画出来。 4.假如你的小伙伴想要捉灰雀,你会怎么做呢? 四、阅读《铺满金色巴掌的水泥道》片段,回答问题。 水泥道像铺上了一块彩色的地毯,这是一块印着落叶图案的、闪闪发光的地毯,从脚下一直铺到很远很远的地方,一直到路的尽头…… 每一片法国梧桐树的落叶,都像一个金色的小巴掌,熨帖地、 平展地粘在水泥道上。它们排列得并不规则,甚至有些凌乱,然而,这更增添了水泥道的美。 我一步一步小心地走着,一片一片仔细地数着。我穿着一双棕红

新标准大学英语2Unit 4习题答案

Unit 4 News 24/7 Active Reading (1) Reading and Understanding 3. Choose the best answer to the questions 1.c 2.a 3.c 4.d 5.a 6. a 7.c Dealing with unfamiliar words 4. Answer the questions about the words in the box. 1. No, it is made more exciting in some way. 2. A very long time, centuries. 3. They should follow the guidelines. 4. They should check the source. 5. They live in poverty. 6. It is image. 7. It is element. 5. Match the words in the box with their definitions. 1.chase 2.trainee 3.erode 4.odd 5.horror 6.startle 7.echo 8.reaction 9.frame 6. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in Activity 5. 1.reactions…horror 2.chase 3.echoes 4.startled 5.trainees 6.eroded 7.oddest 8. frame 7. Answer the questions about the words. 1.a 2.b 3.a 4.b 5.b 6.a Reading and interpreting 8. Decide what evidence there is for the following statements. If there is no evidence, decide what the passage really says. 1. This is not the passage. It is noted that bad news is common, but no judgment as to the desirability or otherwise of this is given. 2. Many people, we are told, reacted in the same way to bad news in the case of 9/11 and the assassination of President Kennedy, so such a reaction is normal. 3. Yes, as and example is given of people feeling a need to pass on the bad news they had heard. (See pare 2: Their first instinct was to go and tell someone else about it.) 4. Yes. (See para4: We seek the odd and unexpected.) 5. Not stated –the passage says such issues never seem to have the same impact because the stories are ongoing and not reported in all newspapers on the same day, but bit by bit here and there. 6. Immediacy is part of news so such an item is certainly potentially news, but of course it might be too trivial to really be considered such. 7. Yes, mostly. 8. No. Paragraph 8 says the camera position has an important effect on how viewers understand the story.


三年级下学期阅读练习九 班别:姓名:学号:成绩: 阅读短文,回答问题。 冬天和春天 冬天讥笑春天,专挑他的毛病,并责备他说,只要春天一到,人们就不再安静了,有的走进原野山林观赏风景,高兴地把采集来的鲜花插在头上;有的扬帆远航,漂洋过海到别的国家游玩,毫不担心什么狂风暴雨。他又说道我却如同一个威严的帝王我对天发令使人们害怕狂风暴雨和大雪我对地发令使人们害怕天寒地冻我强迫人们老老实实地只呆在家里度日 春天说道:”正因如此,人们希望尽早地告别冬天。人们认为我的名字就是美丽。宙斯也说,春天是所有名字中最美的。因此,人们总是盼望春天来到。” 1.写出近义词。 讥笑()责备()观赏()盼望() 2.给没有标点符号的的句子加上适当的标点符号。 3.用“﹏﹏”画出这则寓言告诉我们的道理的句子。 4.“强迫”的意思是 我用它造句: 5.你喜欢春天还是冬天?为什么?

小海蟹 蓝的天,蓝的海,天海相连。鱼群在海里游来游去,海鸥叫着飞上飞下。涨潮了,一排排浪花向海边推进着。 远望去,光滑柔软的沙滩一片片。近看去,许多大大小小的洞穴散布在沙滩上,好像筛子的底面。多脚的小海蟹从小洞穴里爬出又爬进,忙碌忙碌很辛苦。它们在挖掘深入海滩里的小洞屋。小海蟹用左脚的二腿和三腿抓起湿沙,再用右脚的二腿和三腿托住推出来,一个个湿沙球在洞口堆成了小丘,形成圆形沙丘屏障。 沙丘越堆越高,洞穴越挖越深,像隧道一样曲里拐弯通向沙滩的底层。千千万万数不清的小海蟹,在沙堆上遍地爬,小的像小米粒,大的像豌豆、像杏核,黄色的肚子褐色的背,软盖子软脚爪,一对硬螯像钳子,它们辛辛苦苦挖出无数小洞穴,建造自己的家。小海蟹工作得那样认真,简直是不停脚地忙碌着,既不抬头看天,也不转身看海,一心一意地紧张劳动,似乎小洞穴是它们的生活意义,是它们的最高理想。 1、写出下列词语的近义词。 光滑()柔软()辛苦() 忙碌()建造()似乎() 2、照样子再写几个。 辛苦辛辛苦苦忙碌忙忙碌碌

最新(第二版)新标准大学英语综合教程Boo2Unit 4课后答案

Unit 4 Active Reading (1) 4 1 a 2b 3c 4c 5d 5 1 submerged 2 destiny 3 glared 4 wits 5 gazed 6 habitual 6 1 exclaimed 2 intricate 3 propositions 4 vicinity 5 hustle 6 sensible 7 1 turn up 2 come around/ will come around 3 call time on 4 pulled out 5 for show 8 1 This is probably part of the description of Bob issued by the Chicago police. It is a distinctive feature that can be used to identify him. 2 As diamonds are very expensive, having many of them suggests that the man is wealthy and has done well in life. 3 This indicates that the man is in fact not Jimmy. He is unlikely to have grown by two or three inches, as he was already 20 when they last met. 4 The man was submerged in his overcoat because he was trying to hide his face from Bob, and he wasn’t really Jimmy. The bad weather provided a good excuse, however. 5 Bob was feeling emotional. His old friend Jimmy had tricked him, and he was probably angry and shocked. Active Reading (2) 3 1 c 2 d 3a 4b 5c 4 1.precaution 2.fraud 3.trash 4.cancel 5.deceived 6.Household 5 1.log off https://www.360docs.net/doc/2518772827.html,monplace 3.forge 4.anonymous 5.fictional 6 b, b, a, a, a, a, a


部编小学语文三年级下册【课内外阅读理解专项训练(完整)】含答案1.阅读短文,回答问题。 茂密的森林,茫茫无边。各种鸟儿在这绿色的国度里自由自在地生活。黄莺、杜鹃、百灵、画眉、啄木鸟……这儿,简直是鸟类的王国。 在一株大杨树上,画眉遇到啄木鸟。 “啄木鸟大姐,”画眉娇滴滴地说:“我们来比赛唱歌吧!我先唱。”画眉那富有音乐节奏的优美歌声的确悠扬悦耳,美妙动听。“对不起,我还要工作。再说我也唱不好。”啄木鸟说。“唱吧,友谊比赛嘛。”画眉扬起漂亮的羽毛,很自得。啄木鸟唱了,果然比天才歌手画眉差远了。 “我们再来比谁的衣服好看行吗?”画眉更加得意了,自然,啄木鸟的衣服也不如她的艳丽。 “我们再来比……”这时,一直在打盹的白杨树睁开眼皮,粗声粗气地说:“你们还是比比保护森林的贡献吧!”画眉娇柔的声音戛(jiá)然而止。 (1)给短文加个题目。 (2)在短文中找出下列词语的近义词。 悠扬悦耳——________ 得意——________ 美丽——________ (3)填空。 画眉和啄木鸟一比________;二比________。结果________胜了,________败了。 (4)如果比一比谁保护森林的贡献大,结果是() A. 画眉的贡献大。 B. 啄木鸟的贡献大。 C. 两个贡献一样大。 (5)你觉得这则寓言说明了一个什么道理? 【答案】(1)骄傲的画眉 (2)美妙动听;自得;艳丽 (3)唱歌;衣服;画眉;啄木鸟 (4)B (5)不要看外表,要看谁的贡献大。 【解析】【分析】(1)考查拟定标题。阅读短文,梳理段落,就可以概括出短文的主要内容,再进一步提炼标题。 (2)本题主要考查对近义词的辨析能力。近义词,是指词汇意义相同或相近的词语,解答本题,要理解词语的意思,然后写出所给词语的近义词。答案合理即可,不唯一。 (3)本题主要考查对短文内容的理解能力。解答本题,需要回顾短文的内容,然后结合前后句(题目提供的信息)进行补充填空即可。 (4)解答此类题目关键是抓住各项表述的要点,仔细阅读短文内容,比较判断。 (5)本题考查概括文章给人的启示和道理。学生通过感知文本内容,继而理解文本的中心主题以及作者所要抒发的感情。 故答案为:(1)骄傲的画眉(2)美妙动听、自得、艳丽(3)唱歌、衣服、画眉、啄木鸟(4)B(5)不要看外表,要看谁的贡献大。 【点评】(1)此题主要考查提炼文章标题的能力。 (2)主要测试学生对近义词的理解,理解了词义,写出近义词就容易


三年级下学期阅读训练题 良好的阅读能力将使你终身受益。 读懂文章的关键是反复读,认真思考。请你先把这篇文章读三遍,然后按要求作答。相信你一定有所收获的! (一)蚂蚁 同学们,你们了解蚂蚁吗? 蚂蚁吃大青虫才有趣呢!一群蚂蚁拖来了一条大青虫,到了洞口,怎么也拖不进去。于是,他们就在洞口集合在一起会餐了。他们不咬青虫的皮,却专啃青虫的嘴, 有的还从青虫的嘴里钻进去。第二天再看,洞口的大青虫就只剩一张皮了。 有的蚂蚁还不怕死呢!有一次,在非洲一个旅游景点的山坡上,突然燃起了大火,把一大片蚂蚁团团围住了。人们都替它们惋惜,一个人叹了一口气说火这么大这群蚂蚁必死无疑了 没想到,顷刻间,这群蚂蚁就像训练有素的士兵一样迅速围拢在一起,很快地形成了一个圆球,并迅速地向大火外围滚去。此时,火势越来越猛。火舌把蚁球的外围烧得啪啪作响,一股蚂蚁被烧焦的浓重的糊味随风飘来。但是,令人惊奇的是,蚁团外围那些已被烧焦的蚂蚁们,并没有散开,脱离球体,还是紧紧地聚集在一起,自始至终是一个整体,它们在用自己的身体掩护着球里的同伴,以避免烈火烧到它们的身上。 就这样,蚂蚁球不停地从熊熊烈火中滚过,最后,终于掉进了一个小河里,腾起了一股巨大的烟雾。 结果,蚁团外圈的蚂蚁被烧得体无完肤,但是里圈的蚂蚁们却由于外圈蚂蚁的掩护安然无恙,从而保住了性命。 1、第三自然段中,作者忘记点标点了,请你把它点上,好吗? 2、你能写出两个“聚集”的近义词,一个反义词吗? 聚集(近义词)——、 聚集(反义词)—— 3、第三自然段是围绕着哪句话的意思写的?请在句子下面画“﹋”。 4、如果文章中有不认识或不理解的字,使用字典,你该怎样去查。 生字:()应查()部,再查()画。 5、从文章中找出四个你喜欢的四字成语抄下来做积累吧。 、、、 6、找出文章中的一个打比方的句子摘抄下来吧。(2分) (二)宝石花 宝石花是一种热带植物。每年春季,宝石花开出五角星似的小白花来,花芯带点黄色。花瓣尖尖上缀有几点红斑,色泽虽不鲜艳,样子倒也十分逗人喜爱。每个花瓣都长得厚实、饱满,米黄带有灰色的瓣子上有一层白色的粉末。早晨,晶莹的露珠躲在花瓣上,真像一棵耀眼的珍珠。 宝石花的叶子交错、重叠地长在一起,就像一只只大花盘。栽种宝石花,


Keys for Unit 3 Vocabulary I. 1. as long as, can never fail to be reached 2. no mater 3. fail to notice at great risk 4. may be described by these words to varying degrees 5. were directly confronted with the problem that something in one language cannot be rendered into another II. 1. stepping stone 2. at their peril 3. serve 4. mentality 5. staple 6. facilitating 7. messaging 8. hybrid III. 1. economy 2. accessible 3. fundamentally 4. homesick 5. negotiable 6. adjusted 7. remoteness 8. complacently

IV. D, C, A, D, B, A, B, C V. 1. time, era, epoch 2. meetings 3. basic,fundamental 4. misshape 5. unavoidably 6. worry, concern, anxiety, apprehension 7. therefore, so, thus 8. hide, conceal VI. 1. unbelievable 2. imperfect 3. disagreement 4. misplace 5. malfunction 6. enable 7. surpass 8. submarine Grammar I. 1. helps 2. hope, are enjoying, sunbathe, go, are going 3. is being


三年级课内阅读 一身乌黑光亮的羽毛,一对俊俏轻快的翅膀,加上剪刀似的尾巴,凑成了活泼机灵的小燕子。 1、文段选自<<燕子>>。 2、这段主要写了燕子的外形特点。 3、按课文内容填空: (俊俏轻快)的翅膀(剪刀似)的尾巴(乌黑光亮)的羽毛 (活泼机灵)的燕子(蒙蒙)的细雨(带黄色的嫩叶)的柳丝 4、这句话运用了(比喻)的修辞手法,把(燕子的尾巴)比作(剪刀)。 才下过几阵蒙蒙的细雨。微风吹拂着千万条才展开带黄色的嫩叶的柳丝。青的草,绿的叶,各色鲜艳的花,都像赶集似的聚拢过来,形成了光彩夺目的春天。小燕子从南方赶来,为春光增添了许多生机。 1、请找出文中表示颜色的词 黄色青绿 2、概括这段的主要内容:春天来了,燕子从南方赶回来了。 3、……有的……有的…… 下课了,同学们有的做游戏,有的散步。 4、“都像赶集似的聚拢来”说明什么? 答:说明春天来了,花草树木都竞相开放。 5、……像……似的…… 太阳像一个大火球似的在天空燃烧着。 在微风中,在阳光中,燕子斜着身子在天空中掠过,唧唧地叫着,有的由这边的稻田上,一转眼飞到了那边的柳树下边;有的横掠过湖面,尾尖偶尔沾了一下水面,就看到波纹一圈一圈地荡漾开去。 1、描写燕子飞行的动词有:掠过、叫着、飞到、横掠、沾。这些动词突出了燕子的轻快、机灵。 2、给下列加点字选择正确的读音。 一掠(lüa lua)过沾(zhàn zhān) 唧(jījí)唧荡漾(yàng yáng) 荷花已经开了不少了。荷叶挨挨挤挤的,像一个个碧绿的大圆盘。白荷花在这些大圆盘之间冒出来。有的才展开两三片花瓣儿。有的花瓣儿全都展开了,露出嫩黄色的小莲蓬。有的还是花骨朵儿,马上要破裂似的。 1、第(2 )句描写荷叶。这句话中,写荷叶颜色的词语是(碧绿),写荷叶形态的词语是(大圆盘),写荷叶多而密的词语是(挨挨挤挤)。 2、作者细致观察了( 3 )种白荷花开放的姿势,分别是(有的才展开两三片花瓣儿。有的花瓣儿全都展开了,露出嫩黄色的小莲蓬。有的还是花骨朵儿,马上要破裂似的)。 3、照样子写一写:挨挨挤挤(来来往往)(许许多多)(明明白白) 这么多的白荷花,一朵有一朵的姿势。看看这一朵,很美;看看那一朵,也很美。如果把眼前的这一池荷花看作一大幅活的画,那画家的本领可真了不起。 我忽然觉得自己仿佛就是一朵荷花,穿着雪白的衣裳,站在阳光里。一阵微风吹来,我就翩翩起舞,雪白的衣裳随风飘动。不光是我一朵,一池的荷花都在舞蹈。风过了,我停止舞蹈,静静地站在那儿。蜻蜓飞过来,告诉我清早飞行的快乐。小鱼在脚下游过,告诉我昨夜做的好梦…… 过了好一会儿,我才记起我不是荷花,我是在看荷花呢。 1、“冒”用得好,好在哪里? 突出荷花的美丽和高洁,使荷花突现出来。 2、为什么说这一池荷花是“一大幅活的画”呢? 因为荷花是活生生的真实景色,非常美丽,那么看上去这一池荷花就像一大幅活的画。

Unit4 课文翻译及课后练习答案

Unit4 无子女家庭:违背十万年来的繁衍规律 课文翻译: 二十好几的凯茜、韦恩夫妇结婚已有五年之久,没有孩子。上次凯茜娘家有人问:“你们打算什么时候要孩子,组成一个家庭呢?”她答道:“我们已经是个家庭啦!” 凯茜与韦恩属于决定不要孩子的年轻已婚夫妇群体,其人数正在日益增长。最近一项调查显示在过去的五年中,年龄在25至29岁之间妇女不愿生养的百分比几乎翻了一番,在18至24岁的已婚妇女中几乎增至三倍。在这个似乎大胆反抗生物性和社会性的决定后面隐藏着什么原因呢? 或许最能公开坦陈心曲的无子女夫妇是《婴儿陷阱》一书的作者:埃伦,派克,其夫威廉,一位广告总经理兼全国不生养夫妇协会主席。派克夫妇认为他们和协会均无意反对生儿育女,不过是反对不管人们是否愿意和需要孩子就迫使人们传宗接代的社会压力。 “这是一种生活方式的选择,”埃伦说,“我们选择自由和自愿,清净和闲暇。这也是一个朝哪个方向付出努力的问题——在你自己的小家庭之内或在一个大的社团之中。这一代人面临有关地球生命延续的严重问题以及生命质量的问题。我们的孙辈也许将购票去观赏最后一批红杉或排队去获取氧气配给。有人抱怨在回到有五个孩子的家途中被交通堵塞困住好几个小时,但是他们不能将孩子与交通堵塞联系起来。在一个受到人口过剩一系列后果威胁的世界上,我们正在参与一项事业使膝下无子的生活模式为社会所接受并受世人尊重。太多的孩子作为一种文化强制的后果而呱呱坠地,离婚和虐待儿童的相关统计充分揭露了这一结果。” 埃伦的丈夫补充说:“每位朋友、亲戚、同事不停地给你施加压力,劝你要孩子,说什么‘发现你生活中失去的东西’。好多好多人很晚才发现,所谓他们失去的东西其实是他们完全不适合做的事情。” 埃伦还说:“从抱第一个洋娃娃开始,大到欣赏电视肥皂剧,成年后参加鸡尾酒会,无形之中,总有一种压力要你为人父母。但是让我们来看看养育失败的比率吧,或许天下父母应该视为像当医生一样的专门职业。有些人擅长此道,他们应当生养孩子;有些人一窍不通,他们应该认为他们还有其他的选择。” 专业观察家同意这一看法:很多人生养孩子没有正当的理由,有时候则完全没有理由。男人常常稀里糊涂就当上了父亲,根本就没有作出审慎的选择;对许多妇女来说,怀孕能够成为一种方式来逃避不可解决的冲突,譬如,迅速获得名分,或改进自己的不良形象,以及满足童年时代未曾得到的关注和关爱的需要。 我与许多人类行为领域的专家交谈,探讨为什么那么多年轻夫妇决定不要孩子,他们的看法也是众说纷纭。一位家庭治疗专家把不要孩子的决定描写为“对当今世界形势基本的本能反应”,暗示像动物群居本能那样的东西正在起作用,来应对人口过剩、城市拥挤、环境污染与核战争危险。群居本能促使妇女感到繁殖人口有违心愿,并指引她们去寻找在家庭生活之外实现自我价值的新方式。 不止一位精神病医生暗示,凡是不愿生育的人有都自恋癖——觉得自己心甘情愿迫不得已,为照顾别人与受人照顾这个互相对立的内心冲突自圆其说。有位精神病医生说:“这些人不能容忍照顾孩子的想法,他们没有多余的爱分享给孩子,”并补充道,“你们这是对亘古以来人类繁衍生生不息的离经叛道。”他的另一位同事插话说:“情有可原嘛,我们谁不想为我们的欠缺找理由? 且不论他


三年级下学期阅读训练1 姓名( ) 饿了,累了,我们这些孩子自有妙法对付,“扑通扑通”扎进小河,在水草丛中随便抓摸几把,总会有意料之中的收获,不是金闪闪的红鲤,就是黑亮亮的胡子鲇,要么捉了稻田里养得正肥的闸蟹,开膛破肚冲洗干净,把事先带来的食盐均匀地撒上,采来碧绿的荷叶裹了,挖了干净的优质红泥密封,然后投入一堆旺旺的野火中烧烤。时候差不多了,一缕缕奇异的香气直往鼻子眼里钻。这时节,那边一伙送来了泥烧的鲜花生、老地瓜、青皮玉米棒子。在河滩上摆下野餐,我们一个个狼吞虎咽,吃得爽口舒心…… (1)解释词语:狼吞虎咽: (2)用自己的话概括一下这段话的内容。 (3)文中“随便抓摸、意料之中、不是……就是……要么”等词语说明了什么? 天蓝蓝,水蓝蓝,风儿轻轻,我们这些无忧无虑( )的乡下孩子盼来了放秋假的日子,三五成群撒( )欢儿奔向那片白亮亮的西河滩。河床大片大片裸( )露出来,积着一层层油渍( )麻亮的黑泥、红泥,这些泥巴黏( )性极好,是我们[ ]泥人、[ ]泥哨的绝好材料。 (1)在[ ]内填写恰当的词语。 (2)在()内为加点的字注音,并从中找出一个多音字。 () ()

() (3)这段话向我们介绍了什么? 梧桐树 校园里的梧桐树,你是我们的好朋友。 春天,你发芽了。一个个灰白色的、有细柔绒毛的芽苞,快乐地绽开在枝头,就像小弟弟微笑着睁开眼睛。 夏天,我们在你的树梢下做功课,多么凉爽。有时,我仰起头来,透过密匝匝的绿叶,我看见金色的阳光在闪烁。我好像看见了你明亮的眼睛。 秋天,你悄悄地落叶了。我们把落叶积起来,点燃了,火苗跳跃着,发出呵呵的笑声。我们把黑色的草灰埋在你的脚下,让它变成养料,使你长得更加粗壮。 冬天,在我做功课的地方,照射着灿烂的阳光。我明白了,梧桐树,你落了叶,好让阳光给我们更多的温暖。 校园里的梧桐树,你是我们的好朋友。 (1)短文中表示时间的词语有()()()()。 (2)短文中的“你”指的是()。 (3)下面的句子,如果是比喻句,就画上“√”,并把打比方的部分画上“~~” ① 一个个灰白色的、有细柔绒毛的芽苞,快乐地绽开在枝头,就像 小弟弟微笑着睁开眼睛。() ② 我好像看见了你明亮的眼睛。() (4)短文是按()的方式构段的。 A、总起——分述——总结; B、事情发展。 三年级下学期阅读训练2

新世纪大学英语 综合教程2-Unit4习题答案

Unit Four Checking Your Vocabulary Word Detective 1. (page 113) 1) b 2) f 3) a 4) g 5) h 6) c 7) j 8) d 2. (page 114) 1) transform 2) evidence 3) outcome 4) ignore 5) display 6) nonsense 7) concerning 8) tense 3. (page 115) 1) admit into 2) conside r yourself as 3) unworthy of 4) To my horror 5) in her mind’s eye 6) (in) one way or another 7) are / feel disposed of 8) give it a try Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action 1. (page 118) 1) positive 2) focused 3) perspective 4) tense 5) shape 6) address 7) crises 8) curse 9) incredible 10) conversely 11) issue 12) ignored 13) outcome 14) rare 15) transform 16) accomplish 17) quit 18) rejected 2. (page 119) 1) (in) one way or another 2) have lived through 3) makes a difference 4) Give it a / another try 5) concerned with 6) slipped over 7) pulled over 8) in reverse Increasing Your Word Power 1. (page 120) 1) concerned 2) Concerning 3) reject 4) declined 5) unconscious 6) subconscious 7) former 8) preceding 9) raise 10) rise 2. (page 121) 1) does 2) make 3) take 4) do 5) make 6) Take 7) done 8) taken 9) making 10) took 3. (page 121) 1) d 2) a 3) f 4) b 5) c 6) e Nouns / Adjectives Suffixes Verbs Chinese meanings visual -ize / -ise visualize 使形象化;使显现 modern modernize 使现代化 popular popularize 普及化;通俗化 industrial industrialize (使)工业化 apology apologize 道歉 human humanize 赋予人性,使人性化 system systemize 使系统化 CLOZE (page 123) 1) perspective 2) despair 3) necessity 4) perform 5) Conversely 6) prophecy 7) where 8) as 9) achieve 10) recognize 11) dealt with 12) attitude 13) channels 14) concerned TRANSLATION (page 124) 1. Only those who have lived through a similar experience can fully appreciate this. Or: The only people who can fully appreciate this are those who have lived through a similar experience. 2. Scientists have been hard pressed to figure out how these particles form / are formed and interact (with one another). 3. I’d like to express my special thanks to everyone who has contributed over the years in one way or another. 4. The individual success of the employees in a team environment results in success for the company.


三年级课内阅读 《荷花》片段 荷花已经开了不少了。荷叶挨挨挤挤的,像一个个碧绿的大圆盘,白荷花在这些大圆盘之间冒出来。有的才展开两三片花瓣儿。有的花瓣儿全展开了,露出嫩黄色的小莲蓬。有的还是花骨朵儿,看起来饱胀得马上要破裂似的。 1、照样子,写一写。(2分) 挨挨挤挤干干净净多多少少大大小小 2、读课文,填一填。(3分) 刚开的荷花:才展开两三片花瓣儿 全开的荷花:花瓣儿全展开了,露出嫩黄色的小莲蓬 含苞欲放的荷花:看起来饱胀得马上要破裂似的 3、用“——”画出文中的比喻句。(2分) 4、课文写白荷花时,用上了“有的……有的……有的”句式,请你也试着用这个句式写一写大扫除的情景吧!(3分) 大扫除开始了,同学们有的扫地,有的洒水,有的擦桌子。 《燕子》片段 蓝蓝的天空,电杆之间连着几痕细线啊!停着的燕子成了音符,谱出了一支正待演奏的春天的赞歌。 1、这段话中的“五线谱”是指(电线),“音符”是指(燕子)。(4分) 2、这段话描绘(燕子),赞美(美丽)的春天,表达了作者(热爱大自然)的思想感情。(6分) 《翠鸟》片段 翠鸟的颜色非常鲜艳。头上的羽毛像橄榄色的头巾,绣满了翠绿色的花纹。背上的羽毛像浅绿色的外衣。腹部的羽毛像赤褐色的衬衫。 1、用“——”画出一句比喻句,并说说把什么比作什么。(4分) 把头上的羽毛比作头巾 2、这段话是围绕哪一保有话来写的?把它抄写在下面的横线上。(2分) 翠鸟的颜色非常鲜艳。 3、这段话是按照(总分)的顺序写的,描写了翠鸟的(头上的羽毛)、(背上的羽毛)、(腹部的羽毛)。(4分) 它长得可真漂亮:头上的羽毛像橄榄色的头巾,绣满了翠绿色的花纹;背上的羽毛像浅绿色的外衣;腹部的羽毛像赤褐色的衬衫;一双透亮灵活的眼睛下面,长着一张又尖又长的嘴。 1、这段话是围绕哪句话来写的?(2分) 它长得可真漂亮 2、文中表示颜色的词语有:橄榄色、翠绿色、浅绿色、赤褐色(2分) 3、作者具体写翠鸟的漂亮是通过头上、背上、腹部的羽毛来体现的。 《一个小村庄的故事》片段 山谷中,早先有过一个(美丽)的小村庄。山上的森林(郁郁葱葱),村前河水(清澈见底),天空(湛蓝深远),空气(清新甜润)。 …… 什么都没有了——所有靠斧头得到的一切,包括那些(锋利)的斧头。 1、我能根据课文内容在括号里填上合适的词语。(3分) 2、读了第一段话,我的心情很快乐,因为小村庄的风景很美。读了最后一段话,我的心情很悲痛,因为小村庄没有了(4分) 3、我知道第一段话是采用(排比)的方法写的,从(森林)、(河水)、(天空)和(空气)四个方面写出了小村庄的美丽。(3分) 4、小村庄前后变化为什么会如此大呢,是因为人们不好好地保护大自然,过多地乱砍乱伐。(1分) 《画杨桃》片段 老师让这几个同学回到自己的座位上,然后和颜悦色地说:“提起杨桃,大家都很熟悉。但是,看的角度不同,杨桃的样子也就不一样,有时候看起来真像个五角星。因此,当我们看见别人把杨桃画成五角星的时候,不要忙着发笑,要看别人是从什么角度看的。我们应该相信自己的眼睛,看到是什么样的就画成什么样。” 这位老师的话和我父亲的话是那么相似。他们的教诲使我一生受用。 1、我会在文中找出下列词语的反义词。(2分) 陌生——(熟悉)怀疑——(相信) 2、我会选词填空。(3分) 虽然……但是…………因此……如果……就…… (1)(如果)观察的角度不同,杨桃的样子(就)不同。 (2)今天下雨,(因此)展期推后。 (3)杨桃(虽然)被画成了五角星,(但是)好笑吗?


新部编人教版三年级下册语文下册课外阅读训练及答案1.重点段落品析 要是从牧场的栅栏外面,把辫子嗖的一下甩过去,就能套住牛呢。一下子就套住牛角,只要用劲儿拉呀拉的,一整头牛就是我的了。 (1)这段话是介绍小真的长头发能________。 (2)用划线的关联词写句子。 要是……就能…… (3)找出文中的一个拟声词,并再写几个。 【答案】(1)套住牛 (2)要是天气晴朗,我们就能开运动会了。 (3)嗖;叮叮咚咚;哗哗啦啦 【解析】【分析】(1)考查对课文内容的理解能力。解答时要带着问题细读课文整体感知文章内容,就能找到答案。 (2)考查运用词语的能力,学生要在明确词语意思的前提下,会用词语造句,语言表达要准确,简洁,语句完整、通顺没有错别字。“要是……就能……”是假设关系。 (3)此题考查拟声词的积累。拟声词指模拟事物的声音的词语,可以生动形象地描绘出事物所发出的声音。注意认真读课文来积累。 故答案为:(1)套住牛;(2)要是天气晴朗,我们就能开运动会了。(3)嗖;叮叮咚咚;哗哗啦啦 【点评】(1)此题考查在理解课文的基础上筛选相关信息的能力。 (2)主要考查学生的语言表达能力,说完整的话。 (3)此题主要考查学生对象声词的掌握情况,准确地使用象声词,将会使我们说话、习文的生动性、形象性大大增强。 2.阅读课文片段,回答问题。 国王的御厨里有两只罐子,一只是陶的,一只是铁的。骄傲的铁罐看不起陶罐,常常奚落它。 _____你敢碰我吗_____陶罐子_____铁罐傲慢地问_____ “不敢,铁罐兄弟。”陶罐谦虚地回答。 “我就知道你不敢,懦弱的东西!”铁罐说,带着更加轻蔑(miè)的神气。 “我确实不敢碰你,但并不是懦弱。”陶罐争辩说。”我们生来就是给人们盛东西,并不是来互相碰撞的。说到盛东西,我不见得就比你差。再说……” “住嘴!”铁罐恼怒了,“你怎么敢同我相提并论?你等着吧,要不了几天,你就会破成碎片。我却永远在这里,什么也不怕。” _____何必这样说呢_____陶罐说_____我们还是和睦相处吧_____有什么可吵的呢_____ “和你在一起,我感到羞耻,你算什么东西!”铁罐说,“走着瞧吧,总有一天,我要把你碰成碎片!” 陶罐不再理会铁罐。 (1)在文中的横线上填上标点。 ①________你敢碰我吗________陶罐子________铁罐傲慢地问________


人教版小学语文三年级下册第五单元课内阅读答案 一、阅读课文片断,回答下面问题。 输血迫在眉睫。医生和护士都不具有她的血型。有几名未受伤的孤儿却可以给她输血。一位女医生告诉这几个孤儿,如果他们不能补足这个小姑娘失去的血,她一定会死去,问是否有人愿意献血。 一阵沉默之后,一只小手颤抖地举起来。忽然又放下去,然后又举起来。 噢谢谢你医生说你叫什么名字 “阮恒。” 1、短文一共有四个自然段。 2、“迫在眉睫”这个词的意思是:比喻事情临近眼前,十分紧迫。 课文中说“输血迫在眉睫”,那是因为如果不及时给小姑娘输血,她就会因为 失血过多而死。 3、“一阵沉默之后,一只小手颤抖地举起来”说明阮恒想救而又害怕。 4、“忽然又放下去,然后又举起来。”“放下去”说明阮恒害怕救了这位小姑娘后自己死去,但后来“又举起来”,是因为他想到这位小姑娘是自己的伙伴,不救她不行,所以又勇敢地举起自己的小手。 二、 孩子们会感受爱了,但这不够。我想去寻找蕴藏在他们心灵深处的、他们自己还没有意识到的极为珍贵的东西。我接着问: “你们中间有谁知道爸爸妈妈的生日,请举手!” 霎时,教室里安静下来。我把问题重复了一遍,教室里依然很安静。过了一会儿,几位女同学沉静地举起了手。 “向爸爸妈妈祝贺生日的,请举手!”教室里寂静无声,没有人举手,没有人说话。孩子们沉默着,我和孩子们一起沉默着…… 1.写近义词。 霎时(瞬间顿时)依然(仍然依旧)寂静无声(鸦雀无声寂然无声)2、老师提的第一个问题是: “你们中间有谁知道爸爸妈妈的生日,请举手!”,举手的人有几个;老师提的第二个问题是:“向爸爸妈妈祝贺生日的,请举手!”,举手的人有零个。 3、“沉默”是什么意思?“孩子们沉默着”,为什么沉默呢? (1)“沉默”的意思是不说话。(2)因为大家认识到了自己做得不够好,爸爸妈妈都知道自己的生日,而自己都从没想过为他们祝贺,所以孩子们沉默了。 三、
