


●banter : ['b?nt?]n. 戏谑, 嘲弄v. 戏弄, 开玩笑

该单词在剧中出现的语境:I'm over the banter, Logan.

●bore : [b?:]vbl. 忍受(动词bear的过去式)n. 令人讨厌的人, 枪膛, 孔, 井眼, 枪管口径,

涌潮vt. 使感到厌烦, 钻孔, 挖vi. 挖掘, 开凿

该单词在剧中出现的语境:We don't need to bore them with stories of the past.

●carrion : ['k?ri?n]adj. 腐败的n. 腐肉

该单词在剧中出现的语境:Shooting and place carrion

●compulsion : [k?m'p?l?(?)n]n. 强迫, 强制

该单词在剧中出现的语境:Could resist https://www.360docs.net/doc/2716386409.html,pulsion.

●culprit : ['k?lprit]n. 犯人, 起因

该单词在剧中出现的语境:They caught the culprit.

●deep-rooted :adj. 根深蒂固的

该单词在剧中出现的语境:You know, like major, deep-rooted drama.

●drain : [drein] [ 自动跳转自: drained ] n. 下水道, 排水沟, 消耗vt. 耗尽, 排出, 排干,

喝光vi. 变干, 排出, 排水

该单词在剧中出现的语境:5 bodies all drained of blood?

●dreaded :adj. 令人畏惧的

该单词在剧中出现的语境:I dreaded.

●dumb : [d?m] [ 自动跳转自: dumbed ] adj. 无言的, 沉默的, 哑的, 愚蠢的vt. 使人沉默该单词在剧中出现的语境:Boy, this country sure has dumbed down

●eternal : [i(:)'t?:nl]adj. 永久的, 永恒的n. 永恒的事

该单词在剧中出现的语境:See, therein lies your eternal struggle.

●feigned : [feind]adj. 假装的, 不真诚的

该单词在剧中出现的语境:Feigned indifference. I like it.

●fled : [fled]flee 的过去式(分词)

该单词在剧中出现的语境:I fled town because of you.

●fluster : ['fl?st?] [ 自动跳转自: flustered ] n. 慌乱, 狼狈, 混乱v. 使酩醉, 慌张, 混乱

该单词在剧中出现的语境:She took it off and I got flustered, ok?!

●forensic : [f?'rensik]adj. 法院的, 关于法庭的, 适合于辩论的

该单词在剧中出现的语境:Police are certain that forensic eviden will confirm

●forfeit : ['f?:fit]n. 没收物, 罚金, 丧失vt. 没收, 丧失adj. 丧失了的

该单词在剧中出现的语境:One big forfeit? are they looking for a new coach?

●groveling : ['gr?vli?]adj. 匍匐的, 卑躬屈节的

该单词在剧中出现的语境:Groveling, commitment. Take your pick.

●heritage : ['heritid?]n. 遗产, 继承物

该单词在剧中出现的语境:To the founder's council for their heritage display.

●inaugural : [i'n?:gjur?l]adj. 就职典礼的, 创始的n. 就职演说, 就职典礼

该单词在剧中出现的语境:To the inaugural founder's council celebration."

●indifference : [in'difr?ns]n. 不重视, 无兴趣, 漠不关心

该单词在剧中出现的语境:Feigned indifference. I like it.

●ingest : [in'd?est] [ 自动跳转自: ingested ] v. 摄取

该单词在剧中出现的语境:If he ingested it.

●ivy : ['aivi]n. 常春藤

该单词在剧中出现的语境:I mean, in the seventies, he went ivy league.

●jaundice : ['d??:ndis]n. 黄疸, 偏见, 乖僻

该单词在剧中出现的语境:No Yellow. jaundice. Go for the blue.

●jitterbug : ['d?it?b?g]n. 图象不稳定

该单词在剧中出现的语境:Waltz, the jitterbug, the moonwalk.

●mean : [mi:n, min] [ 自动跳转自: meaner ] n.平均值, 平均数; 中部adj. 低劣的, 卑贱的;

卑鄙的; 吝啬的adj. 平均的, 中等的v. 意谓, 想要, 意欲

该单词在剧中出现的语境:I'm meaner now.

●memphis : ['memfis]孟菲斯(美国城市)

该单词在剧中出现的语境:Memphis. Good.

●moonwalk : ['mu:n.w?:k]n. & vi(作)月球行走

该单词在剧中出现的语境:Waltz, the jitterbug, the moonwalk.

●ordeal : [?:'di:l, -'di:?l]n. 严酷的考验, 痛苦的经验

该单词在剧中出现的语境:Then feed on a human's, whole ordeal.

●pastor : ['pɑ:st?]n. 牧师

该单词在剧中出现的语境:And give pastor Bill a lap dance.

●planter : ['plɑ:nt?]n. 种植者, 耕作者, 殖民者

该单词在剧中出现的语境:I'm a doubt planter.

●puma : ['pju:m?]n. 美洲狮

该单词在剧中出现的语境:I can confirm that a 12-foot puma mountain lion

●purge : [p?:d?]n. 整肃, 清除, 泻药, 净化vt. 净化, 清除, 摆脱vi. 清除, 通便, 腹泻, 变


该单词在剧中出现的语境:Go ahead, purge.

●recap : ['ri:k?p, ri:'k?p]vt. 翻新胎面, 重述要点n. 重述要点, 翻新的轮胎

该单词在剧中出现的语境:A recap of the past few years spent soul searching.

●recede : [ri'si:d] [ 自动跳转自: receding ] vi. 后退, 减弱vt. 撤回

该单词在剧中出现的语境:Your hairline's receding.

●rivalry : ['raiv?lri]n. 敌对, 竞争, 对抗

该单词在剧中出现的语境:Have been cursed with sibling rivalry.

●rudeness : ['ru:dnis]n. 粗鲁, 无礼

该单词在剧中出现的语境:You'll have to forgive my son's rudeness.

●scum : [sk?m]n. 浮渣, 水金秀, 槽粕v. 将浮渣去除掉, 产生浮渣

该单词在剧中出现的语境:Scum ball.

●short-lived :adj. 短命的, 短暂的, 短期的, 无常的

该单词在剧中出现的语境:My happiness was short-lived, as you well know.

●smashing : ['sm??i?]adj. 猛烈的, 兴旺的, 了不起的

该单词在剧中出现的语境:You look smashing.

●snotty : ['sn?ti]adj. 流鼻涕的, 下贱的

该单词在剧中出现的语境:I got all snotty.

●sorority : [s?'r?riti]n. 妇女联谊会, 女学生联谊会

该单词在剧中出现的语境:I'm not some drunk sorority chick.

●spike : [spaik]n. 长钉, 钉鞋v. 以大钉钉牢, 使...失效

该单词在剧中出现的语境:You know, I couldn't spike your drink...

●spiked : [spaikt]有穗的长有穗状花序的有尖顶的成锥形的

该单词在剧中出现的语境:So I spiked hers.

●spiking : ['spaiki?]尖峰形成

该单词在剧中出现的语境:Then spiking the bottle with vervain.

●squeal : [skwi:l] [ 自动跳转自: squealed ] v.&n. 长而尖的叫声vi. 发出长声尖叫该单词在剧中出现的语境:If it gets back to Damon that she squealed.

●subsequently : ['s?bsikw?ntli]adv. 后来, 随后

该单词在剧中出现的语境:Attacked a hunter and was subsequently shot and killed.

●swift : [swift]adj. 快的, 迅速的adv. 快速地n. 雨燕, 线轴

该单词在剧中出现的语境:To listen to Taylor Swift.

●therein : [e??r'in]adv. 在其中, 在那里, 在那一点上

该单词在剧中出现的语境:See, therein lies your eternal struggle.

●tonic : ['t?nik]n. 补药, (音乐)主调音或基音adj. 滋补的, 使精神振作的

该单词在剧中出现的语境:V odka Tonic.

●tweet : [twi:t]v. 鸣叫n. 小鸟叫声, 自录音再现装置发出之高音

该单词在剧中出现的语境:Is that an official witch twitter tweet?

●unflinching : [?n'flint?i?]adj. 不畏惧的, 不退缩的, 不畏缩的

该单词在剧中出现的语境:And my unflinching ability

●vault : [v?:lt]n. 窖, 地下室, 撑竿跳vt. 做成圆拱形, 撑竿跳跃vi. 跳跃

该单词在剧中出现的语境:Ok, but it has to go in the vault,

●vervain : ['v?:vein]n. [植]马鞭草属的植物, 马鞭草

该单词在剧中出现的语境:Vervain in the necklace.

●vibes : ['vaibz]n. 电颤振打击乐器vt 颤动感受, 共鸣, 感受

该单词在剧中出现的语境:'cause I was getting all sorts of other vibes,

●vixen : ['viksn]n. 雌狐, 泼妇

该单词在剧中出现的语境:Delicate flower vs. naughty vixen.

●whipped :受到鞭打的

该单词在剧中出现的语境:Edward's so whipped.


吸血鬼日记经典台词 1、I will start fresh,be some one new. 我要重新开始,做不一样的自己。 2、It's the only way I'll make it through. 这是我能挺过去的唯一办法。 3、No comment. 不予评论 4、You need to chill yourself,all right? 你的冷静点,行吗? 5、Keep it up. 爱干嘛干嘛 6、It is long story. 说来话长 7、I lost control today. 今天我失控了 8、Everything I;ve kept buried inside came rushing to the surface. 我已经深埋内心的一切,都冲破了束缚。 9、You are such a dick. 你真是个混蛋。

10、Memories are too inportant. 记忆弥足珍贵。 11、i'm not giving up on that. 我不会放弃。 12、Do not suilt you. 一点都不适合你。 13、Why are you here now? I could ask you the same question. 你来这里做什么?我可以问你同样的问题。 14、She took my breath away. 她把我的灵魂都吸走了。 15、Let's just cut to the chase. 我们直截了当。 16、I was impressed. 真令我印象深刻。 17、Ashes and Ashes 灰飞烟灭 18、People are going to stop giving you breaks. 人们总是针锋相对。


吸血鬼日记第一季13 Previously on "The V ampire Diaries..." 吸血鬼日记前情提要... For over a century I have lived in secret... 一个世纪以来我秘密地生活着... Until now. I know the risk, 直到现在我知道这很冒险 - but I have to know her. - Elena... - 但我必须要认识她- Elena... she's a dead ringer for Katherine. 她简直是Katherine的翻版 Y ou have no idea of the future I have planned for us. 你知道我替我们计划的将来么 Y ou, me, and Damon. 你我和Damon Our love for Katherine wasn't real, Damon. Damon 我们并不爱Katherine Katherine never compelled me. I knew everything. Katherine从没强迫我我知道一切 It was real for me. 我的爱是真的 I'm going to bring her back. 我要把她带回来 Tell me how to get into the tomb. 告诉我怎样进入墓穴 - The grimoire. - Where is it? - 用魔法书- 在哪? Check the journal, Jonathan Gilbert's. 在Jonathan Gilbert的日记里 Can I borrow your ancestor's journal? 我能借一下你祖先的日记吗? I gave it to my history teacher. 我给历史老师了 - Alaric Saltzman. - Damon. - 我叫Alaric Saltzman - 我叫Damon So the grimoire, that was Emily's, right? 那本魔法书... 是Emily的对吧? That's what you need to reverse the spell? 你要用它解除咒语? - I'll help you. - Ok. - 我会帮助你的- 好I told Damon that I'd help him get Katherine back. 我跟Damon说我会帮他把Katherine带回来But it was a lie. I can't let him do it. 可我说的是假话我不能让他恣意妄为Then don't. And I'll help you. Whatever it takes. 那就阻止他我会帮你的不遗余力的帮你Please! 求求你! Please, help us! 求求你救救我们! Please, my husband, he's been hurt! 我丈夫受伤了! Please help! 帮帮我们吧! What are you doing out here in the middle of the night? 大半夜的你在这干嘛? It's not safe. 这里不安全 No. No, sir. 对对先生 It's not safe. 确实不安全 And that's how it's done. 过程就是这样 What happens to the bodies? 那些尸体怎么办? Well, I'll take them into the woods 我会把他们弄到森林里 and the other animals will finish them off. 其他动物会解决掉的 Are you sure you're ready for this? 你真的准备好了? I'm ready. 是的 I want you to turn me. 快把我变成吸血鬼吧 When it's time. 等时机成熟 Kiss me. 吻我 Y ou should get a taste.


动漫里的经典语录深奥 01、镜子里显示出来的永远只是真实的影象,而不是真实的自己——《名侦探柯南》 02、是男人的话没有做的到和做不到只有做与不做——《棒球大联盟》 03、只要活着,不管多痛苦,都会有好事发生。——《NANA》 04、日出日落,朝颜花只一日。日落日出,附近花开一片。但已非昨日之花。然,艳 丽不改。——《虫师》 05、尽可能预想所有残酷的可能性、因为现实永远让你无法预警,而且又吝于给人慈悲。——《HUNTERxHUNTER》 06、能原谅女人谎言的才是真正的男人。——《海贼王》 07、我的手里拿着刀,就无法抱着你。我把刀放下,就无法保护你。——《死神》 08、我觉得你比我幸福,因为你可以选择爱我或不爱我,而我只能选择爱你或更爱你。——《schooldays》 09、我可从不认为我是什么好人,只不过和我作对的,正好都是一些所谓的“坏人” 而已。——《幽游白书》 10、愤怒会使刀刃变得迟钝!——《bleach》 11、有时候想哭的时候能哭出来,也算是一种坚强啊!——《翼》 12、这个世界那么脏,谁有资格说悲伤 13、趋势这种东西是很可怕的,这世界就是顺应着趋势构成的。——《海贼王》 14、真相不止一个,有多少人见证过就有多少真相,假如不相信历史的话,就亲眼看 世界吧。——《07-GHOST》 15、你知道雪为什么是白色的吗?因为他忘记了本来的.颜色。——c.c.《叛逆的鲁 鲁修》 16、虚伪的泪,会伤害别人,虚伪的笑,会伤害自己……——《叛逆的鲁路修》 17、如果你是魔女,我只要化身魔王就可以了。——《叛逆的鲁路修》 18、竟然你诚心诚意的发问了,纳我就大发慈悲的告诉你,为了防止世界被破坏,为 了守护世界的和平,贯彻爱与真实的邪恶,可爱又迷人的反派角色,白洞,白色的明天在 等待着我们!喵……就是这样……(萌纳)——《神奇宝贝》


看吸血鬼日记学英语第一季04集 previously on "the vampire diaries"... 吸血鬼日记前情提要 for over a century, i have lived in secret,until now. 一个多世纪以来我都秘密地生活 直到现在 i know the risk, but i have to know her. 我知道风险很大,但我必须认识她。elena, she's a dead ringer for katherine. Elena,她和Katherine长的一模一样。 our love for katherine wasn't real, damon. 我们对Katherine的爱不是真的,Damon。i'm gonna bring her back. 我要把她带回来。 - i'm anna. - uh, jemy. -我叫Anna。 -我是Jemy。 you know, my great-grandfather actually showed me a journal. 我的曾曾祖父给我看过一本日记。 he had written all of this creepy stuff about vampires. 他记录了所有这些令人毛骨悚然的吸血鬼的事。 your turn any sad relationship stories? 该你了,有什么悲剧的恋爱经历么? fell in love, married young... 先是坠入爱河,然后年纪轻轻就结婚。。 wife died. 跟着老婆死了。 i've never been in your room before. 我以前还真没进过你的屋子呢。 elena? Elena? who am i to you? 我对你来说算什么? you are not katherine. 你和Katherine不一样。 why do i look like her? 那怎么我们看起来那么像?you were adopted. 你是被收养的。 how you doin' in there? 你没事吧。 stefan, who was that man in the road? Stefan,路中间那个人是谁? i don't know. do you remember anything else about him? 我不知道,你记得什么其他和他有关的细节么? i wish. 记得就好了。 i never really saw his face. 我都没看到他的脸。 he was wearing a hoodie.all i caremember is that 他穿了件卫衣。 there was these black boots coming towards me. 我只记得他那双黑色靴子朝我逼近。 i brought some vervain 我又带来些马鞭草。 for, um-- for you and jenna. 给你和Jenna用。 and, um, i made this bracelet for jeremy,few extra on for friends. 我还帮Jermy做了这个手镯,还有些多的给亲朋好友。 you can put it in jewelry, 你可以把它们放在首饰里, or you can even put it in food or drink, 也可以放在吃的或者喝的里面。 but as long as it's in you or on you,a vampire cannot control you. 只要这玩意在你体内或者体外,吸血鬼就控制不了你。 wow. so much to remember. 哇噢,用起来还蛮复杂的吗。 i know, but there's another vampire in town 我知道,但镇上还有只吸血鬼。 so until we find out who it is and what he wants, 在我们找出他是谁,有什么企图之前, we have to be careful.


耽美十大经典,绝爱,间之楔,银之镇魂歌,二重螺旋,拥抱春天的罗曼史,万有引力,东京巴比伦,冰之魔物语,love mode又爱的迷恋模式,loveless, 纯情罗曼史,被神隐藏的少年, 银魂,家庭教师杀手reborn,反叛的鲁鲁修,抓鬼天狗帮,驱魔少年,守护甜心,新白雪姬传说,天使怪盗,风之圣痕,潘多拉之心,to love,永不消逝的彩虹(校园恋爱后宫动漫)SCHOOL DAYS(人渣诚终于被自己的后宫的其中一个杀死了)爱情泡泡糖(后宫恋爱动漫)青空下的约定(校园后宫恋爱动漫)羽翼TSUBASA 漫画:纯情罗曼史、樱兰高校男公关部、华丽的挑战(连载中,至两人扮演兄妹的角色)、世界第一的初恋、抱春、loveless、万有引力、依恋你的指温(高中生的故事,优等生架月和冷情少年涉,因相同的戒指而引发的孽缘)、被神隐藏的少年、街角的祝福(一个表面温和,实质上有自虐倾向,因为一直遭受继父的sm,所以有点神经质,一个表面冷酷,实质内心善良,因为母亲一直不愿长大,试图杀了他,两个人都有那么点伤痕累累,在某次偶然的机会知道了对方的秘密,然后就这样互相安慰的走在一起了。不过最后的结局比较温和)、守护天使(天使奇欧和七天使芙拉伍之间的故事,善良勇敢的奇欧,守护着奇欧的芙拉伍。连载中,至第五卷)、百日蔷薇、高危险游戏(共16卷,模特儿高见右近和他的保镖木有贯慎,两人都是高中生,只不过一个是顶级的模特儿,一个是身负巨债的倒霉蛋,两人的共同特点是容易招来事故的特殊体质。其实,两人都很美型,只不过一个是充分利用自己的美貌,人生过于无聊所以希望找点乐趣,然后就找上了阿慎。而阿慎是属于对自己的事情异常迟钝型的,甚至对自己的美貌不自知。) 1、暗之末裔(三木真一郎,速水奖)关俊彦,井上和彦,森川智之。 直到最后才出现和名字相符的内容,前面都是一直铺垫,所谓暗之末裔通俗点说就是鬼的体质,虽然很喜欢那个反面的角色,但是到后面他确实有点恐怖,都扭曲了。 总觉得没有玩。 2、暗夜第六感 故事总体是灰色系,连音乐都是阴暗阴暗的,还以为是恐怖片。总之,就是关于超能力的故事。最后的结局还算行,本来有喜欢的声优的,石田彰和森川智之,只是作为弟弟在精神感应的时候表情总是特别恐怖。最后一幕是他们阻止大地震,以前听人家说过。 3、安琪莉可 没有看完OV A,声优阵容很强大,有喜欢的关俊彦,后宫篇。上面讲的是世界末日,这部讲的是拯救一个宇宙,发现日本动漫都喜欢这种题材。不过,女主角刚开始办成男装的时候还是很好看的。非常纯真的心灵,只是在爱情方面有点婆妈,受过伤,比较纠结。 4、暗夜魔法使 就是现代中被女王选中的几个人作为魔法使寻找东西之类的。没有太大印象了,一般般。 5、边境王子月桂树 全部都是男的,情节一般,某个学校发生的某些故事。 6、伯爵与妖精,绿川光,水树奈奈,子安武人、结城比吕、杉田智和、神谷浩史,很 美型,伯爵与妖精博士的故事 7、彩云国物语喜欢 8、纯情罗曼史喜欢


People do good deeds for many reasons, but sometimes good deeds have bad consequences. 人们做好事的理由有很多,但有时好事却招致恶果。——《绝望主妇》 I have the one thing that you never will. Her respect. 我拥有你这辈子都得不到的东西,她的尊敬。——《吸血鬼日记》 Too late to turn back now. 现在回头为时已晚。——《绯闻女孩》 Whenever we make mistakes, we need to apologize, and then we need to move on. 只要犯了错,就应该道歉,然后释怀,继续生活。——《绝望主妇》 If you want to make an omelet, you have to break a few eggs. 舍不得孩子套不着狼。——《吸血鬼日记》 Every fairy tale needs a good old-fashioned villain. 每个童话都需要一个经典大反派。——《神探夏洛克》 Everyone has members of their family that are difficult to deal with. 每个家庭都会有一些比较难对付的一些人。——《为人父母》 Y ou make me happier than I ever thought I could be. If you let me, I’ll spend rest of my life trying to make you feel the same way. 你给了我难以想像的幸福。如果你愿意,我愿意用我的一生让你感受到同样的幸福。——《老友记》 Friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else. 真正的朋友就是,当你蒙蔽了所有人的眼睛,也能看穿你真实的样子和心底的痛楚。——《绝望主妇》 Happy to know you still care. 很高兴知道你还会关心我。——《吸血鬼日记》 Right now you're my priority, not business. 现在我的重心是你不是工作.——《绯闻女孩》


Mystic Falls... I was born here. This is my home. - And mine. - And mine. For centuries, supernatural creatures have lived among us. They were vampires, werewolves, doppelgangers... - witches. - And even hybrids. Then there's Elena. She's one of us now. You're a vampire now... You just have to learn the right way to be one. And I'm gonna teach you. Now there's a hunter in town, determined to kill us all. There's more to you than meets the eye, isn't there? And only I know his secret. You're one of the five. So what is all this? Some personal items that I snaked from the vampire hunter's RV. May he rest in peace. I'm searching for a supernatural handbook. You know for a fact he was supernatural? Definitely wasn't natural. The guy magically appears just as someone blows up the entire founders' council, covered in a tattoo that only Jeremy Gilbert, of all people in the world, seems to be able to see. Klaus mentioned something about him being one of the five. And then he kamikazes himself with explosives. - Seem natural to you? - What's the five? That's what I'm hoping is in the first chapter of the handbook. Liz Forbes, my favorite sheriff. What? That's...concerning. Keep me posted. What, you're not going to tell me? I can't tell you. It's private. We're in a fight. You're in a fight, I'm not in a fight. I'm over it. I've been over it. You're not still mad at me about Elena? You let her feed on you. I'm always going to be mad at you. But we're not in a fight. Very well, then. They didn't find any remains at the explosion site. So Connor's still out there.


吸血鬼日记第一季16 Previously, on "The Vampire Diaries"... "吸血鬼日记" 前情提要... For over a century, I have lived in secret. 一个世纪以来我一直秘密地生活着... Until now. 直到现在 I know the risk, 我知道这很冒险 but I have to know her. 但我必须要认识她 Elena. She's a dead ringer for Katherine. Elena 她简直就是Katherine的翻版 What happened to your face? 你的脸怎么了? It's nothing. 没什么 It didn't look like nothing. 这看起来可不像没什么 Matty tells me you broke his heart. Matty说你伤透了他的心 - Mom. - He found his rebound girl. - 妈- 他有新欢了 There's a tomb underneath the church. 教堂下面有一个墓穴 You saved everyone in the church? 你把教堂里的所有人都放出来了? vampires, Damon. 个吸血鬼啊Damon You can't just bring them back. 你不能只把他们带回来就完了 It's Harper. 是Harper I'm glad you found us. 很高兴你找到了我们 Annabelle, close the door, please. Annabelle 请关上门 --==圣城家园SCG字幕组https://www.360docs.net/doc/2716386409.html,==-- 仅供翻译交流使用, 禁止用于商业用途 --==圣城家园SCG字幕组https://www.360docs.net/doc/2716386409.html,==-- 协调:忧心如熏 时间轴: Idol 翻译: *叶* Flower一休Miller's玫瑰星河fabulous_carr 校对: 甜蜜的向往夏天的熏风 Hey. Bouffin. 嘿Bouffin What are you guys watching? 你们看什么呢? You guys have been watching the same thing the whole time? 你们一直没换过台看得不烦啊? There are over channels. It's called a remote control. 有超过个频道呢这个叫遥控器 This button changes the channel. 用这个按钮换台 Hold it like this. 这样拿着 Hmm. 嗯 Did you get enough, sweetheart? 饱了吗亲爱的? For now. 目前饱了 Anna, are you hungry? Anna 你饿了吗? Do you want a little? 想吸些吗? No. Thank you, Miss Givens. 不谢谢Givens小姐 Why don't you lay down for a while and get some rest? 你为什么不躺下休息会儿呢? She's fine. 她没事 Aren't you, Miss Givens? 是吧Givens小姐? Of course, I am. 当然了我没事 I'm fine. 一点事都没有 吸血鬼日记第一季第集 Hey, mom.


1、I will start fresh,be some one new.我要重新开始,做不一样的自己。 2、It's the only way I'll make it through.这是我能挺过去的唯一办法。 3、No comment.不予评论 4、You need to chill yourself,all right?你得冷静点,行吗? 5、Keep it up.坚持下去。 6、It is a long story.说来话长 7、I lost control today.今天我失控了 8、Everything I've kept buried inside came rushing to the surface.我已经深埋内心的一切,都冲破了束缚。 9、You are such a jerk.你真是个混蛋。 10、Memories are too important.记忆弥足珍贵。 11、I'm not giving up on that.我不会放弃。 12、Do not suit you.一点都不适合你。 13、Why are you here now? I could ask you the same question.你来这里做什么?我可以问你同样的问题。 14、She took my breath away.她把我的灵魂都吸走了。 15、Let's just cut to the chase.我们直截了当。 16、I was impressed.真令我印象深刻。 17、Ashes and Ashes灰飞烟灭 18、People are going to stop giving you breaks.人们总是针锋相对。 19、They just don't care anymore.他们不再互相关心。 20、She's always the one that everyone picks.她总是人见人爱。 21、I want to change who I was.我想改变我自己。 22、You called,and I am here. 你让我过来,我就来了。 23、Everything's going be fine. 一切都会好的。(频率好高) 24、We need to talk. 我们需要谈谈。(频率更高) 25、I fancy you. You are beautiful. You are strong. You are full of light. I enjoy you.我迷上你了。你坚强美丽、活力四射。我喜欢你。 26、I want you to know, that I will always be here for you, you can come to me about anything.我要你知道,我会一直在你身边,你有任何事都可以来找我. 27、You’re always one step from a maybe.你总是举棋不定 28、Don’t hide from me. 不要躲避我 29、I’ll help you, whatever it takes.无论如何我都会帮你 30、Why so nosy? 八卦什么 31、Sweet dream/sleep tight /nighty-night好梦 32、Settle down 冷静 33、See you around. 后会有期 34、No more lies. 坦诚相待


吸血鬼日记第一季17 Previously on "the vampire diaries"... "吸血鬼日记" 前情提要... For over a century, I have lived in secret 一个世纪以来我一直秘密地生活着... Until now. I know the risk, 直到现在我知道这很冒险 but I have to know her. 但我必须要认识她 There's a tomb underneath the church. 教堂下面有个墓穴 A spell sealed Katherine in that tomb, protecting her. 咒语把Katherine封在墓里为了保护她 I'm gonna bring her back. 我要把她找回来 She's not there! 她不在这里! You saved everyone in the church? 你把教堂里所有人都救出来了? We've taken up residence in a farmhouse just outside of town. 我们在镇子外的一个农场定居下来了 - All vampires? - Some. - 全部个吸血鬼? - 只有一些 I hate this house. I didn't stay locked up for years 我恨这所房子我被锁了年好不容易出来了 to end up locked up here. 但最后还是被困在这里 Aah! 啊! Ugh! 啊! So, where's Bethanne? Bethanne呢? She won't be coming back. 她回不来了 My wife Isabelle spent her life 我的妻子Isabelle倾其一生 researching paranormal activity in this area. 研究这个地区的超自然现象 - What have you done to my wife? - I turned her. - 你把我的妻子怎么样了? - 我把她变成吸血鬼了 Maybe there is such a thing as vampires. 或许吸血鬼确实存在 They're just different from the way we always thought they were. 只是他们和我们想象的不太一样罢了 Aah! 啊! You got a problem with blood, Anna? 你害怕见到血吗Anna? Ahh! 啊! I knew this girl Vicki. 我认识一个叫Vicki的女孩儿 She was attacked by an animal, a bite to the neck. 她被一种动物袭击了咬到了颈部 And then I saw your face. 之后我看到了你的脸部变化 Why would you confront me about it? 你为什么敢让我这么做? Because maybe it's true about Vicki. 因为或许Vicki确实是吸血鬼 And also because I want you to turn me. 还因为我想让你把我变成吸血鬼 I love storms. 我爱死暴风雨了 That a vampire thing? 吸血鬼都这样吗? 'Cause I read vampires don't like raining water. 因为据我所知吸血鬼是不喜欢下雨的天气的 It's only Dracula. 只有Dracula不喜欢雨天(德古拉伯爵吸血鬼) Yeah. He was a complete wuss. 切他就是一个胆小鬼 Never showered. V ery smelly. 而且从来都不洗澡浑身臭味


美剧中那些励志的英文经典台词 Don't let your pride leave you all alone. 别让你的骄傲使你孤独一人。——《吸血鬼日记》 I used to think the worst feeling in the world was losing someone you love, but I was wrong. The worst feeling is the moment that you realize you've lost yourself. 之前我一直认为,世界上最悲伤的事情就是失去你深爱的人,但是我错了。世界上最悲伤的事情是你意识到,你迷失了自我。——《吸血鬼日记》 When you lose somebody, every candle, every paryer is not going to make up for the fact that the only thing that you have left is a hole in your life where that somebody that you cared about used to be. 当你失去一个人,每一支蜡烛,每一段祷告都不能改变这个事实,你仅有的只有忍受那个你在意的人曾在你心里居住的地方变成一个洞。——《吸血鬼日记》 I will start fresh. 我要重新开始,做全新的自我。——《吸血鬼日记》 Trust is earned. 信任是要靠行动争取的。——《吸血鬼日记》 I met a girl.We talked,and it was epic. But then the sun came up and reality set in.Well,this is reality.Right here. 我遇到一个女孩,我们聊天,就像诗一样美好。但是当太阳升起,现实的生活开始...是的,这就是现实,就在这里。——《吸血鬼日记》 If it feels easy, don't do it. Don't let the world spoil you. 不要选择轻松的那条路。别让这个世界惯坏你。——《行尸走肉》 Better not to ignore the past but learn from it instead. Otherwise, history has a way of repeating itself. 最好不要忽略过去,而是从中得到些教训,否则历史会不断重复上演。——《绯闻女孩》The Transformers teach us that things are not always what they appear to be. 变形金刚的故事告诉我们,事情的真相往往与其外在表现不同。——《生活大爆炸》My dear, when tragedies strike, we try to find someone to blame. In the absence of suitable candidate, we usually blame ourselves. 亲爱的,当悲剧降临,我们总想把责任归咎于他人。如果无人可以指责,我们往往责备自己。——《唐顿庄园》 If your gods are real and if they are just, why is the world so full of injustice? 如果你的神真的存在,如果他们真的公正,那为何世上尽是不公之事?——《权力的游戏》 小李子获奥斯卡影帝感言全文:附语言点精析 Leonardo DiCaprio finally won his first Oscar for his portrayal of Hugh Glass in The Revenant, and he delivered a powerful message about climate change while accepting his award on Sunday night.莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥最终因在《荒野猎人》中饰演休·格拉斯获得了第一个奥斯卡小金人,他在周日晚上的一番领奖词提到了气候变化,并传递了满满的正能量。 “The Revenant was a product of the tireless effortsof the unbelievable cast and crewI got to work alongside.”


25名:怪盗基德(名侦探柯南) 真实身份是高中生黑羽快斗,是个热爱魔术的少年,充满传奇色彩的盗贼,专门以艺术品为目标的超级盗窃犯。喜欢在晚上作案,身着白色礼服,戴着特制的单片眼镜,背后的披风可以变为滑翔翼,善于各种魔术手法,精通易容,更能够不借助道具而模仿任何人的声音! 评价:举止优雅,给人一种极其绅士的感觉,而且非常自恋,有时也会露出调皮的一面,总而言之,魅力可是绝对不输工藤新一的,但通常偷得的宝石、书画,不是丢弃便是归还失主! 24名:朽木白哉(死神)

白哉背负的东西也不多也不少,不像那些拯救全人类宿命的少年,也不能把一切都给别人独自逍遥,他的背影散发出与生俱来的高傲和时光冲刷出的沉稳,却总觉得有错落的阳光透过密密层层的刀刃映在上面,也许生在贵族家庭就应该抛开私欲,遵守和维护那些森严古板的定律! 评价:初期登场、冷血的让人震惊的白哉大人,随后被揭穿了其一直隐藏着的火热内心,没有女孩子能抗击得了、他万年难得一见的笑容吧! 23名:泷岛彗(S.A特优生)

感情专一、幽默搞笑,但是面对迟钝的光,自己的爱意完全无法传达,总是连连败退! 评价:是位完美的超人,万年的学年第一,不管是运动还是学习方面都无可挑剔! 22名:月咏几斗(守护甜心)

是位冷酷少年,有低血压,变身、形象改造后会长出猫耳,而且敏感部位也是耳朵! 评价:冷酷,善良,温柔,可爱、帅气、基本吻合猫的性格,外表冷酷、内心善良、渴望自由的少年,总之几斗的全身上下都迷死人! 21名:早乙女有人(超时空要塞)

出身于歌舞伎世家,长发与美貌常被误认为美女,喜欢将随手拿到的纸张折成纸飞机,梦想是能在真实的天空翱翔,十五岁时因故毅然与家族决裂放弃歌舞伎而追逐自己的梦想! 评价:最不是伪娘、却有着胜过伪娘的无敌美貌,早乙女同学可谓是有才有貌、有桃花,当然我们也要时刻提醒自己、他的名字叫有人! 20名:越前龙马(网球王子) 经常戴着白色帽子、上面写着一个大大的红色R、正选队员服、蓝色护腕、总是用红色的球拍、黑色的网球包,而且黑色网球包上写着他的名字,龙马!


第一季 第一集 Elena:Dear diary, I couldn’t have been more wrong I thought that I could smile, nod my way through it; pretend like it would all be OK Stefan:I had a plan I wanted to change who I was; create a life as someone new, someone without the past Elena:Without the pain Elena& Stefan:someone alive Elena:But it’s not that easy The bad things stay with you Stefan:They follow you You can’t escape them, as much as you want to Elena:All you can do is be ready for the good So when it comes, you invite it in, because you need it I need it 埃琳娜:亲爱的日记我真是大错特错。 本以为可以微笑应付自如假装一切都可以好起来 斯特凡:我本来有个计划 想改变自己 塑造全新的自我没有过去 埃琳娜:没有痛苦 埃琳娜&斯特凡:充满活力 埃琳娜:但并非易事 困难总是追随你 斯特凡:不愿离去 无论多么渴望都无法摆脱 埃琳娜:唯一能做的就是为美好的明天做好准备 当它降临时能欣然接受因为我们需要它 我需要它 第五集 Elena:I tried I want so much to make things right, But every instinct in my body is telling me to be careful What you don’t know can hurt you 埃琳娜:我竭尽全力

美剧中那些震撼人心的经典台词 !【美剧知识】

美剧中那些震撼人心的经典台词!【美剧知识】 【纸牌屋】 1. There are two kinds of pain. The sort of pain that makes you strong... or useless pain...The sort of pain that's only suffering.痛苦分两种。一种让你变得更强......另一种毫无价值,只是徒添折磨。 2. And a person's character isn't determined by how he or she enjoys victory, but rather how he or she endures defeat.一个人的品行,不取决于这人如何享受胜利,而在于这人如何忍受失败。【绯闻女孩】 3. Three words. Eight Letters. Say it and I'm yours.三个字。八个字母。说出来,我就是你的了。 4. Sometimes you have to let things go,so there's room for better things to come into your life.有些事情我们必须放弃,才有精力去迎接更美好的生活。【吸血鬼日记】 5. If you are willing, I will always love you. Would you like, I will never miss.你要是愿意,我就永远爱你,你要不愿意,我就永远相思。 6. Life is too cruel. If we cease to believe in love, why would we want to live?生活太残酷了,如果我们不相信爱,还能为什么而活呢?【生活大爆炸】 7. They say at the end of your life, you regret the stuff you didn't do more than the stuff that you did.别人都说,人到了
