

劳动与社会保障专业词汇汇总劳动经济学Labour Economics/ Industrial Relation Studies 劳动心理学Labor Psychology 福利经济学Welfare Economics 社会政策Social Policy 公共管理Public Management 社会保护Social Protection 劳动法Labour Law 劳动关系Labour Relations 劳动合同Labour Contract 劳资谈判Collective Bargaining 劳资纠纷labor Dispute 劳动统计Labour Statistics 劳动指标Labour Indicators 就业指标Employment Indicators 社会保障指标Social Security Indicators 就业Employment 劳动力labor force

经济活动人口Economically Active Population 就业人口Employment Population 在业人口Working Population 劳动力参与率Labor Force Participation Rate 就业登记Employment Registration 再就业Re-employment 非正规就业Informal Employment 灵活就业Flexible Employment 自雇者Self-employment 失业Unemployment / Jobless 失业率Unemployment Rate / Jobless Rate

城镇登记失业率urban registered unemployment rate 调查失业率Surveyed Unemployment Rate 长期失业Long-term Unemployment 培训Training 职业培训Vocational Training 职业教育Vocational Education Exchange 人力资源Human Resources 人力资本Human Capital 公开招聘Open Recruitment 面试Interview 职位Position 工作经历Work Experience 企业文化Corporate Culture 定位Orientation 工作分析Job Analysis 工资Wages / Income / Salary 工资等级Salary Grade 最低工资Minimum Wages 收入分配Income Distribution 收入差距Income Disparities / Income Gap 职业安全Work Safety 劳动保护Labour Protection 事故预防Accident Prevention 职业病Occupational Disease 社会保障Social Security 社会保障号码Social Security Number 社会保险Social Insurance 劳动保险Labour Insurance 社会保险范围Social Insurance Coverage 社会保险基金Social Insurance Fund

缴费Contribution 社会保险待遇Social Insurance Benefits 社会保险待遇享受资格Qualification of Social Insurance 养老保险Old-Age Insurance 老年保障Old-Age Security 社会统筹Social Pooling 个人账户Individual Account 现收现付Pay as You Go 职业年金/企业年金??Annuity Pension / Supplementary Pension / Private Pension 医疗保险Medical Care / Public Health 公费医疗Free Medical Service 大病统筹Social Pooling for Serious Disease 医疗救助Medical Assistance 失业保险Unemployment Insurance 失业保险金Unemployment benefits 生育保险Maternity Insurance 工伤保险Work-related Insurance 工伤康复Injury Rehabilitation 家庭津贴Family Benefit / Family Allowance 社会福利Social Welfare 贫困Poverty 扶贫Poverty Relief / Poverty Alleviation 社会捐助Social Donation 孤儿Orphan 弱势群体Disadvantaged / Vulnerable Population/ Groups 社会工作Social Work 优抚Preferential Treatment 五保Five Guarantees 社会救济Social Relief 最低生活保障minimun living standard guarantee

劳资关系union-management relations 雇佣关系employment relations 员工employee 雇主协会manager union 斡旋者councilor 调解者mediator 仲裁者arbitrator 合作cooperation 冲突conflict 力量power 权利right 罢工stike 沟通communication 共同协商negotiation 外购outsourcing 转包

contracting out 宽容型accommodative 职位阶梯job ladder 家长制管理paternalistic management 工作生活质量计划quality of work life programs 职务扩大化job enlargement 职务轮换job rotation 职务深度job depth 自主性工作团队autonomous work teams 综合性工作团队integrated work teams 雇员参与计划employee involvement schemes 劳资联合委员会labor-management committees 共同管理计划comanagement arrangement 内部公平制度internal justice system 工会申诉制度union grievance system 雇员持股计划employee stock ownership plans 全面质量管理total quality management 双轨经营战略twin-track business strategy 心理契约psychological contract “非强制“条款non-imposition clause 工会trade union 总工会general union 职业协会professional association 职业工会occupational union 同行工会craft union 白领工会non-manual union 行业工会industrial union 公司工会company union 垄断性行业工会monopoly industrial union 谈判单位bargaining unit 北美自由贸易协定North American Free Trade Agreement 对抗confrontation 休战armed truce 和睦相处working harmony 合作cooperation

利润分享计划gainsharing program 授权选举certification election 间接纠察secondary picketing 失业效应unemployment effect 工会巡视员walking delegate 申诉程序grievance procedure 公共部门雇主public sector employer 公共选择理论public choice theory 自由放任主义laissez faire 社团主义corporatism

社会正义social justice 维持生活工资living wage 热炉规则hot-stove rule 渐进性惩处progressive discipline 公正与公平fairness and equity 权力与职权power and authority 个人主义individualism 集体主义collectivism 保护者protector 促进者promoter 调停者peace-maker 规划者planner 选举捐款campaign contribution 社会伙伴机制social partnership mechanism 失业政策unemployment policy 收入政策income policy 维持生活工资living wage 小额福利fringe benefit 劳动合同labor contract 体面工作decent work 核心劳动标准core labor standards 工资决定wage determination 计时工hour rated worker 非正规部门informal sector 书面合同written contract 诚实谈判

bargain in good faith 正式谈判formal bargaining 协调性谈判coordinated bargaining 合作式谈判cooperative bargaining 让步式谈判concession bargaining

和解conciliation 实地调查的fact-finding

利益仲裁interest arbitration 常规仲裁conventional arbitration 最后仲裁final arbitration 集体协议collective agreement 小环境niche 国际劳工公约International Labor Organization Convention 劳动统计Labor statistics 变量Variable 补贴Subsidy 长期职工Long-term staff 城乡一体化City and countryside integration 城镇登记失业率urban registered unemployment rate 城镇登记失业人员registered unemployed urbanites 城镇失业率urban unemployment rate 城镇失业人员unemployed persons in urban areas 城镇私营从业人员urban privately operated jobholders 出生率(又称粗出生率) birth rate (crude birth rate) 从业人员Jobholders 简单随机抽样Simple random sampling 奖金Bonus 津贴Allowance 经济活动人口Economically active population 劳动力资源Labor force resources

类型抽样?? 分层抽样?? Typical sampling(Stratified sampling) 临时职工Temporary staff 劳动报酬Payment for labor 劳动工资Labor wages 劳动就

业Labor employment

劳动生产率Labor productivity 劳动收入Labor income 离休人员Retired personnel 离休人员保险福利费用Retired personnel's insurance and welfare expense 卖方市场Seller market 买方市场Buyer market 高失业??High unemployment 低失业??low unemployment 自然失业??natural unemployment 白领失业??White-collar unemployment 高龄失业??Old unemployment 高学历失业??Highly educated unemployment 结构性失业??Structural unemployment 周期性失业??Cyclical unemployment 隐蔽性失业??Disguised Unemployment 摩擦性失业??Frictional unemployment 季节性失业??Seasonal unemployment 教育性失业??Educational unemployment 制度性失业??Institutional unemployment 永久性失业??Permanent unemployment 知识性失业??Intellectual Unemployed 暂时性失

业??Temporary unemployment 需求不足型失业?? Unemployment of

insufficient demand 自愿失业??Voluntary unemployed 非自愿失

业??Involuntary unemployment 城镇登记失业?? urban registered unemployment rate 长期失业??Long-term Unemployment 均衡失

业??Balanced unemployment 增长型失业??Increasing unemployment 失业率??Unemployment Rate / Jobless Rate

平均失业率??The average unemployment rate 自然失业率??natural rate of unemployment 原住民登记失业率?? registered unemployment rate in indigenous 最优失业率??也就是自然失业率??natural rate of unemployment?? 调查失业率??Surveyed Unemployment Rate 失业救

济??Unemployment Relief 失业津贴??Unemployment benefits 失业保险??unemployment insurance 失业保险金?? Unemployment insurance benefits 失业补助金??Unemployment benefits 失业补偿金??unemployment compensation 失业辅助??Unemployment Guidance 失业赔

偿??Unemployment compensation 失业登记?? registration of unemployment 失业保险制度??the unemployment insurance system 失业风

险??Unemployment Risk 妇女儿童福利Women and children ' s Welfare 住房公积金??Housing Provident Fund 住房抵押贷款??Housing Mortgage Loan 社会优抚Social Entitle 军人保障Soldier Security 补充保障Additional Security 慈善事业Charity Work ??Philanthropy 社区服务Community Service 企业年金Annuity Pension 商业保险Commercial Insurance 家庭保障Family protection 社会保险型模式The social insurance-type model 福利国家模式The welfare state model 强制储蓄型模式Compulsory savings-type model

国家保险型模式National Insurance-model 社会保障基金Social Security Fund 社保基金的来源渠道Sources of Social Security Fund 国家财政拨款State funding 其他渠道Other channels 发行特种国债Issuing special bonds 国际援助International aid 社会保障基金的筹集模式The social security fund-raising mode 现收现付式Pay-as-you-go 完全积累式fully accumulated model 部分积累式partial accumulation model 征税方式Tax form 征费方式Levy way 强制储蓄制Compulsory savings system 自由筹资Free Financing 福利彩票Welfare Lottery 社会募捐Community donation 社会保险基金

Social Insurance Fund 社会保险基金的所有权分类The social insurance fund ownership classification 公共基金Public fund 机构基金Institutions Fund 个人基金Personal Fund 养老保险基金Pension Fund 医疗保险基金Medical insurance Fund 失业保险基金Unemployment insurance fund 工伤保险基金Injury Insurance Fund 生育保险基金Maternity Insurance Fund 护理保险基金Care Insurance Fund

社会保险基金来源Social insurance fund sources 三方负担Tripartite burden 双方负担Both burden 单方负担Unilateral burden 医疗保险medical care/ public health 大病统筹social pooling for serious disease 免费医疗free medical service 农村合作医疗cooperative medical service in rural areas 离休人员医疗保障medical security for honored retirees 医疗卫生体制health care system 社会医疗救助social medical relief/social medical assistance 医疗保障制度medical insurance system 城镇职工基本医疗保险制度basic medical insurance system for urban employees 医疗保险制度改革the reform of the medical insurance system 劳保医疗制度medical labor insurance system 基本医疗保险basic medical insurance 大额医疗费用互助subsidy for big amount of medical expenditure 企业补充医疗保险supplementary medical insurance for enterprise 商业医疗保险commercial medical insurance 多层次医疗保障体

系multi-level medical security system 大病风险risk for catastrophic disease 医疗保险覆盖范围medical insurance coverage 卫生部Ministry of Health 卫生所health care center 卫生院community clinic 医务室clinic/infirmary 医疗保险机构medical insurance institutions 商业医疗保险公司commercial medical insurance company 医院信息管理系统information management system for hospitals 专科医院specialized hospitals 综合医院general hospitals 民营医

疗机构private medical institutions

营利性医疗机构profit-going medical institutions 医院等级hospital grade 定点医疗机构designated medical institution 社区医院community hospital

定点药店designated pharmacy/designated drug store 慢性病chronic disease 精神病mental illness

医疗保险费medical insurance expenses 基本医疗保险基金basic medical
