


高一英语 2020.01


该部分分为第一第二两节。注意:做题时,请先将答案画在试卷上。该部分录音内容结束后, 你将有两分钟的时间将你的答案转涂到答题卷上。



例:How much is the shirt?

A.£19.15 . B. £9.15. C. £9.18.


1. Where is Bob probably today?

A. At the office.

B. At the hotel。

C. At his sister's house.

2. What is the man going to do today?

A. Take a walk in the park.

B. Run with a friend outside.

C. Work out in the gym.

3. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. A book

B. A writer.

C. A task.

4.How will the woman probably go to Frazier's Department Store?

A. By bus.

B. By taxi.

C. On foot.

5.Which button will the man probably press?

A. The bottom one.

B. The middle one.

C. The top one.




6.How did the woman feel about winning the competition?

A. Excited.

B. Surprised.

C. Confident.

7. What does the woman ask the man to do?

A. Give her some advice.

B. Meet a journalist.

C. Write some articles.


8.When did the woman do shopping?

A. On Saturday morning.

B. On Saturday afternoon.

C. On Sunday evening.

9.What did the man do on the weekend?

A. He visited his grandparents.

B. He did some exercise.

C. He watched TV..

10.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Brother and sister.

B. Classmates.

C. Teacher and student.


11.What does the man decide to buy in the end?

A. An alarm clock.

B. Some records.

C. A CD player.

12.How much will the man pay in the end?

A. $25.

B. $30.


13.How will the man pay?

A. In cash.

B. By cheque.

C. By credit card.


14.Who will Andy pass the stick on to?

A. Pete.

B. Robbie.

C. Dave.

15.Which college are the speaks from?

A. Lancaster College.

B. Ashgrove College.

C. Highland Park College.

16.What event will the man complete in at 4 pm?

A. The long jump:

B. The high jump.

C. The 100-meter race.

17. When will the woman take part in an event?

A. At 3 pm.

B. At 1:30. ?

C. At 5 pm.


1 8. Who can enjoy special shows on Saturday?

A. Children under 10.

B. Children over 11.

C. Children under 15.

19.What is the speed of Adventure World's rides except Splashdown?

A. 75 km per hour.

B. 45 km per hour.

C. 30 km per hour.

20.What is the purpose of the speech?

A. To introduce the history of Adventure World.

B. To attract people to visit Adventure World.

C. To tell the improvement of Adventure World.



阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D )中,选出最住选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


Jayce began noticing when he was in kindergarten (幼儿园)that he looked different from his classmates. They had two arms. He had only one.

"It started when some classmates laughed at him.” said his mother, Lewis, "He would return home with questions: 'Why am I different? Why me?'" His mother admitted that she didn't know what to do at that point because she had never found those answers herself.

One day, Lewis came home from her job and turned on the TV happening to watch a news story about an eighth grader from Washington, Trashaun Willis. He became an Internet hit after posting videos of his slam dunks (灌篮),and like Jayce, he lost most of his left arm. Lewis called Jayce, in. To her surprise,

Jayce was immediately attracted by the videos.

At the time, it seemed that watching Trashaun would simply be an inspiring moment for Jayce — he saw a role model with a similar problem. If it had stayed just like that, Lewis would have been happy enough. But little did she know that a family friend, Jack had already reached out to the local newspaper to help set up a meeting with Trashaun to encourage Jayce to live more optimistically (乐观地).

The boys met at Washing Middle School on a Saturday afternoon several months later, and they became friends at once. Instead of spending the whole day feeling sorry for themselves, they had a lot of fun. They rode bikes around the school, took photos, played hide-and-seek and shot basketball on the court. They talked about their lost arms. Trashaun told Jayce, "The way God made us was perfect Do not let anyone discourage you and do not let others' words shake your confidence (自信)

Since that meeting, Lewis has seen a noticeable change in her son. As for Trashaun, his relationship with Jayce made him look forward to helping more kids. "Honestly, it means a lot to know that I can change Jayce's life." Trashaun says. Still, he never dreamed that his videos would have such an effect.

"I just thought my friends would see them, and be like, 'Oh, he dunked it!'" He certainly did.

21. How did some classmates treat Joyce in kindergarten?

A. They looked at Jayce in surprise.

B. They played with Jayce happily.

C. They studied with Jayce carefully.

D. They made fun of Jayce on purpose.

22. Why was Jayce attracted by the video?

A. The boy in the videos was good at dunking.

B. He liked slam dunks very much just like the boy in the video.

C. The boy in the video with only one arm touched him.

D. He knew the boy in the videos very well;

23. Jack arranged the meeting with Trashaun for Jayce, because he ____________ .

A. meant to express pity for Jayce.

B. would like to make friends with Trashaun.

C. hoped to help Jayce become more self-confident.

D. wanted Jayce to learn slam dunks from Trashaun.


Scientists have long known that humans are built for endurance (耐力).Now, a new study shows people's hearts are also bettered for endurance — though how much depends on whether we run, farm, or stay put on the sofa.

To get to the heart of the matter, researchers examined the hearts of more than 160 adult men from four groups: long-distance runners, sedentary (久坐的)adults, highly trained football player, and the Tarahumara, native American farmers famous for their running ability.

When researchers compared the thickest of the heart's ventricles (心室),they found there were clear differences. Endurance runners and farmers had larger, longer ventricles with thin walls, which could help pump (输送)more blood for a long time, the researchers report today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The football player, whose training was short, high-intensity (高强度的)exercise, had shorter, wider ventricles with thicker walls. So did the sedentary humans.

Because high-intensity activity causes blood pressure to increase for a short amount of time, such shorter ventricle, thick walls, and rounder shapes are good for the football players, researchers say, by making sure enough blood is pumped to the brain. But even without those pressures, a couch potato lifestyle seems to result in the same kind of thickening.

But sedentary readers shouldn't feel heartbroken — the researchers said that changes in heart shape are likely reversible (可逆转的),with more endurance activities. ;

24. What was the aim of the research into hearts?

A. To work out why humans are built for endurance.

B. To make out what kind of ventricle is the healthiest.

C. To figure out whether hearts are bettered for sedentary adults.

D. To find out how endurance activities can make our hearts better.

25. Jimmy is a computer engineer who has to work for long hours on computer. Which of the following ventricle and walls may suit him according to the passage?

26. What will the passage talk about following the last paragraph?

A. Introduction to endurance activities.

B. Benefits of heart shape.

C. Damage happened to sedentary adults.

D. Diets on reversible health.


Newspapers, magazines, even online articles offer reading materials for people. But strictly speaking, reading means reading books. Since reading books seems to be going out of date, it has raised people's concerns (担心).

The yearly national reading survey (调査)shows people's reading habits have rarely changed over the past several years. The survey says about 59 percent of the adults in China read books, with one adult, on average, reading 4 or 5 books a year. This means a large number of people don't read at all and that those who do so only read a few books a year. A worrying fact is that even students don't seem to be reading books as they spend more time and energy watching videos online.

There are many reasons why fewer people read books today. To begin with, given the fast-changing social atmosphere, many people tend to spend time on hobbies other than reading. Also, many parents don't care much about reading, and so they fail to educate their children and grandchildren to love reading books. Therefore, parents should create a good atmosphere that would encourage their children to read books. The lack of public libraries might answer for the falling number of readers. China has less than 3,300 public libraries, compared with (和…相比)more than 160,000 in the United States. And unlike countries such as the US and Britain which help read among communities, China lacks a good public service system to offer books to readers.

In order to encourage people to read more books, publishers should publish books that not only have rich contents but also attract more readers to read. Besides, schools could set some special days for theme-based reading in order to encourage students to read more books. Companies or social societies could also

organize different kinds of activities to get more people to read more books.

27. What can we learn from the national survey?

A. Most adults read 4 or 5 books every month on average.

B. People's reading habits have changed over the past few years.

C. Students are likely to spend less time reading books.

D. Adults are more interested in watching videos online.

28. The underlined word "lack” in Paragraph 3 most probably means________ .

A. appearance

B. shortage

C. improvement

D. protection

29. What does the writer plan to do in the last paragraph?

A. List ways of helping read books.

B. Introduce reading activities tostudents.

C. Prove the importance of reading books.

D. Give advice on contents to publishers.

30. What can be the best title of the passage?

A. Why to read.

B. Let's publish more books.

C. How to read.

D. Let's read more books.



Once when I was six years old, I saw a great picture in a book called True Stories from Nature. It was a picture of a boa constrictor (蟒蛇)in the act of swallowing an animal.

In the book it said, “Boa constrictors swallow their prey (猎物)whole, without chewing (咀嚼)it 31 , and they sleep through the six months that they need for digestion (消化)

I was deep in thought. And after some work with a colored pencil I succeeded in making my first drawing.

I showed my drawing to the adults. 32 .

But they answered, "Frighten? Why should anyone be frightened by a hat?”

My drawing was not a picture of a hat. 33 . But since the adults were not able to understand it, I made another drawing. I drew the inside of the boa constrictor, so that the adults could see it clearly. They

always need to have things explained.

The adults, this time, advise me to put aside my drawings. 34 . That is why, at the age of six, I gave up what might have been a great career as a painter.

35 . and learned to pilot airplanes.

A. So then I chose another career

B. But the adults don't like my drawing.

C. It was a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant

D. I asked them whether the drawing frightened them

E. After that they are not able to move

F. My parents don't want me to be a painter.

G They also order me to devote myself to homework and study.




When I was six years old, I was taken to my new family. Loving me would be a 36 for my new mother at the beginning, 37 I didn't want to be there and had a natural distrust of women. I was out of shape when I arrived at the new parents* house. I was nearly twenty pounds underweight and 38 from bronchitis (支气管炎).It was my new mother who sat by my bed and 39 me through all those nights of sickness.

I used to be a bed — wetter (尿床者).It made me 40 and I tried not to, but failed. My new mother would rise from her sleep to 41 me several times a night. When I made the bed wet, she would 42 my wet clothes and bedding immediately. She would then 43 me and said, "It's OK, Sweetheart. It is pot your 44 . ” I finally got rid of (摆脱)this bed-wetting, but it did 45 my mother many hours of sleep.

In the weeks and months to come, I 46 my new mother again and again. When she asked me to do something, I 47 it. When she 48 to control me, I'd say, "You can't tell me what to do, you are not my 'real' mother." Years later, she admitted those words had been like a(n)49 in her heart. But she didn't love me any 50 . No matter how many times I hurt her by refusing the affection (爱)she was so 51

to give, she never 52 . She told me over and over, "I love you." And one day I at last believed her.

36. A. pleasure B. challenge C. signal D. mistake

37. A. so B. because C. and D. but

38. A. came B. prevented C. suffered D. recovered

39. A. looked after B. looked into C. looked over D. looked out

40. A. confused B. upset C. distant D. embarrassed

41. A. talk to B. check on C. play with D. search for

42. A. hide B. change C. prepare D. wash

43. A. comfort B. beat C. punish D. praise

44. A. excuse B. choice C. business D. fault

45. A. spend B. pay C. cost D. damage

46. A. tested B. enjoyed C. shared D. handled

47. A. understood B. followed C. refused D. doubted

48. A. approved B. argued C. allowed D. tried

49. A. hole B. knife C. fire D. error

50. A. more B. early C. less D. late

51. A. quick B. lazy C. easy D. dying

52. A. showed up B. gave up C. came up D. picked up

53. A. trust B. respect C. miss D. love

54. A. sorry B. thankful C. devoted D. proud

55. A. unfair B. unexpected C. unnecessary D. unselfish



In your mind, what is school for? There are many answers 56 this question, and people in the USA have their own ideas. A poll (民意调查) 57 (name) "The Public's Attitudes Toward the Public Schools" is from a teaching group, PDK International. It asked Americans to name the 58 (big) purpose of school. PDK International said nearly 45 percent of people said the main goal was for students to make 59 (prepare) for exams. Around a quarter of people said it was to get kids a job. Just over 26 percent of Americans said the reason for school was to teach children about citizenship (公民权).

The CEO of PDK International, Joshua said the study questioned whether school 60 (do) the right thing at that time. He agreed with an author James Baldwin, 61 said in 1963 that the aim of school is "to ask questions of 62 earth and learn to live with those questions”.

Students had different 63 (idea) about school. Elena Brankov, 15, said it was necessary for school to teach students to be creative, share ideas and use technology 64 (make) the world a better place. Seth Godin said that school was to have students 65 ((train))in the basic skills necessary for employment and create leaders who help us to complete on the world stage.


66. Her parents always support her to do whatever she likes, which is a great ▲(鼓励)to her.

67. Bevis, a six-year-old boy, is ▲(精力充沛的)and active, running wildly with his friends every day.

68. You are likely to feel tired both ▲(身体上)and mentally after a long flight.

69. The cinema is so well ▲(装备)that the audience have an amazing experience when watching films.

70. We should take all the ▲(可能性)into consideration before we have an adventure in Africa.

71. Our history teacher is full of ▲(幽默)because he often tells us some jokes in class.

72. Not having caught the last bus, Jack was late and was the last one to get to the ▲(目的地).

73. You can feel ▲(不舒服)if you drink alcohol with empty stomach.

74.1 can't ▲ (集中注意力)on my study with all that noise going on.

75. As soon as they arrived on the island, they can't wait to ▲(探索)the unknown world on their own.

76. Godfrey was always ▲(热情的)about sports, however, such a strong actor still lost his life

while taking part in the Chasing me programme.

77. Efforts are being made to do ▲(科学的)research on the quality of air to protect the environment.

78. The patient is seriously ill, and a heart transplant is the only chance of his ▲(存活).

79. The new medicine to treat malaria (疟疾)has come into ▲(广泛的)use since it was invented.

80. The couple have been married for forty years, living together in perfect ▲(和谐)with each other.





3. 欢迎对方随时访问中国。



2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Amber,


Li Hua




1-5 BBACB 6-10 BABCB 11-15 BBCBA 16-20 BCABB


第一节(共10小题: 每小题2.5分,满分25分)

21-23DCC 24-26DCA 27-30 CBAD


31-35 EDCGA


第一节完形填空(共20小题:每小题1. 5分,满分30分)

36-40 BBCAD 44-45 BBADC 46-50 ACDBC 51-55 DBCAD

第二节短文语法填空(共10小题: 每小题1.5分,满分15分)

56.to 57. named 58.biggest 59.preparations 60. was doing 61. who 62 the

63. ideas 64. to make 65. trained


66. encouragement 67. energetic 68. physically 69. equipped 70. possibilities 71.humo(u)r 72. destination 73. uncomfortable 74. concentrate/focus fix /center

75. explore 76. enthusiastic 77. scientific 78.survival 79. widespread 80. harmony


Dear Amber,

How are you? This summer,we went to the USA for study and we were so lucky to stay with you. I m writing to express my sincere thanks for your hospitality and generosity during our stay.

We got along well with each other, and we were members in a sweet family.What impressed us deeply was the comfortable accommodation as well as the superb local cuisine you offered. Besides, it was so nice and considerate of you to organize many outdoor activities for us, which not only broadened our horizons but also promoted mutual understanding. Now, we have a deeper insight into American culture.

Thank you again for all your efforts. We do hope that you can come to visit China in the near future, and you are welcome at any time.


Li Hua
