

2.12 Perceptions of Owners and Contractors

Although owners and contractors may have different perceptions on project management for construction, they have a common interest in creating an environment leading to successful projects in which performance quality, completion time and final costs are within prescribed limits and tolerances. It is interesting therefore to note the opinions of some leading contractors and owners who were interviewed in 1984.

From the responses of six contractors, the key factors cited for successful projects are:

?well defined scope

?extensive early planning

?good leadership, management and first line supervision

?positive client relationship with client involvement

?proper project team chemistry

?quick response to changes

?engineering managers concerned with the total project, not just the engineering elements.

Conversely, the key factors cited for unsuccessful projects are:

?ill-defined scope

?poor management

?poor planning

?breakdown in communication between engineering and construction

?unrealistic scope, schedules and budgets

?many changes at various stages of progress

?lack of good project control

The responses of eight owners indicated that they did not always understand the concerns of the contractors although they generally agreed with some of the key factors for successful and unsuccessful projects cited by the contractors. The significant findings of the interviews with owners are summarized as follows:

?All owners have the same perception of their own role, but they differ significantly in assuming that role in practice.

?The owners also differ dramatically in the amount of early planning and in providing information in bid packages.

?There is a trend toward breaking a project into several smaller projects as the projects become larger and more complex.

?Most owners recognize the importance of schedule, but they adopt different requirements in controlling the schedule.

?All agree that people are the key to project success.

From the results of these interviews, it is obvious that owners must be more aware and involved in the process in order to generate favorable conditions for successful projects. Design professionals

and construction contractors must provide better communication with each other and with the owner in project implementation.

3. The Design and Construction Process

3.1 Design and Construction as an Integrated System

In the planning of facilities, it is important to recognize the close relationship between design and construction. These processes can best be viewed as an integrated system. Broadly speaking, design is a process of creating the description of a new facility, usually represented by detailed plans and specifications; construction planning is a process of identifying activities and resources required to make the design a physical reality. Hence, construction is the implementation of a design envisioned by architects and engineers. In both design and construction, numerous operational tasks must be performed with a variety of precedence and other relationships among the different tasks.

Several characteristics are unique to the planning of constructed facilities and should be kept in mind even at the very early stage of the project life cycle. These include the following:

?Nearly every facility is custom designed and constructed, and often requires a long time to complete.

?Both the design and construction of a facility must satisfy the conditions peculiar to a specific site.

?Because each project is site specific, its execution is influenced by natural, social and other locational conditions such as weather, labor supply, local building codes, etc.

?Since the service life of a facility is long, the anticipation of future requirements is inherently difficult.

?Because of technological complexity and market demands, changes of design plans during construction are not uncommon.

In an integrated system, the planning for both design and construction can proceed almost simultaneously, examining various alternatives which are desirable from both viewpoints and thus eliminating the necessity of extensive revisions under the guise of value engineering. Furthermore, the review of designs with regard to their constructibility can be carried out as the project progresses from planning to design. For example, if the sequence of assembly of a structure and the critical loadings on the partially assembled structure during construction are carefully considered as a part of the overall structural design, the impacts of the design on construction falsework and on assembly details can be anticipated. However, if the design professionals are expected to assume such responsibilities, they must be rewarded for sharing the risks as well as for undertaking these additional tasks. Similarly, when construction contractors are expected to take over the responsibilities of engineers, such as devising a very elaborate scheme to erect an unconventional structure, they too must be rewarded accordingly. As long as the owner does not assume the responsibility for resolving this risk-reward dilemma, the concept of a truly integrated system for design and construction cannot be realized.

It is interesting to note that European owners are generally more open to new technologies and to share risks with designers and contractors. In particular, they are more willing to accept responsibilities for the unforeseen subsurface conditions in geotechnical engineering. Consequently, the designers and contractors are also more willing to introduce new techniques in order to reduce the time and cost of construction. In European practice, owners typically present contractors with a conceptual design, and contractors prepare detailed designs, which are checked by the owner's engineers. Those detailed designs may be alternate designs, and specialty contractors may also prepare detailed alternate designs.

Example 3-1: Responsibility for Shop Drawings

The willingness to assume responsibilities does not come easily from any party in the current litigious climate of the construction industry in the United States. On the other hand, if owner, architect, engineer, contractor and other groups that represent parts of the industry do not jointly fix the responsibilities of various tasks to appropriate parties, the standards of practice will eventually be set by court decisions. In an attempt to provide a guide to the entire spectrum of participants in a construction project, the American Society of Civil Engineers issued a Manual of Professional Practice entitled Quality in the Constructed Project in 1990. This manual is intended to help bring a turn around of the fragmentation of activities in the design and construction process.

Shop drawings represent the assembly details for erecting a structure which should reflect the intent and rationale of the original structural design. They are prepared by the construction contractor and reviewed by the design professional. However, since the responsibility for preparing shop drawings was traditionally assigned to construction contractors, design professionals took the view that the review process was advisory and assumed no responsibility for their accuracy. This justification was ruled unacceptable by a court in connection with the walkway failure at the Hyatt Hotel in Kansas City in 1985. In preparing the ASCE Manual of Professional Practice for Quality in the Constructed Project, the responsibilities for preparation of shop drawings proved to be the most difficult to develop. [1] The reason for this situation is not difficult to fathom since the responsibilities for the task are diffused, and all parties must agree to the new responsibilities assigned to each in the recommended risk-reward relations shown in Table 3-1.

Traditionally, the owner is not involved in the preparation and review of shop drawings, and perhaps is even unaware of any potential problems. In the recommended practice, the owner is required to take responsibility for providing adequate time and funding, including approval of scheduling, in order to allow the design professionals and construction contractors to perform satisfactorily.

Example 3-2:Model Metro Project in Milan, Italy [2]

Under Italian law, unforeseen subsurface conditions are the owner's responsibility, not the contractor's. This is a striking difference from U.S. construction practice where changed conditions clauses and claims and the adequacy of prebid site investigations are points of contention. In effect, the Italian law means that the owner assumes those risks. But under the same law, a contractor may elect to assume the risks in order to lower the bid price and thereby beat the competition.

According to the Technical Director of Rodio, the Milan-based contractor which is heavily involved in the grouting job for tunneling in the Model Metro project in Milan, Italy, there are two typical contractual arrangements for specialized subcontractor firms such as theirs. One is to work on a unit price basis with no responsibility for the design. The other is what he calls the "nominated subcontractor" or turnkey method: prequalified subcontractors offer their own designs and guarantee the price, quality, quantities, and, if they wish, the risks of unforeseen conditions.

At the beginning of the Milan metro project, the Rodio contract ratio was 50/50 unit price and turnkey. The firm convinced the metro owners that they would save money with the turnkey approach, and the ratio became 80% turnkey. What's more, in the work packages where Rodio worked with other grouting specialists, those subcontractors paid Rodio a fee to assume all risks for unforeseen conditions.

Under these circumstances, it was critical that the firm should know the subsurface conditions as precisely as possible, which was a major reason why the firm developed a computerized electronic sensing program to predict stratigraphy and thus control grout mixes, pressures and, most important, quantities.

3.2 Innovation and Technological Feasibility

The planning for a construction project begins with the generation of concepts for a facility which will meet market demands and owner needs. Innovative concepts in design are highly valued not for their own sake but for their contributions to reducing costs and to the improvement of aesthetics, comfort or convenience as embodied in a well-designed facility. However, the constructor as well as the design professionals must have an appreciation and full understanding of the technological complexities often associated with innovative designs in order to provide a safe and sound facility. Since these concepts are often preliminary or tentative, screening studies are carried out to determine the overall technological viability and economic attractiveness without pursuing these concepts in great detail. Because of the ambiguity of the objectives and the uncertainty of external events, screening studies call for uninhibited innovation in creating new concepts and judicious judgment in selecting the appropriate ones for further consideration.

One of the most important aspects of design innovation is the necessity of communication in the design/construction partnership. In the case of bridge design, it can be illustrated by the following quotation from Lin and Gerwick concerning bridge construction: [3]

The great pioneering steel bridges of the United States were built by an open or covert alliance between designers and constructors. The turnkey approach of designer-constructor has developed and built our chemical plants, refineries, steel plants, and nuclear power plants. It is time to ask, seriously, whether we may not have adopted a restrictive approach by divorcing engineering and construction in the field of bridge construction.

If a contractor-engineer, by some stroke of genius, were to present to design engineers today a wonderful new scheme for long span prestressed concrete bridges that made them far cheaper, he would have to make these ideas available to all other constructors, even limiting or watering them down so as to "get a group of truly competitive bidders." The engineer would have to make sure that he found other contractors to bid against the ingenious innovator.

If an engineer should, by a similar stroke of genius, hit on such a unique and brilliant scheme, he would have to worry, wondering if the low bidder would be one who had any concept of what he was trying to accomplish or was in any way qualified for high class technical work.

Innovative design concepts must be tested for technological feasibility. Three levels of technology are of special concern: technological requirements for operation or production, design resources and construction technology. The first refers to the new technologies that may be introduced in a facility which is used for a certain type of production such as chemical processing or nuclear power generation. The second refers to the design capabilities that are available to the designers, such as new computational methods or new materials. The third refers to new technologies which can be adopted to construct the facility, such as new equipment or new construction methods.

A new facility may involve complex new technology for operation in hostile environments such as severe climate or restricted accessibility. Large projects with unprecedented demands for resources such as labor supply, material and infrastructure may also call for careful technological feasibility studies. Major elements in a feasibility study on production technology should include, but are not limited to, the following:

?Project type as characterized by the technology required, such as synthetic fuels, petrochemicals, nuclear power plants, etc.

?Project size in dollars, design engineer's hours, construction labor hours, etc.

?Design, including sources of any special technology which require licensing agreements.

?Project location which may pose problems in environmental protection, labor productivity and special risks.

An example of innovative design for operation and production is the use of entropy concepts for the design of integrated chemical processes. Simple calculations can be used to indicate the minimum energy requirements and the least number of heat exchange units to achieve desired objectives. The result is a new incentive and criterion for designers to achieve more effective designs. Numerous applications of the new methodology has shown its efficacy in reducing both energy costs and construction expenditures. [4] This is a case in which innovative design is not a matter of trading-off operating and capital costs, but better designs can simultaneously achieve improvements in both objectives.

The choice of construction technology and method involves both strategic and tactical decisions about appropriate technologies and the best sequencing of operations. For example, the extent to which prefabricated facility components will be used represents a strategic construction decision. In turn, prefabrication of components might be accomplished off-site in existing manufacturing facilities or a temporary, on-site fabrication plant might be used. Another example of a strategic decision is whether to install mechanical equipment in place early in the construction process or at an intermediate stage. Strategic decisions of this sort should be integrated with the process of facility design in many cases. At the tactical level, detailed decisions about how to accomplish particular tasks are required, and such decisions can often be made in the field.

Construction planning should be a major concern in the development of facility designs, in the preparation of cost estimates, and in forming bids by contractors. Unfortunately, planning for the construction of a facility is often treated as an after thought by design professionals. This contrasts with manufacturing practices in which the assembly of devices is a major concern in design. Design to insure ease of assembly or construction should be a major concern of engineers and architects. As the Business Roundtable noted, "All too often chances to cut schedule time and costs are lost because construction operates as a production process separated by a chasm from financial planning, scheduling, and engineering or architectural design. Too many engineers, separated from field experience, are not up to date about how to build what they design, or how to design so structures and equipment can be erected most efficiently." [5]


先秦诸子选读《天下有道,丘不与易也》原文及译文 1、【原文】仪封人(1)请见,曰:“君子之至于斯也,吾未尝不得见也。”从者见之(2)。出曰:“二三子何患于丧(sàng)(3)乎?天下之无道也久矣,天将以夫子为木铎(duó)(4)。” 【注释】(1)仪封人:仪为地名,在今河南兰考县境内。封人,系镇守边疆的官。(2)从者见之:随行的人见了他。(3)丧:失去,这里指失去官职。(4)木铎:木舌的铜铃。古代天子发布政令时摇它以召集听众。 【译文】仪这个地方的长官请求见孔子,他说:“凡是君子到这里来,我从没有见不到的。”孔子的随从学生引他去见了孔子。他出来后(对孔子的学生们)说:“你们几位何必为没有官位而发愁呢?天下无道已经很久了,上天将以孔夫子为圣人来号令天下。” 2、【原文】长沮、桀溺(1)耦而耕(2)。孔子过之,使子路问津(3)焉。长沮曰:“夫执舆(4)者为谁?”子路曰:“为孔丘。”曰:“是鲁孔丘与(同“欤”)?”曰:“是也。”曰:“是知津矣。”问于桀溺。桀溺曰:“子为谁?”曰:“为仲由。”曰:“是孔丘之徒与?”对曰:“然。”曰:“滔滔者天下皆是也,而谁以易)之(5)?且而与其从辟(6)人之士也,岂若从辟世之士哉?”耰(7)而不辍。子路行以告。夫子怃然(8)曰:“鸟兽不可与同群,吾非斯人之徒与而谁与?天下有道,丘不与易也。” 【注释】(1)长沮、桀溺:两位隐士,真实姓名和身世不详。(2)耦而耕:两个人合力耕作。 (3)问津:津,渡口。寻问渡口。(4)执舆:即执辔。(5)之:与。(6)辟:同“避”。(7)耰:用土覆盖种子。(8)怃然:怅然,失意。 【译文】长沮、桀溺在一起耕种,孔子路过,让子路去寻问渡口在哪里。长沮问子路:“那个拿着缰绳的是谁?”子路说:“是孔丘。”长沮说;“是鲁国的孔丘吗?”子路说:“是的。”长沮说:“那他是早已知道渡口的位置了。”子路再去问桀溺。桀溺说:“你是谁?”子路说:“我是仲由。”桀溺说:“你是鲁国孔丘的门徒吗?”子路说:“是的。”桀溺说:“像洪水一般的坏东西到处都是,你们同谁去改变它呢?而且你与其跟着躲避人的人,为什么不跟着我们这些躲避社会的人呢?”说完,仍旧不停地做田里的农活。子路回来后把情况报告给孔子。孔子很失望地说:“人是不能与飞禽走兽合群共处的,如果不同世上的人群打交道还与谁打交道呢?如果天下太平,我就不会与你们一道来从事改革了。” 3、【原文】楚狂接舆(1)歌而过孔子曰:“凤兮凤兮!何德之衰?往者不可谏,来者犹可追。已而已而!今之从政者殆而!”孔子下,欲与之言。趋而辟之,不得与之言。 【注释】(1)楚狂接舆:一说楚国的狂人接孔子之车;一说楚国叫接舆的狂人;一说楚国狂人姓接名舆。本书采用第二种说法。 【译文】楚国的狂人接舆唱着歌从孔子的车旁走过,他唱道:“凤凰啊,凤凰啊,你的德运怎么这么衰弱呢?过去的已经无可挽回,未来的还来得及改正。算了吧,算了吧。今天的执政者危乎其危!”孔子下车,想同他谈谈,他却赶快避开,孔子没能和他交谈。 4、【原文】子路从而后,遇丈人,以杖荷蓧(1)。子路问曰:“子见夫子乎?”丈人曰:“四体不勤,五谷不分(2),孰为夫子?”植其杖而芸。子路拱而立。止子路宿,杀鸡为黍(3)而食(4)之。见其二子焉。明日,子路行以告。子曰:“隐者也。”使子路反见之。至,则行矣。子路曰:“不仕无义。长幼之节,不可废也;君臣之义,如之何其废之?欲洁其身,而乱大伦。君子之仕也,行其义也。道之不行,已知之矣。” 【注释】(1)蓧:古代耘田所用的竹器。(2)四体不勤,五谷不分:一说这是丈人指自己。分是粪;不,是语气词,意为:我忙于播种五谷,没有闲暇,怎知你夫子是谁?另一说是丈


America is the land of the free, home of the brave... the white picket fences, the 2.5 kids in every "modern family." Or so we've been led to believe. 美国,自由的沃土,勇者的家园...屋外环绕着白色尖桩篱笆,屋内奔跑着平均2-3个小孩——典型的“美国现代家庭”图景。而这些都只是我们印象中的美国。 Myth 1: America Is A Democracy 谣言1:美国是个民主国家 In the current age, America and democracy are synonymous. Little do most Americans know they don't actually live in a democracy. America was actually founded as a Constitutional Republic, as stated in the Constitution and the Pledge of Allegiance. In an Economist ranking of the world's democratic countries in 2006, America didn't even crack the top 10. 当前,“美国”和“民主”似乎已成了同义词。然而绝大部分美国人不知道的是,他们生活的这个国家,并不是个民主国家。美国最初是作为一个宪法共和国而建立的,这一点在《宪法》和《效忠宣誓》中都有体现。在06年《经济学人》进行的一项全球民主国家排名中,美国甚至没有挤进前十。 Myth 2: The Founding Fathers Were Christian 谣言2:美国是由一群基督徒建立的 This is both true and false. A large number of the Founding Fathers were associated with various sects of the Christian church, like Protestantism and Lutheranism. However, many still openly opposed organized religion. Thomas Jefferson practiced Deism, which contends that reason and observation of the natural world are enough to determine the universe has a creator without the need for organized religion. 这句话半对半错。美国的开国者之中有一大批从属于基督教会的不同分支,如新教、路德教。然而,也有很多人公然反对有组织的宗教。Thomas Jefferson就信奉自然神教,该教的主张是:自然世界的推理和观察足以说明世界存在着创始者,并不需要通过组织教会来证明这一点。


对象关系映射(ORM)的基本原理和运动:得到一个三角修理 ORM的运动和基本面海军和海军陆战队航空侧重于: ?ORM的培训 ?社区的ORM审查委员会 ?ORM的评估每种类型的模型系列(TMS)社区 ?社区的ORM和safetygrams ?文化研讨会和安全调查 ?命令安全气候评估 作者Cdr。Buc欧文斯,Cdr。Darryl Barrickman,斯科特·哈维舰队中队似乎误解了这个两个项目提供的区别安全中心的航空理事之职。我们每周收到电话从ASOs新培训要求进行“其中一个aviationsafety -cultural-survey-workshop thingamajigs。“那么,果你是一个工作区,你还是有点糊涂了程序,继续读下去。 开始,航空董事会在安全中心为你提供两个项目:aviation-safety 命令调查和文化厂房(CWs)。当这些两个项目被使用,随着学校的航空市场安全评价的命令safety-climate调查过程中,(CSCA指挥官即可获得“三角”价值主要human-factor修理问题可能出现在他们的中队。这“工作区域",将重点放在安全调查和文化工作坊,并会提供联系信息上了CSCA过程

安全调查,在第二章中提出的OPNAV指导3750(系列),应要求每两年举办一次。命令位于弗吉尼亚州诺福克的区域每两年接受调查,而中队在外面诺福克地区调查目前平均每一个三年了。最近,文化也没有。工作坊在一个every-other-year依据委托所有运营naval-aviation中队。 Here’s how the two programs work Aviation-Safety调查 aviation-survey的球队的安排每年出版一次(七月)是通过信息接下来的储备。消息公布日期和地点为球队踢球,讲述了如何得到的一项调查预定。优先发展的人中队最古老的调查日期文件。 关于调查的常见问题: ?的目的是什么安全调查吗? ? ? ?它帮助命令识别危险,从而大大减轻了未来可能的灾难。我们必须 ?一个人什么时候安全研究中心城里吗?最简单的回答是否定的。这安全中心开展的调查过程进行了研究邀请一个命令公司。有时,这种中队不能因为球队容纳一个调查其他操作的承诺。我们了解部署计划,但要记住,另一个访问你的基地可能不来发生在未来一年或两个。一项调查?是检查,,如果是,那么谁获得的结果?安全中心,重复,一个检验机构,尽管项目调查的内容。很相似一个检查。结果对公司飞越敌境之后,他们仍然保密只有能用于公司自行决定。然而,海军安全中心的潮流资讯股份和普通备受关注的地区与所有中队和领导能力。


谷歌有道爱词霸谁是翻译多面手 https://www.360docs.net/doc/26989584.html, 2011.6.1 14:41 比特网 ( 0条评论 ) 如今这年头,谁没有过上国外网站查资料、看两三篇英文文献熬毕设、上网泡MM的时候拽两句英文唬唬人的经历?现在就连上围脖都得对外语略知一二,不然连苍老师的更新都看不明白。可毕竟大部分人都不是外语专业的高材生,这时候在线翻译就成了上网的必备武器。小编的英语水平一般,但由于兴趣爱好广泛,常常会接触一些国外的信息,所以对现有的几种在线翻译工具也比较熟悉,算是小有心得。在此,小编根据使用在线翻译的几个常见的场景,对现在主流的几个在线翻译做一个简单的点评。 这次点评的对象包括: 谷歌翻译https://www.360docs.net/doc/26989584.html,/ 有道在线翻译https://www.360docs.net/doc/26989584.html,/ 金山爱词霸翻译https://www.360docs.net/doc/26989584.html,/ 场景一:网页翻译 在外文网站看新闻、购物或者查找相关的外文资料时,小编就曾经面对着整屏幕的外文单词,完全无从下手,不知从何点起。后来出现了网页翻译这样贴心的功能,因为看不懂页面而无奈点叉关闭的窘境就很少在小编身上发生了。 依小编看来,衡量网页翻译的好坏,可以按照使用的人性化、准确度两个要素来综合考量。由于小编几乎每天都要上美国在线(https://www.360docs.net/doc/26989584.html,)看新闻,这里就以它作为翻译的测试对象。 1、谷歌翻译:经小编测试可以通过两种方法使用谷歌翻译。一是进入谷歌翻译页面,将需要翻译的网页地址输入翻译框,点击翻译后就会在当前窗口显示翻译后的页面。另一种方法是直接在谷歌浏览器中输入地址,浏览器会自动提醒你是不是要翻译成中文。两种方式都非常方便,翻译速度也非常之快。准确度上表现也相当不错(图一)。目前,谷歌翻译支持多达57 种语言,其采用了源自全球范围内样本的“统计机器翻译”技术,谷歌的整体机器翻译水平无疑处于全球领先。


汽车安全带、配件、软管 介绍 在汽车上,特别是在引擎,有许多类型的腰带、配件、软管。皮带是用来连接两个转动轴togethei各类健身-感觉也被用来连接管和软管在一起。这一章向您介绍的基本类型皮带,好-选项,软管用于今天的汽车。此外,包括服务信息,展示了如何检查和改变皮带、配件、软管、管材。汽车皮带的目的7.1汽车皮带汽车皮带已经被使用多年来连接一个转轴到另一个地方。随着技术的提高,更强壮,更灵活的带了新用途。基本目的是使用一个汽车带连接两轴,不一定是一个接一个的。举例来说,如果两轴是一个接一个,一个需要被赶出其他、齿轮都可以使用。Butwhen根的进一步疏远,皮带将被使用。此外,相比,安全带是安静齿轮或者链。他们也便宜的多。使用汽车皮带给地方可以灵活转动轴被放置的地方。在今天的汽车发动机、皮带是用来把发电机,动力转向泵、水泵、空调压缩机、及各种污染设备。图7 - 1显示了一个共同的部件,可以被皮带在前面ofan汽车发动机。 类型的带 有几种类型的腰带用于汽车engin确切类型使用取决于几个consideration&包括以下几点: (1)之间的距离两个旋转轴心 (2)速度腰带。 (3)helts荷载 参看图7 - 2各种型号的皮带被使用,在automofive引擎。(1)需要时间,或保持两轴和对方(2)的旋转方向之间的两轴(3)的成本(4)应用服务的时间要求 在汽车上使用普通带如图7比2。传统的V形皮带是用来驱动发电机在一些汽车。交流发电机需要被曲轴的发动机。这样做一个简单的V形皮带可能使用。注意,V形皮带不会让这两个转动轴定时在一起。可能有滑脱二者的区别。V形皮带时是一个低成本且有效的方法可以连接两个转动轴在一起。作弊的V形皮带有一系列的肋骨切成它。这些肋骨都倾向于在两个转动轴减少滑移在重负荷。本研究的蛇形带玉米-妈妈今天引擎,需要几个旋转轴转由一个单一的腰带。本研究的蛇形腰带是如此命名是因为它可以拖在几家旋转轴心。本研究的蛇形带几个(通常是4到7)直角槽带面。槽的数量是由宽度和负载放在传送带上。这些沟槽的表面积增加滑移带那么就减少了。此外,蛇形带够宽,这轮可以运行在任何一方的腰带。 带系统


微市场微信导航今天给大家分享一个微信开发有道翻译接口的程序 valid(); $wechatObj->responseMsg(); class wechatCallbackapiTest { public function valid() { $echoStr = $_GET["echostr"]; //valid signature , option if($this->checkSignature()){ echo $echoStr; exit; } } public function responseMsg() { //get post data, May be due to the different environments $postStr = $GLOBALS["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"]; //extract post data if (!empty($postStr)){ $postObj = simplexml_load_string($postStr, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA); $fromUsername = $postObj->FromUserName; $toUsername = $postObj->ToUserName; $keyword = trim($postObj->Content); $time = time(); $textTpl = " %s 0


制备和表征Fe3O4 /二氧化硅/ Bi2MoO6复合作为磁分离光催化剂 Yanlong Xuemei侯,1日田b,1,张翔b,b Shuliang斗,Lei锅b,b Wenjia王,姚明李娜, 久鹏赵,? 化学工程与技术学院的,哈尔滨工业大学,92号,Xidazhi街,南港地区,哈尔滨,中国 b复合材料中心,哈尔滨工业大学,哈尔滨,中国 摘要 Fe3O4 /二氧化硅/ Bi2MoO6微球制备简单水热法。的扫描电子显微镜(SEM)结果显示,花三维(3 d)Bi2MoO6微球大多以Fe3O4 /二氧化硅磁性纳米颗粒。的紫外可见漫反射光谱显示扩展吸收在可见光范围内与纯 Bi2MoO6相比。我们评估的光催化活动Fe3O4 /二氧化硅/ Bi2MoO6微球的降解可见光照射下罗丹明B(RhB),发现获得的综合表现光催化活性高于纯Bi2MoO6和project。此外,Fe3O4 /二氧化硅/ Bi2MoO6复合展示优秀的稳定性和重用后对其光催化活性有所下降5周期。同时,复合材料可以很容易地通过一个外部磁场分离。捕获的实验结果表明,超氧化物自由基O2和羟基自由基哦发挥重要作用在Fe3O4 /二氧化硅/ Bi2MoO6可见光辐照下系统。的结合花三维(3 d)Bi2MoO6微球和Fe3O4 /二氧化硅磁性团簇提供一个有用的策略设计多功能纳米结构和增强光催化材料活动在水净化的潜在应用。 1。介绍 许多概念收获和储存可再生能源(阳光、风、水)直接或辅助过程正在开发,以减少我们对化石能源的依赖来源。在各种各样的绿色地球和可再生能源项目宽,半导体光催化已收到兴趣,因为它提供了一种简便的方法直接利用能源的自然日光或人工室内照明[1 - 4]。沿着这条线,丰富光催化材料(如金属氧化物、硫化物和氮氧化物)一直在发展有机污染物的降解和分裂的水[5 - 7]。尽管如此,仍有一个问题与困难复苏的光催化剂纳米颗粒混合系统。因此,它是一个关键环节,寻求简单的恢复方法光催化剂纳米光催化的大规模应用流程。 磁性材料的引入是一种有效的方法毫不费力地分离和恢复光催化剂纳米颗粒通过应用一个外部磁场(8、9)。这些磁可分离的催化剂,有新颖的光学显示,磁,与个人singlecomponent或催化性能比较材料[10]。特别是氧化铁是一个最频繁磁性组件用于构建磁可分离的催化剂,由于其超顺磁性超顺磁的材料不受强磁场在色 散相互作用。因此,一些氧化铁基于磁分离催化剂设计,如Fe3O4-TiO2[11],Fe3Fe3 O4-BiOCl[12] O4-Ag3PO4[13],Fe3 Fe3O4 / SiO2-TiO2[14]Bi2 O4-Bi2O3[15]WO6 /碳/ Fe3O4[16],Fe3O4-BiOI[17]和 Fe3O4-SiO2-Bi2WO6[18]。钼酸铋(Bi2MoO6)作为一个重要的三元铋氧化物复合,因为它已经受到了相当大的关注内在属性,例如介电性质,催化行为和发光[19]。三元三氧化二铋化合物,Bi-M-O(M =莫,W,V,铌或钽) 拥有一个典型的Aurivillius分层钙钛矿的结构组成的八面体(MO4)2表夹在(Bi2O2)2 +层(22 - 24)。这样的分层结构有利于电荷转移,从而会抑制photogenerated运营商的重组。更重要的是,Bi2MoO6显示一个典型的带隙2.60 eV的[25]。这些优秀的结构和光谱性质暗示Bi2MoO6应该是一个很有前途的光催化剂(每股26到29)。毫不奇怪,最近的研究证实,Bi2MoO6 visiblelight——非常好驱动的光催化水分解和活动降解有机污染物(30、31)。尽管有这些优势Bi2MoO6,它仍然是具有挑战性的简单摘要中恢复过来从解决方案。 在此,磁分离Fe3O4 /二氧化硅/ Bi2MoO6复合通过温和的水热方法制备。在获得Fe3O4 /二氧化硅/ Bi2MoO6复合,花三维(3 d)Bi2MoO6装饰着Fe3O4 /二氧化硅磁性微球纳米粒子,从而形成了一个层次结构。的可见光的光催化测试表明,目前的Fe3O4 /二氧化硅/ Bi2MoO6复合具有良好的光催化活性为降低RhB。光催化反应完成后,收集到的组合可以很容易地重用通过应用一个外部磁场。 2。材料和方法 所有化学品都分析品位和使用前未经纯化。去离子水(18 MX cm1)是用于所有实验。 2.1。制备单分散的Fe3O4纳米颗粒 磁Fe3O4纳米颗粒是根据以前的合成只要稍作修改报告[32]。在一个典型的过程,1.3克FeCl36H2O溶解在40毫升乙二醇形成一个明确的解决方案。然后三钠的0.4 g柠檬酸和2.4克剧烈搅拌下加入了乙酸钠。后积极搅拌30分钟,结果均匀分散转移成Teflon-lined不锈钢高压釜容量80毫升,密封,加热在200 C和维护10 h。收集和准备产品磁铁和用乙醇和去离子水清洗几次,然后晒干在60 C真空进一步使用。 2.2。制备Fe3O4 /二氧化硅纳米颗粒


有道词典“网络已断开”的解决办法 有道词典的生词本很好用,查词的时候点一下就能加入生词本,还会根据记忆曲线按时提醒你复习,所以近来我一直在用有道词典。 但是,有道词典经常会出现诡异的“网络断开”问题,在左下角显示一个小叉,提示“网络已断开”,不能登录服务器,这时不能获取单词的发音和详细解释,生词本也不能同步。为什么说诡异呢,因为这时候整个电脑的网络明明是好的,可以打开网页、上QQ、玩网游等等,总之上各种网站都毫无问题,只有这个有道词典连不上网。 为了解决这个令人郁闷的问题,我试了各种办法。重启有道词典、重启电脑、重装有道词典、装不同版本的有道词典,都没用。在网上搜索,发现很多人遇到类似问题,但一直没有有效的解决办法。搜索结果一般都说是自己的网络设置问题,还有的说设置防火墙,有的说设置代理,但是我试了也都没用。 我还向有道客服提交了反馈意见抱怨此事,反复强调我的网络一切正常,结果有道客服的回复还是问:“你的网络正常么?” 正在我几乎绝望的时候,一个偶然的机会让我找到了解决办法。有一天,我不小心打开了IE(我一般不用IE),忽然注意到IE 提示什么什么“脱机”状态。我一下想到,有道词典是调用了IE 内核吧,是不是因为IE“脱机”,所以有道词典连不上网? 循着这个思路,搜到一篇讲怎么取消脱机状态的文章,问题解决了!(以下截图都转自那篇文章) 解决办法: 一,在“Int ernet 选项”的“连接”选项卡中,“拨号和虚拟专用网络设置”不能设为“不论网络连接是否存在都进行拨号”。

二,在IE 中,按一下键盘上的“Alt”键,调出菜单栏。打开“文件”下拉菜单,取消“脱机工作”的勾选。


利用有道词典学好英语方法 我相信现在大家都有手机了!但是大家都用手机来干嘛?玩游戏?聊天?看视频?听音乐?到考四六级以及其他的英语考试的时候,就后悔了!浪费时间!浪费青春! 想利用手机真正的学好英语?身处于移动互联网爆发的时代,各种智能手机泛滥。你有两种选择,要么被互联网巨大的数据洪流冲刷,迷失自我。另外一种选择,借助互联网强大的优势提高自己! 那到底如何借助手机、选择什么样的方式才能最有效的提高英语水平?想必,这是大家最想知道的答案!而我亲身经历过得到的答案是,返璞归真,别再去找一大堆资料来让自己迷失,找到一款最适合学习的词典软件才是最重要的,当然也是英语学习所必须的。 那如何选择词典软件以及如何通过手机词典软件提高自己的英语?我曾经下载过互联网所有的词典软件,以及收集了所有的在线词典、在线翻译。因为我是读国贸出身的,对英语交流、商务英语、专业英语以及英语考试、邮件都是我要面对的英语方面的问题。我下载了所有的词典软件,最后只留下了“有道词典”,现在我也有手机、平板了。也都下载了!为什么?原因很简单,“有道词典”提供的词库不仅量大,而且内容非常精确,排版非常清晰,还有讲解、双语释义、词性说明等等的内容!还有最重要的一点,如果想随时随地巩固、复习,手机词典就能帮上大忙! 如何利用有道词典学翻译 翻译不是一朝一夕就能轻松学到的东西,它需要理论和实践的相结合。仅仅学习翻译理论而没有翻译实践,翻译就变成了一个空架子;仅仅追求翻译的量(所谓的翻译实践)而不学习任何翻译理论,就会使翻译出来的文字毫无章法。我在这里介绍的利用词典学翻译,并不是研究深层次的翻译,而是要通过词典来学习英语国家的人更地道、更标准的说话方式,这些是我们非英语国家的人学习英语时需要达到的一个较高境界。 我在abc360上课的时候,因为刚开始学,基础不好,词汇量少,直接和外教交流很困难,那时候的老师有教我用词典学英语。方法真心不错。“利用词典学单词”要“小词大用”,其实所谓的“小词大用”说白了就是学活单词,用看似“没什么意思”的单词去表达一个有意义的句子。比如让大家来翻译这样一个句子,其实也是我们日常生活中经常使用的一句话:她正在整理房间。估计大家看到这个句子,就会很自然地把“整理”作为一个翻译的突破点,在考虑到用clean up还是tidy up?实在伤脑筋。但是转而一想,如果用这个句子如何:She is doing the room ?一个小词“do”,就把我们的大问题轻松解决掉了,实在很神奇。这样翻译出来的句子不仅简单,而且地道。用这个方法,渐渐的和abc360的外教交流越来越顺利了,刚开始很依赖有道词典,现在偶尔会用一下,外教还总是夸我用词很地道,我想还是要感谢,刚开始学的时候,用对了方法,用了有道词典吧。 在我看来,与其把词典看成一个工具、需要的时候才查查词,不如把词典当成一个很好的教材,有空的时候就拿出来学一学。通过一段时间的学习,你的英语会越来越地道,就像我一样,连abc360的外教都夸我了不是,哈哈。你会发现原来一个好的词典软件中包含的内容和信息很多很多,也许将收获到写作、阅读、语言学等其他方面的知识。


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Everyone has his inherent ability which is easily concealed by habits, blurred by time, and eroded by laziness. 每个人都有潜能,只是很容易被习惯所掩盖,被时间所迷离,被惰性所消磨。 Man might think that few women fit him before his marriage, and contrarily when they get married. 男人在结婚前觉得适合自己的女人太少,结婚后觉得适合自己的女人很多。 If you‘re walking down the right path and you‘re willing to keep walking, eventually you‘ll make progress. 如果你走的道路正确,并坚持走下去,最终你会成功的。 The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, they make them. 在这个世界上,取得成功的人是那些努力寻找他们惱要机会的人,如果找不到机会,他们就去创造机会。 Don't part with your illusions . When they are gone you may still exist , but you have ceased to live. 千万不要放弃梦惱。当梦惱消失的时候,尽管你还存在,但是你虽生犹死。 Histories make men wise; poems witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend.


Once upon a time, there was a kind-hearted impoverished aristocrat. The untimely death of his wife left him to be bound by a common destiny with his three daughters. How time flies! Girls were coming to marry. The poor man felt extremely sorry for he couldn’t afford the dowries of girls. The Santa Claus knew it, so he sowed the gold to the aristocrat’s house from chimney. A brand new day was coming, by the time the girls woke up; they were delighted to find that the parched stoking beside the fireplace was filled with gold. Since then, they live a happy life while hanging the Christmas stocking in the Christmas eve was gradually become the custom. All disputes or differences arising from or in connection with this L/G shall be submitted to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) for arbitration which shall be conducted by the Commission at in accordance with its latest arbitration rules. There shall be one arbitrator to be chosen by the parties by mutual agreement within 20 days after the Respondent has received the Notice of Arbitration failing such agreement or if the chosen arbitrator is removed from office or is otherwise unable to perform as an arbitrator in the arbitration, the Chairman of the CIETAC shall choose a foreign arbitrator (non-Chinese) from the CIETAC Panel of Arbitrators to act as the sole Arbitrator for the parties. 自被告接到仲裁申请的20天内,应由中国国际经济和贸易仲裁委员会选举产生双方均认同的仲裁员,提出异议,或由于被任命的仲裁员因远调或其他原因无法胜任仲裁职务时,应由中国国际经济和贸易仲裁委员会主席 For product liability to arise, at some point the product must have been sold in the mar ketplace. Historically, a contractual relationship, known as "privity of contract," had t o exist between the person injured by a product and the supplier of the product in orde r for the injured person to recover. In most states today, however, that requirement no l onger exists, and the injured person does not have to be the purchaser of the product i n order to recover. Any person who foreseeably could have been injured by a defectiv e product can recover for his or her injuries, as long as the product was sold to someo ne. 由于工业生产品负债增加,一定程度上产成品必须在市场上销售。传统意义上的合同关系,如共同利益 商品一经售出,任何预计会因劣质商品构成损害的人都将获得恢复健康的保证


介绍几个准确好用的免费在线翻译网站 本人女研究僧一枚,白天愁论文,晚上愁嫁人。越来越同意大家说的,没发表论文就跟在后宫没孩子似的~写论文也像十月怀胎一样,不容易哇~ 每天就得看文献啊看文献。 要是不想拼拼粘粘,还得去看国外文献,实在是太花时间,所以必须得先在线翻译一下,不过在线翻译这么多,能选出个靠谱的也不容易哇,要是选不好,浪费时间还错误百出的;(估计大家也有这方面困扰吧?根据我这段时间写论文做翻译的心得,老女纸在这也为大家分析比较一下各大翻译网站,方便各位童鞋日后选择合适的。 大家都知道,国内常用的在线机器翻译有谷歌、有道、百度、爱词霸啊神马的。还有一些新的在线翻译品牌也开始冒泡了,大有后来居上的架势,最近我还发现SDL 公司新推出的FreeTranslation也很不错哇,居然可以直接上传*word, *ppt, *pdf, *txt, *odt文件进行翻译, 输出的文件和原文件格式居然高度一致,灰常方便。下面偶来给大家一一分析。 Google 翻译 想必这个大家都很熟悉吧~以前看文献以英译汉为主,用的最多的就是Google 翻译了。Google 的翻译网站由强大的谷歌搜索引擎所储存的众多语料、网页资源做后盾,翻译量大、语种多(貌似有71种)、速度快,是个平易近人的好助手。不过,这种机器翻译往往不能直接满足人们的需求,需要经过后期人工编辑,Google能在译文基础上给出不同的措辞供用户选择,增加用户的介入程度。而且,在翻译的时候我们也会不仅仅遇到英语,在出现其它语言时Google也可以自动识别呢。另外,Google对term的翻译准确性很高,尤其是在航空航天、医疗、计算机等科技领域优势显著。但是,它的文学翻译却表现平平,甚至令人捧腹。Google的网页翻译也很有名,我们浏览英文网站时只需一个按钮就可以快速变成中文。当然,这一切都得在能登陆Google 的前提下进行,你们懂得,Google 在中国总出问题,有时登陆Google比登陆12306都难,真可谓:不要相信“歌”,“歌”只是个传说。 有道翻译 在英译中方面,Google 可以说是首屈一指;中译英方面就得看国产了,有道和金山爱词霸都还不错。二者异曲同工,都是基于统计的翻译,储存了大量中译英翻译的例句和短语。

有道翻译 [获奖有道].doc

现在,五花八门的影展太多了,竞争越来越激烈,要想获大奖就必须要研究其规律。为什么有的人常获大奖,为什么有的人总是无法挤进获奖的行列,其中都有定的道理。以下是我多年来的一些感想,希望对大家有所帮助。 不要刻意迎合评委的口味 很多人对于获奖作品的认识有很大的误区,那就是只是为了迎合评委而拍片,认为那样做获奖的几率会高一些,其实不然。最重要还是要把自己感觉最好的照片拿出来参展,而不是一味地迎合评委的口味。什么样的作品才好,有时很难一下子说清。假如我是一个纪实摄影家,那么我在评选作品时,如果看到别人拍了几组纪实照片,就会把它们的作品与自己的照片进行对比,更容易看出其中的不足之处,反而不会轻易投他们的票。如果看到风光摄影作品,因为自己对那个领域比较陌生,反而会更容易投票。我认为参展者最好研究一下具体情况,找到自己最好的照片,并分析一下自己照片是否符合要求,如果合适,大胆投稿就行了。 力争拿大奖 现在中国的影赛太多了,那么我是不是都去参加呢?不是的,一年当中,我会有选择地参加一两次。很多人问我 ,为什么我会获得很多奖项?其实,有很多中国摄影人都获过许多奖,主要是那些奖项的影响力不够大,二等、三等或优秀奖,而我通常一拿就是金奖,自然人们倍加关注。我认为拿出自己有特色的,别人没有见过的高质量照片,就很容易获奖,一次大奖的影响远超过十次小奖。 关于地方性的影展 参与地方性的影艺竞技活动时,理论上说,当地的摄影师更容易获奖,这并不是评委与他们有关系,故意向着他们,因为地方上的人更熟悉当地情况,所拍作品的深度自然会高许多,我认为外地摄影者最好少参加其他地方性的摄影竞技,因为获得大奖的几率相对较低。不过现在一些媒体主办的比赛会格外照顾外地参与者,这对于地方摄影推广是有益的。 深入创作摄影人要充分熟悉自己的拍摄内容,而且,那个内容常常不是一次就能拍成功的,一旦认准,就要去多次,甚至几 十次,如果不间断拍上几年,那么很少有人会超过你的水平。即使一个小的题材,如拍摄一个村庄,拍摄村民的生活,你刚去的时候不熟悉那些村民,可是你常去,和村民都非常熟悉了,也了解他们的风俗习惯,知道某家儿子什么时候结婚;知道村里什么时候搞庆典活动,就可以深入了解和挖掘,深入表现,拍出的作品就会非常生动。那种满足于抓拍民俗表演的浮浅创作方法,是很难拍到好作品的,也很难拿到摄影大奖。 超越评委如果你的照片超越了评委的水平,也就是说,评委想到的,你已经想到了;评委没有想到的,你已经拍到了,这个 时候,大多数评委肯定会投你的票。因此,摄影人一定要把主要精力用在创作上,那才是参赛的正道,那也是能够更多地获得大奖的窍门。


免费翻译软件排行榜 随着翻译技术的发展,翻译软件打破了原有的格局,不再是谷歌、有道、雅虎翻译软件独霸天下,新的受欢迎的软件如雨后春笋般出现,更加地实用、全面和人性化。下面小编来盘点下最常用的免费翻译软件。 常用翻译软件排行榜 1、Google翻译 2、火云译客在线翻译 3、ICAT辅助翻译工具 4、爱词霸: 5、百度词典 一、Google翻译 Google 翻译在机器翻译中一直处于领先地位,可提供80 种语言之间的即时翻译,它可以提供所支持的任意两种语言之间的字词、句子和网页翻译。 Google 翻译生成译文时,会在数百万篇文档中查找各种模式,以便为您决定最佳翻译。Google 翻译通过在经过人工翻译的文档中检测各种模式,进行合理的猜测,然后得出适当的翻译。这种在大量文本中查找各种范例的过程称为“统计机器翻译”。由于译文是由机器生成的,因此并不是所有的译文都是完美的。 二、火云译客 火云译客无疑是翻译软件中的黑马,由传神公司研发出品。是一款集术语管理、查词、术语共享、在线翻译、在线社区实时交流等翻译辅助类功能于一体的免费云端翻译平台软件,较同类产品提供更丰富更专业的查词结果、更多更全的术语资源以及更简单更方便的术语标注,为译员、语言专业师生、行业白领等用户轻松提高工作与学习效率。 目前PE火云译客云端术语库支持56个语种的术语管理,当前管理术语超过2000万条,覆盖行业200多个,数量和覆盖范围还在持续增高加中,为国内最大最全的专业云端术语库! 三、ICAT辅助翻译工具 ICAT辅助翻译工具是一款基于翻译记忆库以及云存储的计算机辅助翻译工具。曾在中国软件博览会上荣获金奖,经过多年用户体验的反复锤炼,ICAT已经变的极易使用,仅需要5分钟便能上手开始翻译,目前已和全国上百所高校合作,使用ICAT进行辅助翻译教学使用。 四、爱词霸 爱词霸,不同于金山词霸,它包含词典、短句、翻译等众多在线工具,致力于英语学习交流、及时反馈英语相关问题的社区。 五、百度词典 百度词典是百度公司推出的一套有着强大的英汉互译在线翻译系统。包含中文成语的智能翻译,非常实用。搜索支持全面的英汉词典、汉英词典、汉语字典、汉语词典、汉语成语词典功能,以及强大的中英文自动翻译功能。