


第二节 Technical and Semi-Technical Words


2.1 Technical words 科技专业术语

An ordinary reader or listener may find it difficult to understand the writing or speech composed purely in scientific language. Words used in technical language present the first obstacle to those who have little or no specific knowledge in the related field.

The special vocabulary of EST includes technical and semi-technical terms.

2.1.1 Highly Specialized in Meaning 意义高度专业化

With rapid development of science and technology, new terms are needed to define new phenomena and to explain new things and processes. Often suitable terms have to be invented. Scientists have been extending the vocabularies of their subjects for centuries and each subject has its own store of terms with precise and narrow meanings. For example, stratosphere (同温层), quartz oscillator (石英晶体振荡器), seismology (地震学), polysomic (多倍体的), circumradius (外接圆半径), polystyrene (聚苯乙烯), leukocyte (白细胞), sequoia (红杉), etc. You may find many such kind of words in this book.

2.1.2 The Use of Prefixes and Suffixes 前缀后缀的使用

Many technical terms are made up from Latin or Greek roots with prefixes (前缀) and suffixes (后缀). For example, the word polytetrafluoroethylene (聚四氟乙烯) is made up of five parts: poly- (前缀: 多,复,聚),tetra- (四), fluoro- (氟), ethyl (乙基,乙烷基), and –ene (后缀:烯属烃,苯属烃).

Another example, geoastrophysics (地球天体物理学): geo-(地球), astro- (星,天体,宇宙), physics (物理学).

Therefore, knowing the meaning of prefixes and suffixes can help you understand the meaning of the words.

The following are some of the commonly used prefixes and suffixes in EST.

1)Prefixes 前缀

aero-: 空气,大气;气体;飞机;航空

aerobiology (空气生物学,高空生物学); aeronautics (航空学,飞行学); aeromechanics (航空力学)

astro-: 星,天体;宇宙

astrodynamics (天体动力学); astrogeology (天体地质学); astronomy (天文学)

anti-: 反,抗,阻;治,止;防止,中和

antibody (抗体); anticancer(抗癌的); anticorrosive [防(腐)蚀(的)]

auto-: 自动的,自动调整的;自己,本身

autocontrol (自动控制); autoignition (自燃); auto-switch (自动开关)

bio-: 生命;生物;生物学的

biochemistry (生物化学); bioelectricity [生物(电流)]; biosphere (生物圈)

cyber-: 计算机的;互联网的

cyberaddict (网迷); cyberattack (黑客攻击); cyberspace (网络空间)

de-: 离开;去除,减少

deforestation (滥伐森林); desalter (脱盐设备); desensitizer (脱敏药)

di-: 二,二倍,二重;双,联

dioxide (二氧化物); diode (二极管); diproton (双质子)

electro-: 电的;导电的;电解;电子(的)

electroanalysis [电(解)分析]; electrobiology (生物电学); eletromagnetism (电磁,电磁学)

geo-: 地球;土地

geodynamics (地球动力学); geochemistry (地球化学); geoscience (地球科学,地学)

hydro-: 水;氢化的

hydrobiology (水生生物学); hydrocarbon (碳氢化合物); hydrology (水文学)

infra-: 在下(部);亚,低,外

infra-acoustic [亚(次)声的]; infrared [红外线(的)]; infrahuman (低于人类的动物,类人动物).

in-: 非,无

inactive (非活动性的); inorganic (无机的); instability (不稳定性)

macro- 大,宏观的

micro-: 小,微;扩大,放大

microcomputer (微型计算机); microorganism (微生物); microscope (显微镜)

mono-: 单,一

monochromator (单色仪); monotreme (单孔目动物); monoxide (一氧化物)

multi-: 多

multiprocessing (多重处理); multipropellant (多元推进剂); multivitamin [多种维生素(的)]

photo-: 光;光电;照相(术)

photoconductor (光电导体,光敏电阻); photochemistry (光化学); photosynthesis (光合作用)

radio-: 放射,辐射;无线电;射线

radiobiology (放射生物学); radiodetection (无线电探测); radioelement (放射性元素)

semi-: 半;部分的,不完全的(hemi-)

semiconductor (半导体); semifluid (半流质的); semisphere [半球(形)]

sub-: 在...底下;从属;次要;分(支);近(于)

subcircuit [(分) 支电路]; subcompound (亚化合物); subsonic (亚音速的)

super-: 超,超级

super altitude (超高空), superfluid [超流体(的)], supersonic (超音速)

tele-: 远距离;电信

telecontrol (遥控); telemechanics (遥控机械学,遥控力学); telemetry (远距离测量技术)

thermo-: 热

thermodynamics (热力学); thermo meter (温度计,寒暑表); thermosphere (热大气层) thermos

trans-: 转移;超越

transgene (转基因); translunar (月球外侧的,月球轨道外的); transplant (移植,移栽)

ultra-: 超,过;极端

ultrasonic [超声(音速)的]; ultraviolet (紫外线); ultravirus [超显微(滤过性)病毒]

2) Suffixes 后缀

-fold: ...倍,...重,...次,...方

fivefold (五倍的,五倍地); manifold (多样的,多方面的)

-free : 不...,无... duty-free

ice-free (不冻的); nuclear-free zone (无核区); oil-free (不含油的); static-free (不受静电干扰的)

-gram: 图

spectrogram (光谱图); bathygram [水(海)深图]; electrogram (电记录图)

-cide: 杀灭剂;杀 suicide homicide

insecticide [杀虫(药)剂]; weedicide (除草剂)

-meter: 剂,仪,表

seismometer (地震仪); speedometer (速度计,里程计); multimeter (万用表)

-ology: ...学,...论

cosmology (宇宙学); psychology (心理学); seismology (地震学)

-proof : 不透...的,防...的,抗...的,耐...的

airproof (不透气的); fireproof (耐火的,不燃的); water-proof (防水的);heatproof [抗(隔、耐)热的];

shockproof (防震的,防电击的) bulletproof

-scope : 用于观察的仪器,镜

microscope (显微镜) telescope (望远镜); spectroscope (分光镜); radioscope (放射镜)

-tight: 不透的

airtight (密封的,不透气的); watertight (不透水的,防水的)

-therapy 治疗方法

thermotherapy 温热疗法 hydrotherapy 水疗法

2.2 Semi-Technical Words 半科技专业术语

There are many words whose use is not confined to scientific and technological contexts, but they form an essential part of EST. They include some words formed from Greek or Latin roots like energy (from Greek) and efficiency (from Latin). However, most of them have been taken from everyday language and given a precise definition for scientific use. In other words, scientists take over these common words and convert them into technical terms by using them in a special way. As a result, the meanings of these words in their technical use are likely to differ from their non-technical meanings, and they may have different precise meanings in different technical fields.

Thus the word “reaction” might in everyday context refer to one's reaction to hearing of an accident that happened to a family member, while in chemistry it might be used to refer to the reaction of ammonia with carbon dioxide to form another kind of substance; in nuclear physics it might refer to a nuclear chain

reaction and in civil engineering it might refer to the reaction of a beam against the weight of a load placed

on the beam.

There are plenty of semi-technical words in EST, and the following are a few examples:

? family



e.g. animals of the cat family (猫科动物)


e.g. the halogen family (卤族); family of functions (函数族)


e.g. the Indo-European family of languages (印欧语系)

? focus



e.g. real focus (实焦点); virtual focus (虚焦点); focus coil axis (聚焦线圈轴)




? force



e.g. force arm (力臂); air force [(空)气动力]; electromotive force (电动势); component of force (分力)


e.g. a 12(th) force typhoon 12 级台风


? function



e.g. Pure functions are easy for programmers to understand.对程序员而言纯粹的函数很容易理解。

? mass



e.g. the law of conservation of mass (质量守恒定律); mass energy (质能)


e.g. tabular mass (板状体,层状体); molten mass (熔融体); ore mass (矿体)

? matter



e.g. the motion of matter (物质运动); solid matter (固体); liquid matter (液体)


e.g. gray matter [灰(白)质]

? power



e.g. horse power (马力); power source (电源); power network (电力网); rated power (额定功率)


e.g. chemical power (化学能); catalytic power (催化能力)


e.g. 1000-power microscope (千倍显微镜); telescope of high power (高倍望远镜)


e.g. brake power (制动力); power shaft [动力(传动)轴]; power gas (动力气体)


e.g. the fourth power of x (x的4次幂)

? work



e.g. available work (可用功); mechanical work (机械功)



e.g. work holder (工件夹具); work lead (工件引线)



I. Match the prefixes in Column A with the words or word roots in Column B. Then translate the terms into Chinese.

Column A Column B

1. auto- A. conductor

2. bio- B. wave

3. thermo- C. virus

4. geo- D. pilot

5. micro- E. period

6. radio- F. clock

7. photo- G. thermal

8. super- H. operator

9. tele- I. nuclear

10. ultra- J. therapy

II. The following phrases all contain words made up with prefixes and suffixes. Guess the meanings of these words and translate the phrases into Chinese.

1. a doctor engaged in the research of aeromedicine

2. measures to prevent cybercrime

3. a new type of defroster

4. a toy powered by photocells

5. a car equipped with an autoalarm

6. soundproof material

7. a widely applied pesticide

8. an experiment with radiocarbon

9. the development of telecommunication

10. a multi-purpose machine tool

III. Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate prefix or suffix.

1. _______ organic chemistry is the scientific study of chemical substances which do not contain carbon.

2. The core of a nuclear reactor is highly _________ active.

3. _________ therapy is a method of treating people with particular diseases or injuries by making them exercise in water.

4. This kind of drink is recommended to the patient by the doctor because it is caffeine-________.

5. The pilots are guided by an _______ red optical system that shows images clearly even at night.

6. The railway system that has a single rail, or the train that travels along it is technically called __________ rail.

7. _________ dynamics is the science which studies the movement of gases and the way solid bodies, such as aircraft, move through them.

8. According to this report, in the last 50 years there has been a 33-_______ increase in the amount of pesticide used in farming.

9. Opposite to the _______ centric model of the solar system, Copernicus suggested a model in which the sun was central.

10. This kind of material is often used for making tents because it is weather _______; in other words it does not allow wind or rain to go through.

11. The companies are pouring millions of dollars into _______ technology research, especially for pharmaceuticals and new seeds.

12. Some types of _________ biotic are used to promote growth in farm animals.

IV. Translate the following terms into Chinese.

1. power station

2. fossil fuel

3. sun spot

4. space probe

5. ball bearing

6. worm gear

7. space shuttle

8. tree ring

9. centrifugal governor 10. cardiac performance

VI. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. Pay attention to the use of semi-technical words.

1. It is obvious that resistance is responsible for heating and lighting effects of many common household appliances.

2. Unless the gas is confined in a rigid container, it will expand, as may be illustrated with a heated balloon.

3. A chemical change is one in which the structure of particles is changed and a new substance is formed.

4. This rapid development of electrical devices and the resulting industry took place during the 19th century, when the nature of electricity was not completely understood.

5. Due care must be taken to ensure that the pulse signal itself shall show no irregularities and no interruptions.

6. It may be safely said that many other materials besides amber could be charged by rubbing.

第三节 Compound Words and Proper Nouns in EST


3.1. Compound Words 复合词

A considerable number of words in EST are compound words (or compounds), which may be written either as a single word (e.g. spaceship), as hyphenated words (e.g. white-hot), or as separate words (e.g. radar chart). The compounds are often used as nouns or adjectives.

3.1.1 Compound Nouns 复合名词

Compound nouns are often composed of the combination of "noun + noun", "adjective + noun", "preposition + noun", etc.

e.g. afterburner [喷气发动机的加力燃烧室,(内燃机的)排气后燃气], airscrew (空气螺旋桨), bloodstream (血流), blueprint (蓝图), camshaft (凸轮轴), database / databank (数据库,资料库), fiberglass

(玻璃纤维), flameout [熄火;(喷气发动机的)停车], gearbox (齿轮箱), greenhouse (温室), rainfall [降水(雨), (降)雨量], shortwave (短波), wavelength (波长), water table (地下水位).

3.1.2 Compound Adjectives 复合形容词

Compound adjectives are frequently based on the composition of "noun + noun", "adjective + noun",

"noun + adjective", "adjective + adjective", "adverb + verb", "noun + verb".

e.g. desk-top (台式的), diesel-powered (用柴油驱动的), electrically-charged (带电荷的), fire-resistant (耐火的,耐高温的), general-purpose (通用的), heavy-type (重型的), long-range (远程的,长期的), high-speed (高速的), flightworthy (具备飞行条件的,适于飞行的), solid-state (固态的), white-hot (白热的).

3.2 The Use of Compound Words in EST Expressions 复合词在科技英语中的使用

Compound words are often adopted by specialists to meet the need for brevity and precision.

For example, they may use "high-speed data communication" instead of "the communication of data at high speed," "advanced gas turbine generator" instead of "a generator of advanced design driven by gas turbines." The following are more examples:

? An electrically-charged emitter end

cf. an emitter end that is charged electrically

? advanced interconnection circuit technology

cf. advanced technology that is used to produce the circuit that connects the components

? highly sophisticated computer-aided-design techniques

cf. techniques which are highly sophisticated because they use computers to aid the designing

? wildlife-related recreation

cf. recreation activities related to wildlife

? $700 million-per-year industry

cf. the industry that turns out products that are worth $700 million every year

? broad-leaved deciduous trees

cf. the deciduous trees with broad leaves

? energy-rich compound

cf. the compound that is rich in energy

? temperate-zone plants

cf. the plants that grow in the temperate zones

? human-created combustion

cf. combustion that is created by human beings

3.3 Proper Nouns 专有名词

Some technical words originate from proper nouns, such as the names of scientists and inventors or the trade marks of products. Some of these words have entered people's life, and are no longer regarded as proper nouns. For example:

ampere [安(培)(源于法国物理和数学家Andre Marie Ampere之姓)]

Bunsen burner [本生灯(源自德国化学家Robert Wilhelm Eberhard Bunsen之姓)]

Doppler effect [多普勒效应(源自奥地利物理学家Johann Christian Doppler之姓)]

faraday [法拉第(电量单位)(源自英国化学与物理学家Michael Faraday之姓)]

mackintosh [防水胶布;雨衣(源自苏格兰发明家Charles Rennie Mackintosh之姓)]

Morse code [莫尔斯电码(源自美国发明家Samuel F. B. Morse之姓)]

newton [牛顿(力的单位)(源自英国数学与物理学家Isaac Newton之姓)]

nylon [尼龙(源自商标名)]

orlon [奥纶(源自商标名)]

pasteurize [用巴氏法对…消毒(源于法国化学与生物学家Louis Pasteur之姓)]

volt [伏特(电压单位)(源自意大利物理学家Alessandro Volta之姓)]

watt [瓦特(功率单位)(源自苏格兰发明家James Watt之姓)]

Xerox [静电复印机;静电复印术(源自商标名)]

Zener diode [齐纳二极管,稳压二极管(源自美国物理学家Karl E. Zener之姓)]


I. Match the items in Column A with those in Column B to form single words or hyphenated compounds and translate them into Chinese.

Column A Column B

1. heat- A. walk

2. band B. rock

3. stream C. work

4. bed D. state

5. power- E. width

6. space F. retarded

7. water- G. hungry

8. liquid- H. resistant

9. fire- I. cooled

10. net J. lined

II. Use compound expressions to replace the underlined part of the sentences.

1. When population densities get very high, organisms often exhibit symptoms of what is called shock caused by

stress or diseases related to stress.

2. The radio valves which contained a gas at very low pressure were replaced later by the devices made of semiconductor in solid state (called transistors) which were much smaller and had a longer life than gas valves.

3. Utility companies are finding it cheaper and more environmentally sound to finance the appliances which can make use of energy efficiently rather than build new power plants.

4. It is estimated that one-third to one-half of the world's current croplands are losing the soil which forms the top layer of ground faster than it is being replaced.

5. After the collapse of the Roman Empire there was little progress in communications until the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the invention of the engine which is powered by steam and the realization of the potentialities in the use of iron.

6. Without the organisms living in soil, the earth would be covered with sterile mineral particles far different from the rich, living soil ecosystems on which we depend for most of our food.

7. When plant cover and surface litter are removed from the land by agriculture or grazing, wind lifts loose soil particles and sweep them away; the dust which is borne by wind is sometimes transported from one continent to another.

8. For the reaction that takes place in the form of a chain to continue at a steady rate, the number of neutrons which carry on the reaction must be controlled.

9. The shortages of the wood that is used as fuel cause local people to cut down the forests that stabilize mountain soils.

10. This kind of plastic can be used to impregnate laminated paper sheets from which the surfaces resistant to heat and scratch are made.

III. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words based on the explanations provided.

1. _____: a tough, lightweight, elastic synthetic polymer often used for making stockings. It is named after the trademark of the product.

2. _____: the SI (International System) unit of electromotive force named after an Italian scientist, which is the difference of potential that would carry one ampere of current against one ohm resistance.

3. _____: a process of partial sterilization, especially one involving heat treatment, thus making the product safe for consumption and improving its keeping quality. It is named after a French scientist.

4. _____: an alphabet or code in which letters are represented by combinations of long and short light or sound signals named after an American inventor.

5. _____: a small adjustable gas burner used in laboratories as a source of heat named after a German scientist.

6. _____: a kind of cloth waterproofed with rubber and originally patented by a Scottish inventor.

7. _____: an increase (or decrease) in the frequency of sound, light, or other waves as the source and observer move towards (or away from) each other. It is named after an Austrian scientist.

8. _____: a kind of machine for copying by xerography named after the trade mark of the product.

9. _____: the SI unit of force named after an English scientist, which is equal to the force that would give a mass of one kilogram an acceleration of one meter per second.

10. _____: a unit of electric current which is equal to a flow of one coulomb per second named after a French scientist.

第四节 Plural Forms and Abbreviations in EST


4.1 The Plural Forms复数形式

There are many words in EST of Latin or Greek origin. They often end in -a, -on, -um, -us, etc. The plural forms of these words are different from the regular forms. For example, the plural form of bacterium is bacteria, and the plural form of bacillus is bacilli.

Many, especially those in general use, now only have a regular form (e.g. electron— electrons). Some have alternative plural forms (e.g. spectrum—spectra / spectrums), which are both acceptable. But the Latin or Greek form is more formal.

More examples are provided in the following list.

There is uncertainty with some words as to whether they are singular or plural (e.g. data). For example: This data is correct. These data are correct. Both sentences are acceptable.

4.2 Abbreviations in EST缩略语


Abbreviations are widely used in EST for the purpose of achieving conciseness and brevity. Abbreviations in EST are mainly formed in the following ways.

4.2.1 Initials 字母缩略词

Initials are the combination of the first letters of the technical terms or organizations. For example:

CAD = computer-aided design (计算机辅助设计)

CPU = central processing unit [(计算机)中央处理器]

CRO = cathode-ray oscillograph (阴极射线示波器)

IBM = International Business Machines (Corporation) [(美国)国际商用机器公司]

RAR = radio acoustic ranging (无线电声测距)

SRT = system reaction time (系统反应时间)

Some initials are formed on the basis of the first letters of a word's prefix, suffix and combining forms. For example:

DNA = deoxyribonucleic acid (脱氧核糖核酸)

EEG = electroencephalograph (脑电流示波器)

ET = extraterrestrial (外星人,外星生物)

PVC = polyvinylchloride (聚氯乙烯)

Some initials may represent more than one term, and the meanings of such initials depend on the specific fields in which the initials are used.

For example:

IC = integrated circuit [【电子】集成电路] / instruction code [【计算机】指令代码] / interior communications [【通讯】内部通信联络] / ionization chamber [【物理】电离室]

4.2.2 Acronyms 首字母拼音词

An acronym is an abbreviation consisting of the first letters of each word in a technical term and pronounced as a word. Some of them have been used so widely that they have become part of the language and are no longer spelled with the capital letters.

For example:

AIDS = Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome [艾滋病(获得性免疫缺损综合症)]

alnico = alloy of aluminum, nickel and cobalt (铝镍钴合金)

comsat = communication + satellite (通信卫星)

Dovap = Doppler velocity and position (多普勒测速和定位系统)

NASA = National Aeronautic and Space Administration [(美国)国家航空航天局]

laser = light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (激光,激光器)

Intelsat = International Telecommunication Satellite (Consortium) [国际通信卫星(组织)]

maglev = magnetically levitated train (磁悬浮列车)

Maser = microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation [微波激射(器)]

nukes = nuclear weapons (核武器)

radar = radio detecting and ranging [雷达(无线电探测及测距技术)]

radwaste = radioactive waste (放射性废物)

skylab = sky laboratory (天空实验室)

sonar = sound navigation ranging [声纳(声波导航及测距技术)]

UNIVAC = universal automatic computer (通用自动计算机)

4.2.3 Blends 截短词

Sometimes parts of the words in a technical term are blended to form a new word. For example:

smog = smoke + fog (烟雾)

ecosys = ecology + system (生态系统)

modem = modulator + demodulator (调制解调器)

transistor = transfer + resistor (晶体管)


I. Fill in the blanks with the words listed below, all of which have Latin or Greek origin. Choose the appropriate words and pay attention to the singular and plural forms of the words.

alga bacillus bacterium criterion fungus formula

larva nephridium nucleus octahedron oleum omentum

phenomenon radius stratus medium spectrum stratum

1. It is reported that ______ in drinking water spread the illness.

2. The colors of the visible ______—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet — can be seen in a rain bow.

3. This circle has a ______ of 30 cm.

4. _____ usually grow on other plants or on decaying matter.

5. DNA is stored in the _____ of a cell.

6. We have changed the _____ of the washing powder in order to improve its quality.

7. Gravity is a natural _____.

8. _____ are very simple, usually small plants, such as seaweed, that grow in or near water and do not have ordinary leaves or roots.

9. The _____ of butterflies and moths are called caterpillars.

10. An aquifer is a water-bearing rock _____ such as sandstone or chalk.

II. Match the abbreviations in Column A with their Chinese equivalents in Column B and write the complete terms in English.

Column A Column B

1. CD-ROM A. 核糖核酸

2. ENT B. 图像显示终端

3. RNA C. 微波着陆系统

4. UFO D. 人工智能

5. MLS E. 紫外线

6. VDT F. 光盘只读存储器

7. PC G. 计算机辅助制造

8. UV H. 不明飞行物

9. CAM I. 个人计算机

10. AI J. 耳鼻喉(科)

III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. Pay attention to the use of the abbreviations.

1.The above theorems and laws hold true for DC as well as for AC circuits.

2.In the United States the customary voltage for household use has become 110-120 V since it was discovered

that higher voltages could cause fatal accidents.

3.The Model 4500 Panel printer, as the machine is called, can make one-inch-thick, color LCD screens up to 18

inches diagonal in size.

4.This generator can produce steam at a rate of 200,000 lb/hour.

5.The structure of the ionosphere is variable and this means that the frequency limits for HF radio

communications fluctuates.


---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 科技英语教学大纲 《科技英语》课程教学大纲课程编码:课程名称:学时:0110089 科技英语 36 选修机械设计制造及其自动化 7 英文名称:学分: English for science and technology 2 专业课基础英语、专业英语机电工程学院课程类型:适用专业:开课学期:课程性质:先修课程:开课院系:一、课程地位、目的和任务科技英语课程是在大学英语学习的基础上帮助学生完成从大学基础英语阅读阶段到专业英语阅读阶段的过渡。 科技英语具有丰富的词汇、独特的语法结构和专业上通用的表达方式,学习科技英语是对大学基础英语的补充和提高,也是学生开阔视野、直接了解世界范围内专业前沿知识和技术发展现状的必要途径。 通过本门课程的学习,了解科技英语的表达方式、方法在英语中的具体体现,为高年级阅读专业英语文献和英文原著打下良好基础。 同时,学生可以进一步提高阅读理解和综合分析能力(如记笔记、信息转换等);习惯于阅读真实的语言素材;扩大科技词汇量,开阔科普视野和思路;进一步了解如何书写正式的英文书信、项目规划书,学会如何利用图表、表格等视觉信息,熟悉科技文体的写作规范;操练以不同语言结构、以语言功能为中心的写作练习和翻译练习;掌握《大学英语专业阅读阶段教学基本要求》所规定的学习技能、语言功能和基本词汇。 1/ 9

科技英语的教学任务是讲授科技英语的语法特点、文体结构以及科技英语文献的翻译方法和技巧,培养学生阅读英语科技资料的能力,使其能以英语为工具获取有关专业所需要的信息。 二、本课程与其它课程的联系科技英语是在基础英语和专业英语的基础上开设的一门专业基础课,是基础英语和专业英语的延伸和拓展。 阅读单元的课文内容涉及到科技发展的最新领域,包括环境、化学、生物和新材料等方面的最新发展。 三、课程教学内容及要求


浅谈现代汉语和英语 在语音、语汇、语法方面特点的比较 2012级学科英语:王忠文随着世界性汉语热的影响,学习汉语的人越来越多,而在交际交流中,中、英文的交叉使用现象也越来越多,那么对现代汉语和现代英语之间在语音、语汇、语法方面做一个比较也显得尤其必要。 一、语音即语言的声音,它是指人类通过发音器官发出来的,具有一定意义的,用来进行社会交际的声音。语音是语言的物质外壳,人们是通过语音来感知语言的存在的。 现代汉语语音属于汉藏语系,和印欧语相比有许多显著的特点。在语音方面,现代汉语的总体特点是音节界限分明,乐音较多,加上声调的高低变化和语调的抑扬顿挫,现代汉语语音的音乐性较强,具体表现为: 1.汉语音节中没有复辅音,都是一个辅音,而且不会出现在音节开始,即使是在词尾也只限辅音[n]和辅音群[ng],如[an]案和[hong]红。而英语中的辅音或辅音群是常见的,他们可以出现在词首或词尾,常常两三个辅音放在一起。 2. 元音占优势。现代汉语中可以没有辅音,但元音是必不可少的成分,并且是乐音,听起来比较悦耳。而英语的音节中最少须有一个元音,最多可以有8个元音。闭音节多,开音节少;音节中以辅音占优势,而且在元音的前或后都可以有辅音

群出现。 3.音节有声调。语音中超音段表达的主要手段是音高、音强和音长。而音高的使用又最为广泛,它的语音物质表现形式为旋律(melody),当旋律以单个的音节或词作为基本载体时,被称作声调(tone);当旋律以短语和句子作为基本载体时,被称作语调(intonation)。声调或语调是体现音高变化的单位。 汉语是声调语言,音高变化分布在字,即音节上,汉语中每个音节都是由声,调和韵组成,一个汉字即一个音节。不仅有区别意义的作用,还可以使汉语音节界限分明,又富于高低升降的变化,从而形成了现代汉语语音音乐性强的特殊风格。而英语是语调语言,音高变化分布在短语和句子上。英语句子语调由句子的最后一个重读音节即语调核心表现出来,句子中的语调由语调群表现出来。而语调群分为调头、调体和调尾组成。英语中语调的特点如下:一般地说,低调冠,高调头,调身用平调且依次渐变滑动降低。语调核心接受句子语调,有调的变化,或升调或降调。由此,汉、英两种语言的语音对比,主要是音高变化的对比。 二、语汇是语言中语词的总汇。它是语言的建筑材料,是语言的构成要素之一。语汇的含义有广义和狭义之分:广义的语汇,指的地语言中的语和词(简称语词)的总汇;狭义的语汇,指的是语言中的语的总汇。我们这里所说的语汇,其含义是广义的,即指的是语言中语和词的总汇,与传统的包括语和


词类转换多: 在翻译时将英文的某种词类翻译成汉语的另一词类 The operation of a machine needs some knowledge of its performance. 操作机器需要懂得机器的一些性能。 被动语态 1. Mathematics is used in many different fields. 2. People use mathematics in many different fields. 后置定语多 In additional aliphatic compounds, there are a number of hydrocarbons derived from benzene and seemed to have distinctively different chemical properties. 复杂长句多 科技文章要求叙述准确,推理严谨。为了表达请楚,科技英语句子往往较长,需认真分析方能明确句子中各成分之间的关系。译成汉语时,必须按照汉语习惯翻译成若干简句,才能条理清楚,避免欧化句。 科技英语翻译标准

所谓构词法即词的构成方法.即词在结构上规律. 科技英语构词特点 1)外来语多(很多来自希腊语和拉丁语); 2)构词方法多. 除了非科技英语中常用的三种构词法—转化、派生及合成法外,还普遍采用压缩法、混成法.符号法和宇母象形法. 3)有大量半科技英语词汇(semi-scientific words) annual output 年产量 produce…every year 2.1 转化法(conversion) 2.2 派生法(derivation)


科技英语的特点 一、大量使用名词化结构 《当代英语语法》(A Grammar of Contemporary)在论述科技英语时提出,大量使用名词化结构(Nominalization)是科技英语的特点之一。因为科技文体要求行文简洁、表达客观、内容确切、信息量大、强调存在的事实。而非某一行为。 Archimeds first discovered the principle of displacement of water by solid bodies. 阿基米德最先发展固体排水的原理。 句中of displacement of water by solid bodies 系名词化结构,一方面简化了同位语从句,另一方强调displacement 这一事实。 The rotation of the earth on its own axis causes the change from day to night. 地球绕轴自转,引起昼夜的变化。 名词化结构the rotation of the earth on its own axis 使复合句简化成简单句,而且使表达的概念更加确切严密。 If you use firebricks round the walls of the boiler, the heat loss. Can be considerably reduced. 炉壁采用耐火砖可大大降低热耗。 科技英语所表述的是客观规律,因之要尽量避免使用第一、二人称;此外,要使主要的信息置于句首。 Television is the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves. 电视通过无线电波发射和接受活动物体的图象。

英语单词 科技类

洛基英语雅思写作高频词汇:科技类 1. advanced science 尖端科学 2. scientific invention 科学发明 3. exert a far-reaching impact on…对…产生一种深远的影响 4. double-edged sword 双刃剑 5. earth-shaking changes 翻天覆地的改变 6. pay the way for the future development 为未来的发展铺平道路 7. lay a solid foundation for…为…打下良好的基础 8. energy crisis 能源危机 9. depletion of resources 能源消耗 10. milestone 里程碑 11. sophisticated equipment 尖端设备 12. technical innovation科技创新 13. expediency权宜之计 14. antithetical与…背道而驰的 15. over-commercialized 过渡商业化的 16. a heated discussion 热烈的讨论 17. exhaust gas 废气 18. disastrous 灾难性的 19. overshadow使…相形见绌 20. compared to/with…与…相比 21. usher in 引领 22. speedy and comfortable 既快捷又舒适 23. opposite forces 负面影响 24. a fatal breakdown 致命故障 25. potential hazards 潜在危险 26. pose a threat to…对…有一种威胁 27. promote relative industries 促进相关产业发展 28. accelerate 加速… 29. means of transportation 交通方式 30. transportation tools 交通工具 31. social status 社会地位 32. environmentally-friendly resources 环保的能源 33. make people's life easier 使人们生活更方便 34. alternative fuel 可替代燃料 35. sustainable development 可持续性发展 36. scientific exploration 科学探索 37. air travel 航空旅行 38. ridiculous 可笑的 39. absurd 荒唐的 40. substitute 取代 41. overcome difficulties 克服困难 42. make progress 取得进步 43. a sense of national pride 民族自豪感


第一节(略) 第二节 Technical and Semi-Technical Words 科技、半科技专业术语 2.1 Technical words 科技专业术语 An ordinary reader or listener may find it difficult to understand the writing or speech composed purely in scientific language. Words used in technical language present the first obstacle to those who have little or no specific knowledge in the related field. The special vocabulary of EST includes technical and semi-technical terms. 2.1.1 Highly Specialized in Meaning 意义高度专业化 With rapid development of science and technology, new terms are needed to define new phenomena and to explain new things and processes. Often suitable terms have to be invented. Scientists have been extending the vocabularies of their subjects for centuries and each subject has its own store of terms with precise and narrow meanings. For example, stratosphere (同温层), quartz oscillator (石英晶体振荡器), seismology (地震学), polysomic (多倍体的), circumradius (外接圆半径), polystyrene (聚苯乙烯), leukocyte (白细胞), sequoia (红杉), etc. You may find many such kind of words in this book. 2.1.2 The Use of Prefixes and Suffixes 前缀后缀的使用 Many technical terms are made up from Latin or Greek roots with prefixes (前缀) and suffixes (后缀). For example, the word polytetrafluoroethylene (聚四氟乙烯) is made up of five parts: poly- (前缀: 多,复,聚),tetra- (四), fluoro- (氟), ethyl (乙基,乙烷基), and –ene (后缀:烯属烃,苯属烃). Another example, geoastrophysics (地球天体物理学): geo-(地球), astro- (星,天体,宇宙), physics (物理学). Therefore, knowing the meaning of prefixes and suffixes can help you understand the meaning of the words. The following are some of the commonly used prefixes and suffixes in EST. 1)Prefixes 前缀 aero-: 空气,大气;气体;飞机;航空 aerobiology (空气生物学,高空生物学); aeronautics (航空学,飞行学); aeromechanics (航空力学) astro-: 星,天体;宇宙 astrodynamics (天体动力学); astrogeology (天体地质学); astronomy (天文学) anti-: 反,抗,阻;治,止;防止,中和 antibody (抗体); anticancer(抗癌的); anticorrosive [防(腐)蚀(的)] auto-: 自动的,自动调整的;自己,本身 autocontrol (自动控制); autoignition (自燃); auto-switch (自动开关) bio-: 生命;生物;生物学的 biochemistry (生物化学); bioelectricity [生物(电流)]; biosphere (生物圈) cyber-: 计算机的;互联网的 cyberaddict (网迷); cyberattack (黑客攻击); cyberspace (网络空间) de-: 离开;去除,减少 deforestation (滥伐森林); desalter (脱盐设备); desensitizer (脱敏药) di-: 二,二倍,二重;双,联 dioxide (二氧化物); diode (二极管); diproton (双质子) electro-: 电的;导电的;电解;电子(的) electroanalysis [电(解)分析]; electrobiology (生物电学); eletromagnetism (电磁,电磁学) geo-: 地球;土地


黑龙江农业工程职业学院毕业论文题目:商务英语词汇特点及学习策略 作者:学号: 学院(系):人文学院 专业:商务英语 指导者高慧讲师 2011年9月

摘要 商务词汇作为构成商务英语语言的最基本的独立单位,在商务中发挥着巨大的作用。大量使用专业词汇或普通词汇具有专业意义是商务英语词汇的一个重要特征,因此,词汇的学习在商务英语教学中的作用举足轻重。商务词汇的习得一直是商务英语学习过程中的重要内容,但也是一个薄弱环节。本文拟通过对商务英语词汇的特征进行概括,对词义理解进行举例分析,以帮助商务英语学习者更好掌握商务英语词汇,提高商务交际的语言应用能力。在了解商务英语词汇特征的基础上,将学习策略及其训练渗透于商务英语词汇教学过程中,让习得者能有效的使用各种词汇学习策略以便提高学习效果。 关键词:商务英语词汇;词汇特点;学习策略

目录 1.绪论 (3) 1.1商务英语词汇的重要性 (3) 1.2研究词汇学习策略的必要性 (3) 2.商务英语词汇特点分析 (3) 2.1词汇内容丰富 (4) 2.2专业术语词汇数量客观 (4) 2.3大量使用缩略词 (4) 2.4使用半专业词汇 (5) 2.5大量使用古语词 (5) 2.6创造新词 (5) 2.7商务英语词汇与普通英语词汇的关系 (6) 3.词汇学习策略与实施 (6) 3.1课堂学习策略 (6) 3.2自学词汇策略 (7) 4.结论 (10) 参考文献 (11)

1.绪论 1.1商务英语词汇的重要性 英语作为国际化语言,在商务活动中起到了非常重要的桥梁作用。商务英语词汇的掌握是学好商务英语的三大要素之一。英国著名学者McCarthy(1990)曾经说过:一个学生学习第二语言,其语法无论学得多好,语音无论掌握得多漂亮,没有词汇来表达各种意义,语言交际也难以实现。由此可见,词汇是培养学生语言交际能力不可缺少的基本语言材料。商务英语的词汇涉及面广、内容丰富,就词汇应用方面来说,商务英语词汇有许多完全不同于普通英语词汇含义的词汇和专业术语。商务英语词汇中存在一些多义词既有普通词义又具有商务词义,这类单词的词义关系和词义确定是商务英语词汇学习的一个难点。又因为商务英语不仅涉及专业知识,同时随着时代的发展和商务的创新,新词不断出现,更加增加了习得者的学习难度,所以,商务英语词汇的熟练掌握是熟练应用商务英语的关键。 1.2研究词汇学习策略的必要性 很多学生在学习商务英语课程时虽已经具有扎实的英语基础,但由于缺乏商务专业知识和专业词汇量,尤其是商务英语词汇量的匮乏,以及受传统死记硬背单词思想的影响,导致学习效果欠佳。因此,在实际学习中,学生应运用有效的策略和手段,改变传统的词汇学习方法。商务英语词汇既有普通英语的特征又有专门用途英语的特征,在词汇教学中我们既要注重普通语言理论知识的导入也要加强商务英语词汇知识的导入和研究,词汇学习策略缺失或运用不当是学习效果不佳的主要原因,应将学习策略及其训练渗透于商务英语词汇教学过程中。在理论的指导下遵循词汇之间的内部规律不断总结不断实践方法才会收到良好的效果。 2.商务英语词汇特点分析 英语词汇的特点是“涵义范围比较宽,比较丰富多彩,词义对上下文的依赖性比较大,独立性比较小”。也就是说当英语中词语孤立的时候,我们无法说出它的具体含义,因为它具有该词语在使用中可能具有的一切词义,只有依赖其所在的上下文或者该词语同其它词语的搭配或者组合关系我们才能辨别其具体意义,在普通英语中词汇如此,而商务英语(Business English)源于普通英语(English for General Purposes,即EGP),它与普通英语一样,在语言习得和语言交际中起着举足轻重的作用。但商务英语属于专门用途英语(ESP),与普通英语相比在



任何作品均有特定的文体,原文的文体不同,翻译方法也随之而异。试观察下列几个片断的原文及其译文 "It appears that you've got the offer of a very good job." "A wonderful job." "Are you going to take it ?" "I don't think so." "Why not?' "I don't want to." "听说有个很好的工作要你去干。"

She was of a helpless, fleshy build, with a frank, open countenance and an innocent, diffident manner. Her eyes were large and patient, and in them dwelt such a shadow of distress as only those who have looked sympathetically into the countenances of the distraught and helpless poor know anything about. 那妇人生着一副绵软多肉的体格,一张坦率开诚的面容,一种天真羞怯的神气。一双大落落的柔

顺眼睛,里边隐藏着无穷的心事,只有那些对于凄惶无告的穷苦人面目作过同情观察的人才看得出来。 摘自(珍妮姑娘)(Jennie Gerhardt),傅东华译.上面五十一个词的片断,就运用了十个形容词,占五分之一。"and in then dwelt such a shadow of distress"是非常优美生动的文学语言,译文保持了一风格。 MONTREAL-Clark Johns accomplished a spectacular debut for his NHL career tonight, the first score launching a four -point first period out burst,to lead the Johnson City High Hats to a


附录四科技英语基本词汇 数学 absolute value 绝对值 acute angle 锐角 aggregate集合 algebra 代数;代数学 algorithm 算法 analysis 分析 analysis of variance 方差分析analytic function分析函数;解析函数analytic geometry 分析几何 analytic number theory 分析数论angle 角 angular 角的 area 面积 arithmetic 算术 axiomatic set theory 公理集合论calculus of finite difference 有限差演算calculus of variations 变分法 cardinal number 基数 category 范畴 central limit theorem 中心极限定理circle 圆 circular points at infinity 圆点 class field theory 类域论 classical group 典型群 common factor公因数 complex function 复变函数 complex number 复数 cone 圆锥体 congruence 同余 conjugate function 共轭函数constant 常数 convolution 卷积 coordinate system 坐标系 correlation analysis 相关分析 curve 曲线 curve of second degree 二次曲线cylinder 圆柱体 data anlysis 数据分析 decimal 小数 decision analysis 决策分析denominator 分母 derivative 导数determinant 行列式 developable surface 可展曲面differential 微分 differential and integral calculus 微积分学differential calculus 微分学 differential coefficient 导数 differential topology 微分拓扑学dimension 维数 divisibility 整除 elementary function 初等函数elimination method 消元法 ellipse 椭圆 elliptic function 椭圆函数 entropy 熵 equal sign 等号 equation 等式;方程式 error 误差 even number 偶数 extract roots开方;求根 extremum 极值 field 域 figure 图形 finite field 有限域 formula (pl. formulae) 公式 function 函数 functional 泛函数 fuzzy logic 模糊逻辑 game theory 博弈论 generalized inverse matrix 广义逆矩阵geometry 几何学 golden section 黄金分割 harmonic function 调和函数 hyperbola 双曲线 improper integral 广义积分 incenter 内心 indeterminate 不定方程 inequality 不等式 infinitesimal 无穷小 infinity无穷大 integral 积分 integral calculus 积分学 integral equation 积分方程 integration 积分法


科技英语语法考题 考试时间:120分钟 系班:________________学号:________________ 姓名: _____________ 得分: ___________ I、英译汉(每题3分) 1. One-time write of the desired data into an erased(插干净了的)PROM is all that is required to store information quickly and permanently. 2. Of the variety of aberrations(像差)the image(像)formed by a single lens is subject to, perhaps the most familiar is the presence of fringes(不重合)of color around whatever is being viewed. 3. Since transformers(变压器)are large, heavy, and expensive, their elimination from the circuit(电路)results in considerable savings. 4. Every element(元素)exhibits(显示)a unique line spectrum(线谱)when a sample of it is suitably excited(激励),and its presence in a substance of unknown composition (构成)can be ascertained(确定)by the appearance of its characteristic wavelengths(特征波长)in the spectrum of the substance. 5. The solution(溶液)of water and other materials in which the tissues(人体组织)are bathed is slightly salty, an interesting reminder(暗示)of the first living cells(细胞)which originated in the sea. 6. The ability of the modern computer to perform rapid calculations on large, complex problems has resulted in the recent development of computational techniques not considered in the past. 7. Attractive as these theories and explanations are, there is no direct evidence that the child has a special language learning capacity which is totally absent in the adult. 8. The second aspect(方面)to determine our progress is the application by all members of society of the special methods of thought and action that scientists use in their work. 9. The two answers, of course, are identical(相同的), but how much more simply the energy principle(能量原理)leads to the final results! 10. Stereophonic(立体的)sound, or “stereo,” as it is usually called, refers to a sys tem of recording or sound transmission using multiple microphones(话筒)and loudspeakers(扬声器). 11. Broadly speaking, computer security is keeping anyone from doing things you do not want them to do to, with, on or from your computers or any peripheral(外部的)devices. 12. Not as familiar is the fact that any substance whatever will be influenced by the magnetic field, although to an extent which is extremely small compared with a substance like iron. 13. Each element (元素) when vaporized (汽化) has its own set of frequencies it is able to emit or absorb, in a pattern as characteristic of that element as a set of fingerprints is of an individual human. 14. In any one example, h will either be always odd (奇数的) or always even (偶数的), which is all that matters, so that ( - 1)h will always be uniquely (唯一地) determined. 15. Symbols used in assembly(汇编)language programs are made up of letters and digits(数 字), with the first character(字符)of the symbol a letter.


(1)掌握新闻报道的结构新闻报道往往采用“倒金字塔体”。所谓“倒金字塔体”,也称为倒途法,即按新闻事实重要性的程度由要点到细节逐步扩展,安排全文。把最重要的事实置于全文的第一个句子中,这个句子被称为新闻导语(the news lead)。它告知听众最关心最重要的事实,如事件(what)、时间(when)、地点(where)、人物(who),以及原因和方式(why,how,即新闻导语包含了我们常说的五个WH和一个H构成的“新闻六大要素”。新闻导语是整条新闻的高度浓缩形式,听懂了导语,也就听懂了新闻的主要内容。当然,由于新闻报道的侧重点不同,有时新闻导语也可能只包含其中部分要素 (2)扩大词汇量,熟记新闻报道中的常用词汇 ①普通词汇。尽管新闻报道所使用的词汇量很大,但是语言的基本词汇是稳定的。如VOA 广播中的special English(特别节目)的新闻报告中常用词汇约1 500个,这的重复率在报道中是很高的,如cease-fire,presidential election等政治性词汇,finance banking group等经济词汇以ace shuttle,robot等科技词汇。而新闻英语中的特有用语就更具稳定性。若能掌握这些词汇,再加上一些听力技巧,基本听懂新闻报道就不是件难事了。 ②专有词汇。新闻报道是有关世界范围的最新消息,因在报道中常涉及许多人名、地名、国名。除此之外,新闻报道中还常常出现一些河流、山脉及名胜古迹等专有名词熟悉这些专有名词可使听者更快更准确地了解所听的新闻 (3)掌握一定数量的缩略语(acronym) 由于新闻报道时间的限制,不少机构的名称常采用其缩略形式,即由该名称中数个词的首字母的大写形式组成,如:PLO是the Palestine Liberation Organization的缩写形式。需要注意的是,听者不仅要了解这些缩略语的确切含义,而且还应知道它们的正确读音。 (4)掌握数字的不同读法 在新闻报道中经常出现许多数字,大到几十亿,上百亿,小到分数或小数。尤其对一些多位数的数字,要想立刻听准这些数字的确不容易,其主要难点在于位数过多。因此在听多位数的数字时,应对billion(十亿)、million(百万)、thousand(千)、hundred(百)等词尤为重视。同时,要注意一个数字的多种读法,如播音员把两个足球队比赛结果2:0读作two to nothing而不是读成two to nought或two to zero. (5)掌握循序渐进,从慢到快的原则 目前,许多外台(如BBC,VOA)的新闻英语报道有特别英语(Special English)和标准英语(Standard English)两种。所谓Special English也可称为慢速英语,即新闻播放的语速较慢。



第八章科技 SECTION I: 英译中 2D (Two dimensional graphics images and animated images) 平面 3D (Three dimensional graphics images and animated images) 三维 3D Rendering 三维渲染 A aerial top dressing [ ] 空中施肥 advanced technology 先进技术

biological phenomena from scratch within computers and other "artificial" media. Alife complements the traditional analytic approach of traditional biology with a synthetic approach in which, rather than studying biological phenomena by taking apart living organisms to see how they work, one attempts to put together systems that behave like living organisms. ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange computer character set) 美国信息交换标准码 ATM (Automatic Teller Machines) 自动柜员机 audio card n. 声卡 audio conference n. 音频会议; 电话会议 B


英语词汇记忆的特点 在学习英语的过程中,首先碰到的是背单词,在众多的单词记忆法中,有些适合你有些则不适合。为什么会出现这种情况呢?教育心理学家通过对比观察研究发现,人们在学习记忆过程中存在很大差别,根据其兴奋点的不同,可以分为三种类型。下面把这三种类型的主要特征做以分析,以便大家根据自已的特点选用不同的背单词的方法。 1.视觉型 所谓视觉型的人群,是借助视觉来记忆事物的类型。例如打电话本应是听和说的过程,可是有些同学喜欢用笔和纸来写和画,熟称涂鸦。你所写的与电话的内容有时有关,有时无关,但这恰恰说明了你是一个视觉型的人。换言之,看和写对你来说是效率最高的模式,正如我们常说的好记性不如烂笔头。 2.听觉型 这种类型的人喜欢听别人讲,能够很好地记住耳朵听到的内容。有的同学在课堂上只要听老师讲过一遍,哪怕没有什么非凡的,都可以记住,那么你就是听觉型的人。会常有这样的人,英语不算好,却能在听歌时,记住英语歌词。这类人可先根据后面的助记方法把单词讲解给自己听,并录成磁带;复习时再听自己的录音巩固记忆。一

般听三遍即可记住词意,听五遍即可记住拼写。也可购买新东方大学词汇课堂,是我上课的讲课录音,可以听我讲,边听边背 3.混合型 混合型是指以上两种类型的混合体。但是,这一类型是不平衡的,有些人偏向于视觉型、有些人偏向听觉型。在背单词时可以同时结合两种类型的优势进行记忆,也可以通过听故事、看文章,结合情节来记忆,这也正是有的同学看阅读背单词快的原因。本书给出大量精典的小故事,便于这类读者记忆。这些故事都非常通俗易懂多半都是大学中发生的事,主要是为了记亿方便。 如:ash cash abash crash clash smash 这组词可以通过下面这句话记忆:恐怖份子飞机clash了世贸,飞机crash了,世贸被smas h了,变成了ash,小bush感到很abash,要很多cash才能恢复美国人的信心 假如你能记住这个故事那么在背起来就轻易多了,而且可以随时在各种地方做各种事的情况下回忆起这组单词,你可以在看新闻见到布什出现时回顾,也可以在走路看到大楼想起世贸时回顾,这样在不同时间不同地点回忆7次以上想忘都很困难。凡事都要动脑,这样学习起来就事半功倍了 此外,人在半饥饿及临近睡眠之前是记忆力最好的时候,所以要充分利用。早上、中午、晚上的这种时候不要浪费。要利用零散


英语新闻词汇的特点及其发展规律 引言 新闻是传播及时,令人感兴趣的消息,新闻通常报道最近发生的或即将发生的重大事情(Norman B. Moyes,1980:4)。新闻报道与我们的生活息息相关,其词汇随着社会和时代的变化而变化。作为英语语言中最基本的表意单位,词汇是语言变化过程中最为活跃的一部分,利用词汇所附载的丰富的文化内涵来表达某一观点,可以使新闻报道显得更真实可信,生动形象,吸引读者。作者在查阅前人的研究成果和对西方现代新闻报纸中的英语新闻词汇进行分析的基础上,拟就对新闻英语词汇的特点及其发展规律进行分析和归纳。 1 英语新闻词汇的特点 1.1专有名词和数字数词大量涌现专有名词和数字数词(多为统计数据)属于新闻价值成分,在新闻报道中不可避免。 1.1.1专有名词处处可见新闻报道与有关的人物、事件、时间、地点等密不可分,故人名、地名、国名、组织机构名称等专有名词在新闻报道中屡见不鲜。英语新闻语篇里专有名词应用十分频繁。有些专有名词是读者所熟悉的,但相当一部分是陌生的。读者碰到的头一个问题就是如何对付如此大量而又陌生的专有名词。其实,许多专有名词在新闻语篇中是交代清楚了的,不必一见到就去查词典。当然, 对于那些非常重要且频繁出现的专有名词,如果感到陌生, 则应查资料,弄清其意义与读音。例如: KABUL,Afghanistan,Aug. 25—————Dayna Lesli Curry and Heather Mercer are the two American aid workers whom the Taliban claim to have caught “red handed,”foisting their Christian faith on Afghan Muslims in a conspiracy to entice them away from Islam.(New York Times, Aug. 26, 2001) 英语新闻记者还常常用政府所在地的地方指代政府名称。如:Washington 常用来指代美国政府,Peking (Beijing)常用来指代中国政府。此外,英语新闻记者还使用某地地名或某国国名来指代在那儿发生过的重大事件;或用某一专有名词来指代发生过的与之相关的事件。 1.1.2数字数词大量涌现新闻报道往往涉及时间、事实、数据等具体情况。为了突出新闻的客观性和可信度,记者总是运用准确的数字数词。例如在这则名为Glastonbury auction for Haiti attracts £80,000 of bids 的新闻中:An online auction by the Glastonbury Festival organisers and Oxfam to raise money for Haiti earthquake victims has so far attracted bids of about £80,000. Elton John's duck -egg blue suit has attracted over £1,500, and bids of £7,000 and £5,000 have been made for VIP tickets for the festival.(BBC News, 31 January 2010) 这段为数49 字的新闻摘录包含4 个数字。这些统计数据说明了实实在在的事实, 具体地反应了格拉斯顿伯里音乐节的组织者和乐施会(Oxfam)(一个具有国际影响力的发展和救援组织的联盟)两者联合,为海地地震灾区募捐的感人举动和具体金额。在一些新闻报道中,统计数据比比皆是。显然,充满统计数据的新闻语篇极具客观性和说服力,令人坚信不移。 1.2缩略词的广泛使用大量使用缩略词是英语新闻标题词汇变异的主要形式之一。新闻载体的时间和空间都是有限的,而且西方社会现代生活节奏不断加快, 特别强调经济效益, 读者总希望在极短的时间内获得较多的信息。因此,作为新闻的标题必须尽量“缩身”, 尽可能采用缩略词, 以达到简洁、精炼的效果。
