



NO.2:计算机证书Office操作是基本技能,不需要证书的。全国计算机二级证书:有些大城市申请户口时用,必要条件,如上海市。此外还有三级和四级。其他如:ACCP、MCSA、CCNA,以及名目繁多的专项技能计算机证书,则与未来具体的工作选择相关,不是每个企业都会看重,甚至知道这些证书的。我们统计了约5万条招聘信息,18.6%的招聘信息中提到了计算机,但提及具体证书的不到0.1%。更多的描述是模糊的,例如:“从事Java 编程两年经验”“熟练电脑操作”。对很多同学来说,如果从大二开始学习Java,到大四时可以算做三年经验了。关于计算机技能的各种培训很多,但被企业认同的证书却不多,关键看实际操作技能。


NO.4:第二外语证书会一门第二外语,将大大增加进入相关企业的机会。时下比较热门的第二外语:日语(世界500强中87家日本企业) 法语(世界500强中36家法国企业) 德语(世界500强中35家德国企业) 韩语(世界500强中13家韩国企业) 其他如葡萄牙语、西班牙语、意大利语、阿拉伯语等,因为中国与南美国家的经济往来,与阿拉伯国家的石油合作,前景看好。还有,学习德语和法语,不仅是找工作,还可以在申请到德国或法国留学时起到作用。






自考统考13、14日作为四月、十月考试的补充,由省考办根据本省的具体情况决定MBA联考20日工商管理硕士,Master of Business Administration,缩写MBA,是源自美国的硕士学位。





TEF法语---TEF (Test d''Evaluation de Francais)法语水平测试,是据法国驻华大使馆规定必需参加的法语水平测试。


PETS 第二个周六周日PETS,Public English Test System,全国公共英语等级考试。PETS 是教育部考试中心设计并负责的全国性英语水平考试体系,分五个级别。





全国计算机等级考试(NCRE) 7日

J.TEST 15日J.TEST是鉴定日语实际应用能力的考试,由东京日本语研究社所属的日本语检定协会在1991年创办。



























GRE 9日GRE是Graduate Record Examination的缩写,美国研究生入学考试资格考试。

J.TEST 10日




全新标准商务日语jetro 6月30日开考




JTest 8月5日今年新增的一次Jtest考试



LCCIEB秘书证书---教育部考试中心与英国伦敦工商会考试局(London Chamber Commerce andIndustrial Examinations Board,省略为LCCIEB)签订协议,合作开展伦敦工商会考试局举办的职业资格证书考试。

PETS 第二个周六周日PETS,Public English Test System,全国公共英语等级考试。PETS 是教育部考试中心设计并负责的全国性英语水平考试体系,分五个级别。







全国计算机等级考试(NCRE) 9日全国计算机等级考试(National Computer Rank Examination,简称NCRE)












GCT工程硕士(Graduate Candidate Test)学位考试倒数第二个周末07年7月初、中开始网上报名,07年7月28日至31日为现场报名时间


J.TEST 14日J.TEST是鉴定日语实际应用能力的考试,由东京日本语研究社所属的日本语检定协会在1991年创办。

TSE 16日TSE,Test of Spoken English,美国教育考试服务处为非英语国家的学生提供的英语口语熟练程度的考试。






















大学英语四级专项训练——选词填空 (一) Americans are proud of their variety and individualty, yet they love and respect few things more than a uniform. Why are uniforms so __1__ in the United States Among the arguments for uniforms, one of the first is that in the eyes of most people they look more __2__ than civilian(百姓的)clothes. People have become conditioned to __3__ superior quality from a man who wears a uniform. The television repairman who wears a uniform tends to __4__ more trust than one who appears in civilian clothes. Faith in the __5__ of a garage mechanic is increased by a uniform. What an easier way is there for a nurse, a policeman, a barber, or a waiter to __6__ professional identity(身份)than to step out of uniform Uniforms also have many __7__ benefits. They save on other clothes. They save on laundry bills. They are often more comfortable and more durable than civilian clothes. Primary among the arguments against uniforms is their lack of variety and the consequent loss of __8__ experienced by people who must wear them. Though there are many types of uniforms, the wearer of any particular type is generally stuck with it, without __9__, until retirement. When people look alike, they tend to think, speak, and act __10__, on the job at least. [A]skill [B]popular [C]get [D]change [E]similarly 、[F]professional [G]character [H]individuality [I] inspire [J] differently [K]expect [L]practical [M] recall [N] lose [O] ordinary (二) 、 Psychologists take opposing views of how external rewards, from warm praise to cold cash, affect motivation and creativity. Behaviorists, who study the relation between actions and their consequences, argue that rewards can __1__ performance at work and school. Cognitive( 认识派的) researchers, who study various aspects of mental life, maintain that rewards often destroy creativity by encouraging dependence on __2__ and gifts from others. The latter view has gained many supporters, __3__ among educators. But the careful use of small __4__ rewards speaks creativity in grade school children, suggesting that properly presented inducements( 刺激) indeed __5__inventiveness, according to a study in the June Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. “If kids know they’re working f or a reward and can focus on a relatively __6__ task, they show the most creativity,” says Robert Eisenberger of the University of Delaware in Newark. “But it’s easy to __7__ creativity by giving rewards for poor performance or creating too much anticipation for rewards.


常见的各种证书怎么说,考试大编辑为大家收集整理了各种证书的说法,希望对大家用!大学英语四级CET4 (College English Test Band 4 Certificate) 大学英语六级CET6 (College English Test Band 6 Certificate) 英语专业四级TEM4 (Test for English Major Grade 4 Certificate) 英语专业八级TEM8 (Test for English Major Grade 8 Certificate) 普通话等级考试National Mandarin Test (Level 1, 2, 3; Grade A,B,C) 日语能力考试Japanese Language Proficiency Test (Level 1, 2, 3, 4) 商务日语能力考试Business Japanese Proficiency Test 商务英语证书Business English Certificate考试大-全国最大教育类网站www.Examda。om) 雅思IELTS (International English Language Testing System) 托福TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) BEC初级(BEC Preliminary Level,缩略为BEC Pre.) BEC中级(BEC Vantage Level,缩略为BEC Van.) BEC高级(BEC Higher Level,缩略为BEC Hi.) 全国计算机等级考试National Computer Rank Examination (NCRE) Rank I: DOS、WINDOWS RankⅡ: VISUAL BASIC,VISUAL FOXPRO,QBASIC,FORTRAN,C,FOXBASE RankⅢ: PC technology、Information management、Internet technology、Data base RankⅣ: Ability to systems analysis and systems project 全国计算机一级证书First-level Certificate for National Computer 全国计算机二级证书Second-level Certificate for National Computer 全国计算机三级证书Third-level Certificate for National Computer 全国计算机四级证书Fourth-level Certificate for National Computer 导游证Guide ID Card (Guide Identity of Identification Card) 导游资格证书Guide Certificate 秘书证Secretary Card 中级涉外秘书证Intermediate Foreign Secretary Card 会计证Accounting Certificate 会计从业资格证书: Certificate of Accounting Professional 初级职务(助理会计)证书Sub-accountant Certificate Preliminary Level 中级职称Intermediate Certificate 管理会计师证书: Certificate in Management Accounting 注册会计师证书: (CPA Certificate)Certificate of Certified Public Accountant 注册金融分析师(CFA)Chartered Financial Analyst 特许公认会计师(ACCA)The Association of Chartered Accountants CAD工程师认证证书CAD Engineer Certification 电工证Electrician certificate 技工证书Technician Certificate 教师资格证Teacher Certification 心理辅导教师资格证书Psychological Counseling Teacher Certificate 报关员资格证书Clerk for the Customs Declaration 报关员证书Customs Declaration Certificate


关于大学英语四、六级考试成绩报道及相关事宜的通知 大学英语四、六级考试近期改革的一项重要举措是自2005年6月起采用新的计分体制和成绩报道方式。现就此改革措施及相关事宜通知如下。 一、计分体制 自2005年6月起,四、六级考试的分数在经过加权、等值、常模转换等数据处理后,将报道为均值500、标准差70的常模正态分,不设及格线,取消证书,改发成绩报告单,以利于广大师生和学校行政部门根据本校的教学实际,合理使用四、六级考试的成绩和相关数据。 二、成绩报道 1.成绩报道 自2005年6月考试起,报道的总分满分为710分,各单项分之和等于总分。对总分在220分以上(含220分)的考生发放成绩报告单。凡总分在220分以下者(包括缺考者和作弊违纪者),其单项分和总分均计为0分,不发成绩报告单。 本次(2005年6月)大学英语四、六级考试各单项成绩的计分如下:听力部分(20%)满分为142分;阅读部分(40%)满分为284分;综合部分(25%)满分为178分;作文部分(15%)满分为106分。单项部分如没有作答或全部答错,该部分成绩计为0分。 考试内容和题型改革以后,将另行公布各单项成绩的计分比例和满分分值。 2.成绩报告单 大学英语四、六级考试成绩报告单的内容(详见样张): 名称:大学英语四级考试成绩报告单 大学英语六级考试成绩报告单 发放部门:教育部高等教育司 委托发放单位:全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会 分数报道:总分、各单项分 考生信息:姓名、学校和院(系)、考试时间、准考证号、身份证号或其它有效身份证件号

其他信息:成绩单编号、全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会网址 考生照片:2寸证件照片 注:因部分考点在组织2005年6月考试的报名时未能采集考生的照片信息,这部分考生的成绩单上无照片。 3.发放方式 成绩报告单由全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会通过各省、市、自治区负责四、六级考试的教育考试机构发至各校教务处,再由教务处发至考生。 三、向考生发布的考试成绩信息 1.总分报道分 四、六级考试的总分报道分是常模正态分。在考试成绩发布后,考生可根据考试委员会提供的分数百分位对照表(见考委会网站https://www.360docs.net/doc/2811230946.html,),了解自己的成绩在所参照的常模群体中的百分位置。 2.单项报道分 四、六级考试的单项报道分亦为常模正态分。在考试成绩发布后,考生可根据考试委员会提供的单项分数百分位对照表(见考委会网站https://www.360docs.net/doc/2811230946.html,),了解自己的单项考试成绩在所参照的常模群体中的百分位置。 四、向各校发布的统计数据 1.考生个人的成绩,包括总分报道分和单项报道分; 2.不同群体的成绩统计。统计数据包括:全国、重点院校、非重点院校以及本校的总分报道分和单项报道分的百分位分布、均值和标准差。统计数据按各年级和全体考生分别报道。 五、考试报名资格 1.大学英语四、六级考试报名资格 计分体制改革后,各校须严格执行“学完四级考四级、学完六级考六级”的规定,避免学生提前报考。 计分体制改革后不设固定的六级报考资格线。考委会将根据前一次四级考试的总体

英语六级 翻译常用词

剪纸paper-cuts 除夕the eve of the lunar New Year 守岁stay up late on the New Year’s Eve 放爆竹let off firecrackers 拜年pay a New Year visit 团圆饭family reunion dinner 敬酒propose a toast 红包red packets (cash wrapped up in red paper) 舞狮lion dance 舞龙dragon dance 灯笼lantern 灯谜riddles written on lanterns 灯会exhibit of lanterns 表示主要的,重要的词primary, major, main, chief, important, essential, significant 表示充足的enough, sufficient, plenty, abundant 表示适当的appropriate 表示提升,改善,加强enhance, improve, strengthen 表示合法valid, legal, lawful, rightful 表示卓越不凡extraordinary, excellent, uncommon, remarkable, outstanding. 表示很有名气well-known, noticeable, famous 表示义务,有责任去做compulsory, required, obligatory

表示积极,主动positive, proactive 表示合理sound, rational, correct, sensible, logical, reasonable 表示英勇brave, bold, valiant, heroic, courageous, fearless 表示巨大huge, large, giant, vast, enormous 表示牢固稳定sturdy, strong, firm, tough, stable, hardy 表示声誉reputation, fame, prestige 表示巅峰、顶点tip, top, peak, apex, zenith, climax 表示发现、探索discover, seek, search 表示增加increase, enlarge, multiply, expand, raise, accelerate, broaden, magnify 表示减少reduce, decrease, decelerate, lessen, debase, abate, diminish, decline, discount, subtract, deduct 表示转变convert, change, transform, switch 表示提供、提交offer, supply, provide, furnish, contribute, submit 表示构成、组成constitute, consist, organize, form, erect, establish, compose, comprise, 加快人才培养accelerate the training of professionals 与……建立关系establish relationship with 在……取得进步make progress in 表示有用,有益helpful, useful, utile, beneficial 发挥……的作用play (central, crucial, decisive, essential, fundamental, important, key, leading,) major,primary, prominent, significant, vital) role in 经济篇 投资回报率rate of return on investment 衰退recession 宏观调控macro control 提高经济效益enhance economic performance 扭亏为盈turn a loss-making business into a profitable one 优化经济结构optimize economic structure 扩大内需expand domestic demand 国计民生national interest and people’s livelihood 经济特区special economic zones 十二五规划the 12th Five-Year Plan for National and Economic and Social Development 交通篇 航班号flight number 头等舱first class 商务舱business class 经济舱economy class 登机牌boarding card 口岸customs port 客船passenger liner 慢车stopping train


最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:https://www.360docs.net/doc/2811230946.html,/ielts/xd.html(报名网址) In a telephone survey of more than 2,000 adults,21% said they believed the sun revolved (旋转)around the earth. An 71 7% did not know which revolved around 72. I have no doubt that 73 all of these people were 74 in school that the earth revolves around the sun; 75 may even have written it 76 at test. But they never 77 their incorrect mental models of planetary (行星的) 78 because their every day observations didn’t support 79 their teachers told them: People see the sun moving 80 the sky as morning turns to night,and the earth seems stationary (静止的) 81 that is happening. Students can learn the right answers 82 heart in class,and yet never combined them 83 their working models of the world. The objectively correct answer the professor accepts and the 84 personal understanding of the world can 85 side by side,each unaffected by the other. Outside of class,the student continues to use the 86 model because it has always worked well 87 that circumstance. Unless professors address 88 errors in students’personal models of the world,students are not 89 to replace them with the 90 one. 71.A.excessive B. extraC. additionalD. added 72.A.what B. whichC. thatD. other 73.A.virtually B. remarkablyC. ideallyD. preferably 74.A.learned B. suggestedC. taughtD. advised 75.A.those B. theseC. whoD. they 76.A.on B. withC. underD. for 77.A.formed B. alteredC. believedD. thought 78.A.operation B. positionC. motionD. location 79.A.how B. whichC. thatD. what 80.A.around B. acrossC. onD. above 81.A.since B. soC. whileD. for 82.A.to B. byC. inD. with 83.A.with B. intoC. toD. along 84.A.adult’s B. teacher’sC. scientist’sD. student’s 85.A.exist B. occurC. surviveD. maintain 86.A.private B. individualC. personalD. own 87.A.in B. withC. onD. for 88.A.general B. naturalC. similarD. specific 89.A.obliged B. likelyC. probableD. partial 90.A.perfectB. betterC. reasonableD. correct 【答案】: 71.C72.B73.A74.C75.D76.A77.B78.C79.D80.B 81.C82.B 83.A84.D85.A86.C87.A88.D89.B90.D 【答案解析】: 71.C四个答案都有“额外”的意思,但各有偏重。A重在表达“过量、超过正常的部分”;B是“在一类事物之外的额外部分”;D是“外加的”。因此只有C答案符合本题要求:“另外有7%的人不知道是谁绕着谁转。”


2011年6月大学英语四级真题 Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage. The popular notion that older people need less sleep than younger adults is a myth, scientists said yesterday. While elderly people __47__ to sleep for fewer hours than they did when they were younger, this has a(n) __48__ effect on their brain's performance and they would benefit from getting more, according to research. Sean Drummond, a. psychiatrist (心理医生) at the University of California, San Diego, said older people are more likely to suffer from broken sleep, while younger people are better at sleeping __49__ straight through the night. More sleep in old age, however, is __50__ with better health, and most older people would feel better and more __51__ if they slept for longer periods, he said. “The ability to sleep in one chunk (整块时间) overnight goes down as we age but the amount of sleep we need to __52__ well does not change,” Dr Drummond told the American Association for the Advancement of Science conference in San Diego. “It's __53__ a myth that older people need less sleep. The more healthy an older adult is, the more they sleep like they did when they were __54__. Our data suggests that older adults would benefit from __55__ to get as much sleep as they did in their 30s. That's __56__ from person to person, but the amount of sleep we had at 35 is probably the same amount as we need at 75.” 答案Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in depth) 47 N tend 48 L negative 49 H efficiently 50 B associated 51 A alert 52 J function/ 53 F definitely 54 O younger 55 E continuing56 G different 文章大意:本文主要讲述的是关于老年人睡眠的问题:是否老年人与年轻人相比只需要较少的睡眠时间? 2010年12月英语四级考试真题 Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage. What determines the kind of person you are? What factors make you more or less bold, intelligent, or able to read a map? All of these are influenced by the interaction of your genes and the environment in which you were 47 . The study of how genes and environment interact to influence 48 activity is known as behavioral genetics. Behavioral genetics has made important 49 to the biological revolution, providing information about the extent to which biology


大学英语六级翻译常用词汇:经济类 中国经济 总需求 aggregate demand 总供给 aggregate supply 企业文化 corporate/entrepreneurial culture 企业形象 corporate image (Cl); enterprise image 跨国公司 cross-national corporation 创业精神 enterprising spirit; pioneering spirit 外资企业 foreign-funded enterprise 猎头公司head-hunter 假日经济 holiday economy 人力资本human capital 航空和航天工业aerospace industry 飞机制造工业aircraft industry 电子工业 electronic industry 汽车制造工业 car industry 娱乐业 entertainment industry 信息产业 information industry 知识密集型产业 knowledge-intensive industry 国有大中型企业 large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises 轻工业 light industry 博彩业 lottery industry 制造业 manufacturing industry 垄断行业 monopoly industries 市场多元化 market diversification 市场经济 market economy 市场监管 market supervision 购买力 purchasing power 熊市 bear market 牛市 bull market 城镇化 urbanization 房地产 real estate 首付 down-payment 业主 home owner 个人购房贷款 individual housing loan


2019大学英语四级考试阅读专项练习(32) Passage 2 If you are looking for information, library shelves are a good place to start. But if you need up-to-the-minute data or have specialized needs, you may find a computerized database more useful, less expensive, and less time 11 .A database, a file of information on one subject or family of subjects, can be stored and 12 in a computer's memory. The speed of the computer then 13 you to recall any item in this file almost 14 The three main types of databases are statistical, bibliographic, and full text. Statistical databases store 15 amounts of numerical data, such as wage and price indexes, census information, foreign 16 rates and bond prices. Bibliographic databases store references to and summaries of articles in periodicals and newspapers. Full-text databases offer the complex texts of such 17 as newspaper, magazine, and journal articles. Thousands of databases exist today, and their numbers are growing. Many companies have their in-house database, which is 18 to employees through computer terminals or microcomputers. In addition, several hundred commercial databases are now available to the 19 , with literally millions of items of information readily obtainable. These databases 20 specific fields, such as law and financial forecasting, or general information, such as sports and weather data. A. exchange B. public C. instantly D. cover


如何查询往年的英语六级成绩 如何查询往年的英语六级成绩 导读:我们知道本次的英语六级成绩查询一般都是查询当年的成绩,那么怎么查到往年的英语六级成绩呢,具体内容请看如下信息。想了解更多相关信息请持续关注我们应届毕业生考试网! 方法一:通过学校教务处 方法二:联系四六级考委会,从它那GET之前考试成绩。 下面我们来看看四六级考委会的具体地址以及申请方式和时间吧! 【通讯地址】全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会办公室上海邮政信箱 30-14 上海市华山路1954号,200030 【申请】提供 1)学籍所在院校教务处出具的证明(说明参加考试时间、考试级别、准考证号、成绩并加盖公章)的原件;2)身份证复印件。 【受理时间】每年3月15日至6月15日;9月15日至12月15日。其他时间不予办理。 【申请方式】以挂号信将条款规定的申请材料邮寄至大学英语四、六级考试委员会办公室。同时附寄【特别提示】所要求的`贴足邮资的回函挂号件信封。 【特别提示】为使考生能够及时收到回函,除提交所规定的书面申请材料外,请务必同时附寄回函信封。注意事项如下: a. 回函信封必须填妥回函通讯地址、收件人姓名、邮政编码及个人的联系方式。 b. 回函信封并贴好邮票(根据现行的不超重的邮资标准:上海市内为 3.80;上海市外为 4.20元)。 不符合上述条件的申请一律不予办理! 【相关阅读】 英语六级成绩查询忘记准考证号怎么办 英语六级成绩查询忘记准考证号,如下几种方法供你参考: 第一:用99宿舍或者推算法找回英语六级准考证号。

第二:你可以询问一下考场上坐在你前后的同学的英语六级考号,再推测一下自己的考号,再进行英语六级成绩查询。 第三:可以通过进入自己的学校网站,来查询自己的成绩,学校会核对成绩,将成绩输入到自己的网站,你可以在那里寻找自己的成绩。(一般在教务处栏目)。 第四:学校有统一的英语六级报考名单,在那里可以查到自己的考号,再进行英语六级成绩查询。这是最最方便,最准确的方法。但是也是需要等待的一个办法,就是回学校查询,学校的程序员会准确的告诉你是否通过六级考试。


大学英语六级翻译高频词汇之节日篇 元旦New Year's Day 情人节Valentine's Day 国际妇女节International Women' Day 植树节Tree Planting Day 愚人节April Fools' Day 国际劳动日International Labor Day 中国青年节Chinese Youth Day 国际儿童节International Children's Day 中国共产党成立纪念日Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China 中国人民解放军建军节Army Day 中华人民共和国国庆节National Day 中国教师节Teacher's Day 万圣节Halloween 母亲节Mother's Day 农历正月初一春节(the Spring Festival) 农历正月十五元宵节(Lantern Festival) 农历五月初五端午节(the Dragon-Boat Festival) 农历七月初七/中国情人Double-Seventh Day 农历八月十五中秋节(the Mid-Autumn Festival) 农历九月初九重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival) 农历腊月初八腊八节 (the laba Rice Porridge Festival) 春联Spring Festival couplets 年画New Year pictures 剪纸paper-cuts 除夕the eve of the lunar New Year 守岁stay up late on the New Year’s Eve 放爆竹let off firecrackers 拜年pay a New Year visit 团圆饭family reunion dinner 敬酒propose a toast 红包red packets (cash wrapped up in red paper) 舞狮lion dance 舞龙dragon dance 灯笼lantern 灯谜riddles written on lanterns 灯会exhibit of lanterns 禁忌taboo 压岁钱gift money; money given to children as a lunar new year gift 祭祖宗offer sacrifices to one’s ancestors 元宵rice dumpling 踩高跷stilt walking 扭秧歌yangge dance 扫墓sweep graves of one’s ancestors or loved ones 赛龙舟dragon-boat racing 粽子zongzi (sticky rice dumpling wrapped in reed or bamboo leaves) 月饼moon cake 赏月appreciate the glorious full moon 赏菊admire the beauty of chrysanthemum 登高climb mountain 大学英语六级翻译高频词汇之社会篇 小康社会 a well-to-do society 人民生活people’s livelihood 生活水平living standards 生活质量quality of life 住房条件housing conditions 文化程度educational level 就业率employment rate 人均收入average income per capita 年平均工资average annual pay 奖金bonus 生活费用cost of living 消费价格指数consumer price index 环境污染指数environment pollution index 衣食住行food, clothing, sheltering and means of traveling 购买力purchasing power 贫困家庭the needy family 贫困地区poverty-stricken region 下岗be laid off 小康relative affluence 安居乐业live a good life 共同富裕shared prosperity 社会保险social insurance 助学金grant-in-aid 赈灾救济金disaster relief funds 人口population 人口分布population distribution


2019大学英语四级考试阅读专项练习(6) Passage 2 America's most famous woman is the Goddess of Liberty, i. e. the Statue of Liberty. It was first thought of in 1865 by Edouard de Laboulaye and designed by another Frenchman, Frederic Bartoldi. They wanted to 11 liberty and friendship. It was hoped that the monument would be completed by 1876 when America 12 its centennial. Fund raising and the 13 of the statue in France went slowly. It was 1885 when the 214 crates containing the statue reached New York. Americans were initially 14 for they had not raised the money to pay for the erection of the base. Fund raising by popular subscription was behind 15 . One fund raising method used was to have popular Americans write letters which were then sold in public. The base and statue, 16 272 feet tall, were completed in 1886. From a 17 standpoint, the statue is a marvel. The inner structure was designed by the French engineer, Alexandre Eiffel. His design for the stressed copper skin of the statue anticipated many of the 18 utilized in modern aircraft. After a century, the monument began to show signs of getting worse in 19 . Just as Frenchmen had created the Statue, so it was with restoration. A Frenchman noted the decay and French and American craftsmen and contributions brought about the renewal of the Statue in time for its centennial.Liberty is still 20 in France and the United States.
