





Mark Twain, a humor master and a realism writer, was called a giant in world literature. His writings touch up almost every issue of his time such as politics, religion, and slavery system. Among all of Mark Twain?s works, one makes most impression on readers that is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.With the humor and satire mixed in the novel, the writer shower a picture of loving people and seeking freedom, by the way of exquisite description of psychology and distinguishing-featured description of language. And it displays a strong artistic charm. Since ancient times, a great number of scholars have studied this novel from the perspectives of translation, artistic feature, role characters, language, and so on. While as regards to humor, a large number of researchers just concentrated on the language and put relatively less attention to the humor techniques of performance. Mark Twain, as a master in literature and humor, use various humor techniques of performance in his works. The author thinks it can be studied on the aspect of humor techniques of performance. This paper presents an analysis of Mark Twain?s different humor techniques of performance employed in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn to understand deeply about Mark Twain?s humor.

Key words: Mark Twain; The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn; humor


Introduction (4)

Part One The introduction of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (5)

1.1 Background and Plots (5)

1.2 Classical Characters (6)

Part Two Mark Twain’s Humor in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (8)

2.1 The First Person Narration (8)

2.2 The Vernacular Language (9)

2.3 The Use of Grammatical Errors (10)

2.4 Satire ............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

2.5 Irony (11)

Conclusion (13)

Notes ................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。Bibliography (14)

Acknowledgments (15)


In the late 19th among lots of writers in the western world, Mark Twain is a distinguished critical realism writer.People?s life situation at that time can be seen from his major works because of his realistic depiction in his works which always simmer with laughable humor that is not only filled with rich wisdom but also strongly reveals the current situation and causes people to think more.As a matter of fact, there were plenty of writers who used humor as a writing style in their own works before Mark Twain. Nonetheless, they simply stopped at the miraculous meaning and could not go deeper any longer. It is Mark Twain who brings humor to a new height that is using humor and irony to satire the various dark phenomenons in the American capitalism society. And The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn also acknowledges Mark Twain?s own literary position on the American literature. One noted American writer Hemingway said that all modern American literature derived from a book, namely, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. (Moran, 2002: 169) People appreciated Mark Twain?s humor tone in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, but many researchers done the research just about its realism, artistic characteristics, languages, etc. Less of their researches refer to the humor in this novel. The author thinks it is worth to have a study on Mark Twain?s humor in the novel, because the humor not only for fun, but also reveals kinds of phenomenon in American.

Part One The Introduction of The Adventures of Huckleberry


The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, a famed novel appreciated by both children and adults, is the masterwork of Mark Twain. He launched out into writing The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn after the publication of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer in 1876 which narrated in the colloquial style of first person, reflecting Mark Twain?s critical attitude towards slavery.

1.1 Background and Plots

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is on the basis of Mark Twain?s childhood experiences. When he was a child, he always went to play in the farmland owned by his uncle John who had 20 slaves. His uncle was amicable, enthusiastic and with full humor. Despite he was not ruthless to the salves, he could not allow them to be free. During his time in the farm, Mark Twain formed a good fellowship with Uncle Daniel, a black slave. He was always fond of asking Daniel novel questions. Daniel was diligent and kind to Mark and other children. He often told interesting stories to Mark. At the same time, Mark felt very sorry for the slaves. He thought that all men were born to be equal and the slavery should be abolished. It was at that time he became interested in literature, and began to dream of becoming a writer. The friendship with Daniel urged him to write about freedom for slaves.(Johnson, 2008: 7)

When The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was published eight years later, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was published. Both of the two books are great representative works of Mark Twain. The character in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn appears in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. But Huck in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn not only desires freedom himself but also hope all the people get freedom. Hero Huck does not want so called polite but lifeless life in order to escape from his father. He runs away and lives a wandering life. Then he meets Jim who will

be sold by his master. They take a raft down the Mississippi River and interdepend with each other, and build a deep friendship. But they do not find the way to Carol town; instead, they meet two frauds who call themselves the King and the Duke. Two swindlers want to sell Jim. And with the help of Tom, Jim is rescued and knows that according to the hostess?s will, Jim is free. Through all of the adventures down the river, Huck learns a variety of life lessons and improves as a person. He develops a conscience and truly feels for humanity. The pursuit of freedom and new culture is just the pursuit of Huck from the social background.

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a vital phenomenon about culture, as well as a literary one. In 1984, Americans celebrated the centenary of its publication with a great number of research projects.

1.2 Classical Characters

Huck is a brave, smart and kindhearted boy. The great success of shaping the character lies is helping Jim fight from slavery, battles with his conscience about befriending nigger Jim. Huck?s inner struggle and his growing opposition to slavery are the most interesting parts of the book. He is taught by convention that Blacks are inferior to Whites. Slavery is good and right and a fugitive slave should be punished. So at first, Huck treats Jim as a obscurity runway slave. But his good heart and personal experience tell him that Jim is a man and a good man indeed. He is tortured between traditional values and his own sense of good and evil. At last, his sense of good and evil defeated traditional values. He determines to help Jim. He is such a brave boy who dares to challenge the tradition.

Jim is a typical representative of the slaves on the 19th century. He is industrious, honest, humane and full of passion. But at the same time, he is different from other slaves, because he subverts the submissive characters of common slaves. His yearning for freedom, desires for independence. And wants to escape for a “freedom state”where has no slavery. For Huck, Jim is his friend as well as protector. Huck tells the story happened on the ferry to Jim and reads books for Jim. And they chat in the

woods. Through these things, although there is an age gap between Huck and Jim, Huck does not treat Jim as an adult. He regards Jim as his good friend who he wants to stay with. Meanwhile, Jim is willing to take care of Huck when he was ill even though he may loss his freedom. Because of Jim?s selfless spirit and courage, Huck believes that Jim is a good man. In this novel, Mark Twain makes up a runway slave character that is justicial, noble and sincere. This role makes an obvious contrast with the hypocrites in the “civilized world” which expressed the sharp satire and profound criticism to slavery.

The humor reflected in the book is found mostly in Huck?s unique world outlook and his way of expressing himself and events as well as Jim?s dialect and superstition. The humor of children in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn makes readers laugh naturally.

This paper is talk about humor. Then, what is humor? What is the function of humor in literature? Humor is one of the essential characteristics of human language during its development as well as one of the essence of human?s daily life. Humorous utterance brings people spiritual enjoyment in daily life. And with increasing demand of people?s communication quality in daily life, sense of humor has become one of the important symbol to judge a person?s character. Humor, in other words, has become a means of human communication. Humorous utterance can not only help people like a duck to water in their communication, at the same time, in solving contradiction or awkward problems, humorous words can be an olive branch. In the process of daily criticism and advise, humorous words is a kind of effective means of suggestion, which make the criticisms and suggestions appear more tactful and easy to accept. In general, the effect of humor almost exists in many tiny things of our daily life and communication. (Net.1)

“Humor” has numerous different definitions. In the realm of literature, there are somethings in common. Humor in literature not only make the work more attractive and interesting, but also contains certain practical significance, which let people in a smile, at the same time, reveals those dark and unreasonable phenomena in society.

Part Two Mark Twain’s Humor in The Adventures of

Huckleberry Finn

2.1 The First Person Narration

In Mark twain?s major works, he prefer to use the first person to narrative stories in his works. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the whole story is told by a 14-year-old boy, Huck. Mark Twain lets the hero Huckleberry Finn himself tell the story based on his personal experiences along the Mississippi River where he dwells. Since he is uneducated, Mark Twain carries on the southwestern humor tradition of vernacular language. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is Huck?s story, and he tells it from his natural and unsophisticated perspective.This not only does the authenticity of the story increase but also allows the readers to fell no doubt to the experiences of Huckleberry Finn.

At the very beginning of the novel, mark twain put the first person narration into use:

“You don?t know about me, without you have read a book by name of “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,”but that ain?t no mater. That book was made by Mr. Mark Twain, and he told the truth, mainly. There were things which he stretched, but mainly he told the truth. That is nothing. I never seen anybody but lied, one time or another, without it was Aunt Polly, or the widow, or maybe Mary. Aunt Polly—Tom?s Aunt Polly, she is—and Mary, and the Widow Douglas, is all told about in that book –which is mostly a true book; with some stretchers, as I said before.”(Wang Tian, 2006:2)

It is earlier to analyze the humor which was created by Huck?s vernacular language. In addition, the narrator?s tone makes readers feel funny due to the narrator?s identity who was a fourteen years old child. Those narrative words and tone are not correspond with a kid. The formal address of “Mr. Mark Twain”, the twice emphasis of the word “mainly”, the “good-hearted” absolution of Twain?s “lies”, and the misuse of grammar shows a childish 14-year-old boy who pretend to speak like an

adult. A little boy, speaking in a seriously adult tone which not conform to his age identity would trigger the reader?s laughter..

2.2 The Vernacular Language

The vernacular language has a function named social indication, which can not only reflect regional characteristic of the characters but also reflect social status, educational level and personal characters of people. From this point, language as a social indicator conveys us literal contents as well as social information. In a novel, the selection and use of language is very important, because it is always in the service of the ideas which the author wants to convey and the characters the author wants to shape. In this novel, Mark Twain masterfully uses dialects, slang, and Black English to shape the characters, especially Huck?s dialects and Jim?s Black English. Huck?s colloquial and vernacular language throughout the whole novel, which is so striking that give readers a deep impression. The consistent and appropriate dialects used in the novel, especially the dialects, exactly fit Huck, a 14-year-old boy, who is uneducated and from lower society. In Huckleberry Finn, there is no exaggeration of grammar or spelling or speech, there is no sentence or phrase to destroy the illusion that those are Huck?s own words. Huck?s language is the spoken language of untutored Americans of his place and time. So, in this novel, a number of slang or dialects are used, which produced a huge contrast to standard language. The huge contrast engenders humor and fun as a result.

In Chapter fifteen, Jim said:

“well, you wouldn?t a ben here f it hadn?t a ben for Jim. You …d a ben down dah in de woods widout any dinner, en gittn?drownded, too; dat you would, honey. Chickens knowns when it?s gwyne to rain, en so do the birds,chile.”

Jim?s language was typical Black English with fuzzy pronunciation and always omitted many syllables. When Huck and Jim arrived at a poor country, where people

spoken another comical vernacular language.

“What a body was hearing amongst them the time was: …gimme a chaw?v tobacker, Hank.?…Gain?t; I hain?t got but one chew left. Ask Bill.” (Twain,2003:54)

These languages are vulgar and funny, which present us a vivid picture of uncivil villagers. Before Mark Twain, the use of vernacular language, generally called vulgar language, in literature, was rare and unacceptable. Mark Twain?s ice-breaking journey won him the title of “the founder of American colloquial style”.(Chang Yaoxin, 1990:123)

This novel uses south America regional dialect of the end of 19th century as the whole narrative language. The dialogue part, because of characters?different social backgrounds and literacy levels, using black English and other social dialects. In this novel, language convey literal contents directly and information about social backgrounds indirectly which was full of cultural atmosphere, concise and lively.

2.3 The Use of Grammatical Errors

In this novel, there are many grammatical mistakes, which make a sharp contrast to the standard language. The incongruity presents a particular effect of humor to this novel.

In Chapter sixth, Huck?s heart bounded with contradiction. Finally, Huck decides rowing to the shore to denounce Jim. On his way to the shore, he just runs into two whites who are in chase of the runway slave. Twain in the tone of Huck, said:

“I didn?t answer up prompt. I tried to, but the words wouldn?t come. I tried, for a second or two, to brace up and out with it, but I warn?t man enough—badn?t the spunk of a rabbit. I see I was weakening; so I just giving up trying, and up and says: “He?s white.”(Twain,2003:78)

This segment words presents Huck?s poor grammar due to his age and little

education. Such as using adjective to replace adverb: the sentence I didn?t answer prompt should be I didn?t answer up promptly; using “warn?t”, the non-standard to mean negative: “warn?t” should be “wasn?t”; using non-standard verb forms: “I says”should be “I say”.

Although there are several grammatical errors in the Huck?s sentences, we can see a vivid picture of a childish Huck. Twain depicted it through the mouth of an innocent and naught boy. From this passage, we know Huck received little education, but he is native and goodness. Compared with standard language, the childish language with bad grammar causes humor and incongruity.

2.4 Satire

When Mark Twain began writing, it was the heyday of American literature. In the late 19th century, dramatic changes have taken place in American society. Brutal Civil War makes people awake from blindly optimism to face the ugly situation of the society. The American Dreams that inspired people for a long time to create future seems gradually wiped out. American society began to enter the inner vanity, unwieldy Gilded Age. Mark Twain has an insight into the dark and contemptible phenomenon in the society, using sharp words to depict a batch of vivid obscure characters.

For example, in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain describes two ugly and antics cheats through a “king”and a “duke”. In order to win money from people, even under the period of the so-called peaceful times, they can do reckless action and care for nobody even with any sense of shame. The two cheats set up a stage together and ready to play Shakespeare?s plays. When the “king” realized that he was baldish with white beard who can not play the heroine Juliet. The “duke”tells him don?t worry, those bumpkins don?t know about the plays at all. Then the “duke”teaches “the king”about the lines which were tampered of Shakespeare?s classical play—Hamlet. These lines mixed with the words in Macbeth. This distinguished appearance makes a strongly contrasts with the superficial in their heart.

This satirical example reflects the real American social phenomenon in the 19th century. At that time, Shakespeare?s plays were very popular. People spoke highly of these plays and almost worshipped the ground Shakespeare trod on. But many of them just blind worship of these plays, had no sense of the profound meanings in them. The king and the duke were the products of this social and cultural state. At this point, Mark Twain uses humorous irony writing: “these old idiots do these things, but can really make a cow at all laugh.”From Mark Twain, these descriptions full of laughable humor and a bitter satire, which have the profound social significance.

2.5 Irony

Mark Twain was a master of humor for his unique humor. Chinese famous writer said Mark Twain?s humor contains sorrow and irony. Mark Twain?s works usually close to people?s daily life, always choosing the most ironic things in life with comic hyperbole,which let people think profound of reality after laughter. And make the humor with rich content of reality. In Twain?s work, the role do something priggish, while the truth is very preposterous, which make a striking contrast to trigger reader?s laughter.

Through reading the novel of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, it is not difficult to find that this work is full of irony such as the description of the lady Emmeline Grangerford whose hobby is poetizing. Here is Huck?s feel of the lady?s poetry:

“ every time a man died, or a women died or a child died, she would be on hand with her tribute before he was cold…She never complained, but she kind of pined away and did not live long.…Poor Emmeline made poetry about all the dead people when she was alive, and it didn?t seem right that there wasn?t nobody to make some about her, now, she was gone, so I tried to sweat out a verse or two myself, but I couldn?t make it go, somehow.”(Twain,2003:177)

Huck?s language was plain but convulsed the readers. The lady was fond of writing tribute before the bodies were cold. Finally, she pined away. Huck displayed sympathy to her. He wanted to write a tribute either, but he couldn?t make it go even

though he had tried to sweat out. This plot was ridiculous. After American Civil War, realism literature was rising while the romantic literature was declining. But some literati ignored the change, still keen about the anachronistic bleak poetry. Mark Twain scoffed at it, using the plain words of Huck to satirize those feigned and fuss literary genre. Humor in Mark Twain?s time in the literature, the main function is to amuse people which lack of profound ideological content. But Mark Twain?s humor is not just for fun,his humor and irony tightly combined with the reality. That is to say, his humor as a weapon to ridicule and satirize those false,ugly and unreasonable phenomenon of the society at that time.


The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is the most remarkable novel of Mark Twain. It is the first novel that reflects the truly American society. In this novel, undoubted, humor contributes a lot. Following the previous descriptions, we can deeply recognize Mark Twain?s humor in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. His humor is very rich and colorful. And it is easy to find that amusing is not the only function of humor. Mark Twain used humor to expose various dark phenomenons in American society. He once said: “humor, only on the basis of real life can full of vitality and make readers laugh. But if bot based on love, provoked laughter is meaningless.” (Twain, 2008: 481)

To sum up, undeniably, Mark Twain is a noted humorist in American literature, because he is expert in expressing his emotions romantically as well as satirizing the essence of society via taking advantages of the skilled use of the special weapon---humor. Technically, he uses flexibly various ways to presents humor, such as the first person narration, the vernacular language, satire, irony and so on. As a result it is easier for readers to gain a deeper understanding of the work of Mark Twain.

Mark Twain contributed a lot to the humor of American literature and evolved ironic and sadness humor from the pure humor. It was his humor became a important

literary style down from generation to generation. William Faulkner had ever said: “Mark Twain is the first real American writer; we are all on the shoulder of his.”(Net.2)


Mark Twain:from humor to satire Abstract:Mark Twain, a mastermind of humor and realism, is seen as a giant in world literature. His humor had great impact on the following men of letters; critics also attached significant importance to it and put forward various interpretations. However,humor could no more be found in Twain's later works. On the contrary, it was replaced by bitter satire. Why did Twain change his writing style as well his attitude towards life?What was the cause of this sharp conversion? Focusing on these questions, the paper tries to analyze the basic elements which affected Twain from social influence and personal encounters respectively, aiming at offering rational analysis of this shift as well as making Twain's works readily understood. I Introduction Mark Twain, the pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, is the foreruner and Reputed realist in the arena of American literature. Because of his remarkable contribution to the nation, literary critics spoke highly of his achievements. For instance, these venerable titles‖the Lincoln of American literarure‖,‖the true father of our national literature ,‖‖Mark Twain –mirror of America‖ are used to highlight his pinnacles in literature. His faithful disciple, Ernest Heming way, more over, onve put it, ―all modern literature comes from one book by Mark Twain ,called Huck lebury Finn..‖ As far as a literatry giant is concerned, Twain was remembered by men of letters firstly as a mastermind of hunmor and then as bitter satiric writer. In other words, Twain in his writing career experienced a change from being cheerful and optimistic to despairing and pessimistic But what cause his shift from humor to satir? Personally, both social influence and personal encounters play critical roles in changing his writing from humor to satire and his attitude toward life as well ⅡSocial influences Both the American Civil war( happened in 1861 and lasted till1865) and the re-construction after the war greatly affected Twain‘s writing style. Mark Twain was born in Florida, Missouri, on30 November In 1835,into a lawyer family.With the advent of


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 从功能分析的角度试析广告英语中语言的性别差异 2 《愤怒的葡萄》的生态主义分析 3 初中生英语听力理解的障碍因素及对策 4 从象征主义手法的运用浅析弗图纳多之死 5 苔丝之罪是谁之过 6 试探吸血鬼文化的起源 7 中式英语特点及发展趋势 8 《药》的两个英译本中翻译技巧比较 9 论狄更斯在《双城记》中的人道主义思想 10 从《马拉喀什》和《射象》看乔治?奥威尔散文的艺术风格 11 论标示语汉英翻译中的等效问题 12 A Comparative Study o n the Two Chinese Versions of Tess of the D’urbervilles from the Perspective of Nida’s Dynamic Equivalence 13 论第二语言习得与教学中的互动 14 CBI理论诠释及在英语教学中的应用 15 论《了不起的盖茨比》中“盖茨比”人物象征主义的运用 16 《玉石雕像》中的非言语交流 17 A Probe Into the Translation of the Hot Cyber Word—“Geili” 18 多丽丝莱辛的《金色笔记》中安娜的政治困惑分析 19 由王尔德的《莎乐美》探究法国象征主义对其唯美主义的影响 20 论中文电视栏目名称的英语翻译 21 对《一小时的故事》的批评分析 22 The Pursuit of Freedom and Love in E.M. Forster’s A Room with a View 23 从跨文化角度看电影标题汉译英 24 《厄舍屋之倒塌》中的哥特元素分析 25 《推销员之死》中的反英雄主义 26 论《弗兰肯斯坦》中怪物悲剧的必然性 27 从奥斯丁和伍尔夫看英国女权主义思潮的演变 28 分析奥利弗退斯特悲剧生活的原因 29 从《绝望主妇》析字幕翻译的目的和归化策略 30 文化视野下的中美家庭教育方法的比较 31 论《英国病人》中角色的自我认知 32 A Comparative Study of Women in Fortress Besieged and Pride and Prejudice 33 中英酒吧文化对比 34 论《紫色》中的姐妹情谊 35 从《推销员之死》看消费主义时代美国梦的破灭 36 中英称谓语的差异 37 An Analysis of the Fool in King Lear from the Perspective of New Historicism 38 论交际法在初中英语教学中的运用 39 文化因素对品牌翻译的影响 40 《道连葛雷的画像》叙事艺术的分析 41 基于认知的颜色词隐喻研究


作者简介: 李晓莉,在读硕士,山东大学外国语学院英语语言文学专业,山东济南研究方向: 英美文学邮政编码: 文章编号: ( ) 浅析马克吐温的黑色幽默 以哈克贝利费恩历险记中家庭对儿童成长的扭曲影响为例 李晓莉 摘要: 世纪年代盛行于美国文坛的黑色幽默文学可谓历史悠久,其源头可追溯到马克吐温时 代在其代表作哈克贝利费恩历险记中,尖刻辛酸的黑色幽默随处可见其中,马克吐温从家庭与儿 童成长关系的角度入手,揭露社会的丑恶与道德的伪善,刻画出家庭对儿童成长的扭曲影响,堪称黑色幽默 文学的经典之作 关键词: 黑色幽默; 家庭; 哈克; 汤姆 中图分类号: 文献标识码: 黑色幽默,又称病态幽默,绝望的喜剧,它不 仅带有家族相似的喜剧性特征,更由于浓重的悲剧性因 素的渗透而表现出某种基因变异的征兆 [] 美国韦氏 大辞典的补编六千词将黑色幽默解释为经常用病 态的讽刺的荒唐而可笑的情节来嘲笑人类的愚蠢法 国的彩色拉鲁斯词典对黑色幽默的定义是用尖刻 的辛酸的有时甚至是绝望的笔调着重刻画人世间的荒 谬黑色幽默一词最早随着法国作家安布莱顿黑 色幽默文选的出版而出现在人们视野之中布莱顿 将其描述为一种态度一种立场,或者说是一种独立于文 学而又能体现于文学的观点从而使黑色幽默首先 在法国作为一个特定的文学批评概念而引起关注 [] 至世纪年代,黑色幽默文学成为风行于美国文坛 的现代主义流派,与法国的荒诞派戏剧相呼应,在文学领 域大放异彩 其实,黑色幽默文学历史悠久在美国小说界,其源 头可以追溯到马克吐温时代,当代黑色幽默作品中的 许多风格题材和写作技巧都可以在他的作品中找到根 源本文将以马克吐温的代表作哈克贝利费恩历 险记为例,从家庭对儿童成长的扭曲影响入手,来探源 马克吐温的黑色幽默风格 一文章简介 黑色幽默繁荣昌盛之时一般是社会动荡不安之 日 [] 哈克贝利费恩历险记正是在这种社会状况


马克·吐温的幽默故事 赴宴 一次马克·吐温应邀赴宴。席间,他对一位贵妇说:“夫人,你太美丽了!”不料那妇人却说:“先生,可是遗憾得很,我不能用同样的话回答你。”头脑灵敏,言辞犀利的马克·吐温笑着回答:“那没关系,你也可以像我一样说假话。” 吃鱼 有一天,马克·吐温收到一个初学写作的青年的来信。信中说:“听说鱼骨头里含有大量的磷质,而磷质有补于脑子。那么要想成为一个作家,就必须吃很多很多的鱼才行吧?您是否吃了很多的鱼?吃的哪种鱼呢?”马克·吐温在回信中告诉他:“看来你要吃一对鲸鱼才行。” 车票 马克·吐温一次乘车外出,火车开得很慢。当查票员过来查票时,马克吐温递给他一张儿童票。查票员调侃道:“我还真没看出您还是个孩子呢!”马克·吐温回答:“现在我已经不是孩子了,但我买票上车时还是个孩子哩。” 演讲 马克·吐温来到法国旅游。一天,他独自去理发店理发。“先生,您像刚从外国来的?”“是的。”“您真走运,因为马克·吐温先生也在这里,今晚您可以去听他演讲。”“我不得不去。”“先生,您有入场券吗?”“没有。”“这太遗憾了!”理发师耸耸肩,“那您只好从头到尾站着听了,因为那里不会有空座位。”“对!”幽默大师说,“和马克·吐温在一起可真糟糕,他一演讲我就得站着。” 没事的时候 法国名人波盖取笑美国人历史太短,说:“美国人没事的时候,往往喜欢怀念祖宗,可是一想到祖父一代,就不能不打住了。”马克·吐温回敬说:“法国人没事的时候,总是想弄清他们的父亲是谁,可是很难弄清楚。”油画马克·吐温在著名画家惠斯勒的画室参观时,伸手去摸了一下一幅油画。惠斯勒装着生气地喊道:“当心!难道你看不出这幅画还没干吗?”“啊,没关系,反正我戴着手套。”马克·吐温答道。


摘要 马克·吐温是美国著名的幽默讽刺作家,他的小说作品既充满幽默诙谐的情趣,又有着严肃而深刻的思想涵,从而将幽默与讽刺熔炼为一炉,形成了独特的幽默讽刺风格。鉴于马克·吐温的重要影响,研究其幽默讽刺艺术的资料甚多,但都或多或少的存在一个缺陷,那就是没有给予马克·吐温的幽默艺术和讽刺艺术同样的、足够的重视,而是往往将两者分裂开来,忽视了幽默与讽刺在他作品中的紧密关联。本文在借鉴既往研究资料的基础上,给予马克·吐温的幽默艺术和讽刺艺术平等的地位,并将两者有机整合于同一个话语系统中,这种尝试对于今后有关马克·吐温的创作艺术研究尤其是幽默讽刺艺术的研究未必不是一个很好的借鉴。文章通过分析和评述马克·吐温的诸多作品,探究他的幽默讽刺艺术的共通特点——漫画式的夸和荒诞、凸显矛盾和差异的对比手法以及口语化和善用反语的语言风格,并通过这些特点具体阐述马克·吐温幽默艺术与讽刺艺术的高度凝练和有机统一。在这样的艺术风格和追求中,我们看到,马克·吐温实现了自己“要做生活的导师”这一创作理想,同时他的幽默讽刺艺术对美国文学乃至世界文学都产生了深远影响。 关键词:幽默讽刺荒诞夸对比口语化

ABSTRACT Mark Twain is a famous American writer of humor and irony, and his novels filled with both humor and taste, and has a serious and profound ideological content, which will humor and satire as a smelting furnace, forming a unique style of humor and irony. Given the important influence of the art of research information on their humor and irony are many, but are more or less there is a flaw, it is not given Mark Twain's humor and satire art. Similarly, adequate attention but often the two split off, ignoring the humor and satire in his works in the closely related. In this paper, drawing on the basis of previous research data, inventive, giving Mark Twain's humor, satirical art and equality, and the organic integration of both systems in the same discourse, through analysis and commentary Mark Twain lot works delve into the art of his humor and irony common characteristics - comic exaggeration and absurdity, highlighting the contradictions and differences in contrast techniques as well as the use of the language spoken and ironic style. Through research, we see that in such a pursuit of art, Mark Twain implements its own "do life mentor" ideal. Keywords:Humor and irony absurd exaggeration contrast colloquial

luck 马克吐温 中英文

I was at a dinner in London given in honor of one of the most celebrated1 English military men of his time. I do not want to tell you his real name and titles. I will just call him Lieutenant2 General Lord Arthur Scoresby. 我出席了一次在伦敦举行的为当时最著名的英国军人举行的宴会。我不想告诉你他真实的名字和头衔,我只想叫他阿瑟.斯考兹比爵士。 I cannot describe my excitement when I saw this great and famous man. There he sat, the man himself, in person, all covered with medals. I could not take my eyes off him. He seemed to show the true mark of greatness. His fame had no effect on him. The hundreds of eyes watching him, the worship of so many people, did not seem to make any difference to him. 当我见到这位伟大而著名的人物的时候,兴奋之情无以言表。他独自一人坐在那里,浑身戴满了勋章。我的注意力无法从他身上挪开,他好象就是真正伟大的标志。他的名望对他根本没什么影响,成百上千双敬佩的眼睛,那么多人的崇敬似乎对他没有一丝影响。 Next to me sat a clergyman, who was an old friend of mine. He was not always a clergyman. During the first half of his life he was a teacher in the military school at Woolwich. There was a strange look in his eye as he leaned toward me and whispered –“Privately –he is a complete fool.” He meant, of course, the hero of our dinner. 坐在我旁边的是一位牧师,我的一位老朋友。他并不是一直是个牧师,他的前半生在吾尔维希的军校当一名老师。当他向我斜着身子轻声说话的时候,眼睛里有一种奇怪的表情:“别跟别人说,他是个十足的傻子。”他,当然指的是宴会上的那位英雄。 This came as a shock to me. I looked hard at my friend. I could not have been more surprised if he had said the same thing about Napoleon, or Socrates, or Solomon. 他的话使我感到很震惊。这比他说拿破伦或者苏格拉底或者所罗门王是傻子更令我吃惊。 But I was sure of two things about the clergyman. He always spoke3 the truth. And, his judgment4 of men was good. Therefore, I wanted to find out more about our hero as soon as I could.Some days later I got a chance to talk with the clergyman, and he told me more. These are his exact words: 但是,对于这位牧师,我有两点可以确信:他总是说实话和他对人的判断总是对的。因此,我想尽快找出我们那位大英雄的更多的秘密。几天以后,我找到了一个和这位牧师谈话的机会。下面就是他跟我说的,原文是:


马克·吐温(Mark Twain),美国作家、演说家,真实姓名是萨缪尔·兰亨·克莱门(Samuel Langhorne Clemens)。“马克·吐温”是他的笔名,原是密西西比河水手使用的表示在航道上所测水的深度的术语。代表作品有小说《百万英镑》、《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》、《汤姆·索亚历险记》等。 马克·吐温12岁时,父亲去世,他只好停学,到工厂当小工。后来他又换了不少职业,曾做过密西西比河的领航员、矿工及新闻记者工作。渐渐地着手写一些有趣的小品,开始了自己的写作生涯。 [1]他于1910年4月21日去世,安葬于纽约州艾玛拉。 马克·吐温一生写了大量作品,题材涉及小说、剧本、散文、诗歌等各方面。从内容上说,他的作品批判了不合理现象或人性的丑恶之处,表达了这位当过排字工人和水手的作家强烈的正义感和对普通人民的关心;从风格上说,专家们和一般读者都认为,幽默和讽刺是他的写作特点。他经历了美国从初期资本主义到帝国主义的发展过程,其思想和创作也表现为从轻快调笑到辛辣讽刺再到悲观厌世的发展阶段,前期以辛辣的讽刺见长,到了后期语言更为暴露激烈。 马克·吐温是美国批判现实主义文学的奠基人,他的主要作品已大多有中文译本。2006年,马克·吐温被美国的权威期刊《大西洋月刊》评为影响美国的100位人物第16名. 1835年11月30日,马克·吐温出生于美国密苏里州佛罗里达的乡村贫穷律师家庭。他是家中7个小孩中的第6个。他的父

亲是当地的律师,收入微薄,家境拮据。小马克·吐温上学时就不得不打工。他十一岁那年父亲去世,从此他开始了独立的劳动生活,先在印刷厂当学徒,当过送报员和排字工,后来又在密西西比河上当水手和舵手。 [3] 1839年秋,马克·吐温一家迁往密苏里州汉尼拔(Hannibal)的一个密西西比河的港市,而这就成为了他后来的著作《汤姆·索亚历险记》和 《顽童流浪记》中圣彼得堡的城市的灵感。那时,密苏里州是联邦的奴隶州,而年轻的吐温开始了解奴隶制,这成为了往后在他的历险小说中的主题。马克·吐温是色盲,而这激起了他在社交圈子的诙谐玩笑。 [3] 1847年3月24日马克·吐温的父亲约翰·克莱门斯死于肺炎。1847年,家世寒微的马克·吐温开始去做印刷所学徒、报童、排字工人、水手、淘金工人、记者等工作。 [3] 1851年,马克·吐温成为一名排字工人,也有投稿,并开始给他哥哥奥利安创办的《汉尼拔杂志》(Hannibal Journal)写草稿。 [3] 1852年5月1日在波士顿的幽默周刊《手提包》上发表了他的处女作《拓殖者大吃一惊的花花公子》。 [3] 1858年,马克·吐温回到密苏里州。在下密西西比河到纽奥良的旅途中,轮船的领航员“碧士比”要吐温终身成为轮船领航员。 [3]


Comparison On satire in Luxun’s and Mark Twain’s Works HUANGHE S&T COLLEGE SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES ZHOU ZHAN JUN (黄河科技学院外国语学院周战军) Abstract:Living during the period of 19th-20th century, Lu Xun and Mark Twain are two great representatives of Chinese and American novelists respectively. Both of them are masters of writing in satire. This article compares the similarities and differences in their satire and has the conclusion that their influence is still far-reaching. Key Words: comparison; satire; direct satire; roundabout satire I. Purpose of the thesis Both Lu Xun and Mark Twain are masters of satire and contribute a lot to Chinese and American literature respectively. They had great influence upon writers after them, especially for their writing vehicles—satire. So far many researchers have become increasingly interested in Lu Xun’s satire or Mark Twain’s satire. However, few studies have made on the comparison of Lu Xun’s satire and Mark Twain’s satire. This is one of the reas ons why I’m interested in this topic. For other reasons, they had a large number of similarities: Lu Xun was the penname of Zhou Shuren; Mark Twain, pseudonym of Samuel Clemens. The life span of the two writers covered nearly the same age, Lu Xun was born in 1881, and died in 1936; while Mark Twain lived from 1835 to 1910. Meanwhile, Lu Xun was the founder of modern Baihua; while Mark Twain played a very important role in spreading American Colloquialism. Both Baihua and Colloquialism are milestones in literature. The most important reason why I’d like writing this is that I appreciate Lu Xun and Mark Twain’s prominent satire. S ome experts had analyzed Mark Twain’s satire, they pointed out that Mark Twain mixed humor with satire. Some scholars even argued th at Mark Twain’s writing style was transferred from humor to satire. Still, other studies have shown that Lu Xun described the psychology and performance of characters to criticize the unawake people. In this thesis, I want to make a comparison on Lu Xun’s satire and Mark Twain’s satire, to have a preliminary study on the style of their satire. In order to finish this job, some books are helpful, such as Lu Xun’s Kong Yiji, The True Story of Ah Q, The Medicine,Mark Twain’s The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras Country, The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg. Meanwhile, some writer’s views about Lu Xun and Mark Twain’s satire are also very important, such as Li Chuanpen, his article “On Lu Xun’s satire” argues that Lu Xun made full use of people’s appearance, ps ychology and action to criticize people’s apathy. [1] He gives us an example―Kong Yiji’s words and clothings. Y e Mang, “On the Satire of Lun Xun’s Novel”, published in June 15th 2007, points out in The True Story of Ah Q, Lu Xun used Ah Q’s view to satirize the people’s indifference.Wei Desan, “On the Satire of Mark Twain” argues that Mark Twain made full use of the arrangement of the plots and humorous words to criticize the evil. [2]He Dongyan, “On Mark Twain’s Humor” points out Mark Twain mixed humor and satire to satirize the injustice. [3] The purpose of this paper is to make a comparison on Lu Xun’s and Mark Twain’s satire, to find out the differences and similarities of their satire. This paper falls into 3 sections: section one is to tell the purpose of this writing; section two is about the comparison on the style of their satire; section three is a conclusion that there are similarities and differences between Lu Xun and Mark Twain’s satire.


例子 马克吐温与一位夫人对坐,他对她说:“你真漂亮!”那位夫人高傲地说:“可惜我是在无法同样地赞美你。”而马克吐温毫不介意地说:“没有关系,你可以像我一样说句谎话。” 有位舞女给马克.土温写信,说要嫁给马克吐温,"如果我们的后代有我的容貌,你的头脑,多好啊!"可马克吐温回信,说:"如果是你的头脑,我的容貌呢?" 书与割草机 有一回,马克·吐温向领居借阅一本书,邻居说:“可以,可以。但我定了一条规则:从我的图书室借去的图书必须当场阅读。” 一星期后,这位邻居向马克·吐温借用割草机,马克·吐温笑着说:“当然可以,毫无问题。不过我定了一条规则:从我家里借去的割草机只能在我的草地上使用。” 1.马克.吐温的生平简介:美国伟大的文学巨匠,被H.L.满肯称之为"我们民族文学之父",他的"哈克贝利费恩历险记"(1884)和"密西西比河上"(1883)的发表,塑造 了世人对美国的新看法,他更为广泛地应用民间幽默来创作严肃的文学作品,这一点以前任何作家是不可比拟的. 2.马克.吐温的语言特色:对方言的灵活运用是独一无二的,他的文字口语化,简明 直接,句子结构简单朴实,甚至不合乎语法规则,属于典型的口头语言,他巧妙地应用口语来描述故事人物的日常生活,另外,他的故事人物,限定于特定历史时期与 特定区域,操持着浓重的方言,使他的乡土特色更为真实. 3.马克.吐温的写作风格:马克.吐温的幽默是非常有名的,他的大多数作品情调诙 谐滑稽,包含有一些生活笑话,喜剧情节,睿智的品论等,甚至一些实际上荒诞不经的故事,读起来非常有趣味.因曾作过记者,他同时也成了有趣机智的美国人的公 众偶像,报纸上到处都刊登有他那双关诙谐,玩世不恭的文章,而他的幽默均以双 关诙谐,极度夸张,重复陡落的特点代替拙劣的描述和漫骂,以一种艺术的风格抨 击社会不公平现象,讽刺浪漫主义的腐败. 参考资料:英美文学选读 既富于独特的个人机智与妙语,又不乏深刻的社会洞察与剖析,既是幽默辛辣的小的杰作,又是悲天悯人的严肃! 第一,他在美国西部幽默传统的基础上,发挥了极度夸张的艺术想象。 第二个特点是:作品常以第一人称“我”为主人公。这个“我”大都天真、老实,思想单纯,什么事情都一厢情愿,结果常常事与愿违。例如《哥尔斯密的朋友再度现洋》中的艾送喜,《关于我最近辞职的事实经过》中的小秘书,主人公总是怀着某种单纯的想法,但在实现中处处碰壁,说明主人公的想法是行不通的,而他越不明白这一点,就越显出理想与现实之间的反差。 第三个特点是幽默中含有讽喻。他在《自传》里总结他的经验:“为幽默而幽默是不可能经久的,幽默只是一股香味和一点花絮。我老是训诫人家,这就是为


龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/2612082545.html, 论马克吐温《王子与贫儿》中的黑色幽默 作者:王勃 来源:《校园英语·下旬》2015年第07期 【摘要】在19世纪的后期,著名的美国现实主义作家马克吐温创作了具有浓厚现代主义色彩的《王子与贫儿》。这一部小说当中,作者马克吐温通过其犀利的笔锋,揭露当时的英国上层阶级对于穷苦劳动人们的残酷镇压,同时也是对于这一时期美国资本主义对于人们压迫的真实描写。马克吐温借用各种描述的手法,为读者营造出了一种幽默的阅读效果,并以此为基础引发对于社会问题的思考。本文主要分析了马克吐温在《王子与贫儿》这一小说中的黑色幽默,以更加清晰的解析这一作品。 【关键词】王子与贫儿黑色幽默讽刺 一、前言 黑色幽默最早出现于法国安德烈布勒东所出版的《黑色幽默文集》当中,之后一些作家也逐步开始使用这一名词定义自身的作品。然而对于黑色幽默的定义,每一个作家都有着自身的定义和看法。而归结为一点,黑色幽默突破了而传统表现手法的限制,以幽默和笑脸来表现悲惨的情绪和无奈的现实,是具有独特特征的文学表现手法。其具体的表现主要有以下几点:第一,突出描写怪诞的世界和离奇的社会;第二,刻画的人物形象大都具有明显的病态的心理或者畸形的性格;第三,语言的阐述也富有游戏性和欺骗性;第四,文学体裁新颖而特殊,其故事情节也大都突破世俗限制。在上个世纪中后期,黑色幽默得到繁荣发展。虽然,马克吐温在1881年就创作了《王子与贫儿》,但是其中的写作手法和表现特征都具与黑色幽默相契合, 本文也是主要分析了这一步小说中的黑色幽默成分。 二、《王子与贫儿》中的黑色幽默元素 1.两条平行线索。马克吐温在《王子与贫儿》当中,从两个平行的线索当中勾勒整篇文章。一条线索以主人公汤姆的人生轨迹为角度,另一条以主人公爱德华的人生事迹为角度,这两条线索看似是相互独立的,而实际上又是相互衬托、相互补充的。并且,在这两条平行的线索当中,又蕴含着一定的对比特征,从而为读者勾勒一个具有强烈讽刺意味的幽默风格在里面。 汤姆出身于贫苦的家庭,清贫的生活让他始终有一个变成王子的梦想,并在自己玩耍的游戏当中扮演者王子的身份。而当他真的与王子爱德华互换身份成为王子之后,汤姆自然而然的开始享受上层社会的奢靡生活,其内心有贫苦人转换成王子的速度也非常之快。纵观全文,一个出身于贫苦的孩子,最终却获得国家继承人的身份,这无疑对于英国封建制度的观念来讲,具有非常浓厚的讽刺意味。同时也是对于根深蒂固的,出身决定发展这一观念的彻底否定。对


2009-05-03 21:00 高级英语Lesson 9. Mark Twain ---Mirror of America Noel Grove Most Americans remember Mark Twain as the father of Huck Finn's idyllic cruise through eternal boyhood and Tom Sawyer's endless summer of freedom and adventure. In-deed, this nation's best-loved author was every bit as ad-venturous, patriotic, romantic, and humorous as anyone has ever imagined. I found another Twain as well – one who grew cynical, bitter, saddened by the profound personal tragedies life dealt him, a man who became obsessed with the frailties of the human race, who saw clearly ahead a black wall of night. Tramp printer, river pilot , Confederate guerrilla, prospector, starry-eyed optimist, acid-tongued cynic: The man who became Mark Twain was born Samuel Langhorne Clemens and he ranged across the nation for more than a third of his life, digesting the new American experience before sharing it with the world as writer and lecturer. He adopted his pen name from the cry heard in his steamboat days, signaling two fathoms (12 feet) of water -- a navigable depth. His popularity is attested by the fact that more than a score of his books remain in print, and translations are still read around the world. The geographic core, in Twain's early years, was the great valley of the Mississippi River, main artery of transportation in the young nation's heart. Keelboats , flatboats , and large rafts carried the first major commerce. Lumber, corn, tobacco, wheat, and furs moved downstream to the delta country; sugar, molasses , cotton, and whiskey traveled north. In the 1850's, before the climax of westward expansion, the vast basin drained three-quarters of the settled United States. Young Mark Twain entered that world in 1857 as a cub pilot on a steamboat. The cast of characters set before him in his new profession was rich and varied a cosmos . He participated abundantly in this life, listening to pilothouse talk of feuds , piracies, lynchings ,medicine shows, and savage waterside slums. All would resurface in his books, together with the colorful language that he soaked up with a memory that seemed phonographic Steamboat decks teemed not only with the main current of pioneering humanity, but its flotsam of hustlers, gamblers, and thugs as well. From them all Mark Twain gained a keen perception of the human race, of the difference between what people claim to be and what they really are. His four and a half year s in the steamboat trade marked the real beginning of his education, and the most lasting part of it. In later life Twain acknowledged that the river had acquainted him with every possible type


经典话语 一次马克·吐温应邀赴宴。席间,他对一位贵妇说:“夫人,你太美丽了!”不料那妇人却说:“先生,可是遗憾得很,我不能用同样的话回答你。”头脑灵敏,言辞犀利的马克·吐温笑着回答:“那没关系,你也可以像我一样说假话。” 马克·吐温收到一封信。这是一位青年人写来的,他想向马克·吐温请教成为大作家的诀窍。信中说:“听说鱼含大量的磷质,而磷是有利于脑子的。看来要成为一个大作家,一定要吃很多鱼吧?但不知道你究竟吃的什么鱼,又吃了多少呢?”马克·吐温回信说:“看来,你得吃一条鲸才行。” 车票马克·吐温一次乘车外出,火车开得很慢。当查票员过来查票时,马克吐温递给他一张儿童票。查票员调侃道:“我还真没看出您还是个孩子呢!”马克·吐温回答:“现在我已经不是孩子了,但我买票上车时还是个孩子哩。” 幽默故事 广告一位商界阔佬对马克·吐温说:“我想借助您的大名,给敝公司做个广告。”马克·吐温说:“当然可以。”第二天在马克·吐温主办的报纸上登出了如下文字:一只母苍蝇有两个儿子。她把这两个儿子视若掌上明珠,爱护备至。一天,母子三个飞到某某商业公司的商店里。一只小苍蝇去品尝包装精美的糖果,忽然双翅颤抖落下来,一命呜呼!另一只小苍蝇去吃香肠,不料也一头栽倒,顷刻毙命。母苍蝇痛不欲生,扑到一张苍蝇纸上意欲自杀,尽管大吃大嚼,结果却安然无恙!阔佬看完广告,气得直翻白眼。 演讲一次偶然的机会,马克·吐温与雄辩家琼西·M·得彪应邀参加同一晚宴。席上演讲开始了,琼西·M·得彪滔滔不绝,情感丰富地讲了20分钟,赢得了一片热烈的掌声。然后轮到马克·吐温演讲。马克·吐温站起来,面有难色地说:“诸位,实在抱歉,会前琼西·M·得彪先生约我互换演讲稿,所以诸位刚才听到的是我的演讲,衷心感谢诸位认真的倾听及热情的捧场。然而,不知何故,我找不到琼西·M·得彪先生的讲稿,因此我无法替他讲了。请诸位原谅我坐下。” 父亲法国名人波盖取笑美国人历史太短,说:“美国人没事的时候,往往喜欢怀念晚辈,可是一想到祖父一代,就不能不打住了。”马克·吐温回敬说:“法国人没事的时候,总是想弄清他们的父亲是谁,可是很难弄清楚。” 尴尬当马克·吐温还是一个不大知名的作家时,有人把他介绍给格兰特将军。两人握过手后,马克·吐温想不出一句可讲的话,而格兰特也保持平日的那种缄默态度。最后还是马克·吐温结结巴巴地说了一句:“将军,我感到很尴尬,你呢?” 车票马克·吐温外出乘车。当列车员检查车票时,他翻遍了每个衣袋,也没有找到自己的车票。刚好这个列车员认识他,于是就安慰马克·吐温说:“没关系,如果您实在找不到车票,那也不碍事。”“咳!怎么不碍事,我必须找到那张该死的车票,不然的话,我怎么知道自己要到哪儿去呢?” 双胞胎马克·吐温常常向人说起他小时候的一段伤心往事。据说,马克·吐温出生时是,他和他的双胞胎兄弟两人长得一模一样,连他们的母亲也分辨不出来。有一天,保姆为他们洗澡时,其中一个不小心跌入浴缸淹死了,没有人知道淹死的究竟是双胞胎中的哪一个。“最叫人伤心的就在这里。”马克·吐温说,“每个人都以为我是那个活下来的人,其实我不是。活下来的是我弟弟。那个淹死的人是我。” 蚊子马克·吐温有一次到某地旅店投宿,别人事前告知他此地蚊子特别厉害。他在服务台登记房间时,一只蚊子正好飞来。马克·吐温对服务员说:“早听说贵地蚊子十分聪明,果如其然,它竟会预先来看我登记的房间号码,以便晚上对号光临,饱餐一顿。”服务员听后不禁大笑。结果那一夜马克·吐温睡得很好,因为服务员也记住了房间号码,提前
